mmm • «* > ;VT •; <#*'*-, s- V-y .^t'^ McHENRY KJONDEALEB ;, I J. i"1 f- - 5 ? ; - ^ • • > v i * T f £ • • * * * : • > ' .- i k •, ^ v : , ' ' '•.. \ *."• 1 •*,•:•• • •th widar. July 28.1951 CORING EVENTS V-, If J«ljr » " ® TJetfVtflt- Auxiliary Hu»f And 'Food Sale--George Justeu Furniture Store--Begins At 10 A.M. Danf* At Americatt faction .Home T-""J&-. August 2 • - C.D. of A. Picnic--1 P.M. Pot- Luck Luaeh--V.F.W. Clubhouse. August S Ice Cream Social--Fred Bienapfl Home, Oreen Street--Sponsor* ed By Lutberan Ladies Aid. August 4 Marine Day Coronation Ban- Legion Home. _ i , . Auffu*! •§•;/. ' .Marine Day. August 7 v> Meeting C.O.F., No. 6l|p^: - August ft- ' , H u l l a -Ba-Loo Day--McHenry Country Club. £ August 9-12 : Carnival--City P*rk. August 12 ?<• Forester Family Picnl<j^V.F.W ^Clubhouse. 1 . ,J August 17 ~ Flower and Garden Show -- McHenry Equipment Show Room -- Sponsored By Woman's Club. August 18 Joint Installation Of Officers. American Legion And Auxiliary-- "8 P.M.--Legion Home. ---- . Augnst 28 Fashion Show By Betty Nielsen --Villa Hotel Resort--Benefit Of St Mary's-St. Patrick's §phoo' P.T.A.--1:30 P.M. i August 2S«9t St. John's Church Ourttival Johnsburg. * MARRIAGE LICENSES 4 » m i i l l I t 1 1 1 1 1 MM I HI Marcella Szarek, Johnsburg, and Pfc. Richard L. Marsh. L1K m IK MEMORIAM In loving memory of my be 'ored husband, John Thompson, who passed away five years ago> June 30. • 'Vhen the evening shades are falling. And I am sitting all alone. In my heart there comes a longing. If you only could come home. Off and off my thoughts do wan- . der * To your grave so far away. Where we laid you dearest husband. LOVING WIFE AND FAMILY Familiar Signs- Oftun Ignored Back in Caesar's time a writer of wit and wisdom named Publllius Syrus realized that "familiarity breeds contempt." He didn't have traffic accidents in mind when he wrote it down, but the truth of his words hold true today in the attitude, of motorists toward signs and signals The National Safety Council | joints out that familiarity with traffic signs, signals and regulations in any territory frequenly traveled apparently dulls a driver's alertness and makes him a potential accident victim. Most Mishaps Near Home That partly accounts for the fact that nearly three-fourths of fatal traffic accidents occur within twenty-five miles of the driver's home according to the Council. To impress drivers with the meaning of all signs and signals, the Council is sponsoring a "Signs of Life" program in August The Council says there are five basic shapes of highway signs. Round signs warn of a railroad approach, while the crossbu#k is a danger signal near the tracks. The eight-sided or octagonal sign means stop. Diamond-shaped signs warn of possible danger, such as curves. Oblong signs state the law, such as speed limits, no passing, etc., and must be obeyed. Presentation Of Charter At First Pack Meeting McHenry's Cub Scout pack, No. 362, will hold its first meeting on Friday, July 27, at 8 o'clock in the local high school gymnasium. Presentation of the charter will be made and bobcaj awards given oufto several Cub Scouts. The general public is urged to attend, as well as parents and friends. New members will also be welcomed at this time. THANK TOl'l I would like to take this opportunity to thank friends and relatives, residents of Ringwood and the McHenry community and my sponsors, the McHenry Woman's club, for their support in the Marine* Day Queen election last Saturday. II MART ANN WIEDRJCH V;3v STORE HOURS^ y. McHenry stores an open every Friday evening for the convenience of shoppers of the community. Thursday afternoon and Sunday morning hours vary. POISON OAK 01 SUMAC IVY (IVY'PRY) Bulgers Drug Store HENRY. ILL PHONE 40 fM-16 8WIRLAWAY -- Bright idea for sand and water both, " " l cool Crinkle Crepe all-cotton Jantzen short... strictly-- ~ fast color. Comfortable 3-needle fighter waist has a concealed, 7^ Tlrawcord, full-size built-in supporter has elasticized legs for ~ feal swim-freedom. Note the handy tailored-in coin and key ; pocket, the solid quality two ply construction throughout it's - ?f family affair, too, with women's boy's and girl's sun togs to \ I r inatch. Qreen-and-whita, blue-and-white, red-and-white and ^ ^ l '|)lack-and-white. 88-44. tUS. .^WIRLAWAY SHIRT (2M-66) -- Ideal with shorts, slacks. %.'>&%*|5uuy-fit 2-way collar, leisure-pleated back, roomy breast ;l§vA Blue, green. red, black. S-M-L-XL. $4M. & W B . GREEN ST. HtcHENRY PROGRAM FEATURES RDION DUET. • OCAL QUARTET One of the most enjoyable concerts of the summer season was presented by the municipal band last Thursday evening on the high school grounds, the weather contributing its bit to the success of the program. No distracting noises from thoughtless persons marred enjoyment of the music, due very likely to the presence of a member of the local police department * Meeting with* the - enthusiastic approval of the audience were the guest soloists. Earl Pomrening with a tuba solo and Warren Jones with two vocal solos, including the beautiful "Lord's Prayer" by Malotte. This week's program will feature the popular accordionists, Otto Pyritz and his pupil, Kenneth Sawdo, and a newly organized ladies' barbershop quartet. "The Star Spangled Banner". March, "National Honor"---Harlin Walts, "Nights of Gladness"-- Ancliffe Overture^ "Americana"--Bu^htel Popular number, "Take Me Out To The Ball Game"--Norworth, Von Tilzer March, "Home Town Band"-- Nagy, Lance, Canton Vocal numbers, "Medley of Old Time Favorites11 by Beauty Parlor Quartet Overture, "Aurora"--Yoder "The Donkey Sefenade"--Friml, Stothart Samba, "Copa Cabana"--Walters Popular Number, "Tennessee Waltz"--arr, by Leonard Piano Accordioa Duet, Otto Pyritz and Kenneth Sawdo Fox Trot, "Jealous"--arr. by Buchtel Polka, "Hoop-Dee-Doo"--Loesser, DeLugg Finale, "God Bless America"-- Berlin. visit aoxokby meeting KWS UOVT OUR SHMCBCH >2 fa. Wigs Are Nut (few Wigs and other types of false hair were worn by the ancient*. Complete Hue of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Stow, •eHeury. ,, 8tf Robert Vander Straeten unh No. 1169, American Legion Auxiliary of Wonder Lake, was privileged to have .the initiation team of the Hebron unit present at their June meeting. The team initiated nine regular members and niSfe junior members. The junior group has ten members, but Jacqueline Donash was unable to be present and Barbara Hansen, aged 2 would not be photographed. First row: Gail Cannon, Mickey Hansen, Patty Hansen, Jackie; Ann Cannon, JacquelineHansen. Norma Mae Swearingen, Linda Rietesel and Darlene Murdock. * Second row: Louise Hansen, Mary--Ahrens, Bobbie--Hansen, Ann Eberle, Gertrude Nielsen, Mary Lowery and Jerre Donash. Third row: Rose Arp, Amanda Behrens, Tessie Kjellstrom, Irene Simes, Laura Steffan, Margaret Tibbits, Alda Leumerlierb of Hebron, Nell Von BompAs and Clare Rietesel. 8ENDAI, JAPAN--E u g e n e C. Nicholls of McHenry, of the 11th ranger company, has 'rejoined the 40th infantry division in Japan. Cpl. Nicholls Yeturns to the division. with three, mont&s grueling, dangerous ranger training under' his duty belt. He is one of the 40th division men who volunteered for the 11th ranger company while the division was still at Camp Cooke. Pfc. Richard L. Marsh, son of Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Marsh, Lily Lake, recently completed his assigned course in the signal school and is now awaiting orders for transfer to duty in his new military occupational specialty. Pfc. Marsh received his diploma July 17 in formal graduation exercises signifying the completion of the course in Signa^ Corps communication*. - TfUUU Nttl 1-- ; • Some deficient elements, sueh as ron, can be absorbed by a tree's leaves through sprays. FRIDAY NIGHT. JULY 27 ii Person JlADIO STAR EUNICE LARIEVE SATURDAY NIGHT. JULY 28 DANCE , /., MUSIC BY THE MARINERS . THURSDAY -- FREE OUTDOOR MOVIES FISH FRY FRIDAYS : a. U T LILYMOOplI^®^ ROUTE 120 "John, The Tailor/1 Died In California Friends, here wUl be saddened to learn of the death of A. John Martin, about 70, the original "John, the tailor," who operated his shop on Main street, West McHenry, untill moving west S more than three years ago. The family resided at McCullom Lake for some time before moving into the quarters in the rear of his shop. Mr. Martin had been in failing health for some time. He is survived by th§/ widow, Louise. Brush Deserves Care When painting, don't jam a brush into corners. It buckles the bristle and spoils it for good work. Ir** v- &?• 5 Research la Bombay India has an Atomic Ui+rgy Commission and plans for a 'fac tory for atomic research" in Borr Day wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiNiir'HMiiiiiHiunniiiiiiuiHimtiiiiitKK NEXT SUNDAY 2 P.M. YOUNG PARAKEET : fLove Birds) $8.00 lo $12.00 Values Kiwanis Benefit $6.95 ft v>- WW HARNESS RACES Grandma Burright and Other top riders Marine Day Queen and her Court will entertain. Tewess Brofc Farm Race Track North of Waukefran on Beach Rd. between Lewis Ave. and Hwy. 42. FREE PARKI1|| Donations Adults 75c Children 25c HELP A CLUB THAT HELPS OTHERS KIWANIS CLUB of McHenry Township Healthy, beautifully plummaged birds that are easy to tame and teach to talk! They make yeitr home a more cheerful place. GEORGE COLLETTE, Owner 103 Riverside Drive PHONE 459 McHenry, I1L VACATION SHOPPING ^ IS A / II/A Economy Pack AN SCO PLERAQHIOME Ail-Weather Film No. 620 Size ^ 3 1*-" Special 75c JA# ODORONO CREAM Deodorant 43<^ Pkge. 10 GILLETTE BLUE BLADES In Dispenser 49c 1 J0IIS0IS Baby Powder. 9 ounce can..... VASELINE White Petroleum Jelly. 4 as*... PACQUIN'S Hand Cream. 5' f ounce Jar^.., IPANA TOOTH Paste. Large economy tube.; FEENAMINT Chewey Laxative. Bottle H,.... VASELINE Hair Tonic. € ounce bottlft.... PALMOLIVE Brushless Shave Cream. Giant. OEM BLADES Single Edge. Package eff !•..... KOTEX NAPKINS Soft, Sanitary. Box of 48 Bottle 100 TABLETS SUCARYL SODIUM Sweetening Agent HOW TO prepare TinwitfcJ" 3-oz. Sun TtrtmOil 7Qe 4>oz. Bottlft" • • Sutra Crum . CCQ 2-oz. Slxe • ^0?^ * SkolLotton CQe plastic Bottle. • SHOE CLEANERS Carbon* White 4-oz. LiquM ...19C Enerjine White 3-o*. Liquid 210 VMetian 25c He Shinofi > White Polish.... 13c . V i' Don't wait until the full discomfort of your allergy takes its toll on your health and disposition. See your physician immediately. After he has made his diagnosis, bring your prescription to us for accurate compounding. 5 Grain Bottle 100 BAYER ASPIRIN Tablets 59c l'/2 Ounce I SKAT INSECT REPELLANT Lotion 49c 2VI Ounce PRELL CREME SHAMPOO Hair Beauty 89c Don't miss the Home First Aid Chart hi this month's telephone bill ; T We mayvnever go through a bombing .attack, but how nyould you help victims •of shock, burns, fractures--whatever the cause? What would you do for heat exhaustion, poisoning, animal bites--i?efore the doctor comes? • These questions and scores of otheri ve answered for you in a valuable Home First Aid Chart, "How to Prepare for an Emergency," being distributed this month as a public service by Illinois Bell. This chart has been developed in cooperation with the Chicago Chapter of the American Red Cross, the State of Illinois Office of Civil Defense and the Chicago Civil Defense Corps, *W*-V Your copy should reach you this month, included with your telephone bill. If you are not a telephone subscriber, your nearest telephone Business Office will gladly provide a copy. Get it; keep it. Post it near your first aid supplies where you can quickly refer to it when needed. And remember, in any emergencyt your telephone is the most valuable first aid of all. ^ "No price em meorapt fes utmhlmttl Resistab 12 Tablets. Antamine 12 Tablets. Kriptin INHISTON 50 fi Tablets Box of 12 ablets. Anahist Atomizer,. Anahist Bottle IS... Neohetramine QQ. 25 Tablets WC ittiiii mil Titirmiit COM*A«y BOLGER'S Drug store * ; Phone 40 tfZSl Best Quality 25 to SO WATT LIGHT BULBS Choice.. 15c NEWEST