Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Feb 1953, p. 9

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i» -V* yji-" ij-iv,/ fhunday, February. 26. 1953 NEWS OladyB The regular meeting of the ladles auxiliary Which was held Feb. 23 was largely attended. Many things were discussed and a lot of plans are on the way to being completed for early spring •vents. Among these events is our bazaar that will be held ^ March 19. All the ladies are asked to get their fancy work done and turned in to the chairmen as aoon as possible. Mrs. Betty Clark, the auxiliary p^fesident, reminded all members that the next meeting is an important one as the election of new officers will be held then. All members are urged to be present. New members will be initiated into the auxiliary so that they may have their fchance to vote or hold office. '• At the St. Patrick's night (taoice which is Vo be held March 14, the ladies are planning a special event that promises fun for all. It is called "The Thing" and those in the know say you don't want to miss it. The dance will be given by the post but the fOod will be prepared by the ladies and as you all know from past events they can really put out a good meal. There will be dancing and there will be fun so come and enjoy yourselves. There was a very good turn . <Mt for the monthly Downey party at which games were played and refreshments were served to the patients by: Agnes O'Brien, Helen Low, Louise Smith, Betty Clark* Lina Kilday. Lorraine Schwertfeger, Jean Weyland, Mrs. Thompson and Tillie Engeln. Keep up the good work, girls, those patients realty appreciate it. Gert Barbian, the branch chair- Hfen for the annual Red Cross Drive, informed us that the quota fOr ths county is set at $30,000. That means that we all have to try and help this great and wor- THE McBERHT PLAINDEALElt thy cause. Who knows when We may need help from them? . The meeting -was concluded with prizes being given and a very attractive and deliciouk hinch was served by the hostess* es of the evening, who were Ercell Lock, Eleanor Creutz. Evelyn Hoyt and Betty HoucK. Report On Conference Mrs. Betty Clark and ~ Mrs. Gladys Soucie attended the annual patriotic conference at the Hotel Sherman, Chicago, Feb. 16. The theme of the meeting was: To gain a better understanding of national a»d international affairs. Dr. Henry A. Szujewski, director Cancer cUnic, Holy Cross hospital, Chicago, was a speaker. He presented a very good speech in the field of cancer; also stressing the role women will play in the stamping out of this dread disease. Victoria Wendil, civil defense chairman, Department of Illinois, Auxiliary, was a speaker. She stressed the need of women in civilian defense as well^ as in the service. It will be they who will hold the major role in the defense of the country if war should come close to home. Women are also responsible for the morale of those fighting for their country - a major factor in the strength of a fighting force today. <» The services were represented by officers from the Marine corp and the WAC, who gave speeches and stressed the role women are playing in the services. Stanley Johnson of the Chicago Daily Tribune, another speaker, couldn't praise women's work enough during the first and second World Wars. He, being in both of them, remarked about the courage and bravery women displayed in the wars. They would do anything regardless of the danger of risk involved. CoL Grenville Beardsley, attorney- at-law, Chicago, then confirmed Mr. Johnson's view of women and their place in the world. He had nothing but praise for the "so-called" gentler sex, Mrs. Lucile Vogeler, an American wife and mother^fjvho sought the release of her husband from the Communists, - Was another speaker. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS February 16, 1Q53 The City Council met in regular semimonthly meeting with Mayor Freund presiding. Aldermen present: Althoff, Anderson,. Freund, Rothgrmel, Thennes, Vycital. Absent: None. Motion by Althoff, seconded by Freund, to approve the minutes of the last meeting as read. Motion carried. The question of repairs or replacement of Police motorcycle was referred to the Public Property committee for investigation. Attorney LeRoy Welter appeared before the council to secure information on location of sanitary sewer easement on North side of East Waukegan Road. The matter was referred to the clerk to secure the desired information. Following discussion, the Police Department was directed to canvass the entire city in strict enforcement of ordinance pertaining dogs. A review of license and .permit fees was made by the council, using comparison chart with information gathered from various cities in the county. No action was taken, pending further study.. Reports of officers were received by the council. Motion by Althoff, seconded by Freund, to adjourn. Motion carried. George P. Freund, Mayor Earl R. Walsh, City Clerk GAREISS RITES Mrs. Helena Leona Gareiss, 63, a resident of Wonder Lake for less than a year, died Sunday afternoon in her home in White Oaks subdivision. The body was removed to Chicago for last rites. r H - STATE INSTITUTIONS A report released by Gov. William G. Stratton shows that the twenty-four institutions operated by the state Department of Public Welfare had 50,081 inmates as of last Dec. 31, an increase of 1,086 or 2.2 per cent over the same date in 1651. In thirteen mental hospitals, the number of patients increased during the year from 45,711 to 46.818C The number of inmates in four correctional institutions increased from 948 to 976. Enrollment in the five educational institutions decreased from 1,067 to 1,065. The number of war veterans and members of their families who are residents of two other institutions dropped from 1,269 to 1,222. ROAD coNSTRucnoir The go-ahead" signal for construction of a subway on State Route -161 in CentraHa has just been given by Governor William G. Stratton. A multiple-track railroad crossing at this point has long been a traffic bottleneck in Centralis, and a subway has been under consideration for a number of years. Want Ads, like freedom* are everybody's business. <. ' STATE LIBRARY'S LENDING SERVICE PROVES POPULAR «»• The Illinois State library's .Htm nation picture film lending service is proving to be a most popular one, with more than 1,000 requests answered in the first five months the plan has been in operation, Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier, state librarian, has reported. Eighty-five per cent of the requests were filled immediately,1 Mr. Carpentier said, while the remaining 15 per cent were for films which were in use at the time the requests were received. Churoh groups, Parent-Teachers units and Farm Bureau . groups account for the majority of the loans, he said. The film lending program is a co-operative project between the Illinois State library and the visual aids service of the University of Illinois, Secretary Carpentier explained. Through it, the Offensive film library of the university has been made available for general lending without charge. The only cost to a patron is the postage required to return the film to the university. -- The university's film catalog, listing all the films in the collections has been sent to all libraries in Illinois, Mr. Carpentier said, and arrangements to borrow the films are made with local libraries. For individuals and groups not having local library service, the catalog may be borrowed from the Illinois State library and arrangements for borrowing made with that library. „ Want Ads, like freedom, are everybody'# business. COMPLETES TEST With 840 pounds of butterfat and 22.749 pounds of milk to her credit. Milkmaid Bonny Virginia, a registered Holstein-Friesian cow owned by Hickory Creek Farms, West McHenry, has completed a 365^day production test in official Advanced Registry. She was milked 3 times daily and was 8 years 8 months of age when she began her testing period. Her record averages approximately 29 quarts of milk daily for the period covered by her test. Bead The Want Ads! CLARENCE'S SHOP , Bird Houses - Lawn Chairs - Lawn and Porch Swings Picnic and Umbrella Tablet - Pier and Park Benches Juvenile Chairs, Swings and Sand Boxes - Window Boxes Flower Wheelbarrows - Rose Arbors, Trellis - Picket Fences, ate, MADE TO ORDER * Cabinets, Chest of Drawers, Cornioes, fife,. Csnaent Chimney Caps and Cesspool Rings and Covers CLARENCE J. SMITH PHONE 58S-J-1 JOHNSBURA. ILLINOIS FRESH DRUGS PBtSOMAL'CARE <• Fresh drugs, plus personal care, are a winning combination when you have your doctor's prescription filled. In our prescription department, only pure drugs are used, carefully compounded by registered pharmacists with great skill-. For all prescription fiUing, me us. - CDcilqrccn Drucj Store 119 N. Riverside Drive * Plume 26 p»s* mi HARDEST ~"r'r BUSIEST CHEAPEST IN TOWN! A.,F. & A. M. 107 N. Court St. Meeting l-3rd Tuea. Visitors Welcome ^ Phillip Ricker, Secy. V! Phone McHenry 417 O.E. S. 107 N. Court St * Meetings 2nd A 4th TfeaJ Visitors Welcome Myrtle Harrison, Secy. Tel. Won. Lk. 3841 PROFE55 iOHRL DIRECTORY <r m: Read The Want Ads! Minrthimnl Rom where I sit Joe Marsh Wrong "Twin" of Thought Most of ns knew the streamliner stopped about four miles from town last Thursday -- bat we didn't know wkg... 1 Seems the train was hurrying along, then eame the screeching of brakes -- some fellow had pulled the Emergency Stop cord. When the conductor asked him why he did it, he said, "The train was just going too fsst--I wanted to get you to slow down.** From where I sit, that streamliner has been going at thft speed for the past seven years with a perfect safety record and > • the passengers have always been t pleased. Now--along comes a fel- . low who wants the train to go at his speed. Some people are like that. Some still would begrudge another person's right to a temperate glass of beer even though that person wouldn't dream of flashing » "Stop" sign on their preference for, say, milk, coffee or tea. Respecting the rights of others is the only way we can keep "on the right track." Copyright, 1953, limited States Brewers Foundation BUV CONCRETE llic mulaii. nnv . . . dclircn-d READY-MIXED To Builders: Wa can supply Ready-Mixed Concrete fdf 0*y kind of job--from a back-yard lily pool to a complete new home or building. Prompt, quick deliveryjppi actly where and when needed. Our Ready-Mixed Concrete is uniformly dense, enduring id strong--as you expect of good concrete. Th« "mix" is right for the use intended... accurately proportioned at our Central plant. Even a small job gets the benefit ol large volume production. To Prospective Owners of New Homes and Butldinpt Of course you want concrete. It's the modern way to build -Hfiresafie, permanent, moderate in first cost and requiring almost no maintenance. Let us put you in touch with experienced, reliable contractors who will give you a quality job at-a satisfactory prices"'"r^;" v 1 m mm, aoc . |tt. C. R. SWANSOJf Dentist 'vr;. •*.£-? 120 S. Green Street Office Honrs: Daily Except Thursday » to 18 -- 1:30 to 5*0 Moa, Wed. and Fri. By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 1M , VERNO^ UNO* Attorney At Lser . Oar. Green and Ehn Simifc McHenry, 10. Tuesday and Friday Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 43 iBaor----lonoK---- WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Jr. Attorney At Law <4 HO'/i Benton Street Phone Woodstock ISM Woodstock, minola JOSEPH X. WAYNVE , Attorney At Law Waukegan Road (RFD Phone McHenry 498-W West McHenry, HL FRANK S. MAT i-Sfj BLACK DIB* - Gravel - Ltm+tt* Excavating Route 1, Johnsborg : > ? Phone: McHenry SM-H-1 VERN THDW TI HI HIT Tel. McHenry 588-ft-* er MM*4L Box 178, Rt. 1, Mflfty, H. ocaoi A. P. FREUND * SOUS Excavating Coaitraeftsr* Trucking, Hy«*nuMe Crane Surriee ' -- ROAD BUILDING -- ML 904-M McH« aoaoir INSURAKCB EARL R .WALSH Fin, Auto, Farm A Life Representing f aniARi.r COMPANIES You Need InauraaM S#; Any Kind rfcone 43 or MB ^ Uieen A Elm McHenry 1 COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE lit the small business ma; j • Reasonable rates. income Tax Returns / McHENRY BOOKKEEPING MM TAX SERVICE Professional Bldg. £10 So. Green Street rj? Phone 788 or W-M T~*T; raocaocr: lOKTtl McHenry PHONE McHENBY 320 . . 606 FRONT STREET HcHENBt. ILL. Have you ever heard a 1953 Cadillac? The odds are that you haven't--unless you've listened quite carefully. For it is a literal fact that you must CMicentrate to detect the sound of a Cadillac car in motion . . . save, of course, for the soft song of the passing wind and •the quiet hum of the tires on the pavement. Even that great, powerful engine never, ilises its voice above a whisper! But, oh, the wonderful, wonderful story tjus marvelous quiet tells. It tells, for instance, of Cadillac's rigid adherence to the highest standards and ideals of automotive construction ... . . . o f t h e s u p e r l a t i v e e n g i n e e r i n g t h a t enables every part of the car to perform in perfect harmony .. of the magnificent styling and design that give the car its smooth,* easy, steady, floating tide " . . . a n d o f t h e f l a w l e s s c r a f t s m a n s h i p that keeps the car to unbelievably free from vibration. And, of course, it speaks with equal clarity of the many things a Cadillac provides its owner. It promises rest and relaxation ... and a~ freedom from distraction that adds pleasure and safety to every journey. It foretells mile after mile of extraordinary dependability and a minimum of upkeep expense. And it prophesies longevity ... and> hence, bespeaks the wisdom and soundness, of its owner's investment. Yes, the quiet of the Cadillac car tells a wonderful story all of its own. And it's one that we think you should "hear" for yourself. Why not come in soon--and spend an hour with a 1953 Cadillac?' We think you'll agree that silence waO never rfiore eloquent, STOFFEL A REIIIA NSPERURB Insurance agents for all dane%|| property in I be best comptniH West McHenry, Dinoia Telephone 300 001 Main Stret McHenry, BL SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental JL Structural SCsfll - Visit Our Showrooms ; * ™ • Miles South on Rt il Phone 960 ® R I N G ' S 1WPMBING and HEATING xWrM • BOB FRISBY, JR. fStlfi Quality Fixtures-Radian* HiaHaf .. Gas unci Electric Water Heaters Water Systems - Water Repairs - Free Esttnsataa Phone McHenry 38S-M OVERTON CADILLAC-P0NTIAC CO. t-\ is:"'* . - . >#* :AL*S WELDING and SERVICE F •01 Mala Street. McHcaty Electric Portable Wc Acetylene Welding and ALEX W. WTRFS, Phone 915-W-l or McHenry, BL , ANNOUNCEMENT iMrs. Eleanor Matte aui 40CL Front Street. Phone 17 McHenry, I1L Mt*i •4Mm I^fevate 'MCHENRT «K4ft' -IPt' S \ 4M

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