V"t mmIfSBl^ TV; ^»-/v ,>,1 ^ * * ,>t*? V^tT# JT*«,* *" """""* '"*".3' f"Y, i" '•'•#* ffiwae aSBS"®5ft 1-^c ./Sc "-f::, £• f*# v>*7>r ws TH£ McHENRY PLAINDEALER BUSINESS SERVICE HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE -•w&r&i tywrnrM^. *».' /Z-ltgtts % '; •> -V?. •;. .*'f Vi, ^ ^ McHenry Plaindealer t"1' t PublWwd every Thursday at i/.'/ -JMeHenry, III., by the McHenry i- JPublishing Company, T>u» -^' ~ m # NATIONAL E D I T O R I A L |AsgQC^TgN IW. BURFEINDT, Oen. Manager. f&DELE FROEHIJCH, Editor. 25 st: Plaindealer Want Arty | Jfo ads counted less than |words $1.00 minimum. 1 insertion .... $LO0 (Count 5 words per line) :! 25c service charge on all blind ads. Cash with order. ; : 2ard of Thanks .. $1.00 Minimum ; Want Ads close promptly at 10 ^um. Wednesday. SUBSCRIPTION RATE n*0 If •; Entered as second-class matter »t the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act ef May 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE GRAPHIC WEDDING CANDIDS ttiroughoat uve whole eventful day from njine, Church, Reception. Jn full album form. MAX F. KOLIN McHenry 566-W-l v CU«|o RA 6-6551 S-tt WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair aiM? install pump:. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone. 167. 26-tf FLOOR SANDING STANLEY J. FREUND Phone 649-M-2. . |5-tf KALFBLOAKK Piano Technician ; . •'""'••"ftepalslTg -- Tuning 90S Garfield Road. Harvard, HI. Phone 748-R V • • 87-tf REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS 1 .• Accessories ud Scat Covers ' •' COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY .•"••• 409 W. Elm Street \i Open Week Days 9 AM. TE . PJML Sundays 9 AM. to 1 PJK. 11-tf R SALE -- 1950 Packard Club 1951 Nash Ambassador r. Samsel and Meersman, 104 Pearl Str«*et, McHenry, Dl. 41 I fl»e Beet USED For Lee* CARS All Oars Reconditioned and Sold with Written Warranty $2»Dodge MeadoWbrook Sedan Low mileage plus extra special care. , .• .* • *2 -Dodge Coronet Club Ooupe ', New looks with used price. «L'Dodge Coronet 4-Dr. Sedan One of our better buys. •51 - Kaiser 4-Dr. Sedan Check this price before you buy. BUSINESS SERVICE -- Boat Storage and refinishing. Johnson Seahorse Sales and Service. All makes of motors repaired. Bill's Outboard Motor. 104ft 8. Riverside Drive. Mclivt ry 1076. 18-tf WANTED -- Down or crippled •attie. $20 to $60 cash. Call L. Burnside and Sons, Marengo 907, colleet. 39-tf DEAD ANIMALS--Highest Cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs, no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and Holidays. Call V,'heeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No, 3; reverse, charges. ' , • • 36-tf HELP WANTED -- Woman, to work in nursing home. Day or night shift. Room and board if desired. For information, call McHenry 461. 40-2 FOR SALE -- Good bright baled straw Phone 601-j-l. 41-2 HELP WANTED FEMALE -- Sewing machine operators. Experienced. Unexperienced - we will train you with salary. Steady employment. Pool rides obtainable. Next to Northwestern "depot. Magic Slacks, Inc. Box K, McHenry. > 38-tf HELP WANTED -- Indxtotrial nurse. Must be R.Nr Write Box 320, c/o McHenry 'Plaindealer. 40-2 : ILLINOIS BELL 3 TELEPHONE CO. !; "k friendly place to work"' Opening in pur McHenry Business Office for a poised, intelligent, young woman (18 to 26 yearn ?ld) who likes to meet the public. Good salary to start. Four raises 1st year. 40-hour week (Monday through Friday). If you want more than just a job, come in and discuss the advantage of a telephone career. See Mr. Wilburn, 101 Van Buren St., Woodstock - or call collect Woodstock 9995. 30-tf ATTENTION HOBBYISTS , ... - Ma carry a Complete LIB* of Hobby Supplies. See our Hobby Shop today. . FITZGERALD'S MEN'S SHOP 208 S. Green St. McHenry 41 LADIES -- If you would like to earn a new latest model automatic sewing machine by doing some simple spare time sewing in your own home. Phone Stuart K. Diggins, Woodstock 799-M in the evening or send card to 328 N. Madison street. *41-2 OUTDOOR MEN 17 to SO « . To Trim Trees. . Also Older Men For Ground Work. PHONE WAUCONDA 2238 or CART 264S 18-tf FOR SALE FOR SALE -ALUMINUM WINDOWS. The Wallfili Co., Leo Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 18. 48-tf FOR SALE -- New Hobart water softener, never been used. Please Call at Edw. Doran, McCullom Lake. Hickory Drive and Fountain Lewie. 39 HELP WANTED -- Girl experienced in bookkeeping, general office. Stenography desirable but not essential. State age, experience and salary desired. Write Box 274, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 9-tf WOMEN WANTED -- For light machine work; day shift, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Precision Twist Drill, Woodstock street, Crystal Lake. Crystal Lake 1144. 39-3 m • n-jl3 1 tfjTel. FOR SALE -- 1 White Embden HELP WANTED -- Silk finiaher. Gander. Home rendered lard by L/>cal Cleaners. Tel. McHenry 20. the gallon. Call 563-W-2. «41 41 -Dodge Coronet 4-Dr. Sedan One owner - Special 6are • Perfect. It « Chevrolet Tudor SedHj#.,. Beauty plus economy. v - Dodge Coronet 4-Dr. Sedan Looks and runs like new. '48 - Mercury Club Coupe i Excellent condition - Fine appearance. |<'0 • Plymouth Club Cbupe As neat and clean as they come. These and A Wide Selection of Others May Be Seen at A. A BLAKE MOTORS, Inc. McHenry 156 41 PRICED TO SELL*--'51 Chevrolet true*, 1-ton; 4-speed transmission; gflain body; 12,000 miles. Call 12 to 5 p.m. Sam Root, phone McHenry 518-W-2. 41 BUSINESS SERVICE FOR SALE--Year 'round COMFORT and ECONOMY with FIREPROOF Johns-Manville Home Insulation. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call Leo Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 18. 41-tf Retail Factory Outlet Store Women's, Girls' and Boys' Slacks- Dresses - Skirts - Blouses - Big Selection of Remnants. Also factory seconds.' RIVERSIDE MPG., CO., <at old bridge on Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. 41-tf FOR ^ALE--Kitchen table and 2 chairs, Duran red slats, youth bed, solid maple; drapes, spread and jAest, $40. % bed and ohest white |HEU> WANTED--Women - As iifoai for girl's room, $15. 2 HELP WANTED--Girl to work in cleaning establishment. Local Cleaners. Phon^ McHenry 20. 41 W A N T E D " Laboratory assistant in our control' department. Knowledge of chemistry essential. , See us Monday thru Friday 8 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. EDWAL LABORATORIES, Inc. Ringwood, 111. TteL Wonder Lake 2411 41-2 ideal lamps with shades. Call 676-M-2 after 5 P. M. Fridays. 41 MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home. Piano and Piano Accordian. Clarinet and Saxophone ' EARL P. KOCH Phone Pistakee 633-M-l --;Hr- '• ft-tf " PIANO TUNING Also for sale high grade SpineTf* pianos, overhauled upright pianos. Prompt ftarrk*. C. J. H. Diehl, phone 208-17, Woodstock, DL 51-tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Tool and Dio Shop, fully equipped, for rent. Located in Spring Grove, Illinois. Good opportunity to start business with little money. Write Box 318, c/o Plaindealer. 40-tf FOB SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes, Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltx, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf GARAGE DOORS WOOD SECTIONAL Residential, ~ ammercial or Industrial -- Standard or Specially De- »ign«L / KEN LEJBACH Sales. .Installation and Service McHenry 1187-B 14-tf BUS. SERVICE -- Interior Painting and Paper Hanging. All work guaranteed. Free Estimates. Tel. 525-M-2. 35-tf FOR SALE^-3 piece maple modern sectional; maple drum table; 2 maple end tables; 1 maple coffee table; 1 7-cu. ft. Westinghouse refrigerator; 2 piece maple bed and dresser set; small rug, flowered pattern; used cedar chest and other household articles. Can be seen only Sunday at McCullom Lake. Call 603-M-2. 41 FOR SALE -- Kitchen set, table and 4 chairs. Phone 953. 41 HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE Moving to California. Complete house furnishings, tools, etc. Very reasonably priced. Kinkella • Log Cabin on lake front, West Shore Beach, McCullom Lake. S8-tf FOR SALE--Magic Chef, 6 burner gas range, used very little. Frigidaire, 6 cu. ft. less than 3 years old. Call 1010. 41 sistant silk finisher or experienced finisher on silks and wools, to work in McHenry's leading cleaning plant. Top wages, pleasant working condition with friendly people. Apply in person to Dan Creamer, Rainbow Cleaners, North Front Street, McHenry. 41 WORKERS REVOLT against oldfashioned board-stiff work shoes that dry even stiffer. Now they insist on WOLVERINE SHELL HORSEHIDES -- buckskin-soft to start, dry out soft, stay soft always. Just the same they're so amazingly tough they actually cost less to wear -- much less. Get the whole story at Fitzgerald's. FITZGERALD'S MEN'S SHOP • 208 S. Green Street McHenry, 111. ' 41 N O T I C B SSFXIING OUT -- Due tb'ilttesi which forces me to sell my franchise for this county, I am offering at wholesale prices, my whole stock of brand new Water Softeners. TTiese are fully guaranteed for 10 years and will be serviced I (tf ever needed) by factory repre- j WANTED -- Experienced couple REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Near Johnsburg - All year 'round homes. $2,000.00 cash down buys 4 room home, 7 years old, full price, $8,200.00. Also 5 rooms, garage, large lot. Bice location, river rights, price $9,000. For appointment call our office in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ - REALTORS Tel. McHenry 37. 36-tf C R A 1 N A U C T I O N Ed Vogel and William H. Russel, Auctioneers --: REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I Apartments/ brick, 1-3 and 2-4 1 ooms, only 2 years old, near church, school and shopping district in McHenry. Income $220.00 per month. Price $26,500.00. For appointment call our office in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ - REALTORS TeL McHenry 37 36-tf FOR SALE--2-car garage; 18x20, 2 overhead doors, new root. Can be seen next to 113 E. Waukegan Rd. Cost of moving, $75 to $100 placed on foundation. Call 985 after 6P.lt • 41 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED We have cash buyers (or yon homes, summer homes, farms, aad business properties. We can sell your property If your price is right. JACOB FRITZ --REAL ESTATT In Johnsburg TeL McHenry 37 27-tt sentatives. All latest model, singletank, automatic-regenerating units in baked on white enamel. From $83.00 to $168.00 discounts off regular retail prices. Available in si* sizes and two types. Free installation with all remaining softeners. This brand is approved by the government for F.H.A. 6% financing and can be had for a small down payment and as little as $5.00 per month. Phone Elgin 349 evenings or Saturdays and Sundays for further information. 41 HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- A beautiful home overlooking Fox River. Large parlor, recreation room. This home must be seen to be appreciated. Price $28,500.00. JACOB FRITZ - REALTORS In Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 37 Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois 35-tf FOR SALE--8 room modern; gas heat; 2-car garage with 20x30 ft. work shop on 2^ acres of ground. Located within city limits; near schools and business district. Acreage suitable for subdividing. Will sell furnished or unfurnished. Priced for quick sale by owner. 909 So. Green street. Phone 51-J. 39-tf for restaurant and tavern operator. Ideal spot in McHenry County. Salary and share of profits. Write Box 323, c/o Plaindealer. 41 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY-- Pop price paid fof inn, msttls Snd Junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone McHenry 563-R-l. 3$-tf WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT OR BUY Five room house. Willing, to pay small down payment. Desire to locate within city limits only. Phone: Wauconda 5388 35-tf F B E U X D A U C T I O N Ed Vogel and William Russel, 1 Auctioneers with garage and screen porch; immediate possession. Tel. McHenry 511-R-l between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. 39-4 HELP WANTED -- Man to, learn off-est printing. Experience desirable but not necessary. Opportunity to learn photographic plate' making. Paid vacation and sick' leavf. Phone Crystal Lake 1950 for appointment. 41 LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE--1 8-room house, on acre of ground, outside city limits. LOST -- 1 small child's Mexican i Automatic hot water heat. Pricc FOR SALE Chfawshllla Breeding Stock . Ribon Winners N.C.B.A. Graded DotAle R Chinchilla Ranch R.F.D. No. 1, Crystal Lake, 111. Phone Crystal Lake 99 41-4 PRICED TO SELL -- Blackhawk trench digger with blade, on Ford tractor, like new; used 30 hours. Call 12 to 5 p.m. Sam Root, phone McHenry 513-W-2. 41 FOR RENT shoe purse, containing blue rosary and monearSSfpder may keep money. Call Suzanne Kauss, 962. 41 MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL Friday and Saturday Wash Job 99c - with a lubrication and oil" change. WAHL'S SHELL SERVICE Rts. 31 & 120 202 Elm St. McHenry, 111. 41 Having rented my farm for cash, I will sell the following described property on my farm located in the Northeast city limits of McHenry on the West side of the river on the old Johnsburg Road, on Thursday, Feb. 26, 1953 starting at 1KW o'clock sharp "*1 FOR SALE-Two bedroom some fresh, several springers, balance milking good; One (1) Holstein bull, 2 years old; Three (3) 2 year old, bred, Holstein heifers; Three (8) Holstein heifers, 6 mos. old. Four (4) Chester White brood sows, Twelve (12) feeding pigs. FEED 15 tons alfalfa and brome hay, baled; 300 bu. oats, 1000 bu. ear com, 14 ft. silage in 14-ft. silo, 5 tons baled straw, 5 tons cut stalks in barn. MILK EQUIPMENT Electric water heater, 2 wash, tanks. Stephen H. Freund, Owner McHENRY STATE BANK. Clerking. ' FOR SALE--HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY > Knox Real Estate 405 Richmond BMI McHenry, DL Phone: McHenry 4E1*# ' 24-tf $16,000. 1 duplex apartment house, 3 years old, near school and church. $160 a month income Price $16,000. Write c/o P. O Box 171, McHenry. *40-2 FARMS WANTED All Sizes, from 5 acres up. DO yOU WANT TO SELL YOUR FARM? If You Do Gall GEORGE D. WATTS, Realty U.S. Ne. 19 at tSitopUght Fox Lake, I1L Phone 7-1011 27-t. FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street. Phone McHenry 100-R 20-tf FOR RENT--Sleeping rooms with or without bath. Special weekly, monthly or year-round rate. Riverside Hotel, Riverside Drive and Elm street. 19-tf FOR RENT -- 65 acre farm land. Half tillable, balance excellent pasture with water. Reasonable. Call McHenry 725. " 41 Appliance Repair Itofrigeraiion - Electric Stoves - Toasted Wash Machines - Dryers • Irons - Lamga < and Other Small Appliances Erber's Electrical Appliam^BS 1 GEO. ERBER, Jr., Prop. 'tlSHC. F. ML RADIO and TELEVISION # ^ . ?06 E. dm Street PHONE 979 McHenry, 111. BELIEVE IT OR NOT The New 150 H.P. 1953 Packard Delivered in McHenry with Heater L Only *2667.70 , McHenry Ii Going Packard SAMSEL & MEERSMAN Renew that .nuhscrtptloo itrtto '"Jalndaaler n«'v! 11M undersigned will sell all of his personal property at Public Auction on the farm iocated at Wonder Lake, Illinois, 2^ miles from Ringwood, 4^4 miles from McHenry, and 6>a miles from Woodstock, abOu( 1% miles North Of Route 120, on ^Sunday, Feb. 22nd. 1953 commencing at 12 o'clock, aa follows: 30-Head of Livestock-30 Including: 10 first calf Holstein heifers, milking good, some fresh, some springers; 4 second calf Holstein heifers, springing; 4 six year old Holstein cows, fresh; 2 yearling Holstein heifers; 4 heifers, 6 to 7 months old; 1 heifer calf, 8 weeks old; 1 heifer calf, 3 weeks old; 1 heifers calf, 2 weeks old; 1 bull calf, 2 weeks old; 1 two year old Holstein bull; 1 yearling Holstein bull. This is a good dairy of young cows and will give satisfaction to buyers. 2 work horses. FEED 250 bales mixed alfalfa hay, 500 bu. good ear oorn; 5 ft. sflage in 14-ft. silo. MACHINERY A EQUIPMENT Allis Chalmers tractor, and cult., McCormick Deering 2 bot. 14" plow, 7' disc, 3 seb. steel drag, McCormick Deering Broadcast seeder, McCormick Deering corn planter,McCormick Deering side delivery rake, McCormick corn binder, John Deere manure spreader, T Case horse-drawn mower, 2 rubber tired wagons and racks, Kentucky 6' grain drill, John Deere corn planter, 2 steel-wheel wagons, Ward's hammermill, buzz saw, electric chick brooder, hay fork and rope," % H.P. motor and grinder (cycle), 2 electric fence controls, 12 electric fence posts and wire, snow fence, extension ladder, Stewart electric cow clipper, Gehl field chopper, Papec blower. MniHOUSE EQUIPMENT McCormick Deering milking machine, 2 single units with motor and pipe line, 12 milk cans, 1 Red Hot water heater. All other milkhouse equipment, wash tanks, etc. 14' Inboard Motor Boat MANY OTHER ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION Lunclh Wagon On Grounds Not Responsible For Accidents TERMS: Usual First National Bank of Woodstock terms. No service charge, no carrying charge, no additions of any kind added to amount of your note. Kenneth Crain, Owner FIRST NATIONAL BANK of WOODSTOCK, Clerking j Member Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. LEGALS NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of CHRISTINA DOWE, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that March 2nd, 1953, is the claim date in the estate of CHRISTINA DOWE, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. CHARLES J. DOWE, Executor. LEROY J. WELTER, Attorney 404 Grove Ave. McHenry, 111. (Pub. Feb. 5-12-1?) PageFlvtt !» ' • » > FOR THAT FINEB DRY CLEANING SAVE SAFELY THT ^ CASH fc CARRY WAT ^| ^ McHENRY CLEANERS 1« Elm St. ' Phone 1M-M MtBmrj We give and redeem Gold Bond Stampa. AUCTION WILLIAM H. RUSSELL, Auctioneer Subscribe for the Plaindealer 104 E. Pearl St. PHONE 101« McHenry, HL Help Wanted MEN a n d WOMEN SEVERAL IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Applications are now being taken for many good Job opportunities on both 1st and 2nd Shift. HOURS: 7 A. M. to 3s30 P. M. 4 P. M. to 12:30 A. M. , We wfi train reliable applicants te top earnftig protfucttoa work.. MO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY , Apply In Person THE ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CO. Woodstock, mmols Hosiery Values Having decided to quit farming, the undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the farm located 4 miles West of Woodstock, 1 mile West and 1 mile North of Hake'? Corners off the Franklinville Black Top or % mile South and East off the Evergreen School, on the Fox Farm Road, on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 1953 at 12:30 Sharp MACHINERY Maasey Harris Model 44 tractor (New in 1950) with systematic controls, Massey Harris Model 22 tractor (New in 1950) with systematic controls, Mas$ey Harris 4-row cultivator (New in 1952) with systematic controls, Massey Harris 2-row mounted picker (New in 1952) with systematic controls, Comfort Cover for Massey Harris 44, John Deere Model 490 4-row corn planter with fertilizer attachment. Case 8' grain drill, double disc with fertilizer and grass seed attachment, Roderick McLean 8' tandem disc, Lindsay 4-section drag, Case plow 3-14 in. on rubber with Jitter Coulters new in 1951, Sherman Williams sprayer with 30' boom, Universal elevator 40' with 8' drag line and hay shoot and speed ja<5k, Wisconsin 5 H.P. air-cooled motor, new last fall; Maasey Harris 6' combine with motor, Scour Kleen, bean attach and pick-up attach John Deere wagon and box, Graham wagon box with Sean, Roebuck running gear, New iuea mower, air compressor with pressure operated Alemite grease gun, Graco grease gun, hand grease guns, 1949 Chevrolet truck 1>4 ton with grain box, hog feeders, hog waterers and many other items too numerous to mention. TERMS: USUAL BANK TERMS JAMES WENSCH, Owner THE STATE BANK OF | WOODSTOCK, Qerklqg combine, Scour Kleen and WiA air-cooled engine; fert. sower; 1 rub. tired chopper wagons; Case 2 wheel trac. manure spreader; JD 40-ft elevator; JD corn ahdl>- er; McD pick-up corn planter, fa#* Ford trac.; GI 2 wheel traC. man* ure spreader; wood wheel mago* and double box. This machinery is in excellent condition and has beeif well housed. MUTZ BROS* Owners Earl Eiffera, Aacttoaeer Auet. Servtoe OH, AUCTION AUCTION F O R DOLLAR DAY 20% Discount ON ALL oua • LADIES' HOSIERY •MEN'S SOCKS * CHILDREN'S ANKLETS • WORK SOCKS McHENRY HOSIERY MILL (Cqratal Lake Blacktop Road) MWNB ttt m McHENRY, ILL. On Kenosha Oo. Hwy. "CT", known as Kenosha-Wilmot Blacktop Rd., being 1 mi. W. of Trevar, 2ft mi. E. of Wilmot, 5 mi, NW, of Antioch, 1 mi. N. of Wis.-Ill. State Line, on SUNDAY, FEB. 22nd at 12 o'clock Otto's Lunch On Grounds MACHINERY --Case "DC" trac. on rub., with starter, lights, etc. and manure loader A snow plow; Case "SC" trac. on rubber, with starter, lights, etc., and 2-row power lift cult., Case 2-bot. 16-in. trac. plow; Case 8ft. trac. disc; Case 8ft. quack digger; 3sec. wood drag; Case 8-ft. trac. grain drill (fert. and grass seed attach.); JD 7-ft trac. mower; Case 4-bar side delivery rake; JD No. 290 trac. corn planter (fert. attach. A check wire); Case field chopper (hay A corn attadh.); Fox blower; N-H No. 77 pick-up baler, with Wis. air-cooled engine; Case 6-ft. On Kenosha County Hwy. ft mile North of Wia-IIL, Stale Line, 1 mile East of Hwy. No. 41, 10 miles Southwest of Kenosha^ 1 nolle North of Russell* on '* SATURDAY, FEB. 21st at 11:90 o'clock Otto's Lunch Oa Cm--is CATTLE--50 cattle consisting of 32 Hoi. and Ouer. cows, of whidt 10 are springers, 12 recently fradh, bal. milking good. 8 bred HatT heifers, 2 yrs. oM.. 4 Hoi. 2 yrs. old, open; 5 Hoi. heifers; Hoi. bull, 12 mos. old. TUf is a heavy producing herd wlUl' 3.9% average teat HORSES Good team, T yrs. oM» wt. 3600 lbs. SOWS--2 Poland China aomra, I Yorkshire sow (all doe abuafc April 1st). MACHINERY--2 McD F-20 tractors and 2-row cults, (one wiOk power mower); McD 2-bot 14-in. trac. glow; clod crusher; Harvey hammermill; New Decker Hipressure sprayer; McD 7-ft trac. , disc; JD quack digger; 7-ft graifc drill; silage blower; Oase 28-in. threshing machine; new 4 see. drag; McD corn binder; McD P.T.O. grain binder; JD, manure spreader (on rubber); JD No. MS/ corn planter (trac. hitch); ltd}' push-type hay loader; McD side delivery rake; new rribber tired wagon and rack; 75 ft. 6.in. belt; Stewart clippers. , Veronica Henkel. Owneg •Ifers A Behm, Anctieaeem Public AncL Service Co* Cleihlag BIRTHS born o Lieut, and Mrs. Hugh Murphy are the parents of a daughter, on Valeritine's Day in where Lieut. Murphy is stationed with the Marine Corps,' Friday, Feb. 13, brought only good luck to the William O'Briens for on that day they welcomed s son at the Woodstock hospital. His entrance was greeted by his parents, a brother^ and two sisters. 'PPCARO OF THANKS We wish to express our sin- Cere thanks and appreciation to our relatives, friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received during our recent bereavement. •41 TOE HALL FAMILY $TMtke/ijlu>ty fede Ed Vogel and Daa Powers, AucHoaeers The undersigned having sold the farm will sell at Public Auction on the farm located Vi mile South of Solon Mills and 3 miles Nwtt and East of Ringwood on the Ringwood-Solon Mills Road, oa Wednesday, Feb. 25th -- ai 11:00 o'clock sharp 35 Head of Livestock consisting of 20 Hi Grade Holstein Dairy Cows. 6 of these cows are fresh aad • are close springers. 3 cows are Registered aad are daughters o# Loefek* Invar, Model A King bulls. This herd is under DJiJ.A. test 2 Hoi. heifers, 20 mos. old, bred, vaccinated; 2 Hoi. heifers, 1 yr. old. vaccinated; 1 Hoi. heifers, Reg., 8 mos. old, vaccinated; 4 Hoi. heifers, 4 mos. old; 1 Hoi. heifer calf, Reg. (Lockinvor Daughter); 1 Reg. Hot bull, 18 mos. old (Grandson of Tyler out of a King daughter wttk 2 records of over 400-lbs. of fat); 1 Reg. Hoi. bull, 14 moa. old (Grandson of Tyler and a Dam with 2 records of over 600-lbsu Of Cat); 3 Reg. Hoi. bulls (6 to 12 mos. old) one a son of Hickoty Prince and 2 are sired by Northern Illinois Breeding Asopfiattaa FEED--5 tons 1st cut. baled alf. hay; Qty. of braa aad WBI MOHRY.--McD model F-20 trac.; McD model F-ll tnfe A CmIL field chopper with motor (hay and corn attach.); baler; NI manure spreader; McD 18" trac. plow; Gape 2-tnt. plow; Case T trac. disc; Clinton 8' windrow; lid) mfed. for H or M; McD hammermill; McD hand com engine 10 H.P.; fanning mill; Surge milking n tanks; elec. hot water heater; 15 millkk e£«. Lunch Wagon Oa Groande. MITCHELL y img TERMS: $25.00 and under cash, over tkataiMMt % in monthly payments plus carrying your own note, no oo-signers day of sale. . i