Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Feb 1953, p. 2

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^ '*' > -•_ 5»'„ i _» - - ^ WJ'Z THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Tlnnlir, February S. 1983 Woman's Club To Meet February is The McHenry Woman's club Will hold its next meeting on JTrtday, Feb. 13, at th.§. Legion Borne, the program to be announced at a later date. The committee in charge of the social portion of the meeting \yill Include the new officers: Mrs. Vaugh Jones, president; Mrs. Henry Smith, first vice-president; Mrs. Clyde Bailey, second vice-president; Mrs. Robert New* kirk, secretary; and Mrs. Norbert Mauch, treasurer. . jCbcto I Meets ;.|U Koch Residence y Circle 1 of the W. S. C. S. will Jtold its next meeting at the Some of Mrs. E. P. Koch at Johnsburg on Tuesday, Feb. 10. At 1 p.m. A» dessert luncheon will be served.. Adult Girl Semite #111 Meet Feb. 11 The Adult Girl Scouts will lK>ld a meeting in the Legion Home on Wednesday, Feb. 11, Starting promptly at 1 o'clock. Hostesses will be leaders and ttoop committee members J of troop 9. Miftoelianeoiu Shower Honors Faith Lang-worthy A miscellaneous bridal shower Aeld at the home of Miss Mary Kay Freund last Monday evening honored Miss Faith Langworthy, who will be a bride on Valentine's Day. Co-hostesses were Miss Jeri Einspar and Miss Shiela Day. v A social evening was enjoyed, after which lunch was served. Hie gift table was beautifully decorated with a h*ig|gK>ll which was attired in air* attractive dress of red and white and a heart-shaped hat in the same colors. The centerpiece was the Work of Mrs. Hattie Einspar. Guests included Rita Bolger, loan Freund, Joan Nell, Mary Stole Gerasch, Doris Ann Justen Jean O'Brien, Joel Martin, Joan Mett, Marilyn Schmitt, Sally King, Marie Stoffel, Mrs. George Freund, Mary Unt} and Nancy -^Nelson. P. T. A. Saw Movie On Common Cold The Johnsburg P. T. A. met last week ii\ the school hall, .vhere Sister Lina showed movies on "Safety" and "The Common Cold." Sister Elsa'S room won the attendance prize. Mothers of fourth grade students were hostesses. , The next meeting is planned for Feb. 23. • . " Surprised On ' ;; ••• 40th Anniversary v';" - __ Mr. and Mrs. Nick M.. Justen, who observed their fortieth wedding anniversary last Thursday, Future Events Planned By OES Line officers enjoyed a potluck luncheon and meeting at McHenry oh Sunday, Feb. 1, when plans for coming events were discussed. Woodstock and Marengo will co-host the April 12 meeting. A number of coming events Were announced for the enjoyment of members and friends. On Feb. 25, Nunda chapter will hold a card party beginning at 1:30. Woodstock chapter announced a card party to be held on Feb. 6 at 8 p.m. McHenry officers "were honored and delighted with a good attendance, although . weather was not too good. The following were present: From Woodstock, Lillian Schroeder, worthy matron, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hutson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roper, Emma Eichoff, Mina Anthony and M. Householder; from Richmond, Jan. 29. were pleasantly surpris- «'• ">* Mr. Foley worthy paled by members of thi- family! ™ ™tro». Mr and nd friends that evening. Slowly:""- Walt" B»kul*. the couples began making their appearances early in the evening until the Justens became aware that these were not customary social calls. A few hours of cards were enjoyed, after which the honored couple was presented with gifts. A tasty lunch, brought by their friends, was served. In attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer JuRten -of Solon Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen, Mr. and Mrs. William Justen, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kennebeck and son, Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bauer and Mr.' and Mrs. Joe M. Freund. Prizes in cards were awarded Mrs. William Justen and Earl Kennebeck. HOBBY SHOW OF EDGEBROOK FIFTH GRADE SUCCESSFUL Walter Bakula, Elfrida Meisel, Mr. and Mrs. E. Horn, Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Osborne and Dwain Overton. William Wacin represented Marengo. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Klamen came from Harvard and also Ethel Boese. E. Hakinsson, worthy matron, and Hattie Brockrogge attended from Nunda. With Aeola Underwood from Mayflower came worthy matron E. Case, Mr. and Mrs. E. Icenogle and Hazel Scully. Lounsbury was represented by Mr. and Mrs? H. A. Davy and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Whittenberg and Algonquin by Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, Loeretta Goetze and Rose Bye. The following McHenry officers were in attendance: Edith Harrison, worthy matron; Ray Horenberger, Worthy Patron; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reicker, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dodd, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoeft, Margaret Kllngberg and Stephanie Waynne. The Auxiliary was well represented at the fifth district meeting which was held Sunday, Jan. 18, at Dundee. Those who attended were Betty Clark, Helen Low, Angela Brown, Lina Kilday and Lorraine Schwertfeger. All reported a most enjoyable meeting. Jan. 21, quite a few ladies were present at the Downey hospital. They say the card tables which were donated by The Auxiliary at Christmas time werp well received and are enjoyed by the patients. The committee for this party included Paula Harrison, Marilyn Phalin, Kathryn Bolger, Shirley Kunde, Elizabeth Thompson, Louise Smith, Agnes O'Brien, Pauline Pries and Tina Morrison. The regular Auxiliary meeting was held Jan. 26, at which many items of importance were discussed, including the bazaar that is to be held March 19. A social hour was held after the meeting, at which prizes were given. A delicious buffet supper was served by the hostesses of the evening, Jeannette Vance and Lillian Miller. I-M HUM MM HIHM I I I * PERSONALS frM 111 i'l 'l 'l"! I 1 1 I • I I Relatives and friends gathered it the Ben Bauer home last Sunay evening to honor the couple $n their thirtieth wedding jyinl- Versary. Preseht to enjoy the social evening, which was concluded by the serving of lunch, were Mr. <*nd Mrs. John Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kennebeck, Mr. and, JIrs. Joe L. Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. oe M. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. George J. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Math Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Mauch, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wilde, Jr., the Misses Frances •nd Carolyn Bauer, Mrs. Annie Bauer and Miss Doris Bauer. Prizes for cards were merited by Mrs. Math Adams, Miss Frances Bauer and Mrs. Annie Bauer of Waukegm. The fifth grade room at Edge-, brook school,, of which Mrs. Eleanor Foley is teacher, presented a hobby show recently, with the following interesting exhibits: Baseball cards, George Ensign; stamps, Robert Haug; shells. Karyn Lombardi and Diane Fritzche; rocks, Henry Houck; doll collection, Karen Kralowetz, Joyce Eckstein and Karen Bailey; scrap books, Me-1 linda Scarbrough and Dorothy Pope; model cars and planes, Frank Stetson; clay modeling, Janet Brown and Dale Wetzel; Mexican souvenirs, John Olson; baseball and war cards, John Jones; badge collection, Dorothy Pope. Dale Wetzel displayed a doll that was twenty years old. The show was reported as a f ne success, with a great number of visitors from other rooms in the school. The fifth grade also reports that Wilson Radio and T. V. installed a television set in the playroom for the inauguration, which was much enjoyed. CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this opportunity to thank friends, neighbors and organizations for the many kindnesses extended in our time of trouble. We are especially grateful to the fire department, Red Cross, Salvation Army, Methodist church. Veterans of Foreign Wars, Hosiery Mill, Telephone company and Public- Service. 39 HAROLD MORRIS AND FAMILY jEntertaJned Bridge Club Tuesday Night » Miss Rita Martin entertained members of her bridge club at her home on Main street Tuesday evening. Prize winners were Mrs. Norbert Yegge, Miss Alice Craulke and Miss Martin., At the • dose of the evening a tasty lunch was served by Miss Martin and the assistant hostess, Mrs. Richard Hester. CARD OF THANKS The family of Miss Mary Ellen Fleming extend their sincere thanks to all Who gave spiritual bouquets, flowers, cards and for the many kindnesses extended her in her recent illness and to us in our bereavement. We are deeply grateful for the services of Fr. Coakley, Fr. Mc- Gowan and Fr. Blitsch. Subecrlbe ^ifor the Plalndealer o r e s special about • Unwswal ilyUi # (inert coler repredvctie*. 9 WMe rente eff prices Agatha Shop 110 S. GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILL. CURL SCOUTS ' Scouts of Troa|> 3 had their regular meeting Monday. The girls talked awhile, played games and then adjourned the meetii\g. Alice Sullivan, scribe DKESS UP your mail box with your name in beautiful block letters set in a graceful mounting. All in everlasting aluminum which can never rust or rot. Assembled while you wait; locked into a solid, permanent unit. Ends forever ugly band lettering and constant repainting. Inexpensive, too, and simple to install. BRACKET..*. $1.50 U1 VMS ' JMKIODS VYCITAL'S Hdwe. - Sheet Mclal Shop St. Phone 96 IN MEMORIAM In memorV of our dear aon and brother, Corp. Melvin H. Jones, killed in Korea Feb. 10, 1902. Sad and sudden was the call Of one so dear and loved by ali. * A bitter grief, a shock severe, To part with one we loved so dear. No one knows our heart aches, No one sees us weep; We have shed tears with aching hearts While others are asleep. £IOM, DAD, SISTERS *39 AND BROTHERS Playtex Baby Products Wattles Drug Store McHenry, 111. .0-tt Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Adams have been spending a few weeks on a vacation trip to Florida. Sunday guests in the Nick B. Justen home were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kaelin of Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wickard of Woodstock and Gary and Keith Hunt of Hartland. '• Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago .spent t)ie weekend with her mother, Mrs. Mollie Givens. Mrs. Frank Altman of Dearborn, Mich., accompanied her mother, Mrs. James Sayler, to McHenry last week after the latter had visited several months In the Altman home. Mrs. Sayler is at present convalescing at the Villa Rest Home, having suffered injuries in a recent fall. Miss Kathryn Kortendtck of Woodstock spent the ' weekend with her sister, Mrs; , John Bolger. * . Miss Dorothy Justen, R. N., of St. Anthony's hospital, Rockford, spent Sunday with her parents, the Nick M. Justens: Mr. and Mrs. William Justen and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Huffman of Wilmette left Feb. 3 for Hot Springs, Ark., where they will spend a two weeks' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wilde, Jr., have returned from a honeymoon trip to Glendale, Calif. Those from out of town who attended the funeral of Jesse Wormley last Saturday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. William Perkinson and Mrs. Lillian Peterson of ' Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hofmeier of Deetfield, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rett of Aurora and Mrs. Gertrude Schimmel and son-of Mendota, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Henn and daughters, Kathleen, Patricia and Maureen, attended the wedding of a relative, Bob Henn, at St. Gregory's parish, Chicago, recently. Miss Patricia Helm acted as maid of honor. Jack Wirtz spent a few days last week with 'his parents after, completing semester exams at the University of Illinois. Jack Justen, who is attending college in Chicago, enjoyed a few days vacation at bis home last week, ' Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff have returned from a three-week vacation trip to Long Beach, Calif., where they visited in the home of their daughter and sonin- Utw, Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wiater. While there they made the acquaintance of their new grandson, James William Wiater, 3 months old. James Althoff attended the Wisconsin State Hardware c convention held at' Milwaukee, Wis., on Monday. Miss Eva Unti resumed her studies at Lake Forest college on Monday of this week. She is a sophomore at the school. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin L. Freund have returned from a month's vacation trip through the west, with their destination Merced and Chowchilla, Calif. They enjoyed seeing Boulder Dam, Grand Canyon and most of the interest* ing spots in California. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen are MM* THE Wl!i 112 ML Elm Street McHenry 146 10% OFF i Spring Coats Are Coming In Every Day „_u 10% Discount on any coat in the store; • bought and paid fdr during February. THIS OFFER DOES NO? APPLY TO, LAY-A-WAYS. S Who Said Taxis I i J • Are A Luxury? j Add the cost of clean ing this man's rain- soaked clothes and youH agree door -to-door taxi actually saves money. A cab can help In a hundred different ways. When you need one, */ : •* • ; ( , CALL 723 McHENRY CAB «S*f! leaving Thursday tor Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. George Shelley and family of Wadswtrth, fa., were Syndic dinner guests of' Mr. and Mrs. James Powers. They helped Kathleen powers celebrate her fceventh birthday anniversary. Mrs. Helena Smalley, Mrs. Mary- Beatty and Mrs. Kate Sheldon attended the funeral of their niece, Mrs. Frances Engtslp Garson, at Rockford on Tuesday. Arthur Tomyan attended a sales clinic conducted for midwest dealers of a leading paint and varnish company at the Hotel Loraine la Madison, Wis., (on Feb. 2. / iJlHTHftf- Mr. and * Mrs. Kenneth Ebey 4re.. the parents of a daughter, born Jan. 27 at the Woodstock hospital. i+'i ii 1111 m m i n ni i n GONDiG EVENTS I ' l i i t ' i i t i i n i t » i m i i i » February 5 C. D. of A. Business Meeting Febmary 16 Circle 1, W. S. C. 8. -- JMrs. E. P. Koch Home, Johnsburg -- 1 P.M. O. E. S., Chapter 547 -- Initiation -- 8 f\M. -- Acacia Hall, ftotwuary 18 Woman's Club -- Legion Home .February If Regular , Meeting, Riverview Camp, R. N. A. -- K. of C. BfU February 11 Adult Girl Scout Meeting -- Legion Home Troop 9, BUSIEST WORKERS IN TOWN! PluAINDEALER WANT AM HI MtVtfflMr §MKUME DTK'S #H<T ft NPST4 YQtf These are loans we make, at low cost, to help people in this area to buy homes. A borrower "pays off" bis mortgage in once-a-month installments, arranged in terms that suit his particular budget When you finance your home through us, you repay conveniently .. . and reach full home ownership within a definite tim|. torn la (or details Jbout our mi, economical mortgage piap. McHENRY STATE BANK IJPBMBBR FEDERAL RESERVRE SYS1 MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM nfngREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSIT PHONE 1040 '•Wi" wtnjMI Suddenly...w i t h THERE'S a big story io the price of thft beauty--but an even bigger what you gst for that prioe. You get the highest horsepower and compression ratio ever engineered into this Buick Series--from the extra-thrifty F-263 Fireball 8 Engine newly designed for this Golden Anniversary SPECIAL. You get an even wider front seat than this roomy Buick had before--plus a new tilt-away feature that means easier inand- out. You get real big-car comfort, from d*4p, soft cushions with new zigzag type springs in botl) the seats and the backs. You get the steady going pad the sweet handling ease that come of a still fine# Million Dollar Ride. Steering ratio is ia» creased. Front wheels have been brought to zero-caster. And here, of course, you. get coil springs on each wheel, full-length torque-tube drive, rigid and massive X-braced frame--ride features you get in no other car at the price, k But--you get the idea.. '* « And when you realize tfetrtfte^ure on this big, brawny, beautiful Buick SPECIAL is just a few dollars more than you'll pay for one of the so-called"low-priced three" --we're sure you'll say:" This is for me!'* Cbme in and try it out--then tell us if ipe're wrong of right. r Ttltvhion trtot -1h? BUICK CIKCUS HQW-T «vf ry low* Tut*** reme YOUR SEARCH IS ENDED1 MAX Factor bring* yew •mooth, feather-light makeup and faultless finish applied with a pufH , Creine Puff is a new kind of make-up ... a creamy blend of aiakc-up baae and face powder applied with a puff. Smooths on like powder . . . stays on like cream. Oreme Puff covers imperfections lightly, never flakes, cakes or turns Otangey. It's everything you need t&r a perfect complexion ... in one * -precious compact. ^ In hinged mirror compact... Carry il icith you everywhere! •1 25 . plua torn Chooee from these shade*; s Truly F»ir (fait^ Tempting Touch (natural) Candle Glow (medium) Gay Whisper (deep natural) Suu Frolic (fan) 12255 88 Off) Ail#" 5) THE 9HEWES1 IN SO 6REAT YEAR* BOLGER'S DRUG STORE WH|N tITTIR AUTOMOWUS AU 1UUT BUICK Will MILD TH«M im » i v Cater GENCJUl MOTOKS , 4t$94000 SETTER HIGHWAYS CONTEST. S-- Your Buick Dtohr far conHtt blanlcs and full information 103 S. Grays StiMf : PHONE 40 McHenry, 111. R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES M t 403 FROMT STREET PHONE 6 ' 'McHENRY, ILLINOB

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