Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Aug 1951, p. 5

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•sir 'py- |cvi f^v >• ™ . August ft 195f MfiSSi iwiwnmiiiwwimmHiwnHtiiiiiiiHHiiwi C L A S S I F I E D ; McHeflry Pfaindealer , Published every Thursday at Mc- . Henry, ill., by the McHenry Pn|- liahlng Company, Inc. flATIONAl W. BURFEINDT, Gen. Manager. ADELE FROEHLICH, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATE 1 Year ._ $8.00 , Plaindealer Want Ads < No ads counted less than 25 WOrds. 75c minimum. , 1 insertion fee C!ount 5 words per 26c service charge on all blind ids. Cash with order. Card of Thanka $1.00 Minimum Want Ads close promptly at 10 im, Wednesday. u|U Entered as second-class matter t the postOffice at McHenry, 111., der the act of May 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE i ilPLACEMKNT PARTS FOR | ALL CARS I Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 409 W. Elm Street Open during week 9 AM. to I 'a P.M., Sundays • 9 AJH. to 1 P.M. lltf FOR SALE--Used car. *47 Fraser Manhattan; 4 door sedan, heater, overdrive. Very good condition. Best offer. Phone McHenry 510- M-l. Vincent DeMuth, Oakhurst Subdivision. 13 FOR SALE -- 1946 Indian Chief motorcycle. In good condition. New paint job and good tires. ® Earl Betts. Rtngwood 111., on Rt. SI. *13 4 FOR SALE -- 1947 Frasier, good condition; radio, heater, overdrive, •pot, fog and back-up lights; sun visor, bumper guards front and tear; reasonable. Phone McHenry 645-W-2. 13 FOR SALE--1949 Chevrolet %-ton panel delivery truck. Good condition; reasonable. Also, 1941 tudor Chevrolet sedan in good order. Owner in army. Georges. Wickline Bay. Phone Wonder Lake 2962 or 2511. 13 I _ _ • FOR SALE -- *41 Mercury club coupe. Light blue, radio and heater. New brakes. Good running condition. Phone 523-J-l. *13 BUSINESS SERVICE BUSINESS SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTING NEW HOMES REMODELING -- and CARPENTER WOE* {Satisfaction Gu^urantet^ Estimates * - C. D. KIN SET ffcone McHenry 8NMT 4?tf PIANO TUNING Also for sale liigh grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upright pianos. Prompt service. C. J. H. Diehl, phone 208-W, Woodstock, 111. 61-tf - RALPH L. tTLARK .. Plane Technician Repairing Tuning 902 Garfield Road Harvard, 111. Phone 748-B HOME REPAIRS We Specialize in all Home Repairs "low Monthly Payments Free Estimates McHenry Improvement Co. Phone 523-W-l McHenry II* Ctf CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE G. A. DOUGLAS ' flrane McHenry 776-W MHf CARPENTER WORK DONE RY DAY OK CONTRACT. ^ IVAN GUSTAFSON • Tel. McHenry 742 21 tf neiLS DRILLED OR RRTVBN WATER SYSTEMS -- We sell repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, (206 Main Street. McHenry. Telephone 167. 26tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest Cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges* 36tf GARBAGE COLLECTING --Let us dispose of yOur garbage each week, of oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. tf RUG CLEANING Save Dollars -- clean your own j rugs and carpets. Rug cleaning machine for rent by day or week. Beginner can operate. Pick-up and delivery service. For information ! phone 637-J-2. 12-2 ^.," . •- •". f •» /•* f > 12., \ , r , ,«< "i;r • -* • '*• -r '> J 7; »• * "s.. t / x 'f., ;y > P' - i -• »1. -I v 'mmaOm THt Mc PLAINDEALER I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper, L| V. Kilts. Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7tf BARGAIN IN USED FURNITURE AND MERCHANDISE THE CROSSROADS ~~~TRADING POST ^ HI N. MAIN STREET CRYSTAL LAKE '• t-tf FOR SALE " ¥our bid Vacuum cleaner, regardless of condition, value up to $43.75, if you buy a 1951 Rexalr now. Carl Barnlckol, McHenry 646-W-2. 11-tf FOR SALE--5 room all year round home, steam heat, 2 car garage, chicken house; fruit trees; 3 lots fenced in; in West .Shore Beach, MoCullom Lake. Will sell furnished or unfurnished. Good price. Phone 546-J-l. 10-tf FOR SALE--16 hp. Johnson outboard motor with 12-ft. Wolverine hull; attractive deck, steering wheel, side acceleration; perfect condition; bargain. Call McHenry 702. 13 FOR SALE--Ear Corn. Phone McHenry 501-W-2. *13 FOR SALE--Black kidskin coat, ful 1 length, li£ years old; good condition. Phone McHeary 886. 13 FOR SALE--Aluminum screen and storm windows for 26"x26" window. Also house windows. See Frank May, Freund avenue or phone McHenry 286-J. l»3 FOR SALE--1 shallow well pump, 1 small radio, 1 washing machine, 1 Gould's hand pump. All iu good c.onditlon. Priced very reasonable. Phone Johnsburg 637-R-2. - *13 FOR SAJjE -- Automatic electric water hefcter, 43-gal.; perfect condition; practically new; reasonable. Call McHenry 52-R evenings or weekends. 13 FOR SALE--16 HP. Johnson outboard motor .first class condition. Write Post Office Box 141, McHenry, 111. *13 FOR SALE--Norge electric refrigerator. Perfect condition; $75. Call McHenry Yo2. 13 PRICES! REDUCED to Bottom Level BUY NOW WHILE THEY LAST! '50 '50 '49 '49 '4l '48 '47 '47 AMBASSADOR -- OD STATESMAN (Custom) OD AMBASSADOR -- OD ...... STATESMAN -- OD AMBASSADOR "600" $1660 1495 ... AMBASSADOR KAISER 1385 1235 1195 995 995 195 DOWNS NASH SALES PHONE McHENRY 484 405 ELM STREET McHENRY. ILL. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED--At once, boy or young man for paper delivery work in car. Krause News Agency, 308 Elm Street Phone, McHenry 379. 11-tf HELP WANTED -- Welder to work in job shop. Steady work and top pay to good man. Vance Welding Service. 9-tf HELP WANTED -- Reliable girl wanted for cutting room. Also girls for pressing department to operate automatic pressing machines. N Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main Street, West of Northwestern Depot. McHenry, 111. IS HELP WANTED--Part time cook and full time day waitress. Mi- Place Restaurant. 12-tf HELP WANTED HELP WANTED--General office work, typing; must be capable of handling large volume detail work; lull time. Apply D. E. Johnson Tool & Mfg. Co., 525 West St.. -VlcHenry. It FOR RENT FOR SALE --• In Meadow Lane Park in city limits of McHenry; new. modern homes; face brick veneer on four sides; 2 bedrooms; large living-dining room; kitchen with Youngstown cabinets and sink; complete bath with shower; large utility room; forced air; automatic oil heat; price $11,000 plus site. Haft Construction Corp., State Route 31 half-mile south of Route 120. Tel. McHenry 749 or 786. 13-tf FOR SALE--Leaving state, must be sold by Aug. 15th take loss on new 2 bedroom home, furnished or unfurnished. 3 blocks from river. Can arrange terms. End X. Court, left turn, 3rd house. 12-tf CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT^ CLEARANCE SALE*'m\ CRANE A SHOVEL* 2-1IS MIXERS; COMPRESSOR; PUMPS;' WHEELBARROWS; CARTS; SCALE; AiK TOOL#; HA\1» TOOLS; PIPE; STEEL ROD; LUMBER; TIMBERS, PARTS, SUPPLIES. FITTINGS and Misc. Items. C. E. CARSON YARD - McHenry (ADJACE>T TO TONYAN CONSTRUCTION tm| v PHONE McHENRY G15-M-2 WANTED TO BUY FOR SALE OR RENT--5 room all year 'round home, steam heal, 2 car garage, chicken house, fruit trees, 3 lots fenced in. In West Shore Beach, McCullom Lake. Will sell furnished or unfurnished. Good price. Write to Box 190, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 12-tf WANTED TO BUY--Old oars and trucks for junk. We pay top prices. Call Bill Staines. Phone McHenry 53-J. *13-2 WANTED ^ TO Bl"Y--Twenty-four inch girl's bicycle. Call McHenry 537-M-l. 13 FOR SALE -- 3 bedroom house. Full basement, oil heat, garage. Lot 64x133. Imediate possesion. ,$16,500. Call 177 after 5 p.m. 13 FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS BUSINESS PROPERTIES " McCULLOM LAKE--6 Rooms, also 3 room cottage, large grounds, water front. Price $9,250.00. For appt. call (Mr. Adler) McHenry 37. HELP WANTED--Radio analyzer and trouble shooter.' Experience necessary. Apply Admiral Corporation, McHenry. 111. 13-tf FOR SALE--Shetland ponies and Baddle horses. Call day time Wauconda 3191. After 6:30 call 6-1323. *13 EXPERT FLA NO TUNING Repairing and Reconditioning. * All Work Guaranteed, formerly with Lyon and Healy. It Zaboth, phone Lake Zurich 5341 37-tf MUSIC INSTIZjJCTION In Your Own Home Piano and Piano Accordian € Classics or Popular beginners or Adanccd Instruction BABL P. KOCH Phona Vistakee 633-M-l Btf FOR SALE-- JOHNS-MANSVILLB "Blown" Rock Wool. Guaranteed not to settle. WALLFIL Co.. Leo J, Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, Tel. McHenry 18. 22tf HAVE TOUR CESSPOOLS, catch m tesins septic tanks, cisterns clean- ^ Ml by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Bddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29tf TREE AND BARN SPRAYING White washing or fly control. Phone McHenry 543-J-l. Frank Henkel, P. O. Round Lake, Res. Volo. 47tf BRING TOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US -- We can de- A^lMver an; Mng from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIFS. .. WORWICK'S STUDIO, 117 Riverside1*1 Drive, McHenry. Phone 275. 40tf GRAPHIC WEDDING CANDIDS Throughout the whole eventful day from Home, Church. Reception. In full album form. MAX F. KOLIN McHenry Stt-W-l Chicago RA C4567 lS-tf REFRIGERATION SERVICE All Makes and Models. Motors rewound. GEORGE WERNER McHenry 5S5-M-2 A3 FOR SALE -- Collie puppy, male, sable and white. Beautiful. Healthy. 3rd farm west of 31 and 12. Bauman's. Phone Richmond 383. •18 FOR SAl>R -- 1948 Easy Spin Dryer wash machine; reasonable. Also floor lamp, used one year. Mrs. Robert Doran, McCullom Lake, Rt. 4, McHenry, 111. 13 FOR SALE --KH»» 1 11111 . ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formats. Open Tues. through Sat. 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich. Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, ^4 mile west Terra Cotta factory which is\on Rt 31. Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 51-tf FOR SALE -- Cement building block. All sizes. Smooth and rock face. By standpipe, W. Waukegan Rd.. McHenry, UL Phone 281-R or 893-J. 4-tf FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE rt port Oman's Inn, 513 itain street, fee cold case beer and paakaged goods of all kinds. A1 Phannerstill. 49tf FOR SALE--Kelvinator refrigerator, 6 cu. ft. $50. Also dinette set. in perfect condition, $40. Phone 537-W-l. 10-tf ! \ HELEN WEBER SAYS: Here's LOOKING At You! And wljat a pleasure.. . when you're wearing clothes that are cleaned, refreshed, and> faultlessly pressed by our skilled dry cleaning experts! Let us keep your summer ward robe in crisp shape ... route your clothes in rotation every week to our modern, sanitary plant! Service thai SATISFIES! McHENRY CLEANERS 108 Elm Stroot McHwiry Pfcone 104-M • H I H I I I IMIl I 1 i 1 1111 HH I l< I Mi l IIHI !• FOR SALE -- Moving must sell four Schwlnn bikes; one heavy duty with wizard motor; one without; Super Flame oil Btove; $400. Hand-carved saddle. Phone McHenry 573-J-l. 13 FOR SALE -- Roper Gas Range, excellent condition, $75. Call 177 after 5 p.m. 13 FOR SALE--Bottled gas table-top stove, white porcelain, $25; or best offer. Phone McHenry 648-J-2. • 13 FOR SALE--Scandalll accordion, $150 or best offer. Mike Wieser. Phone Richmond 3762. *13 FOR SALE--Used refrigerator and gas range. Phone McHenry 20 during day. 13-2 FOR SALE--One hundred Triple A laying hens, also DeLuxe Kenmore vacuum cleaner. Phone 623- R-2. 13-2 FOR SALE--Ice business, known as McHenry Ice Co., . includes truck and franchise. Phone 69-W. •13 FOR SALE--V-belts in all sizes to .fit all farm and home needs, refrigerators, pump jacks, etc. Walter J. Freund, Main St., McHenry. Phone 294. 13 S. ELM WAUCONDA ROUTE 176 PHONE tlttl NOW OPEN EVERT DAT Late Show FrL, Sat, San. 9:20 Sunday Matinee S :00 P. M .Cont. THl RS« AUG. 9 - Last Nite "GOODBYE MT FANCY" "TRT.TSAT. AUG. 10-11 -SANTA FE" (Technicolor) Randolph Scott Janls Carter • as •••»•••••••»•• mmmmmm , SUN. £ MON- AUG. 18-18 •STRANGERS ON A TRAIN" Ram Roman Farley Granger Robert Walker Sunday Matinee 3 P.M. Cou't. mm TUES. t WED., AUG. 14-15 -INSIDE WALLS OF FOLSOM PRISON" Steve Cochran David Brian HELP WANTED -- Salad girl, Bliort hours. Apply or call Wing ft Fin Club. Phone McHenry 398. *13 FOR RENT -- # Newly decorated rooms; home privileges; near depot and schools. 109 Main St. Phone McHenry 100-R. . 13 FOR RENT--Summer cottage in Woodlawn Park from now through Labor Day; sleeps four. Phone McHenry 646-J:2. 13 McHENRY -- Country Club Subdivision, 2 ranch type homes, large lots, nice location, priced right, call our office, McHenry 37. HELP WANTED--Elderly woman cook for two or three men on farm; own house. Call Wauconda 2585. ' 18 HELP WANTED--Good carpenter's helper; steady work; some experience required. Phone McHenry 612-J-2 or 529-J-l. . 13 WOMEN WANTED -- Assemblers, wirers, solderers, packers and inspectors. Experience not necessary. Secure a position in an ever expanding radio-television industry. Employment office open Monduy through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Admiral Corp., McHenry at intersection of Rts 120 & 31. Bus service to and from the plant. 13-tf FOR REST--Furnished, modern 4- round house; electric range; Friorund house; electric range; Frigidaire; large hot water heater for kitchen and shower; $65 month; available now; references; 1 year lease. Phone McHenrv 534- R-l. ' 13-2 FOR RENT--Beautifully furnished 5 room house near McHenry. No children or pets. $90 per month. Write Box 192, c/o McHenry Plaindealer, giving references. 13 REAL ESTATE McCULLOM LAKE--4 rooms bath, all year round home, fully insulated. Price $5,750.00. For appt. call (JtiR Hettermann) McHenry 37. SUNNYSIDE near PISTAKEE LAKE 4 rooms, all year home, 3 years old. Price $8,000.00. McHENRY -- New Ranch type home, garage, goo4 location, $17,500.00. , " JOHNSBURG--On Fox river, near Johnsburg Bridge, 3 rooms, large porch. Price $6,000.00. also * 5 Rooms, large porch, $7,000.06. ON FOX R1VER--2 story, suitable /or 2 apartments, hot water heat, 100 foot water frontage. Price $21,000.00, call our office McHenry 87. FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate I0& Richmond Road McHenry, I1L Phone: McHenry 141 -J Licensed I1L A Wis. Broker McCULLOM LAKE WATftR FRONT 4 .roopoij and bath, well built logtype heme. Completely furnished, j nice location. Price $10,500.00. j Must be seen to be appreciated, j Call (Jmi Hettermann) McHenry 137. HELP WANTED--Woman to sew in drapery shop. Drapery experience not necessary. Call or come in Saturday A. M. Community Interior Service, 204 S. Green St.. McHenry. Phone 490. 13 HELP WANTED--Reliable man for light maintenance work; apply in person. Admiral Corp., 507 Kim St., McHenry, 111. 12 HELP WANTED •-- Experienced auto mechanic. Downs Nash Sales, 405 Elm Street. Phone McHenry 484. It HNiNininiiiiiiiiuniiniiimiiiiiniiiiiiiiiituiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii TOWNE THEATRE FOX LAKE 7-1611 nwiiiiiiniiiiimiiiiiiiitiiiiMiHiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiimmininit FRI. & SAT„ AUG. 10-11 G. Ford -- A. Baxter T0U.0WTHE SUM" SEN. & MON„ AUG. 12-12 J. Cram -- J. Peters "TAKE CARE OF MY LITTLE GIRL' TUES„ WED. & THURS- " AUG. U-U-16 It Baiehart -- V. Cortes* "HOUSE ON TELEGRAPH HUT Relax In Onr Push-Barks and Enjoy the Best in Theatre Enter* talnment. -- AIR-CONDITIONED -- By Refrigeration FRI. £ SAT„ AUG. 17-18 Gee. Montgomery Paula CordajT "SWORD OF MONTE CBI8T07 (Supercinecolor) iiHiHiiiiiininiiuiiiwiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiHNminiiiiiiiii HOUSE FOR SALE-Year round home adjoining Chapel Hill golf course; 6 rooms for owner plus 4-room apartment en first floor; modern; must be seen to be appreciated; make offer; might consider trade for close-in N.W. suburban home. Tel. McHenry 668- M-l. 13 FOR SALE -- Year 'round home, River frontage, eight rooms, two story, cement basement high and dry. Garage. Fred Pegel, one mile south eaBt side bridge, Mineral Springs. *13 JACOB FRITZ REAL ESTATE In Johnsbarg TeL McHenry 87 9-tf FOR SALE--Comfortable 6 room year round hdtne. Gas heated. S3 ft. river frontage on east River Road. For information call 493-J. 4-tf Russia's Atomic Progress The extent of Russia's atomic endeavor is hidden behind the Iron Curtain. Soviet scientists are believed to be operating several major nuclear reactors and producing fissionable materials Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 8tf Skyline Drive-In Located off Rt. 120 on Pistakee Rofcd Box Office Opens at 7:15 -- Closes at 10:45 Program Starts at Dusk. wt FRIDAY & SATURDAY. AUGUST 10-41 In Color Rod Cameron -- Audrey Long "CAVALRY SCOUr SUGAR RAY ROBINSON vs. RANDOLPH TURPIN World's Middleweight Championship World News 8c Color Cartoon SUN« MON. & TUES.. AUGUST 12-13-14 Dana Andrews * -- Carla Balenda Claude Rains •a SEALED CARGO" Musical Parade "BOMBALERA' Color Cartoon STARTING WED., AUGUST 15th for 4 DAYS DIRECT FROM CHICAGO LOOP In Technicolor i Kalhryn Grayson -- Ara Gardner Howard Keel -- Joe E. Brown "SHOW BOAT" WANTED TO BIT--River front lot on Fox River; any place, size nothing fancy. Phone McHenry 290. • • ' . ' " ^ . 7 *13 WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane "Fowler. Woodstock .Box 334. Phone 464-JX. 41tf WANTED -- Baled wheat, oats and rye straw, wire tied. C. Maus, 532 W. South street, Woodstock. Tel. Woodstock 633. 12-4 MISCELLANEOUS Riverside Hotel FOX HOLE TAP Home Cooked Feed Good Drinks and Entertainment W. A. Wolf 12-tf LEGALS PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE •; .» Saturday, August 11. 1951, *a$ 1 la m., at Green and Main Streets McHenny. Illinois, the undersigiieo administratrix of the Estate of Johanna Tesch, deceased, will, under order of court, sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder the. following described real estate towit: • .• The Easterly 119.1 feet of Lot 1 (except the Southerly 5<> 'foet thereof, measured on the East side of said lot) in Block 8 of the Original Plai uf West McHenry. according to the Plat thereof recorded in the Recorders Office of McHenry County, in Book 24 of Deeds, page 23. Said property is improved with a brick residence. Terms of sale, 25% of purchase price at time of sale, balance upon delivery of Deed. Property to be soli subject to the 1950 and 1951 general taxes. Immediate possession. AGNES BIENAPFL. Administratrix of Johanna Estate. , " VERNON J. KNOX, Attorney for Johanna Tedl (Pub. July 26. Aug. 2-9) ATTENTION FORESTERS SUNDAY, AUUUST 12th on McHenry Y.F.W. Picnic tiroands Joint picinc of Northern Illinois District courts. Bring basket lunches at noon -- Prises to be awarded at 1 P. M. Games for Juveniles Entertafhment For All. THE COMMITTEE 13 Ne Greater Humiliation From ancient times devout Arab# and Jews alike have cherished beards in obedience to church lawsv In their eyes there can be no greater humil:at?on than of a beard. Need Rubber stamps? Order The Plaindealer. Hungarian Research ' Hungarian physicists, using uranium and thorium founft in the Velence Hill, are reported pursuing atomic research "on a large Scale" ^ at a place JO miles southwest oi Budapest lllllttll IHINtllllll lllllllllll lltllll*nHIISinillUf IN FRI. & SAT., AU(i. 10*11 1. Scott Smart ' Emmett Kelly "FAT MAN" SUN. & MON* AUG. 12-1S. Cent. Stli on Sunday Dana Andrews Gary Merrill •THE FROGMEN* The thrilling story of Uncle Sam's anderwater commandoes. TUES* WED. & THURS^„ AUG. 14-15-16 Monty Woolley Thelma Rfttcr "AS YOUNG AS YOU FEEL" IIMfiHmmHIIItllMHmillimill'HItmMtllMIIIMIMHIIMI. COL0 N Y McHENRY, *M- 1 ILLINOIS Mfl.j^qiiumioned -- Comfort • (»<kH Vision and Sea ad ' ""Roots Open 1:11 Screen Starts l:M ii ii it Fltfc iAT„ AI W MMt Gary (#«f>er Millard Mitchell EdfUe Albert Jane Greer "YOPRE IN THE NAVY NOW" SU?iu.>MON. & TUES, ,;; 4ft " ;i tfti-Technicolor - Vlotor.pVuts^e Hedy Laaunr George < Sanders Angela Lansfcary Cecil R. De Ml He's Masterpiece "Samson and Delilah" World »ws k Colos Curtoon Sunday Matinee 2:30 Coa*t. WED. AKi. 12 (One Day Only) Ann Biyth Mark Stevens -KATIE DID IT" Color Cartoon & Short Sahject STARTING THURS„ AUG. 1* Dean Martin Jerry Lewis "THAT'S MY BOY" Color Cartoon & Short Sahject FflmiLV SCREEN I'A 4 5 x 6 0 GRAYSLAKERTI2 Open 7 Eve. Show at Dark, 2nd 10:30 Children Under 12 In Car FREE! II 1 1 1 I : •!' M l H H 4 H I t H I!1 I I 1 1 l i t # Wednesday lo Saturday. August 8-9-10-11 r RICHARD am DANA M GARY IDMARK ANDREWS MERRILL Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, August 12-13-14 «*IS( VKSTSN MORRIS-FOSTER DOROTHY PATRICK • •••i i Wednesday to Saturday, August 15-16-17-li NEW and IN TECHNICOLOR TOO! * "SHOW BOAT" ^ m Hit t (11 < H t • < i i mt •; •••»••• • VW£

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