BOA1D ELECTION After reading the paragraph on Item of election in the rsday issue of the Plain- $ealer, I wish to request a corffection to be given your readers. |§ It was reported that the Harpson school P.T.A. backed an ^dividual candidate for school «oard election. The Harrison tichool P.T.A. complies strictly to Its charter rules and this is forbidden. Each candidate ran as an Individual. We are proud to re- Port that every school board ember is also a P. T. A. mem-, r of our school. . / I- Any false impressions out be ^juickly clarified by contacting properly informed persons, v MRS. ROY E. SWANSON Harrison School P. T. A. COMING EVENTS ^ <• <•'? J' •1"1' j SCHOOL CONTROVERSY 1'^ On April 14, 1953, an article %as published in a Chicago Newspaper stating that four fohnsburg housewives were join- Itig Mrs. Larsen in a school controversy. We, Mrs. Dorothy fomm and Mrs. Betty Tuft, 4|rere erroneously represenlc-d by i backer of Mrs, Larsen. . We Jlave not signed afiv formal protest nor are we familiar with the operation of the school. The retraction of the abov»» mentioned article appeared on age 30 the following day, April 15, 1953, in the same Chicago newspaper. Respectfully submitted, MRS. BETTY TUFT MRS. DOROTHY TOMM 'An open letter to the people of . Johnsburg: I would like to make :in announcement that the article appearing in the April 14 Herald lAmerican was untrue. Mrs. D. Tomms, Mrs. B. Tuft, Mrs. H. Christmnn and I, Mrs. B. Rcggenbuck, are not and will tiot sign a protest against the achool board. There never were filans for such a protest. Thank ^ou. MRS. R. ROGGRJKBIJCK April 28 St. Clara's Cou: I Installation -- 6 P.M. ^Dinner Preceding Ceremony. » Community P.T.A. -- High School. Legion Heat To County. Council -- , # April 24-25-26 Johnsburg Community Club Open House -^ Community Club Building AprtT 25 Bake Sale -- Dean's Market, Wonder Lake -- Benefit Nativity Lutherak Church, -- fltarta io a.m., • 1 J, " < AprtI tS McHenry Chapter. O. E. S„ Officers' Night -- Acacia Hall -- 8 R.m. Ladies Golf Association Luncheon -r- 1P M, -- McHenry Country Club " y: McHenry - Chapter^:' O.E.S. -- Past Officers' . :Night, -^ Acacia Hall - Garden Club -^ Jira.:Joseph X. Waynne Home " * April 38 Blood Bank -- 2 to 8 PJf. - V. F. W. Hall May 1 Fto* River Valley OBBp, R.N.- A. Bake Sale -- 1:30 P.M. -- WestSide Locker May 8 McHenry Woman's Chlb ,-- Legion Hall May 19 .• Riverview Camp,-R. N. A., Annual Card Party •-- K. of C. Hall Riverview Camp, R. N. A., Annual Card Party -- May 21 McHenry .Community W.S.CS. Annual Spring Tea -- 2 P*M. -- High School Cafeteria June 26, 27 At 28 , Johnsburg Community Club Carnival May 2ft Bake Sale -- Sponsored By V. F. W. Auxiliary -- George Justen and Son Furniture Store. Lakemoor News Den Chief Ken Booster announces that Lakemoor Den 7 of Pack 362 will have a paper drive on Saturday, May 2, In Lakemoor in the hopes of raising funds for Den 7 so that they establish an active den comprised of young men cf cubbing age in Lakemoor. The cubs who participate in this drive will be rewarded by a trip to see Super Circus the immediate future. Residents of Lakemoor are requested to bundle their papers and magazines and aet them on their front steps and the Cubs Will pick them up during the course of the day. J It is Ihe hope of the den parents that the citizens will <g1ve full cooperation in Cubbing and Scouting functions in /Lakemoor so that we can develop the younger generation into fine Americans by the aid of Scouting. Remember, parents of all Cubs, there will be a cub pack meeting on Friday, April 24, at 8 p.m. at McHenry high school. The Cubs will be having a Mardi Gras this month and should all have cos- ••• n turn*, ltfrw mbout all PARENTS of the cubs attending so that Den 7 can capture * the attendance award. We have to be there because parents are counted and. not Cubs, ,for this award. ---r4i- : v '/r* '"f f CARD OF THANKH We would like to t£ke this opportunity to thank the many friends who remembered us with letters and cards received during the time we l>ave been in Arizona. They are all appreciate! so very mdch. MR. AND AIRS, BEN 50 CHEL1NI, SR. iflirififvinnn 'speidy:: % Of sVwOfvu .T O WT NOTHINCJ CO^»T JlFcep TO I .SPEEDv WB ME TO I VW, DON 'T THE PI6HTS J VOU THINK NICK MILLER'S *HENRY6AM6E ANDVOUV BE -1! - "V •- 604 FRONT STREET vfHy WILLYS-OVERLAND SALES PHONE 403 VELVEETA CHEESE 2 £89* WESSON OIL PINT BOTTLE -- tie Quart Bottle PISTAKEE BAY N O T I C E JN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF GEORGE F. ICLEINHANS FOR A VARIATION OF THE ZONING REQUIREMENTS UNDER THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF' McHENRY, ILLINOIS, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: ' In compliance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of McHenry, Illinois, rela |ive to a variation in classification %>f property within the City Limits Of the City of McHenry, Dlinois, lit public hearing will be held be .^Fore the Zoning Board of Appeals ;|)f the City of McHenry, Illinois in connection with the petition |of GEORGE F. KLEINHANS, the title holder of record of property ; Ihereinbelow described, that the zoning requiremnts concerning the following described real estate be ' .varied to allow additions to the •'present structure on the north and east, which will increase the size of the structure in existence at the time of the passage of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance by approximately 1,485 feet, which would result in a rectangular structure approximately »v* 178x38 feet. . !?' : Petitioner also wishes a varia- - ** - tion of the present "R-2" classification to allow the usage of the | * contemplated structure for materi t~fr- r ial storage and the continued , - Manufacture of cement blocks. I | ' Variation is requested'for a period not to exceed ten years. Part of the Southwest quarter (SW%) of Section Twenty-six (28) Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning . at the ' Northeast corner of Lot 1 of E. M. Owen's Estate Addition to West McHenry, which addition is recordedv in Book one of Plats, page thirty-nine; thence Westerly along the northerly lines of Lets 1 and 2 of said Addition 132 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 3 of said Addition; thence North 15 degrees 51 minutes East along the Easterly line c said Lot 3 extended 66 feet; thence South 71 degrees 18 min utes East parallel with the Northerly lines of Waukegan Street, 132 feet more or less, tc the Northwest corner. of a certain parcel of land deeded b Lydia E. Owen, et al, to Jennie B. Owen by deed recorded in Book 91, page 239; thence Southerly along the Westerly line of said parcel of land 58.4 feet to the place of beginning. The hearing will be held at 3:00 P. M. on Thursday, May 7, 1953, in the City Hall of the City of McHenry, Illinois, . at which time and place any person or persons desiring to object to sue! petition will be entitled to heard. | CITY OF McHENRY POKING BOARD OF APPEALS ' By FLOYD E. COVALT, Jr., "I • .. Its Chairman, i (Published April 23, 1998.) SATURDAY MORNING Herman S c h m i e t e n d o r f f of Pistakee Bay, Grant township, died at the Woodstock hospital S l U i r d a y , A p r i l 1 8 , nt t h e ago of 77. He had been In poor health for fcur "months. Mr. Schmietendorff was ' a retired custodian of school distiic- i 99, in Cicero. He had'lived in this area for about two years. Survivors include the widow, Mary; one s~n, Harry, of Villa Park; a daughter, Mrs. Violet Weiss, of McHenry; and a sistor, Mrs. Minnie Wi^sman, of Berwyn; also four grandchildren. Arrangements were made bv' Peter M. Justen to have the body removed to 6126 W.. RoQsevrlt Road, Oak Park. Burial was in Wcodlawn c e m e t e r y , F o r e s t Park. Utah, Qolorado, Arizona and New Mexico join at one point. FRESH RAP WAX PAPER 2--For JfeEL MONTE , --^0 CATSUP 2 3 5 * E More salt is present in the Atlantic than in the Pacific Ocean. NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of MICHAEL MOSCINSKI, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that June 1st, 1953, the claim date In the estate of MICHAEL MOSCINSKI, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that- claims may be filed against tne said estate on or before "said date without issucuMse of summons. GEORGE O. CHURCHILL. ' Executor. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Jr. Attorney at Law Woodstock, Illinois. (Pub. April 23-30, May 7) DEL MONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL 2^ 45' DEL MONTE TOMATO SAUCE 6 ^ 45* RED LABEL n CERTIFIED , RED LABEL COFFEE 1 Lb' fil* pkg. Q£ Ample' •the first flag to fly over Texas was the French flag in 1684. Pythagoras first announced the " ' that the world is round. THE SCHWINN #O**et 62M Fin« construction and delux* equipment make this Schwinn a bfke you'll be proud to own. Sparkling (iniih, Schwinn guaranteed, and fitlid throughout with the tops in foataros. VYCITAL'S Hardware Sheet Metal Shof> 1?2 Green St. MeHenry, HL PHONE 98 •• • n n Parking Q n Downtown S • McHenry • Everybody -- yes, everybody -- shares in this sensible Frosen Foods Savings Plan. Ii's simple . . . practical . . . convenient. fs savings you can No big outlay of .cash required. You buy only the frosen foods you like . . . when you like. And when YOUR OWN SELECTION of ANY VARIETIES of famous brand frosen foods totals 12 or more units at one purchase, you get 5% off our regular list prices; when you buy any 24 packages, you get 10% off our regular list prices. These are actual savings you can count on »,v.feel' • immediately! DISCOUNT ON | iq* Produce:- Qittoral*"' 4£*Sweet and Crisp , . .." .y v;. •• ORANGES . 2 doz. 49<, California. ^ CARROTS , . libel*. 15* Delicious " ^ . APPLES . . . • 2 lbs. 29* Minnesota Washed Bed POTATOES . . 50 lb. bag $1.98 ^ This Includes ALL Frozen F^l FROZEN DOLE -- 6 oz jttn PINEAPPLE JUICE BIRDSE¥E -- 19 PEACHES . . I SEALED SWEET - I M. Hi ORANGE JUICE . BIRDSETE -- 12 oz. pkg. PEAS & CARROTS 251, 2 for 29* Quality Meats OUR OWN CERTIFIED CHICKENS SALE PJUCE 98^ Boneless Rolled RUMP ROAST . . . . 79% Standing A Grade SIB ROAST . . . . 65k VI. S. Graded Choice -- 8 to 5 Jb. »v*. VEAL ROAST . . . . 49^ Boneless VEAL STEW . . .. 55« Try These New OSCAR MAYER Spreads on your Sandwiches Peanut Butter 8c Bacon SMOKEY SNAX Spread 8 oz. 29c SPREAD .... 8 oz. 29c DEL MONTE - Cream Style - N' Golden Corn 2 DEL MONTE • ttalvw or Sited Yellow Cling Peaches tm RAGGEDY ANN • Country Style . Dill Pickles *:i* !29« DEL MONTE - Whole Kernel < " - / Golden Corn DEL MONTE , /.-j- / Sliced Pineapple ^ 29< CHONJE STYLE . v Star Kiisiet Tuna 3 S1 00 ENTICING BRAND - Giant ; Ripe OlivesS 4 $100 DEL MONTE S Pineapple Juice *>31c Friday Nlte Is Family Nit© - Open 'Til d p.m. /•'W:v. f-v;,' ^ • ::Asa.