Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Mar 1953, p. 5

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Published every Thursday at ^^WcHenry, HI., by the McHenry jj^ubliahlng Company, Uic ATION At COIT | BUTLPEINDT, Gen. Manager ^*DELE FROEHLICH, Editor Plaindealer Want Add ; No ads counted; less than 25 .« jvpids 51.00 minimum. ji s $ insertion $1.00 i( V . (Count 5 words per line) 25c service charge on all blind £ ,|..fcds. Cash with order. I, ' Card of Thanks--$1.00 Minimum i:* -Want Ads close promptly At 10 ^ •» v' m.m. Wednesday. tuSi' ' Subscription rate ?«*r $3.00 ^ Entered as second-class matter T*t the post office at McHenry, y JDl, under the act of May 8, 1879. '" ;s ' AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR «y>: ALL CARS K, n Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY U. « ? 409 W. Elm Street m Week Days 9 ajn. p.m. r Sundays 9 ua to 1 pjn, BUSINESS SERVICE JOHNSON MOTORS -"Kew and Used --• Terms. Motors and Boats ^Service, Refinishing and Storage BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104% S. Riverside Drive PhoneMcHenry 1076 44 < MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home Piano and Piano Accordian Clarinet and Saxophone EAiRL P. KOCH Phone Pistakee 633-M-l 6-tf V. PIANO TUNING Also for sale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upright pianos Prompt Service. C. J. H. Diehl, phone -208-W, Woodstock, 111. • 51*tf %OR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES, service i V 5©rj all makes, also ribbons for all inakes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7*tf OARAGE DOORS ' WOOD SECTIONAL . Residential, Commercial or In- --dustrial -- Standard or Specially ;Tfc)eirigftgar KEN LEIBACH : Sales, Installation and Service , :! McHenry 1187-R l4-\f For Sale--Protect priceless baby shoes In pastfel colors or bronae. Call, Pearl Pletseh, McHenry •85-M-2. 42*5 FOR SALE -- Kenmore Sudsaver automatic washer. In good condition, $126.00. Phone: McHenry 492-W eyehihga after 5:15 P. M. . 45 FOR SALE--AKC registered German Sheperd, male poppy. Call McHenry 067-R-2. 45 FOR SALE--Oats that tests 3«H lbs. per bushel - germinates up ill the 90's. Not cleaned. Call Frank Ehredt, 6-2223, Round Lake, 111. •45 L A H AtovWn t Appliance FOR SALS TELEVISION SETS 10" 12 W 14" 17" Motorolas R.C.A. Crosleys Fhilcos General Electrics Zeniths and Admirals *15.00 to $100.00 AH in good working order. Call L & H Television when you want a Service Call in a Hurry! We believe in qufck service. Route SI ; PHONE 909 V 45 FC5R SALS!--Oold Spot refrigerator and oil heater, $25.00 each. Also 1941 Studcfcaker, all in good condition. Tel: Johasburg 637-R. 45 FOR 8 ALB -- Re-conditioned Elect rolux, iesteonable. Gall 663- W-2. 4ft i FOR SALE -- J&mesway electric broaden, 300-chick size, $25.00; 500-chick size, $30.00. Vycital's Hdwe^ 132 S. Green St Phone ¥&. 45 FOR SAI4C -- Heatrolo type oil burner, with electric blower attachment. Phone 69-W. 45 FOR SALS--4 room Duo-Therm oil heater, like new, $25.00. Phone 210 J. .45 FOR SALE--Table top gas range. Call 906. 45 FOR YOUR KITCHEN CABINET Maple Pastry Boards 18x24 -- $4.25 . 1 . Maple Chopping Blocks '•v .»>-•:*- $9.55 • , V AW "tee ' the special* in our other ad in this issue.. ,* „ CRYSTAL LAKE MILL CO.' Cary T24S 44-4 FOR RENT ...4HBR^S89|r FpR RENT -- Newly decorated BUS. SERVICE--Interior Paint- I ***** J•">«?• Prl^«- de* |ng and Paper Hanging. A11! Pot 411(1 8Ch_00,s- 109 *ain Street Work gnaranteed. Free estimates. " el. J525-M-2. S5*tf t > '^Sfhroughout GRAPHIC WEDDING CANDID8 the whole eventful day from Home, Church, Receptiga. Jn full album form* - MAX F. KOLII* ' ^ ^ McHenry 566-Wj£ , Chicago RA 6-6857 3-tf fc'FJLLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, rej^ air and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, Mc- .Henry. Telephone 167. 26-tf RALPH L. CLARK tJT piaao T«*iilciap ^fc^airtog -- Tuning $tf2 CMtrtJeld Road, harvard, HI ^ Phorte 748-R 37-tf RANTED Down or crippled Rattle. $90 to $60 cash. Call L. *%urnside and Sons, Marengo 907, collect. 39»tf |)EAD ANIMALS--Highest C**h 'prices paid for cows, horses and ' hogs, no help needed to load. >|)ay and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; re- Verse charges. 36-tf FARM DRAINAGE -- Also sewer and water contractor. Ben J. Miller, 501 Mill St., McHenry, 111. 45-5 FOR SALE FOR' SALE--20 shares of McHenry state Bank Stock at 1250 per share. Book value over $500 per share. Phone 43. 43-tf FOR SALE--ALUMINUM WTN- 0OWS. The Walhfill Co., Leo Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry * "IS. 48-tf -FOR SALE--Year 'round COMFORT and ECONOMY with FIRE-PROOF Johns-M a a v 111 e plome Insolation. Installed by the Wailfill Co. Call Leo Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 18. 41-tf * Retail Factory Outlet Store Women's Girls' and Boys' slacks- Dresses - Skirts - Blouses - Big selection of remnants. Also factory seconds. RIVERSIDE MFG., CO., at old bridge on Riverside Drive, McHenry, HI. 41-tf FOR SALE--Chrome kitchen table, formica top; Electric sewingmachine, desk model; Six year baiby crib; 4-pc. modern bedroom fret. Beat offer. Phone: McHenry Phone McHenry 100-fc 20-tf FOR RENT -- Sleeping rooms with or without bath. Special weekly, monthly or year-round rate. Riverside Hotel, Riverside Drive and Elm street. 19-tf FOR RENT--5 room, unfurnished house in Emerald Parte. $50 per month. Call McHenry 530-M-2. 45 ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE GO. **4 good place to work" TELEPHONE OPJ2RATORS Good salary to statf: frequent Increases. Youjl be Working with girls your own and you'll be doing interesting work in an important iiiuustry. See: Miss R. Marshall,; , Chief Operator at ^ 102 Park Ave. " 43-tf HZXP WANTED We have openings in our organization for Secretaries. Shorthand desirable. 5 day week. Paid Vacations and Holidays. Attractive Insurance Plan. Why pay for transportation to Chicago ? Work near home at EDWAL LABORATORIES, Inc. Ringwood, Ilk tUk. WW& Lake t411 45 WOMEN WANTED -- For ll^ht machine wc*rk. Day and night shift open. Precision Twist Drill, 13 Woodstock St. Crystal Lake. Phone 1144. 1 4>*4 WAITRESS WANTED -- Experienced, refined neat In appearance. Apply in person at Buck's Town Club. 45 915 Per HOUR SPARE TIME MAN OR WOMAN Be Your Own Boss Spare Time -- First Time Offered AN ENTIRELY NEW ITEM Refilling and collecting money from our machine# in this area. No Selling! To qualify for work you must have a car, reference, $640 cash to secure territory and inventory. Devoting: 8 hours a week to business your end on percentage of collections could net up to $400 monthly with very good possibility of taking over full time. Income increasing accordingly. For interview include phone in application. Box 330, In care of Plaindealer, 45 REAL ESTATE HOMES FOk SALE McHENRY - 4 room brick, automatic oil heat, full basement, 2- car garage, newly decorated, near church, school and shoQping Price $14,900.00. Owner will sell completely furnished including automobile for $18,900.00. For information, call our. office. (M before Yon Buy A Home See JAK-ANA HEIGHTS in Johnsburg. You on gel a modsrn home on ft 100 x 200 foot loi, overlooking the beautiful countryside. Near church, school. New Memorial H^U- and -fllrapplng district. JACOB FRITZ - REALTORS IE Johnsburg Tel. McHenry^ 87 RL 5» McHenry, Illinois tai and vertical clearances of the proposed work. Oral statements I will be heard, but for accuracy of ; record all important facts should i be submitted in writing. Written | statements may be handed to the I above mentioned Division of Waterway's' offices. THOMAS B. CASEY, Chief Engineer Dated: February 27, 1953. (Pub. March 19-26) i Clearance Sale HEAL ESTATE FOR SALK--5 room year 'round home; automatic oil heat, 2 bedrooms, utility room, all newly decorated. Garage. Private beach. Price $7;000. Tel. McHenry 107B-J. •45 WANTED JOHNSBURG FOR SALE -N:esen's subdivision; year 'round, 2 bedroom home. Sunporch suitable for 3rd bedroom. Utility, full bath. Garage. Lot e0xl30. Phone McHenry 585-J-l. •45-5 REAL ESTATE WANTED We have cash buyers for you* homes, summer homes, farms, and business properties. We can sell your property If your price is right. JACOB FRITZ . REAL ESTATE in Johnsburg Tel. McHenry ST 27-tf WANTED -- Used 20". girl's 2- wheel bicycle. Phone 629-J-l. *45 FOR SALE--4 room house; with bath, full basement, gas forced air heat. Water heater jpuid water softener. Landscaped, 100'x200! lot. Large garage. Immediate possession. Call 691-R-l. 44-4 WANTED TO BUY FOR SALE--6 room house; 3 bedrooms, insulated, full basement, rumpus room. Furnace. 1*4 C&r garage. Double lot, landsosp^d. Large closets, cabinets. McCullom Lake. Call 673-J-l. *J5 WANTED TO BUY--Top price paid for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh,, phone McHenry 563-R-l. 33-tf LEGALS FOR SALE--At beautiful Pistakee Bay, two apartments, ftve rooms each; gas heat, insulated, large electric water heater, a bargain. Pistakee 194. 45 LOST AND FOUND * McCULLOM LAKE - 4 bath, electric, all year' home, ohly $5,000.00. rooms, feiind HELP WANTED Mat WANTED To work In our production and traffic department. Liberal bonus for shift work. Paid vacation after 6 months service; paid sick leave after 2 months; group insurance and hospitalization plan. See us Mondays through Fridays, S AM. to 4:^0 PJU. ^ | 11M Edwal Laboratories, toft. Ringwood, 111, Wo.ader Lake 2411 45 HELP WANTED -- Experienced fartn-hand on dairy farm. References required. 8teady and pleasant work. Phone Richmond 723. •45-2 HELP WANTED for fanners With aches, pains, corns, etc., due to stiff, hard, work shoes. Try WOLVBRINu SHELL KCRSEHIDES. Soft as buckskin. Dry soft. Stay •oft. Wear longer. We have "tern. FITZGERALD'S MEN'S , SHOP S. Green Strell <'V.McHenry, Hi. 45 HELP WANTED -- Block layer. Call Wonder Lake 2793. 45 HELP WANTED -- Married man for dairy farm. Good wages and good house. Richard May. McHenry 606-M-2. 45 JOHNSBURG - 4 rooms, tile kitchen, tile bath, gas heat, 2-car garage, water rights. Prioe $11,- 500.00. * ; > ALSO ' o 4 room summer cottage, near Johnsburg, ' gas and electric. Price $3,500.00 PISTAKEE LAKE - } mile north of Johnsburg; 4 room*, tile bath, oil heat, garage ^attached. Near bathing beach. Price $8,250.00. Jim Hettermann All above homes will be Shown by appointment with our office. We also have many other properties for sale. JACOB mtlTZ - UAL ESTATE In Johnaburg Tel. McHenry $7 \.i ; 43-tf TOR SALE--8 room modern; gas heat; 2-car garage with 20x30 ft. "Work shop on 2H acres ground. Located within city limits; ne<r schools and business district. Acreage suitable for sutrtttvidlftg. Will sell furnished or unfurnished. ' Priced for quick sale by owner. 909 So. Green street. Phone 51-J. 39-tf FOR SAL E--HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY * KnotRealEic^e |05 Richmond Kbai ' --McHenry, 111. intone: McHenry 42W. . j. H- tf HELP WANTED--Girl for general office work. Knowledge of typing cesired. Work five days a week. State qualifications. Write Box 331, c/o Plaindealer 45 HELP WANTEI>--Help for general shop and wire department. Good working conditions; paid vacations; hospital benefits. Claude S. Gordon Co., Richmond, 111. Tel Richmond 631. 45-3 HELP WANTED FEMALE -- Sewing machine operators. Experienced. Unexperienced - we will irain you with salary. Steady employment. Pool rides obtainable. Next to Northwestern depot. Magic Slacks, Inc., Bdtk K. McHenry. . 36-tf ^FARMS WANTED All Sizes, from 5 acres op DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR FARM If You Do, Call GEORGE D. WATTS Realty tA No. UL# Stoplight Fox |«ke, m. Phone 7-1011 27-tf FOR SALE -- 5 room modern ranch howe on large hike lot; large kitchen with birch cabinets; tile bath; automatic oil heat; hot water; water softener; combination storm and screen windows. $13,500. Down payment $4,500. Write Bdx 329, c/o P14indealer. v 45 Bids are being received for sale of old Hebron, Illinois Exchange building on Prairie Stiteet. 34'x54* two-story " brick with basement. Completely modern. In good condition. Ideal for business or residence use. Inquire General Telephone Company of Iilineti Business office at Richmond, Illinois. pha«4 ixeumm LOST--Grey Persian cat, one and a half years old. Reward. Phone: Crystal Lake 860. *45 LOST--Bottom part of a Life-time Schaefer black foutain pen, along the city mail route. Alex Justen. i Phone 495-J. FOUND--C.O.F. basketball uniform, shoes, etc. in canvas bag. Phone after 6:00 P.M. McHenry 838. - *45 MISCELLANEOUS TREE AND BARN SPRAYING White wash or Fly control. Frank W. Henkel, P.O. Round Lake, 111. Residence: Volo, III. Phone McHenry 541-J-l. 45-tf NOTICE TO SEWING CLUBS-- We have the pure wool comforter batts in any size, any weight, to f pounds. • 21 Merrill Woolen MS* Branch Store Pt. 12 and 120, Volo \ " McHenry 682-M-2 tf/ ' GUS'S PLACE (Formerly Alibi) ' 1180 S. Green Stmt LENTEN SPECIAL Ihk Fries, 50c - To go 60c Potato Pancakes, 60c Wednesday A Friday Evenings After Lent, Friday as usual lURTHDAY PARTY - MAR. 21st Music and Lunch 45 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGS DIVISION OF WATERWAYS 201 West Monroe Street Springfield, Illinois NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Horizontal and Vertical Clearance of Bridge over Fox River Replacing Burton's Bridge A Public Hearing will be held at 8:00 p.m., C.S.T., March 31, 1953, in the American Legion Hall, 209 South Green Street, McHenry, Illinois, by the Department of Public Works and Buildings of the State of Illinois to consider the 45 adequacey of horizontal and vertical bridge clearances of a nev. bridge proposed to be constructed ty the Divisions of Highways of said Department, to replace the existing five arch structure known as Burton's Bridge, located on S. B. I. Route 176 between Crystal Lake and Wauconda, in the SW>4 of the NEVi of Section 19, Township 44 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois. Preliminary plans and other information concerning the proposed work are on file in the Office of the Division of Waterways, Room 420, 160 North La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois, and the Office of the Division of Waterways, 201 West Monroe Street, Springfield, Illinois, where they may be inspected by interested partial. All interested parties are invited to be present or to be represented atf this hearing. Parties in interest will be giVen an opportunity to express their views upon horizon- NOTICE OF ELECTION FOR MEMBERS OF THE SCHOOL BOARD, SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 156, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, the 11th day of April, 1953 an election will be held in school District No. 156, County zs: of McHenry and State of Illinois. for the purpose of electing two = members of the school board of ~ : said district for the full term. | ~ •' For thtf purpose of this election ! the following precincts and poll-j EE ' ing places are hereby established: | = The Precincts shall be: iS' PRECINCT NO. I - AH of 1 = School District No. 156, M< - Henry County, Illinois, not in- -~ eluded in Precinct No. II. j E5 PRECINCT NO. II - All of Sec- j = tion 32, Township 45, North' 35 Range 9 East of 3rd Principle! 55 Meridian; commonly known as|fj|| Lilymoor and village of Lake-1 moor. The Polling places shall be: PRECINCT NO. I - City Hall, McHenry, Illinois. PRECINCT NO H - McDermott's Garage, Lakemoor, 111. The polls will be opened at 12:00 noon and closed at 7:00 P. M. of the same day. By order of the School Board of said district. Dated this ?6th day March, '1984., , A. L FRC&CHUCH, , President. A. J. WTRTZ, v '» Secretary. SiMmiinnnimrainwiiiiimiim £ """" 10Ft Auto. § Crosley Refrigerators| FLOOR SAMPLES g LIBERAL 1 s."' .V 1 Crosley H Skelvidor SS Was $429.95 1 $36<ps =mnmtHHiHiiiniiiBmmroiw|m m nHmwMnm^ipiiiiii 9^ Ft. Axm::, Crosley FIRST COME FIRST TRADE 1 i Shelvadac g Was $369.96 I s29995 amwimiiiHminiwiiniMiii--i 1 'nmii IN S SERVED I 4 Boxes Only! I O 11 T 1 - • i&H Television and APPLIANCES 606 FRONT ST. PHONE 90S 1 ONLY! •ft Foot Crosley Shehrador Wa« $290.95 $269W McHENRY, ILL. 3 iiwimiiiiiil N O T I C E IN THE MATTER OF TUB APPLICATION OF RUSSELL HOLOCHWOST FOR VARIA- ^ that the following described TION OF ZONING CLAS3IF1CA- ProPerty be detaahed from School at the hour >f 3 30 P. M. on the 14th day of April, 1953. All perr.oj s interest*/ may attend. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FRANK NAGEL, . Its Chairman Petitioner's Attorney: / JOSEPH X. WAYNNE 809 Waukegan Road (Rout* 4) McHenry, Illinois. Telephone 492. -» NOTICE Notice la hereby given that on the 28th day of January, 1953, a petition was filed with the County Board of School Trustees of McHenry County, Illinois, pray- 45 C. S. O.--Power lawn mower repairs, complete rebuilding by factory trained mechanic. Also repairing of all outboard motors by skilled mechanic. Special: $1.56 sharpens any hand mower; $3.50 jharpens any 21" power mower, Includes pick-up and delivery. For information call McHenry 575-W-2. 43-tf Will You Have Enough Hot Water For Spring CleanUp Jobs? Lakemoor Electric can install at a Special March Discount, a New 1953 Crosley Hot Water Heater. Modern, efficient, low-cost hot water service c&n be yours now! We handle the complete line of Crosley Appliances. For dependable service and free estimates on all your electrical needs call: Ken Cunny, McHenry 595-M-l. LAKEMOOR ELECTRIC • 42-tf MISC.--You can own a fabulous Pfaff Zig-Zag Sewing Machine r y doing simple sewing. For details, phone McHenry 569-M-l, or write Box 172, Barrington, HI. Phone 2^6. 44-4 TION AND AMENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE. NOTICE is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, a public hearing will be Itsld by McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals relative to a cliange in classification from Farming Pistrict ("F" Classification) to Business District ("B-l" Classification) or for a variation allowing a business district ("B-l" Classification) use of the following described property in accordance with the prayer of the petition filed with said Board: The East one hundred (100) feet of the West two hundred fifty - four and three - tenths (254.3) feet, as measured on the Sout^rline thereof, of that part of the North West Quarter of the South East Quarter of Section twenty - seven (27), Township forty-five (45) North, Rarifce "eight (8) East of the Third1 Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the South East Corner of the North West Quarter of the South East Quarter of said Section twenty-seven (27); thence West ten . and nineteen- hundredths (10.19) chains to the stake; thence North to the center of the road; thence Southeasterly along the center of the road, ten and fifty-seven-hundredths (10.57) chains to the East Line of the North West Quarter of the South East Quarter of said Section twenty-seven (27); thence South on aforesaid East Z ine of the North West Quarter of the South East Quarter of the place of beginning, in McHenry County, Illinois. Said hearing shall be heard in the City Hall ton the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois OPEN SUNDAY MORNINGS. VYCITAL'S HARDWARE 132 S. Green Street . WONK m • 4ft START WORK NOW 1 THE BARRINGTON PLANT Openings now and during the next two weeks tn the Barrington plant: FACTORY Turret Lath* . SU1U4 Drill Pien - Skilled Radial Drill Ptms - Skilled bther Machine Operators - Skilled •Assemblers - Skilled and Unskilled OFFICE Stenographers Pictaphone Operators Sypisis ' - lerks . e File Clerks ^ APPLY " L.,pjn. to 1 pjn. MONDAY-thru FRIDAY • ajn. to 12 neon SATURDAYS * For a more satisfactory interview^ apply in the afternoon. Barto Manufacturing Co. 500 HOUGH STREET BABJjtgNGTON, ILLINOIS District No. 34 of McHenry County, Illinois and annexed to School District No. 36 of McHenry County, Illinois: The West Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 8; and that part of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 5 lying south and west of the public highway; all In Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois. Notioe is hereby given that a hearing will be held on said petition before said County Board of School Trustees of McHenry County. Illinois, at a regular meeting thereof on Monday, April 6th, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., CST.. at the McHenry County Court House, Woodstock, niinois, at which time the prayer of • said petition may be supported or resisted. Dated this 12th day of March, A. D. 1953. County Board of School Trustees of McHenry County, Illinois. - By: R. L. TAZEWELL, Secretary. (Pub. March 19-20, April 2) Read The Want Ada! NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF JOHN J . THELtN AND AGATHA THELEN FOR 'AMENDMENT TO OR VARIATION OF ZONINQ CLASSIFICATION. Notice is hereby given that ta compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, a public hearing will ba : held by the Board of Appeals ot the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance relative to a change in . classification to a Residence R-l * of the following deacribed property, to-wit: All that part of the South East , quarter of Section 5; Township 45 North, Range 9, East of the Third Principal Meridian, that lies East and South of the pub* lie road that goes through said • Section 5, In McHenry County, Illinois. Said proposed change is for the purpose of subdividing said tract >, for residential purposes cominf 7 within an R-l classification. 8aid hearing wfll he held in the - City Hall of the City of McHenry,, Illinois at the hour of 3:30 PJM., oh the 14th day of April. 1953. All persons interested may attend. McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS - ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS By FRANK NAGEL, VERNON jr. KNOaf^ " Lawyer _•., .. • Crystal Lake, Illinois. FASHION SHOW X v^3 The Easter and spring faahio*« show sponsored by the Lotus P. T. A. of Fox Lake will be presented at the American Legion Home in that city on Wednesday, March 25. Proceeds will benefit the hot lunch program. Luncheon will be served at 12:39 o'clock. . 1', v.* • I I • 1 UMyi|l( . 1 BUSIEST J+' WORKERS IN TOWN! PLAINDEALER WANT ADS best USED CARS FOR LESS •DMAB* All Cars Reconditioned and Sold • With Written Wairanty „ ? t » You Can't Best These Prices - Anywhere! 1S7500 ' " 'L.RW'TIJRI'IW Q .1 FIN |;III '52 • DODGE 4 Dr. S«d*a <***> Hard To Tell from New -- Perfect. ' '51 - KAISER 4 Dr. Sedan <B4H-°"Dr,v" |295°° . . . ' • ' Excellent Condition - High Quality - Low Price. » . DODGE Coronal 4-Dr. (R*h-(J»b» J375OO Don't Overlook This Beauty - Neit 9k Clean. '50 - PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. Sedan (H> IIQ5OO Had Special Care - Real Economy Hare. '50 - DODGE Club Sedan (RAH> Combine Luxury with Low Cost. '49 - DODGE Coronet 4-Dr. IQ75OO One Owner • Extra Clean • Mechanically Perfect. '48 - MERCURY Club Coupe (R * H> Any Mechanic will O.K. This One. v?,. '47 - CHEVROLET Club Coop* <•> Very Attractive - Re«Uy A Good Blk •47 • FORD Tudor Sedan <R1H> 119500 Real Economy Found in This Beauty.. < Those and Many Mm Models May Be Seen Kk \ ' jr®s°° 1W500 A. S. BLAKE MOTORS MCHENRY154 " llK. m a fm •• 5- j -

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