Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Nov 1951, p. 9

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«-,<» 43 ' « *n ^ 1 4 ; m, 4 i f *^T4f 1 Thurtdey, November 1,1951 * McCuHom Lake < & • < - Y a r d st i c k Mr. and Mrs. Frank Poledna l*Bld a family reunion at their l|Ome last Sunday. More than thirty-five members of their immediate family enjoyed a sumptnous dinner prepared and served fa their gracious hostess. After dinner, their guests, re- <^}red to the Polednas' elaborately OQUipped rumpus room, where an Afternoon of dancing and other 4flttertainment was enjoyed by all. " Their guest liBt included the dimes of Mr. and Mrs. Henry yivrinek and daughter, Ruth, Mr. Md Mrs. Robert Yavrinek and 4*ughter, Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Jim t&lmann and son, Richard, Mr. And Mrs. Inrin Coufal and son, trvin and Mr. and Mrs. James Kos, %J1 from Cicero; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hopp, their twin daughters, Janice and Judith, and Patricia, of Riverside; Mr. and Mrs. George Poledna, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sonhrada, Mrs. May Kapsa, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nelson, daughter Carol Sits, and son, Robert « Music for dancing was provided by Messera. Frank and George Poledna. ^ Newly weds Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Steinbach returned to their love nest after their brief honeymoon in the Smokies. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Walton enjoyed a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Charles Basham of Clfccago last Sonday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Doran have established residence ip Chicago for the coming winter months. Twice T«M Tales THE 1MMB1T PLAHtDEALfeR Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Olsen enjoyed a weekend visit from their eldest son, Ole, of Louisville, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Levesque attended the christening of the Herb Rowe's new born daughter. Donna Ann, at the Grace Lutheran church in Chicago last Sunday. Our congratulations to Sam Deskis, who celebrated his thirtyninth birthday on Monday, Oct. 29. Adios STATE TAX Although the September collections of 2 percent retailers' occupation tax (sales tax) by the state Department of Revenue were $463,202 less than in September last year, the sales tax is still the state's leading source of revenue. Total September tax collections of $29,953,070 came from the following sources: Retailers' occupation tax, $15,226,671; motor fuel, $8,- 329,586; liquor, $2,588,253; public utilities, $1,474,701; cigarette, $2,- 265,536; petroleuin inspection fees. $68,323. Driving Tnata \ Visual requirements tor automobile drivers are slowly becoming more strict, says the Better Vision Institute. Ten states now test license applicants for depth perception--an increase of three states over 1948. In 87 states, as against a previous 29, applicants must pass tests for color blindness. E X P E R T Beauty Care HtAN MIt-LER BEAUTY SALON V * 103 RICHMOND ROAD " ? PHONE 1096-M McHENRY. ILL. Forty Tears Ago Protend Mrs. A. E. Nye «r» entertaining a bright little girl at their home since Wednesday morning. The professor appears to be in exceptionally good spirits these days. The first snow flurries of the season visited McHenry and the northern part of the state on Thursday afternoon of last week. The biggest trust on earth is the country newspaper. It trusts everyone, gets cussed for trusting, mistrusted for cussing and if it busts for trusting gets cussed for busting. There is only one way to bust the trust-^pay your subscription. A gigantic business move is now on foot in McHenry and if present plans do not go astray the west side will see a large, He# enterprise next spring. Joseph N. Miller has disposed of his Brush run-about and i* now the possessor of an elegan* new 1912 Ford run-about. Miss Flora DeVoss, well known comedienne, and her company of popular players will appear at the Central opera house for one night only. Sunday. Nov. 5. She will be supported by a cast of twelve. Miss DeVoss will appear personally in her favorite acting part of "Nan, the Nipper." The boys and some of the older fellows ceru/inly did do things up in great style on Tuesday (Hallowe'en) night. While most of the mischief was within the limit, a few cases of property destruction were reported. A piece of woman's wearing apparel was found attached to the door of the Plain* 22 SKILL IN FILLING ALL \ PRESCRIPTIONS Skill in filling a prescription is as vital any ingredient used: So besides giving great personal care to each order, we assure you that only the finest fresh drugs are compounded according to physicians' specifications. dealer offfce and If the owner will call and identify the property same will be turned over to her. No questions will be asked. Tweatj.Flve Years Ago Bruce and Ethel Granger entertained a number of their friends at a Hallowe'en party Thursdayevening. Those who made up the merry gathering were Marguerite Johnson, Anita Bacon, Angela Steilen, Janet Leonard, Marie Freund, Ernestine Freund, William and Walter Kreutzer, Raymond Howard. LeRoy Kamholz, Bruce, Ethel and Gordon Granger. The . Hettermann Motor Sales announce the opening of their new sales room in the Math Lauren building in West McHenry. The Blue Ribbon baby contest, under the direction of the Mothers' club, was held Saturday, Oct. 30, at the Community high school. Thirty-two children up to and including 3 years of age were reg- » * ^ ^ * * > f ? * . J ' 1 ( ^ 5 ' T ' " % ** * * v * i . « * * * * * „ 4 / A / K ;{ * , * * • ' . ' V \ istered and examined diring the day. The ten children who scored 98 or over and who received blue ribbons are Marilyn Mertes, Beatrice and Virginia Williams, Eleanor Young. Grace Nichols, Robert son William Phalln and Richard Conway, One of last year's graduates from McHenry high school now a student at Illinois university, bids fair to make a record as Knox, Mildred Ensign, Glen Peter- a basketball player on the Illini 2V. f^ohn 3. Shwty, . 0fitomehi/Jt EYES EXAMINED 532 Main Street ' ^ McHenry, Illinois Phont MeHenry 188 lOl'ISt Dally 9 to 12 -- 1 to 5 , T Tuesday and Friday Evenings 7 to f ThnrsdaysBy Appointment Only N Y E (UalcjiMicn r/fgenci^ Dmcj Stc»«v*» U9 N. Riverside Drive If Phoae 86 s W ' And here'* wjupt Som« of th«m »ctyt "My friends recommended that I buy an electric blanket because of the v i* always gives just the right warmth, and because of its light weight It has certainly made a big difference in the way I shop and feel." Mrs. Olive McNicol Chicage Our electric blanket has been one of our most valued wedding presents. Besides its comfort, we appreciate its long~lasting quality, the way it saved us a big investments and its very low cost fo utm-1 Mr. Mrs. Robert Johnston Pork Fore4 "**tVe think our electric blanket provides wonderful sleeping cemfort, and H takes the phce of three or four heavy blankeft --which means savings in storage room, time and money," Mrs. Jehn Wallace Chirnge Choose tlio electric bodcovor you want! Electric bedcovers are available in blankets, comforters and sheets. Hectfic blankets have^single or double controls; in twin or double bed size; your choice of a variety of lovely decorator colors. See the new Electric bedcovers at our nearest store er your dealer's today' COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS <1 ' f • «SW. s s u - nay' •< ^ I X r"\V ? ^ ^ Trade a r - ^ T . " I' ii" SAVt ^ ' • -s &6ec4 Hfeu Sxto* ^ LONGER, SAFER TIRE MILEAGE--Exclusive Firestone Plus-Mileage Tread Rubber for Extra Resistance to Wear ^GREATER PROTECTION AGAINST BLOWOUTS-- Exclusive Safti-Sured Gum-Dipped Cord Body GREATER PROTECTION AGAINST SKIDDING** Flatter, Wider Safti-Grip Tread Design, With Thousands #1 Sharp Edged Angles, Grips the Road Better WALTER J. FREUND v , * a -« JKADC STREET • PHONE McHENET 294 WEST McVSKKI TIKES -- WBES -- BATXEIUES -- ACCESSORIES 11*X aad TUBE TIJLCA5IZI5G -- ALL WOBK GCARAKTIKD team before he finishes his coarsel ,the youth being Richard OTertoa, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. I. oterton. The work on Rt. 20 has not pro* gressed as rapidly this week ill heretofore although the cement is now laid to the N. P. Colby fane. The cold nights delayed the poar* iug ot cement. Weight . .&& A physicist with the United States' Atomic Energy Commission hptablished that the average weigt.: of a type-written dot is ooe-milHoattr of a gram. PRDFE?> lonm D i R E E T D R V DR. C. R. SWA5S0H • Peetfat ]S9 H. Grese Streal Office Benra ftslly Except Thersds] e to 18 -- 1:9ft te ktM ken^ Wed. and Fri. Eveeteflp 7 to 9 Telephone McHenry Mi .•,€V • I H 9 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 H ' * E. E. PEA8LEE* OX. Ckireyteeter , Greee HU M*M*m Office Hears Bally except Thanlay 9 te 18 -- 1*9 te S mm* Wed. aad Fri 7 te • ^ Cell XcHepuj Fer Appointment s«s:» 9*4*4 »> M » » » 11 11111 Hlfti •EBS05 KNOX Attorney at law C«r> Green aad Elm Sit, lilir Ttfsday and fridny ifMiMtl Other Bays By Pkeae Mr Henry 4B I I I l i t f l l l l I I > ! > < * » BQBERT A. STUEBKH Atteraey*at*la«» S94 Center Street Phone McHenry Mt McHENRY, ILXJNOX8 • M«l 1 1 1 MM'U'MI WILLIAM M. CARROLL^ Attereey>at>I>a« 119^ Beetee Si. Phone Weedaleek HM Weedstock, DHwi* •+*+ Id III 111 11 • 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I I J I Ml JOSEPH X. WATMXV Attsreey-et-Lev m Waakegan Rottl (Rf» Wmft 1 Phone McHenry 4tS-W ^ WEST MeHENRT, ILL. ^ p i i i i i t M i i H i i u i t i n i i i Seed mm TUMP trad far T«L McHenry S88-M «r M-W4 ** Bex 178, Rt |» ttlwe A. P. PREU9» Axeavattaf C« Tncktaf, and Crane -- ROAD SriLBDW -- N. 994-M McMsry, Bk 9 i i M i i » e » mi I U I I I I I H nrsvKAim EARL R. WALSH Flre» Ante, Fans A LHe Represent^ RELIABLE COMPANIES When Tea Feed Iasnraaee AayKiad Pheae tt er 118.M fireea M Elm Mel .1 ii Ml I I I 1 I K I H l i l t t i l l STOFFEL A REIHA Insaraaee ageeta far all prafertr la Hi kit Wert McHenry, IDteeia Tdqjkeae N«w Ml (07 Mala St. MeHeary, UL i m i i e i M i i n m n i i n i • • 4 •: vc;l - iw - SCMMOMBER IRON WORKS tninirtil * Strnctnral TiaM Oar Shenna-- | MBas Seath ea Rt SI Pheae »M MH Ill RING'S PLUMMING AND HEATDTQ mm FRISBT. JR. QaaUty Flxtaree - Radlaat fag • Water Systems • Gas Mecftdfe Water Heaters Softeaers - Repairs • Free M "* PHONE MCHENRT I I H NIL MI I n i i i i n n i * AL*S WELDING AND REPAIS SERT1CE <91 Mats St, MrHeanr (lectrlc Portable Welding . Aeetyleae Weldlag aad Cattl ALEX W. WIRFS, 0| ' Phoae €15-W-1 er McHENRT, ILL. I t l t t l M H I l l H I I I M I I H Highest CASH PRICES fiM «K Dead aad Crimed Msrsei, Cattl* aad He*s Sanitary Fewer LmI> tag--Tankage and Meat Scraps hf sale. Phones Arllagtea 114 or MeHeary S14> Revertt Charges. PalaUae li|luh| S«r»» Ice. • • i n 1 1 1 1 1 » » « 1 1 1 1 i i mee -- WANTED TO BIT -- . CALL AT ONCE ON DtAB MOOS, MORSES AND CATT%H * We pay pheae *9 pay W te |SS t*r laaa fer 6»wa ka ^ MATTS VN11ANCS fehaiharg - SpHag (hre Seei Pheae Jshashwi

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