mOtm, J. THE ft Vanishing But fust Grows And Growl t«Mh«r replaoed. the vanishing Amfrihe Just seem ob- Hl» rapidly increasingpopulations whipcti, like "Just growed and grow- ^ Teachers aren't vanishing, ^they're Just not enough of them in northern Illinois to go around, t recent survey conducted at .orthern Illinois State Teachers indicates. The study, prepwrew by President Leslie A, Holmes and Dr. Martin Bartels. fltrwfor of placement, points out f hftt* the acute shortage of teachf'S> tjodsy is l-apidly leading to a erfticiftl situation in the elements ry and high schools of north- •0n jllinos. 'J./>; Many resdents of lillirois' fa nty-flrst northern-most counhave heaitl of teacher short- B/rcs in their own grade and £!:• h schools or have had direct contact with the situation. Rca- MRing that crowded school rooms and too few teachers mean inadequate education for their chil- • divert, they're voicing their con- $^11 and asking these questions: "% J. How did the schools in llloithern Illinois become over- "ifereux led ? 2. How great is the teacher (phrr Inge in northern Illinois? . *: What can be done to supply file proper number of teachers toj Adequately educate the school' Children of northern Illhtoi^ ? A recent survey answers these questions, pointing out. in the st instance, that the increase * (if nearly 815,000 residents of Illinois between 1940-50 has femught about the overcrowding of the schools. Of this total population increase, nearly ' per eent, some 690.000 persons, have been in 21 northern "SiWinties. IHirftifci Mlbrld Jlpp n, the nstkin's birth rate rose sharply. . Rintfe then the birth rate has maintained•»a hkfh level. As- a result. gJie&*Sfufllber» of children are' in the grade schools or are * reedy for grade school education. The schools of northern Illinois hrr-f naihbac. lhf teachers nor the facilities to avoid overcrowding ,S*R. and to properly educate the children. The survey points out that grade school enrollment in northern Illinois is mounting at the rate of about 700 pupils every Monday morning. In the survey, they state that "in view of tli^ prospect of doubling high school memberships within a 12 to 15- year period for the nation ss a whole, and of a 50 per cent increase in grade school population in less than a 10-year period," a realistic analysis of the teacher shortage in northern Illinois should be made and suggestions for correcting the situ iticn are needed. As a result of the study, it is estimated that 88.416 new pupils will enroll in the schools of northern Illinois in the next two and one-half years. They based their estimate on annual i eports of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. 9 They considered twenty-five in a room the number of pupils one teacher can property instruct. Dividing twenty-five into the estimated increased school enrollment. northern Illinois will need an additional 11,637 teachers by the fall of 1955. Next they investigated the number of» teachers who will be educated and ready to teach at some time during the next two and one-half years. They surveyed 60 schcols in Illinois and nearby' states which educate teachers and discovered that an estimated 8.333 new teachers will be supplied to northern Illinois by autumn, 1955. Consequently, the box score in northern Illinois teachers reads as follows: . , New teachers needed in the p< next two and one-half years - 11,637; new teachers -- 8,000; shortage of new teachers --3>80$. Plan Book Fair At Science Museum In Fall Plans for a Chicago book fair for boys and girls to be called the "Miracle of Books." were outlined recently at, a luncheon meeting of the advisory committee which will work with three sponsors in presenting the event. Airangements have been made for a display of approximately 2,000 books for children at the Museum of Science and Industry, in Jackson Park, from Saturday, Nov. 14, through Sunday, Nov. 22, under the joint sponsor^ ship of the Chicago Tribune, the Children's Book Council, and the Museum of Science and Industry. Appropriate related displays and personal appearances by authors and artists are being planned to acoompany the book exhibit. Details of scale models of the proposed book displays in three rooms of the museum were studied at the luncheon. Traitic problems were analyzed and scheduling the visits of school groups to avoid conflicts and overcrowding were discussed. Ir.» troduced on the place cards wai a drawing which will identify alt "Miracle of Books" activity. '*&t»I >.,"5vc®-*'v^r' -m'm S£--m m of ma*** Add the did cook* in a eov low flame, stir Marie Schasttgen CLARENCE'S SHOP ' Bird Rouses - Lawn Chairs - Lawn and Porch Picnic and Umbrella Tables - Pier and Park Benches Juvenile Chairs, Swings and Sand Boxes - Window BOM!"* Flewer Wheelbarrows - Rose Arbors, Trellis - Picket Fence*, etc. • . . MADE TO ORDER | , ' Chest of Drawers, Cornices, ./OaMMttt Chimney Caps and- Cesspool Rings Mi CftTBia CLARENCE J. SMITH > PHONE 58S-J-1 JOHNSBUB'J. ILLINOIS Delicious fruit salads are pretty as a picture and popular when the weather gets hot and the desire for heavy foods diminishes. Canned fruits help to make salad making simple and a supply of canned fruits' on your shelves solves many cooking problems. Here is a hearty fruit and cream cheese salad that may be used afi a.main luncheon dish or an accessory to a light dinner or supper menu. . ^ ^ l No. 2 can Hawaiian apple chunks 1 pkg. lemon • tUCe Pear halves, drained , ' Cream cheese. .'** * * Chopped nuts H Peach halves,' dralttid fk&ifaii Green pepper rings Drain pineapple chunks. Add enough water to pineapple syrup to make 1 \ cups. Heat and add gelatin and stir until dissolved. Chill until slightly thickened. Add pineapple chunks and pour into one quart mold. Chill until firm. Cover a large plate -of platter with lettuce leaves^ washed, dried and chilled. Un< mold pineapple salad and place in center. Arrange pear halves In a half circle around mold, filling center with cheese and nut balls, (roll cream cheese in balls and toss in finely chopped nuts.) Complete cirole of fruit ,by overlapping peach halves, separating each with a gr,een pepper ring. Serve with your favorite salad dressing. Always us« canned pineapjrte In gelatin recipes as fresh pineapple will prevent gelatin from set ting." *';. r Eighty' bf- devolved in fatal traffic accidcnts in 1952 were traveling straight ahead. Nome Serve Onions Onions are flooding the market. This year's bumper crop'is high in quality and low in price. "Why not serve onions to the family tonight in a new and tempting dress?" • asks Mrs. Pearl Jangsen, foods, specialist, University of Illinois College of Agriculture. Baked onions (tfil easy to fix and unusually gootf. Select medium- sized onions and cut them in half crosswise, sprinkle them with salt and^ pepper and dot them with butter. Bake them in a covered casserdle for about an hour at 375-400 degrees F. Glased and panned onions are cooked on the top of the stove. The small silver-skinned onions are good for glazing. Boil them about 10 minutes until they are almost tender, and drain them thoroughly. For four servings, melt three tablespoons of batter and add three tablespoons of sugar. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally until the onions become brown and glazed. Panned onions are c.wkfcd in a saucepan without water. Slice the onions crosswise, and separate into rings. Melt about one There's plenty of "UTT tilizer this spring, and put it on stubbie clover or alfalfa fields after the first catting comes off. SPEEDY M? HENRY GARAGE \f OH BOV' MAVfc "VOL) NOTLCBD THESE LATE CARS- HOW LONG, LOW, AND 5TCEAMUIMEO THEY'RE MAKING THEM? r HUMP I OONT *CC AMYTHINA 1ATE ABOUT THIS MODEL 7?3FT WELL; rr« ^ MM MM!., J AM© THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL «C*MON6 OF MCK MILLETS fPNENRYOMUIBt •T RUNS JUST AS COOO . AM UP TO DATE M0DCL ; IT'S STILL PLeMTT5WCU < THE PtCK u?l WILLYS-OVEBLAMP SALfiS 604 FRONT STREET '.'f :<'• i" ' "i-' t-ti' • W' V-; i'\ fHONE 403 NYF DRUG STORE ji /7 luMUfi, 1V&lcxi*tte. 129 N Riverside Dr. Mc Henry, II!. ON SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY I SATURDAY Ti' Ufy U?t'H CZjCHCiJ DRUG STORE MERCUROCHROME •rTr. IstfiM i 1-k. 1st tie I iUm* t) { •agalar M* tin IUmkU DOANS PILLS VSPODBURY SOAP ^NAPKINS ill Purw or PocJt«i Wiaekester Packet Lite A 59c OQe mIW ... 4b9 CWfliM isx n (Limit 2) Rpmember Father SUNOA Y JUNE 2 1 * t Twacci Manx home metal Imhter SI.49 formule 20 mm CKAmNIA F«r Kttsr MtH At Leu Coit... Fi»e Photo Frnithiag 'Quality ' * Economy Special Offer! S-PIECE G0MB SET Ssh 0Qe prit* . . AaU Ultiri Mindom B0XEI STATIONERY tlntn 09c finish . . UU •' if - Pla* f*4*rai Ex.we To« vn ToiWttiei Lufoa^e a«d tilHold* Dn«# For Super Savings! Ipana Ammoniated Chlorophyll TOOTH PASTE MaylMeom |*BUBBLE .BATH t6-oi. CC . . . Fine ir FI«r«t SM|aet »c Luxury MINTS on DROPS Cortes 50 BOOK MATCHES (Limit 2) W HEAT ^ POWDER 19e U.S.P. Boric Acid 14E ' '• LK .V* A. F. & JL M. 107 N. Court 8ft. , Meetthf l-3rd lies. Visitors Welcome ! Phillip Ricker, Secy,, Phone McHenry 417; 1W& O* E» S* ~ i 107 N. Court St Meetings 2nd A 4th l\p|. i Visitors Wei com ^ Myrtle HarrUkm, Secy. Tel. Won. 44s. 3641 ' * PROFE^IOnfit D13ECT0PV DR. C. R. SW4NSO^ Dentist ' ' iV • • • • - ' • - 'i •'WfiJsrt' €L Green Street .-'-j'- Offtoe Hodst ^ / Daily Except wridftj 9 to 12 -- 1:30? to Hon., Wed. and FC. Eveninys I By Appolntraest Oaiy> ' i Telephone McHenry HI u 4t i VERNON KNOX r Attorney At Law ,i '• '.Cor. Oreoi and Elm SiieIN' McHenry, ID. Ileeday and Friday Afternoons Other Days by Appointment Phone McHetry 43 >1 ,<niXIAM M. Attorney CABROLI* Xfk 3' • At Law -- v llO' i Benton ^treet^,..^ Phone Woodstock 133f V Woodstock, Illinois • *re.. Mr- Guaranteed w Po^dar c r y i f e f t 4-oi. FREE BONUS! Ofaritoron-12 VHsmis BUY! Bottl* 25 M i when you buy * bottl* of 100' $7.9* Vsltis [98 Wtlgrrtn Chlorophyll TOOTH PASTE Sit 29c on G"»nt Tub** let. 49* Ntw . . StniUry LURCH MX LINER Whit, QQc pl*ttit .. Ov (Limit 2) 4-ei. PEPT0- BISM0L For upset stomach 59c 2:69 OUTDOOR BUYS' 98' G*t LinohztJ PERFECTIOR HARD CREAM 2 3-ez l»rs 59* 2 II rX Pmut" Brettj SUN TAN LOTION 2S-U. kMfet 39« MILK of MAGNESIA Walgreen 16-ounc« bottle . . . SUNBURN LOTION 7 7 Perfection Regularly 59c . . . 41* RUMINQ ALC1 Wolgreon 16-oua^e bottle RiC. 63' MINOYL Fitio« Mineioi Oil 16-oz . RtquUrly 49c Tidy Stick DEODORANT t" QQc tust iJU 2i49e 2 i 79' 2 i 69c 2179* Si 98 Cold vjf J1 „ Outdoor tti'rlt"1 . 1# t;' on GOLF 21* T BAILS __ 581 Water ^ Keeps Suede Attractive.' HANDY SUEDE %Mr S H O E B R U S H . . . . S P E C I A L 6.00-16 EXCHANGE If Ywr Old Tin Is Recappahlt PLUS TAX • JOSEPH X. W^NNJC Attorney At 't>aw 809 WaiAegan Road "(BF0 Box) Pfcoae McHenry 49J West McHenry. UK i'ii t •fa. JOHN F. LOfF Bt 1. Box 321 Phoae 5744W-I McHenry, Hlin«|s • MASON CONTR^tTO* Worto^n - i?l.. * Free Estimates .•Jr52A -J •itAiiri FRANK S. MAl BLACK DIBt nd - Gravel - Urtrnrv* ~ Excavatlnf Route 5, McHenry, iL Phone: McMenry SM-t-1 Sand Limestena VERN THELEN icttc Gravel Biravattnj TeL McIIenty 588-R1 or 583-W1 Box 172, Rt. 1, McHenry, Ok A. P. FREVND • flOW Excavating Contractors Tracking, Hydraulic and Crane Service _ ROAD BUILDING -- TeL 2C4M McHeary, m. r. ii it - - • - -' INSURANCE ~ EARL R. WALSH Flia, Auto, Farm ft Life Insurance Representing "ff RELIABLE COMPANIES Whea You Need Insurance of Any Kind PHONE 43 or 9SS Gteea * Elm McHeary, DL OuSmS^^ iasy-Ridih# CHAMPION 95 TIRES Sava on Championsl Enjoy greater blowout protection, longer ago and gveatar non-skid safety. Life* time Guarantor. Stop and Swap%fQ* ^ Uw PrtsMwi Svptr-Balloen 6.70-15 acua ifTowap Tin U f NcmhMI nwT«i m- Main Street WALT FREUND and BOB THURLWELL, Prop*. Phone 294 or 295-J West McHenry 'Oyatt COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE " for the small business man. Reasonable Ratoa Income Tax Returns HEHENRT BOOKKEEPING and " TAX SERVICE ' i:;.Professional Bidg* 210 So. Green StreCft Phone 788 or 265-M a.. STOFFEL ft REIHANSPERGER Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. West McHenry, Illinois Telephone S00 807 Main Street McHeary, DL SCH ROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental ft Structural Slteel Visit Our Showrooms South on St.|| Phone M0 BING'S PLUMBING and HEATING BOB FRI8BY, JR. Quality Fixtures-Radiant Heating Gas and Electric Water Heaters Water Systems - Water Softeners Repairs - Free Estimates Phone McHenry 289-M ANNOUNCEMENT Mia. Eleanor Matteoni SchloMman Private Lesaons in Plana and Piano Accordion For Information * tW. McHenry 6M-M-1