1981 • y' "*W r » f t- > , 9 . v. } " * . - * ^ K a>; - • .. ,( /< f Jr h! i:- < ' lt . « , _/ -I**' "-' /*• r - --if'- -~-> -*•*»'-' ' - 'V -v» " - Itiiii* ! RINGWOOD S m i m +mmi2 Jars. Ben Walkington entertained the women's five-hundred club at her home Tuesday. A 1 o'clock dessert luncheon was served. Prizes Were awarded to Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Oscar Berg. The Golden Age club was entertained in the home of Mrs. Collins Monday afternoon. The W.S.C.S. met at the home Mrs. Collins on Thursday. A jot-luck dinner was served at opon. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. Mrs. Collins gave the devotionals and Mrs. Myrtle Harrison gave the lesson on "What the Methodists are doing in the Phillipines. The August theeting will be at the home of Mrs. Louis Hawley. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Wilcox of 4^Voodstock entertained at a family picnic Sunday honoring the . eightieth birthday of their grandmother, Mrs.' Emily Beatty. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Frey of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prey of Blue Island, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence' Dalki of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Herbert and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fowler and son of JRlgin, Mardee and Dennis Dibler St. Louis, Mrs. Ed Dibler, Sr., Mrs. Laura Peet, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton • Wienke, Mrs. Luella Schneider and Mr. and Mrs. Armour Bick of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Montaaye and sons of Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jackson and son, Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Jackson and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Christensen and family, Charles .and Delmer Olsen of Richmond, ^Hrs. Alan Van Every and two children of Keystone* Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family, Mrs. Viola- Low and son. Robert, and Mrs. Emily Beatty of Ringwood. C . L . W o o d s o f M o l i n e c a l l e d on his sister and husband, Mr., and Mrs. Pete Sebastian, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd HowiT of Crystal Lake were callers in the Mk»uis Hawley home Tuesday. Miss Flora Churchill of Chicago, Miss Eaton of Florida and Mrs. Flora Harrison spent Monday afternoon in the Malcom Mc- Quaig home at Dundee. •* < Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian attended the wedding of d niect . at Genoa City. Susie Fossum of Solon Mills ^ent a few days the pfst week ^yith her grandparents, Mr. and Ulra. Kenneth Cristy. $fr. and Mrs. Webster Blackman and sons of Chicago spent Monday With Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn. Mrs. Oscar Berg. Mrs. Lester Carr, Mrs. Wm. McCannon and Mrs. Mildreti Munshaw called on friends in Richmond Monday afternoon. Mrs. Agnes Jencks and Mrs. Joe Holley spent Tuesday in El- ^in. Mrs. Mildred Munshaw retimed to her home in Elgin with them. , * Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn and daughter, Janet, of Richmond spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mrs. Helen Young of McHenry spent Tuesday evening in the George Shepard home. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison spent Sunday in the Henry Marlowe home at Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mansfield, Sr., of Hebron were callera in the Mfs. Flora Harriaon home Saturday afternoon. » Mrs. Lena Peet and daifc Marian, were visitors at McHei Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter of Sycamore spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr.. home. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Tom Grace of Chicago and Mr. and W?s. Henry Seegert of McHenry spent Thursday evening in the George Shepard home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Escher and family of Chicago spent the weekend with her mother, Mrsl Tillle Vaillancourt. Mr. and Mrs. John Keller and daughter, of Chicago spent Saturday in the Fred Bowman home. Their daughter, Joan, remained for a couple of days visit. - Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and sobs, Bill and Bob, of Waukegan spent Saturday evening in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Wfti. Cruickshank were visitors hi the Mrs. Olivia Bauer home at McHenry, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were visitors in the Ed. Whiting home at Richmond Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington went to Dundee Friday night to the home of her son, Harold,y^nd on Saturday all attended the Black and White dairy show at Moosehart. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and daughter, Margo, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ebel, at Algonquin. Mrs. Alan Ainger and daughters, Nancy and Mary, of Hebron and Mrs. Georgia Thomas, daughter, Hiley Jean, and son, Loren. of Woodstock spent Saturday afternoon in the George Shepard home. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington were visitors at Lake Geneva Sunday. Miss Virginia Jepson spent Monday and Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Ben Walkington. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., , re- -pr?ojg raolj Xnppj amoti paajn; head, Wis., where she sp^nt the past week visiting in the homfe of her brother. Charges Vogel. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and family of Gejioa City visited his mother. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., Saturday. Bill Smart of Waukegan spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. | Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Sunday afternoon in the Henry Seegert home at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossuni and family of Solon Mills and Mr. and Mrs. John Cristy and fam* il v of Greenwood visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy Sunday. Kenneth Cristy, Jr., of Chicago spent the weekend here. Pvt. Charles C&rr of Camp Eustis, Va, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr. Mrs. Andrew Hawley of Fox Riv^r Grove visited her parent?. Mr. and 'Mrs. 8. W. Smith, Saturday. ^Mrs. Oscar Berg, Mrs. Wm. McCannon and Mrs. Lester Carr were visitors at Woodstock Friday. Mrs. Erma Sherman and Mr. and Mrs. W6ods of Woodstock spent Sunday afternoon in the Wm. McCannon home. Franklin. Jean and Jo Ann Block of Sheboygan, Wis., spent the weekend in the home of their grandfather, Dr. Wm. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Merchant of Woodstock spent Friday evening in the Wm. McCannon home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oliver ""of Portsmouth, Va., and Mrs. Stone of Kenosha spent 'Tuesday with Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger of McHenry spent Sunday evening in the Wm. McCannon home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strukel of Milwaukee spent the weekend in the Mitchell Kane home. Franklin. Jean and Jo Ann Block and Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn spent Sunday at Lake Geneva and enjoyed a boat ride on |he lake. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Blackman and family of Chicago spent Wednesday in the Dr. Hepburn home. Miss Marge--efruickshank, with three friends from Deerfield, are leaving Thursday for a trip to Denver, Colo., to visit friends. MM&V* Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bacon of Brookfitld spent Sunday In the Mit<4te!l Kane home. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane and family attended the Black and White _ show at Moosehart Sunday. Robert Burger and Elaine Unassi of Chicago spent Saturday tn the Wm. Pagni home.' Mrs. Angela Pagni, who has been visiting in the Linasai home, returned home with them. . Twice Toldi Tale s Tw&ity-Fhe Years Ago The McHenry county jail has] proved to be an interesting summer resort for a great many people. With a roster of eighteen now enjoying the conveniences of the jail, others may be attracted Add Sparkle to Summer Parties to follow suit. About two-thirds of the visitors are federal fellows who Uucle Sam recommended for a quiet rest in the country. D. I. Granger made a remarkable golf last week, at which time he succeeded in breaking No. 4 green of the McHenry club in 3. His second drive was on the green and the remarkable part of the play was the fact that Mr. Granger made a 30-ft. put in order to sink the ball in 3. McHenry county authorities are yet seeking to apprehend the burglars who obtained a loot of about $3,000 from Theodore Sehi1 essle's soft drink parlor in West McHenry. The lopt, a number of stocks and bonds, ninety . dollars in gold pieces, a box of rare old cohiS: Valued at mote than $500 and a gold Wa£ch. owned by the proprietor.' , T" ; Albert Justen received his diploma from the Worsham Train-i lng School of Embalming in Chicago last Week. The many friends of Mrs. Alice Wall McManaman were grieved to hear of her death, which occurred in Chicago Friday. Mrs, McManaman was a former resident of McHenrv. Forty Yeats Ago Batter was declared firm at twenty-five cents on tfce Elgin board of trade Monday. The threshing season I® here and the farmers are the busiest bodies on the face of the earth these days. The quality of oats is good and a fairly good crop is being harvested. A new cement walk is being laid on the north side of Main street in the business section. Math Steffes & Co., the cement workers of this place, have the contract, which assures the village a first class job. Miss Maud Curr, of Royal college of Music, England, of which King George V is president, receives pupils „ for instrumental music and voice production. Tfce new automobile law which went into effect July 1 is not yet fully understood by drivers of cars or drivers of teams a8 far as it applies to road rules. It is expressly provided in the new law that drivers of horses and drivers of slower automobiles must yield half of the road in favor of autos desiring to pass and the point COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH MAIN and CENTER STREETS Gleaming sterling silver iced beverage spoons bring beauty to this informal tea table. The versatile, modern pattern shown here ia Gorham's "Nocturne". 1 & Time was when even the busiest hostess wouldn't have brought ont her best silver for an informal porch party. That idea of hoarding your silver is like Grandma never using the parlor; it's an outmoded one. * Today good silver is equally appropriate with brightly colored straw mats and damask cloths. For summertime meals and popular between- meal refreshments, you can dress up the simplest table with pretty silver. Either add to your own pattern, or start your sterling with summer party-service pieces that will be most useful now. teed beverage spoons, a sugar spoon, lemon'fork, cold meat fork and salad service will add sparkle to your summer parties now and beauty to your tables for yean to come. Iff^l 11 TARPAUUNS - CANVAS GOODS LAB(Jt£ SELECTION OF MATEBIALS ORDER EARLY in Store and Residence Awnings " McHENRY AWNING CO. S A V E Time and Money DIGGING TRENCHES Let Us Do Your Trenching. , Deep Footing Drainage Tile Cable Pipe Line JOHNSON'S jEEP-A-TRENCH McCULLOM LAKE Phone McHenry 534-M-l 4- , that is generally misunderstood is that the passing auto must take the left side of the roadway and, teams or slower antos going ia the same direction shall tarn ottt to the right. The Johnsbargh brass band will hold a benefit dance at Smith's hall, Johnsburgh, on 9. - "- Ne Batten Cards Visitors to Britain staying in betels do not need Ration Cards. Uiere is no restriction on food served in hotels and restaurnnts. t H"f••••{'•'i l M Mlt>4 DB. C. B. 8WA5S09 ; ..SP - Deaffst m 8. Cl^en Strei§ •.. Office Hears 'v;;; Bally Except Tkarsday • to 13 -- IsM to 6j30 •. Bern* Wed. sad Fit Evening!^ " 7 to t -v;^ McHenry 1M e > t > 11 n 11- > 11 u t i u 11 > i » \ E. E. PEASIEE, DX. Chiropractor m S. Green St, McHenry Office Honrs Dally except Thursday 9 to 18 -- 1:M to I MOB., Wed. and FrL Evening 7 to t Call McHenry SM-ft Far Appointment - >'lt 1II11 H 1111 111 11111># • TERJfOH IWOX Attorney-at-law Gar. Green aad Elm Sts^ MeHearj Taesday and Friday AfleraMpa Other Days By Appolatment Phone McHenry 43 M i m i i m i i i i ' i n i n i * ' BOBERT A. STtEBEIT Attorney at La#. 604 Center Street Phone McHenry MS McHENRY. ILLINOIS SERVICES: . SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 9&0 A. M. (CLASSES FOR ALL AGES) MORNING WORSHIP -- 10:45 A.M. (XI RSERY PROV1IIKD IU'RING CIII RCH) SERMON: "IS RELIGION OUT OF DATE?" ALL VISITORS WELCOME * • » ! » M n M »n»i 111 »•• ' WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Jiw Attorney-at-Law 110K Benton St. Phene Weedsteck HS4 Woodstock, Illinois I •HI! II i t H l l l l l l l i l l l l JOSEPH L WAYHHE Attoneymt-I^iw m Waakegaa Bead (RFD Bm$ Phone McHenry 4M-W WEST MeHENBY, ILL. >'l< tl ' l I I I I I I 1 1 1 »1 l l l t l t t J | Phase Johnsbwg 680-M4 ' ^^-*1 FBAXK 8. MAT , <• Tracking ^ Sand, Black Dirt, Crashed OrBTSfc Limestone, Excavating ',8 Oment, GraTel and FlU It 1, McHenry, IUInais ; - • . ^ mi i n > t n »n 111 n 11 u »' ; McHenry 571W 2 Amy Thonneson, Prop. POWERED #01 INK J0« VAIVE-IN-H|AP DESieM BLUE-FLAME POWER-JET LONG LASTING BONDED BRAKE LININGS (S«riu 3000 ModafcJ • • • to do more work for your money CONFC IN AND SAVB! Gel the gas that gives you at price the controlled olatility you'd expect in premium gasoline. You save with STANDARD RED ULTT CnowN Gasoline's great combination of smooth flowing power and agility in traffic with best possible mileage. At regular pricey it's this Summer's KING* SIZE GAS BUY. A. m .-.vvvCOCAdnhfj Look at these angineered-in economy features-* valve-in-head angina design, Blue-Flame corns bustion, Power-Jet carburetor and long-lasting bra Ices. Enginas, chassis, cabs and bodies are all de? signed to stand up under rough, tough use Take a Hp from truck-wise buyers and gel angineered-in economy. See us soonl Ctomirf Trvcn kt Urn Ba%«kr AldW CHEVROLET ADVANCE-DESIGN TRACKS CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 204 W. Elm St, Phone McHenry 277 8ani Limesto-- T*BN THEL'B Tracking €raTel Black BM frirt for Hire TeL McHenry &88-B-3 er &88-W4 Box 172, Rt 1, McHenry •• • • f H l l l l l l M M I I I I H * A. P. FREUXD SMS Excarating Ceatractors - • " ' Tracking, HyimaBa , and Craae Serrtce ' -- BO AD BUILDING -- TeL 104-M McHenry, A M M M I M I I I I I I I I I i m H IK8rBAirCE EABL B. WALSH Fire, Anto, Farm ft Life Iasaraasa Bepresentlng BELIABLE COMPANIES # When Tan Need IasaraMa «| Any Biad ^ ^ Phone it er 118-1 Green A Elm McHenrj < > • • l l » l » 4 l l t l H l l i n i M ST0FFEL * BE1HA58PEBGEB Insurance agents for all classes el property in the best eompaaiH West McHenry, Illinois Telephone N*. S06 307 Main St McHenry, DL i i i i i i i i t i i > i > > ' M m i i > # SCHROKDEB IBOB WORKS Ornamental * Strnctnral Stsd Visit Onr Showreems 8 Miles Soath oiRtU Phone C17.M-1 I M I I I H t I 1 m 11 M Mil# Brno's PLUMBING AXD HEATIiTQ BOB FRISBT. JB. Onallty Ftxtnres • Badlaat Heat* fag - Water Systems • Gas and Ble«>ric Water Heaters • Water Softeners - Bepatrs - Free Estt- McHEBBT M-I i t > n i i i n i > > i » i » » i » n > o AL*S WELDING AND BEPAB SEBTICE . «01 Main SL, McHenry , >lwtric Portable Weldlag Aeetylene Weldfnr and Cntth|| ALEX W. WIBFS, Operator" Phone «1»-W-1 or 4*4 McHENRY, ILL. m i l l t l " l " M » i l l U l M Highest CASH PBICES paid let Dead aad Crltpled Horses, Cattfc •ad Hogs--Sanitary Power Lending-- Taakage and Meat Scrap* fai «ale. Phoaes Arllagtea Height* .lit er McHenry 3U. BeuML Charges. Palatine Bendsrtaf fliflj • • hi Ks •»•»»»•»< * m i it* -- WANTED TO BrT -- CALL AT ONCE ON HAI HOGS, HOBSES AND CATTLf We pay phone chnrgaa JWe pay M to IM tar Old MgH' less for down heroes aad ««M| MATTS MINI IMWI i Si 15 i • * "* VM