Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Nov 1951, p. 5

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Ftaindoaler Want Adi . No ads counted lft| tlin 26 Ifords. 75c minimum. " • . . f: insertion 76c • *r _ m Opunt 5 word* per Une) 26c service charge on all blind Cash with order. ."^ptfd of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum Want Ads close promptly at 10 •An- Wednesday. McHenry Plaindealer Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by the McHedry Publtbhlng Company, Inc. NAYS ON AI W. BURFEINDT, Gen. Manager. •DELE FROEHLICH. Editor. )UBSCRIPTION RATE I Year *00 Entered as second-class matter at the po8toffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8. 1879. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Meat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY m W. Elm Street Open gurlng week 9 AJH. to 7 PJL, Sundays - f AJL to 1 P.M. lltf BUSINESS SERVICE KANE'S RESALE SHOP Need Anything? I've got it! Clothing for the entire^ family, furniture. Located one mile north of Rt. 120 on Ringwood blacktop road. 25 EXPERT RIAXO TUIRNRE " Repairing and Reconditioning. All Work Guaranteed. Formerly with Lyon and Healy. E. Zaboth, phone Lake Zurich 5341 " ff-tf HOME REPAIRS We Specialise in all Home Repairs Low Monthly Payments Free Estimates McHenry Improvement Col Phone 52S-W-1 McHenry 111. Ctf FOR SALE ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formats. Open Toes, through Bat 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich. Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Aatiqae Shop, % mile west Terra Cotta factory Which is on Rt. 31. Crystal Lake 1346-ft-l. Sl-tf SEWING MACHINES : Repaired or Electrified > ; Inexpensively. 24»fcr. Service, call collect \ SEWING CENTER • "Woodstock, Illinois 111 Newell Telephone 2064 Authorised Necchi Dealer l9-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING --Let us dispose of your garbage each week, of oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. It VI CLLS DRILLED OR B1ITIX WATER SYSTEMS -- We sell repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26tX TIDY RUG CLEANERS All services, ^proved methods. Free, day and evening pick-up and delivery. Phone Woodstock 162 18-tf FOR SALE--1950 Pontiac 8 2-door Chieftain Deluxe. Perfect condition. Grey body, blue top. Hydromatic drive; undercoat, radio, clock, underseat heater, directional signal, air cleaner, plaptic covers. Cash or terms. See Joe Muska, 105 E. Waukegan Rd. Phone McHenry 214-R. 26-3 f FOR SALE---1951 De Luxe, new Chevrolet, power-glide, fully equipped, in storage, also 1949 Rocket Oldsmobile, clean, one owner. Tel. Wauconda 4627. 25 ~ BUSINESS SERVICE RALPH L. nAM Plaao Technician »£ Repairing Tuning •02 Garfield Raad Harvard. 111. Pft«M 748-R CESSPOOLS and SEFHC TANKS SERVICE 6. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 77d«W lOtf PIANO TUNING Also for sale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upright pianos. Prompt service. C. J. H. Diehl, phone 208-W, Woodstock, 111. ,51-tf VENETIAN BLINDS New Flexible Steel Sales and Installation Old Blinds Renovated STORM WINDOWS Cleaned -- Painted -- Installed Photo McHenry 149-J 24-2 JCONCRETE PRODUCTS C. D. KINSEY All size building block. Chimney block and stepping stone. By standpipe in McHenry. --^ Office phone 282-R Res. pl^pne 893-J. 25-tf PERMANENT8 -- In your home; Cold or Maehineless Waves. $5.00 ^ and up. 18 years experience. Call &Alice, phone McHenry 705-M. 25-tf GENERAL CONTRACTING NEW HOMES REMODELING and CARPENTER WORK •fctisfaetlon Guaranteed I_L.' J Estimates : * C. 9. KINSEY Xfcone McHenry 898>J DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest Cash prices paid for cows, horses and nogs ; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. *6tf FEATHER PARTY SATURDAY, NOV. Srd Turkeys -- Ducks -- Gees® PARK PUB 100 Pearl At. Old Brewrj Corner Lunch will be served. 24 CARPENTER WORK DONE BY DAY OR CONTRACT, IVAN GUSTAFSO# '1'eL McHenry 744 : ' 21t! REXAIR SALES * SERVICE Vacuum cleaner parts and repairs R & M "Moyno" pumps . CAKL BARNICKOL Mohawk Service McHenry 646-W-8 21-tf MUSIC XN8TZST70TION ' In Your Own Home Piano and Piano Accordian Classics or Popular Segiuners or Ada need Instruction atnr. p. KOCH Vfcone Plstakee *3S*-1 5tf CANDID £ FORMAL WEEDING PHOTOGRAPHS In or out of studio. The most modern equipment within 25 mi)es. 35 years experience with the best Studios in Chicago, Aurora, Gary and Waukegan. 20 years In McHenry. Portraiture, commercial photography. CAMERAS -- Still and movies, projectors, films and frames. ANDREW WORWICK Phone 275 117 N. Riverside Dr. -r-*---J--• McHenry, Illinois "' 23-tf TREE AND BARN SPRAYING White washing or fly control. Phone McHenry 543-J-l. Frank Henkel, P. O. Rooid Lake, Res. Volo. 47tf FOR SALE FOR SALE--17 Feeder Pigs. V. V. Weymer, 1 mile south of Volo, on U. S. 12 24-2 FOR SALE -- Large oil heater. Price $20. Phone McHenry 611-R-l. Hfe/, 515, WHO SAW you COULD WEAR /MY DRESS lb THE LAST NIGHT/ ITS A JOB TOR. HUiHW&ER. McHENRY CLEANERS 103 Elm Street PHONE 104-M McHmuj. tXL T FOR SALE -- Factory Seconds; Women's Slacks, $2.35; women's Skirts, $2.50 to $3.50; Dresses. $1.98 and $2.98, also Children's Slacks. $1.85. Riverside Mfg. Co.. 600 Main St., West of North Western depot. 16-tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all ntfikes, carbon paper L| V. Kilt*, Clay St Woodstock. Phone 549. 7tf FOR SALE--JOHNS-MANS VltLE HOME INSULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. Installed by the WallfiU Co. Call Leo J. Stilling 200 E. Pearl St., McHenry. Phons McHenry 18, 18-tf . <300 DRESSMAKING -- ALTERATION COURSE FREE with yofr purchase of Necchl, the serving machine that sews everything^ Without Attachments ^ Priced $160.00 to $300.00 Liberal Trade-In Budget Payments SEWING CENTER Authorized Necchi Dealer Woodstock, Illinois 111 Newell Telephone 2064 $1 Dress - Sale' Everyday at our Cotton Center. 11-11 FOR SALE -- Yorkshire Boars. Matt's Mink Ranch. Phone McHenry 314. 23-5 Annual Halloween Party V.F.W. CLUBHOUSE SATURDAY NIGHT. NQV, 3|d ; 8:30 P. M. UNTIL w - , Come Dressed In A COSTUME YOU MAY WIN A PRIZE Dancing --Lunch -- Refreshments -- Fun Gftloro Music by The CAPITAL SERENADERS RXAL fcSTAT® FARMS WANTED r - ATTENTION FARMER*' Turn your farm into calh. We have buyers waiting.' SKIBA ft CO. Exclusive Afent Riverside Hotel McHenry 111 25 FOft SALE FOR SALE -- G.E. refrigerator. Whirlpool washer, solid black walnut buffet. 6 dining chairs with hand made needlepoint seats, dinins table, studio couch, maple bedroom set. lamps, dishes, linens, bedding, 1%-guage, 410 and 22-cal. guns, radios, kitchenware, antiques, black walnut drop leaf table, folding chairs, carpenter's vice bench, tools, sleds, 50-gal. oil tank, miscellaneous. The Castle. Island Lake Estates, Gate 3. Phone Wauconda 4627. 25 FOR SALE--Capons. 7 to 9 lbs. 60c lb. Live*weight. Will dress and draw - no extra charge. Will deliver. Phone McHenry 613-M-2 after 5 P. M. Albert Schmelzer, McHenry, III. *84-4 FOR SALE--Philco refrigerator, perfect condition. Cabinets, also guitar and S. American Tipple. Good condition. Reasonable. Phone 596-J-2. 25 BIO DEMAND on Necchi Sewing Machines for Xmas. require us to set aside each month machines to fill our orders. WE ARE ON QUOTA BASIS, because Necchi. the world's finest precision sewing machine is not made on a production assembly, therefore to be sure. MAKE RESERVATIONS EARLY No deposit required--send us your name. SEWING CENTER ^Authorized Necchi Dealer 111 Newell Telephone 2064 Woodstock, Illinois $1 Dress Sale Everyday at our Cotton Center. , $3-9 FOR SALE--Flat top mahogany desk with glass top, $50. Phone McHenry 540-W-l. »25 FOR SALE -- DESK. Modern oak business deslr. $75.00. Practically new. 308 S. Green St., McHenry Medical Group Bldg. 25 HELP WANTED FOR SALE -- Used 17-ft. sailing dory of cypress wood; brand new oast iron utility stove heater, burns coal, tfood or trash; 5-pc. light oak dinette set; 3 steel single beds, springs and mattresses: 1 double link spring; 8 odd chairs; 4 card tables. Phone 603-R-l. 25 HELP WANTED -- Experienced single man for general farming and milking on modern dairy farm. $200 month, room and board. 6 day week. Good working conditions. In reply state experience and age. All replies'confidential. Write Box 227. McHenry Plaindealer. 24-4 HELP WINTED HELP WANTED -- Openings for farm help experienced in farm work and care and feeding of cattle. Modern houses furnished. Hickory Creek Farm. Phone McHenry 548-J-2. Leo Smith, Manager. 25-2 HELP WANTED--'Laborers, part or full time. Smith, 45 Orchard Beach. Phone McHenry 540-W-l •25 MASTED--Girl to wait on counter and inspect. Local Cleaners. 206 S. Green Street. 25-2 SITUATION WANTED FOR SALE -- 2 lots in Wonder Lake. Indian Ridge No. 2 Subd., Salem Road and County Road. For information, call or write Edward Kostal, 1800 S. Morgan St., Chicago, 111. Phone Canal 6-2920. • . • : .1 *25 McHENRY HOME 5 room bungalow, 7 years old, kitchen and dinette walls tiled. Automatic oil furnace and garage. Pflce $7500. W. L. (Bill) Miller. Phone 204. "We sell farina" -- 525 E. Washington St., Marengo, 111. 25 John Passiwli Owner ED YOGEL and WM. RUSSEL, Auctioneers CHILD CARE--Will care for preschool children in my home in Griswold Lake. days. Mrs. H. Moffet, phone 619-J-L Box 145, Rt. 3, McHenry. 25 WANTED WANTED--Temporary board and room for boy of nine. Goes to Edgebrook school. Write to Bo* 232. c/o McHenry Plaindealer. *25 WASTED -- Jobbers and direot salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers re* presentative. R. Duane Fowlar. Woodstock ,Box 221. Phone 464-JX 41d "DAVID ft BATHSHEBA" , Gregory Peck Susan Hayward NOVEMBER 18-14-15 EL TOYAR THEATRE Crystal Lake, I1L *4-8 FOR SALE -- Three-piece living room suite; bed. spring and mattress; dinette table; end table. Green Street. 25 FOR SALE -- Solid maple double bed. springs and mattress, excellent condition, $15; Simmons single bed. spring and .mattress, $10; metal folding cot and pad, $10; wing back chair. $10; 8-pc. dinette set, including buffet. $25; beautiful set French doors, (10. Phone McHenry 668-M-l. ' 25 FOR SALE--This week I bought another string of home-raised, Northern Iowa steers, mostly Anirus and Herefords. weighing 700 lbs. and up. Vaccinated and ready for soft corn. At the H. L. Dunning Farm on Route 20, two miles west of Belvidere. 25-2 FUR COAT FOR SALE -- Mink dyed muskrat coat, siz^ 14, good condition, reasonable. Phone 605- W-l. Peters Oakhurst. 25 FOR SALE -- Lady's black seal coat, full length. (14-16). good condition. $25; also 12-guage single barrel shotgun, $7. Phone Fox Lake 7-5315. *25 FOR SALE--Fine Bibles; pocket size, teachers, reference, family Bibles. A Bible for every and any purpose. Order Xmas Bibles now. Call or write Wonder Lake 4274. E. F. Dornbush, B«K i, Wonder Lake, 111. • *25 NOVEMBER PIANO SALE Bargains in new and used pianos from $395. Such famous brands as Cable, Conover. Musette, etc. Largest selection to choose from in the Fox River Valley. Simonson's, 26-28 N. Grove. Elgin 6-8148. 25-4 FOR SALE -- Imported Holland Bulbs. Plant now for spring flowering. Elm Street Florist, 300 W. Elm St., McHenry 230. *25 FOR SALE--Lady's mouton lamb coat, size IS. $50. Gaod condition. Phone McHenry 110-R. 25 FOR SALE--Complete set mechanical tools in a-! wall cabinet. 964-M. 25 OUTDOOR MEN 17 to «0 To Trim Trees Also Older Men For Ground Work PfiOVE WAICONDA tm 23-4 HOME WANTED--For man and wife for a few months until new home is completed; in McHenry or viciuity. Man employed. Woman will act as housekeeper or mother's helper tn exchange for hone. Phone Wauconda 4222. *25 WANTED TO BUY HELP WANTED--^ady with car for unusual position. Full or part time. For personal interview write Box 224, c/o McHenry Plaindealer, giving exact address, age, etc. 23-4 WANTED TO BTY -- Old cars, trucks, tractors, also old farm machinery. We pay top prices. Bill , Staines, McHenry, 111. Phone 53-J. •13-4 FOR RENT "DAVID ft BATHSHEBA" Gregory Perk Susan Hayward NOVEMBER IS-U-U EL TOVAR THEATRE* Crystal Lake, UL 25-2 FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street. Pho:.« McHenry 100-R. 20-tf HELP WANTED -- Man for yard work. Alexander Lumber Co., McHenry, 111. * 24-tf ROOM FOR RENT--In Woodstock, large steam-heated sleeping room in business district Phone Woodstock 2091. 24-tf FOR RENT--4 room house; partially furnished, $65 per month, in Lily Lake. Write to Box 231, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. *25 HELP WANTED--Elderly woman for housekeeping and cooking, for 2 adults. PHvate room if party desires to stay. Phone McHenry 410- W. 25 HELP WANTED -- Laborers and truck drivers. Apply Ivar Fredricksen, Wonder Lake 3231. 24-tf FOR RENT--3 -room duplex, private bath; 5-room. house; also 5- rooni ranch type home with garage fireplace, all modern. Also Motel- 2 rooms furnished. Tel. McHenry 615-J-2. Fritzslw Estates, aouthside Lily Lake. ' 25 -- 3V4 and 6 room Ideal location. Me- •25 FOR RENT WOMEN WANTED -- Assemblers^ j f.partmT^i* wirers, sOlderers, packers and in- J enry * ' spectors; also stockboys and jani-i FOR RENT--Available Dec. 1st, tor. Experience not necessary. Se- j r00m apartment in McHenry. cure a position in an ever expand-1 Phone 131-W after 2 P. M. aftering radio-U evision industry. Em-, noon*, or evenings. 26 ployment office open Monday through Friday, 8 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. Admiral Corp., McHenry at intersection of Routes 120 and 31. Bus service to and from plant. lS-tf LOST AND FOUND LOST--White Spitz male dog, 14 years old. $19.00 Reward. Please GIRLS WANTED--Ambitious girls j call McHenry 12, J. M. Oonnell. wanted for our new plant Pleasant | *2S working conditions. Riverside Mfg. | ^ 111,11 / 1 * "r Co.,^ 600 Main Street, West of Northwestern Depot, McHenry. Having decided to discontinue farming on account of ill health, I will sell at Public Auction on the old Passfield Farm, 1 mile Southwest of Volo, 1 mile South of Route 120 on Fisher Road, 5 miles East of McHenry and S miles North of Wauconda, on WEDNESDAY. NOV. 14* 1951 Starting at 11:20 A. M. Sharp, the following described property: LIVESTOCK IS HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 20 Holstein Con s, 6 fresh, 4 spring, lag, balance milking good. 4 twoyear ola heifers, springing, calfhood vac.; Hoistein heifers, 14 mos. old, calfhooj vac.; 6 Holsteln heifers, 11 mos. old, calf hood vac.; 1 Holsteln heifer calf, 6 mos. old, vac.; 2 Holstein heifer calves S ©8. old. These heifers are all from artificial breeding by the Northern Illinois Breeding Assn. This is an outstanding dairy, having produced an average of 522 lbs. of butterfat in the past 12 months under D.H.I.A., test being 2nd high in Association. Anyone welcome to inspect this herd before sale. MACHINERY McD. 2-14 trac. plow; McD. H tractor with cultivator; John Deere No. 290 tractor corn planter with fertiliser; McD. corn binder with roll out bundle carrier; 6-ft. disc grain drill; 8-ft. cultipacker; New idea rubber tire wagon, box for silage with unloading device -- like new; New Idea power mower, 7-ft.--new; 2 wheel trailer with 8-ft. steel box, rubber tired: rubber tire wheelbarrow; John Deere 8-ft. spring tooth field cultivator; 10-ft. lime spreader; CaSe manure spreader on rubber; U. S. grain blower, like new; New Idea 4 bar side rake--like new: 7-ft. McD. disc--like new; 6-ft. McD. disc: 1 V-type tractor snow plow; 1 hay hoist with motor; 50-ft. 7-in. belt--like new; corn sheller; 1 new rotary snow plow--power take off; New Idea rubber tire wagon and rack; 3-sec. steel drag --like new; Case field chopper; John Deere silage blower; fanning mill; platform scales: buss . saw; Caldron kettle; l^i hp. elec- Moicra ranch typ® 6 raan hone trie motor; i*>4 hp. electric motor; ^^drooms. utUity room «d *?;>-gal. barrel of No. 20 oil; 300 gal .gas tank on stand; 2 wheel HOMES FOR SALE r Cedar Log Style Residence--Studio living room, natural fireplace, tile bath. Very modern, picturesque, furnished. Quick Sale - $11,000. Four Room Brick--Tile bath, automatic oil heat. Immediate possession. 2 years old. Walking distance to' railroad and shopping center. Four bedroom house in the heart of McHenry. Two baths, automatic gas hot water heat, side drive and garage. Immediate possession. Must close estate. Full price $20,090. On the most befctttffnl spot on Plstakee Bay. I will offer this 5 bedroom home, 5 baths, 2 natural fireplaces, boat hous*. Sacrifice, $40,000. ^ fir Better Bays -- Try SKIBA ft CO. Exclastvp Afent Riverside Hotel McHenry 918 25 FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS BUSINESS PROPERTIES McCallom Lake--6 rooms, oil heat, garage. 3 lots, 150x150 on black top road. Price $9,500.00 for appointment call our office McHenry 37. dinanca, a public heating will he held by the Board of Appeahl Of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance relative to a change in classification to a Residence R I Classification of the following described property: * The North 283 feet of the West 200 feet of the North East Quarter of the South West Quarte" of Section 20. in Township 45 North, of Range 9, East of £ia Third Principal Meridian, la McHenry County, Illinois. f : Said hearing will be held in the City Hall of McHenry, McHenry County. Illinois at the hour of 2:15 P. M. on the 20th day of November, 1951. All persons interested ma> attend. ' McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS By FRANK NAGEL. Its Chairman. Petitioner's Attorney: VERNON J. KNOX Crystal Lake, Illinois Phone: 1500 NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of JOHN HUFF. Deceased. Notice is hereby given* to all persons that December 3. 1951, is the claim date in the estate of JOHN HUFF. Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County. Illinois, and that claims may filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. /s/ CHARLE HERDRICK, ExacatAr LOOZE * KINNB, ' Attorney (Nov. 1-8-15) rage, completely furnished, V& mile East of JohnBburg. Price $15,000.00. Call (Jim) McHenry 37. JACOB FRITZ in Johnsbarg • . REAL ESTATE TeL McHenry 17 mower8 20-tf rubber tire trailer: bob sled; set of ^re chains for tractor; 1 power lawn mower; 2 push type lawn FOR SALE--Royal Blue Grocery and Market, Self-Service; Gas Station. 3 pumps; 2 car gargae, 2 lots. McCuilom Lake, Illinois. Phone McHenry 345 or 570-R-l. <17-tf FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES •RSORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate MS Richmond Road McHenry, I1L Fftanet McHenry 1114 Licensed I1L ft Wit. Broker FOB SALE -- Four room frame house with automatic electric, 50 gal. hot water heater, gas Bpace heater, complete bath room, must be moved from lot. 43 Orchard Beach. Call Seeley 3-5900, evenings Canal 6-S240. 24-tf bath room, must be moved from lot. 43 Orcha'rd Beach. Call Seeley 3-5900, evenings Canal 6-82^0. 24-tf MISCELLANEOUS Come One! re-- Am BOYEMBER 10th Marshall's Inn . HARVEST PARTY at Ringwood. 111. Refreshment# *r" FEED 2600 bales alfalfa and broom hay, 600 bales of straw, 1600 bu. Clinton oats, 1400 bu. corn In crib, 6-ft. of silage in 14-ft. silo. MILKING EQUIPMENT DeLaval magnetic milking machine,. complete, 2 units; 16 milk cans, solution and rinse tanks, pails and strainers, 8 can Stanley electric milk cooler. 50 Indian River pullets, laying good; brooder house, other chicken equipment. 2 good Coon dogs. G.E. 18 cu. ft. deep freeze--like new; G.E. 5 ft. refrigerator; kitchen table and chairs, Maytag washing machine, gas stove, wood combination. McHENRY STATE BAJf£* Clerking USUAL TERMS. Lunch Wagon On Groun&l ED VOGEL, Auctioneer John Passfield, Owner ELECTION NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the County Court of McHenry County entered on the 22nd day of October, 1951, on the petition Hied in said court a special electipn will be held on Tuesday, November 27th. 1951. between the hours of eight o'clock A. M. and eight o'clock P. M. of that day within the limits of the territory described as follows: All of the South Bast quarter of Section thirty-two (32), Township forty-five (45) North. Range nine (9) East of the Third Principal Meridian, and all of the North East quarter of Section five (5) Township fortyfour (44) North. Range nine (9) Bast of the Third Principal Meridian, all of said land bring tn the County of McHenry. State of Illinois, for the purpose of submitting to the legal voters residing within 1 the limits of the territory described, the question of whether the above described territory shall be orj ganised as a Village under the General Law of this State to be known as the Village of Lakemoor. It Has been fnrtaer ordered hy said court that the legal voters of said described territory shall deposit their ballots at the polling p!»ce to be beld at the McHenry Bible Church within the proposed limits of the proposed Village of Lakemoor. HENRY L. COWLIN Judge of County Conrt of McHenry County, Illinois JOSEPH X. WAYNE Attorney for Petitioner* r McHenry, Illinois. . L E G A L 25-2 "DAVID ft BATHSHEBA" Gregory Peck Susan Hayward NOVEMBER 18-14-15 EL TOVAR THEATRE Crystal Lake, I1L 96-t 17-tf HELP WANTED -- Pin spoC^erf Wanted, steady work for full bowling season. Good pay. Phone 559-W-l. McHenry Recreation. 14-tf SMALLEST BUSIEST ^ OHEAPEBf WORKERS IN TOWN! PLAINDEALER WANT ADS CANNON TOWELS WASH CLOTHS l?5c -- 15e -- 19c HAND TOWELS J»c -- 39c -- 49c BATH TOWELS 59c -- 69c -- 79c COMPLETE SETS $1.00 * NIESEN'S 5c tQ $140 STORE 523 MAIN ST. W. McHENBY. ILL. E L WAUCONDA ROUTE 17« PHONE «.1ISI NOW OPEN EVERY DAY Lat» Stew Fri, SaL. Saa. ItM Sanday Matinee 8:00 P. M .Con*L THUR&, FRI. ft SAT„ NOV. 1-&4 7x00 and 2:15 P. M. Clifton Webb "MR. BELVEDERE RIN(iS THE BELL" SUN. ft MON„ NOV. 4-6 Snnday Matinee 3:00 P. M. Coa*t. •THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL" TI ES, ft WED., NOV. 6-7 Eleaaer Parker Agnes Meorhead In "CASE*!* "DAVID and BATHSHE9A* Is Caarfafl! NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF CLARENCE REGNBR AND BSTELLE REGNER, HIS WIFE. FOR VARIATION OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Or- The Beautiful HIOVAI L. J. DE MARCE ^ Crystal Lake, Illinois Doors Open 6:45 Week Days Sun, ft Holidays Con*t. 2:46 pjn. MtTT^rN0vTs3 " Ann Blyth David Farrar In Technicolor "GOLDEN HORDE" Pins £ Camedys aad a Cartons SI*N. ft MON„ NOV. 4-5 Betty (Arable MacDonald Carey "MEET ME AFTER THE SHOW" If* America's Rig Musical Date ia Technicolor. , Also March of Timet Crisis In Iran Phis News Events aad Cartoea TUtS^ WED. ft THfRSU NOV. g-7-8 Glenu Ford Gene Tlernej Ethel Rarrymore Zarkary Scett •THE SECRET OF COS VICT LAKE MILK RECEIPTS McHenry county dairy farmera received $333,918.34 for milk delivered to Bowman Dniry company r e c e i v i n g s t a t i o n s d u r i n g t h e month of September. Since the advent of television, the sales of slipcovered mattresses aad springs-on-legs for living room use have increased. It seems that people enjoy the programs much more while comfortably stretched eat an a good bed. C010NY McHENRY, ILLINOIS Air Coadltieaed -- Comfort Oeed Vision and So«nd Doers Open at " Shew Starts at 7:M FRL ft SAT, NOV. 8-3 Cary Grant Jeanne Crala "PEOPLE WILL TALK* World News ft Color Cartoon STARTING SAT^ NOY. LMH At 2:00 P. M. oar First Matinee and Every Saturday there after. •THE YEARLING" Pits A Colored Cartooa SUN. ft M0N„ NOV. 44 la Techaicoler Betty Grable MacDeaafd Carey •MEET ME AFTER THE SHOW* Short Sahject • World News , Color Cartooa ^ Saaday Matinee *:» Cen*t CLOSED ON TUESDAY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE WED. ft THURS*, NOV. 7-8 Mickey Roeaey Sally Fomat THE tVWI* 4

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