Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Aug 1951, p. 2

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i PERSONALS 1*4j- Foroftm Go T» Holy Hill Abb. » The* Lady ForeHtors^llcHenry are planning a trip to Holy Hill, Wis., on Thursday, AHg. 9. Those wishing to go are asked to call Mrs. Paul Qerasch, phone 258, as soon as possible. Hettermaaa Baby • Baptised July & "!3fFC:3 "** J'°oyy A-n n Hetterm-a nn., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jatnes Hettermann of Johnsburg. was baptized last week Wednesday, July 25, at St. John's church. Sponsors were Richard Dehn, brother of Mrs. Hettermann, and iMrs. Vera Herdrich. sister of Mr. Hettermann Thirty-Six Table* : At Church'Party, ;.,Y' ' Thirty-six tables of cards were In play at the public card party held on the lawn of St. Patrick's church last Thursday afternoon, sponsored by the Altar and Rosary sodality. Prices were awarded to each table. The committee in charge in* Ethel McGee, chairman: Anglese. Roseann Walsh, Phalin, Dorothy Gifabs. Carey. Grace (Mrs. Harold) Stilling. Grace (Mrs. George) Stilling, Ann Hughes, Florence Knox and Florence Carey. Waitresses were Kathleen Zinner. Eileen Blum, Kathleen Anglese. Monica Phalin, Carol Reinboldt, Janice Reinboldt, Judy jWalsh, Gerrie Thompson, Marilyn Watson and Karen Olson. eluded Lillian Ellen JSather Party Honored' \ " h Mary E. Wilier V. j Mary Elizabeth of honor at a party held at the home of her parents, the George Millers, on Snnday, the occasion being her nineteenth birthday anniversary. A cora and wiener roast was enjoyed, followed by the serving of an attractively decorated cake. Miss Miller w&s presented wfth a vafletjr Of' lovely gifts. In attendance were Jdr. and Mrs. Peter F. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Harry lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin and family. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Conway and son, Mr. and Mrs. J&fbes Doherty abd son, Mr. and Mrs. Clem AflamB, and children, Tony and Jeiinie Mae, Walter and Robert Miller and Miss Elaine Freuhd Ad alt «M Sends KJP1 *eet AW. 7 The AcTult Girl Satat organization will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 7, at 1:30 o'clock in the Legion Home. Mai*ge Schafer and Collette Justen will be in charge. ,Visited Sisters At t'ampbellspoif • . ' Mr. and Mrs, Ja.P., IVeund visited her sisters', Sisters fldefons, Arcadia and Jeremia, at St. Joseph's convent at Campbellsport, Wis., last week. Sister Jeremia has been visiting here from Osmond, Nebr. They were joined for a family gathering by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tonyan and daughter, Marie ThereBe, Mr. pnd Mrs. Elmer Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Freund. Margie and trvin Freund of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frett of Woodstock and the Delphine Freunds of Wauconda. P.T.A. Plans Style Rev olft St. Mar^'s-St. P.T.A. members Patrick'sachool are progressing Latheran Ire Cream Social , The Lutheran Badles Aid !s sponsoring an ice dream social Friday evening, Ang. 3, beginning at 7 o'clock at the Fred Bienapfl residence on south Green street. There will be homemade pies and cakes served with the ice cream and the surplus will be sold. Everyone who has ever attended one of these socials will be sure to mark Aug. 3 on their calendar as a "must" for the ladies' culinary art has gained them a fine reputation. Claimowity Club .!• Xeet Aug. fe The hext meeting of J.he Johnsburg Community ilub wjll be held Monday evening, Aug. 6, at the school hall. B^Uy Wilson of Los Angeles, Oaflf., spent a ^few days this past week with liar mother, Fred Miller. , «, Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson, daughter. Marguerite, and son, Frank, have been erfjoytng a va* cation r trip to Lake Versatility, Minn. Mrs. Mary MeCabe of Chicago v i s i t e d M c H e n r y f r i e n d s l a s t week and attended the funeral of Edmund Fleming. Miss Helen Wfelch of Woodstock called on McHenry relatives one day last ^reek. Mrs. Kathryn Conway, Mrs. John Bolger and Miss Nellie Doherty ar& attending summer school at the National College of Education in Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. John Doherty are enjoying a trip to Florida, n Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Justen and son, Ronnie, Miss Dorothy Justen and Miss Jacqueline Justen have been enjoyfng a trip through the West. Chuck Johnson, Craig Baldwin, Tom Huemann and John J. Bolger returned last week from a fourday trip into Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johannsen of Ossining, N. Y., spent a , few days the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson. Patty Marshall, Diane Tonyan and Joan Wegener attended Girl Scout camp at Pottawatomie Hills. Troy .Center, 7Wis., last week. Mrs...William Spencer spent a day. last week In Chicago. Mrs. Anna Barron of Milwaukee. Wis., a former teacher in the local schools, spent a few days last week visiting Mrs. Eleanor Foley. Mrs. Ada Smith and daughter, Villa, «of Elgin visited last week in the Robert Thompson home. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Conway and son, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence and Miss Lucy Howden spent last week at Waupaca, Wis. Mrs. Nettie Weber and Mrs. Earl Conway and children, Barbara and Cathy, spent a day this week in Skokie, where they visited Mrs. Weber's sister, ^Mrs. Alida Mead. They helped JUrs. Mead observe her eighty-third birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bugner and daughter, Mary Jo, of Fostorio, Ohio, are vacationing with friends and relatives in McHenry. They came to attend the wedding of Gerald Freurfd. Miss Gertrude Sutton of Chicago has been spending two weeks at the R, E. Sutton cottage at Emerald Park. Her guests have been Afr. and Mrs. Robert Belzer and daughter, Christine, of Mount Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. James Donavin and son, James, Jr., of Chicago Mrs. J. Albert Woll of Wash- 8Pf°! Sund^ at the R K Sutton ington, D. C., 1b recovering from ^r|c' ^ ° _a surgery which she underwent at with plans for their annual style revue, which will be held again this year at the Villa Hotel Resort at Pistakee Bay. The,date is Thursday, Aug. 23, at 1:30 o'clock, with a dessert luncheon to precede the appearance of the models. Tickets for one dollar may be purchased in advance from Mrs. Betty Nielsen, who is in charge of the style show, from the general chairmen, Mrs. Edward Frett and Mrs. Arthur Tonyan, or Mrs. Alfred Freund. The revue will include casual and dress attire which modern ladies of all ages will be wearing next fall and winter. Guest this year will be Eugenia Glaeser, popular song stylist, who will be featured in songs lit several languages. Gathering For Sister Mary St. Hilda, BVM The Morris Powell home In Elgin was the scene of a gathering of relatives and fjiends last week, honoring Mrs. Powell's aunt. Sister Mary St. Hilda, BVM. of San Francisco, Calif. She had been yisiting relatives in McHenry and Elgin, as well as spending a few days with her sister, Sister Mary Celine, in Dubuque, la. Guests inpluded the Robert Conway family of McHenry, as well as other relatives from Detroit. Mich., Janesville, Wis., Elburn and $lgin. aotatfg: AMONG TEW SICK (OOO SZAREK-MAJtBH VOWS EXCHANGED AT ST, JOHN'S CHURCH j COMING EVENTS Jflinc Johns Hopkins hospital, Baltimore, Md„ ten days ago. Steve Danko has been a medical patient in jthe Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Perry Walker (Doris Jean Freund) underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital | last week Wednesday night. J Mrs. Ben Justen \atr been a medical patient in the Woodstock hospital. / Frank Masquelet has been a medical patient in the Woodstock hospital this week. E. L. Marsh of Lily Lake underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital this week. Sunday visitor was Robert Sutton, who has beeit teaching music this summer at 3t. Ambrose college in Davenport, IoWa. John the;, Baptist chutch, nsburg, Was the aceae of a lovely wed&fng last Saturday, July $8, when Miss Marcella Szarek, daughter of Afr. and Mrs. James Szarek of Johnsburg, b<s came the bride of Pfd. Ricbatd Marsh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marsh of" Lily Lata- Rev. Fr. Joseph Blitsch officiated at the service. Given in ftiarriiMge by her father, the pretty, blonde bride approached the altar attired in a white gown of nylon, Chantllly lace and satin. She wore a fingertip veil held in place- by a crown of seed pearls and lace, and carried a bridal bouquet of white roses, orchids and liliea at the Valley. Her matron of honor was Gertrude Bochnik of Chicago, ai* aunt, who wore a gown of chartreuse net, with matching picture hat, and carried yellow carna tlonn. The fhree bridesmaids were Miss Adeline Qolbeck of Lilly Lfcike and Miss Ella O'Neill of Won#er Lake, friends of the bride, and Rae Ann Christensen of Chicago, a cousin of the groom. All wore g o w n s s t y l e d s i m i l a r l y , w i t h matching picture hats. Miss Goibeck was in yellow and carrj chartreuse carnations, Miss Neill in blue, with pink carna tions, and Miss' Christensen in pink, with blue carnations. Gregory Cairns of McHenry was best man and groomsmen were Eugene Wagner and Richard WI1- helm, friends, and Ralph Krupa of Chicago, a cousin of the bride. The charming little flower girl was Sandra Mrozinski of Chicago, cousin of the bride, who wore a chartreuse dress and carried a colonial bouquet made up of/ yellow flowers. Breakfast was served to the bridal party at the 8xarek home following the service arid at 5 o'clock that evening 175 guests gathered for a' fttll course, dBaher and reception at The Bridge near McHenry. t Following a short trip, the couple will start for California, where he will be stationed with the Army as a communications instructor. The couple will reside near the Army bas^, ' The former Miss Ssarek graduated from the local high school in 1950 and has been employed in the office of the R. C. Alldn Business Machines, Inc., in Wood* stock. The bridegroom, befor entering service, . was employe* by the telephone company. ENROUTE TO Eri01»E Mrs. zion F. Bajter writes from aboard the Osiofjord, enroute to Europe, that she was happy to receive so many wonderful letters and gifts from old McHenry friends. She is traveling with heij daughter and sqn-in-Jaw and exj pects to spend quite a length of time in Europe. 'A'i#aiS 2 - C.D. of A. flciflc--1 P.M. Pot- Luck Lu^)h--Vf.W. Clubhouse. . Awatt 3 Ice Cream Social--Fred Bienapfl Home, Green Street--Sponsor 'ed By Lutheran Ladles Aid: August 4 Marine Day Coronation Ball-- ' l e g i o n ' H o m e . • < . -- P ' Marine Day. ^ ** # A»f«st • v, Johnsburg Community Club Meeting V;, McHenry Choral Club ' ' AmraMt 7 Adult Girl Scout Organization Meeting--1:30 Home - v" August 7 .iMaatlAK CIO.?:, No. Aagustft *"•" H u l l a - B a - L o o D a y -- M c H e n r y Country Club. . Aagust •-12 : V.F.W. Carnival--City Paift x« AogBRt 12 Forester Fftmily "Picnic--V1F.W Clubhouse. August 17 Flower and Garden 3how -- McHenry Equipment Show Room -- Sponsored by Woman's Clftb. Aa^kst 18 Joint Installation Of Officers, American Legion And Auxiliary-- 8 P.M.--Legion Home. AofUst 28 Fashion Show By Betty Nielsen --Villa Hotel Resort--Benefit Of St. Mary's-St. Patrick'* Mhool P.T.A.--1:30 P.M. Aagiat 26*2t St. John's Church Carnival, Johnsburg. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Gray are the patents of a son, born Friday. Jitly 27, fit the Woodstock hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nimsgfern are the parents of a daughter, born pt .the Woodstock hospital July 29. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Koehn are the parents oi a daughter, born at the Woodstock hospita July 27. » • > i rapmpToox MB. AS pmoe ON SATURDAY prlE^r wedding w^i solemn »M at St. >laryv chni^i, Dea- Plklnea, on Saturday, July 28, at 9 O'clock, at which |imer Miss Lenora WeUner of t)Mt clt^ bepame the brii|a of Mr. Gerald freund, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Freund of Spring Grove. Rev. Fr. Maginot officiated at the dotible ring Service. The. bride approached the altar : bn the arm of her father^' charming in a gown of white organdy, with train, her veil held by a braided cap trimmed with pearls. Sh* carried white carnations centered with White gardenias. Miss Anita Weidner, sister of ^he bride, was maid of honor, attired in a yelfbw oi^ahdy dress; trimmed in lace, and a yellow Iheadpiece. Her bouquet consisted lot orchid glad£. The bridesmaids Were' her cousin, Mary Ann Raupp, and Patricia Flgler; a friend. Both wofe ofchid-colored Eresses and matching headpieces nd carried yellow glads. All ad rninestone necklaces, gifts of the bride. ' " Vernon Freund, »t M e ; brideigroom's brother, served M best man, with Norman, the bride's brother, and Roland JBauer, a friend, as groomsmen. Ushers were John Diedrich and Joseph Simon. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs, Weidner chosfe an aqua-colored dress, white accessories and a white carnation corsage. Mrs. Freund wore a grey print dress, white accessories and a similar corsage. » Breakfast was served at the bride's home for tthe bridal party and members of the immediate families following the ceremony. Later, they enjoyed dinner at the Elcino cafe in DesPlaines.' At 6 o'clock in ^he evening, 250 guests gathered at the V.F.W. hall In McHenry for a reception, after which the Couple left oh a wedding trip to Yellowstone Park. Upon their return they will reside in the Cotintry Club subdivision. The bride has been employed for* the F.B.I, in Chicago. The bridegroom is an employee of Vycltai's Hardware store. The new Mrs. Freund is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clemens Weidner of: DesPlaines. Dr. Harvey Seifert, professor -of philosophy of religion at the University of Southern California, will be a guest at the^ Community Methodist church next Sunday, Ten years0 ago he was elected to the top position nationally among Methodist youth. Since then he lias Enjoyed a distinguished career, college teaching and writing. This summer he is visiting professor at Garrett Biblical Institute, the seminary of Northwestern University. His sermon topic Sunday will be "Handling Modern Hysteria." A motion to quask the indictment against Milton Christoffersen, who is faeing a jMWrder charge in circuit court, wfcft filed this week by his attorneys. Whether the case goea to trail, or the time of trial, depends on the outcom^ of the motion. Christofferseu charged with the shooting" Anthopy Joyce of Algonquin. --- . V.--t Six Months Sentence For RohU On Homicide Charge Stanley Robis, 44, a resident of> the Spring Grpve area, was sentenced to six months in the county jail at Waukegan on a charge of homicide by Judge Bernard Decker in Lake county court last Friday, The sentence f was made after overruling a motion for probation.' • v Rdbis was alrreated Dee. 13, i960, after his car killed Mrs. Delia Duckwitz, 74, in Antioch. He was said to have failed to stop but was arrested two hours later in his home. / in vacuum •d tins! CMOCOlAtt NYE DRUG STORE Walgreen Agency PHOKE fes 129 N lUiwiMe Or. SAFETY mui BANK IMC SUMMARIES IN THlUNmDSTATCS m % safe deposit box ot thjs bank ts gn kn^ portant safeguard against losses from theft or fire. see how easily you can rent a box . *. see hiow many valuables a /box will hold... see how tow the cost. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Cdrf* Member Federal Reserve System . Interest Paid On Savings Deposits BARN DANCE .NIGHT. AUGUST AT THE < CANTEEN BY THE LAKE FRITZSCHIES ESTATE Talte Rout# 120 to Lllymoor and turn at ftrhofl^lranslr afe<n]t 3/« mile and taril at the sign of Frit/chesvtstateH. ' SCQITTS TO CAMP , Girl Scouts who plan to attend camp in August are asked to secure their physical examination papers from Mrs. A. J. Wlrtz, 204 Maple avenue. HELP WANTED MEN ud . WOMEN The typewriter division of R XI. Allen Business Machines* Inc. ^offers an excellent opportunity for men to become typewriter mechanics. Clean abH inlaraatina nroika ATT ^ 4 .. Also positions open lor men and women on and machine operators* APPI-YINPERSQN COMMUHTY HEIHOWST CHUftCH MAIN and CENTER STJIEEtS ? ^ v-'rrj v^- •• +*> {>-***• ..•w. ... / nM mi-' t JL C AHes Business Machines, Inc. '• . v • • , f ' '• /-..-V 1. WOODSTOCK, nxmoiff - SERVICES: SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 9:30 A. M. , i CI.ASSES COR AIX ASfcK) ' ' : |(okNING WORSHIP -- 10t45 A. M. (M KSF.KV PROVIDED DURING CHl'BCH) SERMON: "BANDUNG MODERN HYSTERIA ALL VISITORS WELCOMS SUMMER SALE 812 Elm Street Phoae 74d LILYMOOR SPONSORED BY BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION GAME RAND 7.5 HJ>. FIRESTONE MOTOt 14 ft STARCRAFT BOAT

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