Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Oct 1951, p. 7

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t . * " w w u ; . 1 .' .' •»• '-----^--^rr~~ --'rr::r::rz: ± " ' . ~-'-"-"T I . ^ • , : ' * • • ^ * v- *. • :' 4 Volume 77 -- No. 24 McHENRY. ILLINOIS, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1951 'Assessment list. Personal Property, For McHenry Twp. STATE OF ILLINOI8, <« McHENRY COUNTY. 8S. PUBLIC NOTICE IS "HEREBY CJIVEN, That the following is a '«fttll and complete List of the Assessed Value of Personal Property , to the Town of McHenry, County ; ;df McHenry, State of Illinois, for ;the year A. D. 1951, as taken from jj: the Assessment Books of said year. ^ . J. G. STEVENS, • - V S u p e r v i s o r o f A s s e s s m e n t s Inside. Corporation 'Adams, Susan ... . Alexander Lumber .Co. V. Althoff Louis' 777.:-..,.^.}.,.. ' Althoff. Wi k Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. ~ "Xnthollz, Henry B. • Agatha Shop 4...... Anderson, Walter ................ Adams, Lester V., Sr.; .... Richer, Anabell M. ^WVnderson Lyle D. Anderson, Dorr Anglese, Clarence F . Antonson, Carl L Anderson, Arnolfl . Adams, Louis ........ Antonson. E. F.., ...a. : . $ 50 $ 4000 $ 100 $ 2425 $ 1900 50 300 125 900 275 150 150 200 50 200 50 X ir.0 Adams, Eugene Adams, Vale Adams, Lester. V., Jr ........ jAdmiral Corp. ams, Albert J. Aronson, Richard __Albright, R. .. $ 50 $ 175 $ 100 $ 17S0 $ 90 $ 150 Aim, Harold .«•.«. Bodan Products, Inc. Buss, Edw., Jr ............... Budler ft Weingart ....... j... Brefeld, Joseph Blake, Leonard I Blake, Alvin ' Bartow, Walter T. ........... ^Bienapfel, Fred | 75 $ 1090 $_ 75 $ 175 Bradley, Karl M. ....... Buck, Herman C. ................ Brown, Mrs. Peter 3. Brown, Math J. Blunt, Bernice fejorkman, Walter B. ........ Biggs, Roy .1........ Bacon, Nellie Bacon, LesteiT 7.1 Bauer. Michail^ ^Bauer, Alvin ™Bvko^py., Mitchell. Brda, John . Blake, John ... Blake, Anton ~F. Brda, Charles J. „....i......... Barbian, George J-. . Barbian Bros '.... Barbian, Nick E Blake's Motor Sales Blake, Leo Blake, Frank vCBolger, Thoro(as P Bohr, Geo. Mi Bolger, Mrs. Lillian Buss Motor Sales 'Buch, Mary A. . Buch & Sons, H. B. ........ Buch, Jerome J. Buchart, Wm. Brefeld, Paul J. Brown, Earl Budler, Albert M *Bjown, Charles D. -®Brookr " 125 175 150 90 200 100 475 75 200 125 I $ * $ $ $ $ $ I 9 $ 1000 $ $ * $ I I I t 4- $ f $ 75 $ 1 5 0 $ 150 $ 90 't"~ 50 400 125 200 450 $ too $ 75 $ 1100 • *00 I °175 $ 100 I. 130 $ 1450 $ 100 $ 1550 $ is5 170 100 150 176 60 160 75 220 -200 100 125 $ 425 $ 50 $ 2000 $ 175 $ 200 $ 1650 $ '200 $ 175 |11 25 $» 200 $ 1325 Ali< -Mr Ballow. Cecil $ Brown. Stanley f Bassett. Lisle E. "• I Bolger, Wm. .'... $. 'Buckie, John F. .--••• -$~ Buckner, Carl 9 Bockman, WW. $ Beanapfel, Bert $ Bolger, Thomas F. I ^Blake, Mathias Est. ™Blum, George J .Est. ...r.T. Brand, ElizaWfeth Est, Claybaugh, James D. Coates, Edw. ......i Conway, Cathryn Collins. Howard , Coley, Floyd 8. ... Carey, Mary Carey .Walter Carey, Gerald B Carlson, C. N. 110 200 150 100 100 50 - 80 150 200 J"5 175 90 75 125 100 175 $ 1325 ~$~1560 $ 500 $ 190 $-1100 $ 50 $ 150 $ 100 S 275 % 1400 Eichinger, Math Etten, Herman Eggert. Norman Ensign. Roland Edstrom, Arthur ...,;.^...... Ekeroth, Henry O. Frett. Robert Fitzgerald, Eileen M, ...... Freund, Alfred Freund. Joseph M.^-,«ii*. Freund, Ralph- ... Freund, Charles N.; Freund, John N. Freund Sons, A. Freund. Ernest Freund. Mike. Jr. .7.!^^,.. Freund, Stephen ll, : ....i. Freund, Kathryn L. ' Freund, Augustine II. Freund. Carl Jj Freund. Geo. P.- Freund. John R. Freund. Richard 'W?!J . 60 Freund. M. Rosie •..!»,,..1;;!.'...' $ ^ 200 freund. Irvin L. 1175 Freund, Antoii -P* £00 Freund, Anton H. $ 75 Freund. Math P. $ 90 Freund, Geo. J. $ 200 Freund. Elmer J. f 200 Freund .Herbert H. $ 90 Freutid, Harold J $-100 Freund. Nick B. $ 150 Freund, Donald H. $ 125 Flemming, Richard M. $ 600 Fitzgerald, Homer $ 1275 Frolich. A. I $ 280 Freund. Oil Co., Inc $ 4000 Ferwerda, Raymond $ 60 Ferwerda, Harold J. $ 200 Foreman, Win. D. Bat. ........ $ 235 Garafol, Jimmle $ 125 Glossen. John ...j......$ 125 Gende, Frank B. $ 50 Gambles Store ...; $ 1050 Gibbs, Fred W. $ 175 Goodell, Gretta-rw.; $ *-£(>0 Gerash. Paul B. $ 225 GUzzardo. Joe $ 50 Guzzardo. Ray $ 50 Gladstone, Maurice I $ 1800 Gies. Peter n.v.r.v. $ 810 Grasser. John $ 60 Green. Wnj $ ,200 Green. Robert $ "ioo Gloss'en, Joseph $ 140 Gans, Frank J $ 150 Gehrman, Albert P $ 50 Gausden. E. j. $ 150 Givens, Donald $ 100 Gilkerson. Earl $ 150 Hasting, Peter E $ 150 Heckma'n, Frank J. $ 175 Hull, John M. $ 100 Hughes. Raymond $ 175 Hart. Evelyn $ 140 Hunter. James J.' .....$125 Hitchens. L. ByrOn I .150 Hally. Joe C. ......7 $ 100 Hogan, -Edw $" 75 Heimer, Hengy^«y...;.-;:.-..:.:';.j i fj'lOO Heimer. Wm. M. $ 80 Howard, Ray S $ 200 Huck. Larry ^ $ 100 Hoobs, Harold R. ....u.. . $ 50 Hester, Richard $ 500 Herdrick, Charley $ 180 Hetterman, Elmer $ 180 Halligan. W. J. $ 300 Hagberg, Win. W. ..." $ 225 Howard. Donald C.............. $- 75 Hergott. Vivian $ .80 Holt. Frank J $ 275 Henschel, Arthur $ 425 Hayward. Ertw. S. $ "100 lloelscher, G. E. $ 3 50 Holly, Warren $ 100 Huck, Lawrence, Jr. $ J00 Heinz, C>. $ 150 Herman, Wm. $ 50 Hoby,-- Boy--^tiiuniwHBffS1.; $ 200- Kaus, Geo. Jr ..^ $ Kinsey. Clarence Knoop. E. B. Kerber. Leo Lessard, Arthur Lang, J Lee & Ray Electric 9hop LakofT, John P. Long. Odilon .... Lawrence. Fred Local bleanerB. Inc Larson. Arnold A. Lowe, Frank Liptrot, Hubert jO. .. Landgren. E^d«ar ' Larkin. EveliQe' M. Lauer. E. l.iifdsav, Gep. F. ..... Ijafontaine, Eugene Larson. Walter L. $ 125 Miller. Jerome $ *125 Martin. Carl 0. i..',. $ 150 Meyers. Geo. A, $ 150 Mueller, Otto S.,.. $ 150 Meister JoRh .'t 75 May. Jos. M. ...;.:....',..'.'.v.v $ 150 McHenry Publishing. Inc. $ 1020 Mehr. Robert $ 260 McHenry Mill,- Inc. $ 720 $ 2000 •'"ff-V Meyers. LeRoy ........ McHenry Sand A Co.. Inc. ...; Mauch, Norbert B. Miller, Alvin Mavnard. B. T Mathews. Delia .... Martin. Clarence McGee, Ray .. ......... McHenry Farmers Assn.. Inc McHenry Lumber Co.' . McCrapken. Leonard Miller, Joe J Miller. John & &>8ob Meyers. Frank C. Mosher. A. H. ,r... Mi Place Miller, Ben J. Miller. Ben K. Miller, Roy H. ^ Miller. Peter F. .. Murphy. Hugh Miller, Theo S.' MfeHenry Country 'Ctab Miller. Charles J. ......... Miller, Harold F. .... . .. Meyers. Leo Mt t.v.^ Mntcfien. John M. .......... Miller. Joe P. Marshall, Earl i.,* MoGee's, Inc. Marteck & Nixon. Inc. $ 125 Gravel $ 2900 $ 60 $ i f $ $. $ Co-op. 160 • 90 SO 2.00 200 $10400 -$ 4500 $ 175 :'$' '."75 $ 90 $ 150 $ 1165 $ 325 Sclij-einer. Katherine B $ Schneidor, Elizabeth $ Schneider. Anton Schiesslie & Weber .. Schiesslie, Caroline Sayler, Dr. J. E. ...... Scherman. Mrs. C. j$. Smith. Arthur ... Smith. Huppie A Leo Smith. Rose B, .. 50 50 50 100 200 300 50 825 550 75 Schaefer. Henqq B. $ -75 KO ir»o 2oo ioo 50 200 200 200 50 200 575 $ 175 $ 50 $ 75 $ 50 $ 3270 . T„ $ 1600 McHenry Mfg. Co., $ 5670 Mendyk. Mike $ ioo Miller, Nick P ,^.:-...7% 150 Melssk. LeRoy .'.\f 125 Mather. Don $ 500 Miller. John Phalen, Est. $ 3S0 Nye. Eugene P „ * -100 N'initz. Richard W $ 200 Neilsen. Bettv „ . . ,„$._-350 Newman, Gerald $ 90 Neiss, Theresa $ . r,o Neiss. Mrs. John $ 75 Neisen, Clarence ..., $ 200 Nichels. Mildred M. $ 1075 Nye, Wm. A. : $\ 350 Nye. Eleanor $ jso Nye. Harvey .. . " $ 150 Nye. Herman F. . . .. . $1150 Noonen, Allen E. $ 275 Nordin. Edw. '^Cairns, Howard W U. Cooney, Martin .... Chamlerlain. R. G. Colony Theatre Covalt, Floyd E., tr. ....... Cronin. Lorina M. ................ Conway, LeRoy M Clarks, Chev. Sales ..... : Cinema Grill Cepulis Aldona Carlson. James C> .... QColby. Ora N Crystal Lake Vogue Cleaners. Inc Chri8man, HaTry Downs. Nash Sales ............ Duglas, James H. Dixan. Glenn Downs Motor Express ........ Diedrich, Anna Diedrich. Thomas Dowe, Mary s„-. ^%Dobyns. W. B. ^Durland, Alvera --........ Degen, Mike B. Duker, C. H. Doherty, Thomas Donnelly, R. W Dickow, Wilma Dillon, Edw. A. Diedrich, Joe J. ."0- 320 150 135 75 $ 1200 $ 100 $ 50 $ 190 "*--975 $ 950 $ 175 $ 125 $ 130 Diedrich, Loats Douglas, G. A. Draper, Glenn ^Dofterty, Philip .............. Engusall, Everett 10 110 650 90 90 840 75 50 50 125 50 175 200 200 190 475 75 200 50 190 225 100 50 Hanna, Wm. J. Est. $ 850 Hiller, Catherine, Eg$. ../..... $ 750 Immerkus, Frank % 150 Ingersol, Everett. ........ Justen. Robert A. ........ Jackson. Henry Jurack. Charles A Johnson .Geo. H Justen, Richard • Justen. Nick if. Justen. Ben Justen, Geo. R ,...w Justen. Peter M. ....„; Justen, Geo. R. & Justen. Albert R. Justen, Nic. P. Justen, Jacob F. ... Justen. Herold Justen. Edw. J. ... Justen. Alex Jensen. Frank Jung. Bernard Jung. Nic Jurgens, E. A. $ 50 $ 150 $ 150 $ 1 2 5 $ 2 1 0 $ 175 f 200 -200 225 495 150 .175 110 225 _ 75 50 150 50 100 100 Johnson Tool Mfg. Co., Inc. $ 3450 Jager, Richard ... Justen, $alph Joknis. Anton Kennelly, Jerry ... Kralowetz. Robert Krapf, Godfred ... Kent & Co.. Inp. Klasek. Geo. A& ... Kalfus. FFrank .. Kilday. Robert W. Kinsala, Geo. W. Koehr, Supply Co. Knight. Geo Knack. Geo $ 450 $ 110 $ 330 JL_ 75 $ 175 $ 175 f 400 $ 50 $ 75 75 175 900 . 75 50 Knox. Martin A GenevleVe $ '100 Knox, Cecilia B. ........„v... Kane. Geo. B. Konig. J. F Kelter? Liliain' Kelter. John B., Bat- -- Klontz. Claton W. $ 210 $ 125 $ 175 $ 1050 $ 400 $ 250 $* p $ ' S Klontz. Bruce ,»• $ -£50 Krause. Albert Kreutzer, Ida Kreutzer. Herman R. ..... Kreutzer. Wm. L. ............ Kramer, Geo. F. Kennebeck. Henry 'J.' Krause. A. D. ...._ Kilday, John W. Kramer. Verner J. Kraus, Henry. $ 525 $ 50 ' J70 50 225 75 175 75 175 100 50 250 200 200 50 175 200 Noonen, Anthony Ninispern. Jos . Nell, Frank* Ninisgern. Lawrence A Nugent. Albert Nollenkamp, Geo. Overton Cadillac & Pontiac Sales $ 1700 Overton. Margreth E. 200 Olsen. Leslie C | 175 Overton, Richard J $ 75 Olsen, Edw. 60 Pitzen, Tlieo. N. ....*. $ 175 Phalin. Thomas M $ Palush. A. G $ 400 Phannenstill. Alvin $ 225 Paddock. Earl % 200 Page. Lester ..$125 Page. Ray J|7§. .Phalin, Mrs. John 75 Powers. Mary -........; •$ r,o Purvey. Albert ........ ...... ... $ 200 Pries. W m. A.. Jr. $ 2175 Pederson, Alpha f 350 Petersen. Frederick J. $ 150 Powers. James W $ J50 Pepping. Fred, Jr $ 775 Pitzen. Frank N. f 200 Pfannenstill. John $ 125 Patzke. Eniil $ 100 Piller. Lucillc :.... $ 300 Phalin. Geo f joo Patzke. Paul. • • 75 Quir.lan, Philip $ J00 Reid.v, Henry T. f 50 Ricker. Philip f 75 Rothermel, R. J - 175 Rftthermel. James $ 175 Rode. Ray $ 50 Roche .Peter J. $ 125 Rodenkirck, Hilary J $ 110 Riverside Mfg. .Co $ 400 Richardson.^ Jennie --125 Rogers. Fred N $ 250 Reihansperger. Chaa. F. .. $ 300 Reihansperger. Herbert $ 150 Riverside Hotel. Inc. :... $ 775 Raycraft. James ..........$ 110 Rotherinel. Leo G $ 175 Riverside Dairy, Inc. ...... $ , 865 R. Plac?, Inc. $ 720 Slimmer. Robert $. 75 Stilling, Robert G. $ 100 Stains. Wm $ 75 Strach. S $ 1550 Smith. Hubert $ 150 Schaefer, Peter J $ 725 Schaefer, Jacob. Est $ 230 Schaefer. Herman $ 150 Schaefferv Henry J $ 200 Schmitt. Jos. M. $ 75 Schmitt, Henry. $ 150 Schmitt, IrveB, .......^ $ 90 Schreiner, Geo. 3. $ 75 Schaefer, Clarence J. f 100 Stenger. Geo. F. ...:. $ Sayler. James N. $ Schaffer. Stanley $ Smith, Emilia j[i :... $ 75 Smith, Rena . 75 Stock, Geo. A. $" 110 Stoffel. Mrs. Jofin' $ 75 Stoffel, Mrs. Simon $ 250 Stoffel, Jacob $,, 350 Stilling John $ -90 Stilling. Leo J. $ 125 Spencer, Mary -lK0',..£su.fc&!" ,fe0; Standard Oil Co. ^ •$ 25 Schoenhola. Mervitt Li ...*.. $ 80 Steffes. Jacob 75 Stilling. Gertr«4* $ ' 75 Stoffel. Martin J. $ 75 Stilling, Henry £. • $ 200 Smith. James C. $ 200 Soellner. Wm. A. $ 200 Steffen. Harold $ 1200 Shell Oil Co $ 25 Schoher. John;. $ 85 Scholle. Herman .,Jf. $ 200 Schaefer, Roy .. .. .; $ 425 Schreiner, Mrs. Wm. G | 50 Sund, LaVerna R. $ . 75 Smith, LeRov % 150 Schaefer. Donald $ 180 Smith. Robert "73L..... ... . . $ 125 Snell. Harry E f 90 Smith, Elmer G ... $ 150 Smith, Richard $. 50 Smith, Jack .- $ 75 Simon, Joseph $ 100 Schmunk. Sam .... $ 150 Schueneman. Minnie, Est. $ 300 Tonvan. Donald H. Thennes., Philip M. .. T5hie^"Cb:, John C. . Thennes. John A. Thennes. Edw. J Thompson. Robert A. Tonvan Const. Co Tonvan. Alfred Tonyan, Edw Tonyan. Arthur Tucker, M. L. Thurlwell. Robert J Tonyan. Joseph Thomas, Arthur ll! Thorn, Francis ........ .... Thompson, Leo Thompson. James A. . . Torrence, John I'nti. Gtis Unti, John Untl. Charles Vyi'ital. Chas Vance. Harol<| j Vogt. Robert V.vcital Hardware Co. ... Voltz. Fred W Winkelman. Elmer H. Ward. Hailey v- - Wirtz. Francis M. \ Wagner, Jos. Wilson. Clifford E. Wetly, Glenn 'J... Walsh, M. J. Walsh .Earl . Wattles, Glenn Wattles. Howard Weber., Henry M. ..... Weber.. Robert• Weber. Carl N. Wirfs, Geo. Worwick. Andrew Wolf. Fred" & Emil Wirtz. John n ^ •r.. $ 175 .... $ ltO .... $ 1210 • •^$ 250 Wirtz, Anthony J. Winkel, Leo J. Wilson, Thomas P. Walsh, Quinten K. ;r Wheeler, Joel E Wegner. Martin S. Worts, Mrs. Mike Weingart. Peter Ward. Elliott B. Weingart. Nich. 8.1 .: Wilbrandt, Al. = Weber. Joe & Laura Welter. LeRoy J Weber. Richard J Wayne. Joseph Walker, Eleanor Wikj Nils E. - Williams. Jos A. _ Weic hman. John Weber. Robert' ti. Yanda, Paul It,' Yegge, Marie Scbiesle Young, Edw. N. Zriny. Stephen OatNide" r«rpomtf«n Ames .James AJderson, Albert E Anderson. John A And res, Welden ^ ,,, .. .. -- Adams. Nick J Adams, Alfons Adams. Vince Adams. Joe H Adams. Mathias Adams. Otto Adams, Alex Adams. Frank L. Adams. Clarence Adams. Clara Klein .... Adams. Clemens Althofif. Ben, et al Aufright. Walter Alto, Ray A. Althoff. James Armstrong. Al. Anderson. Vernon Arndt, Chas Anderson, Lawrence .... Aver man. W. E Angelo, Mae Baldino. Sam ..,.V.... Brusso. Lawrence Bauer, Olivia Blake. Edw. . - Back. Peter Brennan, Wm. V. Blake. Roy A Alvin .... $ 27:, $ 175 $ 150 Bauer. Roland Plake. Bernard Blake. Albert S Blake. Arnold Beckenbaugh, Rftlwn ,-.r.:.r Blake. Joseph Blake, Wm Blake. Geo. P Bigger Bros. Bauer. Hernar^ ;. Betts, Earl E. Berg. Oscar Blazik. John Bills. K s.' 1...'.. Bennett, Henryv Brill. Oltomar Buach. Charley' J, Betts.. Karl E .C.7.:-. Bennett. Langley. h.i.'.j.,.. Bollmah." Bernai^' Buttas. John W, Beatty. Emily A. Boyle. John F," Boyle. EH^abe tit Ball. Fred Benson. Garfield \C . Bowman. Fred E. .: Butler. B. T. Britz. Henry J Barbian. Albert Bell, James Brown. S. W Blake, Roy M Burton. S. T Benson. Gorden Behern. Wm. Beatty. Sinclair.F. ... Bauer, Jos. J. Bode. John Barnical. Carl Bloomgreen. L. A Banks. Edw. E. - Bennett. Ralph Breier, Geo. Baunibeck, Geo. Barrett, Loyd E Benson. Harry Burton. Ernest Barth. Win., Jr Barth, Win. Corrado. Frank C Chapel Ijiii Creameries ... Corso. Charles J. Cashen. Thomas Cannon. E. F. Crick. Joseph Claxtan. Wnv. Cavenaugh. John Chavaloski. Chaa.: Crlsty, Kenneth E. .;. Cristy. J. W. Comet Corporathnr "... Carr, Lester Cafarelo, V. Cylik, Stephen Cooper. Bros Cable. (J. W. Conner, Hen Oartwright. John ..... Creutz. Wm. E. ......... Conway. Robert Coste, George Cannon, Edw. Jr. Chenye, Frank Oerwinski. Wallace Chicoine, Geo Caldwell, H .('. Clem & Fred Cheliiii. Ben Cooper, Wm. F. Cammarata. Joe Dehn. Richard Danko, Wm Danko, Steve Dodd, R. W Davis. Bert DeRoche. Walter Drennen. M Dimond. A. F. A Son Diedrich. Leo Diedrich, Fred Dorfler. John Dippe, August Doherty. James E. DeVore, R. W DeVore, Chris Doran. Ed Dan ford. Ear l Diedrich. Geo. P. ... . .. Derkes. Sam Davidson, Helgn ....: Dierken, Henry Dowell. Gene Daley. James Dolgopal. M Druml. M. .; Dake, Wm. k ,.. Daniels, Dan Dooley. David F Eckstein E Eschbach. Edw. Engdahl. H. M Engel, Peter Eppel. Bros Erriceson, Henry Ettinger. I. S. Ettinger. £--S. Engelson, Kinsley Eckland. Harry Elliott. J. W. Ewell, James C. Errickson, Betty Edwal Laboratories. Inc. Echardt. Emma 'L. Ehlert, Frank Engh. Steward Ettinger. Samuel Frett, Ed. J. Freund, Geo. If. Freund. Wm. W. Freund, Carence C. Freund. Eugene B. Freund. Peter H., Freund. Orville, Frett. Edw. J Fowles. Fred Freund, Alvin J Feierisel, Clarence A. ... Freund, Wilfred V. Ficken, John Freund, Joe E. Freund. Peter Jr. Freund, Stephen H. Freund. Herbert P Freand, Jacob $ 845 $ 1115 $ 100 $ 1320 $ 175 $ 1125 $ 225 $ 1380 $ 1945 $ 1510 $ 75 $ 210 $ 150 $ 90 ,$ 100 $ 225 ,$ 725 $ 150 $ 75 $ 75 $ 150 $ ' 123 $ 1170 $ 90 $ 200 $ 150 $ 65 $ 220 $ 425 560 $ 200 $ 50 $ 900 $ 100 $ 125 $ 125 $ 150 $ 200 $ 150 $ 50 $ 150 9 100 $ 500 f 125 $ 325 $ 100 $ 100 $ 110 $ 175 $ 100 $ 100 $ 125 $ 1500 t 50 $ 100 $ 125 $ 250 $ 210 $ 150 $ 150 $ 1335 $ 525 $ 2520 $ 110 $ 125 $ 125 $ 675 $ •75 .--$ -150 . $ 100 $ 200 t 1375 f 125 $ 125 $ 100 $ 50 $ 125 $ 130 $ 125 $ 125 $ 200 $ ioo $ 75 $ 350 $ 50 $ 415 $ 685 $ 150 $ 150 $ 150 ( 1370 $ 1380 $ 200 $ 125 $ 150 $ 175 $ 125 $ 175 $ 150 $ 150 • $ 905 $ 175 $ 75 $ 100 $ 100 $ 975 $ 125 $ 125 $ 125 $ 250 $ 75 $ 100 J 115 $ 400 $ 50 f 1975 $ 200 $ 390 r 610 $ 300 $ 200 $ 150 $ 2840 $ 75 $10700 $ 175 $ 75 $ 125 $ 100 $ 175 $ 150 $ 125 $ 125 $ 190 $ 175 $ 970 $ 175 $ 125 $ 1200 $ 150 $ 1615 * 620 $ 1355 $ 75 $ 770 $ 90 Frennd, Peter F % 200 Freund. Ben $ 250 Freund, Vernon A* ,. $ 150 Freund. John $ 1100 Freund, Peter A. Jr. ............ ( 100 Freund. Anthony M. $ 200 Freund. Leo ,.... $ 200 Freund, Fred P. $ 275 Freund. Peter A. $ 225 Freund. Peter Mr Freund^ Anna Freund, Wm. N'.' ...t % 75 Freund. BemarC^A,'? 1120 Freund. Victor w..^....,.... $ 75 Freund. James l.* $ 175 Freund. Harold H. $ 90 Freuml. Howard 100 Freund. .-Joseph ,L. 110 Freund. Frank $ 190 F r e u n d . C l a r e n c e ' ' 1 9 2 0 Freund. Stanley $ 2450 Frederickson, 1 var .. $ 325 Fay, Frank $ 50 Falcon Outing Club % 125 Frisby. Robert Sr: $ ,75 Frett, Joseph Flemming. Richard M. Foss. Wayne E. ~. Flurrey. Edw. B. Finkel Wm ........ ... 125 200 Jackson. Arthur $ 75 Justen. Anna $ 50 Jung. Mrs. Martin $ 1380 Jepson. Harold 1^ -- ---- ^ $ 1390 Jensen. Vaulda R. $ 200 Johnson, Hubert P. 100 Justen. Donald ..; $ 1625 Justen. Geo. B. ....... $ Johnson. Stanley O. , $ Jackson. Joseph s-. ..I. $ 150 Jervis. Carl 6. ...77777Z777~7T'1$ 200 Johnston. Stanley O.K;4-...v $ ?00 Jurgenson. Emil $ 100 Jencks, Agnes S. ;$ 175 Johnson. W. D, • $ . 75 Jurgens. John- $, 175 Knott. Claude E. 1>$» Koenig. Steven ^ 225 Kaeser. Elsie .;... . -$ 175 Krukow. E^rl;75- Kunz. Fred '$ 80 Krummwide, F»..H. 1695 $ 1S05 Fuchs. Fred .... Frost. Walter Fox, Jos. H. ..... Fossler. L. Finley. Arthur Frisby. Robert Jr. .. ...... Frits, Jacob Fike. H. S. .• Ficken. Rif^olph Frecino, Anthony Feels, Anton Foster, Keith ....:. Fischer. Clarence J Frett, Richard ... Geneser, Joseph Gladstonfe, Maurice ..... Gladstone, Lee. M. D. .. Garralts, Theodore Granath. John Grosley. L. H. ...: Gross. Marie Gaist. Adolph Glossen. Geo. Glossen. Wm; Grasser. Wm. Googlinski. Emma Groll, Frank L. Gilmores. Jos. A. ....... Grosengon, Gee. B. Gates. Ben Granger. Maurica . . Glossen, Elmer Gerget. Paul Glauser, Elisabeth Huff. Nick Herdler. Alfred Hoeft. Wm 250 200 130 300 300 100 150 300 150 150 210 275 150 $ 350 205 535 175 75 100 75 300 325 100 90 150 125 $• 100 $ 135 $ 1235 $ 1070 $ 100 $ 1435 % 250 $ 125 $ 100 $ 1965 $ 75 % 1730 100 100 100 75 900 TB Hickory. Creek Farm Hoffman. Wm. R. ... ' Hetterman. Edw. & James $ 225 Hecht. Wm $ 75 Harrison. Frank C. 7.$ 730 Horn. Albert $ 150 Hamlin. Peter $ 1300 Hang, Walter Huska. Stephen ......... Henn. Al. J. .. H oil man. Emil J., Ilinke. Wm. J Howard, Christina Harold. Edw. C Hay, Frank Hawley, Louis E. Harrison, Flora 8. ..... Harrison. C. L. ...*.. $ 730 Harrison. Frank B. $ 550 Harrison. A. C $ 200 Hunter. Everett $ 150 Halstrom, Carl ..% $ 225 Hepburn. Dr. Wm. '..$• 125 110 75 75 150 125 300 150 75 525 50 Herdrick. Emil Herman, O. H. * Hiller. Joseph Hiller. Geo. Hiller. Wm. J. Hfller. Leo Hiller, Henry Howe, Chester 8. Hoppe, Arthur & Valeska .... Hogan, John liueman. Jos. G. ..v...^:.:....-... Hueman, Fred L. Hueman, Jos. H. ft Sons ... Huff. Albert Hunter Boat Co., Inc Ilealey, Thomas. llollenbach, Oscar Hollenbach, Nopbert Howorka. Frank Hide. F Hetterman. Jam«p Hetterman, Edwin & Dorothy Hetterman. Gerald J. • Herman. Louisa Huff, Harry Harvey, Steve Hayes, DanieJ Hemsley. D. R. .. Hubert. R. A Holquist. Albert Hamel. Wm. J. Howak. Hubert Sr. Hansen. Roger Hansen. Fred Howe, Victor Hickory Creek Farm Hartman, Geo Hanesh, E Hickory Creek Farm Haxton. J. W Hailey. Wm. Huck, Louis ... Hayes, James P Hansen. Dave Hay. Wm. J. w Harth, Ernest Heinz. Nic Hofferica, John Hansen. Rudolph Hoelscher. R. €t Jeske, Harold R." Jabelinski. Adap Johnson, Eldred L. Jepson. Jeppie C. Johnson, Mrs. Rudolph Jackson, Ford '$ 625 $ 1480 $ 100 $ 200 $ 325 $ 1365 * 1405 J 75 $ 605 5 1825 % 2245 -$ 75 $ 75 $ 9(10 $ 175 $ 5500 125 200 250 $ t % I 75 I 425 $ 175 $ 225 $ 210 $ 150 $ 200 $ 100 $ 150 $ 1 5 0 % 150 $ 500 $ 1890 $ 150 $ 150 $ 100 $ 150 $ 5750 $ 1215 $ 50 $15010 100 125 200 $ 125 $ 75 125 100 385 75 100 110 750 75 685 360 $ 525 I ro Klewin. T; Knauer. K. F.\v Klapperich. Lawrence Klapperich, Win. B. ...;. Kennebeck. Elisabeth . Kevel. A. J Klapperich, Mary - Kunz, Andrew ....: Knapp. Forest Krickefl. Geo ; Kuby, Andrew E. Kroh. JoBeph Kotrba. Wm. E. Kelley. Peter M. Krenz. Mathilda : Kaiser. Frank Est. ......... Kennebeck, Ben J Kennebeck. Henry Jr. _ Kennebeck. Bernard M, Kennebeck. John King. Joseph King. Leo : Klapperich, Wm. J. Klapperich. Joseph ..... Klapperich. Frank ......... Kopke, Ed Kraft. Barney Kent. Roy 125 150 . $ 125 $ 100 $ 75 $ 200 1 75 J 150 $ 100 $ 200 200 150 $, 300 $ 200 $ 125 $<«925 I 190 175 $ 100 $ 500 $ 190 $ 1395 175 200 200 150 75 200 Korowski. Steve $ 200 Kleinhans Lumber do. fj$ 2500 Keller. Wm. $ 200 Kolar. Albert $ 175 Kinsley. Philip $ 150 Kirk. Hugh H. $ 250 Kollenback. Harel4_^ 1360 $ 1550 $ 200 - $ $ Kane. Mitchell. Kelley, Ral)>h . Kleven, Adolph Kinsey, Roy .... Kerber. Leo Kohler. Jacob . Lively. Tom Lindholm. Marie ..: | Lundy. Harry Jr s.....: $ Leight. Alfred .; $ 300 75 Low. Walter 150 $ 75 $ 150 75 175 175 SECTION TWO Meyers. Elmer $ Mayer. Geo. Muzzy. F. 1 Morgan. Harriet Malech. Ernest MfiNilles. Orsen Miller, Jacob P. Michels. Clarence Martinec. Wm. Merkelz. Chas. McAush. Byron Florence Mraz. Edw. .... Milbrandt. Victor May. Richard A. Marunde. G Chartej^ $ 1615 Miohels. i?j# Midiri, Louis Mack. John ... Meers, McNiel. J. •$ Miller. Celia JUT.' Mraz. Emil Miller. Jerry f Malloy. D. : Maxwell. H; Newman. H, Novak. James J. Neuharth. John J, Nathanson. Nelson. Hanna .. Nagel. Theo Nelson, Magnus Nett. John E. . Nielson. Harvey H. Nixen, James G. Noren. Roy Nerstad. Herman ... Nye. Herman F. Naughton. James J. Nelles. R. R. Nelson. Arthur R. Neal. Roy Nell. Henry O'Niel. Ernie Osterberg. Ray Obenauf. Martin Olson. Louis Olson. Richard L. Oeffling. Geo Oeffling. Peter .... Oeffling. Wm. .. Oeffling. Alfred Olsen. Olef. C. S. Olsen. Ben T Oonk, Albert G. Obenauf. Eugene Oflayerty, Wm. Oleinlck. J. K. Olsen. Theodore Oxtoby. Eugene Partipilo. Nicholas Paddock. Earl J.,^T. Poulos, Wm. Pearson. A. I Perry, 1 Larkin.. James $ $ -=rr$ $ 730 I Palome. Ronald J., Math. B. I^ash, Emil Leek land. Theo Lay. Math 14iy.. John Lay. Christina Larson. Bros Ludford, Robert .... Law. Arthur H Larson, l^ee Leslie. Fred Lotz. Charles Luce. Ben Lack. Harry Lennon. James M. Lacey. Herman Lehawitch. Mary Leibsohn. Samuel Looze. John E. .... LaGreccca. Arthur Levesque. Joe ft --Wm. A. 71 225 150 100 75 75 350 $ $ $ $ 2320 $ 125 $ 200 $ $ $ $ $ 100 125 125 125 150 $ 1610 $ 1020 150 150 250 Schulz, $ 425 Larsen, John K. Li 1 ley, A. F. Lind, A. E. Lakeberol. A. G. ...... Leiser, Peter C Lenardo. James B. .. Marshall, Helen T. Materzewske. Pear McAndrews, Joe A, .. May. Fred ...: Miller. Tony J. 300 125 125 100 150 $ 250 225 75 100 715 $ 1520 Miller. Arthur A $- 75 Medows. R. W ......7!> $ 150 Miller. Geo. J. | 50 Meyers, Fred J. .7. McHenry Recreation . Moscinski. Michael Michels. Geo Miller. Chas. J. Miller, Victor A Muryniske. Frank Meyers. Donald Mailfold, Robert ......... Michels. Arnold .. ....rr Michels. Leo Murphy. Elmer TL . Miller. Alfred B, .™. McDonald. Hugh Mauski. Stephen ............ Mraz, James '7'. May. John V .; McNeely. W. C. , Miller. Otto E.° Martin Bros Martin. Clinton i .....Z May. Irvin ' .May. Frank 8. May. Alfred^.... . May. Geo. A: ...... ....... May. Stev« May. Wm M. Mauer. R. G. McCannon, Wm. Mclntee. Margreth McLaughlin. Ton Mertes. VV111 _ Miller, Jos. • Miller. Paul Miller. Oscar ft Fred Miller. Pete Miller. Della K. Miller. LeRov ... $ 125 ... $ 1000 ... $ 400 ... $ 75 .. $ 1235 ...4 575 $ 150 ... $ 75 ... $ 1010 ... $ 150 ... $ 75 ... $ 90 ... $ 1565 -~$ 225 ... $ 125 ... $ 175 $ 200 $ 150 $ 125 ' $ 8S0 J 1470 $ 1275 $ 300 $ 350 $ 1280 $ 585 $ 200 f 125 $ 100 $ 200 $ 50 $ 100 Miller, Minnie McRob^rts $ Michels. Frank $ Moeberg. Henry . $ Meyers. Wm. J. $ Meyers, W*u F.:.." $ i 1820 300 200 115 17$ Pomeroski. Alea Palush. A. G Peyton. Bill .j Palmer, Harvey. JfFZZ. Peterson. Elarl R. ...» Pierce. Wm. Pavlik. Janw Pries, Wm. Sr. Peisert. Ed. W. Pfluger. John B. Pepping. Albert. Sr. -- Paul, John S. Pvritz. Otto ft Kmm§ Piet. Tony Perkins. X Prince. Calvin E. Peschke. Bernard Peters. August Peters. Florence Peterson, Kenneth G. Peterson. E. G. Peet. Pai Pearson. Gus Pearson. J. C. Pitzen. Nick S. Pitzen. Louis J. Pitzen. John M. Pitzen. Paul ........ Pitzen, Michael Pagel. Fred Port way. Mary Pistakee Yacht Cl*b . Pahst, Mrs. F. Palmer. F. Pepping. Jacoh Peterson. Bob L. Peterson Boat ft Mo Pagne. Wm Peet. Ed Paitzer. Dorothy : „ Poledna. F. J Reininger, Leo ^ Reese. Henry Raden, Steven Riggen. Ray Rahr. Paul 110 Rossing. RiihariT" Rednier. Her«n .. Rossman. Henr> Rudin, Robert Rourke. Francis T. .. Reding. Geo. M. Reinke. Kent Richard. R. R Rzeczhowski. Martin - Ritter. Fred . Reid. David Richard. Vera L. Rekewich. Joseph Roimiser. Clem II. Reicher. Geo. W. Reiner. John Reeves. Fred A. Ringa. Mary Rothermel. Jos. Resner. Clarence Ran del. Wm. Renbaugh. V. L. --~~~»- Raycraft. Francis Reed. H. B. Rosen. John Rochelle. W Rein^ Roynsted. Trygne Rietesel. Carl Reese. Carl Reinboldt. Vernon Reinboldt. Howar4 ~. Scknttt. Merwy*.

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