Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Aug 1951, p. 9

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PC'A * v' ri *WW?F$kT Thursday, August 9. VV .; -4ME McHENRY PLAINDEALEH - • > #" " '• ,'< .< Y y ... ,*SI:,S Mrs. Qwrn Shepard) Mra.|L SL Whiting entertained the woman's five-hundred club at ller home in Richmond, Wednesthe women's five-hundred rlub at toy. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Oscar Berg. The banco club was entertained la the home of Mrs. Oscar Berg Thursday afternoon. Prizes were «jrarded to Mrs. Thomas Doherty, re. Georgia Thomas and Mrs. Nick B. Freund. v" Mr. and Mrs. Hagerty, publish- - efrs of the Richmond Gazette and several other newspapers, entertaned their reporters at a luncheon and meeting at the Fox Lake Country club Friday. Mrs. George Shepard was reporter from Ringwood. .yt»}The employees and their famiweft of the Edwal Labratories enjoyed a picnic ai Fontana Satur- . Mr. and Mrs. "Walter Low entertained their card club Saturday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Paul Walkington and Daniels Raw son, high, and Mrs. TBwiels Rawson and Paul Walkington, low. Mrs. Doris Thomas, Mrs. Har- Fernstrom and Mrs. Doris Low entertained at a stork shower for Mrs. Marjorie Fernstrom at the home of Airs. Low Sunday | afternoon. Mrs. Duke Reed and | children of Riverside and Nancy Ellen ThomaB of Hinsdale remained for a few days visit in the Low home. The W.S.C.S. will -meet at the home of Mrs. Louis Hawley ^Thursday, Aug. 16. • Mr. and Mrs. dLco Newlin of Hutsonville are visiting her sister, Mrs. Agnes Jencks. ' Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter, Georgia Mary, of Sycamore spent the weekend in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper of * Chicago . spent Sunday with her fetter, S. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Berg retfitarned home Friday from their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman and family have returned to their home in Evanston after spending two weeks here. • % Miss Alice Paul and Miss Mary Lee Bell of Doland, S. Dak., Wm. Claxton and "John Dreymiller of McHenry spent Monday evening in the George Shepard home, i Mr. and Mrs., G. Izard of Crys- '4E&1 Lake spent Monday evening in th* Wm. Pagni home. .Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brever of Burlington spent Sunday evening as guests of Miss Lona Brever. Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Yardley and family of Woodstock spent Thursday evening in the Fred Bowman home. Miss Lona Brever spent "Wed- Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Berg are spending their vacation at Crivit, Wis., and Menomonee, Mich. James Gtauser spent a few days the past week at the Wisconsin Dells. Miss Violet Webster and Mrs. Edith McCannon of Woodstock spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Wm. McCannon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Collins of Arlington Heights were callers at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mabel Collins, Wednesday evening. Miss Lona Brever visited her neice Betty Brever at Burlington Thursday. Mr. and. Mrs. Don Smart and sons, Bob and Bill, of Waukegan were visitors in the Fred Wiedrich. Jr.. home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley of Fox River Grove spent Sunday with her father, S. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington spent Sunday with relatives in Elgin. They were accompanied home by her aunt* Mrs. C. G. Huson, who. will spend a month here. ' '• , Mr. and Mrs.- G«orgfe Shepard, with a group of relatives, enjoyed a picnic at Fontana Sunday. Mrs. Jennie Dillon of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cobe of Richmond were callers in the Ben Walkington home Saturday evening. & Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Benoy of Elkhorn spent Sunday With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler. Mr< and Mrs. John Hogan and family attended the stock car races at Harvard Friday evening. Mrs. Emily Beatty and Mrs. Viola Low, with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen of Richmond, spent Sunday in the Wilmer Montanye home at Huntley and got acquainted with their new little twin daughters. Robert Low, with a group of friends, attended the ball game in Chicago at Wright Field one day last week. Mrs. Fred Bowman and daughter, Nancy, Mrs. Dick Malch and Edward Skidmore were visitors at. Woodstock Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ackerman and family of Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wagner and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan and family and Marvin Ackerman visited the zoo at Milwaukee and. enjoyed a picnic dinner Sunday. Mrs. Kenneth Crlsty and MrS. Nelson Cristy were visitors at Elgin Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrison and Jackie Skidmore of Chicago were visitors at the John Skidmore home over the weekend. Miss Mary Hogan spent from Monday until Friday at the F.H.A. camp at Bloomington, where she represented the McHenry high school chapter. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oonk enjoyed an anniversary supper at Lake View Inn at Wonder Lake Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs* ^ Jack Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore and family were visitors at the John Ehlert home in Wilmot Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hanson and Oscar Sundgren of Chicago spent the weekend in the Carl Franson home. \ Mrs. Martha Bowman' of Chicago spent the Weekend at the home1 of her son. iFred Bowman, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pagni of Chicago spent Sunday in, the Wm. Pagni,home. YY'Y, Mr. and Mrs. Wat; Halite of Chicago spent the Weekend in the George Shepard honv. Mrs. Martha Bowman is entertaining Mrs. Van Every of Richmond and Mrs. Tony Slacks of Twin Lakes for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Powers and son. Glen, of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon in the Fred Bowman home. Mrs. Charles Brennan and Miss Marian Hawley drove to Midway airpirt Monday and met Mr. and Mrs. John Freberg and son, Bobby, of Los Angeles, who will visit in the Brennan and Dr. Hepburn homes. Mrs. Freberg is a daughter of Mrs. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Collins of Belolt were callers at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mabel Collins, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson left Tuesday for a trip through the southern part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Eliner Schaefer and family spent Sunday evening in the Clarence Adams home. Paul Stephenson left Monday morning for Texas after spending a few weeks with his mother, Mrs. Luella Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph' Wagner Will Laurence and Mrs. Susie einsdorfer of McHenry were calleVs in the Wm. McCannon home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane and family attended the Lake county fair at Wauconda Thursday evening. Mrs. Bennett and son of Belvidere were visitors in the Mrs. Luella Stephenson home Snnday afternoon. * Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison visited their daughters and families at Huntley Sunday afternoon and evening. Mrs. Flora Harrison and Stanley Jepson attended the Lake county fair at Wauconda Friday evening. Mrs. Luella Stephenson aad son, Paul, were Sunday dinner guests in the Wm. McCannon home. : Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams and family attended the Lake county fair at Wauconda Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C.. L. Harrison spent Thursday evening in the Donald Brenner home at Arlington Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Kinibal of Harvard visited with Mr$.A James Connav-Friday evening. Y Mr. and Mrs. William Beth and daughter, Carol Ann., of Chicago wt-re callers at Mrs. James Connay's home Sunday afternoon. r- SI MMER SCHOOL A total of 3,361 graduate Slid undergraduate students are enrolled during the current summer term at four state teachers' colleges. This is about S per cent less than the enrollment last year, officials reported. IF IT'S WORTH DOING It's Worth Doing Right There is No Substitute For Good Plastering. Phone McHenry 411-R 10,000 ADDITIONAL HOMES TO BE SERVED BY GAS IN 1952 The Public , Service company of Northern Illinois reported to thfe Illinois Commerce Commission that it expects to add 10.000 additional home gas space heating customers as promptly as the completion of the new pipeline from Texas is assured and a substantial additional number after the pipeline is actually flowing from Texas. If present construction seliedules of the pipeline are not delayed, it is hoped that the first 10.000 at.the top of the.waiting list can be" authorized to connect their gafc furnaces by the end of the year. The compahy has approximately 90.000 persons on its gas heat waiting list. H. P. Sedwick. executive vicepresident, said that the company's facilities Were stretched to the limit during the severe winter last ytar. and fdr that reason it is impossible to add any addition*- al space heating customers until there is assurance that the supply from the new pipeline will be available before the very cold days in January. As soon as the company is assumed that the pipeline .will be completed before the very* cold days of the coming winter, it will begin to notify customers on the waiting list who are in the first group. - "We appreciate the patience those waiting for gas space, heating have shown during this difficult period". Sedwick said. "The construction of almost l;4fl0 miles of pipeline from Texas which was undertaken by Texas Illinois Natural Gas Pipeline company, during. a severe- winter and a spring and summer which have seen the worst floods? in history in the southwest is an extremely difficult job. and one that 'taxfcs the engineering ability and i^enuity of the constructors.". \ Sedwick alatJ stated that the attachment of additional spacl heating customers might be affected by any limitation order is- Consignment Sale EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT 7:30 P. M. Year Shipper Cows Weigh More When Sold Here. Yoar Calves Bring More Here. Tour Dairy aad Breeding Cattle can be tested at Our i ^Modern Sales Banu | |jj Yoar Cattle aad Rags caa be sold by the Dollar ar b j | IS? the Poaad. Ill \ Come and See Toor Stock Sold. . sjj -- We are here to serve yon. HI WB PAT CONSIGNOR DAY AFTKB THE~S*f«i WE ARE BONDED I Woodstock Comm. Sales Co., Inc. Phone 572 or 499 sued by the Petroleum Administration for Defense if Ik issned any limitation order. MOTORISTS' RULING Illinois motorists no longer required to file reports when accidents result in less than* $100 property damage except when a fatality or personal injuries occur. the state Department of Public Works and Buildings has ad vised. Legislation passed by the recent session of ?he Illinois General Assembly and approved by Governor Adlai E. Stevenson amended the Illinois Traffic Act and the Illinois Motor Vehicle Law to bring about the change in reports of accidents. Since /an. 1, 1946, these laws have required motorists to file reports with the Department, of Public Works and Buildings and to e«- tablisk proof of financial responsibility whenever motor vehicle accidents resulted in personal injury or death or more than ISO damage to the property ""Uf--SSy j>erson involved. Playtex Baby Prodafti Wattles Drag McHenry 111. A MODERN HOME .J^TARTS WITH A MODERN KITCHEN Let our representative plan and estimate such a kitchen for you free of charge, v*7 We also design and manufacture Wardrobe! Corner Cupboards Vanities Bookcases fixtures of All Types The Shop Where Quality Prevails WALWORTH WOODCRAFt WALWORTH, WIS. PHONE 130 Represented By ROY E. BIGGS & SON 315 Grand Ave. McHenry, PHONE 734-R * DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST \t 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) -• o YTES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS DAILY: 9 to 12 A. M. and 1 to S P. E FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:S0 P. M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 Woodstock, liL \\U \\MmVvvyuw wImr yt« haft an automatic GAS wafer heater Upstairs... downstairs... ai around the Iww^plVlHi In hoi water you want, when you want it--if you haw an automatic GAS water heater. When you draw hot water eff, the heater comes "on" and heats more in a jiffy .. . Automatically! This is "quick recovery" ... just one of the iltasons an economical GAS water heater is your best b«y| • ' j^®ar ar oar CONVBmtT TERMS WIUC SnKVKi COMPANY m NORTHCftN URE, a trim new Buick jnakes a mighty pretty picture when you see it in your driveway, or watch it wheel by. But if you could get a mechanic's-eye .view of this big, broad beauty as it sits on a lift, you'd see an impressive picture of rugged brawn that makes good-to-look-at Buicks give such a good account of themselves on the road. You'd see the full-length torque-tube drive that firms the whole power relay system, and steadies your going like a giant hand beneath you. |\bu'd see big sturdy wheels witihi really wide rims that provide surer footing, give better car control, make tires last longer. \Wd see all four wheels cushioned by stout coil springs that are completely service-free, practically breakproof-- and a principal reason for the everlevel Buick ride. But mainly, you'd see the massive foundation that backbones .every Buick --the deep, wide, X-member frame that's rugged as a rock, and a brute for strength. So when you look at the beauty of a Buick--the big mileage power of its valve-in-head Fireball Engine --and the moneysaving ability of its Dynaflow Drive*--don't overlook the tough stamina that goes witl» it all* And don't overlook the fact that a new '5>1 Buick, with all its heft, costs less per pound than any other car of com* parable size, structure and weight./^ Better come see us first chance you] get--and find out what a smart bu^ this is--from every angle* MO OTMSM CAM PMOTWMf ALL TMJMt DYNAFLOW DRIVE* • FIRE8ALL CNOfMf FUSH-BAK FOREFRONT • WHITE-GLOW^ mINSTRUMENTS • 4-WHEEL COIL SPRINGING TORQUE-TUBE DRIVE • DUAL VENTILATION DREAMLINE STYLING • BODY BY FISHEL a* When better auf emebSfea art Ml will rm, trim m4 mwm aatamtnil on ROAPMASTKK, optional at extra cmt on oUUr Stria*. you* or TO GxtATS* m.Vt R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES Inc. 403 FRONT STREET PHONE McHENRY 6 :"XM •arts $ Asa! 4 'I WM frr-;-

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