Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Apr 1953, p. 9

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'"T . ;.«C -J . v.f>. V * • .4-vV •»» ». •;•» A, Y PLAJNDEALER • 'L •*-'• <>: ^. .-•: - -^'r 'V'/ . •: /"\ *" '• >hU Thmreday. AprU 9, 1953 mmmmmmmmmmmmmm LAKEMOOR & LILYMOOR By Florence Falsetti Congratulations to Mr. and Mr*. Bntyinski on the birth of a phter Sunday Woodstock isffr The Lakeside Improvement association ii planning a birthday dinner Saturday, April 25, at Club Lilymoor. This will be a t home-style dinner for members billy, which will be followed by a regular meeting of the club. ||r. Beahler, fir, father of Ted Benhler, was stricken with a heart attack Sunday evening and the promptness with which the McHenry fire department and our own police department responded certainly helped to insure Beahler'a, recovery. He is resting at theV Villa Home in Fiatakee Bay. Bed Cross donati|^ fritf 4^ village were vfcry favorable, with a total of |170 collected, and $7.00 from Lilymoor. , The ladies turned oat «n masse to form a group w;hich will be known as the Lakemoor volunteer fire department Auxiliary. Forty-six members met and voted Marie Dorgan as their president; Gert Hyatt as vicepresident; Pat Morrison, secretary; Lou Bitterman, treasurer; and the five directors are Lyda Diedrich, Doris Kibbe, Marie Hyatt, Stephanie Szarek and Helen Para. The regular meeting night for the Auxiliary will be the fourth Wednesday cf each month at 8 p.m. at the McDermott showroom. Dues . will be fifty cents monthly. If you are interested in joining,' try to attend the ijext meetiwf. Everyone $ J s * -- 1 -- • • ' " ' you haven't already it's a new car. We hope Walter Para is feeling better. He was rushed to Woodstock hospital for an emergency appendectomy last Saturday. Two men from this community are cahdidates on the grade school and high school board. Larry Booster is running on the high school board and Wilbur Blake on the grade school. Polling places will be the Charm House and McDermott's showroom. Charlotte RusSe A Dessert Beautiful I don't have many details, but! It was learned that Mr. and Mrs. Oilman were badly Injured in ail automobile accident while driving through Oklahoma. We do hope they are on the mend./ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sarley are back home again after a sixweek stay ih Miami, Fla., where they maintain a residence. The Sarleys and their daughters-in law and grandchildren also enjoyed the sun and wonderful weathgr. . , Dick Hyatt, village clerk, received word from the director of" Jghways that the motor fuel x allotment totalled *20*43 Another important item the trk passes on to those who will be casting an absentee ballot is that all ballots must be in by April 18, since that ia the deadline. " Jim and Wanda Wall have > new addition to their family, which they proudly displayed. If Though cm efforts May seem small, they -don't get by unnoticed. At a recent visit by the director of the >National Recreation association, he was much mpressed by the work being lone on the community and fir* house. Last but not least, please be extremely careful in burning off any area, particularly if there is a strong wind. Fires are so easily out of control. Parents with small children are asked to keep them off the bridge on Highland drive.. ?r ^ *... Raffed Rscw Ffcitute bicycle race at thf H8S Olympics at Helsinki, Finland, was the 116-mile read race. Cyclists from all over the world rode their steel steeds 18 times around a 6% mile course, of which only 3% miles ire paved; Drop cookies should be placed about one and one-half inehes apart ft iMSS*#'1 on the cookinf Aeet to show &>£• spreading.' SMOOTH as velvet, meltingly delicious, among the most beautiful of food creations . . that's a description of Charlotte Russe. This chiffon-type custard takes to your favorite flavoring and may be served simply or elaborately. Unfiavored gelatine actually captures the air beaten into egg whites and wbipped cream and gives lightness to the custard base of a Charlotte Russe. This dessert can be coffee flavored for a sophisticated touch, or substitute the coffee with a teaspoon of vanilla or almond extract. Chill the individual desserts in sherbet glasses with a trim of lady Angers or sponge cake. Or mold these desserts in paper cups set in a muffin pan. The garnishes may be whipped cream and, nuts or chocolate cookie crumbs, or if yon prefer top with diced fruits. Charlotte Russe 1 envelope unfiavored gelatin* fe cup sugar % teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons soluble CO#M 114 c*P* niilk 2 eggs, separated % teaspoon vanilla ^ I cup heavy ereawi. whipped Lady Fingers or Sponge Cake In top of double boiler, mix gelatine, 14 cup of the sugar, salt and coffee. Stir In cold milk. Place j>ver boiling water and scald, stirring constantly. Beat egg yolks slightly. Slowly pour small amount of the hot mixture over egg yolks. Return to double boiler and cOok. stirring constantly, until mixture coati the spoon, about 3 minutes. ReM6*a from heat; add vanilla. Chill until mixture is slightly thicker than the consistency of unbeaten egg white. Beat egg whites until stiff; gradually beat in remaining M cup sugar. Fold in gelatine mixture and whipped cream. Spoon into individual serving dishes which have been lined with lady fingers or sponge cake, or turn into paper baking cups in muffin pan. Chill until firm. Garnish with additional whipped cream, pecans or $Imca> late cookie crumbs. YlfeLD: If servings. WE DRESS YOUR FLOORS & WINDOWS 1 • Saa Our Complete Lin* * LINOLEUM - TILE - • DRAPES - CURTAINS - RODDING | VENETIAN and VERTICAL BUNDS v • PHONE 917 for Fne Estimate ; * TONYAN'S HOME FURNISHINGS ,1 sos e. elm street . mchenby, ill SUMMER STYLES PROVE SIMPLICITY WIS FASHION KEYNOTE Beware of overdecoration wnen yoy plan your spring and sumrow wardrobe, advises Myra Baker, fashion and textile specialist, University of Illinois College of Agriculture. The Midas touch is in vogue thtfc year as __many suits and dresses flaunt touches of gold and jewels. If ryou select one of these, choose accessories that are simple in line and that have little or no added decoration. You can wear ornate jewelry with a, simple basic drecr, Miss Baker says, but never team it with a jewel-trimmed gown. Both the jewelry and the trimming lose their appeal when they compete with each other for the focal point of interest Abstract, geometrical and fanciful prints are prominent in the fashion picture tdo. Here again lei the emphasis of your ensemble be on the design in the dress. L$t your hat, shoes and bags be uiyjdorned. A lovely print dreSs can be ruined by wearing it with a flowered or fussy hat, gay gloves or an ornate bag. When in doubt, be conservative, Miss Baker advises. Simplicity and smartness go hand in hand. Handbags Handbags 'come in an style* fsr the season so every woman can have her choice of style. There are long-handled pouch styles, boxy bags and large rectangular shapes. Favorite fabrics include velveteen, wool broadcloth and ravoir faille Jn brown, black or navy. J1 MMget Serfbeard Hawaiian youngsters use a mid ret rersion of a jurfbeard on shore, for sand-sliding. They tir.e theh rides to reciding water, skimming over moistened sand between •raves. HAVE YOU LOOKED AT TOUR CHIMNEY LATELY t Tuck Pointing - Chimneys Rebuild Window Caulking, etc. FREE ESTIMATES --, Insured Workmen George Barber ISO S. Qmn street , PHONE McHENRY 386 T. & SANITARIUM BOARD NOT UNDER COUNTY CONTROL The, board of directors of a county tuberculosis sanitarium in Illinois is- not subject to the jurisdiction nor control of tlie county board in expenditure of sanitarium funds. Attorney General Latham Castle has held in an official opinion. The only duty of the county board in this respect, Judge Castle advised State's Attorney Joel W. Townsend of Wabash county, who requested the opinion, is the levy of the sanitarium taxes. Townsend had inquired whether the sanitarium board is required to follow a budget, which also fixes salaries of employees, adopted by the county board for expenditure of thie sanitarium funds. The county clerk And the county treasurer, Judge Castle's opinion held, are the proper county officials to draw upon the sanitarium fund upon the properly authenticated vouchers of the sanitarium board ^directors. AMERICANS ATE 455 POUNDS DAIRY FOODS DURING *52 Trap Tiltirei Livestock producers who hav% been losing lambs, calves, and pigp to vultures can eliminate the birds by trapping and killing them. Plans for building a buzzard trap can be obtained through the local county agent Want Ada. Ilk* everybody** business. Americans consumed about 455 ury. ' pounds of dairy foods per person during 1952. it has been announced. % •* In terms individual dairy food products, the pfer person consumption of whole milk and cream was up 18 per cent over pre-war years, the purchase of cheese hit an all time high, ice cream held its own and dry milk set a new record. Butter and evaporated t and condensed milk were down slightly in per person consumption from the previous year. These facts were revealed this week in the 1953 issue of "How Americans Use Their Dairy Foods," a special report issued annually by the Natfnna! Dairy Council, Chicago, a non-profit, research and educational agency for the U. S. dairy industry The actual average per person consumption of cheese was 7.7 lbs., a rate of consumption 40 per cent above pre-war and more than 70 per cent above twenty years ago. Twenty-five years ago little more than 5 percent of the nation's milk supply was used in the production of cheese. In recent years cheeao has u£t«d 10 per cent of the total. Ice ^ream consumption has stood at 14 quarts per person for the past three years, an amount 75 per cent abovfe pre-war consumption. Present consumption of ice cream is more than twice the ATTENTION FARMERS! LIVESTOCK SALE Every Wednesday ROUTE 47 7:30 P.M. ' WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS We solicit an; livestock you have to (efej We are a Bonded Selling Agency. " • jfor pick-up service call Woodstock 572.' ' May wi ntti you? Woodstock Comm. Sales Co., k; amount consumed per person ta| 1920, a fact attributed to an creasing awareness on the part of consumers that ice cream is a food in itself, not just a lux- Per peraih domestic rrsnnmp tion of dry whole milk and nonfat dry milk solids has increased spectacularly to a combined total of almost 5 lbs. What did dairy foods, ing butter, -contribute to the nutritional value of the entire U.8. food supply during 1952? Americans gained about 16 per cent of their energy from dairy foods. Milk and mOk products ate> contributed to the total food supply: (1) more than one-fourth of the protein; 2) three-fourths of all the csilclum; 3) almost half the riboflavin; 4) one-fourth the fat; and 5) over 18 per cent of 'tiie vitamin A;' % *V^ The Hew LARK...I biggest valve of 1950 For the fitst rime--a quality power mower priced for the average budget --<fcsigned for the avefage lawn, i Power-packed, dependable & Stratton 4-cycle engine. No ing of gas and oil...less , less nope. ' ' : ^ All the important exclusive Bctipsp if features that assure ldog, free, precision mowing. j| ^ ; ALTHOFPS -K&i ICoHenry County's Leading!'?' Hartiwmre 9*1 Mala St. PHONE MA GRAND OPENING CHICKEN TOWER RESTAURANT 2Vz Miles E**t of McHenry on Route 120 at Lakemoor 2% Miles West of Route 12 on Route 120 ^ r -M # 11:30 A. APRIL 11 FRENCH FRIED CHICKEN ' *5^ • CARRY OUTS -F * CURB SERVICE COMPLETE DINNERS (DINING ROOM FOR PARTIES) iiiamiuniMMiiWHHinuiiuiMiiiiiiiiiwiiHiiuittniiiiuMiuni^iiunuawiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiuiiiiiniiiiiimmnmiuiwiiii iiiHMiwmimiiimffiuwiiiiuwwumiiiraiiiuiiiuiiiiiiii' i MENU b Oar Dining Room or Curt* Servto V: FRIED CHICKEN %: :tim latft •1i5 v* BB.aunvi.'; « M E N U cmr ocr ORDERS . '/. HUED CMCKB) % FRO CNCKEN " *m<i IjMt. incL S *1.13 I 85* 1 Orders Includi. ^ ^ FRENCH FRIED POTATOES • COLE SLAW * ^ BREAD COFFEE | CARRY OUT PHONE ORDERS READY WHEN YOU ARRIVE I PHONE Jfctc^iENRY 663-M.l FLO and SAM ROOT. OwneTs mm m *Tkt$t Ptwtr Frmtmrr* *»m Ntm M M&rWlftf fnofW day to drive Oldamobile's dyttaoiis hew Stifter "88"! It's the most 0^- thrilling car ever built--you'U the"difference the moment you take the wheel! There's , ; spectacular action from tin ' miglitieet "Rocket" Engine of all time! You go uith silken smoothness--with a tremendous bunt of power in emergencies--but always with - scarcely a w hisper from under • the hood! MVU STOMM* makes every turn of the wheel delightfully easy--makes parkj£ ng a pleasure! And with P0WSK IIAIIS*, leatherlight pedal pressure is all that's needed to bring this Ing, powerful ear to a quick,'.sure '4'itop! But you won't care to stop for long. The Super "88" <iis designed for action! It's . ren POWIt STTiie, with ^^SPsparkling new beauty to match its fabulous performance! Stop in todsv for a demonstration! O OR S » M. TO S A. M. WEEKENDS - tlfSO A- M. TO 8^0 A. jML , McTtfWty on Ho0te 1M v • MUes West of Route 12 on Route 190 •-"..I " . ' . * R. J. OVERTON MOTOR SALES * 403 Front Street t ' • TPm plDSMQilH DIALKt ALSO FIATIItit TOP YAUyiS 1H l^flTY-TimP --- r ^ . , X <-ny"" &' \ •

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