Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jul 1953, p. 10

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tend witn their uncle and , Mr. and Mrs. WfiUam Pag- 1IC® mm m. Shepard W.S.C.S. will serve a caferoast beef supper in the hall Thursday. July 30, to start at 5 o'clock, and Mrs. Pete Sebastian idgd their five hundred t their home Tuesday ev- Prizes were awarded to Qeorge Shepard and B. T. er, high, and Mrs. B. T. ttutler and George Shepard, low. Stanley Shultz and Eay_Kelley Of Pell Lake were suppe- guests In the Pred Bowman home Saturday evening. Mrs. Lei and Berg has received nfcws that her husband, who is in Korea, has been nvade a cor» poral. Mike Hogan ' entertained a group of little folks his • hpme Saturday afternoon in honor of his birthday. Games were played and lunch was served by his mother. The Home Circle will meet with Mrs. Flora Harrison Thursday afternoon, Aug. .13. This wiil be an afternoon^ meeting and capsule sister day. Among those to join the Methodist church Sunday morning were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cristy, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Listo, Henry Tomlinson, Gordon Fossum and Henry Aisson. Corsages were presented to the oldest members of the Methodist church, Mrs. Clara Wiedrich, who was a member for fifty-nine years, Mrs. Flora Harrison, who was a member at McHenry and Rirjgwood for sixty-seyen years, and Mrs. Mary Butler, „who had been a member since 1917, or thirty-six years. The home econpmics 4-H sh&w was held in the Woodstock high school Friday. Those to receive blue ribbons were Charlotte and Mary Hogan. Martha Boldt, Annette Smith. Patty Miliar, Lois Hunt. Karen Schmelzer, Charlotte Hogan will model at the state fair and Annette Smith go as a first alternate. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ehlert of ** Boner's Lake spent Sunday with His parents, Mr. and Mrs. John 4 13k, Duane Andreas, with three friends, enjoyed a camping trip at Lake Clutek, Wis., the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Degnam of Lake Geneva were dinner guests in the William Pagni home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake spent Thursday evening in the Mrs. Lena Peet home. - , Mrs. „ Alan Ainger and daughters, Nancy and Mary, spent Tuesday afternoon with her parents ,Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mrs. Catherine 'Weber"Of Mc- Henry- and Mike Wegner, of Hebron" railed on Mrs. James Con- •\vay Tuesday evening. " . Mr; and Mrs. Wayne Donahue and children of Huntley spent a few days the past week' with her parents, Mr. and Mr?. C. L. Harrison. ' Mrs Ralph Simpson -of . Crystal Lake visited 'Mrs'. James Conway Tuesday afternoon. . Among those from here to attend the Eastern Star card party at McHenry Thursday afternoon, were Mesdames C. L. Harrison, William Cruickshank, Lester (farr, Kenneth Cristy, Oscar Berg. Roy Harrison, Viola Low and Miss Mae Wiedrich. Jerry Cristy spent the weekend at St. Louis, where he -attended the wedding of a friend. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton. Bruce and family were visitors n the Merril Culver home at Belvidere Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Camella of Wan* kegan spent Saturday evening in the William Pagni home. Mrs. Wanda Yuenger of Harvard spent the past week with Mrs. Et. T. Butler. Mi s. E. L. Peck of Elgin spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Ben Walkington. Wesley Bruce returned home Friday evening from . a few weeks' visit in the home of his grandmother at Wayne City, 111. Dianne and Danny Jim Degnan of Lake Geneva spent the IXl Mrs. Paul Norman ^ of Evanston spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Ben Walkington. William Harnson of Round Lake called on his mother, Mrs. Flora Harrson, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison entertained Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and family, ___ Mr. and Mis. Wayne Donahue and family of Huntley. Howard Wattles and son, Donald, and Glen Wattles of McHenry, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison and family a* dinner Sunday in hon6r of the birthday of Glen Wattles. Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Harrison of McHenry were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and family. They celebrated the birthday of. Mrs. Pearson. * Friday evening guests Of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley were Mr. and Mrs Fred Howe and Mrs. Feivey Davis and daughter Margaret, of Crystal Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reinwall, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Phillips of Fernwoocf. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington were dinner guests In the Lee Huson . home at Libertyville Saturday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Sunday evening in the Ernest Reinwall, Jr., home at Cooney Heights: Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Emily Beatty attenced a party Sunday in the Walter Wilcox home near Woodstock, honoring the birthday" of Mrs. Beatty. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family attended a soil conservation picnic at Belvidere park Sunday. daOfhteir, stock, spent Friday evening' ^ the Pred Bowman home. r Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ehlert and son of Kenoaha are spending a few days in the John Ehlert home. A family picnic was held at the Frank Muzzy home Sunday. Guests were from Manengo, Sycamore and Whitewater, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. W. F OlaxMer, son, James, and daughters, Grace and Mrs. Leland Berg, with their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frey of Aurora, attehded a picnic party at Wing Park Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family attende# a picnic pariy iri* the Walter WilcoX home at Woodstock Sunday. Linda Low ^remained for a visit. Qlinoi* Outlook Reviewed m COUNTY RESIDENTS PURCHASED 159*411 * IN E AND H BONDS Residents of McHenry ceunty purchased a total of $159,411 in Series E and H United States savings bonds in the1 mouth of June, 1953, according to figures received from the Treasury department by Harold J Bacon of Crystal Lake, volunteer savings bond chairman in the county This represents 53 per eent of the county's 1953 quota. Arnold J. Rauen, state director of the U.S. Savings Bonds division of the Treasury department, announced that sales of E and H Bonds in Illinois totaled $27,- 879,270. This represents 51.9 per cent of the state quota for the calendar year 1953. • * and Mrs. Ted Mikita and •5 tiro daughters of Moundsville, Sn^W. Va., spent Sunday with Mr. 2'*' and Mrs. B. T. Butler. Mrs. Miktta and daughters remained for •a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Benoy and family of Hebron spent Sunday afternoon wth Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington. Mr. and Mrs. William Heine of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon In the George Shepard home. Mr. and Mrs. John Keller of Chicago were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Spencer of Decatur. 111., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Byeon Sowers. • • m m m mm mm m m m m mm m m m m6 m m m m ROBERT HAY 'THE LOWT OVERHEAD WAY General Contractor New Construction and Remodeling LET US FIGURE FOR YOU Phone 622-W-2 ROUTE 4 \ McHENRY, ILLINOIS ICE There's CREAM A Difference Today! FLAVORS BUY IT AT McHENRY, ILL. 40 (.KEEN o Other Tire Can Take Such unishment and Still Prefect ou from the Dangers of Blowouts and Punctures SPACEMAKER 24 AUTOMATIC PUSHBUTTON RANG| Here's a brand-new, low-priced Geneqd Electric Range that's only 24 incbQft wide, yet givesyou £ complete de hue cookiftg (Service* , . ' T*:; The Spaceraalcer 24 is ideal for small or crowded kitchens, helps give you the room you need for cabinets or another appliance. Put it on your "must see" list--right away! • PUSHBUTTON CONTROLS ]» MUOI, WIDE-OPENING MASTER OVEN P AUTOMATIC OVIN TIMER p CAIROD* UNITS THROUGH' OUT P REMOVABLE, WASHABLE OVEN UNI* P WIDE-SPACED SURFACE UNIT! • EXTRA-HI-SPEED CALROD SUB- . PACE UNIT • BIG, ONE-PIECE STORAOF DRAWER LETS A>IDY AMUMC<^UL • NO.STAI|( J«|N VLNF GBEEN8T81VT PHONE Zfl McHENRY, ILLINOIS Py U H. HIipeH s:; ; f ^(University of Illinois pepart of Agriculture) A good market for beef cattle seems to be in prospect for the next few months. The bases for this prospect are: (1) The apparent supply of fed cattle available for market is very -little larger than it was a year ago; (2) the supply of pork will be considerably smaller than it was last fall; (3) consumer buying power i s moderately stronger than it was last year. Now let's check into each of these items a little farther. Supplies of fed cattle seem likely to be moderate during the remainder of the summer and throughout the fall. Best evidence of this Is the very heavy marketings in recent months and the USDA report of cattle on feed July 1. The government report indicated that U.S. farmers were feeding only "four or five per cent" more cattle this summer than they were a year ago, and last year market supplies were quite small from Aug. 1 to Dec. 1. " ' ' The largest increase in cattle feeding h*s occurred in Nebraska The pornhvjUter state report- «d 24 percent more cattle in feedlots than last summer.- The ^ number of cattle in feedlpts was estimated at 381.000 against 307,000 ' a year before. Reports from Illinois farmers indicated that they - were feeding about 385,000 head of cattle, or four per cent more than in 1952. The reports from Iowa indicated about 901,000 head of cattle on feed, or six per cent more than twelve months before. . For the eleven corn-fcelt states cattle on feed showed kan increase of 8 per cent over yearbefore figures. By contrast, feeding operations in Colorado, and probably some other western and southwestern states, were reduced 25 to 30 per cent. • In the three ittost important corn-belt states (Iowa, Illinois and Nebraska) the largest part of the increase in cattle on feed consisted of heifers. Their numbers went up from 275,000 in 1952 to 353,000 this year. This shows an increase of nearly 30 per cent. Farmers' intentions were to ship a few more cattle in August of this year than they did in 1952, but to sell less in Sep* tember. This seems to indicate that market supplies of fed cattle SMITH SERVICE ^Complete Motor Overhauling Welding Q JOHNSBURG, o O09CBSSS3OBO McHENRY 200-J will not be exce&uve during UM» next few' months. At the same time the supply of port: figures to be 10 to 12 per eent smaller than it was twelve months before. This decrease is expected because the spring pig crop was down 10 per cent and a larger proportion' of gilts may be saved for breeding than in 1952. At the same time, tho, consumer buying power seems likely to be around 5 per cent greater than it was last fall. Most factories have big backlogs of orders. putbacks in automobile production and some other industries may be offset by tat- , llninUy, Inly -3<tW3 crtase* la «Hw«* ftamUsTF wage increases are giving many .-families a boopt. An iiicotnes. » Thus, as the days g™w fhorter, we may have a prettylgood cattle market, ^ DAIRY RECEIHT8 \;,i§ijHenry county dairy farmers received $333,321.80 for milk delivered to Bowman Dairjr company receiving stations Airing the, month of June. ••• /. Consumers' ab fifty sadr.5 Willingness to buy are teiidifig to keep farm prices up, says a University of 2)luuus. farm .economist. < : -, > behind ONLY? • with Um4r Put the energy and power of 7 HUSKY MENfcuiit into this saw--to work for you on eny workshop or construction job! The big 7* blade gives you 2 J? s* cutting capacity with ample bevel and ' #djustments for framing work. Ideal balance, lightweight flesign gives you greater maneuverability and non-tiring Operation in any position. You as the master merely guidv this saw to perform jobs quickly, economically and with $ minimum of effort. Mall built-in quality throughout. Don't) fniss this outstanding saw value . .. See our demonstrate^ Of Mall "Magic Power" in action today!' . T VYCITAL'S riad HARDWARB 1S2 Green Pt. smumMz FHOXE L'lW1 " «' f SHEET METAL SHOP 98 McHenry, HI. ' 1n this test, car races across bed of 4-inch razor-sharp. Iteel blades. Both left front and left rear tires ore slashed* yet car comes to a gradual straight-line stop with both tires Retaining a safe supply of air long after .demonstration# Give Your Car This Same Pro* tection • • » Equip Today with Supreme Tires Equip Your New No Loss on the Tires s p e c t A t INTRODUCTORY O f f t * * McHenry |War| •-.d-i 0 5»?nSif« I ^ vNr i Maiiitowoc Momtowoc fit cilMOtl owywhertl Lere'st you file-cabinet efficitittj. No digging or "diving**... frozen food is always at your fingertips. Cold-Hold inncg 'doors make it easy to stofe and find packages. The«if v ^ •re no hidden corners ... everything's in sight. | You get refrigerator-like convenience plus ttiany otb« features, with Manitowocj^ v f t This is the season for freezin*. Now, while fruits tnd vegetables are at their bist, is the time to get a freezer.\ Before you buy, be sure to get the full Mknitowoc story at * nearest store or your dealer's. Start now to enjoy holiday Udiua (Howe, fkmeM . i [eating ECQNOMICAIXY erenr day of the yw! 1 * PUBLIC SERVICF WALT FREUND and BOB THURLWELL. Propf. W- iMi:. bueii Step ii ei eer mwwl #•» «|r yefr4 dtmhr't... g»tatr-- entvmf wi Moorpfm* SM hvw •attty Mow^twoc, ,w f, lf 6f dborf' ' ' ---.v. t-- ' ' '• l •*"' y-li ^ :: :* '%•% A',! ... % •

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