W: - **• * * «• Section Tito Page Font V! TOE McHENRY PLAINDEALEI^ T* ?.?? .7^" 'vj r ,. . V*" ** * ' ' '*' •, "" 7\ i *' Wc% ^ f i&*Fr ft •• •" * "• • < X - • : " >rr «.< ' . •* >• mSnttt ,January IS, 1953 Highlights Of '52 Sports Events Occurring In This Community h : $\ Jaitraty "We first-plBCr^Marei^o --five Tne Warrior basketball team,' 75-73 in two overtime periods. Wider Coach Fulton, were giving Ron Fcrd sank 29 points. John the crowds a thrill with a fast Lawrence sank the winning basfltyle of play even if their record wasn't too good. S.I.H. promised himself to get * record book for birthdays, anniversaries, etc. (He didn't). Jack Pepping was reporting Warrior games and doing a bang-up job. He was happy in reporting a 61-37 win over DelftVan that put McHenry in second place in the Swani Loop. Bill Peschke was given a byline and column, for reporting MCHS Wrestling matches. The Crystal Lake Cageii? beat Hebron's great team and it was -the talk of the sports world. Jabber Young, well known to McHenry boxing fans, passed away. , Mike Mergen, MCHS graduate, was drafted *by the Chicago Cardinals. The Forester bowling tournament ended with Connie Miller's 676 taking the singles. Dick Rosilig and "Honky" Miller won the doubles with M65 with Joe Hiller 'and Leo King not far behind. Huppy Smith's 1703 actual |>ins copped the all-events. The Warriors came out of a slump and were ridin' high with victories over Whitewater and Harvard. . 1 McHenry's J.V. team was in first plaoe. Jack had an amusing story on their 14 to 11 win at Whitewater. February It must have been the game of the year as the Warriors beat start. ket. Nice things were said ana written about all the boys--Huemann, Johnson, Aim, Bolger and Baldwin. The weather was fine and a report came in that golfers were seen on the Pistakee course. A "600 Club" was reported to include such stellar bowlers as Vic Johnson, George M. Freund, Bill Kreutzer and Hans Behnke. The Fulton boys looked not so good at Lake Geneva, but mad# us forget with a fourth period spree that beat Woodstock. Thomas F. Bolger ^boldly >pre dieted that the Warriors would beat Crystal Lake in the regional. Jake Stoffol thought maybe. Wrestling11 was new at MCHS, but Coach Wheeland's boys were enthusiastic. A team victory at. Oswego had the boys pepped up and ready for action. "Anonymous" let us down for thr^e weeks, but came back. Much speculation as to identity. (S.I.H. didn't know and still dcesn't). v March . Frank Kempfer's cherry tree was in blossom. (That's r what the man said), A new Shamrock came to gladden the home Of the Bill Bolgers. The State C.O.F; Basketball Toyrney was held in McHenry again and got off to a great NEW TINSTONE TIRE PUUS THROUGH WHIN OTHER TIRIS SPIN! Photo Above Shows Car Equipped with Town & Country Tires Going Up Incline, Passing Stalled Cars Using Ordinary Snow Tires # < vt'.fwM.ji Bobby Walters and J o h n 'Lawrence, playing their last home game, showed the way as the MCHS cagers beat Grays lake 62-59. The C.O.F. tourney was packed with colorful programs each week. Crystal Lake beat McHenry in 'he regional at 'Elgin. Hebron squeezed by Elgin in a re^l thriller to win the meet. After pondering the fact that schools show a lack of interest in the out-of-t own, visiting "woiking press" (you pays your way and you goes to work), S.I.H. had this to say afoout Elgin where the treatment was very fine: "We found the Elgin school authorities to be very nice people in their treatment of the press. They weren't tossing tickets around, but acted like they were expecting us." Hans Behnke bowled a 279 game and missed a perfect game by a wiggle. S.I.H. was invited to a •= Republican dinner and wanted "Mcse" to know about it. Johnsburg won the title in th>? heavyweight division of the Forester State Tourney/ McHenry landed seven teams in the money in the ladies county bowling tournament. C.D.A. took first place. Hebron won the state tournament at Champaign and everybody went wild. April S.I.H. bragged about his methods of escaping the flu--then spent several days in beddrinking all sorts of liquids not of his choice- and listening to soap operas. T^ie bowling season was drawing to a close and up pops Ai Blake with 600 plus series. Howard Wattles" predicted that the White Sox would win the pennant, but wanted to take it all back--after spring training reverses. Baseball, tennis and golf schedules came out of MCHS, showing the vfide selection of sports offered our high school students. Baseball camps were busy. The Judson twins would play with the Shamrocks. John McCarthy and George Duesler caught a whopper down at St. Petersburg and somebody sent a picture. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Karls saw the White Sox opener. --George Johnson and Jim Downs won the doubles in the Old Timers league--a n d were happy! , May Jim Jackson turned inreports of Coach Mac's baseball team winning over Barrington and Giant. •< Andy McCarroll burned up the Palace Alleys in winning the Sweepstakes. The Johnsburg Tigers opened with * a 14-5 win over the Sham* rocks and you got the idea that they were the team to beat in the county league. "Muggs" pulled a good one on Leo Gerasch. Phoned for a plumber-- real quick. Leo reached down and got caught in a mouse trap. Ed Doyle pitched his arm and heart: out „ for the Merchants against Woodstock. Had to withdraw in the ninth and see his team lose 4 to 0. Dick Smith was back on the sport page. Ladies Day was started at McHenry Country Club--each Tuesday. Willie Klapperich pitched a no-hit, no-run game as the Tigers trounced the McHenr^ Merchants. There were baseball games all over the county and all over your sport page. Can't list 'em all. June As a' follow-up of the Junior Sports program, the McHenry Chamber of Commerce sponsored a baseball team of young play* ers between the ages of 12 and 17 years. The "Cap" Greenes caught muskies up near Sayner, Wisconsin. Martin B. Smith wrote to tell us what "Satchel" Paige told him--the St. Louis Browns would win the penant. Charlie Hiller's homer beat Great Lakes 4 to 3 in a special game. Joe Jackson pitched. The McHenry Merchants won a ball game* (that was news)-- beat Spring Grove 3 to 1. "Muggs" wore a Truman blouse. The Pistakee Yacht Club was showing a lot of activity and sail-boat racing was popular. "S.B.C." took over while "S.I.- H." went fishing up in Wisconsin. Dar Granger saw to it that some fish didn't get away. July McHenry was the scene of the District baseball tournament," witli the Er.amrocks the host REPORT OF CONDITION OF McHENRY STATE BANK of McHenry, Tilings, n member of the Federal Reserve System, at the close of business on December 31st, 1952, published in accordancc with a call made by the Federal Reserve bank n; this district pursuant to the provisions of ^he Federal Reserve Act. ' -- ASSETS -------- 1. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection .. $1,317,442.72 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions .... 4. Other bonds, notes, and debentures .*..... 5. Corpoi«i« stocks (including $6,000.00 stock of Federal - Reserve bank) 6. Loans and discounts (including $1,306.40 overdrafts) 7. Bank premises owned $1.00, furniture and 'fixture* fi.ob 3,911,771.75 435,855.95 243,000.00 6,000.00 3,041,856.01 2.00 12. TOTAJ, ASSETS $8,955,928.43 team. Johnsburg beat the Shamrocks 6-5 in a 10-inning Semifinal tussle. Lake Forest beat the Tigers 3-0 in the finals. The Merchants were getting tough --beat Johnsburg 4-2. Dick Rosing's hit with bases loaded gave the Shamrocks a 4-3 win over Algonquin. It took 11 innings. John Dreymiller won a bicycle at the Legion Carnival. Richard Michels gpt a hole-inone at McHenry Country Club. They poured in from near and far to enjoy the Ninth Annual Hookey Day at* McHenry Country Club. The Tigers beat Algonqulh in 11 innings--6 to 4. Everybody starred. "Sonny" Miller pitched great ball and the Shamrocks (with younger players) are coming up strong.. August The Johnsburg' Tigers won the Illinois State Baseball Tournament, beating Elgin 2 to 1 in the final game. The Jackson brothers won most of the trophies after some great play. .The Malpede family members were gracious hosts as the Forester bowlers enjoyed an outing at the Pistakee Golf Course. Bob Switzer won the Hudson River outboard race and went on' to National championship honors. McHenry was proud. "Red" Winkel and Arnold Rauen played a lot of golf. 'Twas said they were out to reduce. Results were questionable. School vacation was "about over and every kid and his bi other got a. hair cut. September . Tbe^ Shamrocks were putting on a great bid for a spot in the county league play-offs. A 5-2 win over Woodstock kept 'em close. Bob ftlfCulla hit 3 for 3. Vernon Freund staged a comeback to win the Lions tennis trophy. Whew! The Shamrocks beat Algonquin 5* to 3 and had that county league in a knot. McHenry, Richmond and Algonquin played it off at Wing Park, Elgin. The Shamrocks looked not too good. Johnsburg won the rubber game from Richmond and went into the final play-offs vs. Algonquin. Football was off start at MCHS, but better were coming. October The Warriors upset the favored Whitewater eleven 6 to 0. John R. Schmitt brought word to a J poorbetter daw back from St. Louis that Martin was so sorry he couldn't invite us down for the World Series. The Warriors romped over Marengo 39 to 0 before the McHenry Homecoming crowd. A big fuss over a grqund rule broke up the Tiger ganie at Algonquin. Tom Huemann was. showing his heels to a lot of .would be tacklers. \ The weather was terrific as Johnsburg and Algonquin tried to play for the baseball championship. Finally called it a cochampionship. The basket-ball rule changers were at it again. Fred Mueller wrote from way down south in Georgia. And Joe Buqh wrote from Texas.". » The Warriors trounced |?ar- November Now we are getting close to the end of the year where the review shortens. After all, most of the events from this point on are still vivid in your memory. x Delavan won the Swani football title, putting on the clineher with a 34-13 win over the Warriors. The Warriors finished their last season of Swani play with a 5-3 record. lis W fershij^ Bill Bolger announced his tirement from the manage of the Shamrocks after years of*. faithful service. ' A large squad turned out for the high school wrestling team. Gil Mercure became official reporter. Coaeh Fulton's cagers beat Harvard 57-46 as the season opened. Turkey dinner with- the Timers at Johnsburg. Athletic banquet at high school. Busy week. The Warriors beat MareftC? 50-42. . •• "• . The famous Red Heads, girls' basketball team, were beaten by the Co-ops 42-39. The Hebron Green Giants beat MCHS 69-55 as their big fellow, Schultz, scored 27 points. , The Warriors were starting slow and finishing fast--too little too late. Woodstock's five beat McHenry 63-47 in the county tournament at Woodstock. Hebron won the title again. That's all there is--maybe not aft tahere was. We hit the high spots as usual. Sports activities continued at a merry pace during '52. But, '53 is on the way and we must be trotting along. NO OTHER SNOW TIRf 1 IKE IT. J • PULLS BETTER IN SNOW - N*w, widely spaced, slotted shoulder bars bite deep PULLS BETTER (N MUD - New, rugged shoulder design cleans automatically • GRIPS BETTER ON ICE - New, wide tread with sharp angles prevents skidding • STOPS QUICKER IN RAIN--New, angular slotted tread grips firmly PUT THEM ON YOUR REAR WHEELS TODAYI LIABILITIES 13. Demitiiu deposits of individuals, partnerships, and ^ • corporations $4,379,025.60 14. Time deposits of Individuals, partnerships, and cor- . porations !....... 3,550,886.48 1-5. Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 106,579.77 16. Deposits of States ahd political subdivisions ...... 349,791.37 18. Other deposits (certified ' and officers' checks, etc.) 62,421.95 19. TOTAL DEPOSITS $8,448,^05.17 23. Other liabilities 43,949.46 24. TOTAL LIABILITIES (hot including subordinated obligations shown below) $8,492,654.63 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 25. Capital* . ; $ 100,000.00 26. Surplus 100,000.01 27. Undivided profits ... 160.773.8C 28. Reserves (and retirement' account for preferred capital . . ty, 102,500.00 29. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS . $ 463,273.80 30. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $8,955,928.43 *This bank's capital consists of common stock with total par value of $100,000.00. CHAINS Truck - Tractor and Passenger Car S A V E $3 t o $ 5 We will give you from $3.00 to $5.00 for you*- MEMORANDA 31. Assets pledged or assigned to.secure liabilities and for other purposes - I . . . . . . • $ 274,500.00 I, Robert L. Weber, Cashier, of the above-named bank, hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ROBERT L. WEBER, Correctold battery on the purchase of a new one at our store. Special made tractor batteries. "**" -Attest: GERALD J. CAREY A. NYE, M.D. A N T I - F R E E Z E * 200 PROOF Tin Your Container, GAL. 98* i McHenry Tire ^Aart C. J. REIHANSPERGER Directors. OFFICERS Win. M. Carroll Gerald J. Carey ....... f . J. Reiliansperger ... Robert L. Weber . . . . . . . James E. Larkin ...... Wrrie E. Harrison ... . Thomas F. Bolger . • • Chairman of Board . . P r e s i d e n t ^ Vice-President Cashier . . . . . A s s t . C a s h i e r Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier llAIN STREET W. McHENRY PHONE 294 or 295-J / • WALT FREUND and BOB THURLWELL, Props. , OP** DaUir: 8 A. Si 'til 8 P. M. - Sundays W Noon y DIRECTORS William M. Carrol -- C. J. Reihansperger -- William A. Nye, Robert L. Weber -- Gerald J. Carey l^EMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION * 1952 D. U. NATIONAL CHAMPION 1952 M. C. H. S. FOOTBALL SQUAD JOHNSBURG TEAM STATE CHAMPS 1 7^'-- J