mmmm: LILYMOOR jgw. »•;->**£ •»% f, ^ ,w 'r<l • • , - 4 ? < , t ? 1 - * V . * £ • ' ; &»' l.\A ' *i. § Mr*. Eunice Tobey, well known for her lovely parties, entertained twenty guests at a birthday party pn her spacious lawn Sept 7. A Ikot lunch was served and the jnenu included a wide range of V/^ Jlishes to delight any palate. • Among the gifts Eunice received f - fpas a beautiful set of dishes the girls gave her as a combined gift. <&•'Mrs. Tobey, whose professional * - * tiame is Eunice La-RJeve, is on " Vacation at the present time, but , 'r Hhe will return to her work as a -• ninger and night club entertainer ;• lifter Sept 15- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hall, and ":•* " children, of Covington, Ind„ spent •"their vacation at the home of Mr. Aird Mrs. Philip Kibbjd last week. Mr. and Mrs. Claude McDermott left Friday for Duluth, Minn., to be at the bedside of Mrs. McDer- Inott's sister, who is seriously ill. The Lily Lake Parent Teachers association held their regular ^monthly meeting last Friday and there was a large attendance. A bake sale has been planned to be held in the near future. Mrs. Golbeck and Mrs. Oustafson have been named chairmen of the committee. The bake sale will be held at the Lily Lake hardware store, • the proceeds to be put in the treasury. Plans are underway to take the children in to the Brookfield Zoo. Mrs. felma Douglas, Mrs. Ray Cynowa and Mrs. Henry W/>jtas are working on this project A new membership social y.haa been planned for early October. A happy birthday to Shirley - ^ Oustafson, who reached the ripe old age of 7 on Sept 12. Also - many happy returns of the day tor Pat Golbeck, whose birthday TO Sept 2. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gustafson had a visitor from Tinsfors, Sweden, last Saturday. Their guest, Erick , Grene, brought a lovely woolen blanket with hand stitching around the edge as a gift from T; ~ Ivan's mother, who lives in Sweden. Mr. Grene is spending a month's vacation-in the U.S.A. before returning to his home, where he is employed as a construction of records. Any old chairs or furniture will be welcomed. The Committee members for this week •re as follows: Refreshments, Patsy Kurylun and Ray Cynowa; clean up, John Rogers and Roney G o d i n a; entertainment, Elaine Gustafson and Bob Fuller. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Huecksteadt of Keeneyville, 111., visited the Charles Huecksteadt family last Sunday. Patty and Jean Flynn attended a birthday party in honor of their cousin, who lives in Brookfield, last Friday: " Pat and Joe Gilmore left Thursday for Arizona State college. Pat, well remembered as the Marine Day queen of 1949, is taking a course in commercial buying. Joe is taking a pre-dental course. Pvt John Mercure is home on a fourteen-day furlough from Camp Gordon, Ga. ; : " ? Bible Chur^f He#« Our thanks to everyone Wbo has helped In our period of adjustment. We are thankful for the present location on Route 120 in Lily Lake. This Saturday some of our young people will be Attend* ing the McHenry county Youth For Christ rally in the Woodstock Opera House starting at 7:45 p.m. R i c h a r d W e r n e r , s t u d e n t a t Moody Bible Institute, will take over as superintendent of the Sunday School starting this Sunday. He will again play his flute and lead singing. Rev. Paul Pearson of Crystal Lake will show the movie, "The Forgotten Valley," at the 7:45 p.m. serviced All are welcome to attend. The Lakeside Improvement association held election of officers last Saturday night, followed by a social. The newly elected officers are as follows: president, Norman Morrison; vicfe-president, Mr. Kamin; secretary, Richard Hyatt; financial secterary, Julia Kraus; treasurer, Helen Provld a s; four-year trustee, Marie Hyatt; three-year trustees, Marge Bealer and ESrna Hoppart; oneyear trustees, Ann Briezinski and Pat Morrison; Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Para. Mrs. Lannes was named road commissioner.. Beginning Sept 19 there will be " ^ teenage club in lily Lake now boasts a member •hip of twenty-two. All teenagers from Lily Lake and Lilymoor, BP to the senior year of high school are invited to join. Mrs. Lane has ' turned over her large garage for le until a permanent club obtained. Mrs. Budil do- ' a ping pong table and Dick gave them several albums 8e/ic/rjt Nature provides ideaf weather in early fall t|k. make it easier fop you to achieve beautiful towrlr^ Scoffs, provide just who# you need to make it a simple task at little cost - feed with Turf Bvildet and sow Scoffs seed* •• • TURF BUILDER This Specific grassfood quickly restores lawn health and color. Economical because you need only 1 lb per 100 sq ft. 25 lbs - $2.50 feeds lawn 50x50 ft. 100 lbs, 10,000 sq ft'$7.95 v.. Sow Scotti. SEED Its perennial grasses are tops far-4. fall planting. You need only a third as much because of the millions of sure growing seeds in each package. 1 lb-$U5 ' 5 lbs-$7.65 25 lbs - $36JO y SPECIAL PURPOSE BLEND Select seed for dry soils deep shade and terraces. 1 lb- $1.25 5 lbs- $6.15 SirSttik SPRCADBtS Handy machines that enable anyone to make quick, easy lawn treatment* $7.35 $12J0 $19.50 BJORKMAN'S. RIVERSIDE HARDWARE \< 1M BiMMhte Pr. Phone 722 McHfuT • A ' • * • - •• v. , c \ . „ <>•' . ' • 0 • * •• "-c- • • * e e ••••••• »**«•«•••••• •••••• ****++++ # • e • social etefry Tuesday ~aj£lit ai Club Lflyi(or thk Ijiajfll of the Ijtkeet#e sseoeietlon. IThe public is corosllr invited to attend. :.'i • ^ TlmTtday, Wtat Is meant by the of • star? Ibis is • rrm^n 0 its brlfhtueee; the brtgfcipt tfca star the lower Is the n^pttMie. Jfc s|ir of first msgnitiMt i» abost 2% times as bright as ooe ejr 'flii second; and is exactly 160 time* brighter than one of the sixth magnitude, which is the taioteet that «• can normally see wttfc te naked eye under best- cdnditiooa. Zero and negative magnitude* ace employed to take care ef tibjeetfe that are still brighter. The brigM^ est *tar, Siriua, thus has • magit tude of minus 1.S, white that of tks Suy is minus 26.7. With the largest telescope stars may be ph<tfegraphed as faint a» the twentysecond magnitude, which is about 1/250,000,000th as bright a* an gver- «ge one of the first magnitude. ' Vanishing America^ A bit of enchantment ha* fled the streets of Ataerican cities. The sight end sound of it made children dance and lifted the hearts of their elders. It wss spuing itself, that trio of organ grinder, barrel organ and "mask," notes the National Geographic Society. Yet today the great city of New York is reported to have but one organ grinder left, a man of |i years slowly cranking out the tunes of yesteryear. The tinkling voice of his barrel organ is barely heard midst the whir of motor cars with strident horni, the blare of countless radios, television sets and record players. Things were different 20-odd years ago . . . The Barrel organ--or hurdy-gurdy, aa it is often called--wa» the rage of New York in the late, gay 1920's. While aa estimated 300 professional Italian grinders strode the streets, rich and famous amateurs cranked away on their own "machines" set up ia fashionable drawing rooms. •-"V Beetoa Landmark • r The famous landmark in Boston, known as the "Bostooe Stone," is an old paint mill which was imported from England about the year 1700 by a painter who had a little shop on Marshall Lane. It consists of s grinder or "muller"--a stone ball about two feet in diameter-- and a stone beneath. The stone ball was rolled back and forth in the trough hollowed put in one side of the larger stone underneath it, thus grinding the psint. It has the words, "Boston Stone 1737" cut in its side. Faraltnre Designs That CMew Furniture for children is now embellished st times with s fluorescent silk screen process paint. Designs applied in this manner glow brtl liantly in a small amount of light flhytex Baby Prodnets v Wattles Dray ^ McHenry 11L 42J * Falaieee cXjHMfc Aa Jtt^ptwechfat ef d» block tsrhidmie la palnles* childbirths- which. bivalves only one site of injection instead of the former two or four--Is described In ths Journal of the American Medical Aacodation. Dr. Orlea J. Jotmeon of Bay City, Michigan, reports'thst he has used the nlw technique on 181 women, of whom 92 were becoming mothers fbr the first time. With skilled Injection, he explained, the pattest complains of no discomfort Be added that no reactions from the procafae, a local anesthetic, or complications have been encountered and that here has been no greater discomfort or delay In the healing of surgical Incisions. You don't have to be an expert te reflnish antique furniture or to give new unfinished furniture a beautiful, natural wood finish. It's simple and easy when you use boiled Unseed oil. 13. 1*51 - :. ceeung meats Unless plenty * time and moder. J ately tow heet^i allows for frOaen meet, the Outside ef the ***• may be overdone while the insMs is stm tedHm. This dany hef w •»> only to large pieces like tiim tat even to steaks irtdda are broiled aU high heatllemet6b«r that unlhawed* meat needs considerably longer time to cook and always a moderate* ly low temperature so that the meal can thaw In the first part of ~ cooking and cook to the tenderness during the last part *' s . gled for Hsesss Steel requirements 1st "homes will take only l.» per cent ef the total output of the steel Industry A An analysis of five average two-^ bedroom units, show that about 4,8® lbs. of steel and iron and IN Iba. of copper and brass are required. •" Reno# that subscription to Plalndealer now. saiHiiiiiiiuuHiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiimiHiwiiiiniiiimimiiiiifiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffliimiiimiiuitiniiiiiiiiiiiiHiHuiiiiiHiHiiNiHiniiiiiHiiiuimiHiiHiiiiiniiHiiiHiiiHHiiiiHiiiMiMniiimMHmiii OUALITr FOODS m,r | Mission Sliced Pineapple No. 2 Tilt Dole Fruit Cocktail No. J "R \I v. Dole Crushed Pineapple 2 >25C -ihot new Dodge Onflow Ride sure opened my eyesf tmys DAMH f. HOWMO, JR. oTf Ntw Yo*fc CHy. "Tlw MMToM m» convkicad hm! "«w P»dje Or (flow r»oBy IM wont kind of bwmpr 1 continwM Mr. Howard. '"No Dole Pineapple CHUNKS at CSUSHO) h». sit r» 1 5C IT'S HEREI ITS NEW! C H E E R f-:- ' "*• • . 2 REG. PKGS. >5 SAVE $$ M EATS SAVE -- PRICED FOR A BETTER BALANCED BUDGET - CUDAHY'ft Bacon VniiAroc FRESH COUNTRY DRESSES Frying Chickens $1.2 . : ,| 5 ea. CUDAHY*S Tender Made Smoked Picnics 4f6 lb. avg. vc49c 2 lb. av#. • i* 29c LEAN - TENDER -- 3Va lb. mtg* Rib Pork Roast 57c Meaty Pork Shanks lb. 36c Fresh Sliced V lb. P«tk Uver 35c Gold Coin I lb. Layer Sliced Bacon 52c Bulk Sour Kraut pt. 12c . • SaHPwt JOt • Meaty Breast lb. Lanib Sf«w^39c PRODUCE FRESH -- 4 Doz. Siu HEAD LETTUCE 13c SCHOOL BOY IjpAJ-TEHY APPLES 4-u. 25c WISCONSIN COBBLEBS POTATOES m 37c YELLOW ONIONS 3 Lbs. 13c WRISLEY'S BAR SOAP 2 Jr° 25e HEINZ PORK & BEANS 21 Lb. 27° Tint KINGKARLO t>OG FOOD 4^29° DINTY MOORE BEEF STEW 24 ox. COe Tin Oil €• '-7" iCome in/ try iff HEl HOW NEW 0RIF10W RIDE MAKES ROUGHEST ROADS B0ULEVARD-SM00THI Hm*'* something new and wonderful in riding smoothness you potioe from the very start! Blindfolded you ride over a lumipy road- You're told the rats dte there -- but you don't feel them! Gone is the pitch, bounce and |er you experience in other cars as new Dodge Onflow Ride levels Out the rough spots. And with blindfold off you'll be amazed you traveled over such bumps and chuckholes. ' Words alone can't tell it all! That's why we invite you to take this daring "Blindfold Test" today. You could pay up to $1,000 more for a ear and still not get all the extra roominess, ease of handling, famous Dodge dependability! Tltc big, dependable DODGE Drive it5mimitw...«Bd yotfl JrivtHftryMret kMcHWoHm* «»4 • twbtMl •• <hoae* wMiairt MltM A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, 4nc 901 East Pearl Streets I Certified's RED LABEL ! C O F F E E = ALWAYS FBESH and CHOOND AS YOU USE IT1 I 1 Lb.Bag SALAD BQWL Salad Drtssii)| »• 45c | HILLS BROS. - Drip or ifeg. § COFFEE i lb- tin 84c i 3 HUNTS --. FANCY CALIF. 1 TOMATOES NO. 2l/? TIH Babo-O-Cleanser 1* SALE DEAL CRISCO 3 REG. TINS ^ e^/ t' JjJ -- -c- SUPER MKT FHIfeAY NITE IS FAMILY NIGHT -- OPEN TttL 8 P.M. PABXING GREEN STREET MeHENBY. ILL. AMPLE PARKING --iiniiiHniiiiiHiiiiir . s