Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Oct 1951, p. 11

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•^FipiRpsprF -1 MCHEHHTWADTOEAIJEII ^Tc. m-i 1 •••;' *"'" "'• rrst&l +* \ .* « v x ^ , • , t • - t , . . - t t . V . ^ 7. ,<• , i : i ** -"*<•**• *-*# ..-•/•K •A'1*'-# 4 " ::-r j October 18, 1951 - NEWS FFTOM Wonder lata By Yanesoe Sells CeBimulty Olab Holil »|Nt Pall Mteting; Eferctfi Three Officer* The fflhst meeting of the fill season «h held Thursday by the Hffcrrison school community club ™ plans were made for the sthool year's activities. •A hard-times party will be gtiren Oct. 17 and alt members of the community are invited to attend, dressed in their oldest clothes, and prepared for a lot of fttn. Parents of Miss Alice Clark's room will be in charge of the party. On Dec. 2 there will be a ba- T^ar and supper. Mrs; Howard Wilkinson is chairman in charge of this activity and is seeking donations of all kinds to be put on sale for the benefit of the school. She suggests that interested mother# get together to sew various articles that will be suitable for Christmas gifts. Mrs. Russell Spnehr, Brownie Scout leader, gave a report on her *|ork with the Brownies and in- W>duced three of her girls who led the group in the pledge of allegiance. The three were Jqyce Schimke, Susan Spue^g, and Carol Swanson. Mrs. Wright, president of the community club presided at the business meeting and during thr? election of officers. The office of president does not rotate this year. £vMrs. Mel Sellek was chosen fMce president, Mrs. Roy Swanson, treasurer, and Mrs. Boyce King, treasurer. \ Room mothers were appointed as follows: For Mrs. Slavin's room, Mrs. Raymond Lane; Miss Clark's room, Mrs. Raymond Watkins; Mrs. Ulrich's room, Mrs. John Cecich; John Lathrop's room, Mr%. Harry Davidson; and Mrs. Oonk's kindergarten. Mrs. ^Nchard Mann. 'A hot lunch program for the school was discussed but was put Into the hands qt a committee for further investigation. The committee named included Mrs. Robert Doerrffeld, Mrs. Howard Wilkinson, Mrs. Russell Spuehr, and Mrs. Andrew Johnson. The club voted to renew the state circle library which includes eight books for e#ch room. This jjj»t $97. Other books purchased by the club at the request of the teachers amounted to $7.73. The club also voted to pay $46.- 57 for the kindergarten blocks and equipment which was on display for inspection. Parents from John Lathrop's room was the largest representation present with 10 families represented. The tables were decorated #ftli the scout colors' green and yellow, and with the trefoil that symbolizes scoutinr. A pumpkin centered the serving table which also was decorated with colorful fall leaves, and strawberry popcorn. Ann Lundborg gave an accordion solo and the Miller twins. Marv Lou and Suzanne, presented a tap dance. -Malted milk cake, and rice crispie "trefoils" were Berved to those present. Adult guests preaent included Mrs. Sybil Johnson. Mrs. Walter Meyer. Mrs. Harriet Bell, Mrs. Mary Cihos, Mrs. Isabel Swanson, Mrs. Betty Wilkinson, Mrs. Eleanor Wright, and Mrs. A1 Schimke. The girl scouts will have a cookout Friday noon at the "camel's hump". Wickline Bay. "Theater Season p; A lift-play theater season Represented at the Woodstock opera house starting Nov 9 by the McHenry County Theatre Guild. The plays will be given by a professional theatre group from Chicago. Memberships to the Guild are being sold? by the local directors, Mrs. Marjorie Lathrop and Mrs. Lillian Forsberg. Persons interested in maintaining the only winter stock company in the U.S. are invited to contact one of the directors for further information. Memberships are $10 and $15 for the season with the difference in the location of the seats. Ho School Friday There Mil be no school at Harrison Friday. All of the teachers of the county are to attend thr North East division meeting of the Illinois Education Association at Aurora. county, will open this" Thursday evening, October 18th, in the Woodstock Opera House, at 7:45. The young fiery preacher of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of Cedar Falls, Iowa. Rev. Paul Kindschi, is engaged as our guest speaker for the entire campaign. Mr. Henry Holmbo of Chicago will be the musical director. The meetings will continue over Sunday, Oct. 28, with meetings every night at 7:45. The services here at the Gospel Church will continue as usual this Sunday the 21, with Sunday Bible School at 10:00 a.m., Morning Worship service at 11:00 and Evening Gospel Service at 7:45, but on Sunday the 28, the evening service will be cancelled 'in order to give our people here at Wonder Lake the opportunity to attend and to participate in the closing service at the Opera House. The Confirmation Class of 1961- 52 will meet for its first study hour this Saturday afternoon. Oct. 20, at 2:00 o'clock. The class is still open for young people who desire to Join. "Hie age lim(t is 1? to 16. No tuition, but each student may bring a Bible, a note book and a pencil. - 16th fteualoa Mr. and Mrs. Gale Wrefte will spend the coming weekend at Cornell college, Iowa, where Gale will attend the 10th reunion of his class. Peggy Selsdorf will accompany the Wredes to Iowa..' „ ' Woman's Chrib Mrs. Helen Marks was hostess to the Wonder Lakiv Woman's club last week. After the business meeting, Mrs. Marks gave the group a lesson on making over old hats, even men's hats. Mrs. Marks says the men of Wonder Lake better hide their hats because many of the women really learned that hat lesson. Cake and coffee were served by Mts. Zlmmerlin, MVs. Liberator, and Mrs. Marks. The next meeting of the club will be held Nov. 9 in the home of Mrs. Marie Doerrfeld. f Bridge Clab Mrs. Greta Weisenberger entertained a bridge foursome Wednesday. Those present included Mrs. Simone Fuller, Mrs. Betty Wilkinson, and Mrs. Grpee Sellek. Girl Sceate Celebrate Their Third Birthday Wonder Lake's girl scout troop celebrated' their third birthday at a party Monday afternoon to fehlch the Brownie scouts and the troop committees were invited. There were 45 present: Mrs. Marjorie^ Lathrop leader of the girl scout troop, invited Mrs. Elaine Spuefir, Brownie leader, to tell a little about the original scout troop. The first scouts. Brownies, were organized by Mrs. Dell Tallman, wtfo* now resides In the south. The girls eventually grew to girl scout age and became fie first Intermediate troop and Brownie troop was formed to take care of the smaller group growing up. Two Corporals The Wenkel twins. Laura and Laurante. are both corporals/' Laura was recently given her promotion in the Women's Army Corps (WAC). Her brother is # member of the^Natlonal Guard. Teachers* Meeting "Parents Duty To the School," was the topic discussed at ateachers' meeting in Cary last week. Speaker for the evening was Dr. McSwain of Northwests era. John Lathrop. principal of' Harrison school, Mrs. Lathrojf, Miss Alice Clark, and Mrs. Ulrich were present at the meeting. Mental Health A work shop in mental health' will be held Tuesday, Oct. 23, at 10:30 o'clock at the home of Sara Ann Cofbett in MdHenry. The hostesses will provida coffee and dessert for the luncheon and those attending aV» asked to bring a sandwich. Jane Setzlea* of Wondear Lake will baby sit for anyone wishing to attends Gospel Church Hews by Rev. Frank Anderson The "Crusade for Christ" cam*' paign. which is a united effort by, a number of Churches in on? USE ALEXANDER'S ^BUDGET PLAN - To Repair or ImproveYour Home. STORM SASH ... . • KITCHEN MODERNIZATION $ NEW FLOORING. SIDING AND ROOFING . . . NEW PORCH -- NEW GARAGE 4iANY ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS . . . #L MATERUIS MB LABOR » MAY BE INCLUDED 10% Down -- Balance In 36 Monthly It's Easy Tal My Ok Budq*f At ALEXANDER LUMBER CO of Everything For The BuSieiT..... 547 MAIN STREET PHONE 5 SELF-HELP PROGRAM . A self-help program directed by the Illinois Public Aid Commission in ninteen northern Illinois counties enabled 128 boys and girls to earn enough money during the school vacations of the summer of 1951 to lessen state aid to their families or to get them off the relief rolls entirely. Working as movie ushers, nurses' aides, messengers, gasoline stations helpers, paper carriers and on f a r m s , t h e s e h u s t l i n g y o u n g people made it possible to reduce state aid to thirty-nine families, temporarily suspend aid to thirtyfour families, and to drop fifteen families from the rolls. The summer's experiment was. carried on in Grundy, Kankakee, Kendall. La- Salle, Will, Bureau. DuPage, Kane, Lee, Jof)aviess, Lake, Mc- Henry, Stephenson, Winnebago. Carroll, Henry, Ogle, Rock Island and Whiteside counties. The commission expects to expand this self-help drive next summer. City Council Proceedings fOrSCIL ROOM .October 1, 1951 i The GHy Council met in iar semi-monthly meeting with Mayor FYeund presiding. Aldermen present: Anderson, Preund. Rothermel, Thennes, Vycital. Absent: Althoff. Motion by Freund. seconded by Vycitkl, that the minutes of the last meeting be^pproved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Thennes. seconded by Rothermel, that the treasurer's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Anderson, seconded by Vycital, that the collector's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Freund, seconded 1) Anderson, that the clerk's report be approved as read. Motion carried; Motion by Thennes. seconded by Anderson, that the following bills be paid as approved by the finance committee: Motion carried. John J. McCarthy, Salary (224.60 Elmer R. Murphy. Salary ...» 190.00 Clyde Rhoad<#, Salary 220.00 Paul J. Struck, Salary 200.00 Arthur J. Smith. Salary .... 200.09 Philip M.. Thennes, Salary 192.20' Anton H. lhreund, Salary 192.90 Earl R. Walsh, Office e&- . pense 100.00 Albert Nugent. Police Salary 117.40 McHenry Lumber Company. Lumber and sewer pipe 991.96 August Morltz, Police service 61.90 Ero Erlckson. Police redle maintenance ..J. , 15.00 Harold Alm> Police service MO Arthur J. Smith, Use of car tf£9 Vycital's, Supplies * cleaning stove & boiler 2f».Y< The McHenry Plaindealer, Printing ft publications 61.45 W. R. Meadows Inc., Premfx 69.30 Al's Welding 6 Repair , Serv., Welding .Jj Schreiner's Standard Sen. Wash police car . 1.50. |Mnyme Buss. Supplies ...... 2.43 Mayme Buss, Salary 6 commissions 71.01 Milwaukee Lead Works, Waterworks supplies"..... 104.72 Collector of Int. Revenue, Income tax .j. 143,60 Illinois Bell Telephone ©o. Telephone service ......... 4.50 Public Service Company," Power & Light 227.41 City of Elgin Water Defct., Repairing water meters 51.86 Westinghouse Elec. Supply. Street lights 40.58 Carey Electric Sftop, Sup- \ v plies :*4f Tonyan Brothers, Cruah- : " ed road gravel 9.94 Buss Motor Sales, Repairs to police car Duncan Parking Me ter ; U; Corp., Payment on park- * > ilig meters > 350.W Paul J. Struck, Uae of car - 26.00 Vycital's, Supplies 18.66 Weber Plumbing & Heating. Roding sewers $26.00 McHenry Sand ft Gravel Co., Gravel 1.90 George P. Freund, Oil filter element .99 The McHenry Plaindealer, Parking ticketa 11;?# W. B. BJorkmao ft Son, Supplies 9.91 Richard F. Justen. Gas ft oil, police car ft truck .. 121.8? Buss Motor Sal^s, Police car repairs 8.03 Illinois Bell Telephone' Co.. Telephone service .. 9.60 SPECIAL SEWER FUNDt Fred C. Feltr, Salary 145.00 Mayme Buss. Clerical - 20.00 Fairbanks. Morse & Co., Shaft 263.67 Ro<&for<L, Supply ft Equip. ' Co., Starter 81,05 Public Service Company, kower ft light " 55.65 Walter J. Freund, Greasie * 10.49 Weber Plumbing ft Heating. Repairing pump .... 85.00 Motion by Vycital, seconded by Freund, to adjourn Motion carried. Qeorge P. Freund, Mayor Barl R. Walsh, City Clark BOY SCOUTS COUNTY INVESTED $79,156 IN SAVINGS BONDS IN AUGUST Illinois people aren't spending all' their money. Thery save Borne of it. In fact, a bulletin, by the Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System. Washington, says personal savings nationally went up to twenty-one billion dollars in the second three months this year. This compares with twelve billion dollars ip 1950. And, Illinois people say«d their share of this big sum, in all forhis of savings. -• . In McHenry county, for example. In August. $56,048 was put by residents into 1^. S. defense bonds of the popular Series "E" type. $10,508 was invested in "F" Defense Bonds and $12,300 in "G" defense bonds. It's still too early from these August statistics to show results in sales of the first defense bond drive, which opened Labor Day. However, efforts by county volunteer defense bond organization will no doubt result in increased bond investments. DAIRY RECEIPTS r-- McHenry county dairy farmers received $343,745.03 for milk delivered to Bowman Dairy company r e c e i v i n g s t a t i o n s d u r i n g t h e month of August. 'One recent weekend Laurence E. Anderson, the Scoutmaster, aad Paul Jessup, a committeeman, went to a Scoutmaster's round-up to discusb a new Scout plan. It will be a big fight against Communism. New ideas have been made and it should prove, to be a terrific program. The Scouts have decided to have a ten cent dues each week to defray some of the costs of running the troop. New members are joining the troop weekly and those in charge would like anyone at all interested in Scouting 11 years, old to 18 attend and see ^hat is being done locally. With' the new program, the Scouts are expevted to have an interesting and busy time. There are now forty-two members. t Meetings are held. Thursday ev#? nings between 7 and 9 o'clock in the Junior high school. Mttoriied Nans "Motor scooters and bicycles are used by Roman Catholic nuns in their work of caring for the sick on the French countryside Need a eab? Just call ou|f' ^ . number any hour of the dafrH:. - or night and one of our ? modern cabe, driven by a ' careful driver, will promptly at your door. Service is city-wide--rates are low--and you have no parking problem. McHENRY Subscribe for The Plaindealer FEATHER PARTY Nov. 10 1951 AT THE V.F.W. CLUBHOUSE Sponsored by Johnsburg Community Club BENEFIT JOHNSBURG MEMORIAL PARK 9^ Sterling Window Shade and ' Venetian Blind Co. 9M0- W. Division St. COluifititts 1-8743 Rwi your windows dressed in Kar-O'lier removable slot Venetian Blinds, Dupont's washable Tontine Shades and Kirsch Draw Rods. Plate Glass and Dresser and Table Tofts* Polished and Beveled) Estimates Cheerfully Giveii., CALL FRIDAY EVENING Saturdays and Sundays call McHenry 651-M-l SKILLED HANDS GUARD YOUR HEALTH Skilled hands guard your health at our <2hig store. Proof of the importance of our prescription department is shown in our full stock of fresh, potent drugs and the accurate speed with which your doctor's orders are carried out. Rely on us for reliable prescriptions. N Y E (Ocilqrccn JHjenoj Ds mi* US N. Riverside Drive iihidtiili tfS A FIREBALL fW V* 1 • 'S, •J 'J to think Your First Car can be a Buick! Tftvs bein^a land where it fs every man's right to dream of getting ahead--and the pursuit of happiness is guaranteed by the Constitution-- it happens that a great many people aspire to own a Buick. But too often they start with a lesser car first--from a feeling that Buicks are something you have to build up to gradually, as your takehome pay improve^ So -- if you< have ady such notion -- we'd like to set you straight, right here and now* ' You don't have to fffcpe and dfeam and wait. If you pan afford a new car--the first car you buy can be th# Buick SPECIAL pictured here. Its price tag say* so; Its low cost of operation says so too. We know that it looks like a lot of money. That's what makes it such a buy. ^0 We know that it has a long list of features found in costlier cars, and that it rides and handles like cars that sell for a great deal more. But that simply means that -- at its price -- you're getting a very big money's worth. All of which adds up to one conclusion : the smart thing to do is come in and give this neat and nynble new SPECtAL d thorough goingover. Try out its power--the power of 111 high-compression, valve-in-head Fireball Engine. Try out its ride and handling--and you'll discover it has the "big-car feel" that you'd expect from a Buick. Try it out for size -- for room -- for' comftfrt -- for all the things that you've dreamed someday of having in a car--and you'll thank your stars that you found out iacts of life in time. - Koipmni, mecrt$ori*t,lrtm and modstt art nljrt (aeftaa#t .wtw. -- KOAC\MAMTMt, tptiommt 1 mtrm --t »• Htw. MO OTBMm CMlI noviogg 4£X flUiALL eHGIHf-hvh-compr™**, , -9ets more from ^ ^ ^ W PUSH-SAK FOKfKONT-- ttmai - .>v . unsorpossed pro/ec'ion tmm* 9*4 ™Z'GLOW '"ST*UmeNn-*«~chrtfy otmigkt ^OIOOf.r(i«fnMuc . # . . ^ /mproves driving con'roj ^ i«o/s the d»osjrsa s'vadiac ridm. •<WUg(i, Body by Fither T**" ou^MNtilM an km% BUICK wiU ,4^ "s> R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 fRONT STREET PHONE McHENRY 6 mm

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