Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 May 1953, p. 6

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Thuifttaf. ttaf 1. 19S3 THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALEB McHenry Plaindealer Published every Thursday at McHenry, ill., by the McHenry Publishing C6mpany, inc. NATIONAL E D I T O R I A L "5:t,V3n W. BURFEINDT, Gen. Manager ADELE FROEHLICH, Editor Plaindealer Want Ads No ads counted less than 26 pTOnds 11.00 minimum. 1 insertion $1.00 (Count 5 words per line) ' 25c service charge on all Wind ads. cash with order. Card Thanks--$1.00 Minimum Want Ads close promptly at Id I kjto. Wednesday; V SUBSCRIPTION RATE *ear *3.00 'Entered as second-class matter 'at. the * post office at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE Page Fir* BUSINESS SERVICE SEPTIC TANKS, Grease Trips, Dry Wells and Seepage Beds Built. Peter A. Freund, Fox St- McHenry, m. Phone 877-W. 46-tf PIANO TUNING Also for sale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upright pianos Prompt Service. C. J. H. Diehl, phone 208-W, Woodstock, 111. 51-tf FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes, also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf GARAGE DOORS WOOD SECTIONAL ;; Residential, Commercial br Industrial -- Standard or Specially Designed. KEN LEIBACH Sales, Installation and Service 'McHenry 1187-R 14-tf JffiPLACEMENT PARTS FORi ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Coven "r COMMUNITY AUTO 8TJPPLY 409 W. Elm Street Open Week Days 9 ajn. - 6 p.m. Sundays 9 ajn. to 1 p.m. FOR SALE 1949 Mercury Convertible, new top and paint job. Book price$l,290. Our Price $1,095. - 1947 Buick Roadmaster, 4-Door good condition, very good tires. Book price $795. Our Price $695 1951 Kaiser 4 Door Deluxe, rac" heatef, overdrive. Completey re- Conditioned. Perfect tires. Our Price $1,650. 1961 Frazer Vagabond, reconditioned, very good tires. Our Pride. $1,696. Bank Financing A. M. ADAMS MOTOR-? 52 FOR SALE -- Cushman motor scooter, complete with side car and other extras. Fine condition. Priced for quick sale. Call McHenry 777-J after 7:00 P.M. 52 FOR SALE -- 1941 Ford, very clean, in good condition, by original owner. Call 653-J-2. *52 COLBY MOTORS SALES Saftey Checked -- Used Cars 1952 Chrysler Saratoga 4 Door Sedan. 1952 Chrysler Windsor r40 Door Sedan. 1951 Chrysler New Yorker 4 Door Sedan. 1951 Kaiser 2 Door Sedan. 1P50 Chevrolet Sport Club Coupe, • 1950 Chrysler Windsor Club Sedan. 1950 Plymouth 4 Door Sedan. 1950 Pontiac Catalina 1949 DeSoto 4 Door Sedan 1949 Oldsmobile Station Wagon 1949 Chrysler New Yorker 4 Door Sedan 1949 Hudson 4 Door Sedan 1948 Plymouth 4 Door Sedan 1948 Ford 2 Door Sedan 1948 Buick 4 Door Sedan 1948 Kaiser 4 Doer Sedan 1948 Chrysler 4 Door Sedan J.647 International Panel Truck 1946 Chrysler New Yorker Club Coupe 1946 Chrysler Windsor 4 Door Sedan (2) 1946 Ford 2 'Door Sedan 1946 Plymouth 4 Door Sedan 1946 Chrysler New Yorker 4 Door Sedan 1942 Ford Clin Coupe 1941 Hudson 2 Door Sedan 1941 Plymouth Club Coupg 1941 Chevrolet 2 Loor Sedan 1940 Chevrolet 2 I)«-or Sedan (2) See US Before You Buy Phahe 1110 Crystal Lake, 111. 52 "WsiNESS^mVICE^ WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26-tf RALPH L. CLARK Piano Technician Repairing -- Tuning 002. Garfield Road, Harvard, 111. Phone 748-R 37-tf DEAD ANIMALS--Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs, no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and Holiday's. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36-tf FOR SALE ANTKitKS, MISC. ITEMS -- Clothing, good condition, for entire family. Formals. Open Tuesday through Saturday. 1 p.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays 11 a.m. to K p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment. Resale and Antique Shop. mile west of Terra Cottafactory on Rt. 31. Phone: Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 22-eow FOR SALE--New and used sewing macnines. We rent, buy and repair all makes of sewing machines. See our large selection of yard goods, over a thousand samples to choose from. Freuttd'a, 664-J-2. v .' v 36-eow FOR SALE - Used doors: 2'8"x6'8,r, 2'6"x6'8". Used windows, 4 light: 1'10'x2'5", 4 oak dining chairs. Bookcase. Call 292-R. 52 FOR SALE--Dab Beer imported from Germany on draft and in bottles. Also large package goods department and all, kinds, of case beer. Sportsman's inn; 513 Main street. *52-4 FOR SALE--21-inch Cooper roller- driven power mower; separate clutches for cutter anr roller. Excellent condition; reasonable. Tel. McHer>rv 715-M. 52 FOR SALE -- Electric Coca-Cola cooler, dry meat slicer^ Hotpoint frenoh-fryer. Call* Mcfienry 530* M-2. 52 ^ - • -- - FOR RENT HELP WANTED FOR RENT Newly decorated HELP WANTED -- Saleswoman, Bids are being received. ft>r rooms, home privileges, near de- < about 40. Must have had high sale of old Hebron, Illinois Ex- REAL ESTATE pot and schools. 109 Main Street i grade selling experience. Also Phone McHenry 100-R 20-tf | girl for Saturday and Sunday work. Box 348, c/o -- 51-tf Reply to FOR RENT -- 3 bedroom apart-1 Plaindealer -- ment, in McHenry, near shopping I V ; district, $85.00 per month. Call j HELP • WANTED--Men for Nur- Mr. Fritz, McHenry $7. 50-tf j sery Won*. Apjjly in person a Pitzen's Nursery, corner of Wilson Road and Rt. ISO, or ca.\ Round Lake 6-1570. ' 47-tf FOR RENT -- Good pasture land for about thirty head of cattle. Phone: Woodstock 660-W. *51-2 MISCELLANEOUS MISC.--You can own a fabulous Pfaff Zig-Zag Sewing Machine by doing simple sewing. For details phone McHenry 569-M-l, or write Box 172, Barrington, 111. ----- . : - 48-tf FOR RENT -- Bedroom apartments: season or year's lease. Furnished and unfurnished. Riverside Hotel. Phone 266. 53 ^^HEl^W ANTED ILLINOIS BELL : TELEPHONE CO, ? 'a good place to worf^'. change building on Prairie Street. 34'x54' two-story brick with basement, completely modern. In good condition. Ideal for business or residence use. Inquire General Telephone Cdm- MISC. -- To produce your best pany of Illinois Business office corn crop, you must plant the Hyat Richmond, Illinois. Phone brid that really fits this locality. Richmond 3. 47-tf. j I still have a small supply of high -- -- i yielding Pioneer Varieties best FOR SALE -- Quality 2 bedroom ; adopted for this area. Please call REAL ESTATE !ranch style home, 1 year old with : or gee me Dorr Sherman, Wood- ; approximately Me acre, attached I stock, HI. R.R. 3, 1 mile north of ; garage. Large kitchen-dinette with ; airport off Rt. 120. Phone 1635- I Crosley cabinets. All large rooms. !M-1 *50-3 McHENRY - 4 room brick, auto- • Call McHenry 934 for appolntmatic oil heat, full basement, 2- j ment car garage, newly decorated, near church, school and shopping Price $14,900.00. Owner will sell completely furnished including automobile for $18,900.00. For information, call our office.' • " HOMES FOR SALE McHENRY - Golf Course Stifcil 4 large rooms, full basement, garage. 3 lots of 50 ft. each, start; fre- price $14,000.00 or will trade for Youll be 4 bedrooih home or 2 flat in Mcworking with girls your own j Henry, Woodstock or vinicity. age and you'll be doing in- • teresting work in an import- \ McHENRY - Vacant corner in TELEPHONE ; OPERATORS : • Good salary to quent increases. FOR SALE -- Floor oil furnace with one 275-gallon tank. TwelvS foot rowbo&t. All in good condition. Call McHenry 1100. 52 TREE AND BARN SPRAYING-- White wash or Fly control. Frank W. Henkei, P.O. Round Lake, 111. Residence: Void, 111. Phone McHenry 54^-J-l. 45-tf BUS. SERVICE--We buy old cars for junk. Also tractors and farm maohinery. Highest prices paid. William Staines, 53-J. *52-4 PHYSICAL THERAPY--Resident- Hi P->vvice. Gladys E. Prell, CSM Graduate. Women and children oniv. Fox Lake 7-6821. 52 BUS. SERVICE plots, 445-M. Home garden •52 FOR SALE FOR SALE--20 shares of McHenry State Bank Stock at $250 per share. Book value over $500 per share. Phone 43. 43-tf FOR SALE--ALUMINUM WINDOWS. The Wallfill Co.. Leo Stilling, 200 E. Pewl, McHenry 18. 4S-tf FOR SALE--Lounge chairs, good condition; fertilizer spreader, $4.50; utility cart, $4.50; unribrella clothes dryer, $12; Fryrite, $15; Westinghouse roaster, $18; Tel. McHenry 575-R-2. 52 SELLING OUT-- Braid new automatic combination witer softener and iron filter for sStle at factory wholesale price, never used. $121.00 discount lor cash sale. This is the latest and most modern water softener on the iftarket today. Fully guaranteed for 10 years. Phone Elgin 349 evenings or Saturday and Sunday for complete informat:on. *52 ant industry. See: Miss R. Marshall, Chief Operator at 102 Park Ave. 43-tf OUTDOOR MEN 18 to SO - To Trim Tree* Also Older Men For Ground Work. fHONE WAICONDA 2238 or Crystal Lake 2117-J 52-tl FOR SALE--Easy washing midline. spin rinse, ruris and looks like new. Best offer takes. Call 533- R-l, alter 5:30 P. M. 52 YOU'RE RIGHT! There's no other work shoe infthe world like WOLVERINE SHELL HORSEHIDES. Because they're tripletanned by a secret process, they dry out downy-soft, tiger-tough! No farirer, no work shoe wearer on any job ishould ever be caught without at least two pairs. See IU today. FITZGERALD'S MEN'S SHOP 208 S. Green Street, McHenry, 111. 52 HELP WANTED--Waitreaa. Tel. McHenry 377. 46-tf HELP WANTED Men for guards at Illinois State Penitentiary, Joliet. Between ages of 25 and 50. Eighth grade education. Good physical condition. Reputation must stand investigation. Silary and working conditions excellent. All emplo'yees benefit in retirement plan. Write for application.' •1-3 HELP WANTED -- Good home available to woman who will help with housework And care for children. At McCullom Lake. Inquire as to wages. Mrs. Celia Wai - p \\ phone McHenry 567-W-2. f>'.' HELP WANTED Experienced auto mechanic. Apply Downs Nash plenty Motor *5ales. Phone 184. 52 52,500. •49-4 | MISC.--Not responsible for debts ri --: j contracted by anyone but myself, FOR SALE Ai 2 Liirge adjeining aa of May 2, 1953. lots, 66'x 130' each, on north j 52 . WILLIAM H. BEAUDQT Court street. Close to church and j • » » . t---- fchnol. Ideal for ranch type home! NOT ICE with basemeht garage. Phone McHenry 293. " 51-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE--5-room year 'round cottage at Wonder Lake. Close to lake. Building is in good condition. Fully insulated, floor furnace. Will take new or late model car as part payment or country property prefferably in south. $5,600 for immediate sale. Write Box 351, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. *52 Golf Course Subdivision, nicely wooded, priced for quick sale, $1,500.00 SMALL FARM - 12 acres, 6 room house, 2 car .garage, chicken house can house 300 chicks, .North of Johnsburg, a nice location, Price $14,500.00 ALSO $1,600 cash down, buys a 2 bedroom home; near PiStakee Lake and Johnsburg. Full Price $8,000. GOLF COURSE SUED. - 2 bedroom home; automatic oil heat, garage. Near Grammar ai}d High School.- price $11,500.00. Jim Hettermann All above homes will be ahown, FOR SALE - 2 bedroom, year by appointment with,. ' We also have many other pro- h.e nies, 75-ft. rvi ver ,fr ontags, „2 -car perties for sale. i ., .. , . !garage. 2'i miles south of river Call Mc- Henrv 572-R-l. 52tf FOR SALE--Beautiful modern 5 room country home; 3 bedrooms, oil heat and insulated. Overlooking Fox River at Fox River Grove, Illinois. On 1 acre of land, nicely landscaped. Tile bath, storms and screens, heated garage-attached, gas water heater, deep well and pump. Priced for quick sale, $11,000.00. $2,500 down. Hide-AWay Resort. Phone Cary 4031. *52 This is to notify owner of car stored at Vogue, Village of Lake moor, that said car will be sold for storage fees unless called for within 10 days. *52 MRS. ESTELLE BLADES HOLLY'S DRIVE-IN 410 W. Elm Street McHenry. 111. • NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS 52 FOR SALE--Small hoU9e in 50-ft. lot, reasonable. Write Box x342, in care of the Plaindealer. 52 AMANA FOOD PLAN Designed to save shopping time, assuring the best grade of foods, while lowering the food budget. For complete information, contact your local representative Alford Johnston, Rt. 1, Ringwood, 111. Phone Wonder Lake 5312. 52 LOST AND FOUND .IACOB FRITZ - REAL ESTATE • bridKe- $14.500. In Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 37 50-tf FOR SALE--Fox River frontage 80 feet all or 50 feet at $69.00 per front foot. 2191 feet long in Mineral Springs Park subd. Also beautiful homesites, 100'x275.1', HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT - Also 4 pump Texaco gas station for sale. Good location. Ann Henc'rickson, Richmond, 111. . Phone 22. 52 FOR SALE -- Oasis Dehumdifier, never used. R.C.A. No. 75 air conditioner, 10,000 cu. ft. used two months. Phone McHenry 757. *52 FOR SALE - - Two solid cherry French provincial chests; Savoy finish, exquisite hardware; 22-in. wide, 31-in. high. $80 Tel. McHenry 894. 52-tf FOR SALE--200 bales oat straw. Tony Miller, phone Wonder Lake 3772. 52 HELP WANTED--Girl for general housework. Refined family of two, own room and bath: electric dishwasher; no laundry. Good wages. Home on Pistakee Bay. . Permanent employment if desired, j en °ra. a ' Phone Pistakee 187-R. Saturday iand Sunday. 5? FOR SALE?--6 rpom cottage in shade and fruit trees, McC.illom Lake. Automatic gas 00 each in Hillcrest Acres hot water, modern bathroom, cewith access to Fox River, milt-; sidt-walk and drive, fully in- FOR SALE -- Conlon washing machine with pump. Good condition, $50.00. Phone McHenry 1071. *52 FOR SALE--Repossessed, rebuilt Rexair Cleaner with tools. Call 646-W-2, Saturday. *52 FOR SALE Call 108-J. 2 stokers, cheap. •52 FOR SALE--Stored in McHenry, baby furniture, bassinette, aluminum bathinette, baby scales, blond high chair, blond training chair,- walker and Thayer buggy. Good8 condition. Take all for $35. Call collect, Mulberry 5-4656. 52 FOR SALE -- Girl's bicycle, like new. Phone 568-M-l. 52 FOR SALE -- Flat bottom row boat. Reasonable. Phone 665-J-l. 52 FOR SALE -- Nesco Automatic Roaster, never used. Call 664-J-2. 52 FOR SALE -- 8 cu. ft. Freezer; Ward's pressure canner. Excellent condition. Phone 622J-1. " „ 52 HELP WANTED--Girl wanted for general office work. Knowledge of shorthand and typing desired Work five days a week with good hours. Write Box No. 349 < Plaindealer. 52 USED APPLIANCE SALE 6 Bendix Automatic Washers, from ........ $25 to $95 1 Westinghouse Automatic Washer 159.00 1 Whirlpool Washer 59.00 1 Speed Queen WasM# / S5.00 1 Maytag Washer 49.00 1 9 cu. ft. Servel Refrigerator 125.00 1 7 % c u . f t . W a r d ' s R e f r i gerator 49.00 1 Kenmore Electric Irot.e." 59.00 1 Frigidaire Electric kroner ;V. 49.00 1 G.E. Portable Ironer . 49.00 1 G.E. Electric Range .. 49.00 HELP WANTED -- Laborers and truck drivers. Apply Ivar Fredrickson, Wonder Lake, Illinoie. 46-tf HELP WANTED--Lady to come to my home to care for 5-yr. old child and also some light housework. Transportation can be fur^ r.ished. Phone 909 or 5T7-J-1 after 6 P. M. ' 52 CAREY ELECTRIC « Phone 251 McHenry 52 r-1 FOR RENT TeL 566-W-l McHenry, 111. Candid Weddings from Home, ChUrch and Reception K O L I N Photographers Commercial, Publicity, Sports and Photostats JOHNSON MOTORS New and Used -- Terms. Motors and Boats Service, Refinishing and Storage BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104 H S. ftiverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 44 MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home Piano and Piano Accordian Clarinet and Saxophone KARL P. KOCH Phone Pistakee 683-M-l 5-tf BUS. SERVICE--Complete Septic Tank Systems. Dry Wells, t Seepage Beds, Trenching and Footings Du* (18"x36" wide, 7-ft. maximum depth). Prompt Service. Garrelts & Rogers. Phone 539-R-l or 563-W-2. McHenry. 51-tf C. S. G.--Power lawn mower repairs, complete rebuilding by factory trained jpechanic. Also repairing of all outboard" motors by skilled mechanic. Special: $1.50 sharpens any hand mower; $3.50 sharpens any 21" power mower For information call McHenry 575-W-2. Dealer Page Feaoe# Sl-tf iTOR SALE -- Oasis air dryer, never used; Bendix dryer; Maytag iroher; Easy washer; Cold Spot freezer; RCA No. 75 air conditioner, 10,000 cu. ft., used 2 months. Miscelaneous furniture. Ping-pong table, machine shop equipment and tools. Phone 757. *52 FOR RENT--Large apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 front rooms, ideal for professional use. McHenry BakeryH1-™™ 124 S. Green {Street. Phone 190. 50-tr FOR RENT -- Sleeping rooms with or without bat*. Special weekly, monthly or year-round rate. Riverside Hotel, Riverside Drive said Elm street. 19-tf Admiral Corp. Needs - A N A L Y Z E R S - WOMEN - MEN - BOYS Free Hospitalization Paid Vacations Bus Transportation -- Paid Holidays -- (Night Work Available) NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Office Hours: 8 to 4:30 Monday thru Saturday ADMIRAL CORP. McHENRY, ILLINOIS Tel. McHenry 940 and 941 k UTi ni tm i Tin HELP WANTED- Wanted reli? ble man to run tractor for field work. Call McHeniy 666-J-l. 52 HELP WANTED-- Meat cutters apprentices, stockmen, checkers and helpers. Top wage scale anr" company b°nefits. National Tea Co., McHenry and Woodstock. 5_ south of McHenry on East River I suia:eU and plastered. Lot size Road. Call Mr. Seegert or Mr 167xl50-ft. Phone 656-W-l. 52 Hutson on grounds or write Ben j -- J. Dietz, 350 N. Vermont Ave. I FOR SALE -- Beautiful modern 49-tf' vear 'round home on a hill top. ' •. (Two large picture windows in 30 foot living room overlooking Fox river with massive fireplace, Bruce plank oak floors, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, modern kitchen and dining room. Gas heat, full basement, recreation room and heated l»fc car garage. Incinerator, screened porch with built-tn barbecue. 2\? miles north on Riverside Drive, Huemann'e Subdivision. Price $28,500.00. Phone Peterson 575-R-2. 52-2 FARMS WANTED v All Sizes, frond 5 acres op DO YOU WANT TO SELL • YOUR FARM , If You Do, Call GEORGE D. WATTS--Realty U.S. No. 12 at Stoplight Fox Lake, 111. Phone 7-1011 27-tf FOR SAL E--HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BFSIN ESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 405 Richmond Road • * McHenry, III. Phone: McHenry 421-J ^ * 24-tf FOR SALE 'round home; -- By owner, year Pistakee Bay; oc- LOST - • Ladies purse, April 3rd; doctor's prescription, rosary, money and other articles. Reward. Mrs. Cora Campbell, New Kenfington, Pa. Call T. J. Moore, Fox Street. McHenry. Phone 276-J. 52 SAVE SAFELY On Our CASH & CARRY P L A N FINEST DRY CLEANING McHENRY CLEANERS : 10S Elm Street McHenry, DL PHONE 104-M WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED We have cash buyers for your homes, summer homes, farms, and business properties. We taa sell your property if your price is right. JACOB FRITZ . REAL ESTATE in Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 37 27-tf WANTED -- Down or crippled eattlc. $20 to $60 cash. Call L. Burnside and Sons, Marengo 907, collect. 3*-tf WANTED--A lady, 60 to 66, with car who drives, to share my home with me at a small lake, 3>4 miles from McHenry. No objections to one child. References exchanged. Reply c/o Plaindealer, Box 360. LOST--A lady's green full length coat was taken from the Moose WANTED TO BUY--Top price Lodge rooms by mistake, Satur- paid for iron. jtnetals and junk day, May, 2. Please return to cars. Ed 'Marsh, phj>ne McHenry Moose Lodge, or call 854-M. 52' 563-R-l. 33-tf fragrant Symbol of and UiCK... VL Mugntt, tM"UAy Lily"... token of affection, invitation to flirtation, of Franca! And here is the vary assance of these joyous things, translated into a series of fragrant Toiletries... for you! cupaney at once. Phone McHenry 757. *52 JOHNS BURG FOR SALE-~-N:esen's subdivision; year 'rourd, 2 bedroom home. Sun- FOR SALE--Real Buy! 7 room year 'round home in McHenry, on Fox River. Hot water heat, bath, r-orch suitable for 3rd bedroom. .90 feet of ri\'er frontage, 125-ft. Utility, full bath. Garage. Price i deep. Doubli garage, ft'ice $13,000. $9600.00. Phone McHenry 585-J-l. | Knox Real Estate, phone 421-J. 50-51 52 Frank S. May BLACK DIRT Sand - Gravel - Driveways Excavating Route 5, McHenry Phone: McHenry 580-M-l i|inniinimi<t'iiiinnniiiimininnmniiiiiiiiiiiHinyiiiiiniiiHimwinttimimiiwiiimiiiniDtimininmunmitt^ CHOICE * Fresh and Closfe Springers COWS & HEIFERS T.B. and Bangs Tested VERY REASONABUE JULIUS MAYER Hillside Farm - Southwest Corner Rts. 120 A 6S "PHONE LIBERTYVILLE 2-20S4 iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiRiiiinii' Immediate Openings Full Time' - Day Shift INCENTIVE PLAN WELDERS Flat Welding -- Premium Pay SET-UP MEN PRESS & SHEAR OPERATORS Read Blue Prints. Will train young men mechanically Inclined. Apply to Mr. DeThorne Employment Office PACIFIC STEEL BOILERS DAHREN'GER ROAD WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS saaafir • •jnrira • • •nrJW^ fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimtiiiniiiiuiiiniHtiHmiiij SHOP AND OFFICE 0PENN6S I Production Machine Operators g S I Lathe - Drill Press - Heat Treators| I i | Some Trainees with Mechanical i I ^ Apptitude 1 S 3 | Typists and Clerks I •A trial SIN of IHi NEW te*g • Cmsty SWn Sactiat » your* without » *•« chMt*. •* Hlustnlad. Totle'W»tef(-A,t«i itomizf). ?.58 Powfar . .. '.09 Tele 'w.tti" Col3sn> . ..50 •Dus'.irg Powder . . I.5C Ferfun* lJ?5to5.60 •Solul Cologne.. ...... *i.2£ Crti -ny Gkin Saci <tt I.Si Sot o t3 oalias1 1.2S *TMM «eter 1.25 *.-.1 r >3 e>4c?»i>tv. n BOLGER'S D R U G S T O B E GREEN STREET PHONE <0 McHENRY. IU. We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamps. » CHECK THESE ADVANTAGES! *' * Work near your home. * A new plant with ununual opportonily for advaaoemeat. * High take-home pay, based on production, inornUve earnings and overtime. * Five day week for office employees. * Free hospitalization and life Insurance. * Paid holidays and vacations -- * a n d . . . A 45 YEAR RECORD OF C O N T I N U O U S E M P L O Y MENT. MAY that ixr# Mixmisiers Dormeyer A Sunbeam $29.95 and up C°r>* Knife Sharpener $14.95 i! | Appiy: 9 to 4, Mon. thru Fri. -. 9 to 12 Sat. |B ARCO MANUFACTURING CO|. | 500 N. Hough Street Barrington, Illinois | ^llllllillllllllllllllilllilllllllllllllllllllilllllllllll|liil||||{lillillllllll||l|||||t1lll||||||||l|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||H|l^ Steam & Dry Iron GJ). - Westtnghouse $18.95 - $19.95 Pop-Up Toasters Westinghouse Toastmastert Sunbeam $22.95 and up Elertrk- Coitee Makers %12SS and up % Crown Broiler Special^ Priced 518.95 - CAREY ELECTRIC 119 R. GLETN FLTAR PHONI MeiSNVt t«t iiatiiaiaaRiBRaa.aaaa.aiaaiiai

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