Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Aug 1951, p. 7

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' ' ' " ' -it;***-.'? ; Angusft 2, 1951 srtSeK 1^-1 T U-ai^h : Y,:Mi1s.». iflBBtfNHi TBS ••' r '•' •MW* «? . »«i"|iJ|ff" »»# ' «|'a 11 i)j iTTjj TBWB81HP TREAWlMrS Wf* FINANCIAL REPORT FOR PUBLICATION •' Tawashlp 45, Baage 8 East, •;V'$L MeHeVry Caaaty, IlllaoR Tor Ihf yrir cadlaic Jaae 80, 1151. -# •' . V C. R. PAGE, • s TewitShip Trfasorer. i Aanaal Financial Statement of the Township Treasarer far "t Pablleatioa . towanhlp 46, Raage 8 East, Mr- ,tM Henry Caaaty, Illiaels. •from July 1, 1950, to Jnae SO, ItSl : S DISTRICT ACCOUNT / DISTRICT NO. IK BULBING FUN#, '% Beeelpts .." i..Balance July 1st. 1950 $ 57.557.23 district Taxation 15,262.04 4«cd£. Total Receipts $ 72,819.27 , : Net Receipts $ 72,819.27 bbfcationAl FOD Receipts ^Balance July 1st, 1950 $ 4,459.52 Distribution of Trustees^ 569.75 ; Plstrlct Taxation '• 8,875.60 Total Receipts 1-3.884.87 ,.^et Receipts 14,^4.87 BUILDING FO|f-:' Expeaditares • ^ ;'.Vinsurance . ^-HRepairs • an£ Replace- , ments f Interest on Bonds r Total Operating Bx- '? . pense / Bonds Retired '..j ' llew Grounds, BuildiAga _ and Alterations (Sfot ® Repairs) New Equipment' (.Not Replacement) Cash on Hai.d Jun#VS(* 1951 L^.- »• x *30.79 . 80.07 10,232.76 10,843.62 8.000.00 40,740.03 ' / 8,113.4f>j 7,122.17 ' TOTAL. • $ 72,819.27 EDUCATION AL FUIB Expend Itares Boards, Business Offices and Compulsory Att. * Services Legal and Accounting Services Administrators, Supervisors and Teachers Salaries (Less Deductions) .! Text Books Stationery, SwppI ~ etc 119.51 -I'm-** 5J0128 SS.15 Janitors and Engineers v ^ Salaries (Less De- ® ductions) Fuel Water, Light and Power J a n i t o r s ' S u p p l i e s , - Freight Express and V Drayage Iasurance '•••*••* ! Other Expenditures * J • Repairs and Replaeements Interest on Testers' to . Orders .. Total Operating 46.65 2.695.69 2.125.88 215.12 788 41 175.46 1,357.49 4f>.75 84.61 Ex- (Not «; pense ..... t mw.22 Hew Equipment Replacements) .54 Cash on H»ed 1 0 5 1 . .........$ 62.99 moo BBTBtCT 50. II iPHDWfi FUND Receipts Balance July 1st, 1950 $100,603.72 District Taxation 21,832.40 Sale or Rent of School Property /. All Other Sources (Include Tuition Paid Privately Received From Other Township Treasurers 412.68 Total Receipts $225,768.80 Net Receipts r $225,768.80 EDUCATIONAL FtXD Receipts Balance July 1st. 1950 $ 26,259.71 7.215.54 90,138.04 Distribution of Trustees District Taxation All Other Sources (Including Tuition Paid „. Privately and Transportation ) tfrifM Received From Other Township Treasurers 2,215.88 Total Receipts $133,126.23 Net Receipts $133,126.23 BUILDING FUND Expendltares r - = Insurance $ Repairs and Replace- . .-ments • interest on Bonds Total Operating Ex- •" pense ... ...... $ New Grounds. Buildings and Alterations (Not Repairs 166.47S.48 New Equipment (Not Replacement) : 10,073.00 Cash on Hand Junfe 80, 1951 ........ $ 38,982.89 Fael Water, Light ft Powar ianitors' S u p p I i e a Freight. Express and Drayage Insurance ....i Transportation of Pupils To and From School IM.880.00 Health Other Expenditures Repairs and ^Replacements ,,v Toul Operating Expense ryVTlt New Ekiuipmedt (Not Replacements) Cash ton Hand J 1951 4,799.72 I.10411 June », 504.56 848.60 14.3S2.S0 1,902.71 1,040.45 528.00 f 95,927.74 1.0S8.92 36,139.57 TOTAL $133,126.23 i DISTRICT HO. S4 BUILDING FUND Receipts Balance! July 1st. 1950 $ ° 2.082.60 District Taxation ^ 1.703.33 Total Receipts Net Receipts $• 3:785.93 f 3,78593 .1.960.55 7.967.00 10J37.^ I^UCATIONAX, FUND Receipt! Balance July lBt, 1950 $ Distribution of Trustees District Taxation ' All Other 'Sources (Including Tuition Paid Privately and Transportation) Total Receipts L. $ Net Receipts $ TOTAL $225,768.80 EDUCATIONAL * FUND Expenditures Boards. Business Offices and Compulsory Att. Services $ Legal and Accounting Services «... Administrators. Supervisors and Teachers Salaries (Less Da-; ductions) Text Books Stationery, etc Libraries :. Janitors and Engineers Salaries (Less D*«-' ductions) Suppliant 96174 m.58 <2,718.49 260.12 1,949.25 m. n 4,192.14 919 62 860.S7 i.609t.4;. 4.00 6,39294 6.393.94 IF IT'S WORTH DOING It's Worth Doing Right m Thoro is No Substitute For Good Plastering. Phone McHenry 411-R TOTAL $ 13,884.87 . . Sterling Window Shade and Venetian Blind Co. M40 W. Dtvulon St. COlumba 1-8743 Have yOur windows dressed in Kar-O'lier removable slot Venetian Blinds. Dupont's washable Tontine Shades and Kirsch Draw Rods. Plate Glass and Dresser and Table Tops. (Polished and Beveled) "" "^Tfertimales Cheerlully Gftwt. I* CALL FRIDAY EVENING Saturdays and Sundays call McHenry 651-M-l S TMECMVII _ ' fir International Hwla' Gtf ywrlnf8mationa/s muty forjhslonghaul I Com* In and get the 99-pbint truck pheckap that*s yours for the asking. If 8 the first big step you can take to head off the headaches of an uncertain future. It's protection against major truck I breakdowns that can knock out your vital operations. And there's no charge, no obligation! The sooner you take advantage of our Thick Saver Inspection, the quick*? you'll see why youll be way ahead to put our comp/efe Thick Savec Plan to work; for you. Coma in now--gat all tho facts ^ Our Thick Saver Plan is open to every International Thick owner. If you're one, you've got a good truck... so keep it that way! Call or come in for an appointment -for your free Thick Saver Inspection-- now, learn how our complete Thick Saver Plan can keep your trucks rolling at peak efficiency. --- MCHENRY EQUIPMENT COMPANY MCHENRY, ILLINOIS iNTEniiafioiiai TRUCKS? i BniNKs mn Expea41tax«s Insurance ..." $ x ~msi Repairs atid Replace-. \ ments H2l61 Toul Operating Ez- ' \ pense f New Equipment (Not. - ' Replacement) . 139.01 Cash on Hand Jane 80, 1951 $ 2,588.W> TOTAL f 3,785.18 EDITATIOXAL FrXD Expeaditares Boards Business Offices and Compulsory Att. , Services .•mir Legal and Accounting Services : Administrators. Supervisors and Teachers Salaries (Less D#-.. ^ ductions) ........ -v.^ 5.947.S& Text Books 88.62 Stationery. SoppHe#;' ' etc 11.15 Libraries Fuel Water, Light ft Powir Janitors' S u p p 1 i e si,- Freight, Express aaK^ Drayage ^ Repairs and Replace*? ments Interest on Teachers' * Orders Total Operating B*- v pense $ ' 7 Cash on Hand Jane 30, l»al | 20.00 587.43 64.56 163.60 lets 10.64 ,02^.35 631.41 " TOTAL % 6, DISTRICT SO. S6 Bl'iLDrXG FrXD Receipts Balance July 1st, 1950 $ 17, District Taxation .......... 5, ' Total Receipts .........|. 2 2, : Net Receipts ......... f "22 EDUCATIONAL FUX® Receipts Rnlanee July 1st. 1950 $ R Distribution of Trustees f! 393.94 11123 704.98 818.21 .818.21 06S.59 2M.33 24 H6ui^~ Towing Servic%5(;;,' N _ * _ V We Do Compkte Motor Overhauling. ' 309 W. Elm Street v' McHenry, !H Phone 811 Residence 91-R IT'S SUMMER Do^t be raRght on the read with aa overheated ear. Let as cheek yoar car far hot weather driving:. BUTCH'S % m96J17 / District Taxation All Other Soarces (Ia^ chiding Tuition raid porution) 1,407.34 Privately and Trans* Total Receipts 9 t6.020.33 ---Net Receipts $ 26,020.33 BriLDIXG pnfD Expeaditaraa Salaries, Janitors ant . . - Engineers (Less Deductions) f Insurance ^.U...„9r.v.T..r. Repairs iKild iC^ptacaments Interest on Bonds Total Operating Es~ pense^ ^ $; Bonds Retired New Grounds, Buildings and Alterations (Not Repairs) .... 161.37 712.168 669.96 3.327.64 4.871.65 1,500.00 New Equipment (Not--- Replacement) Jt | €ash on Hand June 3it ' 1951 $ " 257.98 196.08 TOTAL \ f 22,818.21 EDr( ATioXAi^ Frxir--5 Fxpeaditarea * Boards, Business Offices; . _ and Compulsory Att; Services $ Legal and Accounting Services r Administrators, Super-. ** visors and Teachers Salaries (Less Deductions) „...* Text Books Stationery, Supplies, etc » -s„ Janitors and Engineer# " Salaries (Less D«h>< ' ductions) 264.55 < y 16,261.94 ... 207.35 ; $24.61 DR. JOHN T. GRAY OPTOMETBIST $32 Main Street r McHenry* ifi* , EYES EXAMINED sad GLASSES FITTED, lipase Calls by Appointment. -- Qairk Repair Serrlefe f". HOL'£& DAILY: . #:00 A. *. -- 12:00 X«aa ' 1:00 P. M. --6:80 P. M. - Thes. aa<I Fri. Eves: 6:30 P. M. -- 9:06 F. M. Tharsdajr by Appointment Oaly PHONE McHENRY 186 v 'II ao answer phone McHenry Sag-RA , ireadeatt 1 V MnM Beat HaA BnaM Chili Cai Carat '^34c Brea^aett 9«tta4 Maaf >ar n« :,-J Breadaast Yiaaia Saataft 2U Ml-llfat V«1c SvHI hMit Batter :^34€ Mazaia SaM 0U &76c Kra-Mal Piddiac afca. Jiffy Pie Brest Mix U t i H Niagara Laiadry Starah ^ via. 41C Spry Al Vegetable Shortaning r u e Gcrbar's Strain»4 Baby F§§4 lie <*-« Ur Kitebea Klaazar Makes Cleaning Easf CM 10C ~ Babe ClaaiMr No Hard Scrubbing 2 mm 27c Wterfbttry r? I'Sir 326 Wee^baiy Seap riic A Great American Favorite!.. Mel-0-Bit American! Ciisloiiiers^ Comer In our daily relation* with oar customers we stri>r always to be honest, fair and oincerr. Here are Mime of th< things tbeae words mean to us. ll<mr*tY--correct weight correct {n ice. I'airnrs*--satisfaction puar> . antrrd or your money w ill be cheerfully refunded. Sincerity--no extravacant claims or misleading advertising. II vou ever feel that we have failed you in any of the«e ways, please-let us know. Please write: Customer Relations Dept. AaP Food Store* 420 Lexington Avenue New York 17, N. Y. Wisconsin Swiss Chess* . . k B8C Wisesssis Brick Chssss '. . b.49* MM CkeMar Cheese Wlietail* a lb. W jhspsrist Swiss Srajsra | 'Z 31* •Ye tMs Tsvets Ch«*M SfWi#:'#"'! (A Swefce^ ProYolone Cheese . ^ 88* Jane Parker Bakery Aagel Food Risg 49* Jsss Parker Cinnames Leaf 27« Marvel Samlwicli Bread . . "S5 IS* Yeast Raised Don iris JimMtr a Am, 39* JUICY, SWEET, SOUTH CAROLINA PEACHES: % >435 3 LBS. 29e CALIFORNIA Pears aV Nome Grown Gabbago SEEOLESS firapas Michisas Cscmbcrs 2 «« 19c Valencia Oranges. . 5 k 63c Frozen Fooils Parsias Lime$41.i*. . . Boffing Strawberries 32* California Lemons . . . vfr Ssakist Lemonade . . 2 29* OalHornia Lattice. . 15c Snow Crop Peas "k°* 23c California Pascal Celery. ,rtl9« Siitcrw Crop Orange Juice 6 U°* 22c ALL PURE BRAND EVAPORATED MILK . LOWEST PRICE IN YEARS Buy Two Cans a a a $et One Free 3 t^t mm TINS £3 Crent Crunch Grahams ^ 2Sc Ziea Of Ban ^'.K: 20c Brae SaaMcb CaakiH 21c Sawyer's Butter Caakiet ......„....'X 2Sc Fiavar-kist Saltines 4 b t 1.30c Matter's Pretzels Daily Dei Fee* w- N<b KibMei Dec Feod ^ Pass va Beets Cat.Feed Spratfs Dec Biscuits 33c •P ^ 200 ..........^.tia 14C .SZ19C Pshmiive Soap . . 3^"32* Brass 6iasi Peas. « . 19c Palnwlive Soap . . , ,11* • HMO Cbatalas S^tsae • '« # 2 66* eOLD DUST 0 Washing Powder . . . ^.24* All prices effective through August 4th Silver Has! . 2 & K* jjw*,«MW>t!.S8 Water, Light A Power /'» T .460.88 J a n i t o r s ' S a p p l i e s , f : Fra%ht; lUpresa aaJr, & Vr&iii ? • 853.59 Insurant* -- t -^.^47^1 Transportation of Ptfpila: To and From School Health Other Expenditures .. Repairs \3ksd Replace* ments Total Operating Ex-. 'I Vl pense 8,040 27 6*. 1« ^ 427.66 31.30 f 24.654,37 (ContlaiMd oaf page eigDt) W< 111 i i •: 14-n i tjiiiijin- BS. C. B. SWA5S0H ? Deatlst i;. 180 S. Green Street Off lee Hoars ' i Batty Except Thsrsdejr • t« IS -- 1:30 to &:«> I*Bq Wei aad Fri. ETeniaga 7 tn 9 Telepheae M•Henry Ite I f ll 1II M I HI It »l 11 Mill L s., imx : 1 ^ Cklraprraaeettio f ,' • **ev -.;! ISO S. firws SU MeHeni|r Offlee Hoar* ti Dallj except Thnrsday ' . • ta 12-- 1:80 ta fi Maa^ Wed. aad Fri. Evert* 7 ta » ' . . Call MeHeary 8Sa>B ^ Far Appotita«it -1 i ' •t i l l I i t -w-:::: 1111 in» » •erxox lnrox Attoraejr-at*law Car. Grata aad Elm Sts* KeHeary Taesdaj and Friday Afteraaaaa Other Dajs By Appolataieat Phoae MeHeary 43 STTEBEIT Attorney at Law**, „ ->v« - •04 Centef Street w ' Phffae McHenrr 2«8 MMccHHEE>N RY, ILLINOIS I f l i t WILLIAM M. CARROLL, 9^ Attorney-at-Law ^ 110' 2 Benton St. . Pfcaae Woadstaek 1SS4 Waodstoek, Illiaois ^ \4 i-m nnn k i h h i i i n u JOSEPH X. WATKXE Attaraey-at-Law MO Waakegaa Road (RFD Bss) Phoae MeHeary 49S-W WEST McHENRT, ILL. i m i i i n i i m M i m i i M i Phase JahaibarK iM.X;l FIA>K S. MAT T Traeklat Saai, Black Dirt, Crashed GianL Limestone, Exeavatiaar' Cemeat. G ravel aad fill Rt. 1, MeHeary. Hltaela . H I It 11 m rKf Saad -- «RK TMKKM Traektaf Grarfi Jhraek far Hire TeL MeHeary 488-R-f w I8S>W4 Box 173, Rt. 1, MeHeary f m i n n m i M i i m i t i e A. P. FREl'XD sairs v Exeavatiaf Caatraetars Traeklajr. Hydraalle , aad Craae Serrlee -- ROAD Bl'ILDEfG TeL S04-M heHeary, *• I\SrRA\CE EARL R. WALSH Fire, A at©, Farm Jk Life Iasai Keprewatla(t RELIABLE COMPANIES Whea Toa Need ln«aiuce|| , : Aay Kiad Phoae 43 or lift-M ' Green A Eba MeHeary i i i i i i i i H i i i n m ; i m » STOFFEL a REIH1>SPERGER Iasaraaee ageats far all classes af property la the hest etapaMha West MeHeary, Illlaais Telephaae Xo. see S07 Mala St. MeHeary, IB. n n i n n M i i n n m n i t SCnROEDER IRO> WORKS Oraaaieatal a Stractaral Steel Tlslt Oar Shewrooms ' 8 Miles Saath aa Bt Sl| Phoae S17.M.1 > ' I ' ' " W4* iiiiHimniiiniit B I N 6 * 8 PLrMBlSG A3fD HEATI.TG BOB FBISBT. JR. Qaaltty Ftxtares - Radiaat Its^ fag - Water Systems - Gas aad Eleefrlc Water Heaters - .Water Softeners - Repairs - Free Est! matee. PHONE McHENRT S8S-V IHimil H4W i »I > 111 *•> AL*S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 601 Main SU McHenry Electric Portable IVeMiijt Acetylene Weldiav and CattR^ ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 6li-W.l «*r 4*4 McHENRT, ILL. • HI > > H» I > t >•» 11 I I I ice Highest CASH PRICES paid thr Dead aad Crippled Horses Cattli aad Hafs--Sanitary Power Load- Injr--TaWkaea aad Meat Scraps for sale. Fheaee Arlimrtea Hetarhta lie ar McHearr 814. Reverse Charges. Palathie Beadertaf Sscv ice. ei 111 it i •II' i|^i i^i jj HIIM* -- WANTED TO BUY -- CALL AT ONCE OX DEAB HOt.S. HORSES AND CATTLB We pay phaae ehargaa We pay tS ta ea& far OM iVM lass te-lMi karats aad aeMh MATTBBINC Jahashavy * Phaae J •Hi * ,s-Aii

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