Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jul 1951, p. 10

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'y,«»siKjg!tf wsfjMR HWW< yr 9T i : NEWS FROM WONDER LAKE \ T7< iT^--fta|lg The Plotnere, who reside in Shore Hills in the home formerly occupied by the Joseph Monteleones,-- received many gifts. Among them is a heavy silver tray, suitably inscribed, from employees of the University club, Chicago, where Plotner works. Have you registered to give a pint of your blood to a veteran of the Korean war? Wonder Lake's quota for the bloodmobile which will be here next month is 150 pints. Mrs. Ruth Redman, chairman for the Red Cross program in Wonder Lake, has appointed four sub-chairmen who w.ll register anyone who desiren to donate blood. Gertrude Nielsen is the chairman for the Legion Auxiliary, Betty Fiala. Woman's club; Dr. S. L. Ruggerf!. Meii's club; and Dorothy Mc Eachreu, League of Women Voters. ? , See <,>no of thette people today. Replace me of .the biw^ sp'Hied, on Kou 11 ground. /p*' .j..-. Woman's farnhal The Legion Auxiliary and the Wonder Lake Woman's club will combine to give a Woman's carnival on the Legion grounds Aug. 11, starting at I p.m. Highlight of the afterndon will be a baseball game between members of the Auxiliary and a picked men's team. The men, in order to be properly handicapped, will play left-handed (unless they are left-handed, and then they will play right-handed.) Supper will be served by the women starting at 5 p.m. There will be pony rides for the children and other attraetr ions. Guests of Auxiliary Wally Leonard, senior vicecommander of the Wonder Lake Legion, and Mrs. Leonard were guests at the nfeeting of the Legion Auxiliary when that group met last Thursday. The next county meeting of the Auxiliary will be held in Richmond Aug. 3. Those desiring transportation are to contact either Marian Cannon or Jay Hansen. . _ •_£ r- •is- 1 Legion Guest Sight The Wonder Lake Legion post will have its customary guest aight Friday. In addition to the usual fun. food and frolic, there will be a "Polka Time," wl|h Frankie Kreine and his accordion providing the music. The Legion would like to announce that the hall is available for rental for only $2 janitorial fee. Dates are open for many purposes. At present, meetings scheduled in the hall during August are the Wonder Woods meeting Aug. 26 and the Woman's carnival Aug. 11. Call Mrs. George Pilgrim. 4272. for information. The Legion plans a drive for members in the near future. Now numbering sixty, they would like to round, out membership, jto. ^jfulj. 100 nifen. ' v- ' • " •••"> Back In Wo^fler ^tftfe Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hampton (Dotiie Druml Powers) have returned to Wonder Lake after an absenee of two years. They have been residing in Florida until recently but plan to stay in Wonder Lake for the remainder of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Hampton are at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Druml, where her children have been since February. The Hamptons formerly resided on the Lake shore in Deep Spring Woods. Ban)- Bumble Bees 1 Eatertain Miss Turner Miss Marie Turner, assistant to \ the county home adviser, was a j guest at the Monday meeting of I the Busy Bumble Bees 4-H club apd gave advice to the girls present about their garments, which they will show at the fair this week. Present at the meeting were Martha Boldt, Anne Lundburg, Betty Wright, Orva Tronsen, Carol Gnadt, Virginia Audi no, Helen Armstrong, Sharon Sells, Nancy Bott, Dorothy Bott, Helen Tronsen and Sandi Sells. Members of the Busy Bumble Bees will serve in the 4-H food stand at the McHenry county junior fair Thursday and Satur- , day nights. Residents of the Lake are invited to patronize the stand when taking in the sights. The fair starts Thursday and continues through Sunday. Friday night the girls of the club will participate in the style bSow in front of the grandstand. Each will wear a garment of her own construction Writes From East Mrs. Del Tallman writes from Stonington, Conn., that she has been staying on her schedule with her trip to the east to see her family. "We made Niagara the second night, saw the sights and spent half a day -there. Was one week in New Hampshire; Spent most of the time at camp but went to Hampton Beach one day. The camp is on a beautiful lake with the foothills of the White Mountains in the distance and pine trees all around. "We are now with my folks. We came down by way of Cape Cod, then Gloucester and Salem. Went through the house of the seven gables ... up the secret staircase. too. Expect to stay here until Aug. 9 and then will start for Birmingham, Ala." The Tallmans will make their home in Birmingham, where Warren Tallman is> an executive of a firm there. ing to God's common*, should be kept Holy, is so comfnonly desecrated and when sacred principles and obligations are forgotten. We are also happy to welcome new children to our Sunday School almost every Sunday. ( Next Saturday, July 28, is the annual Sunday School picnic, this year at city pa/rk of Woodstock. about one mile west of the high school. Transportation will be provided for those, who have no way of getting to the v picnic grounds, cars leaving the church at 10 a.m. We heartily invite our entire Sunday School family, boys, girls, young people, parents and friends. Ice cream, soft drinks, coffee and milk will be served free to all. All kinds of games will be played and prizes awarded the winners. The date for our vacation Bible school is now set for August 13- 24. Classes from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon. We cordially' invite friends, neighbors and visitors' to our services next Sunday, July 29 at 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m., also to our mid-week services on Thursday evenings at 8 o'clock. ' : FARMERS UBGEB TO HANDLE CORN PICKERS WITH CARE Corn pickers can "pick off" a farmer's hand or arm ®a8 easily as an ear of corn, a farm safety expert said this week. Harry M-, Pontious, director of safety for the Farm Bureau Insurance Cos.. said corn pickers are near the top in the list of hazardous farm machinery. They should be handled, he warned, with extreme caution. Illinois is one of the nation's leading corn-producing states. Pontious said it is probable that, on the basis of available figures, there are at least 1,000 corn picker accidents every year. Also, he said they were serious accidents; loss of time in many instances runs into periods of weeks or even months. Nearly 400,000 mechanical corn pickers will be in operation this year in the corn belt. Most of the accidents, Pontious explained, are caused by clogging. Corn pickers are equipped with high speed" "snapping" rollers which seize the corn and pull it in for processing. The trouble comes when the waste is not discharged. Farmers either try to clear it by hand or with a stick, and the snappers suddenly whirl again and pull them in. Even clearing them with a stick, Pontious said, is dangerous. The only safe way is to turn the machine completely off, a O re-start it again after it has been cleared. ' Ptotnerg Celebrate Sitk Anniversary It was a happy occasion last Saturday for Mr. and Mrs. Louis Plotner when they celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary surrounded by tr group of their friends. Beat McCalloni Lake The Green and Gold baseball team beat a McChllom Lake team Saturday 16-15. Those participating in the game from here were Bob Biggers, Wayne Tronsen, Lynn Cheney, Chuck. Majercik, Peter Bastien, Bob Cormier, JAhn Cecich, Arthur Franssen* Willy Wright, and D. Hester. The Wonder Lake teams--in three age groups-- would like to secure dates with other teama. McHERBT PL&OTDEALER "WeVt Gbit The Bhies Again* *>. * vr - 4 < -w v - ^ Thu«4*y. July«klW o Log C*ti* Pk«i* Blueberries are in season again! A short season this, so make the most of them by using in a variety of ways. Of course, they're wonderful "as is," dewy fresh and crystal cool. But give your family a variety of blueberry treats; serve these wonderful, fresh "blues" in cobblers, muffins, pies, puddings, shortcakes. And, for something different, how about Blueberry Waffles a la Mode? Top warm, fragrant waffles with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and "sauce" with golden, maple-blended syrup. That's a special combination you can serve for dessert or for afternoon refreshments. The recipe for the waffles is given below. No recipe is needed for the sauce; simply use the maple-blended syrup just as it comes from the bottle or familiar log cabin tin. BLUEBERRY JftAflTES a LA MODE cups sifted flour 2 eggs, well beaten % teaspoons double^tidpr 1 V& cups milk J baking powder '/t cup melted shortening % teaspoon salt 1 cup blueberries Sift flour once; measure, add baking powder and salt, and sift again. Combine eggs and milk. Adci to flour mixture, add shortening, then mix only until smooth. Add blueberries to batter. Bake in hot waffle iron. Serve with scoop of vanilla ice cream and maple-blended syrup« I BRIDE DROWNED A Chicago bride of a month lost her life when she became entangled in a fishing set-line beneath a channel bridge at Fox Lake Tuesday afternoon of last week. She was Mrs. Thorine Ryder, 16, of rural Spring Grove. She was swimming alone when the accident occurred. As she went beneath the bridge, she ran afoul of the set-line, and sank from sight a few moments later before rescuers could reach the scene. The body was recovered within a short time but efforts to revive the young bride proved futile. | Ask The Man Who Tried One. 'These Ads, Really Bring Results. New Classified Ads Appear. Old Ads Disappear. -- Reason -- Quick Results Gospel Church Hews It is a real pleasure to welcome summer residents as well as weekend visitors to our services. Their coming to the House of God on the Lord's Day is an evidence of appreciation of thlhgs spiritual and divine in«a matrialistic age, when the day, which accord- HELICF m ASTHMA SUFFERERS Quick raii«f usually cmh from tk« Drtf «o»* of this n«w formula which acts to relieve congestion. People who formerly suffered with frightening choking, cough, •ng, wheezing asthma attacks speak of welcome relief after using ASMACOL ASMACOt costs $2.50, but considering the relief you will experience, the $2.50 it costs amounts to only a few pennies per dote. ASMACOt, (caution, use only as directed) is sold with a money back guarantee if set delighted with results. Sold only by " Bolger's Drug Store PHONE 40 McHEHRY Mall Orders Filled i Consignment Sale 1 EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT || 7:30 P.M. Tear Shipper Cows Weigh More When Sold Her*. Your Calves Bring More Here. Tour Dairy and Breeding" Cattle caa be tested at Oar Modern Sales Barn. 1 Your Cattle and Hogs can be sold by the Dollar «r kj the Pooad.- Come and See Tour Stock Sold. We are here to serve yon. WE PAT CONSIGNOR DAT AFTER THE SALE. J4LYMOOR .(I# Marion Leslft) The' second beach party given by the Lily Lake Beautifying club on Saturday was a hugh success* despite all the rain we had. Let's thank all who made the party such a grand one. The next meeting of the Lily Lake Beautifying club will be on Tuesday, Aug. 7, at 8 p.m. .At the Lannes Tower building.^ June Kurbyun and DIcV Hyatt recently entered the amateur roller- skating contest held at the Hub riiik in Chicago. They have been classified and are waiting fbr their nojlce to go in tor the preliminaries. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford jTiiyatt; celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary recently. , For the past few days* Helen Proylt|f tm, gpaa ci^|. jrith «rt|iritis. :.;v; On July 19, David fointus celebrated his eleventh birthday. He had a party of ten friends to help him celebrate. Convenient Take one of our clean, modern cabs to your destination and stop worrying about the weather. Our cabs, driven by the most careful drivers, call for you 'at your door and leave you at the door any time of the day or night, anywhere in the city. For clean, safe, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tobey celebrated their fifth weddlac a|uai versary on July 25. SCIENCE MUSEUM RE-OPENS ATOMIC ENERGY EXHIBIT The Museum of Science and Industry re-opened its atomic energy exhibit to the public Monday, July 16, the sixth anniversary of the first successful atomic bomb explosion (1945) at Los Alamos. Included in the exhibit is a sample of fused sand taken from the New Mexican desert which is still radioactive, Available only to special student groups during the past two years, the exhibit, originally prepared by the Argonne National Laboratory of Chicago, is now on general exhibition in the Museum's main floor physics section. Several new units have been added to make a basic presentation of the principles for the layman. In one case visitors will see a block of pure metallic uranium. Slightly larger than a building brick and weighing fifty-four pounds, visitors may compare the Weight of this uranium block with a similar si^ed piece of stainless steel. A radiation detector will signal the intensity and range of the radiations pouring out of this uranium block while an electronic interpolator (or counting device) Will record the number of radiatiohs which vialtoN can aee^M light pipe on the laihfnttul acteeh of a cathode-ray osUlloacfMt- Tit? counter, known as a r»r £ords each sixty-tour radiitiolis jas one unit and la jcapabli K counting more than 70,000 sepa r a t e r a d i a t i o n i m p u l e e s per minute. , Another exhibit is the ,r»lav«', a mechanical hands device employ^ ed in atomic research laboratories to handle radio-active 'materials. The operator, standing behind a protective wall, can perform delicate operations by taenia of the slave. At the Museum, demonstrators will show its operations without employing actual radioactive materials. Other units in the exhibit sist of a hodoscope, an instrument for viewing the paths Of cosmic rays and a Wilson "clottd chamber", a device which tnafc^a atomic disintegration visible. Invented by C. T. R. Wilson if England in 1911, the Chamber has been one of the most effective means of observing the behAVtor of individual charged atomic or nuclear particles. l*eper ' *A' forester in Pierre, fc. 5b., awarded a Bed dross Certificate at Merit for applying the proper first •id to an accidental wound tin ' head, thus saving* his own Mfe. To insure Saeeeaa A smooth, foundation tlal tor a successful ptln' h 1 WE ARE BONDED IT'S HERE! " NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR and RANGE COMBINATION ALTHOFF'S HARDWARE: "McHenry County's Leading Hardwati^ Main Street Phone 284 . McHenry. HI. I Woodstock Comm. Sales Co., Inc. Phone 572 or 499 •-- Woodstock, I1L IGI T H A N K S To The Voters of McHenry FROM THE C.O.F. and1 the V.F.W. FOR THE SUPPORT GIVEN AT TflE POLLS SATURDAY, JULY 21st Miss Marine Day :X - Barbara Sixr^on Nancy Siemon Quick D i • 11 v >' r y Any T i h i t ' At for dozens of improvements •round your home or place of bsainesa, no other material •ffers the service and economy •Mrfiafty permanent concrete. your contractor pre you a better jolt with less muss • . • • PHONE 723 If yon are planning • new walk, driveway, foundation, porch or garage floor--build it the convenient, low cost waj with Efsdy-Mixed Concrete. * ' Vf> McHenry Sand And Gravel Company PHONE McHENRY 97-J / 606 FRONT STREET McHENRY, ILL. WhtR yv hav# an avtematic GAS water Heater j*. -rr. m. .ypMil... dowmto»r»... ol around On Imum ...ywYkaw fM hot water you want, wfm* you want it--if you have an 7 Monatfe GAS water heater. When you draw hot water eff, tha heater comas "on" and hcatt more in a jiffy ... automaticallyi This is "quick recovery" .., just one of the reasons an economical GAS water heater is your best buy! See yvur ph/mkt, cpphnce Mir er « CONVENIENT TR/MS tVKi COMPANY or NORTH! UN HJJNOM Ttdmtik X '•I "«"•

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