C L A S Plaindealer Published every Thursday at Mc- Benry, 111., by the McHenry Poll' llfhini Company, Tpfi if: W. BURFBINDT, Gen. Manager.: ADELE FROEHLICH. Editor. SUBSCRIPTION KATS 'ijfifanr -- $S.00 BUSDTWS SBRTIOB ALICE MARIE BLASKIS flMatrrrlllr park Safedlvlslon PERMANENT WAYI5€. , ' In year HWKI. ' Call XtHnrf 79&«i iMnt 9 aja. to 3 p.au •J8-3 A v Plaindealer Want Ada . :No ads counted leas than <5 : l^firds. 75c minimum. 1 insertion 76c Gount 5 words per line) „ 26c service charge on all blind ads. Cash with order. Card of Thanks .... fl.00 Minimum Want Ads closer promptly At 10 aJQ. Wednesday. ^....^jBntered as second-class matter i at the postoffice at McHenry, 111.. * der the act of May 8. 1879. AUTOMOTIVE - BBPLACKMENT PARTS FOB ALL CARS a Accessories and Seat (orers Ir^COMMTNlTT AUTO SUPPLY | 499 W. Elm Street *~Open during week 9 AJf. to 7 Sundays • 9 AJi. to 1 P.M. 9' lltf FOR SALE--1941 Packard in good condition. Phone McHenry 521-R-] after 5 P. M. ,18 FOR SALE -- One Model H Mc- C^rmick Deering tractor and 2 row cultivator; good condition. 1 Model B Allis-Chalmers tractor with starter .lights and PTO. E. J. Sheldon, Orayslake, 111. Phone ®«7911. *18-2 FOR SALE -- 1938 4-door Plymouth sedan; Indian overhauled, good running condition. Best offer. Phone McHenry 523-J-l. *18 BUSINESS SERVICE The Candid Camera Photographs specialists -- Candid Weddings Holne Portraits and Commercial Photographs Tears of Experience MAX F. KOLIN McHenry 566-W-l «• Chicago RA (>-<>.> .">7 NCI^LS DRILLED OB BBIYBH WATER SYSTEMS -- We sell repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, $06 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26tf TIDY RUG CLEARERS * All services, approved methods. * Free day and evening pick-up and delivery. Phone Woodstock 162 18-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest Cash prices paid for cows, horses and igs; no help needed to load. Day d night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. S; reverse charges. 86tf F V FREE ESTIMATES F6r re-roofing, siding, insulation, lightning rods, eave troughs; also Madison silos and dome roofs for all types of silos. Telephone Round Lake 6-2223. Frank Ehredt. 18 GARBAGE COLLECTING --Let us dispose of your garbage each week, at oftener if desired- Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. >0. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 366. tf p REFRIGERATION SERVICE ' All Makes and Models Motors Rewound Werner's Refrigeration Service Phone McHenry 535-M-2 % *18-2 GRAPHIC ; WIDDJSG CANDIDA Throughout the whole eventful day from Home, Church. Reception. Jft full album form..-.- MAX F. KOLIN r ^^cH©nry MH5-W-1 •• Chicago RA «-956I 18-tf TBKE AND BARN SPRAYING White washing or fly control. Phone McHenry -543-J-l. Frank Henkel, P. O. Round Lake, Ret Volo. 47tf ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formals. Open Tues. through Sat. 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich. Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, !| mile west Terra Cotta factory which is on Rt SI. Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 51-tf FOR SALE -- Cement building block. All alsea. Smooth and rock face. By atandplpe, W. Waukegan Rd.. McHenry, I1L Phone 28S-R or 893-J. 4-tf FOR SALE--Hoffmann oil furnace, suitable for heating 6 or 6 rooms, c/o Sportsmen's Inn, Main Street, McHenry. *16-3 FOR SALE -- Factory Seconds; Women's Slacks, $2.35; Women's Skirts, $2.60 to $3.50; Dresses, $1.98 and $2.98; also Children's Slacks. $1.85. Riverside Mfg. Co.. 600 Main St., West of North Western depot. lfc-tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for ail makes, carbon paper. L| V. Kilts, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7tf BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US -- We can deliver anything from a snapshot to \arge murals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. .. WORWICK'S STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 275. 40tf EXPERT PIANO TUNING Repairing and Reconditioning. All Work Guaranteed. Formerly with Lyon and Healy. E. Zaboth, phone Lake Zurich 5341. 37-tf FOR SALE--JOHNS-MANSVILLE HOME INSULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl St., McHenry. Phone McHenry 18. lg-ti GENERAL CONTRACTING NEW HOMES REMODELING and CARPENTER WORK Satisfaction Guaranteed, Estimates C. D. KINSKY ftone McHenry 89S-J 4Ttf PIANO TUNING Also for sale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upright pianos. Prompt service. C. J. H. Diehl, phone 208-W, Woodstock, 111. ^ Sl-tf FOR SALE--(Moving to Florida) 2 piece living room suite; dinette set; pull-up chair; boudoir chair; odd dishes; console radio; glasses, fur coat and fur jacket, size 16. Inquire at 202% S. Green St., McHenry. evenings or Sunday. *18 FOR SALE -- 1 pr. garage doors with screens, $5.00. Phone McHenry 239-W. 144 Country Club Drive. 18 FOR SALE--White porcelain kitchen sink, girls' dresses, summer and winter, sise 14; antique dishes. Phone McHenry 538-R-2. *18 FOR SALE -- Fall Pippin cooking apples. $1.00 a bushel. Phone McHenry 608-W-l. 18 FOR SALE--Mahogany dresser; a good double bed; coil springs, both for $25. 104 Country Club Drive. Phone 793-M-X. o *18 FOR SALE -- Solid oak dining room set; kitchen set; easy chairs and bed and mattress. See W. Brand, Hickory Drive, McCullom Lake. 18 FOB SALE -- Double barrel 16 gauge, Winchester Model 24; like new, $S0. Phone McHenry 289-W. •18 FOR SALE -- 2-pc. living room suite, excellent condition, color - eggplant. Phone McHenry 569-J-l. 18 FOR SALE--Beautiful walnut dining room set, including buffet Reasonable. Phone McHenry 664- M-2. 18 FOR SALE -- Work bench, 2x4, masonite top. rug padding, 30 sQ. yds.; 4 lengths 4-in. soil pipe; 60 pd. miscellaneous; miscellaneous furnace pipe; 6:50x16 tires, used; '37 DeSoto coupe, overdrive, radio and heater. Phone McHenry 546-R-2, after 6 P. M. |8 ' h i " FOR SALE -- HERD OF 18 GRADED HEIFEFTS 8 bred to come in between October and spring; 7 open; l-lst calf heifer can be seen on farm, 3 miles south of Lake GeneVa on Hwy. 12 behind White Pigeon school and^ Tamarack restaurant, Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 15 A 16th from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. or by appointment Phone John F. Stewart. Richmond 3511, Spring Grove, 111. 18 HELP WANTED WOMEX WASTED -- AuemMm. wirers, solderers. packers and inspectors; also stockboys and janitor. Experience .not necessary. Secure a position In an ever expand* ing radio-television industry. Employment office open Monday through Friday, 8 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. Admiral Corp., McHenry at intersection of Routes 180 and 31. Bus service to and from plant. I34f Fit* , Saptambar 13,1951 - FOR SALE WAlfrfED ?w_* GIRLS WANTED--Ambitious girls wanted, for our new plant Pleasant working conditions. Riverside Mfg. Co.. 600 Main Street, vWest of Northwestern Depot, McHenry. 17-tf HELP :WANTED -- Experienced mechanic. McHenry Garage, 604 Front St., Tel. 463. . 17-tf SITUATION WANTED SITrATlOX WANTED -- Young woman desires typing and general ofnce ®ork; previous experience in this type of work. Can offer excellent references. Write Box 204, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. *18 FOE RENT FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street. Phone McKenry 100-R. 16-3 FOR REJiT--Beautiful furnished 5 room aprtment. heated. Available October 1st. $100 a month. Call Pistakee 711. 18 FOR RENT -- 3 room, new, year round home .modern, well insu* lated. Lily Lake .Santa Barbar^ Road. Call Saturday and Sunday? 18 HELP WANTED -- Pin spotters wanted, steady work for full bowling season. Good pay. Phone 559*W-1. McHenry Recreation. 14-tf FOR SALE -- Living room suite; dining room suite; 2 bedroom suites; rugs; porch furniture and other misc.. items. Phone McHenry 937 after 6 P. M. 18 HELP WANTED--Pin spotters, 16 years or over; on Brunswick semiautomatic spotters. Palace Recreation 119 S. Green St.; McHenry. 18-2 HOME REPAIRS We $§£ciaiize in all Home Repairs Low Monthly Paytnenta Free Estimates McHenry Improvement .Co. Phone 523-W-l McHenry 111. 8tf CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SERYICE G. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 776-W lOtf RALPH L. CLARK Plane Technician Repairing Tuning 902 Garfield Road Harvard, 111. Phone 748-B MUSIC ENSTEtrOTION In Your Own Some Piano and Piano Aecordian Classics * or Popular Seginners or Adanced Instruction MARL P. KOCH Phone Pistakee 633-M-l Stf FOR SALE--Model airplane motors % price. OK Cub Super Cyclone K & B; Infant 60-A; Hornet-Arden "A"; B-B gun; badminton set; bugle; midget lawn mower; croquet; Burgess electric sprayer; Universal heater. Oliver C. Schmidt 206 Country Club Drive. Phone McHenry 821-M. *18 FOR SALE--Peterson racing "A" runabout with 10 hp. Eviurude, Evinrude racing "MO", outboard boat lift Oliver C. Schmidt, 206 Country Club Drive. Phone McHenry 821-M. *18 I HATE AN OPENING for a man that is looking ahead with the idea of having a perman ent good paying business. As one of the largest nationally advertised livestock feed companies, we need a man to represent us in this community. This position offers a definite permanent future. No investment necessary. If you know livestock or are acquainted with the farmers in this territory anff have a car write for complete de tails. Box 202, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. . 18 HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Servioe. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. ' 29tf CARPENTER WORK DONE BY BAY OB CONTRAC*. JlYAN GUSTAFSON -j'ej. McHenry 748 lltf SMALgJBgr. BUSIEST OHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN! PLAINDEALER WANT ADS Complete line of Beehe livestock fvmedles At Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. Stf HELEN WEBER SAYS: COMPETITION'S TOO DARNED TUFF TOLET APPEARANCfc CONCEAL YQm STUFF!! So get wise to yourself, young man. keep your clothes in tip top condition by having them dry cleaned and generally tended for right here where experts do the job rapidly and efficiently. Then see how your popularity rating goes up. up. upl Service That SATISFIES!-- McHENRY CLEANER!} 103 Elm Straat McHenry, I1L PHOlffi 104-ta •pwi FOR SALE--Two burner kerosene cook stove; table top; good condition; cheap. 12 chord Zither; like new. Phone Wonder Lake 3024. •18 FOR SALE--Oil heater. Good condition. Phone McHenry 533-W-2. •18 FOR SALE -- Singly car garage. Phone McHenry 50-W.. *18-2 HELP WANTED--National Sales Corporatioh has opening for man in this area; can be part time to start. We train you. No Investment Car necessary. Write Box 201, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 18 FOR SALE--Dining room set, refrigerator and single bed. Phone McHenry 29. IS FOR SALE -- Ducks and White King squabs, dressed, for all occasions. Phone McHenry 699-R-l. •18 FOR SALE--Commercial clothes dryer, ideal for large family or home laundries. Price $75. Phone McHenry 493-W between 1 and 5 P. M. 18 FOB SALE -- 1 to S room Duk>- Thcrm space oil heater with electric blower attachment. 4 oil drums and stand included. Excellent condition, $45. A.B.C. large model ironer, very good condition, $45. Phone 629-J-l. 18 FOR SALE--Fox Terrier puppies. Reasonable. Phone McHenry 614- W-l. 18 ELM WAUCONDA ROUTE fte PHONE «.1#1 NOW OPEN EYERY DAY Lot* Show FrL, Sat, Sun. 9:®9 Sunday Matinee 3:00 P. M .Cont. THURS^ SEPT. 18th -- Last Nlte "I CAN GET IT FOR-YOU WHOLESALE" ""IRLTSIT, SEPT. 14-"i *L0RNA DOOM:" (Technicolor) Richard Greene Barbara Hth • • • • • • • a m m m m m m m m m SUN. t MOX„ SEPT. l«-i; -FORT WORTH" (Technicolor) Randolph Scott TUES. ft WED., SEPT. 18-19 «!4 HOURS'* Paul Douglas Richard Base hart ROUTE SALESMAN NEEDED One of the nation's largest feed companies needs Route Salesman in this vicinity who are willing to make repeat calls on customers now buying large tonnage. Home nights. No stock or credit to carry. Must have car. Excellent earnings and splendid chance for advancement Permanent, full-time work. No transfers demanded. Thorough training in the field. Age 25-50. If you are sober, reliable and a hard worker, apply to Box 203, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 18 HELP WANTED--WOMEN - Now is the time. The Christmas selling season starts early with Avon, famous for cosmetics and beauty products. One territory open in McHenry. Join the sales force now and share in the big profits. Write P- O. Box No. 56, Rockford, 111. 18 HELP WANTED--Girl fof wafcing on trade at counter and assembling orders. Apply Local Cleaners. 18 HELP WANTED--Man willing and able to work. Alexander Lumber Co., McHenry. 18 HELP WANTED -- Married man for general dairy farm. Clarence Holze, Hampshire, 111. 1$ The Beautiful I I I O V A I ! ' r* I « m » FRI. & SAT., SEPT. 14-12 Cameron Mitchell Amanda Blak* "SMUGGLER'S GOLD" Wayne Morris Preston Foster •THE TOUGHER THEY COME*" ft«W. A MONm SEPT. 1*1? ( on't 3:15 • 1 ,... (Technicolor) Esther Williams Howard Keel -PAGAN LOVE SONG" A Big South Seas MaslcaL TUES^ WED. A THURS* SEPT. 18.19.80 Hedy Lamarr John Hadiak «A LADY WITHOUT PASSPORT" FOR RENT--Owner would like to share home (4 rooms and bath) in Crockett's Subd., Ingleside, with responsible, employed couple. Mrs. E. S. Moorhead, Crockett's Subd., Rt. 1, Ingleside, 111. 18 FOR SALE -- In Meadow Lane Park in city limits of McHenry; new, modern homes; face brick veneer on four sides; 2 bedrooms; large Uving-dlnlng room; kitchen with Youngstown cabinets and sink; complete bath with shower; large utility room; forced air; automatic oil heat; price $11,000 plus site. Haft Construction Corp., State Route 31 half-mile south of Route 120. Tel. .McHenry 749 or 786. XJrtf FOR SALE -- 4 ATTENTION FARMER8 and BUSINESSMEN Leaving state and for quick sale will take $8.500.00 for new home, which will bring $65.00 or more monthly, strictly modern, built to outlast any frame home. Must be seen . to realise this sure investment. 2 blocks in back of St. Patrick's church, left tarn, 3rd house. Tamasy. 15-tf FOR SALE--Royal Blue Grocery and Market Self-Service; Gfes Station, 3 pumps; 2 car gargae, 2 lots. McCullom Lake, Illinois. Phone McHenry 345 or 570-R-l. 17-tf ATTENTION FARMERS New Is the time to have your dairy barns sprayed with Carhehk T|p9 jtto In one -- Fly Control. Disinfectant and Drlea While. Carhola Is mixed In sprayer right en the farm, v-.-,.. Since 1985 approved by dairies. '.'^•1 CALL McHENRY 8<7.J.ft CARBOLA SPRAYMAN fcEBMAN ROSSDOETCHER N JOHN ANGELE AUCTION / ED YOGEL, Auctioneer FOR 8ALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate ~ Ml Richmond Rlid McHenry, I1L Phone: McHenry itl«£ Licensed I1L * Wis. BroMt MISCELLANEOUS MISC. -- Now taking orders for coal in load lots, direct from Braidwood mine. Lump coal and 1H by 1^& stoker. Delivered for $12.50 a ton C.O.D. Phone McHenry 612-W-l. *16-3 MISC.--Saturday Matinee skating; starting Saturday, Sept. 15th, 1951, 2 P. M. to 4:30 P. M. Just For Fun „ Roller Rink, McHenry, 111. 18 MISC.--Young man desires ride to 6:30 A. M. Crystal Lake train Monday through Friday. Phone McHenry 235-M. 18 WANTED FOR SALE--All year 'round house 3 rooms complete. Reasonable, George Pedersoii, Westlane, Me- Cullom Lake. 18 FOR SALE--Real Estate vacant on East side Hwy. 31; 2 corner lots, one on Grove Ave., one on Oak St, also 2 other lots on Oak. Reasonable. Phone McHenry 235-M. 18 FOR SALE--Home for sale In McCullom Lak6, 5-room all year 'round home; basement; garage; expansion attic; automatic oil heat; automatic hot water and softener; Hollywood kitchen. $8,- 500. Call McHenry 547-R-2. 18 Having decided to quit farming, I will sell at Public Auction on my. farm known as the old 'Joe P. Miller farm. 3 miles North of Johnsburg, 2 miles South of Spring j Grove, and 4 miles East of Ring-' wood, on TUESDAY, SEPT. 18th. starting at 12:00 o'clock sharp the following described property} 82 HEAD of LIVESTOCK' 16 Milch Cows* 8 fresh 7 springers ' a n d t h e b a l a n c e m i l k i n g g o o d ; " j Ilolsteln heifers. 8 to 10 months old; 2 heifers, 8 months old; lj Holstein ball. 9 months old; 411 feeding pigs wt. 125 lbs.; IS feed, j lag pig*, wt. 79 lbs. MACHINERY McD. Model M tractor 12-38 tires, less than one year old - with cultivator; AUls Chalmers WC tractor, motor completely overhauled, with c u l t i v a t o r ; C a s e t r a c t o r a n d manure spreader on rubber, like new; Case one-row corn picker on rubber, like new; McD. 7-ft tractor disc; John Deere 9-ft tractor disc, like new; McD. 7-ft. tractor mower; McD. 2-216 tractor plow on rubber, new; 3-section steel drag: Rubber tire wagon and rack; McD. corn binder; McD. 2-214 trac- WASTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Fowl*. Woodstock .Box 384. PhOne 464-JX 41t! WANTED TO BtfY 1TMTEB TO BUI --Private party w^nts to buy from owner 2 to 5 acres, partly on highway or black top road. Phone McHenry 603-J-l. 18 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS BFSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE -- HURRY! You can move right in; very near McHenry,. newly decorated; modern bath; oak floors; storm windows and doors; large porch. Sale includes brick garage and summer cottage, with water and toilet; fruit trees and berry bushes, galore. Easy, Easy Terms. Priced for quick sale $2,500 cash,, balance 15 years. Hurry! Call (fcorge Leaf, McHenry 67S-W-1. 18 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- Desirable income city property. Nets approximately 7% on $30,000.00 purchase price. Write owner, Box 205, c/o McHepry Plaindealer. *18 FOR SALE--Property in Mineral Springs; 5 room insulated cottage with enclosed rear porch; 2 car garage. House has oil burning pipeleBS furnace; automatic gas ^vater heater; utility room etc., also some furniture for sale. Phone McHenry 686-J-2. 18 FOR SALE--New ranch type, year 'round home. 2 bedrooms; tile bath; fully insulated, automatic oil heat, 2 car garage, lake rights. Pistakee Bay. Frank Michels. Phone Pistakee 558-R-l. 18 i BOOMS--Oil heat, five lots, nice location in Country Club Subdivissfioonn.. OOww ner leaving town, call our office MMtc Henry 37. 6 BOOMS--On Fox River, garage, lot (0x150, North of McHenry, running water, qompletely furnished. Price $7,500.00. For appointment call JACOJI FRITZ, REAL ESTATE in JohnsbutW, TeL McHenry 87 17-tf FOR SALE--Owner selling lovely 6 room year 'round, home at Lily Lake. 2 blocks from Rt 120. closed-in porch; 2 car garage; new! hot water heater; combination range; drapes and other extras. Price $8,500. Write E. Hudacek, Rt. 2, Box 41, McHenry. 18 TOWNE THEATRE GRAND AVENFE FOX LAKE 7-1811 tor plo#; Gehl B-40 silo filler with pipe; John Deere corn planter with fertilizer attachment; 7-ft grain hoe drill; 3 rolls of show fence; 2 step ladders; Rubber tire wheelbarrow, new; 60-ft three-section extension ladder; Electric drill with stand; Emery wheel with motor, new; Power lawn mower; 300-gal. gas tank on stand; 1937 V-S Ford car. good rubber; pipe cotter; pipe thrsa&der, y, inch to % inch and 1 inch to 2 inches; air compressor. •, %• MILK EQCIPMENT ^0 Universal milking machinei,*,V|t, single units, with motor and pump; 10 milk cans, new; electric water heater; 60-ft. of % inch |>ip.e; palls, strainers, etc. '• CHICKENS ;-.U 120 Austria White year fee** laying good; 200 Austria White pallets; gas brooder, feeder, etc. FEED 2000 bushels, of oats; 2090 bales of clover and alfalfa hay. mixed; 200 bales* of straw; 40 acres at standing corn; 7 acres of silo corn. 4 room oil heater <aaA BOOM household furniture. I'saal Terms. JOHN ANGELE, McHENRY STATE BANK, Clerking. CttnpM* line of Beet* remedies at Wattles Drnf 81mm McHenry. FRI. A SAT„ SEPT. 14-li G.M V, Hijo tAn/UN HORATIO HORHBIOWBI" COLONY McHENRY, ILLINOIS Air Conditioned -- Comfort Good Ylslon and Sound Doors Open at It# Show Staffs at ?ttf SI N. A MONm SEPT. 18.17 A. Blyih M. Sievtns in "KATIE DID IT TUES* WED. * THFRS4 SEPT. 18.19.89 L. Lues A. Nixon "PREHISTORIC WOMEHT Tin Cans Not Tin Tin cans sre not tin at all, hot sheet steel coated with a thin film of tin. This costing is only about 1% per cent of the total weight of the can. FpmiLV OUTDOOR FEET R A Y S L A K E * RT I 20-: Come Regularly, Relax and Enjoy Privacy In Yoar Car With Your Family As They Are. -- We Feature Finest Shows Yon AU Will Like -- Rain or Moonlight. -- Opca 7 P.M. -- First Show at Dark, 2nd after If. CHILDREN ODER 12 IN CAR FREE! ^WSDNS5DAY 'TIlTsATl^^ DINAH SHORE DANA ANDREWS SAMUEL GOLOWYN'S ADDED FEATURE # » # o « # V j r m 0 0 m SAMUEL GOIOWYN presents BOB HOPE • DOROTHY LAMOUFT 0 THEY GOT Me ^ COVERED'^ cd tHroufh MO ladw Pic turn. Incs ; j i . j i f M i ' i 'l'l"fr4'i M i I t I I •• SON.. MON. & TUES.. SEPT. 16-17-18 -FOLLOW THE SUN" PLUS -- IN TECHNICOLOR "SANTA FE" , j TO SATURDAY.' "FORCE OF ARMS" •I •M"|"HiiM"M"1"K ! i'H"H i' Ml'l ENJOY A RESTFI'L EVENING WITH YOrR FRIENDS . COMFORTABLY COOL FOR YOCR ENJOYMENT. MMnmiUfllHIIIIIIItlllHIflllltlUIIIIIHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIlllll FRL A SAT* SEPT. H-U Farley Granger Rath Bnaaa Robert Walker "STRANG EBS ON 1 TRAIN" Color Cartoon A SM*t Sahfact World News SUN. A MON., SEPT. M.17 la Techalcelor Gregory Peck Tfrgiala Maye "CAPTAIN HORATIO HORNBLOWERP 1 Color Cartoon A Short flahfrmt World News Saaday Matiaee 2*9 Cost ,g- TFE&* WED. A THUBSh SEPT. 18.1949 Paal Douglas Joan Bcnfcett Linda Darnell THE GUY WHO CAM1 BACK* Color Cartoon A Short Sahject ivv.- f v SKYLINE DRIVE-IN > -- Located off Rl. 12b on Pistaka* Road 'j® One-Half Mlla North of McHanry. Illiaab T-- Screen 52x70 Feet | Box Office Opons ai 7:15 -- Show Starts ai THURS., FRI. & SAT.. SEPT. 13-14-1S Ann Dvorak -- Gono Evans (1) 1 WAS AN AMERICAN SPP ALL STAR MINSTREL SHOW (2) "YES SIR., MR. BONES" ^ Color Carloon & World Naws SUN. & MON„ SEPT. 16-17 Robarl Mltchum -- Jana RUAMU S n B € ft •- M ITCH u M • j4ht L HIS KINO OF WOMAN! Color Cartoon & Sport Rool 0 - .h*". TOES. St WED- SEPT. 18-19 Brian Doubly -- Ella Rainas -- Forraat TuekM f "FIGHTING COAST GUAR*" Color Cartoon & Short Snhjact -' .nw m A "••J. T~y