Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jul 1953, p. 2

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M',A lelsta WSfe the name tay Mr. And Mrs. Babe sr for their new baby, 1. The Infant was ^christened July 19 at St. Mary's • church and the name given her • T.'-wm In honor of the two grand- Imothers. , Sponsors wW tlie baby's aunt, IjMrs. Dorothy Schilling, ajUfl her •uncle, Klaus Kreutzer. Social Club Held Installation Dane* ': 't The LiJ.A. Social club held their installation dance last Saturday evening at. the newly-decorated Club Lilyinoor on Route > 120. A large crowd turned out :'^for the gala affair. Installation f-" ,of officers took place at 8 p.m., viWith the following installed into " office. President, Edward Kamin. Jr.; secretary-treasurer, .Mrs. iHarold Foss; trustees, Wal- 'ter Para, Richard Hyatt and Frank Leon. Gifts were given to - the outgoing officers and lovely orchid corsages were presented to Mrs. Foss and Mrs. Paia for the work they have done in the •past for the organization. Stewart Clark was the installing officer. Dancing to the music of the "Hi-Tones* followed the installation. Danny Dios, pantomime <artist, the Jimmy Durante of Chicago, entertained during the idance intermissions. Stewart Clark of Lakemoor rendered .semi-clagsical tunes. A very tasty smorgasbord was served late in the evening. All the '^guests completeily enjoyed themselves and are looking forward to next year. The L.I.A. Social "^iclub is newly formed. Membership is open to anyone who wish- W to join. The purpose of the Organization is to promote good (fellowship among friends and 4ack Yegge 10 Years Old , "• , Wednesday. July*** * m day in the life of Jack Yegge, when he celebrated his tenth birthday with two guests, Stevie Fiko and Michael Ehringer of Peoria, who was visiting here. The boys played baseball and in the evening were joined by Jack's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. George Sullivan of Woodstock. All enjoyed a weenie roast and birthday cake in the Yegge yard. . . ly.V Camp Picnic • Rlverview Camp, R.N.A., held annual picnic and outing on dnesday, July 22, at the home MrB. George Reiker at Pis [ee Bay. About twenty-six ests, including a number from I out of toym, were present to enjoy & tasty and bountiful potluck luncheon. The afternoon waS spent in playing amusing games. The gathering was arranged by the gracious host and hostess, Elsie and George Reiker, who long been known by their friends for their hospital-* Pamela Nugent »' . ..V Christened July 26 { i The infant " daughter '"IfT.&fr. and Mrs. George Nugent of Country Club subdivision was christened Pamela Ann at a service held at St. Mary's church on Sunday, July 26, with Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix officiating. Sponsors for the baby were Edward Stacknick of McCullom Lake and Lorraine Weigel of Chicago. Guests in the Nugent home later in the day were the 'maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sd. Stacknick, and family; the great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Graff; the greatgrandmother, Mrs. Anna Stacknick; the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nugent; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nugent and family and Mr. and Mrs. Don Weigel. • 11|C LOCAL CUBS HAD* RECORD ATTENDANCE AT CAMP LOWBEN A number of Cub Sc&uts and $|ieir fathers attended Gamp Lowden recently and when a count was taken it was learned that MCHenry had the largest tum-out of any community in attendance. Making the trip wens Walter and Butch Aufrecht, John and Johnnie Boyle, Harry ahd "H" Stinespring, Lawrence and David Klapperich, Fred and Mike Fenske, Robert, and Bobbie Beckenbaugh, Paul and Bobbie Jessup, Ray and Kenny Homo, Arthur and Butch Olson, Fred, Vera and Freddie Peterson, Ray and Randy Hughes, Fred and Ted Horns^y, John, Skipper and Butch Jones. ,£• Frederick, Robert and ' "Frederick Wahl, "Doc" antt Stevli Fike, Edwin and Buddy Reid, Harold and Donnie Vycital, Hugh and Hughie Saynor, Ralph, Chris and Vernoh Bennett, Walter and Bob Haug, Nils and Danny Wik. A special Webelos ceremony was held, with these boys taking part: Stevie Fike, Wally Awfrecht, Kenny Homo, Bob Haug, Buddy Reid and Skipper Jones. it 11 ii-ii 11111 -1- 1111,1 i*-- '--• y • »v v - • " - r - * * : • / ' - COMING EVENTS Reception Held Fttt . .. George Oefflings About 175 friends and relatives were guests at Johnsburg last Sunday for a reception for newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. George Oeffling, Jr. Attending from out of town were the bride's father, Lawrence Cook, and her cousin, Mrs. Catherine Bonafield, and a friend. Miss Viola Hedrich, all of Davenport, Iowa. Jfr. Oeffling served for thirtyfour months overseas and was seriously wounded in Korea. He was discharged last December. His wife served for two years, twelve months of that time overseas. She has also received her discharge. The couple is residing in Davenport, Iowa, where they are employed. Jj. .fr.f »4"1' -t f'• 'l"M' ,8,<1 <• * August 4 Hullabaloo Day -- McHenry Country Club 5 ; . August^ v. Ice Cream Social JSion Lutheran Church Lawn rf i P. M. ,,vV'V August 7-8-9 St. John's Church carnival -- Johnsburg August IS, 14, 1ft, 16 V. F. W. Carnival -- V. F. W Grounds. AiJgost 12 T Adult Girl Scouts' Annual Luncheon -- Meeting At Fiesta, Crystal Lake -- 1 P.M. August 19 -c Fall Style Revue and Dessert- Luncheon -- Sponsored by St. Mary's P.T.A. -- V.F.W. Clubhouse -- 1:30 p.m. Dessert Luncheon And Style Show- -- V.F.W. Clubhouse -- Sponsored By St. Mary's P.T.A. August 21-22 Flower Show -- High School f.j|. t if i| fr 'V -I'» •!' -M' I • PERSONALS Photo By Worwick MRS. KENNETH LAWRENCE A lovely wedding was solemnized' in "the Sacred Heart Chapel of St. Partick's church July IS when Miss Donna Freund be* came the bride of Kenneth Lawrence. A reception followed at the V.F.W. Clubhouse. &»>•*»»» 'M1: 'S"8 11» Mr. and Mrts. Eldred Johnson and son spent a few days recently at Boyceville, Wis., where they attended the wedding of Mr. Johnson's brother, Melvin, to Miss Dorothy Clark. , Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson of Kansasville, Wis., visited his Another, Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, and ' other local relatives recently. Dr. and Mrs. E. J. VWaier and three children, Judy, Joey and Jimmy,- of Long Beach, Calif., have been visiting her parents, the William Althoffs, and other McHenry relatives. Miss Nadyne Lewis is now employed a*.a registe*j»d nurs$ at General Bdse fcoapit^ in Deeper, Colo. Michael Ehringer Of Peoria, 111., spent two weeks in .the home of bis aunt and uncle, the Ed. Letchers, in West McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. "Bud" Kosinski and son of College Park, Md., have been visiting McHenry relatives and friends Mrs. Ed. Holle of Oak Park has been visiting in the Martin Conway home. BIRTHS Marriage Licenses ' Maurice Stilling, Richmond, and Marceleen May, Spring Grove. ' ' * . > -f: / ' • I I* • MAR1TX THOMSOW WON TOP HONORS IN BLACK-WHITE SHOW* Marita Thomson of McCullom _ _ _____ Lake was one of the outstanding lbs born July 13. He has been winners among eighty-four ex- *' * . _ A it-li. U 4>Ua tuirfiof n -• ,fl A* son was born July J26 at the Woodstock hospital to " M?. and Mrs. Eugene LaFontaine. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ficken are the parents of a son, born at the Woodstock hospital July 22. They have two daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Griffith of Detroit, Mich., announce the arrival of a son, weighing 9% Lake Church / Fashion Revue * The Altar and Rosary sodality "v of Christ the King church is planning a fashion show and '•$ card party, to be held Sunday, Aug. 23. Tickets may be pur- , chased at the rear of the church ^ or frotn any member of the so- A dality. The fashion revue will feature wearing apparel for men, women and children. Both cards and bunco will be played and refreshments seiVed. There will be for each tab!e. e entertainment is planned take place at Westwood near Woodstod^ Hospital Auxiliary Sponsors Style Show . .. . A style show, sponsored by two units of the women's auxiliary of the Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, will be given at community high school auditorium, Woodstock, on Monday, Aug. 17. Mrs. Gertrude Dodge of Marengo will present the show. Norman Pierce, radio announcer, will moderate the program. Mr. Pierce is also a well known television personality. The show will feature all sizes and ages of fall clothing. Women and girls from the county will jaaotffi the styles. Residence Changes Mr. and Mrs. B. Kreutzer and baby have moved from the home of her parents, the Eldred Johnsons, td the apartment in the Klontz home on Wtcukegan street. Mr. and Mrs. Leo N. Petersen are moving Friday from fhe Riverside hotel to their home in Wonder Lake. The Petersens have been away from their own home for the past two years, during which time .they traveled through the South and West before returning to McHenry and taking up residence in the hotel. named Thomas Daniel. The Griffiths (she was Mitzie Durland) have two other boys and one girl. Just four days later, on Jtyly 17, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Romano, of Chicago, frequent visitors here, announced the birth of a 7*6 lb. daughter, Patty. She is their first child. Mrs. Romano is the former Patricia Scheuneman and a cousin of Mrs. Griffith.' A son, Robert Joseph, wis born .July 23 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Geor|e Rodenkirch. The vbaby, wlo weighed 8 lbs. 4 oz. at birth, is the first child of tHe couplfe. Mrs. Rodenkirch is the former Helen Stoffel .daughter of the Martin Stoffels. • ' J Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whefelock are the parents of their first child, a daughter, born it the:- ^Voodstock - hospitalJuly, to Son Of A' Millers little son of Mr. And Mrs. Richard R. Miller, born July 8, was christened Wayne Richard at a baptismal Service held at St. Mary's church last/ Sunday morning, Rt. Rev. C. S. Nix Officiating. Sponsors were Mrs. Florence Geier, a great aunt,] and Clarence Regner, great uncle. - Dinner was served afterward for the grandparents, Mr. and Igrs. Joseph Regner and Mr. ahd Mrs. Fred Miller, and for *h® sponsors at the Richard Miller home. 'Wayne Richard has a year and ons-half old sister, Wendy Sue. 4-H OFFICERS MEET A meeting of 4-H Federation* officers was held at the Farm Bureau office building on Monday evening, at which time the queen's contest for the county fair was discussed. Each club is to select a candidate. Entries must be in by Aug. 7. Their outstanding record blank and a paragraph written by their leader must accompany the entry. ' The state fair money was also discussed. The next meeting will be Aug. 11 at the Farm Bureau building, with all delegates to be present. DAVID SMITH Federation Reporter Read Tre Want Ads £#<ONG TOE SICK • Mrs. Martin Conway has returned home from the Woodstock hospital, wh4re she under-, went surgery last week. ICE CREAM SOCIAL An ice cream social will be held on the lawn of the Zlon Lutheran church at 8 o'clock on Thursday evening, Aug. 6: CARD OF THANKS would like to take. this 'means of thanking friends for cards, gifts and visits during the time I was confined to Presby' terlM hospital, Chicago. 12 EVA UNTI ' CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our neighbors ahd friends for cards, floral offerings, acts of kindness and for the prayers which were said at the time of our baby's sickness and death, special thanks to the Sisters of St. Francis and to Fr. Blitsch. THE HENRY HILLER FAM&jT 12* Accidents pn tjfe highway, which haite shown •,* sharp rise in McHenry county this year, have also taken art upward trend throughout the state trad as a result Governor William G. Stratton has advised State Police Chief Phil Brown, to take necessary steps to prevent loss of life on the roads. The polk* have been ordered to crack 4<*wn on speeders, including tftdib iti cars, busses and trucks. In order to get desired results, it was announced by Brown that state policemen may ride in unmarked cars and carry on their duties in civilian clothes. During the first six months of this, year, this county' reported seventeen deaths compared to eight for the same period in 1952. Throughout the state, the increase was 6 per cent over the previous year. McNecTy Man Injured Slightly In Auto Crash According to a state police report, Clifford J. Hyatt of Riveraide Drive Was cut and "bruised last Thursday morning when his car Crashed into the rear of another auto drtvert by DOn Harrington of Chicago, which had Stalled on U.S. Rt. 12, a mile south of Rt. 59. * The Harrington Wr was parked on the highway with lights burning, according to the report. Both autps 4were damaged considerably. Some 4.000 arphafegt 600 ^d persons and 400 crippled children Will be guests Wednesday, Aug. 19, in Lincoln Park at the fourty-olnth annual outing sponsored by the Orphans' Automobile Day association if cars are made available by motorists who "wftl volunteer to transport them to and from the picnic grounds. Th6se who wish to diive k load of underprivileged guests, inmates of more than 'forty orphanages and old peoples' homes in the Greater Chicago area, are asked to call John P. Keating, chairman Of the transportation committee, at {jOiwbearh 1-2247 or 2248, for an tasignmerit in or near the neighborhood in which they live. - The kiddies and old folkB are driven to the outing site near Grant's Monument in the park before 9 a.m. and picked up for the -return home between- 3 and 4 p.m. , Just about every nationality, color and, creed are represented by the children and old peop!<; who -attend the annual outing. "It is a tradition of - the association that no lines be drawn in that respect," said William N Hargrove, president of the Outing grpup. As the guests arrive at the piirk they are provided with hats, poise makers, toys, candy, popcorn, orangeade, ioe cr^am, and bbx lunches containing sadwiches, fruit and cake. The old folks receive appropriate gifts. After luncheon, a 34-act cop. i i m i -- t h e v, , in fr&t vajrietj^i^Ail jtplunteera, including noMd yotljltrt*, instrumentalists, tutfiilffi. baton twitters, jugglers, ventriloquists, dancers, adrpfbats,,magicians, and impresarios of puppet •hows and. vaimal ac hail from tfcft stagey radio and tfr. hibitors entered in the thirtieth annual Northern Illinois State Black and White show held at the Fox Valley Livestock Center near St. Charles this month. Marita was awarded the Bowman dairy watch for her excellence in fitting and showing her Holstein cow. The 4-year-old cow later placed high in the open class and was named champion of the show. Her junior bull calf aJso won first in the open class and she received a first for her junior heifer caif. Hickory Creek farm took more than its share of honors for the Two More Flay# For Junior Theatre Guild Mrs, GrayslaJfcs, July 25, at St. Watfkegan. Services f£pna . Jier home, with Grant cemetery. SOCIETY CI A cortUICate of dl service Juts- been x4ceilSp by the McHenry jfipunty chapter of the American Cancer society for having exeeded its g04& in the 1953 Cancer Crusade. McHenry donated $174.83. ~ .x,' Sincerity Is & vanishing virtue. gi and IF IT'S WORTH It's Worth Doing Right. There is No Substitute For Goed Plastering. Phone McHenry 1189 "The Robe,*' junior TTCieatrc Guild production In which young folk from this community took part, was presented last • weekend at the Chickory Hill farm on Davis road, Woodstock. There will be two more plays given there before the season closes. They will be "The Curse of an Aching Heart", Aug. 8 vand 9, and "The Man Who C»me tq, Diner," Aug. 22 and 23. SUNDAY SERVICES The Community Methodist church will hold its services at . 9:30 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 2, runday. First places were won for. ning concurrently with Sunday junior yearling bull, senior year- * school. The services will be over ling bull, aged cow, 3-year-old jn time for worshippers to view cow, dairy herd, senior, best {the Marine Day parade. uddered and grand champion fe-j mate and grand champion bull, j NEW COUNTY COMMANDER • ---- 1 John Kvidera of Cary was in- SCHUMACHER BITES I stalled as commander of the * <Betty Jane Schumacher, 10 , county council of tlje Legion at years old, a sister of Edward , a meeting held in Hebron last . <• A 1 JAM Mtl -3 _ mEVERYDAY LANGUAGE Una is the code of conduct which governs our entire staff in its dealings with customers. It incluaes being courteous, helping everyone promptly and keeping wtellinformed about all our service# - th$ better to answer questions. Schumacher and Mrs. Alexander (Darlene) Sneddon of McHenry, died on July 22 at the family's farm home in the Crystal Lake- Cary community. The parents, Edward and Laura Schumacher/ ftlso survive, as do five other brothers and sisters. Last rites were conducted from St. Paul's E v a n g e l i c a l a n d R e f o r m e d church in Barrington on Friday. IN MEMORIAM -•#1 loving memory of our beloved" husband and father, John Thompson, who passed away July 30, 1946. Deep in our hearts a rtiemory is kept Of one we loved and will never forget. MRS. JOHN THOMPSON •12 AND FAMIliY ' CARD OF THANKS We would like to thank all our friends, neighbors, prtests and nuns for Holy Masses, prayers, cards, gifts and other kind- \ a nesses extended during our recent bereavement. MR. AND MRS. ED. STEAD- > . v- MAN MR. AMD MRS. JAMES SIMMONS IDA STEADMAN LORRAINE MATTE# .12 Demand for dairy products was lrght in June and wholesale dairy prices were weak to barely steady during the month Summer Schedul9 of Services at Zion Lutheran Church 408 John Street, McHenry -- SUNDAYS -- 8 A.M Service * A.M. ..... Sunday School 10:15 A3L Service -- All Welcome -- Pastor C. A. LOBITZ Phone 859 Thursday evening. He succeeds William Green of McHenry, who so successfully served in that oapaclty during the past year. CHILD DIES Bruce Allen Mertes, who was born Dec. 30, 1952, in Waukegan, died Sunday, July 26, in the Libertyville hospital of pneumonia. He was the son of Ivan and Colleen Mertes of Burton's ed on Tuesday in Crystal Lake. HERE'S WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU lt d our constant aim to mike yoiir banking connection withpus .pleasant and profitable o|ie. Your suggestions ase< $hy not do a| your tonkins with vs? McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPO*™** Read The Want Ads! Read the Want Ads BOBERT DOHERTY MUNTZ T.V. FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION all McHenry 1170-M tUf- WE DRESS YOUR FLOORS & WINDOWS i • See Our Complete Line •'LINOl^EUM - tTILE - CARPETING •DRAPES • CURTAINS * RODDINO • VENETIAN and VERTICAL BLINDS PHONE 917 for Free Estimate TONYAN'S HOME FURNISHINGS ! 208 E. ELM STREET MeHENRY, ILL. | HlHllltllllllUIIIIIUIIIIIItllllllllllllllllimillllir ^ HillllllllHIIIIHIWIIUIIIIIHIIIIMIIIIIWIIWIIIIIIIIIIlllllllHIIIIHIIIIIinilimiWHnWMIIIHIHflHHIIIHfilimilllMIIMIIlK tou NEED SOFTWATER fiardwater Costs|! You $16 a Month! MIMEOGRAPH SERVICE ALL TYPES Sale Circulars • form Letters Postcard Advertising '. !$.'•' * g 2 Marge Karl* Fh«M McHnfry 417 I 1 High Road . /. Pot Y«*r Free { 1 Cwckett# 80bd. Hard Watv 4--l ysb |.1 In^leside, HL ; -rf - Trte^lfbne F«lc Lake 7-6708 24 Hour Towing try t BUTCH'S SAVE MONEY ON YOUR CAR Regular., ckeck.. nps.. ^nd maintenance by oar experts means'lower ear cssts foil jq«! ' We Do Complete Motor Overhauling, 309 W. Elm Sheet McHenft» tlL Phone 811 Residence 9I-R CLARENCE'S SHOP) BH Houses - Lawn Chairs - Lawn and Porch AWtofi Picnic and Umbrella Table* Pier and Park Benches Juvenile Chairs, Swings and Sand Boxes - Window Boxes flower Wheelbarrows - Rose Arbor*, Trellis - Picket Pebeen, etc. Cabinet s. Chest of Drawers, Cornices, etc. Chimney Caps and C*^pool Blag» fp# M^\DE TO ORDER r' CLARENCE J. SMITH ^ PHONE W4>1 JOHM8BUPI IU<WOn f Wpom io4e sure your Ford b "In the pink" before out.Oor tools ore right for jj Get it in TVipTop • yoiH*av*«own. 4- - r? t TWW AM yo« do U drive yow Ford flhape With a Fu™ DOwfir Dealer's a week or two before yoo go. let our ' mechanics cnrtMty 'Travel Check" your Ford, especially AeiaN-knportant items listed below. on Ford* day in aad day rt for Foros. Our •Travel Check* I ' we Genuine Ford Parts keep your Ford all Ford. And we know how the factory recommends that each iob be don*. You'll say that the peoce of mind ohm is worth .the seiaU cost of "Tr0*0112^*' your Fordl HAVE YOU^HCCKED YOUR^ »«ATIWtY V . • DtSTWemOt" • ON. - • SPARK fwlis '*"'; • RAIMA VOR HOSt W PAN RB.T f • CAR1UMTOR • mm. pump yotfre in good hands at your FORD DEALERS msrs rMJUF. jig , *" 531 Mais SiM«t PKCME1 Hcptyry. 111. •• r" JLd-, I ' •;

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