Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 May 1953, p. 11

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THE Mc '* ' • ~-v' / ' <* - r*.' . jT'f " • t '• ™„ .. ,?fcr : : • • • ' • • . 1- ' ' • " ' " PLAINDEALEtt Thursday, May 7> 1853 < < < • < ' I1 I ' , | i i i | M o t i o n b y A n d e r s o n , s e c o n d e d r«^.. n n j, I by Buchert, to approve the apvuy Council Proceedings i pbmtments of tin- zon,^ Board Tasty Tuna Patties '* 14 H i l-8 of Appeals as made SPECIAL MEETING M"5'°r' M°"°" C,"'ri<*, 1 April 28, 195$ -- Following adjournm cnr or the • Annual Meeting, the City Council reconvened in a special meeting for the purpose of acting on Alcoholic Beverage License app l i c a t i o n s , a p p o i n t m e n t . ^ a n d other business that might come before the Council. With Mayor Freund prt-sidina:, the following roll call was re- -, corded: Anderson. " B u c h e r t. Freund, Johnson, : Rothermel, ' Thennes! Absent: None. Mav<r- E'^nnd appointed the following standing " committees for the enduing fiscal year: Finance --=*'• Freund, Thenhes, . Anderson > .' • "License 'Anderson,,,-. Rotber mel. Buchert : - /•- Street A- A!J^v\:'-v .RoUnerniel, "f 'BuchorC Johnson ; ', * I jS -Water .and • Rotherrnel, Johnson - * Sidewalks - - Buchert, . Afldcrson, Rothermel ;!";v.,v> , ' • Public Property Anderson, '.Freund, Buchert "V , Ordinance -- Johnson, ThenWs, Freund Purchasing -- Fieund. Johnson, Thennes ,, Building Codes and IVrmits - Thennes, Rotftermpl. Johnson Band -- Buchert. Freund, Anderson Athletic Field. « Johnson. Buchert, Freund Library -- Rothermel, Thennes Walsh Motion by Anderson, secondod by Freund. to approve tlie appointments of standing ciHvimittees as made by the Mayer. Motion carried. Mayor Freund made the following appointments: City Collector -- Mayme Buss Chief of Poilce -- Harold Aim Board of Health -- Dr. C. W. Klonta, A. J, KamholZ, Leo J. Winkel . Motion by Johnson, seconded by Rothermel, to approve . the appointments as made by the Mayor. Motion carried. Motion by Freund, seconded by Buchert, to hire J. W. North arid Company to make the annua! audit of city books. Motion carried. by the Motion by Rothermel. seconded by Johnson, to designate the week beginning M;ty 10th as •'('lean-Tip Week" in the City- of McHenry for the current year. Motion carried. r Motion by Thennes, seconded by Johnson, to designate the City Attorney's annual salary as S200.00 nnd .the following monthly salaries for the ensuing year: Chief of Police, $262 50; Police Officers, $2.">1.00; Supt. Streets, Alleys, Wate'works and Sewer, S2.'>1.00: Employees in Streets, I Alleys1, Waterworks and Sower departments. J?220i501: stipulating . two we?ks -paid v;tcationv "sick •'•leave. 'Motion carried'- MotiOn by Thennes. secondedby Rothermel. to approve the ap% • p l i c a t i o n s . of the f o l l o w i n g f o r ' r'a-^s - :.'A" ' Alcoholic Beverage i L i c e n s e s ; , . • • ' V ' V - • 1 Carl Behnkc; Hernjan C ~ & j Kfma Buok,. Krnie Freund & Cnroi vn Just en. Winfield jr~ 0 " £ , The cook who can come up with a tasty tuna patty of melting tenderness should be revered in song along with the lals who could bake a cherry pie. For tuna patties, combining the delicate goodness of tuna flakes with seasonings and crumbs, are truly a gustatory, d e l i g h t . " • . /"_ This tuna patty, with velvety textured mayonnaise baked in should Twice Told Tales SHQQQQQSQQBQQQQQQQQQQBQEtf -• """ \ Forty Yearn Ago, ' J. F. McGrath, who has offices | in the Hartfold building, Dear- ' born street, Chicago, has sent us j a descriptive folder in Which he is advertising lots on Cedar Island, Pistakee Bay. i The annual commencement (exj eivises will take place" at the i Central Opera house on Tuesday | evening, May 27. The class this j year is made up of eight girls j one lone boy. ,. . i The new cement block factory building on the West side is now j ready for the roof. We underi stand the. McHenry Artificial iStone company expects to occupy the new home within the,, next few weeks. " ; . ; * \ye are 'told ; that," the first month's busihess kt McHenry's Hagbei'g. Leon a Henschpl,: Don J V make"the hardest-to-please man sigh with contentment. R. Hoenes, . Frank J. Holt, Mc- •Hipnry Country Ciub. A. E. Noomn, Sr. & A. ,E. Noonan, Jr., G u s N o r d s t r o m . B e r n a r d J . Pe?chke, Al Phannenstill, Ernest Pieroni. "R" PL-ice. Inc. Riverside Hotel; Bruno Manzardo. . . Trustee, Joseph H. Simon. Jolpi A. Thennes. Gus Unti. Motion j carried. t j Motion by Johnson, seconded | bv Freund. to approve the appli-, cations of the. following for 1 ~~~ * ~ Class "C" Alcoholic Beverage MONTHLY PENSIONS Thomas r Bolger. Nye Drugs. | AVAILABLE TO Tnc Motion carried. WAR VETERANS Motion by Anderson, seconded hv Thennes. to approve the ap- . The minois Veterans Complications of the following for i mission ,-eminds veterans of Class "F" Alcoholic Beverage j World Wat s l and II that $63 a License.«f: I month pensions are provided for American Legion Post, No. 491, j those qualified. Inc., McHenry Lodge Loyal < pensions are payable to Order of Moose, No. 691. Motion • veterans who have a limited inc a i r i e d . come 4 tand are s u f f e i i n g from Motion by Freund, seconded by^vioe connected disabilities: Rothermel, to adjourn. Mo^n the disabilities must be permacarried. j nent jn(j must be total. . George p. Freund. Mayor veterans over 65, who meet Ea " - "* ' Broiled Tuna Patties 4 hard cooked eggs ** teaspoon black pepper 1 6 Vs-ounce can tuna, flaked 1 cup mayonnaise 1M> cups tine dry bread cx-umb^ Lemon slices ' 1 tablespoon finely cut parsley1 , Paprika teaspoon salt * Finely dice the eggs and combine with the tuna, 1* cup of thfe bread •ruinbs, the paraley, salt, pepper and mayonnaise. Mold into 5 or 6 aatties, and cover them on both sides with the remaining crumbs. Broil under low heat until golden brown and heated through. Garnish trith lemon slices sprinkled with paprika. In McHenry county, veterans should contact the Illinois Veterans Commission service officer at 10912 Benton street in Woodstock. The office is cpen daily between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. and on Saturday until noon. Mrs. Behlke, believes the institution can b« made a paying proposition. H e n r y E r i c g o n , C h i c a g o ' s building commissioher, has purchased ground at Palm Beach, on Pistakee Bay, and will build thereon a beautiful summer home' The spring » institute of the Women's Christian Temperance Union will be held afternoon and evening at a number of places, including RingwOod, May 10, and McHenry, May 11, Don't fail to be Aebischer's store at 7:30 o'clock aiiarp Saturday night and witness the ncvel feat of hypnotizing over the long distance telephone by the great Mack of the Mack's Hypnotic Comedy company. All of the" tests and experiments, especially the comical ones, are the embodiment of refinement. „ Two Represented On Chicago Mark*!' McHenry county hogs brought the extreme top at the Chicagc Stock Yards on Thursday's market. Adolph Van Landunyd, cf Ringwooa, was represented by a shipment of thirty-eight head of red butcher hogs that averaged 233 pounds each and sold for $24.60 per cwt. On Monday's market A, Q Becker of Spring Grove was represented by a shipment of twenty head of white hogs that averaged 251 pounds each and sole for $24.25 per cwt. WELFARE WORK, The best possible care for, patiehtg; the advancement of preventive services through public education and community viork; the stepping-up of research on causes of mental ailments, and sound economical administration. These were listed as four main objectives of the state Department of Public Welfare b>^ Dr. Otto Bettag, department director, in a Springfield address last week before the Illinois Society for Mental Health. The custodial care of senile patients constitutes a major problem of thevdepartment. Dr. Bettag said. Ships weigh less when 'travelnew restaurant has been quite ihg east than Wheri friliyeling f.oti c-for>frqmH nrnnvratrflco urbot ~ - ' ' 5 satisfactory and the proprietress, west OE iptao D o I0E301 Worwick's McHenry Camera Center Cameras Bought, Sold and. Exchanged PHOTO SUPPLIES Our Free Expert Service Does Not Stop With A Sale. See us before you buy. -- WORWICK'S STUDIO FRED J. SMITH Complete Motor Overhauling Welding 117 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE tocaoi PHONE 275 © O o JOHNSBURG, ILL. i* hOi29E= 301 McHENRY 200-J jj i iodoi^--=a HAVE YOU LOOKED AT YOUR CHIMNEY LATELY T Veterans over 65, ^arl R. Walsh, City Clerk tjjese requirements, are entitled I ! to $75 a month; age alone does' In England a husband, seeking' qualify & veteran for a pen-. Motion by Buchert, seconded j a divorce, complained that his, Sjon . by Anderson, to pass and ap-; was soyAllergic to him that •' Certain T employment and- inprove ordinance naming Mayor! rf ^ so mucn as .ourhed her, come Umitations as well aa a Freund, Alderman Rothermel and hair she immediately rushed up- disability, also must be met. . . . . . j . u * AAddddiittiioonnaall linn froorrmmaatnioonn mm aayy Dbee of Local Improvements. Motion , ed her head. The wife said that, obtained from I1Unois yete^s carried. to hurt her, the husband kept a Painting Tuck Pointing Chimneys Rebuilt Window Caulking, etc. -- FREE ESTIMATES -- Insured Workmen 3 Mayor Freund appointed the | diary in which he marie fictitious following as members of the] entries recounting strange tid-1 Zoning Board of Appeals: Floyd j ventures with other women. He E. Covalt, Chairman: Henry B. left the diary about tn tempt her: Tonyan; Edward J. Thennes, , to read it.- ^ Carl j. Freund and John. H. | 1 Greene. ^ -h- • ' -Read Hie- Want Ads'! I ! Commissicn service officers. George Barber 130 S. Green Street PHONE McHENRY 336 [R NITROGEN INCREASES CORN YIELDS / USE ANHYDROUS AMMONIA (82V2% N) 80,000 GALLON BULK PLANT CENTRAL STATES FERTILIZER CO. SOLON MILLS. ILLINOIS I Sunday, May 10th For Gifts that any mother loves best - see ut». Our truly beautiful and luxurious housewares and gifcware section offers hundreds of aj>- propriatc gift ideas. PLASTIC Refrigerator STORAGE , DISHES *«t of 3 . 69c Clear 0 I a i» I e d l i k t i w i t h tnuf-fittinf cov. cri. I 4 • a I far keeping "left over*." BATH SCALES Here it an accurate scale with clearly legible numerals. Black linoleum top, smooth white •nameled sides. Weighs up to 300 pounds. PINKING SHEARS Get this finest quality pinning shear and complete your sewing box. Very sturdy construction, yet will cut sheomt material. KITCHEN STOOL >13.25 AM metal stoat, 22 Inches high. Ifs sturdy and camfartabl* -- a real kitchen aid. Good - leaking leatherette top. To Builders: Wt can supply Ready Mixed Concrete tor any kind of job - from a back yard lily poo) to a com plete new borne or building. Prompt, quick «el*very exactly where and when needed. r * Our Ready-Mixed Concrete is unifoimly derse. enduring . and strong--as you expect ot good concretc. lh« mix' u right foi the use intended... accurately proportioned at our central plant. Even a small job gets the benefit o! large volume production. To Prospective Owners of Nen Homes ana Buildings; Of course you want-concrete. It's the modern way to build- ~firesafe, permanent, moderate in first cost add requiring almost BO maintenance. Let us put you in touch with experienced, reliable contractors who will give you a quality job at a satisfactory price. McHenry Sand & Gravel • PHONE McHENRY 920 ' 606 FRONT STREET McHENRY. IIX. ELECTRIC *14.95 IRON A fast heating, efficient iron with larga sole plate. Hat heat control dial. 3-lb. model, 110 Volt AC. Light weight and easy to handle. POWER MIXER CAM *195 "4 OPENER l,M p Opens cans easier, faster, loaves smooth rim on opened can. Very attractive design. Built to last for years. Easily mounted on wall. COFFEE MAKER •1(1.75 '37.50 Portable mixer unit with beater* -- no stand. Worki efficiently for all light mixing jobi. C o m p l e t e w i t h wall bracket for hanging. N e w e s t s t y l e , e f a i n l e s t s t e e l v a c u u m t y p e -coffee maker. Beautiful in app e * r * n c « a n d flnlth. All electric, automatic. V Y CI T A L ' S 1 HARDWARE ~ 132 S. Green Street SHEET METAT SHOP PIIOXE 98 McUenry, 111. A Terrific 80c Vate* "PO-DO" BRAND) GOLF BALLS NYE DRUG STORE y an-'sie, •A-luicMfi, n/&lca*tte 1 2 9 N . R i v e r s i d e D r . M c H e n r y , I I I . ON SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY lJVa£gA£&H Agency drug store COUPON Pact of 7 I Waste Bags I H Save With Co|upon •2 '-19°! 300 KLEENEX TISSUES, in SERV-A TI8SUE BOX q.m.t2K 1000 SACCHARIN Cfceiec-Tez TOILI TISSUI *1 ur 2 15 2-oz. Bottle i CASTOR OIL 19' %-oz.Bottlo Tincture of IMerewochromel TABLETS. 79c SIZE. U-S.P- '/.-GRAIN (Limit» . WOODBURY SOftP. KtGULftR SIZE 5-GR. ASPIRIN TABLETS. U.S.P. BOTTLE 100 U^mU • 4'"27 13 Famous "Winey" COSTUME JEWELRY Eamngs, necklaces, pins and rings oi every kind and description . . . , gl1' i|| Remember To Send MOTHER'S DAY CARDS 5e >• 35" Big selection. Business-Size! GET 100 ENVELOPES A 45c QQ< value Vv Limit 1 pack. Rainy Weather Rayon UMBRELLAS Ten metal ribs, a wood shank with ^9 plastic handle .... GIVE MOM CANDY Come in now aod see our complete selection of many beautiful boxes oi candy. Mom's eyes will sfiine with delight when she receives a gift box filled with delicious chocolates ... nugats ... nuts ... caramels ... and many other pieces selected especially for HER! We have just the box of candy to please--and, of course, they're all specially gift-wrapped for the occasion. COFFEE PERCOLATOR 6-cup 4 29 HOODED RAINCOAT Sm., Med. 098 A Large . . KEY CASE # Genuine leather . . \ ELECTRIC TOASTER Chrome < 029 plated . . . J IT'S YOUR DAY MOTHER MAY 10th Lively AMITY BILLFOL0 A lady's 5 zip-case . .+r DolpK iMoth Balls or Flakes 39c Bottle Glycerin & Rosewater YANKY GLOVER CHLOROPHYLL TOILET WATER Tidy Stick DEODORANT Swett 'n Stsi proof . Spicy scent Grove J BROMO QUININE 39' School or Work LUNCH KIT & PT. VACUUM 079 Terrific Buy to DURAFLASH Flashbulbs Box' 16 Ubleti Both for only Big savings PHILLIPS Milk of Magnesia 39 Large Site ALKASELTZER Tub« 2SE7IC 50c <i<* t*LM« --12 o« All Metal Leon Laraioe COMPACTS COLOGNE Mwy QQc Incendiari. styles . . vO Regular 50c Barbasoi Shave Creani 39 Walgreen'* Chlorophyll Tooth Paste Freshens breath O'inch Servers 49c SALAD BOWLS 4 f.r 122 Fine hardwood. POWDER BOX PLAYS TONE! Just lift the lid!. I DRYER With £95 Hand .0-- Cuusta Cards Famed "PO-DO" 4-oz. Size Chamberlain Lotion (Limit I bottle) "Fenway" Hose 'N' bows STATIONE In'a beautiful three compartment hosiery box I 7 5 Tres Menee | --V HAND CREAM " Perfection 9-oz. . . . For Extra Shine FORMULA 20 Liquid Cream Egg Shampoo 8-or. |l>' -"11111(1111111.. "i| Take Photos Mother's Day! BETTER PHOTOS Low Cost! Rely on Our photo-finishing' • Quality! • Service! • Economy! d 120 or 620 Film NEW KODAK "BU0-PAK" 2 7ars87c G!id« CORN PADS Meat caf to ditct . |l»' ••HlllliljllllM- -II Long Handled Lucite Bath Brush Choice AQ of color. O O Soft bristles "Kurly Kt I. I aillloKs 9c FUSE PLUGS i5 33e REG. 10c FUNNELS Plastic ?-or. s/ze . . w KREML Shampoo Kate" i 10c POT • CLEANER • With Coupon. Limit 2 Lnalaal

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