Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Dec 1951, p. 5

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ItfMiMriiMliMttlitf jPlaindealer >v«at Ads Dum PLMMMULBt ^r'Tyj^K; ' p* m PROVE THAT GIGANTIC JOBS XRE DONE BY MIDGETS - RING 3,000 DOOR BELLS FOR *5c WITH A PUtfNDEALER WANT AD 75c ^ * %ds counted leu v"* irordt. 75c minimum. 3^4 insertion , ' . Count 5 words per tins) | ^ 86e service charge on all blind ! ' Ida. Cash with order. ^ Oard of Thanks .... flttO Minimum v Want Ads dose promptly at 16 ; • 1|um. Wednesday. o i • V • & ItcHenry Plaindeakr i Published erery Thursday at Mctlunry, 111., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. CANDID ft FORMAL WED DISC PHOTOGRAPHS In or out of studio. The most modern equipment within 25 miles. 35 years experience with the best studios In Chicago, Aurora, . Gary and Waukegan. SO years in McHenry. Portraiture, commercial phonography. CAMERAS -- Still and movies, projectors, films and frames. ANDREW WORWICK Phone 376 117 Ji. Riverside Dr. McHenry, Illlnt»!« M-tf '•W. BURFEINDT, Qm. Manager. ADELE FROEHLICH. Editor. stBSdinioir rate Year .. Sintered as second-class matter ttt the postoffice at McHenry, 111., fender the act of May 8. 1879. AUTOMOTIVE ^REPLACEMENT PARTS ALL CARS FOB Accessories and Seat Cove*» • COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 400 W. Elm Street Open during week 9 AJL to 7 f«UL, Sundays - 9 AJL te 1 P.M. lltf JL™ tOR SALE -- 1949 Ford Tudor, radio and heater. Good condition. 1951 Willys Pick-up, two wheel 'drive. Like new. ^ McHENRY GARAGE Willys Overland Sales r«M Front Street TeL AOS 37-tf FOR SALE 1951 Studebaker, State Comman- *** der, V-8 2-dr. sedan, radio, heater, overdrive, seat covers. 1950 Bulck Special sedanette, > radio, heater, white walls,. seat covers. ^1050 Ford V-8 Custom 2-dr. sedan, ^ radio, heater, seat covers. 1950 Buick Super Riviera 4-dr. two tone green, radio, heater. 1950 Pontlac Streamliner 4-dr. equipped. 1949 DeSoto Custom Club Coupe, radio, heater, seat covers. 1949 Pontiac Chieftan beLuxe 4-dr. radio, heater, white walls. £, 1949 Oldsmobile (Rocket) 4-dr. , ^ radio, heater. 1948 Plymouth Special DeLux##* dr., radio, heater, seat cavers. 1947 Chrysler Windsor, 4-dr., radio, heater. 1941 Oldsmobile 76 (Six) Sedan" ette, heater, (new tires). 1941 Chevrolet Fleetline, 4-dr. radio, heater. ^ COLBY MOTOR SAMS ^ Est. 1886 •* W ' PHONE 1110 9pen 7 A. M .to 8 P. M. Dally Friday to 9 P. M. Sunday to Noon - S*. Man 8L, Crystal Lake, I1L so f FOR SALE -- Pontiac *50 2-dr. f sedan. Fully equipped. Perfect con- * dition. Call Saturday or Sunday or • after 6 P. M. week days. Pistakee ~/gp683-R-2. *30 RALPH L'Oitt Plane Technician Repairing Tuniai /OS Garfield Road Harvard. IU. Phone 748-F BUSINESS fiamCE PERMANENTS -- In your home; Cold or Machlneless Wares, $5.90 and up. 15 years experience. Call Alice, phone McHenry 705-M. 2$-tf Irano IHBTETTcmOH In Your Own Moms Piano and piano Accordian Clansics or Popular Ssrililfin or AdamUd fnitructios ' 2 MASIt P. KOOH " .'- • •hone Pistakee tfSMI-1 ' stf HOME REPAIRS We Specialize In all Home Repairs Low Monthly Payments Free Estimates MeHenry improvement Co. Phone ftlS-W-1' MoHenry 111. FOR SALS FOR SALE 7.5 cu. ft late model DeLUXE REFRIGERATOR Perfect Condition FreeS l n g c o m p a r t m e n t , c r l i p e r trays, 3 adj. shelves, and Yfsgfltijhlfe btn. A real buy ALTHOFF HARDWARE i , McHenry, Illinois CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE G. A. DOUGLAS Vtom VeHrary 77MT lMf PIANO TUNING Also for sale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upright pianos. Prompt service. • C. J. H. Dlehl, phone S08-W, Woodstock, 111. 61-tf RUG CLEANING Save dollars, clean your own rugs lend carpets; rug cleaning machine for rent by day or week. Beginners can operate. Pick up and delivery service. For information call IMCHenry 637-J-2. \ fee-2 FOR SALS (BNERAL CONTRACTING NEW HOMES REMODELING and CARPENTER WORK Satisfaction Guaranteed ' Estimates 0. D. KXNSEY Pfceae MeHenry 39S-J ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formals. Open Tues. through Sat 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sun. fl a.m. to 6 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietich. Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, % tnlle weat Terra Cotta factory Which Is on Rt. 81. Aryatil Lake 1346-R-l. / 61-tf 47tf CONCRETE PRODUCTS •T. C. p. KINSEY r-v.: sixe building block. • Chimney block and stepping stone. By standpipe in McHenry. Office jtfpne 282-R 'Res. FOR SALE Factory Seconds; Women's Slacks, $2.35; Women's fekirts, $2.50 to $3.50; Dressee, $1.98 and $S.9S, also Children's Blacks. $1.85. Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main St., West of North Western depot 15-tf v,»; ph6ne S93-J. 25-tf EXPERT PU90 TUNING Repairing and Reconditioning. All Worl Guaranteed. Formerly With Lyon and Healy. B. Zaboth, phone Lake Zurich 5S41 Sf-«f SEWING MACHINES ^Repaired or Electrified - ( Inexpensively. I- * M-hr. Service, call collect SEWING CENTER -- Woodstock, Illinois til Newell Telephone 2094 v Authorised Necchi Dealer 19-tf FOR SALE--JOHNS-MANSVILLE HOME INSULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call Leo J. Stilling. 200 E. Pearl Si, McHenry. Phone {McHenry 18. 18-U GARBAGE COLLECTING --Let us dispose of your garbage each week, of oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular ytar rounu route. John E. Hill, P. O. Box S74, McHenry, Phone 366. U FOR SALE-->1951 Deluxe Chevrolet power glide. Fully equipped. * Driven 37 miles. Quick Sale. $1900. _ I, Wauconda 4027. 30 -- ;--: ; " FOR SALE--Dodge, 4-door sedan. * G6od condition. Ffank A. Jensen. ,^301 WrrV«?an Road. *30 ntxLS DRQ.LFD «R MBXTBN WATER SYSTEMS -- We sell repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. S6tf TIBY BUG CLEANER8 All services, approved methods. Free day and evening pttk-up and delivery. Phone Woodstock 168 18-tf DEAD A5IMJIL8 - Hlg^est Caih prices paid far cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. S«tf WINDOW SHADES -- er TENE. tlAN BLINDS -- New line of removable slat and Bauflex original blinds and tapes. Bonderised and galvanised Acme metal. STERLING WINDOW SHADE * VENETIAN BLIND CO., 5640 W. Division St. Chicago. Phone COlumbus 1-8743 or McHenry 651-M-l., Friday evenings, Saturdays or Sundays. Free Estimates. All work guaranteed. One and two week's service. 27-tX Looks BETTER than EVER. ITS A JOB f*m umnm&s McHENRY CLEANER^ 10d Elm Stmt PHONE 104-M McHenry. I1L We Give and Redeem Gold Bond Stuui FOR SALE--Eastern Star pin. Price $25. Phone McHenry 566-W- 2. " 30 FOR SALE--Keystone magas(ne movie camera; 16 mm. and leather case; projector and case; splicer, Aurora screen 30x40; all good as new. Ideal for Christmas gift. Also five 400-ft. reels of travel films. Bargain. Phone McHenry S2. SOS tf HELP WVNTED GIRLS WANTED--Ambitious girls wanted for our new plant Pleasant working conditions. Riverside Mfg. Co.. 600 Main Street, West of Northwestern Depot, ' McHenry. 17-tf FOR SALE--Walnut dining room table; $75. Practically he#. Just in time for your company coming. Phone McHenry 599-J-l. 80-2 FOR SALE--Kitchen sink, with Stand and mixing faucet Reasonable. Call 87-J. SO FOR SALE--Cold Spot refrigerator, 7 cubic ft; clean; good operating condition. Priced $80. Call McHenry 759-J. SO FOR SALE--Gas heating unit, 60.000 B. T. V., will heat 4-rooras easily; Mahogany dresser without mirror; coil spring cot With intierspring mattress. Call mornings only, McHenry 79S-M. SO FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service otf all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper L| Y. Kilts, Clay Bt Woodstock. Phone 649. 7tf BIG DEMAND en Necchi Sewing Machines for Xmas, require us to set aside -each month machines to fill our orders. WE ARE ON QUOTA BASIS, because Necchi, the world's finest precision sewing machine is not made oh a production assembly, therefore to be sure. MAKE RESERVATIONS EARLY No deposit required--send us your name. SEWING CENTER Authorised Necchi Dealer 111 Newell Telephone 8994 Woodstock, Illinois 83-9 FOR SALE -- XMAS TREES Five to seven feet tall; three to five feet in diameter, all specimen trees, very full and compact, come in and select trees, will tag trees at time of selection, will cut at any time desired. Rlngwood Nursery, Ringwood, 111. Phone Wonder Lake 3776. 88-3 FOR SALE--45,000 6.T.U. gas circulating heater. Used 4 months. In excellent condition, $60. Lonnte Rooksby. 716 Center Street, West McHenry. . *30 FOR SALE^China Geeee; choice breeding stock; geese weighing from 8 to 12 lbs. These are excellent for roasting. E. Bauman. 1 mile west of Rt 81 A 12, on Wm. Austin Firm. Phone Richmond 383. 30 FOR SALE--Medium size cable upright piano. Please call after 6 p.m. weekdays. Phone McHenry 582-M-2. 30 FOR S A L E -- 4 x 8 t r a i l e r w i t h sideboards, in good condition. Phone McHenry 647-J-l.' 30 FOR SAL E -- P r a c t i c a l l y n e w Quaker Oil space heater--Five room size--thermostatically controlled-- Fully automatic--2 fans --Cost $210 new--Price $75. Math B. Laures--Phone: 448W 30 FOR SALE--Royal portable typewriter and carrying case, excellent condition; 1% yrs. old; Elifs type. $125 new, will sell for $85. Phone McHenry 56-W after 6 p.m. SO FOR SALE--9x12 Wilton rug with ozite pad; Full size bed and dresser. Phone Wonder Lake 23S1. 30 FOR SALE--5 room Coleman OH space heater-- 52 model--$50-- Phone McHenry 687-M-8 30 FOR SAL E--Christmas trees; you know where! Two blocks'east of River On Rt 180. Dale Thomas 30 FOR SALE--Console Philharmonic radio--phonograph combination, 3 years old; like new. Phone 'McHenry 789-M SO FOR SALE--Mahogany drum top coffee table; telephone bench jrnd Ivory fireplace mantle. $39. Call TS1-M. 90 FOR SALE--Large quantities of used lumber of every description at a bargain. Peter Hamlin Construction Co.,' location, The Hamlin Farm, 2H miles north of McHenry on Rt. 81. For appointment call McHenry 802 after 6 p.m., or all day Saturday. 30-2 FOR SALE--Used gas stove; good cond. $25. Phone McHenry 379 or 406-W. 30 FOR SALE--Antique walnut drop leaf table $80. Antique massive console table, 1 drawer $20. G. E. Refrigerator--A-l condition. |35. Miscellaneous. Wauc^ida 4987. 30 FOR SALE--2 room oil burner-- also 2 gal. pasteurizer. Both in good condition it reasonable. Phone 725. 30 FOR SALE--White «ns stove; very good condition. Call McHenry 643-R-2. 30 FOR SALE--Betsy Ross Lester blonde spinet piano, bench to match, almost flew. Will sacrifice at $385. Phone McHenry 685-R-2. 30 FOR RKNT FOR RENT--4-rooms--1 bedroom Furnished--In McHenry. Sklba * Co. McHenry 913 Riverside Hotel 30 FOlt RENT--Newly decorated 3 to room apartment; all utilities furnished; Frigidaire and tabletop stove included. Ideal location. Phone McHenry 445-M. 30 FOR RENT--1 bedroom cottage, furnishings include, H. W. ft Shower, electric stove and refrigerator. Available now, references required, suitable for working couple or couple with one child, tenant furnish own o^, electric paid. $13.00 per week. Write to Rt 2 Box 74, Slclfenry, 111. 30 FOR RENT--3-room apartment Duplex $55 • month. Electric Range, Frigidaire included. Inquire at Fritzches Estate Lily Lake. House No. 9 at Mrs. Sicksfoose. 30 FOR RENT--Modern five-room furnished home. Fully insulated. Automatic oil heat ft hot water. Storm windows. Phone: Wonder Lake 3031. SO FOR REN T -- 4 - r o o m f u r n i s h e d house. 1 bedroom. Automstic heat glased-in porch. Washing ntachlne Available immediately. Wonder Lake 2803. 30 FOR RENT -- Newly deeorated rooms, home privileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street Pho^e HcHenry 100-R. 20-tf HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Pin spotters wanted, steady work for full bowling season. Good pay. Phone 559-W-l. McHenry Recreation. - i . .. ' ~ iM-tf "OUTDOOR MS* 17 to 89 ,To Trim Trees ^llso Older M& Fer Ground Wort PHONE WAUCONDA 8288 ' 29-tf Need Money For Christmas? Spare tiihe can be ^dollar time when your busy selling^ftvon Cosmetics right close to home. Mothers of school age children can qualify. For more information write, P. O. Bm No. ««, ftoekferd, HL 89-1 V TELEPHONE : ; OPERATORS; NEEDED NOW ;> V- ' You are invited - ato join a carefully selected*'" grOUp • V in learning y;!^2flea*ant interesting.^:; K?.V4*rork . . . with gocp^ /^Ar^pay' from the ataif.^ ILLINOIS BELL "TELEPHONE CO. MEAT- ESTATE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 5-Bedroom old residence. Steam heat. On 2 lots-- across from Golf Course. Full price--$8500.00. A REAL DREAM HOUSE - Two bedroom ranch type home Studio living room--wood-burning fire-place. Gas Heat--attached garage. 160 feet--Acrdss beautiful McHenry Golf Course. Possession-- Full price $15,000.00. 3-Bedroom Frame home--Hollywood kitchen--Gas heat--1 car garage--on Fox River--$12,000.00 Skiba & Co. Real Estate General Insurance -r Riverside Hotel v. MeHenry 918 v. • •• . . . 30 8eq Miss R. Chief Operator at . Marshall 102 Park Ave. 19-tf FOR SALE--Close to Catholic Church and school, modern 3-bedrooin home, basement; oil heat; owner mast sacrifice; terms. The Kent Cotp. Real Estate ft Insurance, Phone McHenry 8. 30 WANTED--Young man to work in meat department in CryBUl Lake National Tea store. Apply at store 119 Williams St, Crystal Lake. SO HELP WANTED--Bookkeeper and Typist. Alexander Lumber Co., McHenry, 111. 30 tf HELP WANTED -- MALE, Earn money for Christmas working part time. Let Us show you how others earn $33.1o br more weekly, by directing 3 or more fascinating jewelry parties with small groups of women. They love it. No collecting, delivering or investment Write Mrs. Helen Yegge, 561 Washington St.. Woodstock, 111., or phone Woodstock 1459-W. 89-2 WANTED--Full time girls or women to train as checkers in our Crystal Lake Store. Apply National Tea store, 119 Williams St., Crystal Lake or McHenry National Tea Store. 30 HELP WANTED--FEMALE. House wives, do you need extra mo&ey for Christmas? Can you devote 3 or more afternoons or evenings per week? Let us tell you about our Intriguing and fascinating plan of displaying a beautiful line of exculsive and fully guaranteed costume jewdlry at small group gatherings. Everybody has real fun and our people earn an average of $11.05 each showing. No collecting, delivering or investments. Write Mrs. Helen Yegge, 561 Washington Street, or Phone Woodstock 1459-W. / 89-8 MISCELLANEOUS D0>' STADFELD A His Orchestra ' Tors Is by George Freund SATURDAY, DEC. at CLUB lilymoo£ Route 120 SO WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUI--Old cars, trucks, tractors, also old farm machinery. We pay top prices. Bill Staines, McHenryf/iil. Phone McHenry 53-J. *27-4 AUCTION LEGALS 'i HENRY A. FREEMAN and EUGENE FREDRICK, Auctioneers SITUATION WAMTED SITUATION WANTED--Say ye Rounders would you believe It won't be long 'till New Years Eve. Never mhid the snow or bliszard. Hear the piano by "Wynne the Wizzard Fill up your car, get ready to go, And shake your light fantastic toe To Wynne Jotitz piano - playing. Phone 529-W-2. McHenry, 111 30 WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers representative. R Duane Fowler. Woodstock .Box SS4. Phone 464-JX «tt ftANTED Your Old Watch ' Trade It In Now On a ^ Fine 17 Jewel Watch Frett*s Precision Watch Repair Western Union Agency Phone 898 204 E. Elm St.--Wilson Radio Bldf If your watch is on the bum let "Frett" do your, fretting \ 27-tf EEAL ESTATE FOR SALS - HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY . i. Knox Real Estata • I0t Rlchaend Real McHenry, UL Phone: McHenry ttlj Licensed I1L ft Wis. Broker WANTED -- Oarage repair shop with or without living quarters. Or a commercial zoned site suitable for a repair shop. Write details to Andrew Schmidt, 8020 Lowell Ave., Skokie, 111. Phone Skokle 166. 29-2 WANTED--Ironing--Shirts Ironed in my home Phone McHenry 631- R-2. SO LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE -- Four room frame house with automatic electric, 50 gal. hot water heater, gas spaoe heater, complete bath room, must be moved from lot 43 Orchard Beach. Call Seeley 3-5900, evenings Canal 6-8840. 84-tf LOST--Pair of glasses with pink frames; hi vinicity of Riverllde Drive. Phone McHenry 875-M 30 LOST--Pointer, male, liver and white cplor, in vicinity of Chain- O-Lakes Gun club, lasf week. Phone Pistakee 166. Reward. 30 Classified Ads Will Do Almost Anything You Ask Them To Do! Having decided to discontinue dairy farming, the undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the Xipper8ink Farm, located 2 miles North of Genoa City, Wis., on C. T. H. "U" or 4 miles South of Highway 50 on C. T. H. "U" on MONDAY, DEC. 10 1951 SALE TO START AT IStSO P.M. 50 HIGRADE HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS 80 of these Cows are Springing. IS are Fresh within the tost f weeks. Balance milking good. 1 PUREBRED HOLSTEIN BULL Most of these cattle are Second and Third Calf Heifers. This is an opportunity to buy the best at public auction as this is one of the outstanding herds in this area. The cows are all young, typy and in the best of condition. If you are looking for replacements for your herd or ar« starting a dairy this is an ideal pla'e to buy. Usual Wlsconsfn Farm Auction - Service Terms NlPPERSXNK FARM John Helman, Oscar Pakin Owners SALE OF REAL Er Friday, December 28th, 1951. it * 11 A. M. the undersigned. Admini strator of the Estate of Anna Soldwisch, deceased, will, under or^er . of court, sell at public auction to the highest bidder tbe following described real estate, to-wit: The South five (5) acres of the ; North "West Quarter of the South • East Quarter of Section 2. Township 44 North, Range 8, East,o£^T the 3rd Principal Meridian, hi # a McHenry County, Illinois. > ^ Said auction to be held on th#^;l above described premises loca^e^' *r two miles South of McHenry oi| the McHenry-Crystal Lake black* top road. East of Route No.. 51. Terms of sale, 25% of purchase price at time of sale and balanc* uf>on delivery of deed. Propejt^" ; to be sold subject to 1951 gensfal • taxes. Immediate possession. VERNON J. KNOX, "§§ Administrator of Estate of - Anna Sold wisch, itrmjyrt Attorney for Estate: f- ^ VERNON J. KNOX . . Crystal Lake, Illinois. (Pub. Nov. 29. Dec. 6-lS) Kind Pewer Power Ones in rural areas ate now being built at a voltage twice as high as previous standards set by the REA, and six times as hi# as the standsrd IS yefers ago. Shoes from Hid*s Hie best insoles in rhoes are made from sturdy cattle tides tanned by vegetable extracts. Best portions of the hides are the middle and rear parts, extending down to the belly. For pine and other softwood floors, ss well as for maple, mix three parts boiled linseed oil with one part turpentine for an excellent finish. Heat the mixture and brush it into the wood while hot NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR Sealed proposals will be rectRh^ ed by the Council of the Cityv dF McHenry, McHenry County. -HI*-, nois until 8 o'clock P.M., Monday* December 17, 1951 for the struction of Sanitary Sewers the laying of Water Mains la ao* cordance with plans and specification* on file in the office <j| the City Clerk. Plans, specifications and l^-oposal blanks may be secured lit the office of the City Clerk or^afc the office of Victor H. Kassef, 202 East Chicago Street El^bl* Illinois. Each bid must be accompanied by cash 6r a bank cashier's check made payable to the City %f Ac- Henry. Illinois, in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) at the amount of the bid. The Mayor and Council fla.f ves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept bid most a#> vantageous to the Ofty and !tta waive technicalities. i By Order of the Council of the City of McHenry. EARL R. WALSH. City Cleriu Coal Oontinuouk mining ma and load coal in one Single types have been that can produce from 8 to 8 coal a minute. Early Two hundred different were punishable by death English law at the time was colonized. - * y a •m (Stainless Steels Six per cent or more of nickel, when sdded to chromium stainless steels, produces a series of 1mp r o v ed corrosion-resistant alloys known ss austenitic chromiumnickel stsinless steels. Sturdy Shoes Welt shoes, accounting tor third of all shoe production, derie^ ^f their strength and sturdy efeiifi ~ ; ance from the fact that feetfMHlfc leather is used for instate, wtifc' itoi outsole. -v 'i Complete Buret Lee* fidlifr remedies at Wattles Mm McHenry. FOB SALE--Royal Blue Grocery and Market Self-Service; Gas Station, 3 pumps; 2 car garage, 2 lots. McCullotn Lake. Illinois. Phone McHenry 348 or 670-R-l. 17-tf RIAL ESTATE FOR SALE fccHeary -- Five room njodern Ranch-type home, ceramic tile kitchen and bath, flreplaee, 1-yr. old, will sell with or without 6 acres of land. 1 mile to R. R. and stores. For Appt. call JACOp. FRITZ -- REAL ESTATE in Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 37 87-tf REAL ESTATE FOR 8ALE Plstaqua Heights -- 4% room home, 2 lots, 100x110, near 9ig Hollow Road, 1-mile to school. 3 miles to R. R, Price $7,500.00 For Appt Call JACOB FRITZ -- REAL ESTATE In Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 37 27-tf REAL ESTATE WANTED We have cpsh buyers 'for year homes, summer homes, farms, and business properties. We can sell your property If your price Is Hfht JACOB FRITZ -- REAL ESTATE te Johnsburg TeL MeHenry S7 27-tf FOR SALE--Marshall's Ringwood Inn Tavern. Possession immediately. Reasonable. Phone Wonder Lake 3347. *9-3 FOR SALE--Charm Beauty Shop Marengo, III. All modern desirable ground floor location. Excellent business. Only one other shop in business district Priced right to sell. Fine opportunity for interested party or parties. Phone Marengo 673 or 1484. 30 FOR SALE--Beautiful S bedroom modern home. Full basement, fireplace, bookcases. All bardwood flooring. Large lot. Inquire 302 Freund Ave. 2nd house off •Gfrttaa Ave.--Michael Ireuayk. 80 NOW! a low-cost cure for 3- ' •dij > \ 'ENGINE CARBONmS1 NEW CARBON BLAST Tune up If your car knocks and "pings" and doesn't respond properly when you give it the gas, chances are it's suffering from "Engine Carbonitis"; that is, the presence of objectionable carbon deposits inside the combustion chambers^ This isn't something new. In fact, it's a condition common to all cars. Because, regardless of the grade of gasoline you use, carbon is an inevitable by-product of combustion. What is new though . . . and good news at that ...»is our revolutionary new lost-cost method of removing these objectionable carbon deposits without taking the engine apart! It's our Carbon Blast Tune-Up Special ... a new service .treatment that quickly and thoroughly blast-cleans your engine internally with a special hard-grained cleaning agent. It's safe, it's sure, it's amazingingly effective. Bring your car in soon for the best, service Tinvestment yon can make! ? NEW PEP! NEW POWER! ^--NEW CAR PERFORMANCE! Only $12.50 plus parts DOWN'S NASH 405 ELM STREET PHONE McHENRY 4M McHENRY. ILL. ; ~ * • - -T';. .*•;*«£ '.SSS'fiS:

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