Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 May 1953, p. 4

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'i ~> * •*' v»' °- *c iSW $0f': •& fK' <f •<'r,-* ctlve offices aftmeat tec am ut« Petition W$J* of the desip said Cap|My, IXHBfjtte. JK*P *t fee Open 1*04? #M0 tNNwk AM. to 5:00 o'clock P. M. of said day* Given under my hand at Mc Henry, Illinois, ibis 19th day of May, A.D. 1069 ,H. WALTS* ANDERSON, Tcfom <*pblished |«ay 21, 1953.) A very good dinner wfca nerved r CSpwienctng ^ after the meeting by the hiil. et («e lot needed td stn pMMkpr coined t ia Book Wi Woodstock, Telephone: 1384. {Published May g|*; 1953) t«88M of the waukeph Auxilthias Ji Miller iary. 1920 and re- NOTK3* OF siwi+L wrnt Daylight Saving Time wau originated In Paris in .1740 by Benjamin franklin. •V tt wu just the other day that jftog Hughes, after (settling tpfVjM problems in conversation lm Currtn, was telling us Frank Justen in his past wiatefc • we couldn't tiftntlOB w i t h o u t g e t t i n g tQ his stardom with 1the Miller on the basket- 1 courts in this section. ' You know, the little town of tiebroi) was famous for basketball long before this present era. They had the Hebron Rascals, known as a town team. fFran^e" and "Hank" Were •tars on that great team. They packed 'em in wherever they /fravellilk r; \; ;; ; Well, jtUt &ts week the business part of this organization received a three renewal' subscription from Frank. We are {leased that he still enjoys the laindealer and that he sent a few notes to this deparhnent. NEW HOD HOUSE AT CRYSTAL LAKE W0PBI MONDAY fop Matmen Perform fi Benefit Show For outh Recreation AUXILIARY by Gladys Sonet# Frank and his family live out Chowchilla, California where ie weather and crops are fine, tealth is described as excellent, prices--? Oil?--Very interesting t- 114 #0es tem test-w*8 iprtth 400 • That's Chowchilla where the •rank Justeas are living, farmttg, watching oil wells and reading thsiir old home town paper-- The Plain dealer--once a week. 14 We don't want to mention that fbu-know-who, but "Blondie" karls is happy to have another White Scot fan as a co-worker since that you-know-who hired ikfciey Conway as a ckafc, (grade school softball tourfponsored by the V. F.- Drill team, moves into the next Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock fR the diamond at •dgebrook school Wonder Lake Qn Monday night, May 25, the new field house of the Crystal Lake Community High School will have its first viewing. This magnificient and imposing structure, which is tlje home of the Crystal Lake Lakers, always a power iii the North Suburban Conference, can handle a crowd of six thousand (6.000) spectators and is surpassed only by the McGaw field house at Northwestern University for size and fscilities to hold indoor athletics events on a school campus. This building has been under construction for two years. ';r- The Crystal Boosters CJhb, The Lions Club and The Jayeees are the co-sponsors at this opening event for the benefit of the youth recrea tion program t o be c a r r i e d on d u r i n g the summer months. Fred Kohler's Wrestling troupe will be the jnain attraction of the evening."' The Hammond Qrfran Co. is installing an electric drgap and there will be plenty of music during the evening. * • * . Summer Program ', Thf summer program ifr c^jfccted to have over six hundred girls and boys taking part in every activity and will be the a fine program that should benefit the youth of the Crystal bake area. Hie public is urged to come early and inspect the Pure Oil Field adjacent to the field house which is the home of the Crystal Lake Little League. This field would take Ten #Thousand dollars to duplicate and stands an a Teal monument to what can be done by a community's hearts and hands for* the youth of this country. > An£ 4»dOi ?OQ Introduction of TJor "Wifltfrtjo, ^ McHenry junior High will I one of Japan's foremost exponotobs bats for the championship. ent§ of judo and sumo wrestling. iohn^iurg took third |»lace with » *i«5twy over Prairte Grove. Thcw connected with the tourtuuneht want to say thank you to the Dor^n-Dahlin umpire combination. These two men have jfivan their tUne to officiate ift all the gamas. Wonder Lake ban entered another team in the 16-inch soft- Wl league to complete the list , Practice games have beep going on in preparation for the regular schedule which should be ***dy for jmblicaUon next week ym ; - that Pa's Yankee lineup is peeked with power. Shuffling of player talent is going on so maybe those Yankees will find the We hear "Red" Winkei is trying oqt, but, unless th« other teams aUow a runner for him, return to the golf 49^ There will le a lot of interested onlookers ^>wn at the Legion Home this (Thursday) evening about g o'clock when Wajt FYeund and John Beltramo, o! McCnllom. Lake, start a 10ftl »n*e cribto&ge tournament. We understand that both players are keen absents ^ fWne Coaob McCracken'a b«h sehool "•aebaU team has a busy weak in thf windup of conferehce play. It's Harrington on Wednesday. fcion will be here today (Thursday). a postponed gaanc . with Woodstock wiH he ptayed hare Satun^y afUraosw at 4 o'clock . Mac's boys are in fourth place in the standings, but can wind up in a first place tie if--if thy^ •to all remaining games. 3 Wm haven't been t!r!nkiag much about bowling of late, but -- can't miss on a bit of good news about our Fox River Store team. The boys won first place in the Wednesday Night Scratch Leai gue at Fox Lake. Vem Freund. Joe Jannotta, Charlie Corso, Art Krause and Ralph Bennett are the fellows on the team and they bowled a neat 884 average in ldf •» league games this year. COUNTY UEAOVE ^Bhe rains came and washed out all of the McHenry County League baseball games last Sunday. Here's how the teams will square off ne«t Sunday if the weatherman is considerate: McHenry at Spring Grov| Algonquin at Johm;burg " Woodstock at Crystal Lake Hgi^ LegiC/n *t Richmond zact* V. F w. - Open 2am«s A.' *trtv'a aofclgle. nvw la Aioyalua. will be an added feature to the fkll-star card which qpens the figantic new field bouse. Headlines will be a pjiir of big and dangerous gents, namely Hans Schmidt k of Germany and Pat O'Connor of New Zealand, well known to TV fans the country over, ranking among the toughest impdrts on the U.S. mat scene. A tag matcli. pitting the team of Billy Qoelz, midwest junior heavyweight champ, and Frankle Hart of Canada, with the duo of Benito Gardini of Baltimore and Bobby Nelson of Wiscoiu^ ^ill round out the tihovr. "ELM RT. 17# . WAqoONIfli '% 1JS 'jl A ifil |f« it ifts 1*11J mIJI THUSMb, FRI!ASXT., MAY 21-22-23 Feature at 7:30 & 9:30 P. The regular meeting Ladies Auxiliary 'was held Monday evening, May 11. Many things were discussed at this meeting. Among them was the poppy sale which starts Friday, May 22, and continue* through Saturday. May 23. We are reminded that our bake sale will be held May 29 at the filrniture stoie of George Justen (k Son. The sale will begin at t o'clock in the afternoon. All those contributing to the sale are asked to come as early aa: possible before 2 o'clock. A report was giverf on the pilgrimage to Eaton Rapids, Mich., by Jean Whalen, which reads as follows: "The Post and Auxiliary were well represented at a recent V. F. W. pilgrimage, to | Satop Rapids, the location of the; V.F.W. national home. A total of four hundred members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars from Illinois boarded a special train in Chicago Sunday ' morning, May 3. and made the journey. The home ia maintained for th,e widows and children of V.F.W. members. It is a national function with individual states donating their own cottages. A well equipped hospital, community center, guest )odge, ad-, ministration building, notsery, athletic field, dairy barn and Are hall completes tha picture." The visit was a rewarding experience. All Delegates to the fifth district encampment were asked to get in touch with the president, Helen Low. to confirm their attendance. The meeting WHS then adjourned. Prizes were given. Luncheon was served by I^auiae Smith. Y £aMwmpm»Bt Report ~ The fifth district meeting was called to order last Sunday, May 17,* by the fifth district president, Jessie Kopping, at Wauke- ?an, with a full attendance of delegates from all the districts. The McHenry Post and Auxiliary were represented by the district Chaplain, Lina Kilday, the president. Helen Low, the delegates, Louise Smith, Gladys Soucie, Mary Hettermann, Betty Clark, Lorraine Schwertfeger, Eleanore Creyts; and Angela Brpwn. The Post members attending were Emil Schwertfeger, Dick Smith, Dick Clark and Bud Brawn. The purpose of this meeting was the election of new officers for the ensuing year. The result of tlte election resulted in Lina Kilday ^eing elected chaplain. The new officers wfre Installed but, will not take their re- Lake ty*** LEGAL NOTICjE W O T I ' C E Notice is hereby given that on Friday, June 5, 1953 the Village Board of the Village of Lakerr^oor, will open bids for the removal of refuse for the said village. , The following specifications are to be taken into consideration: ' l. yuiage ordinance requires all residents to have a container t with a maximum capacity of . thirty gallons. , 2. Pick up required evety two weeks. 3. Approximately 240 stop* to make. 180 of these are permanent hpmes, 10 busineff establishments ahd 50 sum" mer homes. # 4. Please enclose in bid a description of vehicle uaed In making pickups. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bids can be submitted to the Village Clerk, Richard J. HyaW, Route 5, Box 900i, Lakemoor, Mcl| eniy, Illinois. For further information phone, McHenry 1117. RICHARD J. HYATT, Village Clerk. <V (*gfe Kay 21-28, 1953) Nonce OF CLAIM PATfl Estate of THOMAS A. BOLQpB, Deceased. . Notice is hereby given tp aU persons that July 6th, 1953, % the claim date in the estate of THOMAS A. BOLGER, Deceased* pending in the County Court 1 McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the aaid estate on or before said date without issuance of sum- , ' WALTER J. BOLGER anc THOMAS P. BOLGBR, ^^:||lec«lors V&ftNOKT 1. ftNOX ; . Lawyer » Ciyatal L*ake, Illinois. (Pub. May 7-1441) tion filed with sai^ Board: That part of the South % of the Northwest Quarter (NW<4) of , Section 10, Townahip 45 North, Range 8 Beat of the Third Principal Meridian, defcribed as follow*: Beginning at the Norbheasterly oorner of a tract of land conveyed by Sli T. Chase to Amos Sjpith Ify dee^l dated July 1, 1^20, and Recorded October 9, 1920 as Document 49048 in Deed Record Book 160, Page 9, and aforesaid place of 'beginning being in the center of the highway running in a Northeasterly direction; thence Northeasterly along the center line of State Highway to its intersection with the center line of the State Highway running in a Northwesterly direction; thence Southeasterly along the center line of said Highway 282.2 feet; thence Southwesterly to the Southeasterly corner of the tract of land conveyed aforesaid; thence Northwesterly along the Northeasterly line of the tract so conveyed, to the place of beginning in McHenry County, Illinois. Said hearing ahall be heard in the City Hall in the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, at the hour bf 4:00 P.M. on the 9th day of June, 1953. All persons interested may attend. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS i By FRANK NAGEL, Its Chairman WMOMBAff; there h» heret* fore been filed with the Town Clerk of McHenry Township, Ale- Henry County, Illinois, a Petition requesting a Special Town Election to vote for or against an annual tax not exceed .167 per cent of the full, fair caefe value, as equalized or asaeaaed by the Departmeht of Revenut, fibr the purpose of constructing or maintaining gravel, rock, m&cadam, or other hard roads, or for improving, maintaining or repaving earth roads by draining, grading, oiltreating or dmagtging. NoW,. Therefore, Notice Is Hereby Given th it on June 2, 19$3, a Special Town Election will be held in and for McHenry "Township, McHenry County, Illinois, for the purpose of sutamittinff to the legal voters of said Township the following Disposition :- afcftll a Special Tax for gead Purposes be Levied? That for said election said Totfs- Ship shall constitute one (1) voting precinct. The polling place for this Special Town Ejection Is The City Hall located at McHenry, N O T I C E IN THE MATTER OF TH$ AP-, PLICATION OF CHARLfiJ* f: SMYTH AND MARCELLA M Smm FOR ZONING RECLASSIFICATION .NOTICE is hereby given that in compliance with the prDH^aMw4< of the McHenry County Zoning1 Ordinance, a public hearing will he held by "the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeal* relative tjO a reclassification of the property described below, iVi accordance jyith a Plat of said property which is made a part of the Petition fil^d by the applicant, which requests a change in classification from "F" Farsaajng District, to "&-1" Residence P&trict, in accordance with tlje player of said Petition filed With the Board: Part of the North East quarter of Section thirteen (13), Township lojrty-ftve (45) North, 56 at Deeds, cbruaiy 21st, __ ig the West yt line of said Lot sixteen (16) -- rods te the ttelhwesi corner r of sai4 Lot; theaa Wetft seven- F ty feet; thenfcSouth para- f" ^ 11^1 with* the BJasf; line sixteen t j (16) SQds to the iVjrth line of j a road; tbenoe Ea:| alang the ? 1 North (in* of said rttad seventy " j (79) U&t to the plaoe of begin-- fiing, in McHenry Cbunty, Illi-^j,; nois. TV Shid heaping shall be heard in V the CUty Hall in the City of Mcrfenry, St«3ienry County, Illinois, ^ j at -the Jkmr of 4.M0O on the 9th day of iuner, i953. . All iper»ons j intenesteiS ao*y attend. McHSlNr.Y COUNTY ZONING BOJitiD OF AFMBALS By F31AHC NAGEL Its Chairman PeUteower'g Aittsirney: WILiJJMf M CARROLl^ J^, 110^ Benton Street" Woodstock, Illinois. \ 1394. (PflWIshed May 1»53) N O T I C E IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF HENRY ROSMAN AND DORA M. ROSMAN FOR ZONING VARIATION NOTICE is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions erf the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance ,a public hearing will be held by the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals relative to a variation of the set back line of the building located on the following described property in *c-1 cordance with the prayer of the "SAFETY FIRST" protect your children ; , apd yqubself^ ^; wianf h T A - P A T * C O ! I LIFE PRESERVERS Around il*e Pierf . . , Around the BoaH^ Featuring . . . JAVA KAPOK Elecitronioally Sealed In VINYL PLASTIC. Never Gets Wet or Soygy -- DRYS IN MINUTER - ; - priced at Only *6,00 •%A ^ All of our merchandise is marked a<t Fair Trade Priced AT MARK'S "PRIC ES ARE BORN, NOT RAISED* spoimrttt ooooa MARINE SUPPLIES fll i. GREEN STREET PHONE 1000 OUTDOOR S C R L E N eE ST S'v-nvvs U « M K ) i ; \ r i. - Hi i cU I m fm WAY TO MSM* Of >134.95 p43TA|>LEn., , Installattflu SWEET M9TAL SHOP 1S0 8. Green Staeeft' • ,• 1 - V - o O - r E . T rOflt. [Qnh!Hi' PHONE 98 i ' i f » • y » . McHenry, HL (ifl Make ttie FAMSLY OFTIKJOB VW FAVORITE PLACE Enjoy | Eveiy Vest Show Coming Open ? P.M. - First Show et Dusk - 2 Shews Nightly -- C9HLDBEN UNDER, If IN CAR FREE -- sum (or the GRADUAT rr» i l l e ri Wednesday To Saturday k. MON., MAY 24-25 Pleawe Note! Sunday Shows start at 5:00 P. M. - Doors Opefi at 4 .46 P. M. «asat?. * m ENDS TONIGHT, THUR8. Pean Martin A Jerry Lewis ' In .< - "•THE STOOOa* ' F&L. & SAT., MAY J!<Mm Payne 'BLAZING FOREST" In Technicolor ' ~P**B "Pride of Maryland" MAY 10-27-2& ttAKTN THURS.,- MAY 26-27-28 * TWay 20, 21, 22 & A Riot of Laughs and Levtl LBO mH*90H mot- »r rAUl MMCS • DncM r. HUQH HERERT AlVIN GAMfltK • MHW H< »• inn *1 f XIKH MEW»T • M m *m m* k* Mm MM* • A PAMMQUNT PICTMI hi [ay 24, 25 & -- and "THE HOAXTERS" •4 - » • ! • • } < • ' ! • >. j .• } . | SUN. & MON., MAY 24-28 Hud«on Barbara Hal^ in ™ "SEMINOLE" Also -- Sho^t Subject >llywood Fun4 Festlva)| with Martin & Lewis M»ANDNHCKI¥...J P> WHATATIAMI J> BOB MICKEY MARILYN HOPtROONEYMAXWEU HWeOMVBWf •• STANLEY CLEMENTS • JACK DEMPSEY - MMQSIHUER Pi*MHHMK ni<W • MMIimBUMMMI.- AHMMRiPnIs mc G lay To Saturday 28, 2d & 30 FRI. & SAT., MAY 22-23 In Technicolor * Randolph Scott ^ "THE MAN BEHIND THE GUN" PLUS -- Judy Canova in 'Wac from Walla Walla" SUN. A MON., MAY 24-25 Richard Widmark Don Taylor DESTINATION GOBI" In Technicolor Vt MlU CAST OF MCN6NRV ON^tOtfTE 120 *GREEN SIZE -- 52 * 7# ULTRA . MODERN THCATRi McH£NfCT. ILLINOK FRIDAY & SATURDAY * MAY 22-23 Don Taylor - Leo Genn - Elsa Lanchester "WE GIRLS OF PLEASURE ISLAND" Plus Three (3) Color Cartoons omBsssapno^Roi TUBS., WED. A THURS., MAY 26-27-28 Joan Fontaine & Ray Milland in "Something To Live For' -- Co-Feature -- 01ivi§. D« Haviliand in ^ "My QouHln Rachel" -".iP.'y .Ttyy "I1** i •' ' - TUBS., WED. & THURS. DOUEJUt FEATURE f p j il# MiMOWi auee mtf mmcu WAT KING" MONDAY MAY 24-25 Rosalind Russell - Marie Wilson - Paul Douglas * "NEVER WAVE AT A WAC" ESKLMO SEA HUNTERS" and Color Cartoon cRtyKft hoffman • ACSC*GOTTCIEB • SSTIIANC • - WARNER BROS. , PLUS THIS EXCITING FEATURE 0E301 HAY M, ST 4k M (• Choose from smart Marine Blue Gaberdine, Grey Flan^ or; J^^leck Weaves. Xtark* SuUsj $45 to $58.50 Hart SchaHner & Mm SnUa $60 to $75 B»yon Fleck ¥l^«os $25 te>$36 Open ALL} DAY Qn We*wsdays. WEffiONl > 'w . v,W j » i rtpzsss " S T O R E III * C8RESX SISBEX if-"- • t FOR KBIT' J/X. - ..-v'.'t-i.

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