Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Dec 1951, p. 2

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' Members are asked to bring a r ^dish, with serving , tb . begin at <:30 o'clock. . ] The music chairman,- Mrs- &• ^fifthieBprlng. together wtth the recreation chairmen, Mrs. Sam Liebsr> hn afid Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ] liseman, have planned a program *-JM> follow the supper. There will • hf community singing,- games, fixers and social dancing. ,<«rele 1 At *4foad Residence Circle 1 of the W. S. C.° S. will llleet on Tuesday, I)ec. ll; at noon -..41 the home of Mrs. F. W. Bond in Columbia Park, near Johnsr# urg. This will be -a-~ pot«iack Ohristmas luncheon^-- -- Ihrlstmas Party kt Legion Home - The annual ChriattMi* tmrty of < <ttie Woman's club will be held at -tke Legion Home on Friday afterf «n, Dec. 14, at 2:30 o'clock, embers attending, are asked to ,<(Mpve a gift, for each child they bring for distribution by Santa, ^hey are asked to bring a gift for hS resident of the Hartland home *^j|nd to label whether it is for a or woman. LOCAL COUPLE WED IN PHOENIX LAST6 SATURDAY, DEC. |jt Mrs. Jack Buckie is chairman of the party, to be assisted by | course in department store man- St Mary's church In Phoenix, Ariz:, was the scene of a lovely wedding service last Saturday, Dec. 1, at 10 o'clock when Miss Patricia Gilmore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gilmore of Lily Lake, became _-the bride of Hagh George Murphy, son of MV. and Mrs. Hugh E. Murphy of McHenry. The beautiful, dark haired bride wore a gown of white slipper satin. with alencon lace. Her fingertip veil was caught up by a satin Juliet cap and she carried a bouquet of <frhtte roses and baby's breath. Miss Millie DeLeo of Oak Park, a classmate of the bride ait Arizona State college, acted as maid of honor and Miss Jackie Crane, of Chicago, a close friend, was bridesmaid. Both were attired in bronze net gowns over taffeta and carried gold mums. The junior bridesmaid was Miss Barbara Gilmore, sister of the,, bride. She Wfore a yellow taffeta gown over net and carried yellow mums. Joseph Gilmore, brother of the bride, served as best man and groomsman was Michael McGuire of Phoenix, a friend of the couple. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Gilmore wore a bronze satin dress and a corsage of tearoses, while Mrs. Murphy was attired in winter navy, with white accessories, and a white carnation corsage. A breakfast for forty guests was served at the Westward Ho hotel following the service, after which the newlyweds left on a short trip. The bride, a graduate of the local high school, attended Loyola university for two years and this fall enrolled at Arizona State college. where she took a special DONALD PETERSON, JEAN MILINAC WED IN McHENRY CHAPEL ' The chapel ;of St Patrick's Catholic church #as the scene of a pretty winter welding last Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock when Miss Jean Millnac, daughter of the John Milinacs of Lilymoor, became the bride *of Mr. Donald Peterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Peterson of McHenry. Rev. Fr. E. C. Coakley officiated, tit the service, with Mrs. Qarl providing nuptial music. The attractive bride choae a white satin gown, trimmed'with satin petals and lace, styled with long sleeves and train. Her \headpiece was a cap trimmed ^With sequins and pearls, and she carried a bouquet of white roses, carnations, and lilies of the valley. Attending Miss Milinac were Mtss Adeline Golbeck, as maid of honor and Miss Helen Rogers and Mis8 Gertrude Hyatt as bridesmaids. All are' close friends of the bride. They were attired in dress- BRIDAL COUPLE Photo by Kolin THE FRAXCIS WOLOWICS This happy couple exchanged vows in a nuptial mass performed at St. Mary's church on Thankse8,, oJ' ^elveteen- J*lth sk°rt giving day. Mrs. Wolowic is the former Miss Lorraine Micfeels of Johnsburg. " 1 veils attached to small, matching hats of velveteen. They carried bouquets of white carnations. The pretty little flower girl was "Sandy" Ficken, niece of the bridegroom, who wore green velveteen a matching poke bonnet and carried a colonial bouquet of white carnations. Richard Peterson served his brother as best man and groomsmen were Donald Milinac, her brother, and Jack Kregbein of Crystal Lake, a close friend. Both Mrs. Milinac and Mrs. Peterson wore navy blue dresses, matching accessories and white rose corsages. A reception for 300 guests followed thevceremony at the V. F.- W. hall at 8 o'clock, with dancing enjoyed. The new Mrs. Peterson is a graduate of the McHenry high school and has been employed at Bolger's drug store. The bridegroom also received his education in the local schools and was employed by the Simpler company in Algonquin. On Monday of this week he left for service. Tjptesdames Walter Hopkins, Vel- ,-iffia Douglas. Charles Olsen, Wilr7tyam Meeker. Ota Gygi, W. Walli,$ aum. Frank Gans, C. C. Hoyt, Elizabeth Olsen, Sam Liebsohn, J. Elliott Corbett and Fred Bienapfl. lit. Clara** Court . .Pot-Lurk Supper :/ , St. Clara's Court,ffl&fCJ. jfa F„ ^Will enjoy a pot-luck supper at 6 O'clock on Thursday evening, IJ*c. 13. Thos« attending are asked to string a fifty cent gift for exchange and also a gift for a resident of the Hartland home. The juvenile party will be held Sunday, Dec. 16, with an exchange of twenty-five cent gifts. agement and buying. She was Mc- Henry's first Marine Day queen in 1949. The bridegroom graduated from the McHenry high school in 1947 and from ^Georgetown University, Washington, last June. He is at present stationed at Camp Pendleton, San Diego, Calif. The couple will reside at Chino, Calif., about 100 miles frOln San Diego. CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this opportunity to thank friends and relatives for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, cards of sympathy and other kindnesses extended at the time of oKr bereavement. We are especially grateful for the services of Rev. Fr. Coakley. /. *30 ROY SMITH AND FAMILY BIRTHS Victoria Lynn is the name selected by Mr. and Mrs. John Ficken for their infant daughter, born at the Woodstock hispital on Nov. 26. Mrs. Ficken is the former Carol Conway, daughter of the Earl Con ways. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Adams of McCullom Lake are the parents of a daughter, born at the Wood- Btock hospital Dec. 4. Karyn Sue is the name select/ ed by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peterson for their first child, born Nov. 24. Mrs. Peterson is the former Vilma Rasmussen of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Schmitt announce the birth of a daughter,* Catherine Ann, at the Woodstock hospital on Nov. 29. This is their second ohild. The Schmitts ialso have a son, Michael. A 7 lb. 12 oz. son was bom Dec. 8 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer, Jr,, of Lily Lake. They have two other children. Albert, 7, and Debby, 2. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Freund announce the birth of their first child, a son born Nov. 30 at the Woodstock hospital. He has been named Michael. Mrs. Freund is the former Doris Smith. BRUCE-ACKERMAlt ' VOWS EXCHANGER LAST SATURDAY 5 -. . ; -J.. - Miss Beverly Bruce of Ringwood and Pvt. Charles Ackerman were married at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Carlson at Woodstock last Saturday afternoon, Dec. 1, at 3 o'clock. Rev. Roger Kaufman officiating. She was given in marriage by her father, Clayton Bruce. Attending the bride were her sister, Phyllis Bruce, as maid of honor, and her aunt, Alberta Lea as bridesmaid. The bridegroom's brother, Leonard Ackerman, served as best man and Harvey Ackerman was groomsman. The bride was lovely in a white satin and lace gown, her colonial bouquet consisting of white carnations. Both attendants chose green gowns and carried yellow and red carnations. A reception followed the service at the Carlson home, with guests ' present f r 0 m Poplar Grove, Elburn, Woodstock, Chicago, Marengo and Ringwood. A wedding dance for the newlyweds was held in Harvard on Sunday evening. The gathering also served as a farewell party for Charles ahd Leonard Ackerman, who will leave soon for service in Korea. AMONG THE SfCK Mrs. Rose Walinder is a medical patient at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. MARRIAGE LICENSES Donald Doolin, Chicago, Geraldine Nimtz, McHenry. and PERSONALS l^iaiiiiiiitiiuiiiiiiiiiiutiisiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNuii Mrs. Lyle Bassett has been visiting her mother in Houston, Tex. Jack Thies, Jr., of Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wis., spent the weekend with vhis parents. Mrs. George Bohr of Minneapolis, Minn., spent a few days is McHenry this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin and daughters, Monica and Diana of Waukegan visited McHenry relatives on Sunday. Mrs. Grace Thompson, accompanied by Mrs. Glen Robison of Woodstock, visited in the William Martin home in Sterling last week. Miss Helen Welch of Woodstock was a McHenry caller Sunday. Miss Mary A"11 Bolger of Rosary 4|rtlege, River Forest, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. John Bolger. Miss Kathryn Kortertdick of Woodstock was also a" visitor in the Bolger home. - Miss Genevieve Knox was a Chicago caller on Saturday. The Paul Keuster family of Chicago, . former McHenry residents, were McHenry callers Saturday. .' y."'" " Mrs. John Ficken and daughter, Victoria Lynn, returned homer from the Woodstock hospital last Sunday. Albert Vales and Robert Lee of Chicago visited the former's mother, Mrs, Albert Vales. Sr.. on Monday. N Mr. and Mrs. Pete Gitzke and children, Billy and Linda Sue of Cary, spent Monday in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Koob called in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Steinsdoerfer and family in Crystal Lake on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Willian; Heinier and Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Laures and sons, Jimmy and Jerry, spent Sunday in the Vernon Knox home •at Crystal Lake. Alice Hoeft New WoftHy Matron; 1 Impressive ceremonies marked the installation of newly elected officers of the local chapter, O.- E. S., last Saturday evening in the Masonic hall. The retiring matron, Elizabeth Bohr, and Dr. Milton Smith, a past patron, welcomed the guests in a room attractively decorated in the O. E. S. colors of red and white. Installing officer was Aeola Underwood of Mayflower chapter, grand lecturer; chaplain was Valeaka Hoppe, past matron, marshall, Mildred Howorka, past m a t r o n ; a n d o r g a n i s t , M a b e l Johnson, past matron. Escorts weife George Johnson, Robert Thompson and Edwin Utt-<.' dtrwood, with Louanne Howorka acting as soloiBt. Edward Cannon served as color better juid William Hoeft giVlng thlR ode to the flag. . • Mistress of ceremonies for the evening was Elsie i^*)ppe. During the evening past matrons were introduced. : Newly installed • officers Jaelitde the following: " Worthy Matron, Alice Hoeft Worthy Patron, William Hoeft ' ( Associate Matron, Edith Harrison • - Apsociate patron, Herbert Hbworka Secretary,- Myrtle IlarrifOM Treasurer, • Ethel Holly . . Conductress, Marion Canijon Associate Conductress, Harriet Dodd Chaplain, Evora Peders 'JMarshal, Emm$ Pyritz Organist, Phyllis Nimtz Adah, Margaret Rulii, Stephanie Waynn^ Esther, Frances Vycital Marshal. Louanne Howorka Electa, Marie Nickels Warder, Rose Murphy Sentinel, Esther Leckband One of the mo8t impressive-; portions of the evening's service was the ">f Mrs. Betty* Bohr and William Hoeft to tlscn altar, where they signed the Bible*. During the installation of the worthy "matron. Miss Howorka sang "The Lord's Prayer." Mrs. Gertrude White was ehalft man of the refreshment commit* tee. • nn i in n m i h « 1 1 1 1 n V Residence Changes Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dittman of Pistakee Bay have moved to Cary. where they will engage in the mink ranching business. The- Paul Raasch family hy moved from Wonder Lake to dm apartment in the Noonan building on Main street vacated by the James D. Claybaughs. The latter family has moved to the former George Bohr place on- BrojWl street ^ " . Mrs. F. A. Holly 1MM Mrs. Ethel Claire Holly, 64, of ! Genoa, 111., wife of F. A. Holly, a ^former McHenry resident, di< ! Nov. 27 in the Cherry Valley H {home, where she had been a patient for the past fourteen months. <Services were held last Thursday • in Genoa. FATHER DIES August Grever, 73, of Barrington, father of Albert Grever of McHenry, died on Nov. 27 in Sherman hospital. Burial w;as at Palatine on Friday afternoon. JL S. A. Xmi ^Party Dec. IS Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A. „will hold its Christmas party on .Thursday, Dec. 13, at the home of jiMrs. Leslie Olsen at 8 o'clock. There wijl be a fifty cent gift exchange. ABB Ithtr Heads t Hairdressers' Unit Ann Kaiser of McHoary was elected president of t"/j McHenry county unit of the Illinois State Hairdressers' and Cosmetologists' association, at the organization meeting held at the court house. Mrs. Kay Bolin of Freeport and Paige Parker of Elgin, co-chairmen of membership for the state -»association, directed tb£ «u»«Uug. IX MEMORIAM In loving memory of my dear husband. Dr. Francis J. Aicher, who passed away twelve years ago, Dec. 5, 1939. * Loving Wife, ANNABEL Renew that subscription to the Plalndealer now. ANNOUNCEMENT DR. JOHN T. GRAY -^©PTOMETRIST ~ . HAS MOVED TO 126 S. GREEN STREET PHONE McHENRY 188 CHRISTMAS CARDS This year we have stocked the finest and rrn^st complete line df CHRISTMAS CARDS we've *ver had. - » % ,*and their Norcross SEE THEM TODAY at BOLGER'S DRUG STORE GREEN ST. PHONE 40 McHENftY, ILL The easiest way is the best way "hi JUST .SEND CHECK." That sirtl- I pie, matter-of«-_ foct statement li heard thousands of times everyday. Back of it ^ the machinery, the integrity, the safeguards of the American banking system. To yon, in a nutshell, that means a safe, convenient way to make a payment. Come in, let us explain the advantages of paying by check. McHenry State Bade Member Federal Reserve Syt-- . Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Interest Paid On Savings Deposits PHONE 1040 8 ei 40 Salon Meeting Monday The regular monthly meeting of the McHenry 8 et 40 salon was held at the home of Mrs. Delbert Ogle in Woodstock las* Monday evening. Discussion of businens took place, during which time Mrs. Ma2ie Blott of HuntiVy appointed as scrap book chairman. The meeting was followed by a Christinas party, with an exchange of gifts by members. The next meeting Is scheduled tdr Jan. 28. in Harvard. Christine Krinn. Pearl Pietsch and Minnie Green attended from McHenry. 6ld Ads Disappear. •-- Reason -- Quick Results M Woodstock Opera House Stage & Radio Star W PERSON (Belinda on TVs Hawkins Falls) HOPE SUMMERS! "Smpect" • ; drama of mother love Sat. . Sun. ADMISSION 1 1M, 1.20, 90c, 55c ~ 'Reservations Tel. 1290 It Seems Like Old Times Why bother cooking 1.15 95c Va SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN ^ ^ GOLDEN BROWN "A REAL TREAT" VIRGINIA BAKED HAM RAISIN SAUCE "OH! SO GOOD" 85c GRILLED PORK CHOPS CENTER CHOICE GROUND BEEF GRILLED ONION IZT^ ' , "AMERICA'S STAND BY" REAL ITALIAN SPAGHETTI MEAT SAUCE -- CHEESE "HOME.MADE" DELICIOUS LAKE MICHIGAN PERCH "NONE BETTER" Ak°ve Orders Served with Potatoes, Salad, Rolls & Butter • No Skimpy Helping - Plenty DINING ROOM OPEN 4 P. M. -- CLOSED THURSDAY Entertainment Nightly 85c 75c 65c THERE'S NOTHING LIKE For that fueling of Power Unlimited... iMunm. immikw and a sure, steady ride on the road! 4*sis* OWsmofc»7f "Forllrt 98" 4-floor .Won. * Hydra- \1atic optimal •> txtra cmi. Equipment, aocfii«riMt aw( ...» trim Muurmud mbjtcl to change without notice. -• ' in the most thrilling ride of all! Ride rtldsmoliile's luxurioiti "98" and ride the "Rockct" at its glorious best! Ride the smooths swift surge of "Rocket"' power that sweeps you ahead of traffic! Ride the "Rocket" on the open road--strong and sure on straight** away and curve--a brand new thrill as you top every hill! This is true high-compression power, "Rocket" Engine power . . . paired with the automatic magic of Oldsmobile Hvdra-Matic*! See your Oidsmobile dealer and try this magnificent car! Ride Oldsmobile'g glamorous "98"--you'll discover a new adventure in motoringt ' of Gwrul MMm "HOC Kir" OLDSMOBILE I t-* 111 YOUR NKAREST OLDSMOBILE DIALER HOUSE of STEELE 130 GREEN STREET R. J. OVERTON MOTOR SALES V;- 403 Front Street Phone 6 PHONE 347 -- On Television! CBS Sewa ^wlth Douglas Edwards - Monday Uura Friday at liM P. Mn Station WBK&, Cfiteaal 4 Conrtosy of yonr Old mobile Dealer -- ~ \ , 3 - -

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