Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Sep 1951, p. 6

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*1*4? P*^ !>*<*.* ^i*n• *» «1».^» t «* \ «**• vi^.H- • <v . ^ «vjn ,»..*»< tfo 'is? , %#, *i «? . ^ •f* •*••->«••* » .</ _ am*,.* * HM*.* *• 1 4.1S % *. *>A . * «,«'y.,,^ LEGALS oa the Switkarlj dlt of the jtakile highway Mt known m ; Jltate Head NO. 20, and situate, ljrlBf aad being in the County of McHenry, In the State of Illinois. The hearing will be held at 4 o'clock P. M„ on Tuesday, October 2, 1951 In the City Hali of the City of McHenry, Illinois at which time and place any person ! NOTICE W THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OP WIDOFF REALTY CORP. FOR ZONING RECLASSIFICATION. % NOTICE is hereby given that In Amptlance with the provisions of < or persons desiring to object to fie McHenry County Zoning Or-, such application will be entitled dlnsmce, a public hearing will be to be heard. •ferrld hv thv .McHenry County Zon-! M.HKXRV COUNTY ZONING"7" ' lflc Hoard of Appeals relative tol SOtARD OF APPEALS. •a1 reclassifkatiou of the property B_ HAROLD BACOlf, described below, in accordance > tts43halrmafc. With a Plat of said property which , loqzE and KINNE la made a part, of . the Petition ' Man of Utdfi '" * 1 y/ F:r'*i V *r , £g** "'*#>'* V». "Vi . ,,,.>•*<*<.•• * » ««" *•». v' « ' '> )»> *" «--" V t" J' **• y" "'* " 1 , ' * :-t • -'M - • 4 Attorneys at Law 115 Riverside Drive McHenry, Illinois. filed by the applicant, which requests a change in classification from "F" Farming District, to "R-l" Residence District, and CAY **phlch also requests r change in ' :L ^~s°:f?cat!on to "B-l" Business for-.foat lot* which art! f* ?£ ieeific,d!>-•'. described! in the Pett£.j ;jon. in accordance with the pray-j Z?'.*"4fr.of said petition filedwith thel * "v r»t»ard: - ' [ '..The undersignfd will; ietl Wto: , >* .<* The nor^Ji fiti feet of Lots Y aftdTdairy at JPublie Auction. on tke ' "5 of the Southwest Quarter of ^;,rTn ^oWn as Oreen Acres 3Ml V'?^ •Section 19. Township 45 North, miles West of Woodstock, on R)U DAIRY AT AUCTION Willi AM n. BUSSRl, A«ct. MMMm uum 1 Pietural «art|r man eC Itttara^M r VCvnrl •tSIrdand UPredpitatMii lSVbrk proof -•if Arabian golf It Caper JlSataH fat.) 30 Writing tool 21 Place (ab.) '22 Accomplidi 21 Ever (contr.) Senior fab.) '-iS8 Father f/J;y ^2COf the thing StNova Scotia SIMpm 3 Bird 4 Number j 5 Verbal 6 Sped 7 Louse egg 8 Wife of Gerakit in Arthurian legend • Court (ab.) , 10 French river 11Purpoae 12 Looks askance II Amends 21 Mountain _ 25 27 Weird 37 Type o# f 38E)rra«e , ^ 42Fdg» m 44 AfM IMHIU 'h* * social iventa 4dlTlndHb«ad 47Bulgln| |arJ - 48Ettcet^iae <i SI fliM WbMkan Range S East of the Third Prin-Pn --;•' cipal Meridian; ALSO Lot- 2 t>f •. the -Northwest Quarter of Section II, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian; ALSO the : East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, Township 45 North, Range 7 East of the J Third Principal Meridian, (except therefrom the South 885 feet thereof), in McHenry County Illinois. Said hearing shall be heard in the City Hall in the City of Mc- Itefiry. McHenry County, Illinois, 0 the hour of 4:00 P. M. on the fed day of October, 1951. 2^1 All persons interested may at- #nd. £ McHENRY COUNTY ZONING 1 BOARD OF APPEALS By HAROLD J. BACON, Its Chairman. ier's Attorney: WILLIAM J. CARROLL, Jr. UOtt Benton Street Woodstock, Illinois. telephone: 1334. OF CLAIM DATE KNOX, Crystal Lake, Illinois. of JOSEPH H. HUEMANN, FRIDAY, SEPT. MMl '& mi >>; Commencing at 1 oVleek. ; 75 HEAD of LIVESTOCK consisting of 66 Choice Bolsteln Dairy Cows, some of which will be fresh and a number of springers, and the balance milking; 10 Head of Hol> stein Heifers coming two jean old; 10 Yearling Whlteface Steers. This is a good dairy of cows and will be sold strictly on their merits, and I will be pleased to have anyone interested come at milking time and see these cows milked. The reason I am seHing this dairy, is the family that has been with me for nine years are leaving October 1st, 1951, and at this time of year it is impossible for me to hire a sufficient amount of help to run my dairy, as I do not believe in hiring help from Others. Milkhonse Eqaipment--Milk cans, pails and strainers. TERMS -- Usual Bank Terms. Hot Responsible For Accidents.' Lneh Wagon On Grounds. FRANK J. GREEN, Owner First National Bank of Woodstock, Clerking. (ab.) Bride* Bauae 32 Ontario (ab.) 9< Silkworm SS Desire 96 Quote 38 Symbol for radium VSItUeal 30 Hawaiian food 52 Mouth (tot 32Be seated SSHtflht tana 35 Rove 55M7HU More than 100 persons attended Advance Night as observed by the local O.E.S. chapter in Acacia hall Tuesday evening, with Elisabeth Bohr and Herbert Howorka presiding. Alice Hoeft and William Hoeft served as worthy matron and patron, seated in the East, Edith Harrison and Chancey Harrison acted as associate matron and patron in the West, and Marion Cannon of McHenry was conductjj Notice is hereby given to all teraons that November 5, 10S1, is Ste claim date in the estate of OSEPH H. HUEMANN, Deceased, fending in the County Court of SleHenry County, Illinois, and that |taims may be filed against the jWd estat« on or before said date Jpttout issuance of summons. JOSEPH G. HUEMANN, -..-f fW Executor. :^i;4Pub. Sept 1S-20-27) ^ NOTICE OF fXAIM BATE JERNON J. KNOX, lawyer, Lake, Illindla. tte of MICHAEL BAUER, De- •g Notice Is hereby given to all ftersoits that November 5, 1951, is claim date in the estate of IAJEL BAUER, Deceased, In the County Court of lettry County, Illinois, and that may be filed against the f*ld estate on or before said date frithout issuance of summons. BERNARD BAUER and Senrlotf For Burloa't Bridge Business A Burton's Bridge business man for twenty years, Joseph J. Bauml, 45, died at his home in that community last Friday. A native of Chicago, where he was born March 19, 1906, he operated a tavern and grocery store since 1981. He was a member of the Loyal Order of Moose at Crystal Lake and the McHenry County Tavern keepers association. Survivors include the widow, Mary; three children, Joann, Mary Jo and Joseph Jon Bauml; also four sisters. Rites were conducted from the Warner funeral home In Crystal 40 Symbol for tellurium . 4| Ream (at>.)\ 43 Emmet V 45 International t language 47 Bone ssr ™ 60 Mate . t3K«non») I Youth Apprehended In County Gets Sentence Word has been received In McHenry county that Thomas Hasen, 18, of South Bend, Ind., who had been sentenced to the state farm for larceny in this area several months ago, has been sentenced to serve not less than seven years nor more than twelve at the state penitentiary. Sentence was set by Judge Wand Holt, circuit judge of Fayette county, for intent to commit murder. With two accomplices, Haien waa said to have attempted to escape from the state farm at Vandalia recently and beat up a guard In a futile attempt to go free. Hazen was apprehended by county authorities hire after a number of Wonder Lake homes had been entered and some aHlcles taken. • ALGER STOBY la a recent issue of the Northshore News, an interesting feature story about Pete Relland, owner of the Reiland and Bree farm store at Routs 176 and 3L appeared. The story, in part, follows: From an immigrant boy to the owner of a "million dollar" business, the story of Pete Relland Is to the best Horatio Alger tradition. Mr. Relland, 69, came to America from the tiny Duchy of Luxembourg in 1918. Today he's the sole owner of Reiland and Bfee, which CABD OF THANKS We would like to take tfcfe means to thank everyone for their kind remembrances on our golden w e d d i n g d a y , e s p e c i a l l y f o r flowers and cards. We are especially grateful to Father Coakley and Father Steve for iheir services. 18 MR. AND MB6. 7 "" MATHIA8 J. RAUtitt f -w- I sell8 cars, trucks, farm implements ai 2 o®1*** Mond*y' ^ and general merchandise In Northburial in Algonquin. Bereft how to make sure yeo*re securing strength in sheets. Observe whether the yarns are close together and whether the same number CAROLYN BAUER,, run lengthwise and crosswise in the Iflhtib. Sept Executors. 13-2047) NOTICE fllE MATTER OF THE APCATION OF GEORGE F. NHANS D/B/A KLEINHANS LDINO SERVICE FOR VARIATION OF ZONING CLASSIFICA- "ON, NOTICE IS HEREBY IVEN: yiC That in compliance with the ag\ provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance relative to a .variation of zoning classifications rC S'* P®klic hearing will be had befbre -the Board of Appeals in con- 5= - -- ttection with the application of !•&».* 0JDORGE F. KLEINHANS D/B/A KLEINHANS BUILDING SERVICE " that the zoning requirements o1 the following described real estate be varied to allow the addition Of an outbuilding 28 feet by 18 f«et by 10 feet on the Southerly aide of the existing office and e building at present on property as follows: >t Number thirteen (13) aceording to the Plat of Survey of Chicago Road Subdivision as rtcdrded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County,. Iliiin Book 4, cf Plats fabric. It's this balance of yarns in a close weave, according to the textile experts, that creates a durable fabric. Such a sheet, they say, will have a high resistance te wear and tear in all directions. #•- ' ' ' if: . N'1, MEXS brook and Crystal Lake. ^•1* el World's Metals'. ./ Sources of raw materials us^ In ateelmaking are being developed extensively in Canada. The Dominion now mines 80 per cent of the world's nickel, and is the source of nearly all consumed by the steel industry of the United States. Canada is the world's second largest producer of sine and aluminum; the fkird largest consumer of natrual gas, apd has thf fourth largest output of copper and cobalt. MACHINES DESTROYED A total of $1,805.70 was taken from the sixteen slot machines of McHenry county which were confiscated by state police early last week and later destroyed. It wan said that there will be no prosecution by state police of tavech owners ' in whose places the machines were taken in the ratif,' the second to take place by statepolice within the last ye^ ^ ENROLLMENT Approximately 1,800 grade ag4 high school boys and girls tgtured to school in Crystal Lake Tuesday and Wednesday to mai^ the resumption of classes following a holiday for June, July and August. With faculty workshops and registration having been held, pupilB found everything was in readiness tor class work Whicl was started the first day. Enroll ments this year, as compared to last year, were as follows:' High School in 1950, 520 ; for 1951, 560;: Junior tllgh Grades in 1950, 798;; for 1951, 874; St Thomas in 1950, 260; for 1961, 266; Imm. Luthtfan in 1960, 116; for 1961. 110. Others holding office for the evening were Howard Ehrke of Richmond/secretary; Walter Harris of Wauconda, treasurer; Frances Kafapert of Barrington, associate conductress; Alta Kelsey of Algonquin, chaplain; Esther Kubley of Marengo, marshal; Phyllis Nlmtz of McHenry, organist; Marlon Harris of Waucondt, Adah; Mabel Sales of Richmond, Ruth; Genevieve Roper of Woodstock, Esther; Hattie Brockragge oit Crystal Lake, Martha; Alpha Bosselmt^t of Harvard,. Electa; Gall Downing of Noma chapter, warder; Leslie Neff of Woodstock. s« htinei; • Carl Mitchell of Crystal Lake, soloist; and fiknma Pyritz of McHenry, guest of honor. Introduced during the evening's service were Aeola Underwood, the chapter's Instructress; Betty Highgate Clark, chairman of the publicity committee for the grand chapter; grand lecturers, worthy matrons and patrons and past matrons and past patrons. The dining room, where Mildred Howorka and her co.mmlttee served tasty refreshments, was attractively decorated for the occasion in the colore of red and silver. , , Invitations were read for Elizabeth Bohr and William Hoeft, who will serve In the East on Worthy matron and Worthy patron night in Richmond Sept. 22; also Alice Hoeft, who will be Electa, and Herbert Howorka, who will act aa secretary, at Harvard Sept. 24. EftNA MILLER DIEI Mrs. Edna Miller, wife of Louis J. Miller of Woodstock, the latter a resident of McHenry some years ago, died at the Woodstock hos- 1 on^ Monday of this week. In litibn to her husband, she is survived by a daughter, her mother, one brother and one sister. Funeral services were held at I o'clock Wednesday afternoon from, the Merwin funeral home, with Rev. Firestone conducting. Complete llie of Lee's poultry needles at Wattles Drag Store* •PfiW'l• r• y't 1 (aHimI WM SIH MM VASES • M. Lb Schoenholtz, principal of the Junior high school, announces that the school intends to have a junior high school band this year, under the direction and supervision of Paul Raasch. The school has adopted the following policy concerning the in* atrumental program: 1. Students should - consult the music teacher before definitely choosing an Instrument 2. If the student buys his own instrument and Instruction book, the school will provide the instruction. 3. Students having private lessons will practice between onehalf hour and one hour daily 4. Instruments are to be leift in the music room during school hours and taken home after t-chool. 5. Band and orchestra music may be taken home provided it is properly signed out. 6. Band and orchestra are voluntary school subjects. The school* has already made arrangements for George Breben who represents the Holton In-, strument Co., of Elkhorn, Wis., to1*" bring a number of instruments to McHenry so that instruments may be rented or purchased. Mr. Breber will be at the McHenry junior high school music room Thursday, Sept. 13, at 7:30 It is requested that parents accompany students during this dieplay. All parents of Junior high school students are cordially in* vited to attend. llPiii (Purina Newt Photos Prises st < field trial* •warded oe the bath of 1)--Hm first dee hte rant IstwsM. twe flee* placed at a given distance from the tree in which tfw She Is fUatii and 2) for the first dog to bark the tree at the ceon. -it"" Get our Want ads, like freedom, are everybody's business. Just Received New Shipment of PARAKEETS •efrlgeratejjip t , At one time manufacturers received complaints because children and grownups would bump into refrigerators with their toyp and packages and the reMger«tor coating would be chipped. Ti» erive the problem. Industrial finish designers developed a special ftnlsft that has extreme flexibility so that, when the refrigerator is bfhged, the iah bends with the metal Artificial Members Amputees are advised by National Patent Council that inventors are constantly at work trying to improve artificial members. Gilbert M. Motic, Burbank, Calif., recently was awarded a patent for an artificial arm with 190 parts that can turn and swing in a movement "combining the motions of supination, flection, and abdyctloa." World of Oelev ' Color has added Inomeafurably |g the pleasure of the World by preelding beauty--a splendid sunrise, a brightly plumed bird, aa autumn forest, and the many shades and hues that make our home furnishings treaty to the eye. Spinach, kale, endive, beet tops, snd dandelions all furnish excellent amounts of vitamin A and iron fm the family diet Canary and Parakaai Food GEO. COLLETTE, OwMT 10t Riverside Dr. McHenry PHONE 4M Open Friday Nltes Tfl • Sundays TO Noon Nash Ambassador 1 joe pet a peony down on any car--see us at once about thf handsome proposition we can make on a Nash Ambassador seda%, , Ye». own a bigger, finer, more beautiful car for many hundreds * dollars less than you dreamed! In just five minutes we can prove our Nash Ambassador is the most modern of America's finest cars, y<t we can sell you a Custom Ambassador with Airliner Reclining Seat and HHyyddrraa--Matic Drive at a saving of as much a&$1349* »mpaicd to the other fine cars. •Cmnparatir* print, AuUmoHn Nan. Am- '•>!. Drive the Mast Modern of America's Fins Cars DOWNS NASH SALES » 405 ELM ST. PHONE 484 McHENBY. ILL. TV Punt Watch Paul WhhemanTVTeen Club s:; ABC Nolmiljh, l>y> Mi>ih IMfkitm fdd seter te the smmr deser. them leek their best by Hiem in sperklbig vases To nMke m Hewer v*M sweet-smelling, sprinkle .9 INNo hOfclng sede into the vwt, vib with • damp detti and rlase SNfy laft trace at the sllavy dim that dbji ta the walls of dawer 2mm bed vases by sprlnkllaa a H|lt sede lata the vase, adding a hjm i-B. fhat or crashed eat shaN «fd shah|aa the vase well. Rinse |s bat water. Soda cleans glass fewer fregs, tee -- In >fact, It's a •eed tdaa ta have an extra hex adb^tbgs «dm| year Ceaiplete llae of Lee's pealtry remedlee at Wattles Drag Store, XeHenry. i A TIP FROM OUR D0NT GET STUNG DEPARTMENT Q. What la the name of thia cat of meat? A. Lamb breast.^ Q. Where doee it COM from and j how is it identified? 1 A. As the name implies, it la the . , . , b r e a s t s e c t i o n c o r r e s p o n d i n g to page 115. Said Subdivision being short plate and brisket of bea. It located in and being all that is a narrow strip of meat containpart of the South West quarter ing the breast bone and ends of 12 (^i) of the South West quarter r*^6, » ~ .{14) of Section Number twenty- % How is it prepared? fife (25), In Township Number A. It may be stuffed and roasted; f o r t y - f i v e ( 4 5 ) N o r t h , of Range s t u f f e d and b r a i s e d ; b o n e d and Naatber eight (8) Bast of the and braised; or cut into rib- Third Principal Meridian, lying e*® cooked in liquid. ^ • M«ika IT'S SUMMER 1h£ UTn 9oa*t be eanght en the redd wltt aa overheated ear. Let as cheek your ear for bet weather driving. BUTCH'S Wa Do Complaia Motor Orarhai dOtW.Ehn Stnwt McHenry, HL Phao* 811 Rasidence 91-R ••v Niiaiai«i J^rltaps aoonar te yov know youll natd a aaw anpplr of anr^ fcpefc Iftlar haada* or buiinaaa forms. Taka a Hp from us and fcring your bniinaw to tha shc^ thai spadalisas lA Ugb quality • "Wpfy 1 HWi'- McHENRY PLAINDEALER J JOB DEPARTMENT": Phone 170 102 If, Qreen St,, Mhi 0 Mr. Bill* Ruth, n paint engineer from the Chicago Paint Company will be at our ftorf^ alt |lay Saturday, Sept. 15th to help you with your painting problems. He • ' ' ...... " . ; " • will also give a f ree Can of Paint to each customer and Icfdlan Hats for the kiddies. " ALTHOFF'S "McHENRY COUNTY'S LEADING HARDW/^ MAIN ST. PHONE 284 McHENRY ~.L 1 ::

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