Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Oct 1951, p. 5

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Si*;***: ,m --H - t..t • T<^ T *Thu*wky, October 18, 1951 * •"• l> i^ttiiliijMiaaiid' ••4 W^MW '-%• vi •# :v4 •-" v /4 ***"*• - y >->%w * '>•"'-. "V A.- »r «*.«*? A.' ,»«?*>?»- .«* Plaindealer Want Ads TOEMcBENRY PUUNSEJOER .. _1.'.[" : ; 'y: .^Ww» > y ».w v -f +*<->>* * ** **"« '• f* > ^ RING 3.000 DOOR BELLS FOR TSc WITH A PLAINDEALER WANT AD No ads counted Mn ttu 26 S Words. 76c minimum. »f.,\ 1 insertion T6c Count 6 woirds per line) ' i8c service charge o* all blind ads. Cash with order. Oard of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum if Want Ads close promptly at 10 a.m, Wednesday. * • - V . ; - . %k '.!>•. **• '^"N* McHenry Plaindealer Published every Thursday at Mc//•. pkV , Henry, til., by the McHenry Pub- ' l i s h i n g C o m p a n y , I n c . W. BURFEINDT, Gen. Manager. •DALE FROEHLICH. Editor. », SUBSCRIPTION KATE 1 Jmt ......... $840 Entered as second-class lqatter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8. 1879. AUTOMOTIVE tfM* BKJPJiACEMENT PARTS FOB ALL CARS ~ lietsiorieg and Meat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 40$' W. Elm Street Open daring week $ AJi. to 7 PJL, Sundays - t AJI. to 1 P.M. lltf USED CAR BARGAINS 1949 Olds. Super 88 Sedan. Radio and heater. 0 ' 1946 Olds. Deluxe jfetdor Sedan. 1942 Studebaker sedan, good buy. 1951 Willys Pickup truck, twowheel drive. McHENRY GARAGE WILLYS OVERLAND SALES 604 Front Si TeL 408 21-tf Looking For A Certain Car! We have listings of many privately owned automobiles for sale. All makes and models. Trades accepted. Financing arranged. East McHenry Auto Parts ft Sales East of McHenry on Route 120 23 FOR SALE -- 1950 house trailer; like new; shower, bath, extras; sleepis six. Price $2895. Will be ^ shown at Harry Hunt residence, - Wickline Bay subd., Wonder Lake. •23 WANT TO SELL YOUR CAR? List it with us. We have buyers for many makes and models. We guarantee your price, or No1 Sale. Drive until it's sold. East McHenry Auto Parts ft Sales East of McHenry oa Route 120 23 BUSINE8S SERVICE RALPH L. CLARK Piano Technician Repairing Tuning $02 Garfield Road Harvard, 111. Phone 748-B CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE .6. A. DOUGLAS McHenry 776-W PIANO TUNING Also for sale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upright pianos. Prompt service. C. J. H. Dlehl, phone 208-W, Woodstock, 111. 51-tf BUSINESS SERVICE Are Those Asbestos Shingles On Yonr House Stained or Dirty! Let us give you a free estimate on painting with "New Watex* paint. Comes in eight beautiful colors. Not a cold water paint. Write Weldon Andreas, Ringwood, 111., Phone Wonder Lake *22-2 DRESSMAKING * L Ladies and Children Work. Furnish own paHrtn and material. Reasonable. For information. Call: Fran Kauke, McHenry S78-W-1. 22 EXPERT PIANO TUNING Repairing and Reconditioning. All Work Guaranteed. Formerly with Lyon and Healy. E. Zaboth, phone Lake Zurich 5341 87-tf CAHftlD ft FORMAL WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHS In or^out of studio. The most modern equipment within 25 miles. 35 years experience with the best studios in Chicago. Aurora, Gary and Waukegan. 20 years in McHenry. Portraiture, commercial photography. CAMERAS -- Still and movies, projectors, films and frames. ANDREW WORWICK Phone 275 117 X. Riverside Dr. McHenry, Illinois 1^1 • . 23-tf >«ENERAL CONTRACTING NEW HOMES REMODELING and CARPENTER WORK Satisfaction Guaranteed Estimates C. D. KINSEY Phone McHenry 8*-J 47tf HOME REPAIRS We Specialize in all Home Repairs Low Monthly Payments Free Estimates McHenry Improvement Co. Phone 623-W-l McHenry 111. 6tf SEWING MACHINES Repaired or Electrified Inexpensively. 14-hr. Service, call collect SEWING CENTER Woodstock, Illinois 111 Newell ' - Telephone 2064 Authorised Xecchi Dealer 19-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING --Let lis dispose of your garbage each week, of oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. tf nmiLS DRILLFD OR BITTEN WATER SYSTEMS -- We sell repair and ilfttall pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26tf TIDY RUG CLEANERS* All services, approved methods. Free day and evening pick-up and "^delivery. Phone Woodstock 16$ l$*tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest Cash prices paid for cows, horses and nogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. S; reverse charges. 36tf BUSINESS SERVICE v> DOLL HOSPITAL We repair and replace parts to make your doll look like new. Also have new nylon wigs. If you can't come in, it may be mailed to us for free estimate. McHENRY doll hospital Route 1 --t Box 1 McHenry, 111. bridge Phone 664-M-3 one block eAkt of old Pistakee Bay Road. 23 TREE AND BARN SPRAYING White washing or fly control. Phone McHenry K43-J-1. Frank Henkel, P. O. Round Lake, Res. Volo. 47tf BUSINESS SERVICE--Will teach practical Spanish to children or adults. Group or private lessons, tutoring. Phone 658-R-2 after 6 P. M. 23 FOR SALE AJTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formals. Open Tues. through Sat. 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich. Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, % mile west Terra Cotta factory which is on Rt., 31. Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. ' 51-tf FOR SALE -- Oement building block. All sizes. 8mooth and rock face. By standplpe, W. Waukegan Rd.. McHenry, 111. Phone 282-R or 893-J. 4-tf - N O T I C E • The Riverside Bake Shop WILL BE CLOSED EVERY MONDAY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE * OPEN -- tUESDAY^ THRU SATURDAY 7 A. M. TIL 6 P. M. OPEN ALL DAY THURSDAY/ * HELP WANTED FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR SALE -- Sheered Australian opossum fur coat (12-14); excellent condition ; reasonable. Call McHenry 21. 22-2 (FOR RENT ~ Newly decorated ! rooms, home privileges, near de- ' pot and school*. 109 Main Street. Phone McHenry 100-R. 20-tf OVERSTOCKED*"* To bring our inventory down by Dec. 1. we are offering many Urea at greatly reduced prices. WALTER FREUND | W. McHenry, IIL 'Phone 8$4 V- ' 23 •u FOR SALE -- Yor Matt's Mink Ranch. Henry 314. Ire Boars. Phone Mc- 23-5 BIG DEMAND on Necchi Sewing Machines for Xmas, require us to set aside each month machines to fill our orders. WE ARE ON QUOTA BASIS, because Necchi. the world's finest precision sewing machine is not made on a production assembly, therefore to be sure. MAKE RESERVATIONS EARLY No deposit required--Send us your name. ^ SEWING CENTER Authorized Necchi Deal^ 111 Newell Telephone 2664 Woodstock. Illinois $1 Dress Sale Everyday at our Cotton Center. $$^9 FOR SALE -- Factory 8econds; Women's Slacks, $2.35; Women's 8kirt8, $2.60 to $3.60; Dresses, $1.98 and $2.98, also Children's Slacks. $1.85. Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main St., West of North Western depot. 16-tf CARPENTER WORK DONE BY DAY OK CONTRACT. IVAN GUSTAFSON TeL McHenry 748 lltf Tke Candid Camera Photographs Specialists -- Candid Weddings Home Portraits and Commercial Photographs fYears of Experience MAX F. KOLIN McHenry &66-W-1 C*lca?e RA 6-K57 REXAIR SALES k SERVICE Vacuum cleaner parts and repairs R & M "Moyno" pumps CARL BARNICKOL Mohawk Service McHenry 646-W-2 21-tf MUBIO INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home Piano and Piano Accordian Classics or Popular beginners or Adanced Instruction BABL P. KOCH Phone Pistakee tfSB-M-1 5tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper L| V. Kilts, Clay St Woodstock. Phone 549. 7tf FOR SALE--JOHNS-MANSVILLE HOME INSULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl St, McHenry. Phone McHenry 18. 18-tf $S0ft DRESSMAKING -- ALTERATION COURSE FREE with your purchase of Necchi, the sewing machine that sews everything. Without Attachments Priced $160.00 to $300.00 Liberal Trade-in Budget Payments SEWING CENTER Authorized Necchi Dealer Woodstock, Illinois 111 Newell Telephone 2064 $1 Dress Sale Everyday at our Cotton Center. --19-11 FOR SALE-SPINET PIANO With matching bench. Beautiful style and tone -- full keyboard. Must Sell. Reasonable. Maybe seen near McHenry. For location and details, write Mr. Miller, the dealer, now living at 1221 E. Congresi^ Milwaukee, Wisconsin. *23 FOR SALE -- Pedigreed Cocker puppies; 6 weeks; red and Whites, black and whites, tri-colors. Reasonable. <Mel-0-Bark Kennels, Rand Road just north of Wauconda. Phone Wauconda 6-1581. *23 FOR SALE--8 piece dining room set, $35. Occasional table, drop leaf kitchen table and chairs; Bcreen door and wooden door. Other household effects, cheap. John Stewart, phone McHenry 870-M. t3 FOR SALE---Six-way floor Ismp, excellent condition, $10. Phone McHenry 569-J-l. $j FOR RENT -- 160 acre modern dairy farm in Northern Illinois Available March 1st. 1952 on share lease. FRED BUXTON, Route 2. Richmond. Illinois. Phone Richmond 593. *20-4 WOMEN WANTED -- Assemblers, wirers, solderers, packers and inspectors; also stockboys and janitor. Experience not necessary. Secure a position in an ever expanding radio-television industry. Employment office open Monday through Friday, 8 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. Admiral Corp., McHenry at intersection of Routes 120 and 31. Bus service to and from plant. lS-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS BUSINESS PROPERTIES MrCullom Lake--6 rooms, oil heat, garage. 3 lots, 150x150 on black top road. Price $9,500.00 for appointment call our office McHenry 37. • FOR RENT -- 4 room furnished bungalow, $80 per month. SKIBA A CO., McHenry 913, Riverside Hotel. 23 ROOM FOR RENT--Modern and newly decorated. Kitchen and home privileges. Ideal for single party our married couple. Call after 6 P. M. Mrs. Bittke, 3rd house from Court St. on Third St. *23 FOR RENT--Modern 7 room house, 4 bedrooms, basement, garage, furnace heat. Available Nov. 1st. Call 592-R-2. »23 FOR RENT--80 acre farm. Land is nil workable. Can take possession Dec. 1, 1951. Phone McHenry 612-W-2. John Passfield. *23 ittL rate bath; 5-room1 hheo use; also 5- room ranch type home with garage, fireplace, all modern. Tel. McHenry 615-J-2. Frltssche Estates. south side Lily Lake. 23 FOR RENT -- Single room. 106 Court Street. Phone 134-M. 23 HELP WANTED GIRLS WANTED--Ambitious girls Wanted for our new plant Pleasant working, conditions. Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main Street, West of Northwestern ./ 'Depot, • McHenry. J'/_ J," - ; . 17-tf HELP WANTED -- Pin spotters wanted, steady work for full bowling season. Good pay. Phone 569-W-l. "McHenry Recreation. 14-tf SITUATION WANTED Modern ranch type .> room home-- 2 bedrooms, utility room and garage, completely furnished, % mile East of Johnsburg. Price 116.000.00. Call (Jim) McHenry 37. _____ JACOB FRITZ . REAL ESTATE In Joknsbnrg - Tel. McHenry 37 20-tf FOR SALE--"Royal Blue Grocery and Market. Self-Service; Gas Station, 3 pumps; 2 car gargae. 2 lots. McCullom Lake, Illinois. Phone McHenry 345 or 570-R-l. 17-tf French Guiana's interior, draped in jungle vapor and unexplored mountains between Brazil :o the south and Surinam to the west, is still one of the wildest spo . • left on earth. Descendants of escaped African slaves carry on ancestr-. rites of fetishism and, some explorers believe, human sacrifice. Head hunters roam the rain forests. But there is also gold in the heart of French Guiana, as Sir Walter Raleigh suspected in his search for> Eldorado. Small placer operations, many worked by onetime convicts, exploit jungle streams today Vast stands of rare hardwoods, fertile soil and untouched mineral depositscontribute to the colony's untapped"- wealth. SITUATION WANTED--I will care for your child daily in my home. Call 800. *23 SITUATION WANTED--Will care for children in my home by day or week. Write t% Box 225, c/o McHenry Plaindesaalf er. MISCELLANEOUS •23 NOTICE Hunting privileges of the W. E. Whiting Farm have been leased to Mr. G. A. Daubert and no other hunters will be allowed on the property. *23 WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Fowl sr. Woodstock ,Box 334. Phone 464-JX 41ti -. OUTDOOR MEN i; to $0 To Trim Trees Also Older Men For Ground Work PHONE WAUCONDA 9288 23-4 HELP WANTED--Lady with car for unusual position. Full or part time. For personal interview write Box 224, c/o McHenry Plaindealer, giving exact address, age, etc. 23-4 FOR SALE--Aeroflame oil heater, double pot; 2 55-gal. drums, $35j Storkline crib and mattress. $5. Upholstered 2-way high chair, $8. Minneapolis Honeywell aquastat and thermostat, $15. Phone McHenry 445-<M. •$$ FOR SALE -- Storm windows in good condition, 24x24 in glass site, $4 each; storm doors, $6 ea.; also half screens $4x24-ln. $1 ea. Phone 534-R-l. HELP WANTED--LOG CUTTING. Desires person with portable power saw to cut logs into furnace length pieces. B. J. Schall, Rt. 3, Box 168, McHenry. East River Road, one-half mile south Scheids. »23 HELP WANTED--Cook, man or woman, days. 130 Green Street. Phone McHenry 347. 23 HELEN WEBER SAYS: -J Cleaning You'll Cheer When our team of cleaning experts tackle yonr cIotheB you know your appearance is touchdown bound! , From initial spotting to fifrkl pressing, your clothes are processed by cleaning t^CPJ^RTS. Let us attend to your Sonrtco Thai SATISFIES! MCHENRY CLEANERS 103 Elm Street PHONE 104-M McHenry, til. FOR SALE -- Nesco bake stove; electric heater; Quaker oil heating stove also couch. F. Cizek, 1 block west of Sup Set Road, Wonder Lake. *23 FOR SALE--1 electric refrigerated display case, 3 scales, 1 pop corn machine, 1 space heater and 1 gas cooking stove. Call McHenry 544-M-l. 23 FOR SALE -- Automatic oil floor furnace. Phone McHenry 530-M-2. •23 ilillMtlUHUItU " "1" IIIUUUIII"' HMmilMMW'WIinHHI The Beautiful l<:i rovAi 31 FRI. &-SA1V f. 19-80 John Payne Dennis O'Keefe -PASSAGE WEST" SUN. & MONn OCT. 81-22 Continuous from 2:45 Ray Mllland Jttn Sterling *HHt*BA*fc» Home Ran in the Fun League TUES* WED. A THURS^ OCT. 86-96-27 Paal Douglas Richard Basehart "14 HOURS" FOR SALE--Philco refrigerator; jerfect condition, $100; also chest of drawers and cabinet. Phone McHenry 596-J-2. |j FOR SALE -- 3 room oil ftftatsr; good condition. Phone 831-R. •$$ FOR SALE -- Telephone gossip bench, $5; occasional chair with 2 tailored foot covers, $20; white china cabinet, $8. Phone McHenry 797-R. |t FOR SALE--Cherry red sectional, two cushion Lawson aAd new slip covers. Reasonable. Call after 7 P. M. Wonder Lake 2871. 23 Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drag Store, McHenry. 8tf ELM WAUCONDA ROUTE 17* ' PHONE «*14ti NOW OPEN EVERT DAT Late Shew FrL, 8aL. Sun. 9t8d Sunday Matinee S16Q P. M .Con*L THURS„ OCT. 18 -- (Last Nit#) "BIO CARNIVAL" *jNL"TTrr!^c^r2o^? "PASSAGE WEST" (Technicolor) John Payne Dennis O'Keefe HELP WANTED--Laborers wanted for construction work on Crystal Lake high school. Apply Theo. Olsen A Son. Phone McHenry 537-W-l. 23 RELP WANTED--Young women 18 or over for Woodstock office; some drawing ability desirable to learn interesting art line; good salary while learning. Reply, giving qualifications, age and referneces. Write Box 226, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 23 HELP WANTED -- Experienced mechanic. McHenry Garage, 604 Front St, Tel. 403. 17-tf WANTED Your old treadle sewing machine to ship to Islands. •' Up to $50.00 Don't call -- send us your name address, make of machine on penny card. SEWING CENTER Authorized Necchi Dealer 111 Newell Telephone 2064 Woodstock. I Hindis $1 Dress Sale Everyday at our Cotton Center. 23 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUT -- Old cars, trucks, tractors, also old farm machinery. We pay top prices. Bill Staines, McHenry, 111. Phone 53-J. •$3-4 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO REST--Wish to rent small room for use as classroom. Phone 658-R-2 after 6 P. M. 23 REAL ESTATE 90S SALE -- HOMES -- PARKS CHOICE LOT8 -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTT Knox Real Estate 106 Richmond Rood McHenry, IIL Phone 1 McHenry 1S1-J Licensed IIL A Wis. Broker FAMILY 0utd<< ^Nr Theatre --tSRAYSLAKE, ILL. Rts. 120-21 WED. - SAT., OCT. 17-20 SUN. ft MON. Glenn Ford OCT. 21-22 Gene Tlernejr "SECRET of CONVICT LAKE" Sunday Matinee 3:00 P. M. Con*t. ,r-fa •KB"!" TUES. ft WED„ OCT. 3S-21 Irene Dunne In "THE MUD LARK" [It, VJJJ.V.' "ff!" osnnis AatscN A Paramount Picture SUN. • TUES^ OCT. 81-2S "RHUBARB" Ray Mllland Jan Sterling WfD. . SAT„ OCT. 9447 Ring Crosby 'HERE COMES THE GROOM" COLONY McHENRT, ILLINOIS Air Conditioned -- Comfort Good Vision and Soind Doors Open at 6:40 Show Starts at 7iM FRI. ft SAT., OCT. l$-20 Steve Cochran David Brian (1) "INSIDE THE WALLS OF FOLSOM PRISON" In Technicolor Lewis Cotlow Amazon Expedition (2) "JUNGLE HK AD HUNTERS" "Jungle Head hunters" ^4*111 be ran only once each evening starting at 8:S© P. M. World News SUN. ft MON., OCT. 21-22 Spencer Tracy Pat O'Brien Diana (Lynn John Hodlak "PEOPLE AGAINST O'HARA" World News ft Color Cartoon Sunday Matinee 8tS0 Can't CLOSED ON TUESDAT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE WED. ft THI7RS-* OCT. 24-Si Dick Powell Paula Raymond Adolphe Menjou •tHE TALL TARGET* 4hree Stooges Cen«ty Candid Mike -- Color Cartoon FOR SALE--7 room house; full basement, gas heat, 2 car garage with 2 rooms on extra lot; both lots 120al50 in Huemann's subdivision. Nick Hasler, Rt. 3, McHenry. 22-3 FOR SALE--4 >4 room, year round house, attached garagfe, on black1 top, automatic oil heat, aluminum combination storm windows. Price $9,000. Phone Wonder Lake 2S$3. 23 WE HATE CASH BUTERS Are you planning to sell your property? Quick Action Sales. SKIBA ft CO. McHenry 913' Riverside Hotel 23 •;-%efd <Background "FfHbtister" did not alwayt to talk marathons by legislators. According to editors of the World, Book, the word comes from the Dutch and originally meant * freebooter." It was a name applied t*» the buccaneer or pirate of the 1600's. Later, the term came to • mean members of privately hired , and organized expeditions whidr promoted rebellion in countries,, other than their own. New Classified Ads Appear. | Old Ads Disappear. -- Reason -- Quick Results .Vif'sJ Uncle Sam Says FOR SALE--^4-acre lot over 100-ft. frontage, at intersection of Rt 176 and new 12. Just west of Wauconda. 111. Make offer. Phone Wauconda 3351. 23 FOR SALE -- Four room frame house with automatic electric 50- gal. hot water heater, gas space heater, complete bath room. Must be moved from lot 43 Orchard Reach. Call Seeley 3-5900. Evenings Canal 6-6240. 23 For Better Buy's -- Try SKIBA AND COMPANY We Sell and Exchange Homes - - Small or Large Estates Farms -- Resorts All Types of Business and Industrial Porperty. Also write all types of Insurance, W Insurance wise. McHenry -Riverside Hotel : 23 SMALLEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN! PLAINDEALER WANT ADS There Is a pretty little the badn of the Cumberland rtrw --the House that Sai Bought. A regular U. S. Savings Bonds enabled the owners to Brat purchase the lot, then to Imy a house, move it to the stte» and ro model it. Maybe yea eant aaoa an mpch as they--maybe yon eaa de better. Whatever the systematic saving can bo 1 Of making year own drei true. Enroll new for tke fS|Ml$a» tags Pha where yen work or «ha Bend-A-Meoth Pin at ^ U.». Trm A U C T I O N 3V& miles North of Wauconda, 5 miles East of McHenry. 1H milea Southeast of Volo, 1 mile South of Route 59A, being 2 blocks North of the Gilmer Road, on the Fish Lake Road, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26* • " Commencing at 12i00 o'rlock FOWLES TRAILER LUNCH OS GROUXDS S6 HEAD OF HOLSTE1N CATTLE -- 84 MILCH COWS, i fresh, clone springers, 10 milking good. 11 HEIFERS, & heifers, 8 years eUk| • heifers, from 2 to 6 months old. POULTRY -- 75 New Hampshire Red hens, 10 geese, 10 ducks. HOGS -- 26 Feeder Shoats, 3 months old. FARM PRODUCE -- 800 bu. of oats; 400 bales straw; Tf tona 1st and 2nd cut alfalfa hay; 70 acres of good ripe field corn; l<V*ft. silage in 16-ft. silo. DAIRY EQUIPMENT--2 single unit Conde milk machine with motor. oompresBor and pipeline. 9-can milk cooler, hot water heater, SO 8-gaL milk cans. 2 wash tanks. TRACTOR and FARM MACHINERY--Oliver 70 trac. on rub. w/startet, lights, PTO and cult, attach.; Case model Q silo filler w/pipes, Olivee (-ft trac. tandem disc; New McC side del. rake; 2-hot. 14" trac. plow; Kentucky grain drill, 3-sec. steel drag; JD corn planter w/fert attach.; JD hammermill; JD push-type hay loader; Harvey power com- Bheller w/top conveyor and 10-hp motor; sulky cult: JD corn binder; McC grain binder; McC manure spreader; 3-sec. cultipacker; steel wheel wagon; wood wheel wagon and rack; wagon and box; RT wagott and rack; fert. sower; dump rake; 300-gal. gas tank; extension ladder* hog feeder. Caldron kettle, hog troughs, big crab fork, 2 elec. fencere, oil barrels, forks, • shovels and many other articles too numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD GOODS -- Including Victrola heater, 8-room oil heater* 800-lb. deep freeze, 9x12 ft rug and many other articles too numerous t o m e n t i o n . • - " < * , ' v . ™ - EUGENE ANDERSON. Owner Freelich ft Bohm, Ancts^ Wis. Sales Cerp^ Clerk (HUM A U C T I O N -- | 3\4 miles West of Volo, 111. and Hwy. 12, or 2 miles Bnst of lb- Henry, 111.| on Route 120. on MONDAY. OCTOBER 22nd Comenring nt 12:00 o'clock. Sj JfOLWES TRAILER LUNCH ON GROUNDS ] 81 HEAD OF HOLSTEIN CATTLE -- IS MILCH COWS. 8 fresh in lasl,Ij 30 days, 2 close springers. 8 milking good. 3; HEIFERS, 9 to 12 AOC old (Curtis Candy Breeding). POULTRY--100 White Rock Pullets, chicken feeders, chicken fountains, i 8 HORSES---Black Gelding, 12 yrs. old; Black, Mare, 14 yrs. old, harness., and collars. FARM PRODUCE--1200 bu. oats, 1200 bales 1st and 2nd cut alfalfa hay (not rained on), 500 bales straw. 15 acres very good ripe corn, 40-ft. silage in 12-ft silo. DAIRY EQUIPMENT--2 single DeLaval "milkers w/motor. pump and pipeline; 2 sterl. tanks. Stanley 8-can milk cooler, 1 yr .old; 10 S-sa!> « milk cans, pails, strainers, etc. TRACTOR, MACHINERY sad TOOLS ^ McC F-M trac. mi mh^ F* trac. on rub.. McC 2-16 trac. plow. Mct*T-ft. trac. disc. FF trac. plow., FF trac. disc, FF trac. mow -, McC corn binder. McC corn planter* 4-sec. steel drag. McC grain binder, McC «-ft mower. 2 cultivator^, JD grain elevator. PTO end gate seeder.'manure spreader, boh slsiglv RT wagon ft rack. 2 farm wagons & racks, hay rake, side del. rake*-.; wagon box, platform scale. 10 hole steel hog Hudson selffeeder. 2 rolls woven wire. 3 steel oil drums, roll barbed wire. 50 steel fence ftHth. elec. fencer, chicken coop, sprayer, ladder, grindstone, -ulllptritart y! hand plow, hand grass seeder, grain lifter, tank heatar. 5 hog feeder* ? wood saw, forks, shovels and many other articles too nnasrona fefci" - mention. CLARENCE J. STILLING, Owtwr Freelieh ft Behm, A acts. -Wis. Sales Coif* Clerk • i*wriir',i £»lp9 - v v ;

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