Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jun 1953, p. 15

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?4i- nsburg IMvs By Mrs. bitty Hinrnanii^ Mfc lfrs. Helen Hettermann ia i^PPy to h*ve her daughter, Mrs Jack Keenan, .and children, B^tty Lou and Tom, of Poimb6o Fia., visiting her fa# the •jammer. Mr, Keenaa will join • Ms family later this summer Mrs. Hettermann, Mrs, Mary Hettermann and daughters and Bob Hettermann drove into Chi- ®f«o to pick- the Keenaat *» at the Union depot; Friends of (his vicinity will be bappy to learn that Frank a. .Schafer received his patent for ,* new type of tlMue h6Mer. Hie patent ts an invention Which relates to MnprovenMnta tat . holders for replaceable pa^ef rolls and more particularly concerns holders of the type which •re ad&ptcd to serve as bathroom or kM^en fixtures, •r • ^nctber object of hie invention Jn to provide an . -Improved holder fdr paper rolls which include* a concealed deodorant or perfamant supply dtrnctufe. Tfare are raftm. more advtnt- .ages to i|r. Sottitfer's tarnation which are too ^tifterous to mention. t * , Mr. Schtfeds • aon raises tfcltfchillas. TWe Schafers bottt the beautiful big home on the, gravel road going to IfcIIenry. |lr. and 'Mrs. Jerfy tyaltftsch have returned from a week'i trip to Maryland. The main ptifposfe of the trip was to attend . the graduation of Mr. Wakitseh** brother frem Annapolis. While on the trip Mr. and Mrs. Wa kitsch lid a- Utile. sight-sieing. Janice, Mary, Ricky and Tommy Waldtsch stayed with relatives in Chicago while their parents were gene. place last Saturday between Miss Dorothy Johnson and Lea Schilling, liu Wedding reception was held at the American Legion hall, which many persons frpm town attended. They were Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Pierce and family, Cynthia Frett, Mr and Mrs. Steve Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May and son aiid Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dehn. Mrs. Harry Freund a&#- dfcttgliters, Donna Lee and Mary Ellen, are pending a three weeks' vacation at the home of Mrs. tfceu&ds parents, Mr. and itrs. Walter Cams, of OOwltervi&e, Si It has been several years Since the Cams ftUnlly has been together. While Mary Slten was there she contracted a minor throat attaint and had to be hanifeali «e4 for a couple of day*. . Charles HiUer is h6me from collage visiting his parcnta, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge HiUer. ' A graduatipn party was held last Friday evening at the Com-' munity dub hall, honoring thfeej of our graduates. The three graduating from McHenry high school were, Tom Huemann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Huemann, Cynthia Frett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Frett and Catherine Freund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. B. Freund. Best wishes for the future gfetf to all of oar graduates. --- Mrs. James Hettermann and daughters, Joy and Karen, spent the week in Chicago on a short Vacation. They stayed With Mrs. frettermann's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dehn. Mr. and Mrs. John Huemann spent the weekend at the home of the Joseph Htfemanns, while Mr. and Mrs. Geofcgfe Custer of Chicago are spcfcdihg the week there. K MMm M*s. JU|*mary8tJlling is qftttte busy these days running back and "forth to her new homfe which is being built in Jajc-Ana Heights. It all started when One oif the carpenters who was working' on her house told her it was a million dollar view that she had from her picture window, item Ifri, BUUKfe; is trying to collect from ibiryoa« who looks out the window'. So for the register says "nor *ale"! Mr. and Mrs. FraiOtltn H. Krumwtede of SpringtUde /Farm entertained a latge g*oupj of relatives and friends Sunday, June 7, in honor of the fiftieth birth day of Mrs. Ann Hornewef, who is a sister of Mrs. Krumwiede. In spite of the coot *n»#Jfesr, a wonderful time was saitjKt* by the gaests until the hour , of ? SPECIAL BLBt'lI#B A speeial election to fill two vacancies on the Obcirft Court bench in the l«th Ctr«iH has been called for Sept. 28 rbjy. Governor William O. Stratton. The 16th Circuit is composed "of Du Page, Kane, Kendall' a«4 'DiKaTb counties. The vrteawrftp were caused by the death erf Judge O'Connor, of Aurora and the resignation of Judge KnoCh, of Naperville, who was appointed a federal judge of* the northern district of Illinois, Judicial, nominating conventions of tlia two major parties must be JieW during the week of July 13-20. ' -- -Bead the Want A*C mams* Sunday's thriHing *aH «ai*e was climaxed with an 8-? score. Tfie game was played against the McHenry Shamrocks, with the Johnsburg Tigers as the victors. The game next Sunday will find the Tigers traveling to Eight fo* a gAaia with the Legion. Fred Smith has returned from, a fishing trip of several days. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fret*, and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Freund and daughter left Sunday morning on a vacation to Hollister, Mich. The Fretts and Freund* will spend a week eniJoying the sunshine and getting A belated anniversary Hfch goes to Mr. and Mrs. Richard IF ITS WORTH DOING Dehn, who celebrated their fourth year of marriage on May 23. «*•>. ^ Jlr, apd Mrs. Mike Schafer and Mr. and Mrs. James Hettermann spent Wednesday in Milwaukee shopping for prized for the forthcoming carnival sponsored by the Johnsburg community club. Don't forget the three big days are June 26, 27 and 28. Bring the kiddies along. good time is in store for all. •' > - <• wedding Of interest toOk IJajvPaclccn, CHIMNEY •I--B»i--i--iisBum--isriaat ,'j • •ilwHlin'llilil. UialBili liwjin * ffretrfsNrtseMlfcMIMi It's Wortli Going ffigk There it No SubsiSiuis For Good Plnbrin§. 118$ KLEINHAN: Building Service uoBart piMttomji $62 means Today * 11 with greater resources for engineering and manufacturing Kaiser announces a dramatic new expansion program to brings ^ gpu immediately a much better value--and a far better deal ^ ^ for your money them medium-priced.ear And your Kaiser dealef is ready to prove it today l > LEGAL NOTICE FUBUC NOTICE Not jet of PropOsul Change tai lUectrlc Schedok* PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Division of Cqfti^nonwealth Edi«. son Company heifeby gives noticJ to the public that it has file<f with the Illinois Commerce commission on May 27, 1963, a diange in Rate 78, Commercial Electric Service, and a new rijer designated Rider 12-- Conditions of Resale 'or Redistribution of Electricity By the Customer to Third Persons. Rider 12 is proposed for the purpose of defining resale dnd to outline conditions of service for redistribution cf electricity,/ without adversely affecting present customers. Rate 78 is refiled principally to standardize and revise its charges, with relatively little effect on billing to the eleven customers now receiving service under the rate. , Furthter information with respect thereto may be obtained either directly from this Company or by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission at Springfield, IHInois. A Copy of the proposed change in the schedules may be inspected by any interested party at any business office of this Company. Public Service Company Division of Common-j! "Wealth Edison Company »By; Murray Jcslin ; * < v Vice President 4*ub. June 4-11) . r PUBLIC NOTICE , • NotM* of Proposed Chang* jh Electric Schedule E-$ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Division of Commonwealth Edison Company hereby gives notice to the public that it has filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission. on May 28, 1953, Rider 17--Electric Furnace Interruptible Service. This is a new rider which proposes conditions of service applicable to Industrial customers having - large electric furnace loads of 20,000 kilovoltamperes or more. Farther information with respect thereto may be obtained either directly from this Company or by addressing the Secretary of the Illincis Commerce Commission at Springfield, Illinois. ' A copy of the proposed •* * ir... r change in the schedule may be inspected by any interested party at any business Office of thig Company. Public Service Company DtvMfwi of ftommon- .:.^¥ Wealth Edison Compaiqr By : Murray Joslin 5wT".;- -;rHv Vice President {#ub. June 4-11) Be careful not to breathe the dust - or fumes of ftimigants or insecticides, suggests the Illinois Rural. Safety pouncli. - PAlB PSEMirMft Premiums, trophies and awafls at the 1953 Illinois State Fair, Aug. 14-23, will amount to a record 1812,928. Fair Manager James E. Tays has announced. The state fair will put up 1228,898 and most of the balance will be derived from • speeial funds made available for the harness racing events. All vegetable products were a£ one time sugar in the leaves of green pints. D8. HENRf FREUND OPTO«t1U3T ; it i36 S. Gnm MM McSmot <Cloc«d Tho»*>| jyt«rao*Hi . r> ^ • I , W EYES EX15HNEB -- ©48818 P1TTIB TiAnrnte - viSUAt bihabilitatiWI C4YPLBY1 VKTAB AHALT818 : ^ilOUBS DAOjT 11 to IS 8. BL aM 1 - . VBID1T EVEjmr&J: ttti to 8«8 •TOvnres bt Apponmnm PHONE McHEHHY 452 P I f1 C \ 7 1 . I . r { \ \M} {i } 29c Tub* MENNEfTS [SbaviRg InnMm «tj Stc VtliM l.#0 Box IVMing In Paris FACE POWDER wKh 1.00 KATWAl BUSH 1» 100 Value. B«th far. . Long tasting OUTING J«« JS!°": ... 3« Inralatedl* retain heat Or cold. Enameled steel liner with almhaa neck and screw en eap. « BSTTLE Enameled Case QlantSiaes OHLMTOKI TmHi Plato wm* BaH Point Pen 59c "II WATCH YOUR STKP THKSK DAY! Athlete's foot is more easily contracted m% A* beach, etc. At the first Slfn, see your dott^, If he prescribes, bring your prescription to atU 35c ALKA-SELTZER 29» 40c lOXZEIHH Skin Cr--tit... 29e loo BAYEII ASPifHff SBr 48c UlTttltt PM. t for 9k 10c P0WDE8 PIFFI.....2for1S» 10c POCKET COMBS . . . . 2 forfS* PICNIC and OUflNli rctds 60c Six* SKOL Sun Tan Oil 49c Colored STRAWS •8s* 15c Cinirtm Ollr4oz. ... Tan with Jai Sun Oil, 3 Ml Tartan Oil 4 ounce .... ^pfrSSKlli; NIMin 1R. iMbMMla. t . 10® UPMm 1(U •rOupa*Ea. V«v| SSSiSEL.. 7fc 4% Tube ^ cnsaairc MMMSR cSntMth Bay SHAMPM vMHtSCakM BaeSMHTSMP 1^4 Value. mt*- wmmztjrrvmm S U M M E R COiVaoK'TS •ousuai Am. I ETr.., 9l9aU VHirgKIB*Mt ii^ u-vXC._ . Wwi 1st lilae MeaiZ i ii IT 4-oz. KoH»> UIOUN PUIS . Farth* Heir *1 2 in 1 Ml ufci PMifir. . . WV t' J$'t$ % . > 'W i;* • V v •»: • • , ^ • : 'Si Mcr Itmmhtum. Clitic* •/ tkrre trmmnitsUiu. Im*M> OnrdriM, •r Hydra-Malic. Uma iki jlaett. MM tatm Sbarinc. 4M emtfkH dim expensive cars! Matt efcoa--ly than low-priced luxurious rinyl Kaiser upholstery ^ • cart! The big thrifty Kaisir gets 24.9 Stortbgm you'd expect hi a $5,000 t|V milei a gaMon-«w<A Hydrm-Mntic-- autom car--not a medium-priced one! -f'; . in a Popular Mechanics test. Owners The Kaiser "ride" is that same smootl / ^report 80,000 miles without repairs. tide yoa*d enjoy & costly limousines. -• "Proof of Kaiser's finer engineering. Mort tqfHfy thtm in amy cor at any price! Ito other «gr gives pad Kaiser's saffety features. t1»e wood's safest front seat. Fulllength safety padded instrument pane!. Safety mopiited windshield. Pkw largest vision area in any sedan. All at no extra OOtt! PUu performance in a elate by~tt*etff Anyone who's driven the Kaiser will J»H you it's more like flying than driving. That's because Kaiser has scientifically engineered its weight-to-power ratio ( Sm your Kaiser* Frmter dottier today fmf proof ' 'I J' c YOtTR KABEB VVtAZBB DEALER IN THIS ABBA IS A; M. ADAMS MOTORS - PHONE J0HNSBUB8 S76-W-1 ItUMOIS Speclsr 29c Ttt TOdTH BRUfll WHh^2So value IN^feistonal Dental Mfrrof. 94c Value. Bath Mr 3*t T ! V|t TAKF PICTURES 10' ELECTRIC FAN Switch on this quiet, non-creep ro*m-to-room six* ran for unbelievable comfort. With chrome •propoller blades and QQC sturdy safety-guard O ™s FATHER FflTHfR'S DAY SUNilAY, JUNE ?1s+. C. I •» M NEW MBRCS pen in Three practical models. Willi octaniun grs point. In box PLASTIC WALLET 98c P O I N D TtM*.C0 and iQ other Brands Slim m a F«m Waftdk RONSON ADONIS LIGHTER Crafted is |U*mis| chroaae finish. Aeaaa la.U>c gift ** With 4 ^kolo wian. cm 620 filn Pederel Sxeise Tea ea Toiletries > &. tJf*li' i LITIBN WMi famous Slave Sfkray ' Oaed In seeeial kit- 89c HELP PROTECT Y O U R E Y E S TI|E IKWEST STOfiUSSB

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