Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Sep 1951, p. 5

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Ifrugsdiy, September 20, 1951- . ^ 'V • ' . - " ! ' • » ' • • 1- ". - T - ' - r -- ,• •• - ' i V Mr 20. 1S5K . -i , '. - ' • Plaindealer Want Ads '•$6 ads counted l«u ttaP *« words.'75c mlniaanm. 1 Insertion 75c Grant S words ptrjUnt) 15c service charge on all blind ads. C^sh with order. $4rd at Thanks .... *1.00 Minimal .Want Ads close promytfynt 10 a& Wednesday. Mclfenry Plaiadealer •j^ubljabe^ erery Thursday at Mcffeh^ 111., by the li^HearyPnj^- Usbing Company, Inc. . HAf« W. BURFEINDT, Oen. Manner. •DELE FROKHUCH. Editor. -- SUBSCRIPTION BATS lj«r ........ f&M fcntered as second-class matter at the poatoffice at McHenry, 111., under tfee act of May S. I87f. AUTOMOTIVE PLACEMENT PARTS f*B ALL CARS Accessories no seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPlT 4fi$ W. Elm Street •pen daring week I AJI. to 7 KM- Snatlnys - • AJE. to l P.W. ntf FOR SALE -- One Model H Mc- Cormieh Deerlng tractor and 2 tow cultivator; good condition. I Model B Allis-Chaljners tractor with starter .lights and PTO. E. J. Sheldon, Gragrslake, Jll. Phone 3-7911. »18-2 FOR S^IiX -- 1936 Ford in good mechanical condition. Call Wonder baft 8481. 19 FOR HALE--^89. Dodge, i ton paqiel good tirjss; motor; new clutch; ^150.00. Trailer, . 4*9 box, $35. Vic itocourek, Plstaqua Heights. Phone Pistakee 551-R-l. *19 FOR SALE -- 1989 International half-ton pick-up truck. Good condition. Priced to sell. Phone McHenry $8€-R-l. 19 FOR SALS -- 1937 ?-<fr. sedan, Chevrolet Oool motor. Photo e McHenry 135-M. 19 BUS1NSB8 SERVICE The Candid Camera PhetogTafhs Specialists -- Candid Weddings Borne Portraits and Commercial Photographs Years of Experience F. IOUN , tat-v-i Change RA «-«S67 nciLS DRILL?© OB BXKfBI WATER SYSTEMS -- We sell repair and install pumps. Bill Bafon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Tele- >ne 167. 2ejg| TIDY BUG ©LEANEBS ^ All services, approved methods, 'i- Free day and evening pick-up ^ and delivery. Phone Woodstock 162 18-tf BEAD ANIMALS - Highest Cash prices £ajd for cows, horses and ; no help needed to load. Day slid night, Sundays and holidays. Qlll Wheeling Rendering Worka. Hfheeling Mo. 3; reverse charges. " ' i Sftt Xfi&Tfi YOUR CESSfOtfLS, cateh t>4*ins septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry l$0. 29 tf dmsiXB WORM ' DONE BY • DAt OB CONTRACT. f I? All WSIAfSOir • f Ted. l^tenrj 749 ! site BUSOTB8 MptTKJS HWa MOO DOOR BELLS FOB 7fe WITH A PtJUNDEALE* WANT AD MRDICW Stmci -- Have enough 8-in. log siding to cover building. 30xS8-ft. Will build sum. mer home, house or garage. E- E. Wlk A Son. Phone McHenry 897-R •19 BEgBHURBATOR SERVICE AH makes and models; motors rewound. Werner's Refrigerator Service. Phone McHenry 535-M-2. 19-2 BALFB L. CLARK Flaae Mileht Repairing Tun lag NS Garfield Road Harvard. X1L Phone 748-F MUSIC warr^e-rio* In Your Own Rome Piano aud Piano Aceordiaa Classics or Popular beginners or Adancea Instrnelion IMTIT ?. KOOH Ffcone Pistakee 633-M-l Stf BUSINESS SERVICE -- Coming soon to this community, Rugmaster's on location cleaning services; represented by some of your local cleaning home furnishings and upholstery establishments. For further information watch these columns. Rugmaster's "America's Most Foolproof Cleaning System." •19-2 PIANO TUNING Also for sale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upright pianos. Prompt service. C. J. H. Diehl, phone 208-W, Woodstock, 111. *•„ ' 51-tf ALICE MARIE BLASKIS flnnterrllls Fart SaMlvlsisa FEBMANFNT WAVING HA9 Kppeii Balr Shapia^ -- la year Hone S CsH McHenry 705-J ^ Hoars: • to 9 im*>^ •18-3 IQI ANB BARN 8PBAYING White washing or Qy control. Phone McHenry 643-J-l. Frank Henkel, P. O. Round Lake, Res. Vol*. dftf GBAPDC WEBBING CANB1BS Throughout the whole eventual day from Home, Church. JBtoCti>- tionu*"|n'full album form. MAX F. KOL1N (Henry (M.W-1 ICO RA MM? BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US -- We can deliver anything from a snapshot to \arge morals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PBOJEGTORS, FILMS ANB SUPPLIES. .. WORWICK'S STUDIO, Hf Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 275. 40tf BXPEBT PIANO TUNING Repairing and Reconditioning. All Work Guaranteed. Form«rly with Lyon and Healy. R Zaboth, phonp Lake Zarich 5S41. 87-tf BUSINESS SERVICE CRSSFOOLS and SErriC TANKS ' SERVICE A. BOUGLA8 * ^ ***** McMeary 77«-W* tit GARBAGE COLLECTING --Let as dispose of your garbage each week, ot oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. tf FOR SALE ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing *lci Good Condition for the entire family. Fprmala. Open Tues. through Sat. 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich. Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antiqae Shop, % mile west Terra Cotta factory which is on Rt M. Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 51-tf FOR SALE -- Cement building block. All sixes. Smooth and rock face. By standplpe, W. Waukegan Rd.. McHenry, I1L Phone 282-R or S9S»J. 4-tf FOR SALE -- Factory Seconds; Women's Slacks, 12.35; Women's Skirts, $2.50 to $3.50; Dresses, $1.98 and 11.98, also Children's Slacks. |l.85. Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main St., West of North Western depot. 1^-tl FOB SALE--^TYPEWRITERS, AD. DING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for sll makes, carbon paper. L| V. Kilts, Clay St Woodstock. Phone 549. 7tf FOR SALE -- Single car garage. Phone McHenry 60-W. *18-2 FOR SAL£ -- Like new cement mixer with motor; M-ft. aluminum extension ladder; Drill press and otter carpenter tools. Call Otto McHenry 610-R-l. 19 FOR SALE -- Seven row boats, $200 or $36 each; no oars; two malted milk mixers, $15 and $S5. Tel. McHenry 571-M-l. 19 FOR SALB -- 7-ft. DeLuxe Model Frigidaii with deep freeze unit; used 1V& years, 3-yr. warranty remains. Call 717, or after 5 P. M. call O-W. 19 FOR SALE--Console radio; pull-up chair; dinette set; odd dishes; 2 blankets; pair feather bed pillows; Ironing board; carpet sweeper. Tel. McHenry 756-J evenings or Sundays. 202H 8. Green St. (Hag twice). *19 FOB SALE--Man's overcoat, size 40, $f; pea jacket, size 12, $3; girl's wool skirts, sise 12, 75c; odds and ends dishes, 25c and 50c. Tel. McHenry 538-R-2-. *19 FOR SALB -- Six French doors. Reasonable. Phone 531-M-l, Saturday or Sunday. *19 NUMBER 54 LAST WEEK'S LUCKY CLOB NUMBER AT ' ALTHOFFS HARDWARE "McHenry County's Leading Hardware" MAIN ST* PHONE 284 W. McHENRY FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Gladiron mangle, hardly used, for half price of new mangle. Phone McHenry 189-J. 19, FOR SALE--Cocktail and television tables, need refinishing, each $5; red leather chair, $40; Bissell sweeper, $2; drawstring and 2 pr. regular drapes, wiudow length, lined, picture window 108", 3 pr., $15. T. Paknik, phone Wonder Lake 3052. I# SCHOOL 8URFLC8 Singer Sewing Machines $25 up in Portable -- Desk -- Console 8EWING CENTER 111 Newell Telephone >944 Woodstock, Illinois Authorised Necchi Dealer . ./ FOR SALE--Davenport and chair to match 19" walnut console Admiral television and cocktail table. Phone 114-R. *19 FOR SALE--Ftill length let-out racoon 00at, new lining. Bargain at $95. Phone McHenry 937 after 6 P. M. *19 FOR SALE--Early Victorian secretary, $150; unusual wall clock, perfect condition, $35; Chippendale mahogany desk, $50; 3 chairs and daven;>ort group, $150; , vacuum cleaner, $15. Phone McHehry 93? after 6 P. M. *19 FOR SALE--Tomatoes for canning. Bring own container and pick your tomatoes. Steve Danko, Rt 120, Lilymoor. 19 CHILB CABE easy when you use a Neeohi the world's finest sewing machine. SEWING CENTER v. Authorized Necchi Dealer Woodstock, Illinois 111 Newell Telephone 2064 $1 Dress Sale Everyday pi our Cotton Center. •' 19 FOR SALE--New National pressure cooker, 17-qL size, with racks. Never used. Phone McHenry ,891. 19 FOB SALE--JOHNS-MANSVILLE HOME INSULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call Leo J. Stilling 200 E. Pearl 8i, McHenry. Phone McHenry 18. 18-tf GENBBAL CONTRACTING MEW HOMES REMODELING and CARPENTER WORK Satisfaction Guaranteed - Bstimates C. B. KINSEY Aen McBeary 8N4 4*1 HOME REPAIRS We Sgnolaltee in all Home Reaairs Low Monthly Payments Free Eatimates McHenry Improvement Co. Phono Kt-W-1 •- UsHsery ril. <tf SEWING MACHINES Repaired or Electrified • • Inexpensively. 24-hr. Service, call colhpt SEWING CENTER Woodstock, Illinois tit Newell Telephone 2064 Authorized Necchi Dealer 19-tt HELEN WEBEB SAYS: 1 Y«ar clothes wHl he the cleanest you've ever seen M yen sead them to M. We earcfaUy Rjavbnte them and retain them spetkBfeg ck«sa ^ Service Thai SAHSFIES! ^ScHENBtY GLEANERS U*mrn^9tm* phoi^C mm FOR SALE--Like new stall shower With glass door. Bathroom lavatory j 10 casement windows, suitable for] porch. Wauconda 3664.. *19 FOB SA&R -- Parakeets; Just received a aew shipment, $6.95; also carry canary and parakeet food. GAMBLES, Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. Phone 459. 19 HELP WANTED WOMEN WAXTCD - AaumMen. wirerB, solderers, packers and inspectors; also stockboys and janitor. Experience not necessary. Secure a position in an ever expanding radio-television Industry. Employment office open Monday through Friday, 8 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. Admiral Corp., McHenry at intersection of Routes 120 and 31. Bus service to and from plant lS-tf HELP WANTEB -- Pin spotters wanted, steady work for fall bowling season. Good pay. Phone 559-W-l. McHenry Recreation. 14-tf SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTEB -- Position by experienced grocery manager and salesman in retail store. Write Box 206, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. •19 SITUATION WANTEB - Reliable experienced, party wishes typing to be done in her own home. Write to BOX 211, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. *19 SITUATION WANTEB--Come on ye rounders--round up your sang --dance to Wynne Jolitz's piano playing this winter. Vaudeville Daucing and Playing. Get on the ball--come a runni&! Phone or call at my home. Bast River Road. McHenry 436. 19 WANTED WANTEB -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Ftowker. Woodstock ,Box 234. Phone 464-JX 4UJ WANTEB--Riders from Lily Lake to Woodstock. Monday through Friday, 8 to 4:30 shift Tel. McHenry 591-M-2. evenings. 19 HELP WANTED--Pin spotters, 16 years or over; on Brunswick semiautomatic spotters. Palace Recreation 119 S. Green St, McHenry. 18-2 HELP WANTEB - Woman to clean and iron 2 days. 5 miles west of McHenry on Rt. 120. Own transportation. Phone collect Woodstock 1610-W-2. *19 HELP WASTER - Salesman to call on restaurants, hotels, and Institutions in surrounding territory. Gas for your car plus salary and commlsBion. Write or call iu person. Allworth Coffee Company, 414 West Grand Avenue, Chicago 10, 111. nt SALESMAN WANTED in this county by one of the oldest and largest feed companies in the Country. Home nights. No investment of any kind. Car necessary. Age 25 to 50. Sales and feeding experience helpful. Opportunity for security and advancement For complete Information about get- Uns started immediately, write Box 209, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. •19 MALE HELP WANTED BRICKLAYERS WANTHD At New Algon«aln School Route 6S Algonquin L0NG JOB TOP WAGES 0. W. POTTER A SONS, DM. General Contractors Phaae Algonquin 8071 19-3 HELP WANTEB--Dishwasher tor Saturday nights and Sundsys. Apply Town Club. Phone McHenry 12. 19 WANTEB--Someone to take care of child 1 year and a half, from 7:30 to 4:30; five days s week; either in my home or your home. Call 800 after 6:30. *19 WANTEB : : Your old treadle sewtiMf machine --to shtp to Islands up to $50.00 Dont call -- send VS your name, address, make of machine on penny card. SEWING CENTER Authorized Necchi Dealer 111 Newell Telephone 2064 Woodstock. Illinois $1 DresB Sale Every Day at o«r Cotton Center. 19 WANTED TO RENT WANTEB TO RENT -- Business woman neegB small apartment or house, furnished, or unfurnished. Phone 823-W after 6:30 P. M. 19 WANTED TO RENT--Have many desired would be renters. Have you any to rent? Free Service to Landlords, Skiba A Co. Phone 913, McHenry, III. 19 WANTEB TO RENT--Family of 3 want 2 bedroom unfurnished home in or near McHenry. Must have by rtov. 1st. Write Box 210, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. *19 WANTEB TO RENT --Professional man desirea office space, ground floor preferred, bnt will accept £nd floor In busy location. Willing to share space and do some remodeling it necessary. Write McHenry Plaindealer, Bex Na 212. " 19 WANTED TO BUY WANTEB TO BUY--2 cord of wood cut to fit furnace. Must be delivered. 716 Center St., McHenry Or call Lonnie Rooksby at Plaindealer office. *19 REAL ESTATE ™ m m m m ^ -- mim FOR SALE--New ranch typo, ytitff 'round home, 2 bedrooms; tile' bath; fully tasulaied, automatic oil heat, 2 car garage, lake righU. Pistakee Bay. Frank Michels. Phone Pistakee 558-R-l *19 FOR SALE--Real Estate vacant ott East side Hwy. 31; 2 corner lefts. one on Grove Ave., one on Oak Si, also 2 other lots on Oak. Reasonable. Phone McHenry 2?5-M. 19 ---- : --•-- • to * i. REAL ESTATE FOB SALS,v Mci'nllem Lake--5 rooms; immed$<- ate poasessioM; furnace heat; bath side drive; baserseat; Full price $8,750. North Orchard Beach S^cifoa -^- 2 bedroom, large cabinet kitchea* tile bath, aun porch, side dries*, garage. Possession U»»isdlstoly. Price $9,759. '. •» _____ SKIBA 6 G8w Excellent «t»ne tit BsI sL 5 'ill 19 WANTEB TO BUY -- Used bunk beds in good condition. Phone McHenry 600-W-2. 19 jREAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street. Phone McHenry 100-R. 19 FOR RENT -- 120 acre fa fro on shares to raise heifers. About 80 acres plow and hay land.. Balance pasture with year 'round live brook. Large barn. House occupied by owner. No living quarters tor tenants available. Located about five miles from McHenry, Woodstock, and Crystal Lake. Phone evenings or Saturdays and Bandays. Crystal Lake 1320-R-2. 19 FOB SALE -- HOMES -- FABMS BUSINESS PROPERTIES i ROOMS--Oil heat, five lots, nice location In Country Club Subdivision. Owner leaving town, call our office McHenry 37. & BOOMS--On Fox River, garage, lot 60x150, North of McHenry, run* ning water, completely furnished. Price $7,509.00. For appointment call JACOB FRITZ, REAL ESTATE In Jehnsbarg, TeL McHenry S7 17-tf FOR SALE -- Hew year 'rodhd home. 2 mites aorth ot McHenry. Riverside Drive--opposite lot -€ Huemann Subdivision. 3% rooms, fully insulated. Completely furnished. Full bath, antOMatic gaa hot water heater. New refrigerator, range oil heater. iMfe porch. 50x150 ft. lot River rights. Open Saturday and Sunday. Owner Magnuson, Merrtmao 7-1190, ChiCago. It i FOB SALE -- lRfur roam house;, utility room and two car garage; near park; reasonable. Write to Box 213, c/o McHenry Plaindealar. 1M FOR SALE--Two 1^4 acre tracts* ideal for ranch type homes, with large oaks, hickory and fruit tress, access to Fox River; one mito-' south of McHenry; on Bast River Road in Hillcrest Price $5,009.90 each. Write Ben J. Diets, 390 N. Vermont Ave., (Mandate, California.7 19-8 IBSOBLLABBOUS , FOR RENT--Modern 3-rm. heated apartment; garage space, ltt miles from McHenry. Tel. 534-W-l. 19 FOR SALE--1 electric American meat slicer, $60.00; 1 National cash register, elctric adding type, $100.00; 1 Dayton scale, electrified, 30-lb. capacity. $40.00; 1 8-ft Hussman refrigerator case includ ^ing compressor, $200.00. Call Mr. R. Mendyk, Wonder Lake 2911. •It FOB SALB -- Beautiful studio couch, like new, $45.00. Kenmore vacuum cleaner, $10.00. Call weak ends Pistakee 574-M-2. 19 FOR SALE--Upholstered Damask lounging chair; complete with 2 sets of tailored slip cowers. Tel. 797-ft. *19 FOR SALE--Power-master mixer with grinder and juicer, $10; 7%-ft. overstuffed tapestry covered couch $35; act (quo large >ack arm chair irish linen covered. $2t; coffee table, $5; all pieces in good condition. Kitchen work table, porcelain top, 4'x2V6', $3; antique table, $5; 16" TV Airliner, floor modll, antenna included. Currsn Kennels, Route I?. McHenry 63*M-2. 19 ELM Wauconda ROOTS 176 FBONE I4«l NOW OPEN EYERY BAY Late Show Fri, SaL, San. t:9t Kanday Matinee S:00 P. M Jut, m m m TITURS^ FRL A SAT* -- SEPT. U0-21-28 ^CAPTAIN BOILVTIO BORNBLO WE F" (Technfcolsr) Gregory Peck Virginia Mayo SUN.™ A MON-, SEPT. 23-tl Ssaday Matinee 9(00 P. M. "ON MOONLIGHT BAY" (Technkoler) Boris Bay Gaae lolson TUES. k WEBw, SEPT. B4I -TWO OF 4 DNB" Expand O^rlen Llnbett ScoK STARTS TBURSn SEf T. 27 1HB UHfiAMT $800 DRESSMAKING -- ALTERATION COURSE FREE with your purchase of Necshi, the sewing machine that sews everything. » Without Attachments Priced $160.00 to $300.60 Liberal Trade-in Budget Payments SEWING CENTER r Authorized Necchi I)ea||w Woodstock, Illinois^ 111 Newell Telephone 2064 >1 Dress 8sle Everyday at our Cotton Center. 10-11 Coa*leto Uae ef Beebe llvsstook remedies at Wattles Drnf Store, McHenry. HEM* WANTED--Mechanics and bodynfen. Good pay. Good working conditions. Ingleside Motors, Dodge and Plymouth Dealer, Ingleside, 111. Phone Fox Lake 7-2431. 19 FOR RENT--Three room duplex and 5 room home, both unfurnished except for pvt bath, electric stove, refrigerator, water heater and oil stove, at Lily Lake. Tel. McHenry 615-J-2. 19 OUTDOOR MEN Age» 17 to 35 for tree trimming aiMl tree surgery work in Crystal Lake aad McHenry areas, year round work. Phone Wauconda 2238. *19-4 GIRLS WANTEB--Ambitious girls wanted for our new plant Pleasant working conditions. Riverside Mfg. Co.. 600 Main Street, West of Northwestern Depot, McHenry. 17-tf HELP WANTEB -- Experienced mecSanifc. McHenry Garage, 604 Stf Front St., Tel. 403. 17-tf • K H i t » n t 1 I 1 H I H I I t M 1 'H 11 11 I l+M FflmiLV OUTDOOR FE ET O H A Y S L A K t Come Regularly, RcBx an! Rnjoy Privacy in Yonr Car With Yonr Family As Th« Are. -- We Featare Finest Shows Yen AH Will Like -- Bala or Moonlight -- Ope* 7 P.M. - First Shew at Bark, 2nd after R. CHILDREN tfNRER K IN CAR FREE! WHOTfESDAY TnTSATUTOAY. SEPfTl^jS Warncr,T BMOS. 1 •0CK WESSON i n i n i » Iolden Olson Iovejoy-- " M j C H A a C U R T ' Z # 1 1 1 » H 'l H I 1 » 1 MON. & TiJES., SEPT. 23-24-25 Double Feataio 'TITTLE BIG HORN" Plus, AW I 9 M 11 >1# 11 MM HtMMM 14 III »l 11MIM : 28-29 "IRON MAW" with J«HObwdkr l l > f i l l t l 4 l 9 $ l 9 9 > l l l t l l i i l H i m < l l < H I I > l i H i l t »l FOR RENT--2ft room furnished houBS, all conveniences; 4 miles out of town. Phone McHenry 519- M-l. *19 FOR RENT--Rooms in quiet home. Phone McHenry 68-R. *19 APARTMENT WANTEB--Unfurnished ; by reliable couple and small baby; located in McHenry or outskirts; good references. Tel. McHenry 657-R-l. 19 Complete line ol Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Brof Store, McHenry. Ml FOB SALE -- In Meadow Lane Park in city limits of McHenry; new, modern homes; face brick veneer on four sides; 2 bedrooms; large living-dining room; kitchen with Toungstown cabinets aad sink; complete bath with shower; large utility room; forced air; automatic oil heat; price 911,000 plua site. Haft Construction Corp.. State Route 31 half-mile sotth of Route 120. Tel. McHeary 749 or 786. 11-tf >J«j| *Y> FOB SALE--Royal Blue Grocery and Market, Self-Service; Gas Station, 3 pumps; 2 ear gargae, 2 lots. McCsllom Lake, Illinois. Phone McHenry 345 or B70-R-1. 17-tf FOR SALfc -- BOMBS -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate KB Richmond Read MeHonry, I1L Phone: McHenry Itl-J Licensed HL * Wis. FOR SALE 2 acres on South Elgin Road near school. Blacktop road. Call McHenry 1081. 19 WHY COOK! Ready Cashed Foods " > Jast Heat sam So$»* SPECIALTIBS Wed.--Noodle Ooulpsh Thurs.--Chop Snap Fri.--Cooked Shrimp aM Fish Salad. Sat--Baked Ram ^ Sun.--Chicken Pot Plsh.i< Matty other Home-Cookll Plas Home-Made Pisa ttd CaUA We eater to pal Mis. PANTRY BBliCAGIB BImslde Brtra CAOIES Fheae Hi "ji • •• . Father Joha P. Clsaiy qt ttT Ihomss Roman Catholie ehurch la Minneapolis soahas wtoa at marriage- ceremonies to ikesp ooiiplss anilsd when of rotnnncs hies. It Is sllmsUd that % flr industry at Western Washington Mstt asaih U million doRara In lfilsr fscift nsotoctlsn and managentsat SKYLINE DRIVE-IN COLONY McHENRY, ILLINOIS Air Conditioned -- Comfort Good Visioa aad Seuad Doers Opea at 6:40 Show Starts at 7:00 FRL * SATn SEPT. 2t-2S In Techalcelor Tony Curtis Piper Laarte •THE PRINCE WHO WAS A THIEF" Color Cartoon A Short Sabject World News SUN. A M0N„ SEPT. 28-24 la Techalcolor Doris Day Gordoa MscRae "ON MOONLIGHT RAY" World News A Short Ssbject wBugs Bsaay" Cartoon Sunday Matinee 2:30 Con*t. CLOSED ON TUESBAY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE WED. A THUR&, SEPT. 2M7 Richard Cente Jnlia Adams (1) "HOLLYWOOB STORY" Stanley aemeats Pefty Stowirl (3) -PRIDE OF MARYLAND" STARTING FRIDAY, SEPT. W Kirk Deagtsa Jhn Starting "BIG CARXIYAL" iiPcmled Vz Mik noth ol IHIIIMI, DL 14 Off ol Route 120 On PfeftilMB Road : Screen 52x70 Feet Box Oliico Opons it 7 PH -- Scrotn Siarfty at DMIL NjM* V- THUH&. FHL & SAT. SEPT. 20-21-22 'r' PRUI Douglas- - Richard Rasahart - Basbara Bal Gtd^i "14 HOURS" World's Middlawaighi Qtami^oiiship Fight Pictnrts Hold in Now York September 12th. "SUGAR RAY ROBINSON ts. RANDOLPH TURPUT Also: Color Cartoon y SUNDAY & MONDAY. SEPT. 23-24 Brodarick Crawlord -- Joanne Dru 'ALL THE KING'S MEN" Also; Disney's True-Lilo Adrenture 'NATURES HALF ACRE" In Technicolor ft*. TUESDAY k WEDNESDAY. SEPT. *541 Dick FowaU -- Bhood* Ftom»B(| 4U "CRY DANGER Th* Bokut Boy« ^ ,v - '• • $' . i, :4 .>=• (2) "LETS GO NAVY" J.

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