Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Apr 1953, p. 2

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t>- • t * i- - * . < Vj <"*<J * ' * ' * ' V , : *;?; *• Bradley was hostess held recently at her Main street, when a Of couains gathered for itirtsi hour. Following a de« dinner, the evening was visiting:. were Mrs. Kathryp of Chicago, Mrs. Delia and daughter, Jean, Andrew Butler, Mrs. Arthur and Mrs. Annabel Aicher. I f i j 14 | i 4.».j. 1 •{. •!• •{• 'H * < 'H1 PERSONALS •00 HM t i l l • • • • • • " I t i l l H' Bureau MemOer* •. Bee Patwlon Play licHenry County Home Bureau has chartered a bus for a oneday trity -to. Bloomington, 111., ApMl 19, to attend the Passion Plajr. N ;• ' " • "Hie bus will leave Wwdsloel: lO the morning Bloomington for performance. Plans are made for the group to have their evening meal together in Bloomington before- traveling back to Woodstock. The Passion Play ifr an attraction which annually draws thousands to Bloomington during the Easter season. Mrs. Joe Rosulek, Woodstock, and her special projects committee are in charge of arrangements. ' Some reservations are *till available at the Home Bureau office, 226 W. Judd, Woodstock, interested persons may write 'or call for a reservation. Mother"* Club Tp Meet April 14 The Mother's club of 8t Patrick's school will meet in the school hall at 2:45 Tuesday afternoon, April 14. v-" llmiles Camp. Meet** ApHl 21 Ehrerview Camp, j II. A* will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday, April 21, at the K. of C. ball. Otttile Effei? Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kferi of Channel Lakes Game Field announce the engagement of their daughter, Ottilie, to Jhtygene P. Prtiund, son of Herbert H. Fretmd of McHenry. No plans havs been made for. Uie weddiijg. M««her's Ctab Smnt Movie Boos "The Naked CStf,": a movie starring Barry Fit^ferald, Howard Duff, Dorothy Hart and Don Taylor, will be shown at St. Patrick's school hall on April 17, 18 and 19, sponsored by the Mother's club of the school. Against the background of New York City landmarks, two detectives solve the murder of a young woman. In a powerful explosive climax, they trap the murder on the bustliqg dty streets. H Tell Engagement Of Ann Wtedrioi Announcement was made this week by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wledrich, Jr., of FUngwood of the engagement of their daughter, Mary Ann, to Mr. James H. Wegener, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wegener of McHenry. No date has been set for the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Strass- .heim returned recently after spending several weeks' in ; Arizona. _ ' •> ., ' Mrs. George Merkt and Mrs. Fred Schwerin and son of Paddock's Lake, Wis., were recent guests in, the" Fred Bienapfl home. .. ; •' . * Mr. and Mrs. J. Sirley returned recently from a six weeks' vacation in Miami Beach, Fla., where they have a winter home which they maintain with their two sons, Dr. Vincent C. Sarley and Dr. E. Jv Sarley. Miss Rita Martin spent Easte: Sunday with her father, Clarence to arrive in j jjjartin, in Waukegan. the afternoon. Easter guests in the Frank being J ^eingart home were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Schaffer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Weingart of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Skoney and son of Elmhurst. Miss Helen Welch was a dinner guest in the Brink home in Woodstock on Sunday. Jack Wirt* spent his Ssater vacation from studies »t the University of Illinois with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Wirti. Mrs. Nellie Baoon and Miss Ann Frisby were dinner guests in the Weston Bacon home in Crystal Lake on Easter Sunday. Mrs. May Krejsa spent Easter with relative* at Friendship, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin and daughters of Waukegan visited McHenry relatives on Sunday. Lee Cooney, a student at Bradley University in Peoria, spent hip Easter vacation with his father, Martin Cooney. Mrs.* Margaret Sullivan spent Easter Sunday in the Richard Sullivan home in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Pink Harrison returned last Saturday from Hot Springs, Ark., where they had been spending several months. Mr. and Mrs. George Mrachek and children have returned from an Easter vacation spent with their parents in Winona, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. James Winkelman of Beloit, Wis., visited in the Elmer Winkelman home here last week Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. C- W. Klontz have returned after spending several weeks vacationing ip the South. Mrs. R. I. Overton returned recently from a trip to California. She was accompanied by her sister an* husband, the Edward Tetlows, and her niece and husband, the Charles Carswdla, of | Elgin. t Mr. and Mrs. William Hetmer and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kooto spent Easter Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Erwin Laura and family in Wheaton. Easter guests in the Partipilo- Rogers home at Pistakee Bay were Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Danielson and children and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Markin of ChJj cago. | Miss Marjr Thompson of Fort I Sheridan and Bert Farria of Petal 1 du Lac, Wis,, were Quests of Armand Ppurtipilo on Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Bienapfl returned recently from a vacation trip to Florida. RINGWOOD UNIT OF HOME BUREAU RANKS HIGH IN MEMBERSHIP Fifty-eight new members have been gained In the first four weeks of 4the McHenry County Home Bureau membership drive. Two units, Greenwood Homemakers and Evening, lead the drive with eight new members gained in each unit. Mrs. Art Gait is membership chairman- of Greenwood Homemakers and Mrs. Robert E. Lee is membership chairman of Evening Unit. Hebron Twilight unit has signed six ?i\ew members under *he leadership of Mrs. Clifton Peterson, membership chairman. Not far behind is Ringwood unit, with five new members. Mrs. Walter Troxell is Ringwood's membership chairman. Mrs. James Higgins, Harvard, -ojinty vice-president, has announced the drive will end Monlay, April 13. A dessert luncheon will be held to honor all 'hose from the twenty-five units hroughout the county Who have worked on the drive. Fina! results of the drive will be tabulated at that time. All names of new members must be reported to the Home Bureau office be>> THE McHENRY P i t '•* 'V-,* • . ' ft""' •* ' • ' , -» ' > • „ _ „ * * . A *- ' "* *1 • • '•** 111 1." " ~ • r I . niiy, Thundar. April 9. 1953 Ml I 11 M m + I MIftUnct Chasget IH II I IK If-ll M I*M + • t The M. F. Clack family has moved from the Lennon place on Green street to their new home in the Country Club subdivision. immiiiiiiiimuiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiittHHiiiiiiiiiif AMONG THE SICK Mrs. H. J. Schaffer has been a patient at Victory Memorial hospital in Wftukega%, % CARD OF THANKS . I would like to take this op portunity to thajjk all those who voted for tee at tbe polls last Tuesday, resulting in my electioif . as constable in McHenry town*, ship. The support, of my friencW * was greatly appreciated. 48 ' " HAROLD At»tl i.-- j 1, ~*jSif pi: i ii'i •. l IK MEMORIilM jtn loving memory o| * clip mother, Nellie M. Wiedrich, wlie died five years ago on April 9. LESLIE, ETHEL, LAURA *48 AND MARION WIEDRICH ore April 13. i BIRTHS Silkoaettes ate essy to oiake and can be made with any Camera can be set lor IN. exposure. Silhouettes Are Easy to Make ,Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burns anlounce the birth of their first ?hild, a son, on Easter Sunday ifternoon, April 5, in Haverhill, Msss. Mrs. Burns is the former Mary Buss of McHenry. A daughter, Beth Joan, waj born Easter Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Elliott C. Timme of Oak Park. She is the second child and second daughter born to the couple. Mrs. Timme is the former Joan Reihansperger. Beth Joan is the second member of 'ier mother's family to be born >n Easter. A cousin, Lynn Reihansperger, of McHenry, was *)otn Easter Sunday six years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Frost are he parents' of a daughter, born it the Woodstook hospital March 30. , Mr. juid Mf*s. Qerald Freund are the parents of a son, born April 4 at the Woodstock hospital. Mr.. and Mrs. Raymond Etten are the parents of a daughter, born at the Woodstock hospital April 6. A daughter was born April 7 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Timm. CARD OF THANKS. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my friends and neighbors for cards, letters, gifts, flowers and prayers and for the other kindnesses extended at the time I was confined to the hospital and during my recovery. I appreciated these -emembrances so much. 48 MRS. CHARLES BERGDAHL rOR a good' many years every " time someone spoke of a silhouette, the first thing I thought of was the pictures of George and Martha Washington and people of their era which have always enjoyed a certain popularity as wall decorations. The second thing I thought of someone cutting something resembling a person's profile out of black paper and mounting it GO white paper. However, the silhouettes that are the subject of today's column are the kind that you make at home with your own camera and with people you know as your subjects. You can have a lot of fun making silhouettes as entertainment at a small party or to enliven a dull evening at home. The technical aspects of shooting silhouettes are simple indeed. Begin by stretching a sheet or other white material across a doorway. Place a light behind the sheet and your subject in front of it and shoot your picture with a time exposure. In that way your subject will be silhouetted black against the white background. The light behind the sheet can be a No. 1 photoflood in a reflector. With this arrangement, your exposure will run about one second at V8, using a fast panchromatic fllln. With a non-adjustable camera try an exposure of about two seconds. If you have ordinary film in your camera, double the exposure time to compensate for the slowness of the film. If you wish, you can even use an ordinary 100-watt household light bulb. If it is in • reflector and your film is the fast pan type, thp exposure will be about three seconds at f/8 for the adjustable camera or about eight seconds with the box type camera. If you are doing the silhouettes as a party stunt, you can be sure that you'll have some pictures that are different and are fun-- and the next time you have a party you can feature the silhouette^ you mad* at the last one. --John vten Guilder 'e/corne-uPigw uo/ot$ for the exterior ef your home MARTIN-SENOUR MONARCH OUSE PAINT for body and trim S5» . ^ J S3 IN EVEIYDAY ; LANGUAGE *C To our officers and employees, safeguarding information on customers' personal financial matters is a sacred trust. Information we obtain when serving you is kept strictly confidential. . '/6 '-Mr. GEO. COLLETTE, Owner 109 Riverside Dr. PflONE 489 McHenry m HERE'S WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU You ca&b&nk here, as a borrower or as a depositor, knowing that your right toprivacy is respected. m joyiti you to bank. McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM; ; INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSIT^ PHONE 1040 f T ^•p THE HOURS: Moo. Toes. 10-6 Wed. Thurs. Bat. M 1 frlday fr-8 m 812 E, Elm Street McHenry, OL t, ,Buy That S? R I N G C O A T NOW ON SALE , Boys' & Gixli' £& jo OFF DODGE LOWERS PRICES! *60.60 <• *201.80 YM «• the winner! Yon get ti» «avings as Dodge ttries cM 50% and production rises to meet strong publio demand. These across-the-board price reductions make Dodge , the outstanding valae of the entire automobile indutry. N#w is ttt time to step np to Anivica's all-new Action Car^ ALL THROUGH YOUR HOME W*4. Even if you have never painted, you can give walla and woodwork a uniform coat of colof with thi8 velvet smooth paint. (Dm» (Mot kOflMfy KE&HxLO *6»«* Flows on freely, dries In 3 to 4 hours to a satiny surface like baked enamel. Beautiful lustre enamel for kitchens, rooms, all woodwork. 20colo^t» «tO. OOLUBTTR, Owmi OL PHONE 4*0 108 Rtvcnftde Drive i* 1 XT***' Carwial Oub PriM raduccd 112S.S0 C0R0NCT V-OfiNT DIPLOMAT . . . Spring isn't simply the season for enjoyi* f flowers and ducking showers. Spring, to most women, is the "work-hardest" time of the year. This year, be smart - don't wear yourself out - send your rugs, draperies, slipcovers and bedspreads to a responsible ..{fry cleaner equipped with special machines fcr cleaning and finishing these items. tofss *sd«««4 8201.001 Thi* i« your ••vin|t on •OMit Coronet Diplomat and the Coronet Conyerti C«W»*lMki«| Sport* earl o< the treat Uodga Now 140-h.p. Red Ram V-Ei|ht engine. New •wye-lwldie| ride. New Gyro*Tor^ue drive waiilaA* Mlioo **toM'T gear. CwmmI V-Kifht 4-Omt S^ss 1 ***** $135.00 CtriMf V4i#i»CWi Cmps . v CaroMt V41 girt Dlylai--I ...... radhKadi 20L80 C«r«Mt V^EIfllit CMvartM* CMOS . ra*KaJ 201^0 Caraaal V.Elflrt Siarra . . . f* 110.00 Maarfawbraak Six 4-Daar Sa*M a » Maadawbraah Six dab Caapa # 07JM Meodewfcreek Six SalwAaa . t • rarfacadl 00^0 Maadawhraak Six 4-Doar SfatM . • rorfwod Maadawfcraak Six Gab Caapa facial ladaii* OOOOC TIUCE PRK^ES KCOIKSO, ALSO mmmmmismimMm Help With IPRIN&CLEAWN^ * Well pickup yoi# drapes, rugs, slipcovers and bedspreads and return them to you in a few days all fresh, bright, |Uid sweet-smelling cleat|. "t* " • ; Guaranteed ODORLESS BRIGHTER COLORS DEPENDABLE SERVICE ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPXCE •HMnMWUOMItDM IMca RMhlCMl 8O7A0I America'* biueet ve4o* ntfw »ive* roo more value thaa evert Laxurioot traveli" tenor. Chair-high Contort*Coatovr *eatt for "our wide-*win<i»< door*. Powered by the great j\G«t-Awir Six engine. j^ptciflcationi and tqmipment ml\jtct to change without notice. Don't bay »)r ear nf| yen'w sew Dodge! A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. 901 E. PEARL STREET 80^00 M1UB OVABANXtE Save 10% Off Regular Pricw Cash & Carry at our plant Air Branch Stores ers Store ;' In Ringwood Lakcbioor Hdwo. In ^Lakemoor 4*- fatUX & ittONT ST. --- Around Corner North of National COMPLETE LAUNDRY SERVICES TOO! PHONE McHENRY 156 80,000 MILE OUARAVTB* ' Phone 927 For Pickup Service TRY USl^ AND YOU WILL UKi US!

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