i *u •I.'T^?t^:>;•" iv^BMBTWSfS K -V ^ ,V THE McHENRY 10. 1953 Wonder Lake News By Vanesse Sella OBOI To Start |: ; led Cress Drive •:' An 11 a.m. brunch at Harrison school on March 1 will kick off the Red Cross fund drive in Wonder Lake, according to Peter Bendl, 1963 chairman for the drive. The quota for Wonder Lake this year is $700. A dinner meeting to coach the chairmen and officers of'the'Red Cross branches was held in Westwood school near Woodstock B>«t Tuesday with Bendl present as well as Mrs. Ruth Redman, Chairman of the Wonder Lake branch, Mrs. Alice Noren, treasurer, and Mm. Lois Weeks, secretary. Those scheduled to captain the fund drive are* Wonder Woods, White Oaks Bay, and Highland Shore*, John Hiffman; Hickory (Palls, "Sarge" Steve Duttko; Indian Ridge, Fred Marks; Wonder Center, Ernest Vogt; Deep Springs No. 2, Lois Weeks; Deep Springs No. 1, Harvey Jones Shore Hills, George Helbauer- Wickline Bay, Edward Fitzgerald. ' A complete list of the workers frlO txf announced later. , celved cards or gifts. Mary Jo was also named to the committee on membersh 1$, 7* t To Attead NEA ; R. Redman, Deep Springs tip, 1, left Friday on the special train for educators in the area, to attend the National Education association meeting now in prograss in Atlantic City, N. J. Ben, who is midwest regional manager for the educational department of the Encyclopedia Britannica, will return home Friday. - Mrs. Qvy Jones of Chicago was M houseguest this past weekend at the home of Mrs. Redman. Board To Meet , The board of the Deep Springs Woods No. 1 subdivision association will meet at the home of John Doherty, president, Wednesday at 8 p.m. All board p»»r bp* are urged to attend. Dog Is KIlMtt It was almost impossible Saturday to tell who felt the worst about the death of a little dog, Bobo, who ran into the path of a milk truck. The dog, a nine -months old puppy, was the pet of the Joe Lundborg children, and the man who killed him was "Bud" Elbersen. Bud has promised the Lundborg children that he will get them a new puppy. All agreed that the accident was unavoidable. school In Hebron and ft now employed at the Had Mather "Tickets And Tags." James Holden, recently discharged after four years service in the Navy, is now employed at Edwal Laboratories, Ringwood, in the maintenance department. The wedding will take place in May; Home From Hospital Bill Wright of the Handy Pantry will have to take it easy for awhile or his doctor may do something drastic. Bill is just recuperating from a bout with -ineumonia and asthiha combined. When he was rtished to the hoslital last week, he was scarcely ible to breathe. Bill is recuperating at his ^cme aqd can see his friends. ; Gospel Church News Wife are happy to welcome one of our Board Members, Mr. Sigfried Swan son, back home from a visit to his native land, Swed e n. The Swedish-American, liner, "Gripsholm" on which he was booked for his return trip, was' delayed about two days, being caught in one of the worst storms on the North Sea in the last fifty years. Like a good "viking" he came thru unharmed, hot even missing a single mead in the dining room. The Missionary Guild sponsors another public service on Tuesday evening, February 24, with Mrs. Colene Norton, a veteran missionary to the Belgian Congo. 1 Together with the Mission Church in Crystal Lake, we are planning a Missionary Conference in the near future. The date and program will be announced later. Our Sunday Evening Gospel Services will from now on begin at 7:30 instead of 7:45. This will enable us to close these services at about 8:30. The Sunday Bible School will continue to convene Eater lain Sister v }Cr. and Mrs. John Ducey entertained his sister, the former Marie Ducey, over the weekend. her husband, ^ | ^10* a.m7 a^" the" Morning' s~e7- the na»y «a the east ******* ^^jvioe at 11 o'clock. There's always a warm welcome for you at. the Gospel Church. TO Barrlagtoa Robert Cormier, Ann Lundborg and Sandi Sells drove to Barrlngton Sunday to visit Mrs. Jane Richards. - former resident of Wonder Lake. Mrs. Richards, who formerly taught in the Greenwood school, is now a teachcr In the Barrington schools. ;vX '• .V. Has IRth BlTthday Robert Kolar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kolar, Jr., celebrated his eighteenth birthday last week with a dinner party at his home in Indian Ridge. Those present were Robert Cormier, John Cecich, Carl Poedtke, Sandi Sells a«l - # young sifter, Judy. Team Drops Game Wonder Lake's basketball team dropped a game Saturday to the St. Mary's grade school team with a score of 21-0. Those who played on the team Saturday morning were Randy Sellek, George Taylor, Wayne Tronsen, John Wright, Jim Mahal,- Roger Benson, Dick Hoffman, Dan Lundborg, Jim Bell, Gary Vogt and Ken Lucasek/ R. Lundborg served as scorer. On St. Mary's team were J. Walrti, J. Clark, D. Thurwell, G. French, T. Mlchelson and J. Vycital. The teams play each Saturday morning in the gym of McHenry high school. Hospital Auxil'ary New* The Hospital Auxiliary card group that meets and plays for the Wonder Lake unit project fund of the Auxiliary donated nine dollars from the meeting held recently at the home of Mrs. Edward Motulewicz. Those present and "playing were, besides the hostess, Mrs. Ruth Woodward, Mrs. Olive Arm- H U F F A U C T I O N Ed Vogel and William Russell, Auctioneers » , Visitors From England t .Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Siedlecki g'aiM her parents, who are visithere from England, were | dinner guests Saturday evening at -the home of Mrs. Dorothy SSefiachren. She entertained the group by showing them pictures alia took in Europe last summer when she made a three months' On Sunaay Mrs. McEachren (traveled to Dixon where she was |a dinner guest at the home of tiff, and Mrs. Frank Elmer, for1 m• er residents of Woodstock. • ' Ffc, Tonkin Cones Home fPfc. William R. Tcnkin, son ( Of the William Tonkins who are \ partners with the Tom Cashins Jn the ownership of ^he Rolaine ^Grin, will end a 30-day furlough - at home March 7. Pfc. Tonkin t arrived l^ome Feb. 6 after spend ling a year in Korea. Pfc. Tonkin freports to Camp Crowder, Mo., -and expects to be released from ^service March 14, three years t «fter his enlistment. j,' Pfc. Tonkin, who is 20 years «st& was graduated from the jt^ihertyvUle high school, and ex- ^cjpects to become a salesman as ••oon as he gets out of service Daughter Born '#> Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Howorka £fir. drbve out to the west coast ^Jtyro weeks ago to see their first grandchild, Paula Meryl Fossler, who was born in Costa Mesa "Calif. Jan. 20. This week, Herb oalled back to Chicago by sudden death of his brother- "in-law, Lester McConnell of Chi j,cago. Herb flew back for the i fuheral but will return to Call "ferala this weekend and will drive back to Illinois with his ^rlf# later this spring. v Baby Paula weighed 7 pounds "18^ ounces at birth. Her mother *i»' the former Louanne Howorka Iwho was graduated from Mc- 'Henry high school. Her father ris Kenneth Fossler, now with the army in Korea, who was "graduated from Woodstock Coot* fin unity high school. Kft. Merritt Fossler, Kenneth's T?»otl)*r, flew out to California - two weeks ago to see the baby. The Fossler*, former residents of ^Wonder Lake, now reside In Park f - Having fully decided to quit farming will sell at Public Auction on the J. E. Carey Farm located t miles East of Richmond on Rt. 173, 6 miles West of Antioch on Rt. 173, 4 miles North of Spring Grove, 3 miles South of Wilmot at Log Cabin Corner, on Tuesday, Feb. 24, 1953 at 10:00 o'clock Sharp 110 Head of Livestock I consisting of the following: 127 Legion Auxiliary The Wonder Lake unit of the Legion Auxiliary will meet Thursday evening at 8 p.m. Members are asked to be present to help plan for the March meeting when the district director is Expected. fasten Mathews CUM ,2T He,ad of, Quernaey mUk fows, Mary Louise Mathews, Infant *^eral springers, several fresh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. bal,mce milkin& ^ood; 22 Guernsey strong, Mrs. John Feyerer, Mrs. Clemens Grabovy, Mrs. Slmone Fulled, Mrs. Eleanor Wright, Mrs. Marie Shrosbree, Mrs. Grace Selleck, Mrs. Florence Hunt, Mrs. Greta Weisenberger and Mrs. Wickline. The next meeting of the card group will be held Thursday, Feb. 19, at the home of Mrs. Clemens Grabovy, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Marie Wilbrandt is willing to organize a sewing group in Wonder Center for several women to meet and sew, knit, crochet or otherwise makfe articles for the Auxiliary gift shop. Anyone wishing to join Mrs. Anton 6rill of Wickline Bay would also like to organize a group to sew and one to play cards annd donate some of the proceeds to the Wonder Lake project fund. Anyone in Wickline neighborhood that would be interested in joining either group please call her. Small groups are wanted because many homes cannot accommodate more than two tables of cards and if held in a neighborhood area the problem of transportation in bad weather Is not an item. The annfial St. Patrick's Day card party will be held this year Mrs. Wilbrandt'» neighborhood] on March 17 at the Moose hall group, please call her. I in Woodstock. Tickets will be on sale at the door--fifty* cents each. There Will be a dessert luncheon served at 1:30--and there will also b« card playing in the evening, beginning at 8 p.m. Both canasta and bridge and other card games. Make up your own table and play the game you want to play. Did you know that over 6,000 meals were served in jin average mcnth at the hospital last year? Did you know there are onehalf million women belonging to 779 hospital ' Auxiliary groups throughout the country and that 300 of these groups serve in hospitals with 100 beds' or less? The local hospital has forty-five beds and we need more. We can't tiava mdrt until the hew wing is constructed. So go to the 9L Patrick's Day card party --have a good time and that you are contributing to community project. HAVE YOU SEEN The New Packard for J***' f Z:vi -v A i 104 E. Peart St. IT and DBJVE m c, , McHenry Ii Going Packarf SAMSEL & MEBISMAN PHONE 1010 fr McHeory, Thomas Mathews, was christened Sunday in Christ the King Cathol; c church by the Rev. James Vanderpool. The baby's paternal aunt. Miss Pearl Mathews, and her maternal uncle, George Hartmann, Jr., served ' as her sponsoring godparents. Mary Louise was born Jan. 27 in the Memorial hospital, Woodstock, and weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces at birth. She is the first ch:ld for Mr. and Mrs. Mathews and the first grandchild for Mrs. Pearl M. Mathews and Mr. and Mrs. George Hartmann, Sr., of Chicago and Wonder Laka. Announce Engagement Mr. and Mrs. George Schmaling, Wonder Lake, announce the engagement of their daughter, Joan, to James R. Holden, son of Russell Holden, Elkhorn, Wis. The Schmallngs reside in Wonder Woods and Joan attended DAISY AT A U C T I O N WILLIAM H. RUSSEL and WILLIAM B. SULLIVAN, Auctioneers Mother Visits A recent visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zan$lier was her mother. Mr*, p^mk | ^Parmatey of Chicago. t Dee dub Off cers Mrs. Mary Jo Berry was ip- VStalled as second vice president -of the Woodstock Doe club at ceremonies held in Woodstock r last week. The Doe club Is the (women's auxiliary of the Elks - 4 dub, 'IftHfpaiat KeOner of Wonder «H named on a committee 1$ti* sick meaflton re The undersigned, having rented his farm to John Hunter for cash, will sell his dairy at Public Auction on the farm located 5% miles South and East of Woodstock, 1 mile Ea«t of Rte. No. 47 on Rte. No. 176, on Monday, Feb. 23rd, 1953 commencing a^t 1 o'clock 27 Choice Holsiein Cows 10 of which have freshened since January 1st, 6 springing close, balance milking good. This is good dairy of cows and anyone desiring replacements will make no mistake in attending this Sale. Hereford steer. 1 Holstein bull calf. , Gehl Hammer Mill: ; • Power Post Hole Difcper Lunch Wagon On Grounds. Not !U>f»ponftible For Accidents TERMS: Usual First National Bank of Woodstock terms. No ser vice charge, no carrying charge, no additions of any kind added to amount of your note. Richard R. Cooley, Owner FIRST NATIONAL BANK of WOODSTOCK, Clerking. Member Federal Reserve Federal Deposit Insurance Coiporatton. heifers, 2^ to 3 yrs. old and calfhood vaccinated; 6 Guernsey heifers, 1% yrs., open tested; 9 Guernsey heifers, yearlings, calfhood vaccinated; 9 Guernsey calves from 1 month to 3 months old. This is an outstanding herd of Guernsey cattle, average 4.7 test. Inspection Invited before Sale. 2 good work horses. 20 Head of Shropshire Ewes with lambs by side. FEED 50 bu. good hard Mr eorn In crib, 200 bu. Clinton oats fit foi seed, 7 tons loose hay, alfalfa and brome, 20-ft! of good corn silage. , MACHINERY McDeerlng H tractor and cult., McD tractor, McD plow 2-14, John Deere 2-14 plow, New Idea tractor spreader on rubber like new, 7-ft., McD tractor disc, 1 McD horse cult., McD 4 bar side rake like new, McD 7-ft mower like new, 7-ft. grain binder like new, McD corn binder, loader and carrier complete, 4-sec. Kewanee steel drag, folding draw bar; 2 sec. steel drag, Blizzard ailo filler, 50-ft. pipe; 14-ft. quack digger, Stammer fert. and lime spreader. 2 rubber tired wagons with flat racks, 1 wooden wheel wagon wit' flare box, 8-ft. culttpacker, buzz saw to fit a H or M tractor, McD hay loader, McD grain drill grass seed attach., Appleton 6 l^oll corn husker, McD corn planter check wire, fert. and bean attach., McD corn binder, corn sheller, fanning mill, feed cart," Stewart cow clipper, Stewart shearing head, hog waterer and self feeders, woven wire stretcher, 2 log chains, 2 grapple forks, 200-ft. hay rope, 100-ft. hay rope, 100-ft. rubber endless 7" belt, 80-ft. rubber endless 6" belt, electric motor % H.P. and grinder, post drill. CHICKENS 150 Leghorn hens, 500 chick electric brooder, oil brooder stove. 2 Sets Double Harness MILKING EQUIPMENT Cowboy tank heater, 3 ~ double unit milking machine and pipsline for 63 head, 1 electric water: heater, w^ah tanks, 25 milk cans, j McD cream separator. Lunch on grounds served by the Ladi'es of the Spring Grove Church. Not Ri-spouKiblo For Accldoiilgt George Huff, Owner STATE BANK of RICHMOND, Clerking. Usual Bank Terms. DEL MONTE CBOSHEfi Pineapple SALERNO DEL MONTE CREAM STYLE Golden-Corn r>FT. MONTE * Pineapple Juice 46 Os. Tins CHICKEN OF THE SEA Bite Size Tuna CHEF BOY-AR-DEg SALAD BOWL Dressing RAGGEDY ANN • - itv * Prune Juice ¥2 SiM *4 0*. Qt. Jaf H E I N Z K E T C H U P 2 45' CAVERN w- 8 Extra Special GOLD MEDAL FLOUR 25 a riLLSBURY - With Coopoo* CAKE MIXES fellow - Chocolate - Wfclt* 3 - 69* ijjifiiiiM POPCORN i» 2 Lb. 19 Beit Blade Cuts POT ROAST ALASKA for QUALITY MEATS TENDER STANDING. Rib Roast & U.S. Inspected and Stamped Round Steak % Fancy Fresh Alaska Red Salmon Large Size Sea Perch Fillets . Tender F O R E QUARTERS BEEF ft. 39 100-110 Lb. Avg. SALMON . DONALD DUCK APPLESAUCE 1 Lb. Tm 2 DEL MONTE NO. 2 V2 FRUIT COCKTAIL Tin ALL LEAN Beef Stew H>. OUR FINEST Ground Beef n>. Center Cute - Alaska (Fresfa) Halibut Steaks . Fresh from Lake Michigan . Smoked Fish . . 59 45 r D Co ANGELUS MARSHMALL0WS 35 39 29 35 19 .303 Tins IOE FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 49 75' a i • j SAVE $1.00 [Dollar Day! ^ Special S CASH REFUND $1.00 ! , On Purchase of Far* J | or Hind Quarter of ! ! Beef. • Just Order A Quarter of Beef and TeU Us You Saw Our Dollar Day Ad. tie S H I N D QUARTERS § BEEF 53' 100-110 Lb. Avg. 10 LB. BAG (Ml. No. 1 Michigan Jonathan APPLES 2- 29' Florida New CABBAG 2 - 9* Michigan Yellow O N I O N S Large Buch OaBfond# BROCCOLI 4'ftwmtNVLY 1.1MM t .FRIDAY NITE IS FAMILY NITE OPEN TIL 9 P.M. • Weekly Premiums ••• Am * •