Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 May 1953, p. 13

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Twelve • :. > . . • i ' - / . - THE McHENRY PLAJNDEALER Mother's Day Coxhes Of Age- -- Cards Keep Mom's A Secret -- ^ - . - Light up thirty-nine candle# Mother's Day caida for Dad to tor Mother's Dav! Our most: 860(1 are ^ available. Hes •fcntimental holida'y began back I sen-ihg breakfast in bed 'to 1914, and on Sunday. May 10. To a Honey of a Wife.' brrng- 4t reaches that Whimsical- mile-1inS floweis 10 Mom a"? b«lieve- •fcone where time ends for all i*1"01' "01 takinS owr tttehousethings feminine I work- As one novelly card °Pens- Mcm's age. on the other hand.1 a Daddy Rabbit si>rcads his a:m* Mems destined to remain a wellkept family secret. Even the 1953 Mother's Day <?ards have tactfully skipped to qther subjects. The mother, they characterize is just a gill at heart. She's ready to romp . jvith her young- "ifters, or go- dancing with dad, at the drop of "a broomstick. - Ajrd one card actually . advises -. Mom to do just that- - ^ . You've done your work , All through tho year,"; ' ; . You've tidied up each rp©hi; . . So have some v fun , On Mother's Day; and Put away your broom! '•ifit. Needless • to say, there's ' no *X«fbs^ible"^nv«y.;_ • measuring a t -rpothoi's \yorth. But-if you're in- .j-ejined to. tiy. -lnother, greeting .'•gaily quips . To a Mother who's Worth her weight in gold Here's all the love That a c.ird can hold HAPPY MOTHER'S. DAY! To illustrate ,so luxurious a sentiment, the design pictures a merry-eyed mother and stacks of gold coins being weighed on twin balance scales. Still other cards describe Mom as "An angel straight from heaven," "My first sweetheart," and even "Queen of the Apron Strings." Sentimental as they are, a touch rf good-natured humor may often be found in the new Mother's Day greetings. Playful little kittens, gabby chicks and ducks, -and fun-loving bunnies march across as ma^f designs as human figures do. Perched on a soapbox, one happy baby duck sums up his feelings like this-- A boaster is a Bother and an Awful bcre, as well-- But how can I * Help boasting when Mv mother's so darned swell! and says You're so sweet and You're so nice and Ycu've so many charms, But what's the use Of talkin' -Come to Pappy's lovin' arms! There . arc c i ever cut-out greetings, too. Some of 'these ingenious creations are shaped like Mom's purse, 'her apion or hat box. O tilers resemble symbolic household item»--a shopping basket, easj' chair, teapot, sprinkling can and, yes, the kitchen stove! •' - ' ' O n e u n u s u a l c u t - o u t opens Surprisingly into k queen's crown that devoted youngsters may place on Mother's happy head, While another card that appears to be an antique clock carries this cheerful thought-- "Time makes you sweeter." --But good wishes aren't limited to Mom on May 10. Not by a long shot! There are special Mother's Day cards for sisters, aunts, godmothers, grandmothers and mothers-in-law. In fact, one card pictures Ol' Doc Stork delivering another "bundle," and it's addressed to a mother»to-be. STATE FAIR Officials of the state Department of Agriculture aiV starting an all-out drive to make this season's Illinois State Fair the biggest and best ever known. The premium list for the Fair*, which. will be held in Springfield, Aug. 14 through Aug. 23, is expected to be ready for distribution about June 1, according to James E. Tays, general manager of the exposition. The' list will be mailed as soon as available to all persons who have requested it. Persons desiring to ask for the list may do so by writing the Illinois Staite Fair, Springfield, 111. BETTY HUTTON OPENED IN CITY THEATRE ON MAY 4 " The one and only Betty Hutton and her own all-star International show, will make its fiist midwest appearance when it opens at the Shubert theatre in .Chicago on Monday, May 4, through May 17. for a two-week engagement. Under the direction of Charles O'Curran. her husband, this production nas broken all records in London, New York and San- Francisco. JIn Korea, Hutton jvas a sensation. So much so that the William Morris agency figured if the boys overseas took to her act, people at home would, too. People at home that is. at the New York Palaces-saw Hutton's act. expanded from the Korean version and after she had taken it to England., The tough customers in this headquarters of V. A.vaudeville gave her an ov.ij.icrv And the Palace theatre audiehoe is one that rfiust be sold before it will clap its hands for" anything. . Chicago folks will catch Betty's < act beginning May 4, when this nice, big-hearted, inhibited young lady brings her show to the Shubert theatre, i With her will be the Borrah Minevitch Harmonica Rascals. J featuring Jchnny Poleo; Bambi Lynn and Rfod Alexander, Bob Williams, the Skylarks, Joe Jackson, JrT>. and the Lang Troupe. - -- At 31, Betty is ah- old-timer for a new-comer to the flying tiapeze. She has become a home girl with two children and a husband, Charles O'Curran, producer cf her all-star show. After "the Greatest Show" Betty left Paramount, a friendly parting, she says. It was only that she didn't want to make any more "Red, Hot and Blue." Her next will be an independent production, a biography of Sophie Turker, with La Hutton owning a good piece of the picture. Hutton the wife, mother, film actress and vaudeville artist, still can't sit still, although some of her energy will be drained off as a business woman from now on. $500 Contest t$ Design State Fair Flag n .. • •i * i All senior students in public and pardcTiial high schools in Illinois are eligible to compete in a cpntest to design an official flag for the Illinois State Fair. County winners will receive a citation from Governor William G. Stratton. The state-wide winner will receive a $500 Savings Bond at special ceremonies at the Illinois State Fair in Springfield. See your high school bulletin board, your high school principal, or your county superintendent of schools for details of the contest. ,. ... State of Illinois DDR Mental Health Week May 3-.9 This week, May 3 to 9, has been proclaimed * by Governor Stratton as Mental Health Week in Illinois, with a program of education built around the theme: "fting the Bell for Mental Health--Inform Yourself." The observance is sponsored by the Illinois Society for Mental Health and co-sponsored by the Illinois Department of Public Welfare. Social, civic and welfare organizations throughout the state are cooperating in the endeavor, whinn is observed nationally under sponsorship of the National Association foe. Mental Health. • , . V _ ® Open House w as held at each of the twelve state hospitals cn Sunday, May 3, to launch the week's activities which include a host of community meetings, discussions, and the distribution of educational materials on mental health subjects. Exhibits are being held in public libraries throughout Illinois. Two points aie being stressed, according to " thr co-chairmen. Dr. Rudolph G. Noviek, medical director of the lino's Society for Mental Health, and Louis doBoer,, executive officer of the Illinois Mental Health Authority: "We want mere people to understand thit ^nental illness is treatable and curable and we want to spread the word that more patients could be cured if necessary research and trained personnel were^ made available." Discusslng^vthese points. Dr. Otto L. Betta^fpHDireetor Df the Department of Public Welfa-e, said: "On the average, one new patient is admitted every forty minutes to cne of the Illinois state hospitals for the mentally ill, and one new patient is admitted every ten houra to our two institutions for the mentally defective. The total average daily population of our mental hospitals is more than 37,000-- more than double the number in 1920. "Whil«- f 40und administration and good housekeeping are essential in any program that involves the expenditure of public funds, the problem of providing decent and humane care for the mentally ill, the problem of providing treatment that will mean cure and rehabilitation that will return patients to their communities as productive .members of society are problems which are parraamm ount. *< j "In tthhee past, state mental health programs have been devoted almost exclusively to the supervision and operation of mental hospitals for the seriously ill. There is now a marked and constructive trend toward efforts for prevention and early treatment of mental disorders. «What is more, there is a new spirit in the way we approach the problem-- of centering on the parent and his needs. "These are the objectives cf the Department: "1. The best care possible for the patients entrusted" to us, based upon the best knowledge available in the sciences and professions. "2. The advancement of' preventive services through public education and community services. "3. The hastening of research which will improve the quality of care of patients. "4. Sound, economical administration." • CROP OUTLOOK Illinois farmers are about twothirds of the way through their spring plowing for corn and soybeans, according to state and federal departments of agriculture. Fall-sown wheat is reported in better than average condition, with some fields as far north as Monroe county coming into the boot stage. Rye is heading in southern Illinois. «Hay meadows generally show good stands, and better than ordinary growth -may Be expected if the weather is favorable. BENEFITS UNDER KOREAN GI BILL* - MADE AVAILABUE , 1 Benefits under the Korean QX Bill for veterans who have had service since June 27, 1950, may be applied for through the Veterans Administration representative who will be on duty Tuesday, May 12, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the post office building, second floor in Woodstock VA's representative will inform and assist veterans of all wars on all benefits it administers including pensions, compensations, insurance, hospitalization, medical and dental treatment, guaranty of loans, education &nd training, burial allowance, etc. A discussion with VA's visiting representative regarding VA affairs may make correspondenoik to VA unnecessary. We all get approximately what we deserve but not always ' In the same proportion. . . r Europe is: named <:h£. Eurbpa. " ' • < Want Ads, like freedom; everybody'* business. 'iTscri|ilion •>/ Pharnuutsls SPRING CLEAN-UP PAINT-UP MAY lOtti to 16th foeden kiTbin Garden Hoes - Rakes HOES HAKES $1.95 $1.65 EXTERIOR SPADING "TORKS *2.65 4(afcnumy_ Got&rfL FOR MODERN COLOR STYLING • Bamboo ' LAWN RAKES '89* Milcor Carts *8.50 exc Set One • Nonfadinf J6 Ccrfetus Mers • Perfect Coverage • Ease of Brushing • Dries to a Beautiful Soft Lastre Finish fir truly beautiful horn* «xt*ri> . jn, u»* Elliott's N«w Promsnod* -r#Npt«n« Harmony Color*. Tlit/ fivo yoa individuality and tariar color lovolina** plwi pro* •pction against Hi* • You Get FREE! the Use of Our Fertilizer Spreader, when you purchase your fertilizer from us. "GREAT STATES" 16-Inch HANDMOWER -- $19.75 She'll remember your greeting with joy if you •end her one of the lovely iNORCROSS Rose cards. Be sure to see our special showing of Roses --and all the other fine NORCROSS Mother's Day Cards BOLGER'S Green Street ' PHONE 40 , McIIehry, IIL We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamps. Take It Easy- Take A Cabl "When the weather's bad . When you want to reach your destination in a hurry . . When you have w heavy packages with you, It's time to call us for a cab. Remember our number McHENRY CAB PHONE 723 . . . can you count the f a c t o r s e n t e r i n g i n t o your p r e s c r i p t i o n . Pharmacy deals with a multitude of details, and the many thousands of items in your pharmacist's stock prove the point. Your prescription specifies drugs, amount, strength, size, and dosage. Add to these the order of mixing, compatabilities, and hundreds of procedures and diversities within the know-1 ledge of your pharmacist. They multiply the selective factor -- of medicines, and establish pharmacy as a most complex profession. All of these skills are employed to serve you when we fill your prescription. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Green Street PHONE 40 DRUG STORE McHenry, IU. ALWAYS DRIVE You've probably heard the news by now. A bout the dazzling getaway and performance of this 1953 Buick SPECIAL. About its new record-high horsepower and comm pression -- its more velvety Million Dollar Ride -- its bettered handling--its luxurious new comfort, trim, appointments: . nig your mm. Mister -and you fk M But have you heard the happiest part of the story? You can step into this rich, roomy, robust-powered Buick for just a few dollars morejhan you pay for the "low-priced" cars. That's fact -- and we show our delivered price40 prove it. But look beyond the extra T6om and comfort and power and thrill you get for the money in this Buick, and you discover something else:' You find a whale of a lot of important little things are i other cars of similar price charge as extras--things like direction signals, oil-bath air cleaner, fullflow oil filter, dual map lights, trip-mileage indicator, automatic glove-box light* So--it's up to you, good sir. It's up to you to look into this terrific, thrill-packed 1953 Buick SPECIAL. * XC It's up to you to try it-- compare it -- and see for yourself it's a buy you can't deny. Why not drop in this week? - T#/#W$to» t/Mrt-rf>e BUICK CIKUS HOUK-evtry Fovrlh T--idoy sure can make it! *2255 88 buys a Buick i mw 1*53 ftvick SffCWU 3 Bur, 4-l*aMW*e«r S«do« Model 480, illustroted, DELIVERED LOCAUY. Optional eQi/ipmenl. accessories, stole ond local foies, if OMf. oddilional. Prices may *atf slightly in adjoining contmunifier OW to shipping charges. All prices sub/eel to change wilhoul noTTEe. THE SKUTEST Brigg^ & Stratton Engine Crucible Steel Blades Timken Bearings Positive Clutch 18', 21'. 24' CUtttM widths ' •* tow 0 $100.35 This Coupon Good for Free Packet of Michael Leonard's SEEDS MILORGANITE - 100 lbs. $4.00 VTGORO ........ 100 lbs. $4.55 BONEMTSAL 10 lbs. $1.25 SHEEP MANURE - 25 lbs, $1.15 "MandeviUe King" FLOWER SEEDS ",..100 "Micheal Leonard" VEGETABLE SEEDS 10c Rent A Lawn Roller BUICK Hardware Phone 98 % SEED! planting, time* NUCHAEL LEONARD SEEDS HERE IK 80 0RCAT YEARS -WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUIIO. THEM- 'S Sheet Meial Shop- 132 'S* Green St. R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES McHenry, IIL Phone 6 403 Front St. T

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