•r / v% V, ^ ; 'J. tv*yif fvy. «r:"d±'u i~ Than^ty. NotmbBW 1. vu awarded Evron C. McGr**r, NEWS FROM Wonder Lake | and Flo Anderson | the booby priie. A wide variety of glfta were presented to Mra. Nolan In a decorated bassinet." " s*m < v "Hard Tl^es" Party Tfie Harrison School Community oTub is planning a "hafd times" party Nov. 17 to start at 1v30 p.m. and to which all are Invited to come in party. Mrs. Raymond Watkins is chairinan of the committee from Miss Clark's room In charge of the •fc^talewlr* A » l • .VlrKratr* BirtlMUy VMlb Jotvv Mo»u<ew»cJi daughter of •r:?$Ur and x Mrs. Edward Motulewici. ' p^v. >elebrattfd Iter birthday with the! A snack bar will serve food all •tnembers of her Brownie ®c^u*; evening, there will be square troop at the Oct. Si meeting. -dancinfe. and other entertainment. Joyce divided cake with the J fire children will, be entertained present. Sue Spnehr bronght |le parate room. : r'v. a bag of apples to divide as&a part ' .v of the refreshments. ! Hen's Club Dane* It was brought out during the | The first annuai dance of the business meeting that the national wonder Lake Men's club will be .'./flues should be paid immediately. heid xov 34 at the Woodstock V&V The girls voted .to' decorate the- "aniiory. All funds derived will be ;'- v;-;|^»Rion home for the Hallowe'en • Used ag a benefit for the Wonder party and are to contact Mrs. ^ youth activities. The dance '•'JSpuehr about it. They are also to | js to sffcrt at 9 p.m. and will last ..contact her .about any Brownie ftmifornis that might ;!>e .amiablefor sale. • I; Mrs. Claire Eietesel' of- the troop committee was a guest at the meeting. „• , V During the meeting the girls until l am. ' • ' Birthday Party .4'* -'v. "A'*'" Hallowe'en birthday 'party was heid at the Wonder Woods home of Dr. and Mrs. Santos Ruggero Sunday in honor of Nancy learned to make kleenex flowers. ; Ruggero. whose actual third birth The Oct. 29 meeting of the i day falls on Oct. 31. Brownies was conducted by Susan J All the children attended in Watkins, vice president of the ; costume. troop. ] Th,ose attending included Roger There are three new members j and Kenny Fosi, Larry and Greg in the troop. Two are from Harri- Mack. Linda Zandier, and Nancy's son school. Ellen and Frances | brothers and sister/ Robert, Junes Anderson; and three are from and Louise. Greenwood, Carol Zapel, Marilyn : Jean Rave n, and Sarah Mae Kelly, i 4-H Skat ins: Party Mickey Hansen and Mary Jane" At one of the bigVest parties Gillis served as hostesses follow- : ever held by the county 4-H feding the meeting during which the eration, the members of the Busy girls made decorations for thfe Bumble Bees club of Wonder Lake Legion's Hallowe'en party. participated Thursday night. Mrs. Jay Hansen and Mrs. Eva j The party was held at the Mc- Johnson were guests at the meet- ; Henry roller rink and a group of a hous© guest at the home of Mrs. Dorothy McEachren . . . Mr. and Mrs. John Ducey and children are visiting for a few days In Missouri . . . Dotty and Nancy Bott were guests Sunday at the home of Carol and Darlene Eniricson, Woodstock, at a Hallowe'en party . . . It's a third daughter for the John Jurgensohns and a son for the Jack McCaffertys . . . Mrs. Anna Landman is a guest at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Helen Reuter . . . The Fred Zandiers entertained Mr. and Mrs. Edward Whitman of Pennsylvania over the weekend . . . The Jess Seemans of Wonder Woods had a Hallowe'en party Saturday nfght. Those attending included Mr. and Mrs. James Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zandier, and Mr. and Mrs. Santos Ruggero. . . .* • .tactile Bees were present as achievement 4-H'ers or those who had - Stork Shower finished the projects of the past A stork shower was given Oct. season. _ 18 for Mrs. Doris Nolan at the • Those Who were present-from Nolan residence in Hickory' Falls i Wonder Lake Included Virginia with the women of the....neighbor- I Audino. Martha Boldt, Sandi Sails, hood serving as hostesses. j Carol Gnadt, Ann Lundborg, Mary Those present included Rita'Ann Martin. Dottie and Nancy Waldy, Mary Gnadt. Virg^ia. Ma- Bott. Jean Selsdorf, Helen Armhal, Elsie Gamra, Marian King, ! strong, and'Wright. Also attend- Berpice Huebner, Kay Armstrong, ing from Wonder Lake was the Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Buc kley, Mar- i leader of the 4-H club, Mrs. F. W. garet Anderson, Betty Vacula, Kay 1 Sells. Vacula. Florence Anderson. Ul- j 'The county 4-^J Achievement dena Haught. Doris Nicholson, and;program will be held at Marengo Fern Paetow. all of Wonder Ijake; high school- on Nov. 17. > and Elsie McCann. Barrington. Gospel fherch *A' Frank W. Anderson, pastor A number of out of towa visitors, people from Elmwood Park, Chicago and Indianapolis, Ind., were present at the morning service last Sunday, Oct. 2$. Ther® were also new members enrolled in Sunday Bible School. The Confirmatfon c^ass is still Open, for young people of 12 to 15 years of age. The class meets (very Saturday afternoon lit S o'clock. The United Evangelistic campaign closed last Sunday night, with a great and climaxing meeting in the Woodstock Opera •House. The Rev. Paul Kindschi delivered a strong sermon on the subject: "The Last Invitation." The evening service here at the Gospel church was cancelled^ in favor of this united service. Next Sunday, Nov. 4 we will be back with a full schedule of services: Sunday School at 10 a.m., morning worship service at 11 o'clock and evening gospel service at 7:45. A cordial welcome to all. CHAIRMAN AGAIN ASK ASSISTANCE IN FREEDOM DRIVE In the games played, Mrs. Nicholson was winner of the firs/ prize Briefief Mrs. Edith Boulger, Chicago, Is BEST IY COMPARISON PJMZSM Applied 1 Bardegdeur ceTs iepl evUapto rR ewtuidrnth . oCn hathine &el*e( vaautotor m(apta.ctae'nlyt opnraoN'.o*n g*e!d»< kb y onre dreutounrnf tseidmei '-cn»f odnr ivthee sdpnroVcf- and smonoetthat o11p1 erbaatmio nc leisa naesrssu riend .r ePcernotn oyuenacned. the ... tmunitary pit--one <ontinwoe+ chain delivers mM«rt mt* spreader* Husky 4-way fox chaw thai umftet rwt at pint. Power plus pfriliti M missions. Hanged wfrteel tirntf MUfl*- i| iprockcd for chain to jamp. Allttctl paddlM witH iii»>awi| wearing ikoM. * T«ma tntfd on IwmdrsHi ef AmwV * can dairy farm*. faty ta iflttiU in tM ar naw karat -- minimum al concrete wafk needed. Long, triwbU fru perfermenfit guaranteed. tacked by a aatianai organiiatioC Factory trained ttrvka and tiM specialists iff every dairy state. Adjwtabk corner pint on wnilary ba»a This week Mrs. Vale Adams, chairman of the Crusade for Freedom in this community, appealed to local . citizens to assist this worthy cause as their opportunity to strike a blow at Communism. The public's contributions, great or small, will help Gen. Lucius Clay expand Radio Free Europe into a network of freedom stations. It is an independent, citizensupported station that sows suspicion and confusion among the Communists. It identifies quislings and informers by name. It reports on persons who have disappeared and it sends messages from escapees. It spikes Red Propaganda lies and spreads news the Soviets try hard to supress. One example is a recent program which gave the citizens of Lednicke Rovne, in Czechoslovakia, the name and description of the Communist agent directly responsible for the murder of their parish priest. Look for the box with the Freedom Bell on it in local drug and grocery stores and strijke a blow for freedom. MODELS FOR SMALL, MEDIUM AND LARGE BARNS! BADGER'NORTHLAND INC. BOX 31, KAUKAUNA, WISCONSIN VANCE WELDING SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR _ PHONE 836 McHENBY, ILL. Safety Aid, Too V«r greater precision in workmanship, factory owners are painting work benches, machines and other working equipment in colors that contrast with the color of the work material. Ownar Having decided to discontinue farming I will sell at Public Auction all of my livestock, farm equipment, machinery and household furniture. SATURDAY, NOV. lOtfa 1951 Sale To Start at 11 A. M. At the "Old Flentye Farm" located on Glenview Road just east of Milwaukee Ave., (Route 21), 5 miles South of Wheeling, 111., 3 miles Northeast of Des Plaines. 111., and 2Vfe miles west of Glenview, 111. The following described property to-wit: 14 Head o{ Calll* 14 1 6-jr. old Roan cow, fresh In Jan., 1 6-jt. Holstein cow, fresh In May, (Tlvlng 3 fr&L per day now, 1 4-yt. old black cow, fresh in May, glv. ing 3 guL per day now; 1 4-yr. old Roan cow, giving S gaL per day now, fresh in Janet 1 8-yr. old Roan cow, calf at' side, fresh in Jnly; 1 2-jr. old Her. HoMein Boll; 2 2-yr. old Reg. Guernsey Bolls. These are strictly tops, 1 2-yr. old Red White faced heifer, fresh in Feb.; 1 2-yr. old Black White faced heifer, fresh In Feb.; 2-yr. old Purebred Onernsey heifers, fresh in Jan.: 1 2-yr. old Purebred* Guernsey heifer, fresh in Feb.; 1 2-yr. old Jersey heifer, fresh la Feb. 21 HEAD OF 21 head of feeder hogs. Average weight 150 pounds. Treated. 4 Head of Hampshire Sheep 1 coming 2 yr. old ewe, eligible to be registered. 3 coming 2 yr. old rams, eligible to be registered. These rams are good enough to be at the head of anyone's herd. . FARM EQUIPMENT 1 Int. Farmall H trac.. hydraulic, starter, lights, on rub.; 1 2-rbw hydraulic lift cultivator for Fartnall H trac.; 1 mechanical manure loader for Farmall H trac.; 1 ±5-36 McD. trac. on rub.; 1 D-B 15% ft. single disk; 1 D-B 4-sec. Bteel harrow; 1 9-ft. steel cultipacker; 1 16-in. 2-bot. McD plow; 1 D-B 5-ft. trac. mower on rub.; 1 McD 6-ft. mower on rub.; 1 McD manure spreader; 1 J-D manure spreader; 1 New ideal 1 row cabbage planter; 1 hay wagon a>nd rack on rub.; 1 D-B grain wagon, steel bed on rub.; 1 D-B 10-in. frammermill; 1 McD corn binder; 1 Stover corn^ sheller; 1 300-gal. stock tank; 1 elec. stock tank heater; 1 hog water heater, never been used; 1 galv. hog self-feeder, 60 hog cap.; 1 20-in. Torft gas power mower, used very little; J. Prime elec. fence charger; 1 handgarden plow; 2 hand garden cultivators; a good many hot bed sash, also a considerable amount of 36- in.x40-in. by %-in. plate glass and single strength glass of smaller size, a considerable number of burlap onion bags. Numerous misc. farm tools such as: WheeTbarroW., forks, shovels, spades, cross cut saws, axes, sledges, post" hole augers, fence stretcher, steel fence posts, oil and gas drums, about 80 rods of 48-in. woven wire, etc. CHICKEN EQUIPMENT 2 5-deck, 1000-chick size starting batteries; 1 1000-chick elec. broodier; 2 500-chick elec. brooders; 1 1000-chick elec. automatic starting battery; 1 4-deck growing battery; numerous chick feeders and water fountains. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1 Westinghouse refrigerator; 1 combination oil and gas cook stove; 1 Garland gas stove; 1 Superflame 3 room pot type oil heater; 1 coal circulating heater, 5 room, 100 lb. coal capacity; 1 side arm hot water heater; 1 mpl. dinette table; 1 white steel utility cabinet, 4 shelves; 1 oak dining table, will seat 10, 6 chairs to match; 1 white utility cabinet, 5 shelves; 1 white wood storage closet; 1 Conlon elec. cabinet mangle, 'good condition; 1 davenpcrt and chair set; 1 rocking chair; 1 wafnut bed room suite (bed, chest of drawers and dressing table); 1 pr. practically new Hollywood twin beds; 1 baby wardrobe and chest of drawers to match, cedar lined; 1 mahogany Hi-boy; 1 white chest of drawers; 1 cot with pad: 1 ironing board; 1 sleeve Board; 1 white chest of 4 drawers; 3 large mirrors; 1 piano bench; 2 small stands; 1. record cabinet; 1 3-way floor lamp; 1 television stand; 1 Wear-ever roaster, large, never used. Misc. dishes and cook ware and other small items too numerous to mentlon- v- r/N Hay, Straw aad Grata Jfat Fed By Date of Sale. TERMS-CAS&: NO Property To He Removed Until Paid For. Not Responsible For Accidents Lunch will be served on premises. JOHN >v. CORRIGAN, Auctioneer 300 S. Scovllle, Oak Park, I1L Phone E( olid 0-4731. FOREST R. GRUNEWALP, Anc. EVRON C. MfGREER, Owner Phone Glenview 4-2C35 EXIL BERGMAN, Clerk. PUBLIC PULSE (AH communications for this department must be signed by the writer, otherwise they will not 6e published. The Plaindealer invites its readers to express their opln> ions In these columns.) Recently, after a near accident with fqur young bicycle riders who were riding abreast on the left side of the road on Rt 120, I mentioned the fact to one of our local police officers with the suggestion that a campaign be started to educate bicycle riders on the law and their own safety before possibly one of our local youngsters loses his life. To my surprise, h6 informed me that the law states cyclists must* ride the left lane on the highway and cited several reasons why it is the correct procedure for the safety of a cyclist.',*. Is it possible that state police also read the law in reverse? If so, this could be the answer to the fact that about 75 per cent of the cycling public, except for members of cycle clubs,' use the left side of highways and quite often two or three abreast. I think McHenry has been very fortunate in the fact that to my knowledge we haven't had a youngster killed or crippled due to the misunderstanding of the law regarding this very vital matter. Wouldn't this be the logical time, before we do have a fatality, for an educational program in this matter of the welfare of our youngsters to be instituted? s • j***1*""' kA,A'<" m ^0j..l ••y.j.yi' iiiiiiaii»iiiiar>wtiiiifc^sg.r 7 UtyO&MM CANDIES Modern Miracle of Freshness! BUTTERCREAMS or ' - ( $125 ASSORTED CHOCOLATES N Y E | Walgreen Agency. JKtone 26 .McHenry* 111. 42? Feather-Party AT klNG SIZE Q U A 1_ I T Vt SNAPSHOTS _ ^ VAtBUM r~ B" ALL PICTURES ENLARGED AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! : -'v; ^,iV •WJV V. OPEN HOUSE AT .THE AMERICAN LEGION HOME ~ ON Friday Evening, Nov. 9th at 9:30 P. M. DANCING AND SQUARE DANCING OPEN TO PUBLIC Plana for enlarging the Square Dance Clnb will be dlscassed at this time. PER ROLL 8m KIM* Jim m CO*T*CT Suit a ix has 694 Hint9 Wattles -Drug Store "JSE HOME STORE" , PHONE 358 McHenry, 111. TRADE-IN SALE Your Old Watch Is Worth Money Regardless of Condition. Trade It In On A Fine Timepiece FOR THE MEN: 17 Jewel Water and Shock Protected Watch Complete with Expansion Band* FOR THE LADIES:* Tiny 17 Jewel Precision Watches with High Dome Crystals and Assorted Band Styles. All Watches Fully Guaranteed For One Year. Genuine German Black Forrest Coo-Coo Clocks Handcarved $10.50 plus tax Frew's Frccision Watch Repair WESTERN UNION AGENCY PHONE 293 204 E. EJjM ST. (Wilson Sadie Bldg.) McHENRY, ILL. If yonr watek is on the but -- Let "FRETT" do roar fretting. BART'S TAVERN Saturday, November 10th. TURKEYS < GEESE - DUCKS Lunch Served Grand Opening WEEK!! Nov. 3 to Nov. 10 Merrill Woolen Mills Factory Store ^Located on Rt. 12-120 at Vote--:^~7" Matters of Virgin wool shirts, jackets, snow suits and blankets. Each lady will recieve a beautiful living plant with each purchase. OTTO and ROSE KLEMM, Prop. Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 pjn. Open All Day Sunday To clarify the question, the uniform act reyulatlrig traffic on highways states that "every person riding a bicycle upon a roadway shall be subject to the provisions of the act and obey traffic .signs, signals and regulations when riding a bike just as though it were an automobile." Very Respectfully, G. P. NEWMAN FREUNDS ADD NEW TYPE MACHINE TO PRESENT SERVICE After two years of Belling and repairing sewing machines, Freund's Sewing Machine Sales and Service is happy to announce to the public that in addition to the Ralco, *they have been authoriied to sell the New Home sewing machine. The Freunds also do repairing of all makes, as well as electrifying old treadle sewing machines into electric portable or cabinet machines. Once each month 'they* will have a free sewing course, to be called FOR SALE Confinement Raised Youx*0 Turkeys- HENS ^ ' Average Dressed Weig&t U-ifTbs. 65c lb. TOMS S0.fi lbs. Ur*M«r freight 55c lb. Quality Birds Ed Schmelzer McHenry, 111* ° 6ii-R-i ten: * "The Sewing Circle". Further information will appear In a later Issue. Wednesday, Nov. 14, from 1 until 9 p.m., the Freunds are holding open house, with a free demonstration of the new macbirA at Lawrence "Bud" Freund's residence, three blocks east of the old bridge on Pistakee Bay road. Everyone - is invited to attend, with gifts to be presented. Nert week's edition of the Plaindealer will carry an advertisement of tHe new sewing machta* \ ft Indian Special In powdered form, the BombUL duck is used to flavor curries; or m may be served as a side dish, along with .dabs of such Indian condiment specialties ag coocnut, fried qftidh, >nd ginger chutneyt. > ' ' Save School KKa-^ ' Children's school kits wfil last twice as long if mended and reinforced with cellophane tape. -TANK CESSPOOL CLEANER Eliminates digging & pumping. Removes sludge, fibrous tree roots, STIMULATES BACTERIA VYCITAL'S ^ Hardware Sheet Metal Shq^ Green St. McHenry, I1L for iTs,pif COM TA...Road-test the..: McHENRY GARAGE ' WILLYS OVERLAND SALES 604 Front &. Tel. 403 McHenry, I1L Jor People Who Want the West ~ An Unusual Offering in Beautiful Steel-Engraved Christmas Cords .j ! I tfl Genuine Steel-Engraved Cards by White & Wyckojf Different from the usual run of cards 4 Different Designs, With Envelopes ONLY *1.00 Tiff BOX Dignified and distinctive* these cuds will appeal tp the discriminating. ^ S We take pride in offering them to you and we know you'll take pride in sending them out, while your friends will exclaim over their beauty. ^ All ere the popular French folders of fine quality paper, "engraved^in gold and colors, with appealing sentiments. Cotne In And See Them At Our Greeting Cord Department Deaf wait until the rush is on -- look over our whfe Selections now at your Ioisure, while choices are many BUY YOUR CARDS BY THE BOXI B O L G E R S DRUG STORE GREEN STREET McHENRY. ILL.