mmmm W-- ' ussv Thui*Uy, July 28.19&1 FARM >r w: h. This is fair week. We almost didn't get the little Job done of i writing to all our friends this week. We haven't missed since 1947, if my memory serves me right as to the starting date. * 0 The fair seems easier to prepare for this year but there still are many little jobs that must be done by someone. We get a lot of volunteer, helik but still those folks help for an hour or two or most of a day. It still falls to a Very few of us to work till the job is finished regardless of time day or night. A new stage and a new hog J»arn will greet fair-goers this ^lear. Humans are peculiar people, though. We no more than had the job done when talk was started about what we will build next . year. The talk is a woman's building, with one end, the dining hall, screened in with running water, floor and drains, and the other end, their auditorium, with stage and exhibit spaces ali around the edge. MIow does that sound girls? Boy,- you just «can't imagine how much more grown up the fair will seem this year. Th^ grandstand ghows will be strictly local talent in contests of all kinds. Tug-of-War, pie eating, cow milking, cow calling, nail driving for women, rolling pin throwing. And those crazy clowns. They intend to win the milking contest with an old two-titter ,^joat. ^ It seems the boys from all corners of the county who have'gone to muscle are really going to pull the rope in two in the tug-of-war. For aNlairy county, we've really got the beef. The older boys are all set for the checker tournament. Uudertaker Tom Merwin of Woodstock, I understand, will be in charge. I ttKmtfht undertakers, in general, were most interested in boxing^ [ That's a pun, son. Horseshoe' pitching will be another event that should- attract the £>ead Eye Dicks. There will be plenty of ringer-side seats here to watch. Someone may get up so you can sit down. There are twenty-four entries in the truck "roadeo". That's the way they spell it officially. In most sports its the fellow who looks straight ahead and gets to where he's looking first who wins. Not here. These boys back their way to glory. It takes a guy with a rubber neck to be a good backer in the truck business. And the tractor rodeo. Farm boys and farmers will want to see this new event. The boys in the advanced 4-H tractor project will compete for top honors, getting a jymed up tractor started and adjusted, pulling and backing a two-wheeled harvesting machine through > four gates and lining up to a belt. It ain't too easy. Of course, I'm not telling about all the fine livestock that will be there. Any farmer in McHenry county knows that we have the best dairy cattle among our young people in Illinois or Wisconsin. Our hog show is gettingto be a big event and the poultry show, they tell me, was one of the best last year. You will want to 'see the blonde young lady who does the poultry_iudging perform. ; ^ gO Have you seen an XTbino horse t We will have a whole troupe of them on the Sunday night show with Jimmy Lynch's Death Dodgers. Just a warning. Better plan on seeing the 6 p.m. show. The 8:30 show will overflow and you may not get a seat. --* • , --. life Expectancy tTf Hie expectation of life at birth among American wage earner* and their families rose to an all-time high of 68.2 years in 1950. This is a half year higher than in 1948. The expectation of life has increased 21% years in the past four decades and has doubled in little more than two generation^. • . LEGAL iff? Order your rnhhw utartrpa T h e P l a i h d e a l e r . n o w ! ' - * AM ORDINANCE MAKINT. THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOB THE FISC AL TEAR lKI-llii BE 4T ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of McHenry, Illinois: SECTION 1. That it la deemed necessary in order to defray the' necessary expenses and liabilities of said City for the current fiscal year, that there be and there hereby is appropriated to provide for the general tax levy and other revenue for the current fiscal year, the aggregate sum of One* Hundred Three Thousand Three Hundred Thirty-six and No/100 Dollars ($103,336.00); that the object and purposes for which said appropriation is made and the amounts appropriated for the-, same are as follows, to-wit: Interest on bonded indebtedness $ 1,465.06 Payments op Maturing Bonds ,10,000.00 Special Assessments > adjustment fund ...... 4,500.00 Public Property-- . -Improvem e n I s to ^ park property 2,000.00 Materials and sup- ----plies ^ .soo.oo Labor and Repairs .. i.250.00 Telephone ir>0.00 ' Light and Oas /. 200.00 ' Miscellaneous 100.00 New Equipment 2.500 00 Athletic Field ^ Water Works Salaries Equipment Purchases x ?'t<500.00 # Labor abd Repairs ,, f,"000.00 t»ower '^SOO.OO ' Meter s J, 800.08 . Collection Fees ... '<£90.09 Miscellaneous .a,.>225.00 Watchman ^Service -. . , 3 ^200.00 Sala ries-- . •'• * -.'*y Police .......... jCity Attorney -<5500.00 :20t>.00 City Clerk 420.00 Mayor and Aldermen :/«4|W9.90 -AvfTreasunr ^120.00 Collector . + j 120.00 Health ^4 5 100.00 Streets and Alley»--.^j?^r .^Salaries ..............^^.i^OOO.OQ 'Jfjghting -- '•a IfcOOO.OO atd sup- '. 750.00 lft.000.00 .J soo.oo %000.00 300.00 Material ' plies ............... Construction ; Miscellaneous •Snow Removal Fire Protection . Legal Fees and Cowr| costs Maintenance 6t Sey-- erage Disposal Plant~ : Lab or and svfh plies "^Construction reoperation Insurance Salaries Band Library Printing Loss and Cost of Collecting Taxes .............. Contingent-- 1,500.00 " 500.00 "3.000.00 150.00 . 150.00 836.00 800.00 375.09 t,800.06 Sidewalks Auditing Special Salaries Wages Supplied Printing Electioir Insurance u.. Sundry Officials Bonis Parking Meters Motor Fuel Tax .. 590.00 100.00 2.000.00 |25.00 * #00.00 SOO.OO #00.00 -v too.oo 400.00 8,000.00 6,000.00 1103.336.00 nwi s. n.ii buranl-- aiices of any item or items of any Sneral appropriation made by is Ordinance may be expended in making up any insufficiency in any Items in the same general appropriation and for the same general purposes or in a like appropriation made by this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after Its passage, approval and publication, according to law. Passed this 16 day of Jftly A.D. 1951. Approved this 16 day of July AID. 196(1.' * : r~r George P. Freund --r--y-, Mayor of the City Of MtHenry Attest: {y . Earl R. Walsh, City Clerk Published: July 26. 1951. HANDICRAFT Bird Houses* Lawn Chain, Lawn Swings, Picnic Tables, Tier Benches, Flower Boxes, Wheel- ,.-.*•*•;< barrows and Sand Boxes. -. Trellis,/Pergola,' Picket Fences, Etc. Screens and Cabinets Made To Order* /V Clarence J. Smith JOHNSBURG PHONE McHENRY 583-J-1 rrBLic aid Rerfliced expenditures daring May in all the four major public assistance programs administered by the Illinois Public Aid Commission were reported. Carl K. Schmidt, Jr., commission executive secretary, disclosed that 65,- 999 persons received general assistance (relief). This represents an 11.2 per cent reduction from the previous Payments were 12,137,446, the average f«* person being 932.39. * ^ \ ^j|; *2 Leatagrad Labs / , Tt fffiy be some significanct thlt a decade ago, laboratories in Lento> grad and Moscow were building the most powerful cyclotrons in Europ*. Read the Want Ada! Constructed for either Hay or Com Silage ^ Available with either Metal or Concrete Roofs. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed. Thursday Afternoons) -- o •tES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED TISUAL TRAIMX. -- TLSl'AL REHABILITATlOl COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOmS DAILY: 9 to 13 A. M. and 1 to S P. M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:S0 P. M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 ymk cant beat A fVtVT' . Anaoar Trial S*Ve Fuss and Muss! "«r 52e „ Armour Star Cheppt^ Han 58c Armenr Stir Beef Sttw nr48e jeiuirmnt, tuxenoriet and trim iU**tret»4 art ndjM to <*««m mfO*ut mtlet* «• Yoft Couldn't Mahe a Smarter Miuy I B EFORE you make any kind of deal on a new car, remember this! One of the most important things you buy when you buy a new car is its name! Just think for a minute what the Pontiac name means: It means a car so thoroughly good it will give you years of pleasure* fc -It means performance so satisfying you will look forward to event, minute behind the wheel. . " America'* Lswest-Priced Straight Bight Lsweat-Frieed Cal* jrlth GM lydra-Matie Drive (Option*/ at txtra cott It means a car so beautiful it stands apart from everything else on the road. The name Pontiac on your car means you are buying from a dealef who takes pride in the car he sells, the service he provides and place in the community. When you can buy all those things lor the very low price of a Pontiac, what smarter buy could you make? Come on in and we'll talk deal--* you'll be surprised how easy it is to become a Pontiac owner. Chalea at Sliver Streak Esgfawi-r Straight Eight ar SfcK {phe Most Beaatlfal Thing on WKeelg Unlsteel Bod^ hy Fiaher OVERTON f CADILLAC-PONTIAC COMPANY PfONB 17 400 FRONT STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS * 9BS. Armear Star Shili Css Cams IT 37c 4 Anaear Star l . * . YflMatas • Sl36c Crises It's Digestibhl V He Wsssea 011 America's Favorite btu 76c Kosto Puddiaf For Economicef, Delicious Desserts . m. 8C Oath Dec Feed tr 16c A' Delrich " CUemarcariat i 32c Italibew Paek Saft-T Celts ^ 15c Psttr Pas Ptassl Bsttsr •1^ 35c Fla-Ver-AI4---- A Refreshing Summer Drink 3 atm. 13C Choeofats Cfrip Csokits 49c Feairs PHaeareal ft13c rsairs Spaghetti ^ 13c GRAFTON, WIS. TEL. GRAFTON 6243 You Get Greater Valves in A*P'$ 4 Stfufh Carolina Peaches Customer^ Corner During the past rear, we received more than 4,000 complimentary comments about the men and women who serve you daily in our •(ores--almost three time* as many favorable comments about our employees as there were the year before. That, of course, mpkes all of «• at A&P very liappy indeed, for It indicates that we're (living you the kind of service you want. If you have any ideas as to bow we cilu aiak* your shopping even more satisfying, our loyal em- Ployees would like to have them, lease write: -- Cstteaitr fUfetioas Dtparttatst ASF i--4 Stores 4M Lealaftea Avemw Wb 17. New Vert - Sssrflsss Crsfss...... ^.19* Ariisss CuMsvims Dssrts fkm . Hsme firowi (hniiistt . 2 «.19? Hsm Brswa Cabbags . . . » ; 4 c Psreiaa Unss 15c Bsffhg Slrswbsrriss , 32* flrsea fiiait Psas. . . .'isJS* a i Ssow Cr<f SviMsh. > V.'w' " ^ ' • •" 22* box jVWSOJV 12 of 12 Ksrr Jar Hit Red Jar Rufebtrs Itsa SwMt Psas Seltaaa Taaa Flakts •rsadsatt Rtdl Msat RHz Crasktrs ."T. 43c A&P Frait Psetla Naat't Tsaiats Jalit t Itsa Cat firtts itaat . ... Aaa Pagt Salad Drtsslag Aaa Page Sparkla Dstssvts Safar Crh|» FRESH WISCON§H JANE PARKER iMfsl Feed Caks jMa Jaat Parktr Milk Bria|M Jaat Parktr Jslly Roll".;. Vaaisli iaar Claws _ --tarty Rys Bread ^ „ Jaat Parker Saadwfth Rails • frtett effective through July 28 "••V. 4lc sis % Me "V. 37e 5\3Sc 17c •*«. 17c Frtsh Grade "A" Eggt Saaayfisld Battsr „ ^ Sauill Card Cettags Ckeasa Wiseeasla Lsafhera Cbesst llZ* \K\ \m\ S\»ves ..JU>W Fab r- For Sparkling Dishw«« tZ. 65c Sari Safe for Rno Fabrics *&•6c Swaa Sup CWans Without Wip*»9|| /• A)ai Claaaser With Foaming Action 27c ~ Breeza WHh Suds That Stay Up 2 SL 67c Swaa Seap WHfc Sypor-Creemed Hal; 3 -tr 32c