•:k 7, A r?V ?;' f -s 1 -rV^ : ' / '%** K y.*»?•*.( . ;n *1 w; ' *: ><» Hp< •!• ' y\' » •* » v' ->v* « --* Ai*\ ,• » ^ • * t, * - t -" 1 *• ' ' *" *" *4. •TUinX*' NiioCiBgCKfiliAm#r "PWSW^mS " f .*, , i. v; if',' ' ,i ^ * .r'-M* • ^'" 1 .^ •<-•,>* i? . . -• •> »V' •* - - - i-;. - -•;--- »f ' ^ 2'.', $• • " #"•-" •• ' . ' *•• ••'- - *• ;- "-? • •••?: '••-#?.'• i \\. •;•• T, - "¥.. - .•£ "A^y ' •^•* •.'.' -•\ < * ^ v •f*- - -v** •** *' \ '••% • •••-••• - •• --- • .\v „ „y „.,..;rY\ „,>',w ... / v I„: ; . Thuraday, April 9, 19&3 - »mtafC'i Ouch McCracken trotted out itt high school baseball team Tuesday afternoon for the opening game of the season, on the city diamond an|t ^ifMUIoped Libertyville 13 to 7. • .' Believe it or not--McHenry •cored those 13 runs ontl lonely hit, V . \A " • ••• -v. WeH,you can't hit the ball if they d^ n't put it over. So generous were the visiting pitchers that, if the last count is correct, 21 McHenry betters got free passage to first base. Hhe visitors scored all of their runs in the last inning. John Bolger walkeds five times and scored five runs. Loren Freund also walked five times, but nobody brought him home. W« couldn't tell .how Mac's t«*m will hit, but the boys looked plenty good on defense.' Harold Schmitt was the pitcher, with Tom Huemann catching. Chuck Johnson was on first base, Jimmy Jackson on second, John Bolger at short and Bob Weber on third base. Ernie Freund proved to be quite a chef. And, we wonder if Roy Miller's wife knows how handy he is in the kitchen. Yeah --he can wash dishes without breaking a cup handle. Ben Hiller poured. Sometimes we throw letters away with reckless abandon, but not one we just received from "Dick" Tobin, C. O. F. State Secretary. H# says thanks for coverage on their statetournament. And how sincerely he says it. stirred up some "B" league for r i At least we talk about a young baseball players^ Where there's enough t£lk, some action follows. A fellow told us the other day that being' a husband is Just like any other job; it's much easier if you like your boss. Si Meyers and Jim Freund are the Johnsburg Tigers' co-managers this year. They are all set for practice and have just one idea in mind--a winner. Doctor:. "I'm sorry to say this sit, but you are in bad shape. The best thing you can do is give up women." Patient: "Hmmm. What'n the next best thing, Doc?" STATE STOCKS CREEK WITH 400 RAINBOW TROUT Local Sportsmen'! Club Assists In ^ Conservation Phi* Artie Barbier, Lloyd Freund and Melvin Freund covered the outfield. " • • The next game will be played Warren, Tuesday, April 14. v While on the subject of baseball. let's not forget that the McHenry Shamrocks are sponsoring a baseball dance at the V. F. W. club house Saturday night of this week. Running a' ball club today takes plenty of the green stuff. Ask anybody who has tried. So the teams have to get in a little leash at the start of the season. That's the reason for this dance. •Of course, everybody has a gay .Old time at those dances. DAILY PINUPS: When you feel enemies are a penalty, remember friends are a privilege. ^ If others defects you would mention, just give your own the first attention. X The fellow who is short of ideas often gets by using long words. With some, money doesn't gr far; some others are carried away by it. ANONYMOUS This is 4 fish story that isn't a fish story. At one o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Oscar Rauhut, of the State of Illinois Fish Hatchery at Spring Grove, cam« to town with four hundred beautiful, rainbow trout. Of course, Oscar was expected and a large delegation from the McHenry Sportsman's Club was on hand to see the fish and to see that they were properly placed for future attention. Helping hands filled tubs with trout and deposited them in the creek crossing West Waukegan Road. The City of McHenry and the Plaindealer were represented as this special occasion was giveW the proper ceremonial touch and recorded for fishing enthusiasts. Promote Sports The Sportsman's Club is a live organization, renting some 700 acres from the Kelter Estate and promoting good fishing and hunting grounds for sportsmen. Members of the club seen present to carry tubs, swap pictures or what have you were as follows: Frank Heckmann, Bob Thompson, Win Hagberg, Alvin Phannenstill, Bob Thurlwell, Bob Justen, Lewis Pitzen, Bill O'Brien, Jake Stoffel and Gene Adams (Hope we didn't miss anybody. -->ALAICE-- City -- Schaefer, 221-671,* Cristy, 506; Bacon, 515; V. Adams, H. Behnke, 204-561; Steffes, 545; A. Schaefer, 508; A. Carroll, 210-543; ' D. Pahich, 504; H. Kreutzer, 527; H. Smith, 528; Pyritz, 515; V, Johnson, 544; J. Widen, 506; L. Bacon, 207-534; Rowe, Sid; Budler, 214- 513; Crouch, mi; Baluch, 900. 525. : . •*, 506; 202- Mc- 200- Tavem --• C. Behnke, ]$$; % 5it); G. Kinsala,'209-589; J. kin, 245-552; T. Martin, Ingersoll, 233-585; Thomsen, 533; Lorch, 500; Kantorski, euna, Lar- 503; 202- 860; Rourke, 214-555; Rosing, 553; A. Tonyan, 202-531; J. Simon, 20$- 502; W. Bacon, 201-514; A. Palu<Jh, Business Men -- C. Kopp, 202-538; Mrachek, 508; Stolier, 54*^ 205-563. Old Timers --- Page, 202-538; Stolier, 224- 535; Johnson, 200-502; Meath, 202-524; Sayler, 200-526; Downs, 504; Nimtz, 201-546. To "eat like a bird" would mean to eat one's own weigfit in food every day. Honey pound. bees are sold by the The Foresters' held open house Tuesday night and put on quit# % feed for both members and Visitors «who helped make their fteaketbali tournament a success. I *48 CARD OF SHANKS We would like to take this opportunity to thank friends and neighbors for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, cards of sympathy, donations of cars and the many other kindnesses extended to us in our bereavement. We appreciated everything so much MRS. FRED SMITH MR. AND MRS. LEO SMITH |IR AND MRS. HUPPT r^iwrni ^ : .? BROTHERS m Watch seedlings int. VMir garden Mit aff the ground when you plant stads Ladles ' C. Rosing, 452; N. Larkin, 261- 525; T. Meyer, 201-528; E. Hester, 487. T. Steffan, 456; E. Winkel, 443; M. Yegge, 434; M. Kineala, 490; Kralowetz, 465; M. Donnelly, 465; J. Simon, 180; O. Barbian, 187-528. THE RIVIERA Show Place of *3>e Middle West Lake Geneva, Wisconsin D AifCINCi __ mcH£NBT' SSCSSATSOSS', -- Early Birds -- , , ' N. Larkin, 446; J. Pieroni, 410; B. Justen, 481; Commercial --- N. Miller, 5«3; * Waif, R. Gilliford, 802; C. ThorseU, 202. D. of A. -- A. Gaulke, 217-511; M. Pagni, 193-499; E. Albright, 188; M. Thennes, 446; T. Cairns, 441. --BOWLING BAB-- Thurs. Nite Ladles -- Z. Malochleb, 184-497; I. ton, 181-433; M. Weingart, 209- 522; L. Schmitt, 462; M.'Hettermann, 183-458; O. Jackson, 466; D. Reinboldt, 496;;^ Schmitt, 443. Nataral Xnsttnet Natural instinct usually enaldss domesticated livestock to take car* of themselves when they are in familiar surroundings. They are prone to become nervous, however, when introduced to strange lots, loading chutes, moving vehicles and new handlers--range animal* mv become panicky. FRI. & SAT., APRIL 10-11 Robt. Newton Linda Darnell \ William Bendix in "Blackboard Ihe Pirate" In Technicolor Plus -- Richard Conte in "the Raiders" :i In Technicolor i t i i'» i i i'i'ii' 4++* COMING EVENTS April It Blather-Son Turkey Banqutot -- Ringwood Church Hall -- 7:30 P.M. -- Mrs. Walter Low, Ticket Chairman r McHenry Woman's Cluljir^^ Mrs. Peter M. Justen Home, April IS St. Apatha's Juvenile Ccv.*"t -- installation of Officer* Hall -- *-30 P.M. •% "i • April 14 ^ Girl Scout Father and Daughter Banquet -- High School Cafeteria -- 7 P.M. • O. E. S.r |AcHenry Chapter, Initiation --' Acacia Hall Circle 1, W. S. C. S. -- 1 P.M. -- Mrs. G. W. Prawl Home, Shorewood Addition. St. Patrick's Mother's- Club Meeting -- 2:45 P.M. -- School HaU ;"v. . . y . ; April 15 ,; . PubHc Card Party -«> 'American Legion Home -- Benefit H'l"! Ill M11 •! .8^^ <• .fr .fr .g. .f. SUN. & MON., APRIL 12-13 Donald O'Connor Debbie Reynolds •? "I LOVE MELVHr ,-- Color by Technicolor TUES., WED. & THURS., APRIL 14-15-16 A wonderful story of a wish come true! Jrene Dunne ... I^eaij Ja®ger ' : in IT GROWS S * ON TREES' FRIDAY thru THURSDAY APRIL 10th to 16th FOR ONE BIG WEEK! nATUKf.UNGm IUlasMd tbrn United Artist* LAKE Theatre CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS PHONE 644 Public Library -- Sponsored By Woman's Club. • April 17, 18, 1» Movie, "The Naked City** •-- St. Patrick's School Hall -- ,8 P.M. -- Sponsored By St./Patrick's Mother's Club . y .... -- *£.. April 20 ' Parents' Night -- • High School Auditoriua| • 1 April 21 ' ? - St. Agatha's Court, No. 777 -- Banquet At Hettermann's --Installation At Community w«n -- 6:30 P. M. Riverview Camp Meeting of C. Hall April 22 Adult Girl Scout Meeting '*--'^ Legion Home*-- 9:30 A. M. April 24-25-26 Johnsburg Community Cilft Open House -- Community Club Building , April 23-24 Trash And Treasure Sale -- Refreshments --* Sponsored . By Circle 3, W. S. C. S. -- Community Methodist Church * ELM RT. 178 WAUCONDA THURS., FRI. & SAT, APRIL 9-10-11 DOUBLE FEATURE Open Sat. 6:15 -- 1st Show 6:30 Last two features start 9:15 p.m. OF THE HES April M McHenry Chapter, Past Offloerir Night -- Acacia HaU April 29 Blood Bank -- 2 to, /S V. F. W. Hall • , * . May 19 • . ;- - '4 Riverview Camp, Annual Card P*rty May 21 - McHenry Community Annual Spring Tea -- 2 £.M. --- High School1 Cafeteria June 26, 27 A 2# Johnsburg Community Ctttb Carnival June 20 ' Bake Sale -- Sponsored _ hy Altar and Rosary Sodality.' WOODSTOCK Ul » , '-1 M Q v « m i L L EFT TO-NIGHT THRU SAT,, APRIL 9-10-11 LINDA DARNELL , "A'&bL- BENDil! . - ' . ' i n ^ "BLACKBEARD THE PIRATE" In Teclu>ico|(Kr '• •• T -- Plus -- .. SUN. & MON., APRIL 12-13 SUN. & MON., APRIL 12-13 '4 Cartoons Sunday MatineeV Open 2:30 P. M. INlCOlOR THOMAS \ • • • • • • • • •• v > , I •I J • : u , - • • *?'• I • ! | Look What We've Got! j Right Here In Town Too Tins e e e e New Schwinn Bicycle, Just ttie thing flair Plenty of Exercise and Fresh Air. Attthorized Schwinn Sales & Service Complete line of Bicycle Accessories. GUARANTEED AS LONG AS YOU OWN IT MoaJ& SPORTING GOODS' MARINE SUPPLIES 212 g. GREEN STREET PMONE 1000 POWER-PAK found Ixclusivaly On (UCHAEL-LIONAIO SEEDS VYCITAL'S Hardware Sheet Metal Shop 182 Green St. McHenry, m. PHONE M nnouncing RE-OPENING FOX HOLE TAP ' 9ndsr Hanagamral of ^ERGET HICKMAN ENTERTAINMENT ! fUFFET SUPPER - F R E E - WELCOME --Vote Progressive CITY AT THE of McHENRY ELECTION X '4FOR MAYOR GEORGE P. FREUND FOR GITY CLERK TUES., WED. & THURS APRIL 14-15-16 Jennifer JONES • Charlton HES7 0fJ XL >|< I^I I|i iji »|i I{I Next Week: nine to © New style sectional, metal arch and wire mesh air tunnels are lightweight and sturdy, easy to place in position, easy to store; and the sections can be "tailored" to your born inimetUotlfyl Erery Saturday BUD WILBER And His Orctoe^ra Enjoy an Eveniaf of Deedn* . At TW B»sntifnl . RIVIE R Always ttie April 21st X EARL R. WALSH FOR ALDERMAN Ward 1 X EDWABD L. B0CHKRT FOR ALDERMAN -- JVard 2 DONALD JOHNSON FOR ALDERMAN -- Ward3 Xj LEO G. ROTHERMEL FOR CITY TREASURE& THOMAS F. BOLGER Your Vote Will Be Appreciated The popular "A" frame, or triangular type duct system features economy and ease of construction mmyou can build it yourself! US. DA. Tests Show 12% Milk Increase with Mow-Cured Hay* Qouble-duty crop drier uses fanforced, .He ctsd air to dry hoy or grains. Reduces drying time, saves more dry matter, permits continuous hervesting. Start getting your extra milk bonus this season--and every seasorii Find out about a practical forced air, mow-curing system for your barn now--while your mows are nearly empty! Inspect the hay drying equipment now at your local dealer's^ See how quickly the new, easy- r to-assemble, easy-to-store hay driers can be adapted to your barfl^---*^. And remember, if you'd like a factory-built system, you can purchase one for as little as one-fourth down with up to 24 months to payI > In Northern Illinois, hundreds of progressive farmers are enjoying the benefits of mow-curing with store-bought, or home-built systems. Your local Public Service Company Ag Engineer understands them all. HeT| ";'• gladly furnish information and help you plan a job-proved duct systeflfc for your born, Sft**... compared wtfh the average bf at! field-cured hay Including rain- 7 damaged at Beltsville, barn drying produced 12 percent more milk, barn dryii^-s'.1^ with heat 17 percent more..." Excerpt from Harvesting Pr»t*rvation or rwuy«-- U.S.D.A. paper presented to the American Society of Agricultural Engineers* Today, see or phone your betrf Ag Engineer at V PUBLIC r •!' ft . t" iih r^ll-l^fr COMPANY •v