Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Apr 1953, p. 2

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Yntiatag School On Meal Planning E C. D. of A. Enjoyed Social Evening April 16 Miss Eva Blair, University of Members of the Catholic Illinois home economics extension specialist in foods, will preaent a training school for McHenry county Home Bureau local leaders Wednesday, April 29, in the Farm Bureau meeting uiom, * 'Woodstock, from 1 to A p.m. , Her subject will be "Meal fanning to Stimulate tlie Appetite " : •• f ' Purpose cf the school will beto train local leaders to present the lesson at H<>me Bureau unit tneetings throughout /McHenry :i'.7'^^^innty during May and June. MARION WEGENER " JAMES BIERtfWED IN VOLO CHUHClTLv 1 In a beautiful weddings" m o n y taking place at St. Peter's church, Volo, on April 11, Miss Marion /Wegener, daughter of Mrs. Agnes Wegener of Ingleside, 111., became the bride of Mr. James Biere, son of Mr. Irvin Biere of Prairie View. Rev. Fr. George Schark officiated at the service. Attending the bricb were Miss Daughters cf America enjoyed a Mariiyn Biere, sister 'of the social meeting last Thursday, ^ groom as n^Mt* honor, and April 16. Winners* in cards Ave: e the following: Kathrvn L. Freund, auction bridge; Carolyn Bauer and Dorothy Adams, contract bridge; CSara Adams, canasta; Lillian Stoffel and Margaret Simon. pinochle. v Refreshments ' were served by Marie Larkin and Betty Qende a n d f t o m m i t t e e - i -- - -- • • * * , " THEMCHEWHY „ 0m www PMm '* ••"1 •» 11 N PERSONALS Helen Rogers Wed To Richard Golbeck Ajjril 18 St. Patrick's church, McHenry, was the scene of a lovely spring: wedding list Saturday, April 18, when Miss Helen Rogers and Antertain Bearrion Homf;j,r"-:; Mrs. Paul k&ardr-n ehtert aired ^Uests in her home at Niesen's fybdi vision, hear johnsburg. on Thursday afternoon. Attending the social gathering were Mrs. Florence Roesch and Mrs. Joe Panhellenic To. ' Elect Officers • j The McHenry county Panhel- i ienic group will hold its monthly meeting April 25 to elect of- ' ficers for the following year. During the meeting they will see a travelogue filift on U\e midwest. Today, April 23, the annual tea kicholsen of Park Ridge, Mrs. i f°r county girls planning to at- Al. Reindl, Mrs. May Bourne. ! tend college will be held at the Mrs. Ed. Carlson and Mis. Oscar (home of Mrs. Helen Tappafi at Johnson of Edison Park. f*04 Dacy street, Woodstoolt On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs.) ^|r rv Reardon was hostess. lo another Trash-Treasure group of friends. They ^..included j Sale At Church Mrs. Colletta Adams, Mrs. Clara j Aprji 23 antf 24 have been set Adams. Mrs. Sig Larson Mrs. for the w c s &nlB 3 trash Paul Scholtz and Mrs. Catherine {find treasure ^ at McHenry Peterson. j Community Methodist church, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Coffee and Wllam Feesel $» Wed May 8 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Feesel of ftingwood announce thfe engagement of their daughter. Wilms SHorence, to William Mathison, son of the Albert Mathisons of Hebron. The wedding will take jgAace May 9 at St>v Joseph's afcm ch, Richmond. Aenornre l^ofli Of Joan Nrtt Announcement h«s been made Of the engagement of Miss Joan Hfctt, daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. Nick Nett, to Carl Dorsch, son of Mr and Mrs. Erick Dorsch of Shalimar. The young people plan lli to married May rake, too, will he served through thf day. The trafli and treasure sale will offer two days of unusual experience for those who have never attended one. Those "in the know" travel a long way for such an experience. Trash and treasure dealers travel about the country and beyond to find articles which often bring them big returns. What has become trash to one may be a treasure to another, dependent on a sentimental or practical worth says Cekma Kane. The trash and treasure idea came to Circle 3 from Mrs. Kane. The items to be offered in the sale will be old and new. t#t n»rm mi m-m. Mrs. Fi ank Altman ot $Pearborn, Mich., visited her ni >ther, Mrs. James Sayler, at the Villa Rest""Home last weekend. Miss Rita Martin spent Tvmday with her father in Waukegan while her sister, Mrs. Grace Thompson, underwent surgery at "Victory Memorial hospital. Mrs. Kathryn Pape of Chicago spent a few days recently with her parents, the Earl Mc- j Andrews j Recent guests in the Louis | Stoffel home were Mr. and Mrs. j Charles Stoffel, Mr. and Mrs. ! Harold Steber, daughter, Gloria, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Leichmeir of Milwaukee and the Roland Ec)$> strom family of Elgin. Guests in the George Worts home one day this past week were Dr. and Mrs. H. Hartley, Mrs. Kist and Pat Moriarity of Chicago. Miss Genevteve Knox was among county members of Delta Kappa Gamma to attend, the eighteenth, annual state convention of the Illinois chapter lipid at Rockford last weekend. Mr a n d M r s . J o s e p h X! BANQUET SUCCESSWaynne enjoyed a delicious lob- Max Kolin Photo THE RICHARD GOLBECKS I f ' Richard Golbeck, both of the Lilymoor community; were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed at 11:30 o'clock^, A reception followed the service, at § o'clock in - the Legion HortUL . m. . I •" -Wj.;.' . '.t FOURfH ANNUAL FATHER-DAUGHTER' Utrs. Anna Tonyan r Observes Pirthday Mrs. Anna Tongtofc" W-'.-Wox Lake observed her eighty-eighth Mrthdtay anniversary" cn Sunday, when a pot-luck supper and social evening of visiting and cards was enjoyed. Centering the table were decorated birthday / bakes, which were served as a climax to the delicious meal. /Mrs. Tonyan, a former »*sif ^j|Wt of this community, is in 4|pod health and remains very ... •pj,tive_ Present to enjoy the gathering Were Harold Tonyan, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Tonyan, Oliver and v Charles Tonyan, Mr. and Mrs. James Tonyan, Mr. and Mrs. C. jLarsen and children, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tonyan and Mr. and Mrs. T. Leckner of Fox Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Walter of f!rystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. jfiohn Krutchmer of North Chi- Cago, Mrs. Charles Suhling of Waukegan, Mrs. Anna Bauer of Massachusetts, Mr. and Mrs. 5 ; ^ Joseph Wegener and Mrs. Ger- \ tlrude Thurlwell of McHenry, Mr MARRIAGE LICENSES Earl Rushmore, Jngleside, and Helen Tranberg, McHenry. Henderson Photo THE JAME6 BIERES Miss Agnes Obenauf of Huntley as bridesmaid. Ronald Wegener, brother of the bride, served as best man and James Cudahy cf Wadsworth w a s groomsman. Miss Bernadetta Wegener, sister of the bride, was flower girl. A reception was held at Buffalo Grove, after which "the couple left on a trip through the East. The bride graduated from Holy Child high school, Waukegan, and St. Therese School of Nursing. The bridegroom is a graduate of El a Township high school, Lake Zurich. GARDEN CLUB MEETING Mrs. George Stilling, Mrs. Fred Lieberson, Mrs. Albert Barbian, Mrs. Betty Nielson and Mrs. Lora Hill of the McHenry Garden club attended the annual meeting of the Garden Clubs of Illinois on April 13. It was held in the club rooms at the Palmer Hcuse. Because of illness, the club president, Mrs. Jules Gonseth, was unable to attend. ATTENDED CELEBRATION and Mrs. Pete Kellen and Mrs. jKata Dion of Chicago and Mr. '§nd Mrs. William Tonyan of j Plainfield, and Virginia Williams fngleside. R. N„ of Hines hospital. Among those from out of town who attended the Henry Willi ims #open house in honor of their wedding anniversary last week were Sister Mary Lambert, a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stoffel, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lechmeier, Mr. and Mrs. HarolcJ^ kindnesses' ^xTavded Steber and daughter, Gloria, all of Milwaukee, Martin Williams Miss Eva Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Etten, Misses Helen and Viola Neubauer. all cf 'Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Williams of NOTICE ' After May 1, all dogs in the village of Spring G^ove must be kept tied. Dog owners will be subject to penalty for not complying with this order. MAYOR JOHN RAUEN SPRING GROVE VILLAGE BOARD 50 CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this opportunity t<5 thank Fr. Coakley, Fr. McGowan, Msgr. Nix, Fr. Reuland and visiting clergy for their services at the time of our bereavement; also to the B.V.M. Sisters from Grayslake, Round Lake, Antioch and Wilmot, Wis;, ar>d ^Jie McHenry Sisters of Mercy who attended last rites. We are grateful, too, to friends and neighbors for floral offerinefs*- spiritual bouquets, donations of cars and thtvfhany other ster dinner at the Skiba residence in Oakhurst last Saturday evening. % Capt. and Mrs. "Merle Davis of Quantico, Va„ spent the weekend visiting her mother Mrs. Nellie Bacon. On Monday morning, accompanied by Mrs. Bacon, tlrey returned home. Sh' > ni remain in the South for several weeks. ^ Mrs. George Johnson has returned home from a th,-ee weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. A- K. Bu?ns, in Hollywood, Fla. ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Larson visited relatives here for a few days Inst week. They were enrcufe from Orange Port, Fla., where they spent the . winter, to Hayward, Wis. Mrs. Mary McCabe of ; Chicago visited McHenry' friends bne day this past week. Walter Warner of Elgin visited in McHenry Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eastman and family of Naperville were called to McHenry this past week by the death of her' father, Thomas A. Bolger. . Mrs. A. E. Nye and Mrs. Charles Hayes of Harvard visited did friends here last Sunday. Mrs. William Schneider of : Chi* cago has been visiting In th£ home of her sister and husband the Cornelius Quintans, this past week. Mrs. Pa*l- Re^rdom -entertai her four grandchildren in her home at Niesen's subdivision, near Johnsburg, while their parents were vacationing in California. The children were Karen; Peggy, Fred and Paul Homburg. who returned yto Ifhpeming. Mich., last weekf HOME BUREAU A.NNUAL SPRING PICNIC ON MAY 1 McHENRY REALTY announces opening on Friday, April 24 at 510 Main Sireit- R. A. STUEBEN, Real Estate Broker THE FAMILY OF THE*Tfcfl£FE THOMAS A. BOLGER 50 ,mad the Want Ads if*aB*BB|aaa«aaaaaaBq • I I ( McHenry county Home Bureau will hold its annual "Spring Picnic" Friday, May 1, in the Grace Lutheran church in Woodstock. Each of the twenty-five units in the county will take part in the event, which will honor members who have joined the organization since December. The day is pi?nned to provide fun and fellowship for all members and guests. The fourth annual Girl tteout f a t h e r - d a u g h t e r b a n q u e t w a s held at the high school cafeteria on Tuesday evening, April 14, with 172 present to enjoy the fine turkey dinner. . In the absence of the president, Mrs. Mary Buckie, Mrs. Jeannette Vance led in the pledge of allegiance and the blessing. Tables were attractively decorated with green and yellow May poles. Favoi s and place cards were made by the girls of senior troop 11. A fine "program of Hawaiian hula dances was presehted by Miss Mary Harvey, who spent two years teaching in the Islands before taking over her teaching duties in the McHenry kindergarten. Everyone attending enjoyed her artistic performance. The girls were attired in their very best, many wearing corsages, gifts from their dads 'rtie feeling of mutual pride was very evident. The committee in charge of the Successful event included Mrs. Avis Gans, Mrs. Daisy Jones and Mrs. Marge Schaffer, ably assisted by the Girl Scouts of senior troop 11. Thursday, April 23. 1953, MRS. EARL KRUKOW NAMED PRESIDE! OF ^V.S.C.S. FOE '5 r ~ : -- ' J#*:-'.'. • Mrs. E. Krukow was elected president of the W.S.C.S. at the monthly meeting held Thursday, April f8. Others named to lead the organization's activities in the year ahead were Mrfe. Joseph Waynne, vice-president; Mrs. Ed. Letcher, secretary; Mrs. Lcn Smith, treasurer; Mrs. Norman Eggert, secretary of promotion; Mrs. Harry Stinespring, secretary social relations and local church activities; Mrs. J. E. Corbett, secretary of missionary education; Mrs. Jdhn Varese, secretary of spiritual life; Mrs. J. A. Roesch, secretary of student education; Mrs. Leroy Dalton, secretary of youth; Mrs. Harry Tuft, children: Mr«. Rourke, supply work; Mrs. R. Horenberger, literature and pul> lication. • * In the course of husinessr plans were completed for the annual spring tea, when the society will tyring an unusual program to the' McHenry community in presenting Leona Conneiy, a world traveler of unusual personality. Mrs. Harry Stinespring, ohe of the guests on last Week's program, spoke on Mt. Bingahuru. Miss Margaret Brooks discussedthe Lake Bluff orphanage and also brought news of Friday's court^ decision on the Whipple estate valued at $65,000 which was willed to Lake Bluff reservations. The sizable donation will make it possible for some McHenry county children to benefit. Miss Mary Ann Wiedrich pleased the large crowd with vocal selections. A dessert luncheon was Served by Mesdames Rourke, Lock, Olsen, Smith, Bond and Prawl. nHmiiiiiuiHiinMiiiiiiHitiiiininiitiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitii AMONG THE SICK MntitiuiuuiiiiiuiuiuiuiiiiiMMiiuMtuiiiiiiniHtiuiiiiin Harold Fox of Johnsburg, a deputy sheriff, has been confined. to the Woodstock hospital this jrast week, MOOSE LODGE t Section of officers * wa« the main topic of business at the last meeting held Tuesday, Apr|l 7. Those elected were Don Howard, governor; Earl Paddook, T r . , j u n i o r g o v e r n o r ; L o u i s Streich, prelate; Robert Kantorski, treasurer; and Mitchell Bykowski, trustee. The membership is urged to get. behind these officers and really make this hext year a banner one. Installation of officers will take place on Tuesday, April 28, at 8 p.m. Don't forget the grand ppening celebration op May 2. Music for dancing and a free smorgasbord. Be prepared for a good time. Another very important courting event is initiation on Saturday, Xpril 25. at 8 p.m. Ladies are invited after the ceremonies, approximately 9 p.m. Memberp are asked to bring along anyone who has not been initiated. Meetings are held on the sec* ond and fourth Tuesdays. rmr Carpentry, I . Specializing in All Kincta of • l • • • a • a a a a a a ELGIN, ILL. « a • » Building and Remodeling Dormer* - Cteqopies and Garages For1 information or Free estimates, call Elgin 4881 or write FRED DENK. Sr. 7€4 Parkway Avenue TASTIER MEALS! Bant High Lhrmg Cuts! 7H*a * MICHAEL-LEONARD GARDEN Quality Michael-Leonard seeds treated with Power-Pale to protect against clts- •cses; to stimulate growth; to give bof> tar stands. VYCITAL'S HARDWARE -1M S. Orew Street SHEET METAL SHOP SHONE M • ' ' McHenry, HL We Can Make a Real OPPORTUNITY for you in our Elgin office distributing Mutual Fund shares. Our firm is an old, well-established New York Stock Exchange house operating the most complete investment and brokerage of-, fice in the Fox River Valley. We can make openings for a few men in our Mutual Fund Department. Experienced securities or insurance men will find the opportunity particularly attractive but we are prepared to train inexperienced / m e 4 • Mutual Funds represent tlie dynamic medium by which millions are investing surplus funds to secure diversity of investment and skilled professional management available to the largest investor. Come in for an Interview Iany time with our manager, David L. Heath. David A. Noyes & Company, 23 South Spring Street, Elgin. a:. ^ Have You Heard The Little Chef Restaurant - ••• ' U *&• ' Business Mail's Lunch *nd Complete Dinners Best Food in Town ^ Briny The Family l&8 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE ^ , McHENRY, ILL. •Mlia You'll find what you want MINUTES in our New UNITED WALLPAPfiH DECORATING ' "^CENTER <9tap ltt To#ay! ' See how easy it is to pick the perfect com-* bination of <5olor, s:yle and de sign by buying wallpaper this amazing new way. You cahH go wrong. MAIN PAINT CENTER 418 MAIN ST. PHONE 1J15 McHENRY, ILL. THF CHOICF FOR TODAY S SMA"TFST HOMES Miss Joan Nimsgern* student nurse at St. Joseph Mercy hospital, Aurora, underwent an emergency appendectomy at the hospital Saturday afternoon. i Leo Stilling is still confined to Victory Memorial hospital. Watt* kegan, where he has been quite ill. "N William Kennebeck, a former local resident, has been a patient in the Ravenna, Ohio, hospital. , : rs v Residence Changes ^ Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Staines have moved from the home of his parents, the William Staines, on Waukegan street to Woodstock. Minerva was r the goddess Wisdom, j • ' of Complete ttlte of Pot&tlfr ftemedles at Wattles Drag Store, McHenry, Bl. 42-tf ' . s Members Of Scout Troop 162 These active young people are members of Scout Troop 162. Front Row: George Krickl, Keith Johnson. Dick Wik, Henry ttouck, Gene Ullrich, Bob Hauser and Terry Brady. 'v Second Row: Gordon Thomson, Paul Schultz, Ronald Crtut*, ' Chris Jurack, Vernon Block, Jimmy Harding, Paul Steber and Paul Jessup. - Standing: Cick WisseU, Wayne Wirfs, Eddie Cepulis, Vance, Billy Houck, Dick"Vos8, Norman Eggert, Johnny Vycii Terry Reid, Fred Wirtz Phil Ricker and Cliff Todd. The people of McHenry can be prbud of their local Boy Scout troop 162. On April 4, we had four patrols of seven boys each go to the Woodstock Armory to compete against thirty-five other patrols from the . surrounding towns In the annual district "rat aid meet. In this event the boys brought back four top honors On April 18, the best patr-ola from all the districts met at the Rockford Armory to compete in the annual council first aid meet. In the hug" Armory there were 165 patrols working on problems that included broken hones, ton fingers, arterial bleeding, shouk breathing poison gases, ruptures etc. One problem was presentee which. included bombing condi tiens in blackout. Those attend ing found it amazing to watel the lo?.al beys finish the meet wiih top honors again. I woul< like at this time to thank all the people who helped the buys do wonderful job. 1 George Pi Krickl ,1 & THE COMMUNITY IN EVERYDAY LANGUAGE Here are some of the ways we serve individuals and business: we ^extend sound loans; offer checking service; encourage thrift; safeguard valuables, and Wpful fiaaaeial counsel. JElE'S WHAT IT = MEANS TO YOU Helping the community pros-, per helps our business. The bet-' ter our business, the broader the range of services we offer. fin are totted to make our bank your "financial headquarter" McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM \ "H^rERE8T PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSltf PHONE 1040 f ' " » -- -- r t q w . • --i------:--: White l<d*Wat! tirat optlawol at «Jitra GM*. Eqalpnn"*, ocMiioriw «nd trim wbiad M dwg'e wMxMrt marts*. 9MM0. Again Ford sets the trend! It's the New Standard of the American Road; With 41 "Worth More" features *it's worth more when you buy it... worth more when you sell it -I • ' While others were scampering to catch up, Ford again forged far out in front to bring you the greatest car value everT Bee it.*]. Value Check #. .. Test Drive itt ^53 FORD BUSS MOTOR SALES S31 Main Str--t PHONE | McH«nry, UL A * j "in- n yliiiiMniii-inittft--'-r ; " - , r i i y i ^ • - A m I'-'-'il J

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