H'-4; Wi P-- KtW! *13 '«i'! : • $'? • '•' 'f -%. .iW «1 .iii|iiwSi»"V j wV'» 'i'iMW#'!'» ; ::/ Mrai<u g infc«iVUBriimiixv ' i f ' n?psipy %>™?y mm ' •*• \ \ y , " ? ^ r w & ' . t "*v " V* * ? v ' / 'V" ' V* * : ^ < , V . ; \x »i <*, y k' • jWk- V ' ,*" J i 7^ * -5' If' ' r ' ' EER "» 'r %' .j » *f *• + * 11 > ' ' ^ v ',f • TliuiiuiTi 'I urg News lr Mn> ftatty Haltiniiau . -J*-:d •"$-'* '"" " , P;-^ Nst X8. t953 'ttjpfwij' "'"ft •+<] !»• •mer- UVx is now confined to hospital. Mr. Fox a series of heart and still Is in a serious _ Cm sure everyone will „... i '»' a little extra prayer for • J4p «P**dy **O«0Yeq||>/• 'v'JIr' • • • Jim Freund was on tire sick Hat for a few days also. Jim lit an operation at the jthers hospital in Chi- & sjpent several days re- % there. Glad to see he 6tt his feet oftce again. Second Lt. William Herdrich tpeni last week visiting his mother, Mrs. Cora Herdrich, and Ida sister and family, the Ed. Hettermanns. Bill is oil a thirty- . day furlough, after which time • l>e wilt receive a_ few assignment. Mr. and Mrs. James Gregg© aad family and Miss Mary Jacob i slid friend were Sunday supper J guests at the home of the James . Hettermanns. An out-door barbeque party was planned but due I to the bad weather the party ( had to be held indoors. If you happen to have hem giving in Jak-Ana Heights Saturday afternoon, yon would have seen Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wakitach working very, dil^enlly pn their front yard. The Wakitschs are trying to get their lawn in shape by the time they take possession of their new home, which is nearly complete. The Wakitschs and their four children are living temporarily iH the Spielman home near the river. A Memorial Day parade will be held following mass at St. John's church. Services will be held on the cemetery grounds. All servicemen are asked to participate in the parade. Mrs Tina Lay, Mrs. Mamie king and MA. Catherine Smith were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kreutaer. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and Larry Geier to attend a double wedding in Richmond on Saturday morn* ing. Twtenty^five per cent of all drivers involved in fatal autili accidents in the U. S. last ycajf were under 25 years old. 3IS9i? OPEN YOUR EYFS How YOB Caa Sotm Yourself aad ' I Yew Family Better ^ flth Our Serrleei '% *£ree Pick-Up anil Ddivef^r V'&fel "A Allstate before: yee bey Auto Insurance Allstate is nationally famous for its fast, fair claim settlements and savings to policyholders. Ask about Albtats's • Nbw ••rif-lo wdirilaBd policy • 14 odd*«k fcusflU «t m Mlra (Ml e Special low rcrtw lor fawnw > e Ndlionvid* daiM MrviM • rBAWK, K. 208 Mapte Ave^ Ilf , " i4_j Woodstoclc residsfita and those living nearby can see or phoqe their Allstate Agent -- GBOHGB W. FRANCKE 1^4 Douglas Ave., Woodstock, 111 ^8®® . r>; roSrw'mQooJHm&wkh GUan&U, 1M K Gnea m. HKWB Si INHM^I ffMTANy vy hbv , A wfcoHy^wwd nMdtofy •( Saan, la<M aad Co, witi> o<Mtj and lioblllHw dittinct and taparala fioi* lha porant coup any. Hom Officai CMcaflO, IU. i ianow Punning S^waf iioM «Kcom«iodMiens, trsnspertation and sightseeing are all arranged in advance by travel experts to salt yomf time, your budget. Greyhound do« sl| #h» #laaniif %v. j you have all tie fdn! tor %x*kplk: » • 7 \ YORK CI. Y 7 floyt o&sGeaic eojoyment plus the thrill; of glamorous New Vork. Take a boat triy M tbe Statue of Liberty, a cruise sfound Manhattan Itlandr Visit radio and TV stadio*, Gteeawich Village, . .* Chinatown, Empire State Building. Return via $73*00 die famous Pennsylvania Turnpike! m»u. *. nw r a u t o o h l A l4T days of plissnrl psrbsd sdveetwe. E^> ry» • • r plote histocic Salt Lala« Cky, then San Frai^ - jcbasand the Goldhi Gate Brid^gmyLoaAaflelss, m'V'f lioHywotxi and motion picture studios. See the $11Q_35f ' uted Desert, Petrified Foceaf. Tour mile-higli w j |« iver and mountain parks! •.. '• Vk.: BOONS Of OTNUK TOURS UKt THESE TO CHOOSf FROM! -••*4 dtfyi MRS JUOMM CJSOI^ . 5 day* i IA11S ..... 5 days I Un, «T. . . 5 days « « » 7 days IKUV1T naiiMU ,#«mm. mo. e days VlfeMMMOa, M..... 7 day* •Wpftta«»4«F COAST 11 days 8 days IMHMU fAllS S days M.U «UC« PAI MOMMM)STAMO MMOKA WSSTEIM WONMILAMM • days MU MtUCO (Escortad, MMIHMHB y .... 7 days M1M including 19 maats) (AM pricat Ofa from Rodtfordj U. S. tax Mlra.) S»M COtONIAI VMMNIA . . . 4iM moMTUAUtamc ... 4US CMAT.EASim CITIB . ».» mumrsvoNl SI Ji COtOMAL *M W«UNS HO«HA CUKU tSM SOUTNUN aURMHm . m.w packk Notrmmr .. un COAST UJS CAMSIANJgaiK. ,10 dayiSlSZJS 10 days ItlM 12 days IIM9 10 days IIMf 12 days 1HJI 14 days 13M» 15 days 1»J» 15 days 1SU» 1« days 1«U| 14 days mil 14 days MSJS 14 days 1SM9 'Oh FREE VACATION TOUR FOLDERS 17 days 1MJI PI«om Mod w* MbrwaMaa an Mas tat THOSE WERE THE OA THOSE WERE THE DAYS- 'StaifMi GOING WEST & y $ UNCOUTH SEULAkH Hc\*\ fatutu MUD MCK! mad POUND i^arHiNG BUT UBS TRirnrtylte^: I >p. {m ^ PO«i THS , •ipgtyiLsee/ *7/ and tired *FTMO TOMCA « ikTiTS AN6RV AROUN )UTH FtANKTHOMAS EVEN IN . SENOft MARTINEZ... iS MERCEDES HOME? EvEftv cmiffw m rm~ VINWWW V9VCNTW PftO&VM, vfafck rhAInUiiHS M 1+-HCmikn**kek! SPeUCS KNO& HA& A , POPULATION OF 6CfDZEtm f By OQURtNEY ALD£RS6N N ^ // « r ' " u/r 72r "" - "/><> MWM GRANNY SAID SHE'D SKIN Ml ALIVE IP AH DIDN'T WATER TH' (SAKDEN TODW > AH fiCTTTA «rr HOME FAttT * JACKIE IN RURAL DELIVERY By AL SlflTH JACKIE, J06T A I THOUGHT YOU SMARTER THAN THAT/ JUST LOOK AT VbU j \tfUUT CARRyiNG ThlAT fSHtULD HEAVy BARREL/J Art«0o' GET A MULE / WHUT <?HA MEAN? y OFF MAM STRICT jMDjNNETT HERES VOU? BOTTLE OF CAf?60KlATED<?HERRV /V\eATftALL 60ES RI0HT HOME/ (MOftS G)k CSSf. SODA, MEATBALL.' EveivtkwqH ii*wl 9933 mMIiLlLliIoOnN mMIi lbs befora t5M^ rescH tOEtmSBm WHEN IB ... -THSPtT PARAKEET bclowqinq .Mrs. Michabl Kelly, of Oetwit, Mick, HAS A ^ V0CASULAKY 3QD85*e*gNT WORDS THAT HE uses w i$ pmsss!! JHE GAL WHO ONCE TOOK THREE HOURS TO DRESS BEFORE SEEING VOU AND THEN SAlO, "DARLING. IU- MAKE VouR home youR O H - HEk-t-O DEA.RU--yyfpl oH Uncle v\:v Epi^rinS* ' All that a feller if rpally worth ||: the good that ha has dona, * * • Economy is a way of speadia* Jaoney without' havin* any fun. • * • If some kids worked ai they chew their bubble fHnh* fhey'd git rich. • • t • ^ .j. Tobe Hinch says that every lime he argues-with his wife and Every time that Tabby Tyler seems to be caught up on his sleep .he goes off and take* a napi, * * • • '• Bein' a hero never pay* off & you ain't aim to enjoy it. > - * • • It's hard for a feller to seared ami not let it shew. . * * * Tobe Hinch says that if hi: could only git someone 10 bXl" Wm be'4.|0 ahead. •'•"^^•^-OBARLBY d©^W©K|) "3^Sorrowful- , SdrMor# batevtj T«J • t}» « « * .1*. 2 By TOM OKA ^TT sisintr H-%7 ACROSS I. High caicfc . %. Small portions 9. Novelty*""^ 12. Pan in «rpta£ 13. Soon • i |4. Reijfat •' 15. Longs lor 17 Ndgaliva word 18 Tavern rwm^T'- . 32. Otherwiw . .33. UftwantM ||lanl 36. Wand 3|l D«al«r« in cldth Peaceful 43. Roman numeral four 4*. Indefinite articl* -- , A7. fwOTl fruit (pi.) 19- Heraldry araflad ^ Nqtyrow 21 Sharporu By nibbing 49 p^-e of^S' - " - J?s into fourth* 54. Em BY ARf4IE M08SLER R t Y H o r *•; • i=. s/' • ' Al »«» I. •<-. // (^CrVWING, OXNINV/j M* /I •" 1Mf5 IS WW/ J <S ^gganooas fi6TG<3flky©3.' " ' * ; ^ T ' " 23. Divides 27. Half on 28. Beneath « 29. Rcibki ... S7. Con*u»n«» 31 0>ndeni^ M. p,,, Irflw.j 34. Pronoun «) Fwnch eo(tiunc«on iq 1^1^* 35. Lau<}hadflS « w1 * • 38, The (fr) - 39. Ap«* , 41. Period Of llfc» 42. Get up "*• 44. Note ol tcala 46. Insane ' • 48. Tocovir' ' SI. Ooze •4. Vamtslt lagreditnf 63. Toward 55 AmphitKaotm.. 59 Blackbird 60. Assert • P fc2. Notwirlf * * 63 Spread 10 Ay 64. Rodenla 65. tat it stand 1 DOWN 1. Part ol a circle 2. Heart •3. Hiqheit note <4. Cut oil 6. Sew looaaly* C. Within . 1 7. Measure o< wiqht ®. Frccen rain 9. Chuin U. Female relative II. Lairs >16. Ma n course of meal 20. Weaselt . >. 22. Pronoun 23. Stop ~'7*t 24. Preposition *; Paid aioOoe v V# •••• •BD • aaaa uisq •UU QE3 QDH ••FUri QB uafli'ia aafJ dlej pa ••••••• su Qyfj yaa •ejuicbi tan •••aaui'G QQ sasa Qia BQHQL0 UBQ QQG3Q QUELi 5E9QS aytu CT4 r /« n •• K 1 r \ >.K '- v I