Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Apr 1953, p. 5

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Thnnfan. April g. ttSS McHenry Plain dealer ^Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by the McHenry Publishing Company, inc. ,/:.f 5 w». *'•, &•• y. NATIONAL EDITORIAL Ia#c5t0n W. BURPEINDT, Gen. Manager ADELE PROEHLICH, Editor Plaindealer Want Ada No ads counted less 25 words $1.00 minimum. I insertion $1.00 . (Count 5 words per line) • "25c service charge on all blind ads. Cash with order. C*rd of Thanks-r-$l.00 Minimum . Want Ads close promptly at 10 *.m. Wednesday. SUBSCRIPTION RATE $*.oe tentered as second-class matter .it the post office at McHenry. ®L, under the act of May 8, 1879. BUSINESS SERVICE FARM DRAINAGE]--Aim sewer and water contractor. Ben J. Miller, 502 Mill St., McHenry, 111. Tel. McHenry 53-W. 46-5 SEPTIC TANKS, Greaaje Tr\ps Dry Wells and Seepage Berf3 Built. Peter A. Freund. Pox St, McHenry, 111. Phone 877-W. 46-tf *IANO TUNING Also for sale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled,upright pianos Prompt Service. C. J. H. Diehl, phone 208-W, Woodstock, HI. 51-tf FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes, also ribbons for all makes, carboir paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf AUTOMOTIVE v. REPLACEMENT PARIS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 409 W. Elm Str&t Open Week Days 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sundays 9 a.m. to 1 p-- SAFETY CHECKED' USED CARS 1961 1980 I960 1949 1949 1949 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1947 1947 1946 1946 1946 1942 1941 1941 1941 PLYMOUTH 4 Door Sedan CHRYSLER 4 Door Sedan PONTIAC Catalina CHRYSLER 4 Door Sedan PLYMOUTH Convertible Club Sedan HUDSON 4 Door Sedan FORD 2 Door Sedan' PLYMOUTH 4 Door Sedan OLDSMOBILE Sedanette BUICK 4 Door Sedan KAISER 4 Door Sedan CHRYSLER 4 Door Sedan International Panel Truck CHRYSLER Club Sedan CHRYSLER 4 Door Sedan PLYMOUTH 4 Door Sedan FORD Club Coupe PLYMOUTH Club Coupe PLYMOUTH 4 Door Seti&n OLDSMOBILE 4 Door Sedan (two) COLBY- MOTOR SALB8 Phone ,1111 Crystal Lake, Illinois 50 FOR SALE -- 1948 Buick Roadmaster with Dynaflow for sale. Call Pistakee 158 after 6 P. M. . 50 FOR SALE--1952 Nash Ambassador, 4 door sedan; fully equipped, radio, heater, sun visor, Hydromatic Drive. Due to death .in family will sacrifice. Low mileage. Call McHenry 1164. 50 FOR SALE--1939 Plymouth; running condition, good tires, radio and heater. $50.00. Call 523-M-l. 50 FOR SALS -- Private party, 1951 Hudson Hornet, Hydramatic. One owner, French gray color, excellent condition. Low mileage. Full price $1350.00. Phone 1009 or 184. 50 GARAGE DOORS WOOD SECTIONAL Residential, Commercial or Industrial -- Standard or Specially Designed. KEN LEIBACH Sales, Installation and Service McHenry 1^7-R 14-tf BUS. SERVICE--Interior Painting and Paper Hanging. AD work guaranteed. Free estimates. Tel. 525-M-2. 35-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. BiU Bacon, • 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26-tf SALPH l*. CLARK Piano Technician Repairing -- Tuning 902 Garfield Road, Harvard, 111. Phone 748-R 37-tf DEAD ANIMALS--Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogB, no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and Holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse ebarges. 36-tf FOH SAL£ ANTIQlfas. MISC. ITEMS -- Clothing, good condition, for entire family. Formals. Open Tuesday through Saturday. 1 p.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment, Rasale and Antique Shop, mile west of Terra Cotta factory on Rt. 31. Phone: Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 22-eow FOR SALE--New and used sewing machines. We rent, buy and repair all makes of sewing machines. See our large selection of yard goods, over a thousand samples to». choose from. Freund'^ 664-J-2. > • 36-eow FOR SALE -- We specialize in First Communion dresses, $4.95 t $19.95. The Toddler Shop, 312 El* street ^McHenry. 50 FOR SALE -- Ten ton of bale< straw in good condition. Storec in barn. Phone: McHenry 142-V 50 FOR SALE!--'49 Super Buick, 4- door sedan. Dynaflow, radio and heater. Porcelainiz^d finish, excellent mechanical condition. Private party. Call McHenry 1111. 50 FOR SALE--1947 Cadillac; 4 new tires. Excellent condition. Phone 1010. 50 FOR SALE -- 1948 Lightweight motorcycle,. $125.00. Perfect condition. Phone -259-R or see it at 204 Main Street. 50 FOR SALE--Large trailer in fair condition. Reasonable. Call 551-J-L. . x , *50 SERVICE Tel. 566-W-l McHenry, 111. Candid Weddings from Home, Church and Reception KOLIN *, - . Photographers , Commercial, Publicity, Sports and Photostats JOHNSON MOTORS New and Used -- Terms. Motors and Boats Service, Refinishing and Storage BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104 V2 S. Riverside Phone McHenry 1076 44 MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home Piano and Piano Accordian Clarinet and Saxophone RA3UL P. KOCH Phone "Pistakee 633-M-l * 5-tf FOR SALE--20 shares of McHenry State Bank Stock at $250 per share. Book value over $500 per share. Phone 43. 43-tf FOR SALE--ALUMINUM WINDOWS. The Wallfill Co., Leo Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 18. 48-tf FOR SALE--Year 'round COMFORT and ECONOMY with FIRE-PROOF Johna-M a n v i 11 < Home Insulation. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call Leo StiUing, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 18. 41-tf ton SALE Fly Fisherman's Special. Bambocr Fly Rods, 2 tips; choice 8% er 9 ft. length. Montague $16.50 val. - Now $9.95 Shakespeare $13.50 val,-Now f».95 Level Flyline "D" $3.00 vai. Now $1.98 ' W; McHenry Dept. Stoi* ^ ' 103 Riverside Dr. Phone459 50 FOR SALE -- $50 chick-size, 4 heat lamp brooded! $14.65 complete. Vycital's Hardware, 132 S. Green street, McHenry. Phone 98. 50 FOR SALE--Small Norge refrigerator; 4^ cu. ft. Good condition. Call 471-W after 7 P. M. 60 FOR SALE--200 Leghorn pullets, 8 weeks old. $1.25 each. Phone 622-J-l. so PRTVATE SALE--Chinese figurines; brass candlesticks; rice paper block prints and miscellaneous. Tel. McHenry 510-R-2. Oakhurst sub. Theda N. Brown. 50-2 FOR SALE Bkiek Dirt A Specialty Sand -- Gravel -- Manure Frampt Delivery BILL GLOSSON TeL McHenry lS83-R-» FOR SALE--Baby buggy, bathinette, highchair, sled, tricycle and girl's books. Call 633-M-l. *50 FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near de» pot and schools. 109 Main Street Phone McHenry 100-R 20- tf FOR RENT -- Sleeping rooms with or without bath. Special weekly, monthly or yepr-round rate. Riverside Hotel, Riverside Drive and Elm street. ' 19-tf FOR RENT--8-room apartment; partly furnished, heat included. Enclosed porch, located in west side business section. Write Clara Campbell, 103 E. First St, Elmhurst, 111. 47-4 FOR RENT -- 4-rm. apartment, unfurnished; oil heat, hot water; enclosed porch; at McK^ullom Lake. Available now. Tel. McHenry 673- Fi-2, pall evenings or weekends. 50 FOR RENT -- 4-rm. unfurnished house, near lake; $75 a month. Call McHenry 963 evenings. 50 FOR RENT--5 room heated apartment near Northwestern depot. $80 per month. Call McHenry 999. "50 FOR RENT--Four room cottage, ill conveniences, insulated. Adults Inferred. $180.00 season. McCullom Lake, McHenry, 111. Call Chicago, Cedarcrest 3-0948. Geneva Terwilliger. »50 HOUSE FOR RENT _ 5 room house; furnished. Across from river. Available May 1st to Sept. 1st. $150 per month. Phone 654- M-2. •SO Retail Factory Outlet Store Women's Girls' and Boys' slacks- Dresses - Skirts - Blouses - Big selection of remnants. Also faotory seconds. RIVERSIDE MFG., CO., at old bridge on Riverside Drive, McHenry, pi. 41-tf FOR SALE -- REXAIR CLEAN ER, Sales and Service. F>"ee Tria R e f r i g e r a t o r D e f r o s t e r s . C a r Bamickol, Box 211, McHenry V ' ' **8-3 FOR SALE Garden Patio and Stepping Stohes Colored and Plain Electric Cement Mixer for rent Richmond Cement Products U.S.12 and 173 - Richmond, 111. Phone: 1304 5C FOR SALE--Used Norge refrigerator; 8 cu. ft. Very good condition. Porcelain finish. Bargain at $50.00. Ben Riggio, 318 "Maple Phone 110-J. 50 Bamboo is a grass which .growi to a height of 50 or,60 feet. FOR SALB -- Lavender Ballerina length formal; net over taffeta, size 10; matching gloves, $15.00. May be seen at Mrs. Anton Freels, phone 563-R-2, or contact Shirley Glosson. 50 FOR SALBv-Large 3 wheel chaindrive bike, hardly used. Child's sled, never used. Phone 622-J-l. 50 Business Opportunity To be leased. Well established Filling Station. Business District McHenry ' a m • Writes Box 343. McHaniy PUincU«l«r Jj&i FOR RENT--Large apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 front rooms/ideal for professional use. McHenry Bakery, 124 S. Green Street. Phone 190. 50- tf FOR RENT--Beautiful room with twin beds, ideal, for young couple or gentlemen. Phone 691-M-l. 50 FOR RENT--One room and bath; suitable for light housekeeping. Apply Buck's Town Club, 201 N. Riverside Drive. Phone 12. 50 FOR RENT -- Three rooms and bath In lohndbuiff. Phone 87-M. •50 FOR RENT -- 3 bedroom apartment, in McHenry, near shopping district, $85.00 per month. Call Mr. Fritz, McHenry 37. 50-tf • Jak-Ana Heights Before You Buy A Home See JAK-ANA HEIGHTS in Johnsburg. You can get a modern home on a 100 x 200 foot lot, overlooking the beautiful countryside. Near church, school. New Memorial H a l l a n d s h o p p i n g d i s t r i c t . ; r - * . . Gas Heat Availably. . JACOB jpnjg REALTORS & In Johnsburg - TeL McHenry 37 Rt. S, McHenry, Illinois REAL ESTATE HOMES FOR SALE McHENRY - 4 room brick, automatic oil heat, full basement, 2- car garage, newly decorated, near church, school and shopping Price $14,900.00. Owner will sell completely furnished including automobile for $18,900.00. Far information, call our office. McHENRY - Golf Course Sufed 4 large rooms, full basement, garage, 3 lots qf 50 ft. each, Price $14,000.00 or will trade for 4 bedroom home or 2 flat in McHenry, Woodstock or vinicity. McHENRY -. Vacant corner in Golf Course Subdivision, nicely wooded, priced for quick sale, $1,500.00 SAVE SAFELY! -- TRY OUR * BUDGET WISE 9 DRY CLEANING at tow, ItWkpricnl McHenry Cleaners 108 Ehn St. Phone 104-M HELP WANTED ILLINOIS BELL, TELEPHONE OCX 'a good place to wotfc" TELEPHONE OPERATORS Good salary to start; frequent increases. Yoall be working with girls your own age and you'll be doing interesting work in an important industry. See: Miss R. Marshall, Chief Operator *t 102 Park Ave. 43-tf WANTED--- Carpenters and car penter's helpers. Phone Wonder Lake 2793. 49-2 HELP WANTED FEMALE - Sewing machine operators. Ex perienced. Unexperienced - we will train you with salary Steady employment. Pool rides obtainable. Next to Northwestern, depot. Magic Slacks, Inc., Box K, McHenry. 38-tf HELP WANTED -- Laborers anc truck drivers. Apply Ivar Fredrickson, Wonder Lake, Illinois 46-t* HELP WANTED--Men for Nutaery Work. Apply in person t Pitsen's Nursery, corner of Wi son Road and Rt. 120, or ca Round Lake 6-1570. 47-tf1 HELP WANTED--Waitress. Tel. McHenry 377. 46-tf HELP WANTED--Women, If yoi need a good steady income an; can work only half days, sell Avon Products. Demand greater thar ever. Experience unnecessary. Ont territory open in McHenry. Write P. O. Box 56, Rockford, 111. 49-: HELP WANTED -- Woman t keep house and drive car for eld erly gentleman; steady Work; pri vate room and bath. For detail write Box 385, of Plaindealer. 48-tf HELP WANTED--Extra Mone; at Home. Women to work part time selling home appliances to a local distributor. Literal com: mission. Exclusive territory. AI "Famous Brands". Give age, telephone number and address. Writc/ o Appliances, Box 284, McHenry 111. 50 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Couple as caretakers for Pistakee Yacht Club, year 'round; two bedroom furnished house and good salary. Ml!n to maintain grounds, wife to help in kitchen. Club open June to September. Call McHenry 23 between the hours at 10:00 A. M. and 5:00 P. M. 50 HELP WANTED •-- Young man with car to help with mail and learn triade as an apprentice in cutting room. Magic Slacks, 600 Main Street, McHenry. Tel. 1113. 50-tf SMALL FARM - 12 acres, 6 room house, 2 car garage, chicken house can house 300 chicks, North of Johnsburg. a nice location, Price $14,500.00 ' ALSO $1,600 cash down, bu^s a % bedroom home; near Pistakee Lake and Johnsburg. Full Price $8,000. REAL ESTATE GOLF COURSE SUBD. - 2 bedroom home; automatic oil heat, garage. Near Grammar and High School. Price $11,500.00. Jim Hettermann All above homes will be shown by appointment with our office. We also have many other properties for JACOB FRITZ - REAL ESTATE In Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 37 50-tf HELP WANTED--For All .Three Shifts: First shift, 12 midnight to 8 a.m.; Second shift, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Third shift, 4 p.m. to 12 midnight. This is permanent work, good starting rates. 48-hrs. per week. Time and a half for overtime. American Steel Treating Co., Rt. 31 - between Crystal Lake and McHenry. Rione Crystal Lake 1498. 50 HELP WANTED -- Women for light assembly work, also stock boys. Apply Admiral Corp., McHenry, I1L 50 FOR SALE--Fox River frontage 80 feet all or 50 feet at $69.00 per front foot. 219 feet long in Mineral Springs Park subd. Also beautiful homesites, 100'x275.1', plenty shade and fruit trees $2,500.00 each in Hillcrest Acres with access to Fox River, mile south of McHenry on East River Road. Call Mr. Seegert or Mr Hutson on grounds or write Ben J. Dietz, 350 N. Vermont Ave. Glendora, Calif. 49-tf REAL ESTATE Bids are being received for sale of old. Hebron, Illinois Exchange building on Prairie Street. 34'x54' two-story brick with basement. Completely modern. In good condition. Ideal for business or residence u$e. In* .juire General Telephone Company of Illinois Business office at Richmond, Illinois. Phone Richmond 3. 47-tf. FARMS WANTED All Slses, from 5 acres op DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR FARM If You Do, Call GEORGE D. WATTS-'--Realty U.S. No. 12 at Stoplight Fox Lake, ID. Phone 7-1011 27-tf Indians in the United States were given cftlzenship a* June 2, 1921. HELP WANTED--For Day Shift Hours 8 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. This is permanent work, good starting rates. 48 hours per week. Tiim and a half for overtime. American Terra Cotta Corp.. Rt. 31, Crystal Lake, 111. Phone Crystal Lake 24. 50 HELP WANTED -- Journeyman meat cutters. Apply National Tea Co., McHenry. 50 WANT GAS HEAT? Seven permiffte for immediate gas heat will be given to builders or Individuals who purchase homesites In. EDGEBROOK HEIGHTS, McHenry*s newest and finest addition, by May 12, 1958. If there are more then seven Interested buyers, <he lucky ones will be seieeU by ls4 €al Woodstock 18S4 or McHary 920. . JOHN T. GRAY OPTOMETRIST Specialist -- Complete Service Eyes Examined -- Glasses Fitted Contprt Lens Examinations and Filtiy CLOSED ON WEDNESDAY « . T 126 i S. Green St .i/zlNione ; McHenry 186 »»»»«11 < t I»» H1111» »•!' 1 I' tt t 1 M i l l FOR S A L'E--HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 40S Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Phone i McHenry 421-J ' 24-tf FOR SALE -- 3 bedroom home, fully insulated, fruit trees, berry shrubs, deep well. 2-car garage. 2 large lots. $11,500. at terms. Phone Wonder Lake 2793. 49-2 FOR SALE -- Quality 2 bedroom ranch style home, 1 year old with approximately Vi acre, attached garage. Large kitchen-dinette with Crosley cabinets. All large rooms. Call McHenry 934 for appointment. *49-4 WISE REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS BUYERS, ALWAYS TRY SKIBA FIRST. P. J. SKIBA Riverside Hotel Bldg. McHenry 91S FOR SALE--Small house and lot, reasonable. Write: Box 342, c/o the Plaindealer. :5Q WANTED TREE AND BARN SPRAYING-- White wash or Fly control. Frank W. Henkel, P.O. Round Lake, HL Residence: Volo, 111. Phone McHenry 54VJ-1. 45-tf REAL ESTATE WANTED We have cash buyers for your homes, summer homes, farms, and business properties. We can sell your property tf your price Is right. JACOB FRITZ . REAL ESTATE in Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 87 27-tf WANTED «-- Down or fcrippled cattle. $26 to $60 cash. Call L. Burnside and Sons, Marengo 907. collect. 39-tf WANTED--An adult baby sitter available during the day. Reply in care of Plaindealer, Box 344. 50-2 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--Top price paid for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone McHenry 563-R-l. 33-tf WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT--Farmhouse or 5-6 room house with garage or barn. Modern or semi-modern. No farmland needed. Needed by May 1st. Phone 471-JX. 50 LOST AND FOUND MISC.--You can own a fabulous Pfaff Zig-Zag Sewing Machine by doing simple sewing. For details' phone McHenry 569-M-l, or write Box 172, Barrington, 111. 48-tf APRIL SPECIAL O A K F L O O R I N O Even color. The finest Clear grade, Ozark Oak - $265 M 'Rezo' - HC Flush Birch Doecs* grade A - 2'-6 -- $15.50*'. '•> Stock all siaes l'-O to 3'-0. Cabinets • Formica Tops - Picture Windows - Plywood • Hardwood lumber. CRYSTAL LAKE MILL CO. CARY. 48-4 MISC.- -Accordion Lessons in your home. Accordion furnished. For information call Wonder Lake 2793 after 4:00 P. M. 49-2 WE NEED MORE BOATS! Will sell your boats for Oash. FOUND -- Heavy shell-rimmed glasses, in front of the Plaindealer Office. Owner may have same, by calling at the office. 50 MISCELLANEOUS JOHNSBURQ FOR SALE---Nlesen's subdivision; year 'rourd, 2 bedroom home. Sunporch stlitable for 3rd bedroom. Utility, full bath. Garage. Price $9500.00. Phone McHenry 585-J-l. 50-5 FOR SALE--7 room brick residence in town, near churches and schools. Bath and Oil heat, fireplace, knotty pine den. 2-car garage. Call 712. 50 Country Club Subdivision FOR SALE -- House and large 24x24 attached garage, 3 large rooms and 9x20 enclosed porch, Jiving room 24x12, cabinet kitchen, tile bath. On 110-ft. frontage. Also Kenmore washing machine, R.C.A. large screen television. Reasonably priced. L. Umbergf Call 210-M. «50 FOR SALE -- 5-rm. house on 3 acres. On Rt. 14, 5 min. to -depot; beautifully landscaped; full basement. $14,000. Tel. Crystal Lake 326-W. *50 FOR SALE--Choice building lots, 60'xl6r located in Cooney Heights Subd. 3 blocks South of Main Street, with city water and black top roads. Price $975 and terms to fit your budget. Also 1 acre tracts with roads, electricity and telephone, located ^4-mi. south of McHenry. Price $600. KENT CORP. 1 Riverside Drive McHenry 60 NATURALLY you'll ask for WOLVERINE SHELL HORSEHIDE WORK SHOES again and AGAIN once you've worn them. They stay soft as buckskin and outwear, outlast all others. So comfortable on any job you hardly know you have them on. Chuck McHENRY BOAT CO. ^ Correct Craft Agency Tet MMcHenry 80S or 638«S4 4M MISC. -- To produce your best corn crop, you must plant the Hybrid that really fits this locality. I still have a small supply of high yielding Pioneer Varieties best adopted for this area. Please call or see me Dorr Sherman, Woodstock, 111. R.R. 3. 1 mile north of airport off Rt. 120. Pttone 1635- M-l *50-3 BUS. OPPORTUNITY-TAVERNS From $5,000 up to $100,000, McHenry county; also motels and locker plants. H. Bell, broker. Box 46, Ringwood, HL Gall Wander Lake 3548. *50-2 FITZGERALD'S MEN'S SHOP 208 So. Green Street McHenry, 111. 50 MIBC.--Durfee Bros., Applicators of Roofing. All kinds of siding - aluminum a specialty • Insulation - Lightening Rods - Eavestroughs. Best Silos - Aluminum silo roofs. Round Lake 6-2223. 50-2 TO BE GIVEN AWAY--Will give to a child, nine month old black dog, mostly cocker. Gentle. Phone 622-J-l. 50 SHOP AND OFFICE OPENINGS f •' Production Machine Operators with lathe experience. Some Trainees with mechanical apptitude. Typists and Stenographers CHECK THESE ADVANTAGES! * Work near your home. * A new plant with unusual opportunity for advancement. * Pleasant, congenial sarroundlnga. * High take-home pay, based on production, Incentive earnings and overtime. * Five day week for office employees. * Free hospitalization and life insurance. * Paid holidays and vacations -- * and . . . A 45 YEAR RECORD OF CONTINUOUS EMPLOYMENT. Apply! 9 to 4, Mon. thru Pri. - 9 to 12 Sat. BARCO MANUFACTURING CO. 500 Hough Street Bvrrington, HI. THE BEST USED CARSra All^Cars Reconditioned and Sold With Written Warranty You Can't Bf§| Jhw - Anywhere! v O" 'I "• * '52-DODGE 4-Dr. S«Un Looks Factory New from Bumper To Bumper. '51 - DODGE 4-DT. Sedan <H - A Truly Sensational Buy At This Price. 'SO-PLYMOUTH Club Coup# ,R*H' You Can't Miss On This Popular ModeL '50 - DODGE 4-Dr. Sedan m-FimdDr.) One of Our Very Best Buys* '50-PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. Sedan (R*H) Low Mileage - Had TTie Very Best Care. '48 - MERCURY Club Coupe (k 4 H) New Engine - New Rubber - Special Can. '47 - FORD Tudor Sedan (R*H) Really A Good Bet - No Gamble Here. '46-PONTIAC 4-Dr. Sedan (R*H) Very Attractive Car - Very Attractive Prtoe. '46-DODGE 4-Dr. Sedan <**•> Sfi50 . Excellent Condition - High Quality - Prisa* A Wide Selection of OtherlModels May £e Sa*a At <1875 1495 *1175 *1195 *1175 <750 <645 <575 m A. S. BLAKE MOTORS,J* f-*' T riMfiSi m

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