Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Nov 1951, p. 8

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mi • fwRfisi #•9* Eifhl THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER * ^ ; 1. :• \ Ringwood (by Mr*. <>et'r*e Shepard) Mr. and Mrs. Waller F. Glaueer iff Ringwood announce the enghgeraent of their daughter, Anftette, to Carl Frey, Jr., of Aurora. The Senior Youth Fellowship group of Greenwood and Ringwood met in the church hall at Ringwood Sunday evening. The -business meeting was held, followed by games and refreshments. Stanley Jepeon spent Thanksgiving day with his sister at Wau- .. onda. / 'Mrs. Flora Harrison was a guest " )f-W the home of her daughter, Mr*. ; IXjrdln Frisbie, and family at •.»•. greenwood on Thanksgiving day. / v' Mrs. Mabel Collins, spent thanksgiving in the home of her Vipon, Paul Collins, and family ""at Arlington Heights. ' -Davis spent from Wednesday until Sunday evening with parents at West Frankfort. III. .f ;.lMrs. Winters and Mrs. Heppner '"spent Thanksgiving in McHenry tflth Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Frtsby, Jr. , - Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison attended a family gathering at the Prank Harrison home on Thauk figtving day. Mrs. Flora Harrison and Stanley Jepeon were visitors in the ' fVta. Harrison home at Round Lake Wednesday evening, y Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pagni spent ttiafcksgiviRg day in the G. Izard home at Crystal Lake. E. J. Winters is visiting hi* parents at Portis, Kas. | i Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of I_Crystal Lake spent Thanksgiving Ifty with Mrs. Lena Peet and j daughters. | Mr. and Mrs. Alan AingeT and ! family of Hebron spent* Thaaks- ! giving day with her parents, Mr. ! and Mrs. George Shepard. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey of Blue Island Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ;Dalke and son of Chicago and Mr. ! and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and family tat Richmond spent Thanksgiving day in the Beatty-Low home. kMr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and mily spent Thanksgiving day 1th Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bruce IK Belvidere. Wesley ami Larry ' I Brace remained for the weekend. Pvt. Stanley Lea left Tuesday for a camp in Washington from where he will be shipped out to Korea. Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Austin of Genoa City and A. W. Smith were guests in the B. T. Butler home on Thanksgiving day. Wrn. Cruickshank Is showing some cattle in the stock show in Chicago for Mr. Ewell. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wralkington and family attended a Benoy reunion in the Alvin Benoy home at Eikhorn on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreafe, | daughter. Darlene.jind son, Dnane spent from Wednesday until Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Gilliland at Cobden, 111. Mrs. W m. Cruickshank and daughter. Margaret, spent Thanksgiving day with Mr: and Mrs. C. E. Lovelette aftdSson in Chicago? Donna Low is visiting ih the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Morrell Fp>', at- La- Grange. • ' ' / '/; • V Dr. and Mrs. RwdTUondofGlmi Ellyn and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Andreas of Crystal Lake spent Thanksgiving day with Mrs. Mi»ige! Andreas aud Audrey. Thauksgiving day guests in the Kenneth Cristy home were Mr. and Mrs. John Cristy and family of Grtenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Foesum and family of Solon Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cristy and son and Mr. Welle of Crystal Lake. Kenneth Cristy, Jr., and Miss .June Arnold of Chicago. The Thomas Family held a gathering in the church hall on Thanksgiving day. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Mardis Thomas, daughter, son, and friend of Hinsdale, Mr. and Mrs. Morrill Foy and son, Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Thomas of LaGrange, Mr. and Mrs. Duke Wrede and family of Riverside,, Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Thomas and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thomas and son and Mr. and M r s . * C h a r l e s F e r n s t r o m a n d daughter of McHenry, Rex Coucli man of Great Lakes and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family. A Thanksgiving day family dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lenard at Lake Geneva. Those to attend were, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vogel, Katliy Dempsey and Jack Brennan of Broadhead, Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and sons of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr.. and daughter, Mary Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn and j Janet, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brenjnan. Mr. and Mrs. BUI Brennan land family and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan and son. I "A family dinner was held at | the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold | Ackerman at filbura, HI., on j Thanksgiving day. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman of Popular Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ackerman and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Decker of Marengo, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan and family of Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal and son, John, spent Thanksgiving Day in the Ed Neal home at Oak Lawn. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brever and family of, Burlington spent Thanksgiving evening with Miss Lona Brever. - Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley and daughter, Marian, and Mrs. John Woodward and sons, John and Louis, spent Thanksgiving day in the Floyd Howe home at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane and family spent Thanksgiving day with his parents, Mr. -and Mrs. Earl Kane, at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington spent from Wednesday until Saturday in the Paul Norman -home at Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane and family left Friday to ppend the weekend with her parents at Springfield. "Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison, Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Roy Harrison and Edith, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dodd, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoeft, Mrs. Howorka and Mrs. Rose Murphy attended Eastern Star installation at Woodstock Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. L, Harrison spent Sunday in the Donald Brenner home at Arlington HeightB. Mrs. George Shepard and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family spent Sunday in the Wm. Heine home in Chicago. Butchie Lenard of Lake Geneva spent the weekend in the Frad "Wiedrich, Jr., home. He returned home Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mr6. Jack Leonard, who spent Sunday in the Wiedrich home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bruce. of Belvidere spent Sunday in (he Clayton Bruce home. They were accompanied here by Wisley alid Larry Bruce, who spent their Thanksgiving vacation there. Among those from a distance to attend funeral services for Frank Wiedrich Saturday were Mrs. Alice Miller, Miss Nettie Wiedrich, Mrs. Emma Anderson $nd Mrs. Ted Kooistra of Sharon, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hughes and daughters of Woodstock.* " SUPPORT AREAS-'-/ -.0 Twenty-six Illinois counties have been named a/* civil defense mobile support areas' by state defense director Lenox R. Lohr. From these counties rescue teams wonld be drawn to assist any section of Illinois or neighboring states in the event of disaster caused by enemy attack. The mobile teams being organized in these counties are each made up of about 500 specialists in rescue operations, equipped with about 125 vehicles including ambulances, fire apparatus, police cars, two-way communication cars and bulldozers. Complete line of Beebo livestock remedies at Wattles Drag Store McHenry. 8tf RUGS - FURNITURE Cleaned and Repaired CLEANED ON LOCATION r rPick*»p and Delivery Seymoer Upholstery Shop PHONE CRYSTAL LAKE 653 J ve fbv Mrs. Char'oa Freund) Dinner guestB in the Charles Freund home on Tuesday night were Mr. and Mrs. George W. May and family, Miss Georgia May and Bob Sutton of Richmond, and Miss Kay Toole. The occasion was in honor of Miss Charlotte Freund, whose birthday fell on that day. Rev. John Daleiden and the ushers of St. Peter's parish met at the home of Anton Widhalm for their regular meeting on Tuesday night. There was also a social evening at cards' and refreshments were served. Mrs. Peter May was. hostess to the members of her club at her home on Tuesday night. Games of five-hundred were played and prizes went to Mrs. William Britz, Mrs. Frank SanderB and Mrs. Alice Wagner. The Christian Mothers and Children pf Mary sodalities met at St. Peter's parish hall on Thnrsdav night for their regular meeting. Plans were made for a Christmas party which will b« held" on Wednesday evening, Dec. 12, at 7;30. A pot-luck dinner will be served. Santa will make his appearance and there will be a gift exchange. All members are urged to attend. After the meeting. cards and bunco were enjoyed and a lunch was served by the committee in charge Thode re-r ceiving prizes were Mrs. Mary Smith, Mrs. William Hrttz, Mrs. Charles May, Mrs. Frank Tinney and Miss Charleue Sheets. Clarenc^ Miller and son, Jerry, fand Walter Brown drove to Fort Sheridan in Waukegan on Sunday afternoon. They viBited Clarence's brother, Pvt. Victor Miller, of Stacyville, Iowa, who is stationed there. Sgt. James Buech was home on furlough last week. Word has been received of the marriage of Miss Heather Hill to Corp. George Ott in Tampa,'Fla. The ceremony took place at the Tampa Air Force base on Nov. 10. A reception was held at the home of friends of the newlyweds. They will make their hwne in Tampa. "Mrs. William Britz entertained members -of her dub at bar home on Tuesday Afternoon. Oatots of five-hundred were played and prizes went to Mrs. Freak Tinae>, Mrs. Math Mli--gara, -Mra. B«a Marks, . Mrs. Ju*e Miller, Mr*. Peter May and lira. Knnk Wagner. A lovely lunch ir^s served after carts. ' J, Mra. Harry Myers H > aakUat at Wesley Memorial fcsciftal Chicago. Mra. Eugene Hergott Is a patient at -St Tkenme. koapttal iq Waukegan. , , „ Mike Huff. Mr. aal Mrs. John Sanborn aad Mra. Lena Siedaohlag enjoyed Thankagfvlng. with Mr. and -Mre. CMtord -ftchoUe of Chicago. Quests la the Daniel Miller home on Thanksgiving were Mr. aad Mrs. Joe • Condon and family of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams and child/en, Mr. and pRam;:onf!L DIRECTOR'.' 24 Towteg Sirflei START NOW Start with oar Wlatertilnf service, and then let « e ontinne to service yoai car all during the cold months. t BUTCH'S We Do Goaaplate Motor Overbitdlrig* 309 W. Elm Street McHenxy/BL Phone 811 Heside*ce&l-B t I V T'OU^^ <P'RCfoP!.-EM matxatop imo VKITM'S We WU1 Be Happy To Help You TVIrike Selection To Please Everyone On Your'List. "V* MOM • Imperial Glassware • Electric Mixers • CrttorjHtete • Electric Clocks • Sets of Dishes • Electric Toastava • Carving 8eta • Hammered ----- Alamlnnm Wan Pressure Cookers • Kitchen Ware Use Our Lay-A-Way! Plan for ~ •10 JPower Tools ' SJ . • Begolar Toola # flam Tools 'I ^Huntiag Eqalpmeat • Fishing Equipment • Camping Equipmeat Knives Rifles • Shotguas • Painting Equipment COMPLETE STOCK OF ^lEntas Decorations --- 'Gilt Wrapping Xmas Tree Ornaments Tree Light Sets and Bulbs HERE! (or theXIDS! < • Dqlls - ^ • D<S1 Hoaae Ma • Bathtocttsu • laaSets ; t • Caohlsg flats „ • DSll Baggtaa • Ttalas ' Bredfear Sato ' . : • 9O0IAVJAS -r ' •' • fratts • Blocks • Skates FOR THE CHRISTMAS OF YOUR - VYCITAL'S HARDWARE 132 QUEEN ST. 98 1SHEET METAL SHOP McHENBY, ILL. Mr«. Jake Miller aid family ai| Philip Parfrey. *th« Charles Freund family at^ tended the wedding of his niec4» Mlas Lorraine Michels, in Mh>- Henry on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown faqtlly were Thank sgiviag gueata in the home of Mr. Mra Al Schmeltzer in Rouil **** . ..i. i;l-\ New Classified Ads Appaar. Vi.^'#d• Ada Dlaappaa*^^.^ - t«* ' Qulek Remits ok. c. b. swiirsd* ^ ' Dentist 1M S».fire«pi4Wr«ct OfHca - Rears Bally Except Tharsdaf j • to 12 - 1:#0 to *e»a „ llaa^ Wedk and OL Eruaiaai 7 to 9 . .... if, Telephone Hcflearj MS •< •14118 11 itin »H 1411 > -.B. E. PEASLEE* DX. Chiropractor r US «. OreM XcHuarr Office Ilours Dally except Tbwsdaj fto It-- 1:NU( <i -HiSi Wed. and FrL Kvsal-- 7 tO'S (Ml McHenry 89t4l " For Jippslirtmeat i'l' H < H H H 1 H < H H M I < TE&XOK KKOX Atternav at-Xaw Cor. 4}r»«n^and Elm'llta, Vdttaar Tueaday aad Frlday Aften^MW0| Other Days By Appolatmeat PhaaarKaBeiry |S ^ Ml f t > I Mil Mi l »*^B«RT ,A. STtrtBS^ v> = M AtWnwy«»Wiir ^ fc . v. .» "«04 Center Street ^hone McHenry ^ MtHENllT. ILLINOIS •AtterneY.Jifil.flrw 4 •. w % mVt Bentwi Dt. * --"mnnr'-Wno^ttork WpT^"r *n*<rr<u r>- v rvtVY** .Hoine}H»HlA«* , "Wifliif Hrtfwrr 19SW WFMf MelTFirWt. til. t l l l l t . iSadd \ KitN Tracks "r 4ir«*v lllaak'Dft frack tor TTJr* Tel. V«Henry R8&... i «v Box 172, Rt. l, ifeHearv - i t * I'l-t t'l HH > I I'H'M' a. p. Fftinn* www ' 4krarating ItoWwwFw - Tracking, p|y#«S«*v 'M crane,tfccwaa, - - - Tnl^SS4«9\t. . tOf«Bl>»^ aeiti H lit ••• Fire, *«do| *aiitt Jk.4iije |a«ara»f' ... fefreefapnt .JOILIAW CO*4i'AME» : Khan Too -Kcod Insamacc of » -Anr m Phone 4S Green A Elm 'IfHlnn »•!'j|» >11 MS 1 I 11 8 I •»• •»» STOFFJtL • R*WIANar*WIIII Iliarani'e agents for all property In the best cofatpaiHS West McVenrr« Illinois VMaplpea: jlo. SOS. 607 Mala St MftHeary, OL • I H I I H I I H I H H » 0 1 I 111 8CHRBBBBB iBOIT -WBRKS * Oraaakratal A Stractaral fltasl , IMt 0w Nwwnmm j* at tl f Phone SftO • H I I » » « I I M I I > I M M I I I » » »IN«*S nvniKO £SD HEATI5G , ,B0B»ELUir^R. ^udlte^ftztures • Radiant Heat> fag • "Water Systeaia - fiai atf Ktecfcle' Water Heaters • Water SafUaers . Bep^c • faao Ettt PlldNt VCBSBBT I I > HI l i > » I I W H I | ( U I « Jl*8 WELDING AM> Will SERVICE 101 Mala Btn McHeary Eleetale Portable Welding • Aeetyiuae WtMihg aad Cattlnf lliEX W. WlUS, %«Tator ja • Athene SIMT-l N IM W VcHMTBSr, tLt. i n i r i i i i « > i n n » n i mi Blghoet CASH PM€B« fald l»i ••ad aad,CrlvM Hanei, Catttaad Hy -gaaBary fwnsr Load tag--Tahkage aad Kaat Serapi fit «Me. hw«i ArUSftoa .(telgMi US or XtHearr Ik 'Bavena Charges. Palatlao Biadailag Sen to*. % M i l l ! I I 1 1 1 m I I » | # t l i f t -- WAlfTED TO BUt CALL AT ONCE 0JT DEAD HOB8E8 ktffl CATTfit We par phoae jehanrat We pay SS to W far Old Bonsa h»» for dowa horaes aad eatl|| JUTTS BAITCB W: dvhnsharg . gutag «!•*• .1^ tlaw lalaKuf til .ismiiimtuMtiswiO

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