Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Oct 1951, p. 5

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Th nwdMtf. October 25. 19511 Plaindealer Want Adk Ho ads counted lean ^*<|t Wards. 75c minimum ^insertion ..„ * Count 6 words ®er lint) ts* tw r A 25c service charge on all blind Trts. Cash with order. • Card of Thanks .... f 1.00 Minimum Want Ads close promptly at 10 a.m Wednesday. Pbiodeafer Published every Thursday at Mchenry, 111, by the McHenry Pub Ashing Company, Inc. W. BURFEINDT, Geo. Manager. tKu>ELE FROEHLICH. Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATE 1*- -r--- Entered , as second-class matter at the postoffiee at McHenry, 111.. under the act of May $. 1879. FTQMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS . F0It j ALL CARS' Accessaries and seat Corel* COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLf 400 W. Elm Street Opea dniinv week • AJL to 7 PJI., Saniayi • • AJt. to 1 P.M. litf USED GAR BARGAINS 1949 Oldfl. Super 88 Sedan, Radio and heater. . 1946 Cldb. Del<nxe Fordor Sedan. 1942 Studebaker sedan, good buy. 1951 Willys Pickup trpck, two- Wheel drive. McHKNRY GARAGE ' WILLIS OVERLAND SALES Ml Front, Rt TeL 408 » y . »-» FOR SALE--1948 DC Case tractor; Excellent ' condition. Guaranteed; Freund Bros., Inc. Phone Barrington 812. , 24 ^BUSi^Ws SERVICE RALPH L. rxAJCK Piano Technician Repairing Timing #02 Garfield Road Harvard, III. Phone 748-B CESSPOOLS and SEWlT TANKS SERVICE «. A. OOfGLAS Phone <• Henry 770-W 10tf PIANO TUNING Also for sale high grade Spinel pianos, overhauled upright pianos, •prompt Service. C. J. H. Diehl, phone 208-W, Woodstock, 111. 51-tf DOLL HOSPTtAL We repair and replace parts. Nylon Wigs. Free Estimates Given. Also11 When mailed to us. XcHENRY DOLL HOSPITAL Rt. 1, Box I, Plstakee Bay Road McHenry, 11L | Phone MoHeAfy VENETIAN BLINDS New Flexible Steel Sales and Installati Old Blinds Renovat ' STORM WINDOWS Cleaned Painted -- Installed Phone McHeiiry 149-J f4-g m . ATtBNTI<M» - Watch for date of Open House and Free Demonstration df (he NEW HOMB SEWIUfG MACHINE Frennd's Sewing Machine Sales ft StfrvJre ,• McHenry, Ilk Lawrence "BiM" Freun^, WBW&m. BUSINESS SERVICE m .-•i r - ;.iv- fC, ^ U>.w. ** EXPERT PIANO TUNING Repairing and Reconditioning. All Work Guaranteed. Formerly with Lyon and Healy. EC. Zaboth. phone Lake Zurich 5S41 87-tf PARK PUB 100 Pearl St. Old Brewry Center We have added to our regular menu of Chicken, Steak and Lobster Tail ------ Special Every Wednesday •-- Corned Beef and Cabbagt Friday Special -- Fish Fry -- French Fried Shrimp 24 GENERAL CONTRACTING , NEW HOMES v REMODELING and CARPENTER i Satisfaction Guaranteed Estimates C. D. KIN,SET rfe . Phene McHenry HOME REPAIRS We SpwWlze in all Home Repairs Low Monthly Payments Free Estimates McHenry Improvement Co. Phone 528-W-l , Mcrfenry 111. ttt ? SEWING MACHINES Repaired or Electrified , Inexpensively. 24-hr. Service, call colli# SEWING CENTER J Woodstock, Illinois 111 Newell Telephone 2044 Authorized Xecchi Dealer 19-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING --Let as dispose of your garbage each week, of oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 865. tf ntsjjLS DRILLED OR KBITS* WATER SYSTEMS -- We sell repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. „ 26tf TIDY RUG CLEANERS All services, approved methods. Free day and evening pick-up and delivery. Phone Woodstock 162 W-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest Cash orices paid for cows, borses and aogs; no help needed to load. Day ind night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 2; reverse charges. ieti FEATHER PARTY SATURDAY, NOV. Srd ' T&i-icyK -- Ducks -- Geese PARK PUB 100 Pearl St. Old Brewry Corner Lunch will be served. 24 CARPENTER WORK DONE BY DAt OR CONTRACT. IVAN GUSTAFSO-f Tel. McHenry 742 2itf REXAIR SALES ft SERVICE Vacuum cleaner parts and repairs R & M "Moyno" pumps CARL BARNICKOL Mohawk Service McHenry 646.W-2 21-tf MUSIC INSTSTOTION In YOuf- Own Home Piano and Piano Accordian _ Classics or Pppular 24 Seginnera or Adauced Instfrifttion BARL P. KOCH Phone Plstakee tS33-M-l •tf CANDID ft FORMAL WADDING PHOTOGRAPHS In or out of studio. The most modern equipment #1 thin 25 miles. 35 years experience #ith the best studios in Chicago; Aurora, Gary and Waukegan. 20 years in McHenry. Portraiture, cbmmercial photography. CAMERAS -- Still and moviils, projectors, films and frames. ANDREW WORWICK Phone £76 117 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, Illinois 98-t? _ ^ iittSH WB&K McHENRY CLEANERS 103 Elm UrMt PHONE 104-M McHe TREE ARB BARN SPRAYING White washing or fly control. Phone McHenry I4S-J-11 Frank Henkel, P. O. Round Lake, Res. Volo. 47tf FOR SALE ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formals. Open Toes, through Sat. 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich. Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, mile west Terra Cotta factory which Is on Rt. 31. Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 5i-tf FBR SALB -- Cement building block. All sixes. Smooth and rock face. By standpipe, W. Waukegan Rd.. McHenry, III. Phone 282-R or S9S-J. 4-tf FOR SALB -- Factory Seconds; Women's Slacks, I2.3B; Women's Skirts, $2.50 to *3.56; Dresses. 11.98 and $2.93; also Children's Slacks. $1.85. Riverside Mfg. Co.. 600 Main St.. West of North Western depot. it-tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, AD. DING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper L{ V. Kiltz. Clay St Woodstock. Phone 549. 7tf FOR SALE--JOKNS-MANSVILLE HOME INSULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. Installed by the Wallflll Co. Call Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl St., McHenry. Phone McHenry 18. 18-tl ISO* DRESSMAKING - ALTERATION COURSE FREE with your purchabe of Necchi, the sewing machine tnat sews evsrything. Without Attachments-- -- Priced *1*0.00 to $300.00 Liberal Trade-In Budget Payments SEWING CENTER Authorized Necchi Dealer Woodstock, Illinois 111 Newell Telephone 2064 $1 Dress Sale Everyday at our Cotton Center. 19-11 FOR --5 girl's dressta, sites 10%. Perfect condition. 407 Main St. Phone McHenry 93-R. *24 1***?? FOR SALE--17 Feeder Pigs. V. V. Wevmer. 1 mile south of Volo. on U. S. 12 24-2 FOR SALE--New forced hot air furnace, theromostat control. Reasonable. Rt. 2. Phone McHenry 591-R-l. »24 FOR SALE--5% en. ft. Norge refrigerator, $35. Phone McHenry 519-M-l. *24 FOR SALE--Stewing hens, average weight, 3 to 4 lbs. $1.00 each. Phone 608-M-2. *24 FOR SALE--7 cu. ft. Firestone refirgerator, $100, practically new. Call 722. 24 FOR SALE--2 garage doors -and hinges, $15; 1 wooden porch, $10; 2 house doors and 1 screen door and a lot of windows and screens for $1 each. Phone 697-M-l. *24 FOR SALE -- Bendix gag clothes dryer. GObd condition. Vycital's Hard ware. 24 PARK PUB 100 Pearl St. Old Brewry Corner We have added to our regular menu of Chicken, Steak and Lobster Tail Special Every Wednesday Corned Beef and Cabbngn. Friday Special -- Fish Fry -- French Fried Shrimp 24 FOR SALE -- Hide Away bed; LaW8on style, good condition, very reasonable, also darehport Best offer. Phone Wonder Lake 2K01. *4 FOR SALE -- Moving to Florida. Entire household furhishings; power mower, etc. also brand new 1951 Power Glide Chevrolet, fully equipped, in storage. W. J. Broth- #ell, Rt 3, Bbx 113, McHenry, 111. 24 - r-TI-T •-»«« r- i IF i HI n FOR SALE --' Yorkshire Boar*. Matt's Mink Ranch. Phone McHenry 314. 23-5 NOTICE Because of the sixtieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas E. Barbian falling on Sunday, Oct. 28, our store will be open from 10 to 11:30 a.m. only that day. BARBIAN BROTHERS GROCERY & MARKET Riverside Drive Mcftenry FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Maternity Dresses. Riverside Mfg.. Co.. 600 Main St.. West of Northwestern Depot. McHenry. Ill, 24 FOR SALE--Household Furniture. Call McHenry 125-J. 24 FOR SALE -- House trailer. $175. Phone McHenry 53-J. 24*2 FOR SALE--Heavy type, wormed white Leghorn pullets, now laying S0%, and 15 whitp Wyandatte pullets. Phone Wauconda 2S64. *24 FOR SALE--Sofa bed. good condition. $35. Phone McHenry ^70-M. • - 24 FOR SALB--4 . room Due-Therm oil circulating heater with thermostat fan. 507 Front St., Phone 74-RX. «M PARK PUB • 100 Peart St. Old Brewry Corner We have added to our regular menu of Chicken, Steak and Lobster Tail Special Every Wednesday -*«! Corned Beef and Cabbsfc* Friday Special -- Fish Fry -- French Fried Shrhnp 24 FOR SALE--100 new Hampshire pullets; 5% months old, laying. Ed Keefe, Richmond, III. Phone Genoa City 2281. *24 FOR SALE--Simmons studio couch complete with slip covers and spring, $15; 2 full size matching all wool blankets, only $18. Phone McHenry 754. 24 FOR SALE -- Radiator alcohol; antl-freeze* 188 proof; rust resistant, 79c gal. Customer's container. GAMBLES, 103 Riverside Dr. 24 FOR SALE--Capons. 7 to 9 lbs. 60c lb. Live weight. Will dress and draw - no extra charge. Will* deliver. Phone McHenry 613-M-l after 5 P. M. Albert Schmelzer, McHenry. 111. *24-4 HELP WANTED BIG DEMAND cA Necchi Sewthg Machines foi* Xmas. require us to set aside each month machines to fill our orders. WE ARE ON QUOTA BA8I8. because Necchi, the world's finest precision sewing machine Is not made on a production assembly, therefore to be sure. MAKE RESERVATIONS EARLY No"deposit required--send us your name. SEWING CENTER ^ Authorized Necehi Dealjjr - jk, 111 Newell Telephone 2084 Woodstock, Illinois $1 Dress Sale Everyday at oar Cotton Center. 23-9 OUTDOOR MEN 17 to SO To Trim Trees Also Older Men for Ground Work , PHONE WAUCONDA «S8 23-4 HELP WANTED--Lady with car Tor unusual position. Full or part time. For personal interview write Box 224, c/o McHenry Plaindealer, giving exact address, age, etc. 23-4 HELP WANTED -- Experienced mechanic. McHenry Garage, 604 Front St, Tel. 403. 17-tf HELP WANTED -- Experienced single man for -general farming and milking on modern dairy farm. $200 month, room and board. 6 day week. Good working conditions. In reply state experience and age. All replies confidential. Write Box 227, McHenry Plaindealer. 24-4 EARN ( HR1NTMAS MONEY $50 to $100 per week. If you can work 25-«Ohrs. Handling "STERLING & FINE CHINA." By appointment, thru leads. "NO' CANVASING.* Car necessary. We train you. Call Majestic 4937. Reverse charges . *24 HELP WAStEV x~ for yard work. Alexander Lumber Co., Mc- Htenry, 111. 24-tf I HAVE AN OFENI^G*" for a man that is looking ahead witti the idea of having a permanent good paying^ytsiness. As one of the largest nationally advertised livestock feed companies, we need a man to represent us in this community. This position offers a definite permanent future. No Investment necesBsry. If you know livestock or are acquainted with the farmers in this territory snd have a car write for complete details c/o Box, 228, McHenry Plaindealer. 24 HELP WANTED WOMEN WANTED -- Assemblers, wirers, solderers, packers and inspectors; also stockboys and janitor. Experience not necessary. Secure a position in an ever expanding radio-television industry. Employment office open Monday through Friday, 8 A to 4:30 P. M. Admiral Corp., McHenry at intersection of Routes 120, and 81. Bus service to and from plant. l3-tf PARK PUB 100 Pearl St. Old Brewry Corner We have added to our regular menu of Chicken, Steak and Lobster Tail Special Every Wednesday -^7 Corned Beef and Cabbafe Friday Special -- Fish Fry - French Fried Shrimp „ 24 GIRLS BANTED--Ambitious girls Wanted for Our new plant Pleasant working conditions. Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main Street, West of Northwestern Depot,' McHenry. 17"tf *BLP WANTED -- Pin spotters wanted, steady work for full bowling season. Good pay. Phone 569-W-l. McHenry Recreation. 14-tf SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED _ Young reception clerk, typist wants work, evenings, Saturdays. Office of professional man or similar. $1.60 per hour. Write Skelley, General Delivery, Wonder Lake. *24 SITUATION WANTED--WIU care for your child days or evenings in your home Child must be 2 yrs. or older. Phone Wonder Lake 3346. •24 SITUATION WANTED -- Young man wishes Job as janitor or clean up man. Preferably nights. Could be part or full time Job. Phone McHenry 497-R. „ *24 FOR RSNT FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near de pot and schools. 109 Main Street. Phone McHenry 100-R. 20-tf P*g*nw ROOM FOR RENT--Modern and newly decorated. Kitchen and home privileges. Ideal for single party or married couple. Call after 6 P. M. Mrs. Bittke, 3rd house from Court St on Third St. 24 HELP WANTED--Elderly woman for housekeeping and cooking, for 2 adults. i Private room if party desires to stay. Phone McHenry 410- W. *24 FOR SALE--Hollywood single bed, spring and mattress, good condition. $30. Call McHenry 632-M-2 or Curran Keanels, Rt 12. 24 FOB SALE--l Winchester 12 ga. pump gnn. Model 12, A-l condition. Phone McHenry 799-J. 117 Broad Street *24 * FEATHER PARTY1 SATURDAY, NOV. 3rd Ttarkeys -- Ducks -- Geese PARK PUB Nt Peart St. Old Brewry Center Lnnch will be- served. 24 HELP WANTED--Man to manage gas station and tow service; must ,hpve some automotive experience: good chance for right man. Phone McHenry 742 for appointment 24. FOR REN* -- 5 room, ipsulated, with water and garage. Automatic oil heat Partially tarnished. PhOne McHenry 161. *24 ROOM FOR RENT--In Woodstock, large steam-heated sleeping room in business district Phone Woods t o c k 2 0 0 1 * -- 2 4 - t f FOR RENT --For executive and his family; a large modern bungalow, furnished for $80 per month. 1 year lease required and surety bond. • •• •'---- SKIBA ft CO. ExrldHive Agent * Riverside Hotel McHenry tlS 24 FOR RENT--6 room year round house at Lily Lake with option to purchase. Will be shown all day Sundays. Inquire at J & K Tavern. •24 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT--Year 'round rental; 5 to 6 room furnished cottage or apartment; preferably water frontage, must be near town; middle aged couple. Phone 660-W-2 or write Box 230 c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 24 WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Fowler. Woodstock 3ox 334. Phone 464-JX \ 41U WANTED--Baby crib in good condition. Phone McHenry 68-R. - - 24 HOME WANTED--For man and wife for a few months until new home is completed; in McHenry or vicinity. Man employed/ Woman will act as housekeeper or mother's helper In exchange for home. *24 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- Old cars, trucks, tractors, also old farm machinery. We pay top prices. Bill Staines, McHenry, 111. Phone 53-J. •23-4 WANTED TO BUY--Used automatic natural gas hot water heater; 20 gal. capacity. Phone McHenry 445-M. *24 FEATHER PARTY SATURDAY, NOV. Srd Turkeys -- Decks -- Geese PARK PUB 100 Pearl St. Old Brewry Comer Lnnch will he gerred. 24 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- 3 room house on 5 lots partly farnished. full price $3,950. 5 rooms and ^ath, oil heat, garage undeV house, only $2,000 down. 5 rooms furinshed. gas heat, two car garage, only $7,600 river rights. Fit for a king and his family, large bungalow, scenic, landscaped, garden, side drive, two car garage. Make an offer, must be $16,000. , 7 room house suitable for a tea room, on the river and 120. Owners moveing to Florida. Baal offer ova? $22,000 takes it. FOR REN*--Large 6 room house. 5 miles west of town, attractive rent to the right party. Write Box 229^ c/o Mcllenry Plaindealer. 24 FOR AE)fT--Available Dec. 1 to couple, 6-room apartment ih McHenry. Conditions make it necessary there be no children. Phone 131-W after 2 P. M. afternoons or evenings. 24 Have many other large homeB and estates on the river and hay from $12,500 and up to $150,000 can finance. For Better Buy* -- Try SKIBA ft CO. , , Bxclu»Jre Ageni ffrenlle Hotel Mctlenry tit 24 SMALLEST BU8IEST CHEAPEST - WORKERS IN TOWN! PLAINDEALER WANT ADS REAL ESTATE FOB SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS BCKINESS PROPERTIES Mrfnlioai Lake--6 rooms, oil heat garage, 3 lots, 150x150 on black top road. Price $9,500.00 for appointment call our office McHenry 37. Modern ranch type 5 room heme-- ? bedrooms, utility room and ga- •age, completely furnished, % mile East of Johnsburg. Price $15,000.00. Call (Jim) McHenry 37. JACOB FRITZ . REAL ESTATE In Johnsburg • TeL McHenry 37 20-tf FOR SALE--Royal Blue Grocery and Market, Self-Service; Gas Station,* 3 pumps; 2 car gargae, 2 lots. McCullom Lake. Illinois. Phone McHenry 345 or 570-R-J. #7-tf FOR SALE--7 room house; full basement, gas heat. 2 car garage with 2 rooms on extra lot; both lots 120x150 in Huemann's subdivision. Nick Hasler, Rt. 3, McHenry. 22-3 FOR SALB -- BOMBS -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knex Real Bstnte HI Rlefcund Rend McHenry, I1L Ffcaaet McHenry B14 Licensed ffi. ft Wis. Broker FOR SALE -- Four room frame house with automatic electric, 50 gal. hot water heater, gas space heater, complete bath room, must be moved from lot 43 Orchard Beach. Call Seeley 3-5900. evenings Canal 6-8240. 24-tf bath room, must be moved from lot. 43 Orchard Beach. Call Seeley tr.r>»o0. evenings Canal 6-8240. 24-tf MISCELLANEOUS . FEATHER PARTY , SATURDAY, NOV. 3rd Tnrkeys -- Hacks -- Geese PARK PUB' lAO Pearl St. Old Brewry Corner Lnnch #111 be served. . . . {• • =£=± Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drag Store, McHenry. gtf The Beautiful •••aaaa.aas.«4.a)|AttaBaM -- HOUSEHOLD AUCTION Sunday, Oct. 28 -- 1 P. ML ED YOGEL, Aactieneer Fred Meyer Rendenit SPRING GROYE, ILLINOIS 0: •n ! M* * Mu- General Electric refrigerator. Roper gas stove, both in good condition ; living room suite, dining •oom table and chairs, kitchen table and chairs, 3 beds, 3 dressers and a chest of drawers, dpight piano and bench, sewu^g *. •> machine, 9x12 rug and pad. like f ? new; 11*4x12 rug, studio couch, <mall tables, pull-up chair, rockers> lamps, lawn mower, a few intiques and other articles too ; mmerous to mention. *$' . t ; , mmmmmm A U C T I O N On Grub Hill Rd.. H mile N of Grand Ave., 2 miles B of Hwy 69, 1 mile W of Lake Villa, 2 milea W of Hwy. 21, 4>4 miles XW of Grayslake. on SUNDAY, OCT. 18, at 1 BEEF CATTLE--Angus cows with calf at side. 2 Hereford hfrs., avg. wt. 950 lbs., open; 2 Shorthorn hfrs., avg. wt 700 lbs. open. The<2 calves are from Angus bull at N.I.B.A. barn. SADDLE HORSE ft TACK -- Blk. saddle mare, 7 yrs. old{ dark brown saddle mare, 8 yrs. old; dapple buckskin colt. 2 saddles. 2 bridles. 2 saddle pads. etc. l*Ol'LTRY--15 White Roman hena. .MACHINERY--F.F. trac. on rnb., F.F. 2-row cult. F.F. disc. F.F. 2- bot plow, F.F. 6-ft. side mounted mower, F.F. buzz saw, F.F. PTO., F.F. scraper. F.F. transport box. J.D. corn planter, New Dearborn rub. tired wagon and comb, grain ig box and rack, new hammer mill i and mtd. 5-hp. motor, J.D. trao. manure spreader, corn shelter .w/ a* wis w - w & mtd. motor, 3-sec. drag. ETC. GEO. J. LEIBOLD, Owner HERMAN BEHM. AucUoneer Public Auction Service Co., Clerk. L. J. DE MARCE FRI ft SAT„ OCT. 3C.S7 Edmond O'Brien Dean Jagger •WABPATH" Also Slert Subjects A Lad ant His Lamp. SUN. ft MON„ OCT. 28-29 Sunday Coat. St4& P. M. COLONY McHENRY, ILLINOIS Air Conditioned -- Comfort • Good Vision and Hoiad Doers Open at 9:40 Show Starts at 7:00 FRI. ft SAT„ OCT. SM? Ethel Barrymore Manriee Evans (I) "KIND LADY* REX (2) -KING OF THE WILD HOBSES" World News E L IVI WAUCONDA ROUTS 196 PHONE (-1411 NOW OPEN EVERY DA* lal» Shew FrL, Sat. Ban. 9iM Svnday Matinee 8:00 P. M .Cent. THI'RS^ FRL ft SAT„ OCT. 86.26*89 t----^WARPATH*=^ Technicolor Edmond O'Brien Dean Jaggef SUN. ft MON., OCT. 28-20 An Excellent Motion Picture Burt Lancaster In "JIM THORPE - ALL AMERICAN" Sunday Matinee StOO P. M. Coat. &ry Grant Jennne Craln "PEOPLE WILL TALK" It's all ahoat and more. men, morals, maids fUES^ %ED. ft THURK* OCT. 30-31 ft NOV. 1 John Payne Rhonda Fleming Also Short Snbjtott Fellow The Game. TraiL flES. & WED., OCT. 80-81 Request Feature . Gregory Peci hi "1? O'CLOCK HfCTT* FAMILY OUTDOOR THEATRE GRAYSLAR* -- fits. 120-21 •nr WAXTF.n , Laborer! IM truck drivers. Apply Ivar Fredricksen, Wonder Lake 3231. 24-tf WE-ARE NOW CLOSED FOR THE SEASON Th& Family Outdoor Theatre will re-open in the early spring of 1952. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGES SUN. ft MON* OCT. Burt Lancaster Charles Blekfevtf Phyllis Thaxter Steve Cechran "JIM THORPE -- ALL AMERICAN* World News ft Color Cartoon Snnday Matinee 9:80 Cont. CLOSED ON TUESDAY UNTIL FURTHER NflfrlCB WE1K OCT. SI (One Day Oaly) Joan Crawford Wendell Corey "HARRIET CRAIG* Caidid Mike ft Celalr Cartoon STARTING THURS* NOT. 1 Cary Grant Jennne Cnk "PEOPLE WILL TALK* -m- Hi ' . •; •A:- m: V }• LARGE AUCTION On the Burr Oak Farm located 5 miles W of Grayslake, 4 miles NS of Volo, 2 miles N of State Route 120, 2 miles E of Wilson Rd. being % mile W of Round Lake on the Nippersink Rd.. on < SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27th Commencing at 12:00 o'clock. POWLES TRAILER LUNCH ON GROUNDS 94 HIGH GRADE HOLS, ft GUERN. CATTLE -- 22 MILCH C0W9 -- I frenh wHh calf by side, 19 te freshen before Fek, 2 milking good Mft bred back, 1 bred Hols, heifer 2 yrs. old, bred Hols, heifer 2TT yrs eld. The msjority of these cattle are from Canada. BAY RIDING MARE. 8 years old. English riding saddle. 4# HOGS--20 sboats. 2S feeder pigs. POULTRY -300 Niell barred Rock pullets, 5 to « lbs. each. DAIRY EQUIPMENT--2 new Snrge milkers-3 mos. old, 28 8-gaL milk cans. 2 McC single unit milkers. Hinman motor and pump. 2 ster. tanks. Farm Master water heater. FARM PRODUCE--40 acres standing corn, 400 bu%Na 11 Clintoa oah^ 2000 bales 1st cut alfalfa hay, 650 bales 2nd cut alfalfa hay. ~ ~™ *" TRUCK--1938 Interl. 1 ton truck with stake body and dual wheels. TRACTORS, COMBINES, BALER, CORN PICKER ft MACHINERY -- JI) Model A trac. on rub w/cult. attach.. McC F-20 trac. on rub. WPDOL Ford home-made trac., MH Clipper combine on rub, w/Wis. motor. McC Model 45 baler on rub. w/PTO, Case 2-row pull-type corn picker, McC Model 1-M mtd. corn picker for F-20 w PTO, Brand new Model 18-A New Idea trac. manure spreader on rub.. DB 7-ft. pull-type trac. mower on rub. w/PTO. McC 8-ft. grain drill with grass seed attach.. Oliver 8-fL tandem disc, 30-ft. hay and grain elev. w hoist. 3-sec. wood drag. A«C No. 240 2-14 trac. piow. McC side rake. Hudson 10-hole hog feeder, 8 water tanks. *4 ^p. elec. drill. Vi hp. elec. drill, elec. grinder with 14 hp. motor, McD grain box. 7fe hp. Neptune outboard iaotor. 8 large vises and many other articles. HOUSEHOLD GOODS--Including Crosley deep fre«e. 7 cn. ft refrt- " gerator. 2 new Duo-therm 30-gal. water heaters, Brand new Good Housekeeping 3-hur. elec. rahge. 3 elec. ferns. New Apex vaenwni sweeper. 4 new turn-type tables for TV seta. 4 brand new water softeners, HC Little floor furnace. Quacker high boy elec. furnace and <*h4r Items. ^ E. W. FRANK & FRED DON FLtJQER. 0«raMt . Freetich ft Behm, Aac~ Wis. Sales Cer^, Clerk tfete

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