McHENRY sad SATURDAY FEB. 20 S 21 GRAND OPENING SATURDAY, Feb. 2<P FAVORS SPORTING GOODS . ,, PRIZES Mrtoh'A 1 ^ •y fnawBauy marine supplies 118 S. GREEN 8TREES| " ^fcHENRY, ILL. DOLLAR DAY VALUES " AT - £*&.f ' • - -• ^ Betty Nielsen's RAYON * •' PANTIES 7 2 for $|00 NYLON1 •• • "I PANTIES "2 *°r 1®o ^ S L I P S $200 v - R O B E S a . i ' $5 - $8 • *10 GLOVES ; $|°0 . B R A S 2,or $|oo tFURSE^ $200 DRESSES $5$8-H0 Brushed Hayon ; # GOWNS and PAJAMAS $300 121 RIVERSIDE DRIVE MclttSflY, ILL. gJLTJg,'-!_1 -•« 1SLML ACE HARDWARE ^ ; W; BJORKMAN & SON lid RIVERSIDE DRIVE McHENRY, tLL. "ACE SETS THE PACE" •yK.-J' ADJUSTABLE -V/'. FLOOR JACKSt-ttt- *7.95 EXTRA SPECIAL* 10-Qt. GALV. PAIL r - : - *9* STEP LADDEK 5 ft. - Steel Rod Support *3.79 CUTLERY TRAY , with Tableware Set *4.95 h -"' -» ; ALL STEEL IRONING TABLE $5.98 VI 6 FOOT • ;v ZIG-ZAG RULE 59* ADJUSTABLE Window Ventilators •: -59V. FLASHLIGHTS 2 Cell - Without Batteries 59* - LUNCH KITS ' with Pint Vacuum BolUs 1.98 i 1 INCH HARDWOOD TOILET SEATS *3.99 • RUBBERMAID BISH DRAINEi ACE Self-Polishing Wax 89* WHISTLING TEA KETTLE 79* STOP * WASTE ~ VALVES 7 H-in. 'Wheel Handle - 81c 94-in. Wheel Handle • 98c PARING KNIVES 2 25* 8-Qt. COMBINET 98^ GRAND OPENING RIVERSIDE MANUFACTURING CO. ' / * NOT INC. 200 N. Riverside Drive (at old bridge) TELEPHONE 39 21 • F R E E ! Novelty Lapel Yarn Doll to Everyone j FACTORY SECONDS SLACKS from 98C T. S235 FIRST QUALITY GIRLS SLACKS 7 t» 14x 1185 * ' (Regular $3.98 Retail) r FIRSTS and SECONDS 98< AMD OP - FIRST QUALITY LADIES SLACKS Sizes 10 to 20 Varsity Maid . $298 Strutter . . . $A2S Houndsiooth Check S/I7S and Heavy Gabardine nS Pari Wool Small Plaid \ $575 I Special Purchase of this fabric enable* us to offer you this wonderful value of . .. FIRST QUALlf* BOYS' SLACKS WOOL TWEED Sizes S to 7 $2^® cach (Regular 1^4.98 Retail)" FACTORY IRREGULARS SLACKS r. «4* FIRST QUALITY _ BOYS' and GIRLS' SLACKS Good Sturdy Gabardine Sizes 3 to 7 *289e». ADORABLE PLEATED SKIRTS For Little Square Dancers Gay Patch-quilt Percale - Sises 3-«x $1^® cadi Made To Sell for $2.95. STORE HOURS: Daily from 9 aon. to 6 pJtn Fridays fron} 9 a.m. to 9 p.nfe* Sundays 'til Noon These Who Love To-Sew REMNANTS OF ALL KINDS A FULL' SELECTION of * SKIRTS #• 5TEFFAN S SPECIALS SINGLE STRAND PEARLS EARRINGS reg. $1.50 to $4.95 .... ...i.... WALLETS values to $4.50 ... Men's TIE BARS reg. $1.83 ROSARIES values to $5.95 Leather Watch Bands values to $2.00 B R A C E L E T S v a l u e s t o $ 2 . 5 0 . ^ SCATTER PINS reg. $1.50 Rings • Crosses - St. Christopher Money Clips ^ Ball Point and Regular Pens IMPORTED SWEDISH GLASSWARE . .. ea. $1.00 GREETING CARDS reg. $1.20 10 for $1.00 $2.00 BUYS * FRIENDSHIP RINGS - PENS - "WALLETS WATCHBANDS - COMPACTS -H.,;, 1| | 1|| || g | H 11 1 I II I I I H H H I I H 1 Reg. $7.95 Telechron Clock $3.95 Reg. $16.95 Bracelets ....... $10.00 Reg. $8.95 Ladies ' • ' Watch Bands .... $4.48 Musical Powdfl# Boxes........ $1.00 off $5.00 off on limited Watches DCr^DnC 5 ,or *100 -- "78" • S*for $1.00 IVCUVllWV $1.00 Off on "78" Album* STEFFAN'S JEWELRY & RECORDS 128 MAIN STREET McHENRY, MEN'S S08' S. OREEN STREET JACKETS 331/3 sr $35 Jackets - $21.88„ DOLLAR DATS ONLY! I 100% Wool po^aay * •< y'0 SHIRTS $10.95 to $15.00 Values $650 & $99S Odds - Ends SWEATERS % ™ Vi"" 9S.96 - $9.95 Sweatofs!» ' $4.95 • • '• All Wool Sport Shirts > Some Half Price $4.9S A $5.95 Value! ; $2» Dras Wool GLOVES Stadium Type $4.60 & $4.95 Values'*;^ $295 Odd White Shirts ; '• Sorrow - Manhattan H "*13.95 to $4.50 Values ^2.59r "xs 2 lot $435 .t. .(• •>»•» •» •» 1 H 111 HI 1 • I m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i n H M11 •*; -I f-' , J f .* l-T DOLLAR DAY VALUES At ALTHOFF'S HARDWARE E X T R A SPECIAL : * 1 <E>|I DAINT 59 ea. Including Cover DOLLAR DAYS ONLY! WALLPAPER DISCOUNT On All Slock Paptr We have jusj; received our New 1953 Stock Paper and, will offer them at this Special. DOLLAR DAYS ONLY! PAINT BRUSHES Long Bristle 'Hfctra Fine Quality 2Vfe Inch iUi, J - y 11 11 - We have triel «v nMke thin one of the best Value- Wise Dollar Days In our history. Many of the items are listed below cost. On this ad are just a few of our many bargains. ^ CHIEF fp PAINTS SATIN ILL FINISH PAINT MARVEL oj thm AftS* Ut* SMARTEST COLORS of iU 5^' DOLLAR DAYS ONLY! TOM THUMB ENAMEL Reg. 25c Qc j ea. DOLLAR DAYS ONLY! Slnooth as silk! Rich as velvet! Gives you today's smartest colors in a super-beautiful, satin-sheen finish wit(i a velvety, hand-rubbed appearance. Cpvers most painted surfaces perfectly in one coat. It's Rubberized! Highly resistant to scuffs, lenockv water and other liquids. A tough, tight-sealed film that wears and wears and washes over and oyer. Ready To Use! Extra easy to apply. Just stir it and start painting. Flows on like smooth cream. Use even a wide brush--or roller coat or spray it on. Dries In 20 Minutes! in just ONE hour or less drapes and pictures can be rehung and the room used again. No irritating odor. For Walls and Woodwork! Goes beautifully over all wall surfaces, including wallpaper and concrete-- also wood trim. Comes in Shrimp, Wedgewood, Sable, Tuslc Ivory, Iceberg Green and other latest decorator colors. Extra Wasltablel Dirt can't "dig into" the tight-sealed film. Grease, grime and fingermarks are quickly and safely washed o£L OUTSIDE WHITS HOUSE PAINT Good Quality Stock Up Now For Your •pring Painting Neei^^ Reg. $4.25 gal* »2"-L • DOLLAR DAYS ONLY! PAINT SPRAYER Complete with Compressor, 25-ft. of Hose and Vint Line Gun. Reg. $34.95 '22" DOLLAR DAYS ONLY! 4 FOOT •nnpr DOLLAR DAY Reg. $1.45 Of^ 80W STEP LADDER Blue Ribbon Quality J2« DOLLAR DAYS OMSK Limited Quantity DOOR MATS 8> •£" Good Quality. ' Reg. $1.75 m DATS 501 Main Street -PS**- "McHenry County's Leading Hardware" i" • 'k.-' •' "i-,; " y> ;; " • r-|