Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Mar 1953, p. 2

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< ^ Y) " * V .7 f * * JI > ' "4 a, * * v < % ••'"' • "' .*'"*. .'•' , " ,:4' ;r '. ' T ,-W . ' V« '•*. • •• \%£: >• J\- •; ^: // v! '- * ^ ** - I ' ^ * J » - > • ( AP-- • •" v--' 9'X' «j.; ,. '" '.", •.. «"? :•'* <• >•5 .• ;r 1 m;- i^"|4wpii1C',i Eastern Stir Chapter Observed Friend's Night At Acacia Hall i l i J U t i i l i i i U t i ' M f r f f r i y X'™ " - * ; * « • < • . • * * # ' k " , * • >' • t " ' ' Tbux«daT,Muclil8,i953 i'&m McHen 8., Wi 2 Mooee Host To C v btetrict iMfoe ;tr McHenry Lodge, No. #91, | l-oyal Order of Moose, will "act |i k« holt to the district bowling •*' feague on Sunday afternoon, f March 22. There will be a regu- - T^Uir meeting the foHowlng Tues- "day, March 24, at which time g- ^ the nominating committee will i *jn«lM i Ml wporti Library Benefits 'From Style Show jP»a-Helle«ic Group.;-," .-. y A* Stilling Home The McHenry edttnty chapter ' »f the Pan-Hellenic society will |S jbe held on Monday, March 23, ?'): )at the . home of Mrs. George Itilllng. M. Stewart, a silver iyer, will speak on "Traditional lver." Guests have been invited from Crystal Lake and Marengo. Fox Valley Camp iObierwa Birthday The forty-seventh birthday anniversary of the Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A., will be celebrated with a pot-luck supper to b$ held at the Nook restaurant in West McHenry on Monday evening, March 23, at 7 p.m. Members are welcome tP t|vite guesta. . , <Woader Lake Club ^••foyed Dinner Party Ten members of the Wender \,> * ^Lake Woman's club attended a ,>#. -. 'theatre and dinner party in Chii cago on Friday, the thirteenth. ggt Such an enjoyable time was had fe that the group has every lnten- |[ . tion of having the occasion re- Bi, ' peated at some future date. Pji i Those who attended were Marie MDbrandt, Betty Fiala', I?J' Marge l^oxel, Karen Widen. Inex Schimke, Kay Armstrong, E\, Helen Marks, Lucille Liberatore. A Helen Sullivan and Mrs. Zimmer- About $250 will be turned over t* the McHenry Public library as the result of the fashion revue held last Sunday afternoon at the high school auditorium, presented by the Toddler shop. Mrs. Harry Stinespring was assisted by her daughter, Sue, in giving the narrations and accompaniments were by Mrs. Charles Schlottman, who conducts a music school locally. An accordion solo was given by her son, Charles. Models included the following: Nancy and Linda Lawson, Sar.i Kay Douglas, Betty O'Brien, Patty Tonyan, Sally Justen, Ann Pe8chke,, Libby and Donnie Stinespring, Carol Watkins, S h a r o n K l a p p e r i c h , Jimmy (Creamer, Mary Ellen Nye, Leora Varese, Michael Hughes, Terry Huck, Virginia Kauss, Cassius Downs, Nancy Steinbach, Debbie Block, Jimmy O'Brien, Joyce Adams, Nancy Kralowetz, Bobby Schaefer, Charlene Klapperich, Laurel Loff, Terry Mahoney, Theresa Tonyan, Valerie and Virginia Peterson, Carl Johnson, Judy Baur and Marie Tonyan. Patty McCurdy acted as the Easter Bunny and distributed favors to the children. Flowers for the stage were urnished by McHenry Flora] company and the truck to transport the apparel was donated by lainbow Cleaners. Arrangements for the show, i n c l u d i n g t i c k e t s a l e d f w e r e handled by the three local schools, St. Mary's, St. Patrick's and the public school. Friends' Night at tchapter No. 647, O. E, lia touching ceremonies, brought together members from near and far. Edith Harrison. worthy matron, selected her mother for gueat of honor. A demonstration of fine work was performed by the following friends of officers: Edith Case, Worthy matron, and Elmer JC. Icenagle, worthy patron, from Wauconda; . Rita and Walter Bakula, associate matron and associate patron, Rose marie Ehrke, associate conductress, ant' Helen Miller, Esther,"•from Richmond; Rose Bly. conductress from Algonquin; Ethel Cable, chaplain, Hebron; Althea Soefker, Ada, from Deenflekl;( Wlwefred Collins, Martha, from Keokuk, Iowa; Lillian Schroeder, soloist, Amanda Alphen, warder, and Leslie Neff, color bearer, from Woodstock. Ethel Smith, secretary, BDsie Reiker, treasurer, Valeska Hoppe, Marshal Phyllis Nirnt*. organist, Mabel Johnson, Ruth, and Chancey Harrison, sentinel. Edith Case addressed the meeting with words of reminiscences from her experiences in Star activities over many yearn Edith Harrison thanked the many guests for coming to one of the most impressive pro- BIRTHS '•A daughter was born on March 15 at the Woodstock hospital to Vr and Mm. Henry HiHer of Johhsburg. Mr., and Mrs. Fred Chase of Zeeland, Mich., are the parents of their third child and third ion, born~bj£ week. l$rs. Chase Is the former Esther Altiioff of McHenry. A daughter was born March 16 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Liebman Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Freund are the parents 6f a daughter born March 16 at the Wood stock hospital. .A girl was born St. Patrick' Day at. the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Menke Mr. and Mrs. William Schlitt : welcomed a son at the Wood stock hospital on March 17. CUD OF 11IANKS ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE OF JULIA lCNO: McClfeLOW Announcement has been made by Mr/and Mrs. Robert E. Knox of McHenry of the marriage of their daughter, Julia, to OleVm Rtfoka, son of Mr. an# Mrs Steve Htpka, Sr., of MfeCttlldm Lake. The wedding took pku» in the C^iapel of the Sacred Heart of St. Patrick's church at 11 o'clock Thursday monMiotg, March 5, with ftev. Fr. Ewrard C. Coakley officiating. ^ The attractive, ^tonde i^ride wore an aqua-colored suit. - Her ^aly attendant, her stster, Helen chose a purple suit. •/ '. Steve Huska, brother of ^tne bridegroom, acted as frest>,i$t6n Since the marriage, Mr. H&ifca has returned to duty at 'fjEort Lewis, Wash. Prior to ent« service he was employed by > Wetzler Boat Service in McHenry. The bride will contlllUe to reside in McHenry. She ' is employed at Vendma Ajfts Stu- (tto,' Woodstock, tf' PERSONALS H4 • I1 f• i1 •81 '!• <• <"{• • '81 'I1 i'fl1 '!• 'M' • mMnffiiHyiNHWiittiniHiii Cook Comer HmtttmuiNmnuiiiiiiiiiiiininiRiiiiliiiiitiiiHiiiiiiiiiii grams of the year. In well se- By M»He Sctaiettgen lected words, she recognized the i j^nt Is still with us and by friendliness between the neigh- > thig time perhaps the family boring chapters and thanked the j settle for this "<MI toast" fifteen representatives of Mey- \ version of creamed tuna. HOME ECONOMICS LEADER TO DISCUSS PROGRAM PLANNING .'. rg woald like to take this means , of thanking all those who re-, membered me with gifts and cards and in other ways during the time I was confined to the hospital. Everything was greatly appreciated. •45 LORiEN TB. THOMAS Mrs. Kathryn Van Aken Burns, 3tate leader of home, economics extension, . will conduct a McHenry county program planning meeting Tuesday, March 24, In Woodstock. The event will be held in the meeting room of the Farm Bureau building at 1:15 p.m. Purpose of the meeting 19 to begin plans for the subject mat ter program which will be carried out in McHenry county during 1964. The home economics extension program is conducted by county extension personnel, Heme Adviser Irene Downey and Assistant Home Adviser • Mrs. Sibyl Sear^ with the cooperation of McHenTy county Home Bureau. Representatives tfom each of the twenty-five Home Bureau units will attend the March 24 meeting. They will' then discuss program planning In their units at April unit meetings, at which time each Home Bureau memberwill have the opportunity to sug rest program Subjects which will fill their wants and needs. flower for sustaining that :eel-1 ing by their presence. , | Ekner Icenagle alio addressed the group. Worthy Patron Ray Horeoberger who la new In Star activities, assured his many friends that he had thoroughly enjoyed the fine performance of the visiting officers and is pleased to be one am\ng them to uphold a cherished tradition. ; Aeola Underwood of Mayflower, instructress, in her talk, interestingly and effectively compared return in Star membership to income tax return with a successful proof of ,a favorable result. Refreshments were served at tables decorated in St. Patrick's tuna and on Paul J. Stfuck, candidate for justioe of the peace at April election. 8. years law enforcement officer. 45 Day green, place cards design. Creamed toaat. 1 can tuna 3 hard ^cooked eggs 2 cups medium cream sauce 1 small can peas 1 can sliced mushrooms Salt and pepper While eggs are cooking, prepare a medium cream or white sauce. Turn contents of can of tuna into fine meSh drainer or colander and pour boiling water over it. Remove any skin Or bones. Add tuna to cream sauce. Add sliced eggs, peas (drained) and mushrooms. Season to taste and re-heat over low heat while preparing tdast. Do not toast bread too much. Hot '^Mk£ing powder biscuits may be subrtituh Miss Rose Htiemann arrived home last Sunday after spending three months at La Mesa,- Calif. She suffered a sprained ankle in a fall shortly after her arrival there and was unable to be around most of the time. Mxs. Lynn smith' of Rockton visited her parents,v Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway, oin Wednesday of last weekly 4 , Mrs. Carl Courier and Mrs. Meivin Yerke of Marengo visited the former's mother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon, one evening this past week. Mrs. J. Elliott Corbett attended a meeting and, luncheon of Methodist ministers' wives of the northern district in Chicago on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Green, Mr. and Mrs. F. Saynor, Mrs. Marge Davidson, Mrs. Luella Graham, Mrs. Christine Krinn, ' ' Mrs. Bess Grobel and Mrs. Delia Freund visited the v Elgin state hospital last Wednesday evening, where they took treats to the veterans. , Mrs. Elmer Winkelman and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl visited in Chicago last week Wednesday. Miss Laurayne Thennes of Warren spent the weekend visiting relatives In McHenry. "Vr and Mrs. Bernard Doherty are residing temporarily "ih the William F. Doherty home, having moved Here from Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Olhava of Chicago were recent McHenry visitors. . Mr. and Mrs. Howard 'Phalin of Wilmette visited in the home of his sister, Mrs. Eleanor Foley, one day last week. - Mr. and Mrs. James Winkelman of Beloit, Wis., visited his parents, the Elmer WinkeJmans, last week. Miss Ferol Martin, a senior al the University of Illinois, spoil! last week with her parents, the Clinton Martins. Miss Mary Ann B6lger of Rosary college spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. John Bolger. *• YOUNG TEACHERS ADDRESSED MEMBERS OF EDUCATION GROUP -Members of Delta Kappa Gamma met at the Marengo Central school last wiek for their March meeting. It was called to order by the president, Mrs. Raymond. Colby, of Crystal Lake. After a short report op current legislation given by Miss Marguerite Desmond of Woodstock, the meeting was tur'ied over to Miss Alice Fleming of Marengo. Miss Fleming is chairman of the teachers' recruitment committee. In turn, she introduced a group of young students and their director from the National college of Education in EvanstOn. These young prospective teachers, cne of whoift has already accepted a teacher's position in kong Beach, Calif., discussed such questions as "Why I Chose Teaching as a Profession," "What Age Level I Would Like To Teach," "Why 1 Like National College for a Preparatory School," etc. > ' , v About forty future teachers from the county high schools listened attentively to the panel discussion and had many of their questions answered by this energetic group. Members from McHenry who attended the meeting were Mrs. Albert Foley, Mrs. Charles Gibbs, Mrs. John Bolger, Mrs. Ray McGee and Miss Genevieve Knox. AUXIUASY BAZAAR Members and friends of the V. F. W. Auxiliary are asked to remember the bazaar which will be held' Thursday afternoon and evening, March 10. Coffee cake will be served daring toe] afternoon, wilji disa*?, in the] evening,* fniiiiwi* • / '.H' CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Simon Stoffel is deeply grateful for all the expressions cf sympathy and other kindnesses shown during their receiit sorrow 45 'Bodwtf M EVERYDAY IAMGUA6E This is the form of endorsement to use when depositing checks in your checking account. Simply write the words "for deposit only/' and underneath them add jfour1 regular banking signature. .( 'RE'S WHAT IT MEANS TO TOO Such endorsement prevents farther transfer of title; provides extra protection for the checks you receive and deposit by mail. I Mfc| KMHt-WM HI «• McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL RESKRVRE SY£ INTEREST PAID ON SAVIN & DEPO&TEA. PHONE 1040 „ & . punctuated with 1 ted for toast to delight the famwith a shamrock GIRL SCOUTS Troop 6 Fourth grade girls, members qf Troop 5, are busy at present "on completing a miniature farm which stands on a 30x60 inch base. It will be complete with house, barn, fences, silo, corn cribs, etc., when finished. All work is being done by the girls except the sewing needed for construction. Leaders of the troop are Ethel Bailey, Loretta Meyer and Betty Frett. Additional assistance on the project is bein^ .offered by Mrs. B. J. RoggeiYbuelt When completed, the project will be presented to an orphange. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Thomas McLaughlin wishes to thank Father Coakley and Father Mc- Gowan, neighbors and friends tor the kindnesses extended to them in their recent bereavement. MISS KATE MCLAUGHLIN MRS. O. c. MURRAY 45* NIECES AND NEPHEWS "y- Baked apples served h^t with a topping of whipped cream make a good dessert wi{h the tuna. *< Jt you are baking appfes the tuna mixture could be turned into a buttered casserole,, sprinkled with "buttered crumbs anXT reheated in oven for about twenty minutes. OPEN SUNDAY MORNINGS. IttCITALS HARDWARE 'l$2 S. Green Street PHONE 98 45 iiiiillliiniHii'iniiimtMillllllNilWlMiiillliWI AMONG THE SICK HIHtllllllllUIIIHlllllllllUllUlllltlllllltllllfllttmitllHUHl Mrs. Winnie Jolits has been ill for several days*1 with a thio|J infection. Mrs. Jolitz has also Ix.en suffering from a heart ailment but is somewhat improved. Reinhold Leuchtenberger, w^o resides on the Crystal Lake blacktop road, has been a medical patient at the Woodstock hospital. WHY RAINBOW IS THE BUSIEST CLEANING PLANT W THIS AREA If | ODORS $ROWSE AROUND You will be aurprised with our complete selection. lor ETI V Need. X Authentic Western Denim ArBOtS $ANFORIZED 8 oz. Blue Denim COPPER RIVETED Double Stitched SIZES 1-22 . SMiUftS KtoYo with wfflt UHCOMMTIOmiY MARANTCtD ^ a. •« DEPARTMENT STORE 203 S. Green Street PHONE 182 McHenry, I1L ann>iu»i uifc'ii 8M as an Easter Bonnetcur Easter Cards by Agatha Shop 110 South Green Street McHenry, HI. GIFT PEWTER - COPPER - WOOD POTTERY - CHROME GLASS - CHINA CUTLERY 9 VYCITAL'S Rainbow's cleaning is unconditionally guaranteed to be odorless. We never return your clothes to you smelling of that rancid, foul "dry cleaning" odor. Your garments are cleaned in only iresh, sweet, clean solvent at Rainbow. COLORS ^Because only fresh, sweet, flean solvent is used in Rainbow's cleaning, you will notice that ««your garments are much brighter in color. Pastels are never dingy -- true tones are more brilliant. GOOD CLEANING It costs Rainbow more in extra effort, time, and materials to do the high quality cleaning we produce but it's worth it in customer-satisfaction . . . . and satisfied customers have made us the busiest cleaning plant in this are*. •' Save 10% Off Regular Prices Cash & Carry at our plant or Branch Stores Winters Store In Rln^wood Lakemoor Hdwe. In Lakemoor eahtx, SHEET METAL SHOP PHONE 98 ^ McHenry, m. HARDWARE Its 8» Oram Street OjMU Sundfy Mornings N. f*RONT ST. -- Around Corner North of XaUooal-Iw COMPLETE LAUNDRY SERVICES TOO! * Phone 027 For Pick-up Serried AND YOU wni LIKE US!

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