-i --•c. ,. l', ^ v „ 'ly'v *\>r ^ , * < , ; V '.. . : :\ > b \ ^ \*_ & 9BE S(cBESNS7 PT iXnfeEAliRil' '.;^-W' \ H pTW;\v M: Thursday, Ringwood K . Af . Mn «w«w Staepa*«» , Mrn. Ben Walklngton entertained the women's five-hundred club at her home Wednesday. A 1 o'clock dessert luncheon was served Prize* were awarded to Mrs. Pet* Sebastian and Mrs. Louis Hatrley. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler entertained their card club Thursday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. George Shepard and Ben Walklngton, high, Mrs. Kenneth Crlsty and Louis Hawley, low. The W. S. C. S. met at the home of Mrs. C. L. Harrison Thursday. A pot-luck dinner was served at noon. Mrs. C. L. Harrison gave the lesson on Christmas worship In the home and also read from the book "Offering Our Gifts." Christmas carols were; sung by Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. Mrs.'Flora Harrison gave some scripture readings. The Brownie meeting Dec. 19th was short so we could have time to make presents for our mothers Brownies are a lot of fun and we do a lot of different things. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everybody. Reporter of the week was Patricia Klapperich. grandfather, Dr. Wm. Hepburn, and wife. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., spent Tuesday and Wednesday t# the Jack Lenard home at Lake Geneva. ' Phelps Saunders of Sycamore came Sunday to spend Christmas with his wifu and daughter in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr.. home. Mrs. John Woodward and sons and Miss Marian Hawley spent Tuesday evening In the Andrew Hawley home at Fox River Grove. Mrs. Flora Harrison and Stanley Jepson spent Wednesday evening in the Wm. Hlarrisou home at Round Lake. Mr. and Mss. C. Ik Harrison were Elgin visitors Wednesday evening. Wm. Claxton and John Dreymiller of McHenry were visitors In the George Shepafd home Thursday morning. MrB. Lonnie Smith spent Friday with her father-in-law^ S. W. Smith'. Harold Jepson of Dundee Called on his mother. Mrs. Ben Walkington, Wednesday afternoon: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low were McHenry visitors Thursday evening. Mrs. John Blackman and children of Antioch spent Monday in the Dr. Wm. Hepburn home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr;; spent Friday afternoon iu the Jack Lenard home at Lake Geneva. Butchie Lenard came home The Sunday school and school children held a joint program in the church hall Sunday evening. Due to the weather the program which was to have been Fridayevening was postponed until Sunday evening. Old Santa was there lo greet the children. Marian and Franklin Block of Longview, Texas, spent Wednesday and Thursday wtfth their Happy New Year ^ Friends! IF ITS WORTH DOING it's Worth Doing Righl with them to spend the *WHftd and "Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington and family spent Sunday in the Frank Walkington home at LJbertyville. Miss Marian Peet of Elgin is spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Lena Peet Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hoppec. of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley of Fox River Grove spent Saturday with their father, S. W. Smith. Mrs. Hopper and Mrs. Hawley remained to take care^of their father, who fell in his home Thursday night and «ut his head very badly. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith of Pistakee Bay and Mr. and Mrs. John W. Smith viBited their father, S. W. Smith, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ramaker and family of Thor, Iowa, are spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington and family enjoyed a Christmas gathering of the Benoy families at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Benoy at Woodstock, Saturday evening. Their father, Edwin Benoy, of Clarkston, Wash., came and surprised them tod will spend Christmas here. - Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lovelette and son Gordon, of Chicago came Sunday to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank. HAPPY NEW YEAH Ifhere it No Substitute Tor Good Plastering. fPhone McHenry 411-R stroke -- ctf midnight on t-r- may your new year be bright with happiness and good health* Happy Neil Y e a r! ' Schrciner's Standard Service W. McHenry i&l i ' GEO. COLLETTE. Owner 103 Riverside Drive McHenry, I1L Mr. and Mrs. 01*41* *64 mtgkft U ftttttir Park came Sunday to ftfr+na Cfhfistmas with Mr. and Mrs. CUytob Brute. Mr. and Mrs. CUyton Bruce and family, Pvt. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman and Mr. and Mrs. Grnville Carlson and daughter spfent Sunday afternoon in the Axel Carlson home in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams and family were supper guests' Sunday of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Condon, at Richmond. FINANCE JOB Governor Adlai E. Stevenson has appointed Carl Kresl of Hinsdale as state purchasing agent in the Department of Finance. KreBl was a top purchasing agent for Sears, Roebuck and company until bis retirement last year. He will fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of David H. Cummlngs last Oct 1. ftliftt fritter For Albert Watsoft i J Albert Henry Watson, 84, a McHenry resident for many years, died at Hartland on Wednesday, Dec. 1* The deceased was born Feb. 2, 1867, and for many years owned and operated the Snug Harbor tavern on East River Road. He also sold real estate in this community for a number of years. There are no immediate survivors. The time of services are indefinite as the Plaihdealer goes to press. They will be in McHenry on Friday morning, followed by burial in St. Patrick's cemetery. The body now rests at the Georgto Justen A Son funeral home. Complete line of Lee's poultr> remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 8ti BARBER SHOPS bo.Closed Saturday's at 6 P.M. .Effective January 1, 1952 U kl fruits £ !\T » V.' McHENRY LUMBER CO, 611 Mmln StW#; . ."f~ McHenry J1L PERSONALS Miss Marie Paprocki la enloy^ ing the holiday vacation with her family in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey spent Christmas eve in Crystal Lake, where they saw Santa visit their grandchildren, the family of Dr. and Mrs. Jack Purvey. Mr. %nd Mrs. Frank Rossi and sons of Pell "Lake spent Chr^tmas day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox. ' . ' . Subscribe for The Plalndotlf » • . ***»% • . v " • ••.• t ' A. v_ TAVER" N J-'rtf>*•S.*>!. R1 2/5Z •J", " Rinowood* minnla • ' f . , ' ,r" mm < Monday, December fravor* --- Free Turkey Sandwiches "v $ 'i, GREETINGS First a sincere "Thank You" For your friendly patronage which has contributed r greatly to our welfare during the past year* *, - f '•Wy _ Then a cordial wish' •• • For: a joyful Yuletide and a Prosperous New Year - HELLO FOLKS" FOX LAKE. ILLINOIS Paul and Marie BarteU We re wTsfiTng alf the good things we con; think of for you -and your loyed ones and friends next yeoc CHEVROLET SALES 204 Elm Street McHenry, IIL 4 i To one iiHi ttll of «eur 0(NnI. friends : ^^$0^ •• • t CLAIRE Beauty Shop 200 Green Street McHenry, 111. v PANTRY DELICACIES RIVERSIDE DRIVE McHENRY. PHONE 754 i 1 » fo our friends, end best of oil/ good wishes M'-iS OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC R. L OVERTON MOTOR SALES FRONT STREET McHENfiY. ILL. hp QUALITY ASSORTMENT OF Wines & Liquors for y NEW YEARS FAMOUS BRANDS W H I S K E Y IMPERIAL .................. 5th $3.84 CENTURY CLUB 5th tiN SCHENLEY RESERVE 5th $4.30 FOUR ROSES ========;... 5th $4A3 SEAGRAM'S 7-CROWN 5th $4.30 P. M. 5th $3^3 KENTUCKY BRED 5th $4.34 WALKER'S DELUXE • • • 5th $&3S OLD GRAND-DAD 5th $7.19 CANADIAN CLUB ........,i.........i............ 5th $5.99 CLUB COCKTAILS READY - MIXED HEUBLEIN'S DRY MARTINI HEUBLEIN'S MANHATTAN ...... HEUBLEIN'S SIDE CAR HEUBLEIN'S OLD FASHIONED $3.94 $3.94 $4.00 $4.07 S C O T C H "ALL THE BEST BRANDS" VAT - WHITE HORSE - TEACHER'S JOHNNIE WALKER 9 THE WORLD'S FINEST W I N E S Gin rtfl an «m* WELCH'S SWEET WIN* 5th SB MANISCHEWITZ MALAGA WIN^ .Ot. $1.25 MOGEN DAVID .. 5th $1.09 ITALIAN SWISS SHERRY S& .79 PETRI PORT ........... ....... 38 PADRE PORT . .......... Va-gaL $1.98 9 MARCA PETRI WINE - Vt GALLON -- OALLON $1.25 $2.25 1 BitltTf* 5Hj <• BOLGER'S