Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Aug 1953, p. 6

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y *t Um McHenry Inc. E D l T O t l A t BUSINESS SERVICE FOR SALE WALL & FLOOR TILING Our only business - not a sideline, condition.--$30.00. Call 606-M-2. Prompt guaranteed work. . Free Estimates Call Cary 6464 or Barrington 1276 2-tf WJWNDT, Gen. Manager AjMELB FROEHLICH, Editor - Plaindealer Want Ads 1 No adi counted less than 25 WWto 91-00 minimum. 1 insertion '.. $1.00 (Count 5 words per line) t5c service charge on all blind Mfc. Cash with order. Owl of Thanks--$1.00 Minimum Want Ads close promptly at 10 UK. Wednesday. MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home Piano and Piano Accordiao Claiinet and Saxophctie EARL P. KOCH Phone Ptatakee 633-M-l 5-tf FOR SALE 16 ft. Canoe. Good •13 FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Newfy decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street. Phone McHenry 100-R 20-tf FOR RENT -- 4 room heated apartment. 2 bed rooms, refrigerator, gas stove, hot water heater and washing machine furnished. Lakemoor, Phone McHenry 742. * 11-3 SUBSCRIPTION RATE .tor fs.0j» Entered as second-class matter At the post office at McHenry, HL, under the act of May 8. 1879. AUTOMOTIVE DE ' -> ANIMALS--H:b:iest cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs, no help needed to load. Day and night. Sundays and Holidays. Gall Wheeling Render- ! FOR RENT-- 3 room house, full ing Works. Wheeling No. 3; re- basement, garage; automatic oil verse charges. 36-tf j heat. Prefer couple without children. Reply c/o Plaindealer Box 368. 13 FOR SALE •^PLACEMENT PARTS PCS ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 - 1 Block East of the River Bridge FOR SALE--New Electric Round Bobbin Sewing Machine, sews forward and reverse, 20-year guarantee, plus free service policy as low as $69.95. Call Freund's Sewing Machine Sales and Service. 664-J-2. ;• leow FOR SALE--An end to defrosting mess. Modernize your present refrigerator. Cut electric bills - save food - guaranteed. For FREE Open Week Days 9 ajn, - Q p.m. | trial in your home, call Carl Bar- Sundays 9 ajn. to 1 p m. j nickol. 646-W-2. 6-tf FOR SALE or TRADE -- 1946 FOR SALE --Year 'round COMF o r d 4 d o o r s e d a n . S e l l c h e a p o r FORT a n d ECONOMY w i t h trade for boat. Call McHenry i FIRE-PROOF Johns.M a n v i 11 e .674-W-l. *13 Home Insulation. Installed by the Wa'.lfill Co. Call Leo Stilling, 200 BUSINESS SERVICE E. Pearl, McHenry 18, 4-tf Tel 566-W-l Candid Wedding* from Home, Cfcurt* «&d Recaption f c O L I N °?l3tographers Commercial, Publicity, Sports and Photostats COLEMAN BOTTLED GAS M „ ni j Do like hundreds of housewives m " do, use it for cooking, baking, re- I frigeration and water heating. ; Prompt service and deliveries, i Vycital's Hardware and Sheet ; Metal Shop. Call McHenry 98 toiday. 7-tf JOHNSON MOTORS New and Ussd -- Terms. Motors and Boats Service, Reflnishing and Storage BILL'S OtTBOABo MOTORS 104 Vi fit Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 44 WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, re- Cir and install pumps. Bill icon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26-tf •SBEE AND BARN SPRAYING-- ..SJiite wash or Fly control. Frank #/Hlenkel, P.O. Round Lake, 111. UMltence: Volo, IlL Phone Mc- Henry 54VJ-1. 45-tf FOR SALE--ALUMINUM WINDOWS. The Wallfill Co., Leo Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 18. 48-tf FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes, also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St. Woodstock.. Phone 549. 7-tf FOR SALE -- New Thompson 14 ft. boat, Mercury 5 motor, and trailer. Brusso's Auto Service, phone McHenry 854-M. 13 S. G.--Power lawn mower refill*, complete rebuilding by factory trained mechanic. Also repairing of all outboard motors by ^Killed mechanic. Special: $1.50 afcaxpena any hand mower; $3.50 rittrpens any 21" power mower. Wat information call McHenry 5t#-W-2. Dealer Page Fences 51-tf IfjMCHINE DIGGING-- Complete BjlMtfc Tank systems. Dry wells, Saijpagc Beds, Trenching and Waitings Dug (18"x36" wide, 7-f1. mtximum depth). Prompt service. CK^relts & Rogers. Phone 539-R-l 534-W-l, McHenry. 51-tf Expert Tree Service and Landscaping Free Estimates Phone George Behrens 4 Woodstock 1490-R 12-2 FOR SALE -- Prestige Community Silver Plate, service for 10, Double drawer chest. $70.00. Phone 535-R-l. s 13 FOR SALE -- Purebred Beagle puppies, registered A.K.C.; ready for delivery Aug. 25. Price $25. Tel. McHehry 883. 13 FOR SALE -- 1 RCA Television set; lOii in. screen. Good operating condition. Call McHenry 1173. 13 FOR SALE -- Vending machines for sale. Route established. Unable to service route after school starts. Will sacrifice " for quick sale. Phone 664-J-2. 13.2 FOR RENT -- 5 room apartment, West Shore Beach, McCullom Lake. Heat, gas and light (turn-- ished, $75 per month. Call^Mc- Henry 546-J-l. 13 FOR RENT -- 5 . room furnished house in Lakemoor. Large fenced yard. All modern ' conveniences. Cabinet kitchen, thermo controlled heat. Automatic hot water. Garage. Available about Sept. 3. Children accepted, $100 per month Phone 521-M-l. 13 SPECIAL BARGAIN! IN NEW DOUBLE CONSTRDCJCEPvj^ < SHELLS FOR AS LOW AS -- $2,650.00 AIRSPUN BUILDERS ; . WONDER LAKE f PHONE W. L. 279# REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED ILLINOIS BELI« CO: TELEPHONE CO. \ "a good place to TELEPHONE OPERATORS , ' / Good salary -to: start; .fW- . ,v; quent increases. You'll be i[jZ ^working with girls your own ':'age and you'll be doing in- ^ teresting work in in import- ..'ant industry. -Seel Miss R. Marshall, « 4 Chief Operator "102 Park Ave. " r FOR RENT -- Sleeping rooms with or without bath. Special weekly, monthly or year-round rate. Riverside Hotel, Riverside Drive & Elm St.' 13-tf FOR RENT -- Pleasant rooms, centrally located; reasonable rates. Tel. McHenry 61-R.( 13 FOR RENT -- Modern 5-rm. apt. on McCullom Lake, partially furnished; automatic oil heat. Roy Meineke, Rt. 4, McHenry, Box 60-A. *13 HELP WANTED Produce Men Stock Men Meat Cutters (Journeymen and Apprentices) If you are interested in a permanent position that offers an excellent starting salary, automatic increases, job security plus many other employee benefits, we are now accepting applications for employment for our newest Supermarket that will open soon at-- Route 176 & Osage, Wauconda Apply; 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday at. above location or Write to Mr. A. Boehm 1527 Ellinwood, Des Plaines NATIONAL TEA CO. 13 HELP WANTED--Man with lumber yar$l experience - only reliable pprspn looking for permanent position need apply. Box 362, c/o Plaindealer. 8-tf Sears Roebuck ft Co. • ^ Applied roofing and siding Easy payment plan •telephone or write Frank Gans, Reprea. 300 Riverside Drive *s Tel. McHenry 767-W k*' 12tf Permanent, Tinting and Bleaching 1 ALICE MARIE BLASKIS Fitzgerald's Building Phone 292J U,tf FOR SALE -- Chrome Dinette set. Kitchen stool. Bookcase. Washing Machine, Ironer, Twin beds, Table top gas stove. Matal cabinet base. Oil space heater. 9x12 wool rug and pad. 6x9 fiber rug. Ca}l 512-J-l after Thursday. 13 MUST SELL -- 2 sectional chairs, rocker. W-jjehair. $30.00. Solid walnut diningN table, six chairs. $40.00. IF. Zirrtmerman, 1 block east of \old bnftigo, north of 120. vj/ 13' NrWr*--^ PARAGE DOORS • WOOD SECTIONAL Residential, Commercial or Indusm& l -- Standard or Specially tf KEN LEIBACH ( IBales, Installation and Service M McHenry 1187-R 14-ti !-/<•. -- j* GARBAGE Disposal Service. Efficient and dependable. Thomsen and Jorgensen. Phone McHenry 3«5. 10-tf VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS Bexair Cleaner Sales A Service i , / f!' • fARL BARMCKtii, t* |r4 Woodlawn Par It 1:^ > Phone 646-W-2 * f fcAINTING AND DECORATING 1 Quality and Service Cfcll Stan Johnson McHenry 890-J after 6 P.M. 4-tf Peter A. Freund (Formerly Eddie Huffs) Sanitary Service - I clean and pump septic tanks, 4fcsspools, catch basins, cisterns Phone McHenry 877-W residence Fox Street. 5-tf FOR SALE --9x15 wool rug, golden brown, black Willi beige background, $35; also 9x12 beige background with blue and rose design, $20; two 9x12 almost new vaffle weave rug pads, $8 each, all newly cleaned. Two row. boats, as is, $5 each. Tel. Mclienry 797- R • 13 MOVING -- Must sell Frigidaire $75; gas range $50; bed spring and mattress $15; bookcase with 100 books and Bibles $25; chest of drawers $15; ~ Television, tabic model, blonde with revolving table $65. 1950 Packard $950, or trade 1952-53. Pay difference. McHenry 674-W-l. #13 GIRLS WANTED for light machine work, day or night shift open. Precision Twist Drill. 13 Woodstock St. Crystal Lake. Phone 1144. 10-tf HELP WANTED--Full time sales lady. Experienced preferred, but will teach. A^pjy In person. Ben Franklin Store, Green Street, McHenry. 6-tf WANTED CORN SALESMAN -- for Wisconsin's finest producer of quality seed corn and grain -- Write Wm. F. Renk, Sun Prairie, ^Visconsin. 10-3 OUTDOOR MEN ; 18 to 80 To Trim Trees " Also Older Men For Ground Work. PHONE WAUCONDA 2288 * -or Crystal Lake 2117-J 52-tl WANTED -- Women. No experience necessary to earn good income with Avon Cosmetics. Interesting training given thru Sound Color Films. A friendly personality, and a real desire to suecced can mean excellent income in as little as 3 or 4 hours a day. For information write: Cheryl E. Haley, P. O. Box 56, Rockford. 12-2 WANTED -- Receptionist, for the McHenry Medical Group. Apply in person, 308 So. Green St. 13 WANTED -- Girls to work at Box Office. Inquire at Sky-Line Drivein Theatre. R. J. Miller. 13 WANTED -- Typists. Permanent position, Insurance exchange, Chicago. Call 292-R, evenings between 6 and 6:30. 13 REAL ESTATE FpR SAL E--HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS --• BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY r: j Knox Real Estate j ^ > 400 Richmond Road-' - McHenry, III. Phone: McHenry 421-j 24-tf REAL ESTATE -- FOR SALE FOR SALE -- In McHenry, 3 large bedroom tri-level house; powder room; master bath; shower room; large living room; knotty pine dining, kitchen; automatic gas heat; 2 car garage; full basement. Utility room. Just completed. Will sacrifice. Owner leaving town. Phone 1188-R. 13 FOR SALE -- House, 6 beautiful large rooms; full bath; hot water; automatic oil heat; combination screen and storm windows; % basement; garage; extra lot. Best offer, immediate possession. Call 537-M-2. «13 FOR SALE -- 6 room house, river frontage 150x175 ft., garage and 1>oat house. Oil hdat. Close to town. Phone 476-J. ' 12-2 FOX RIXER - Near Chapel HiU, 2 bedroom home, gas heat, nice lot, sea wall, pier, boat, completely furnished. Price $16,000.00. , McCULLOM LAKE . 2 bedroom home, living room 11 x 20 with heatilator fireplace, full basement. 2 lots with option on 2 more lots. Price $10,500.00. For appointment call bur office In Johnsburg, phone McHenry 87. JACOB FRITZ - REAL ESTATE Rt: 5, McHenry, Illinois 6-tf Bids are being received for sale of old Hebron, Illinois Exchange building on Prairie Street. 34'x54' two-story brick with basement. Completely modern. In good condition. Ideal for business or residence use. Inquire General Telephone Company of Illinois Business office at Richmond, Illinois. Phone Richmond 3. 47-tf. REAL ESTATE: Will trade a 5% room frame bungalow in Brookfield, 111., for a 5 room winterized home on the river. Must have water frontage. Write to Joe E. Otts, 9208 Ogden Ave., ^rookfield, 111. ; 12-tf HELP WANTED -- Man for full time wojrk in HardWare Store. Apply, Althoff's Hardware, McHenry, Call 284; 13 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- Farm and country home, almost 9 acres, 1% miles west of McHenry. 7 room house in A-l condition. Beautifully landscaped with evergreens, shrubs, shade trees, also fruit trees and berries. Large barn with walk-in freezer. Modern chicken house. Phone for appointment, McHenry 1383-J-2. 13 FOR SALE -- 8 room house, in McHenry, near schools, churches shopping areas, good income property. Large 2 car garage. Reply care of Plaindealer Box 359. 5tf HELP WANTED--Girls over 16; to work at Holly's Drive-In. Also woman to work part-time, eveings. Apply at Holly's Drive.In. 6-tf FOR SALE --^ Only $6000 down payment and assume $9,000 mortgage on 4 bed room river front home. Gas heat. Immediate possession. Partially furnished. Phone 43. After 5 p.m., call 953. 13 FOR SALE -- 2 bedroom modrtn all year 'round home, 160x120 lot, landscaped. Oil heat. Good well. Fred E. Snyder, Call 658-J-l for appointment. *13 HELP WANTED Full Time Sales Girl Wanted RIVERSIDE RETAIL OUTLET ' - 200 N. Riverside Drive Wev: End Of Old Bridge APPIT In Person 12 Apply In Person 1) HELP WANTED -- Middle-aged woman to care for home for elderly gentleman; must be able to drive car; permanent position. Address Box 374, c/o Plaindealer. 13-tf HELP WANTED -- Women for kitchen help for boys camp. Excellent accommodations, good salary. Call Pistakee 355. 13 FOR SALE -- Stoker. or 202 So. Green St. Call 360. _ 13 FOR SALE -- Frigidaire Refrigerator, 6 cu. ft. In good condition. Reasonable. S e e Mr. Donkel Beech view Drive, McCullom Lai*e anytime from Saturday on. *13 CLARENOB GATII Dew rating Service - Exterior - Residential and Commercial -- We Satisfy -- Call 675-R.l 8-tf g CMS FOOLS . SEPTIC TANKS 1 Pumped and Cleaned PHONE 776-W. §7 ;'; 12 ao answer call 13S3-&.2 '.'.•'•"O, A. DOUGLAS * '«**• West Eiat fttrt* 4-' McHcaix 6-tf FOR SALE - Everything riust fo. 1 lot of new and used lumber, oak, yellow and white pine worth $350, sacrifice at $175. ton 1934 International truck with <rain body, practically new tires, $40, or best offer. 16 ft: Frigidaire J?ep freeze in perfect condition, $75. 2 500-capacity Jamesville gas brooders, $25 each. 1 jet-type water pump with motor, $25. 1 20 gallon water storage tank $15; 1 90-gallon heavy duty water storage tank $35; 1 small and 1 large oil space healer $10 and $15. 1 5-hp. Bohlen garden tractor with all attachments and sickle bar. in perfect condition, worth $650 new, make offer. Straw, 40c a bale. Schafer, phone 1383-J-SL First house north of route 12&, on West McCullom t road. WANTED -- Married man for full time job. Driving truck and delivering. Contact Mr. Wagner, McHenry 651-M-2, 6 to 7 in the evenings. 13 HELP WANTED -- Men to learn sheet metal trade full time work. Apply, Althoff's Hardware, McHenry, Call 284. 13 FOR SALE -- Choice lots, black top road, near Edgebrook school. Gas, water, sewer. $25.00 a front foot. Phone 964-W. 13 FOR SALE -- 3 bedroom home; fully insulated, fruit trees, berry shrubs, deep well. 2-car garage. 2 large lots. $9,500 at terms. Phone Phone Wonder Lake 2793 11-tf FOR SALE -- Two homes on one lot in choice residential section of McHenry; 14 block from beach. Priced to sell immediately. Call McHenry 221-J. «13 FOR SALE McCullom Lake, furnished 5 room home, full basement. Large garage, land 100x280. Price $13,000. *F. Lewis, 711, 18th St. North Chicago, 111. 13-^ McCTTLLOM LAKE -1 Obligations to meet, must sell beautiful 6 room insulated year round home. Screens, storm windows. 2 furnaces, automatic hot water. Newly decorated inside and out. iy2 blocks from beach, 2 miles from McHenry, % block from stores. Must be seen to be appreciated. Will sell for best offer. Phone McHftnry 577-J-l. 13 MISCELLANEOUS MISC.--You can own a fabulous Pfaff Zig-Zag Sewing Machine by doing simple sewing. For details phone McHenry 569-M-l, or writ! Boot 172, Barrington, 111. 48-tf August Carpeting Special National Advertised All Wool Carpet. 12x15 rooms carpeted for $196.00. Includes padding and laying charges. Phone for samples and free estimates. TIDY RUG CLEANER® Woodstock 162 12-2 ATTENTION BOWLERS 8 alleys now open. Make reservations now, for this winter's league bowling, at the Johnsburg Bowling Bar, Call 587-M-2. 13 Automobile dealership available. Low capital investment. Terms to responsible party. Interested individuals please write c/o P. O. Box 114, Rochelle, Illinois. 13 APOLOGY ACCEPTED -- Farmer in Wisconsin apologizes for saying that there is another. work shoe as SOFT -- as comfortable -- as TOUGH, as long-lasting -- as secret, triple-tanned WOLVERINE SHELL HORSEHIDE WORK SHOES. He's tried 'em -- been wearing 'em now for a year and is convinced they're secondto- none on ANY wol-k shoe job. Stop for your pair at Fitzgerald's Men's Shop, 208 S. Green St., McHenry, 111. 13 m: fJOi iuhiitl batf Combination In Townl FINE J^tYCUANINf PIGGr BAHK Prices Our happy customers say that we're the tops for quality, dependability and courteous service. Try us just once and you, too, will agree that there's no finer drycleaning cjre for your clothes at any price. Yes, you can pay mofe, but you can't get more for your money. m*: k % jtw-'?**'-- Jifei, _ v;j McKNRY CLEANERS IDS ELM STREET - MeHENRY, ILL, PHONE I04-M We Give and Redeem Gold Bond Stamps "w MISCELLANEOUS Phil Ricker your water softener man says: Don't pay outrageous prices for a softener. Save money Phone McHenry 417 for free hard water analysis. , »13 NOTICE -- This week's contest clue for the secret word at Riverside Retail Outlet, west end of Old Bridge, is a Mechanical device. 13 WANTED WANTED HEAL ESfrATE WANTED We have cash buyers for yoi|f homes, summer homes, farmland business properties. We cak sell your property If your priM Is right. JACOB FRITZ . REAL ESTATE in Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 37 27-tf WANTED -- REAL ESTATE We have buyers for Lake, River, or Channel Front Property, if you want to sell, call GEORGE D. WATTS, Realty Fox Lake, IU. Fox Lake 7-1011 2-tf TRANSPORTATION -- Desire ride to Chicago daily except Sat. from Johnsburg to vicinity Touhy and Milwaukee; working hours 1 to 3:30. Edward Schneider, Sunny- »iue Estates phone McHenry 51#^* W-l. . .l|F" WANTED -- Down or cripple! cattle at better cash prices. CaH*- L. Bdrnside and Sons, Marengi 907, collect. Now is the' time to fix up your Den. I will buy, sell or trade guns, Indian relics, swords and old money. Bart Yegge, 409 Main St. Call 159 after 5 p.m. 13 HURRY - HURRY - HURRY Before the fall rush starts -- Tree Trimming and Cutting ' Free Estimates (gladly given) » CALL TODAY -- McHenry 385 A & R TREE SERVICE FOR SALE -- McHenry home, 5 rooms and bath; gas heat. All newly remodelled inside and outside. Lot 100 ft. river frontage. Country Club Drive on the Fox River, 814,500. Phone 272-R. 13 FOR SALE -- McHenry, 5 room, 2 bedroom house, corner lot, 60x 170. Brick front, knotty pine; garage; gas heat. 2 blocks from Northwestern Station. Knottypine basement. Large room upstairs. Reasonable priced. Call Wonder Lake 2911, ask for R. Mendyk. 13 FOR SALE -- Lots in McHenry ideal location. Owher leaving town. Must sacrifice at $1000.00 each. Phone McHenry 1188-R. 13 FOR SALE -- 5 room home; automatic hot water; newly decorated; all new plumbing; cabinet kitchen; partly furnished. Property 100x504 wooded, river rights. 1 mile south of 120 on River road. On premises Sunday or write A. V. Smith, 4046 Lincoln Ave.. Chicago If. *13 •AU CICAM-IOW MlliAGE FOR SALE -- 5 room all year ro.und house, 4 yrs. old. Plastered walls, automatic oil furnace. Full bath, oak floors, 2 unfinished rooms upstairs, % basement with utility room. Corner lot 110x132. Left of Arch at Oakhurst subd. Owner on premises. 13-2 WANTED -- Man to do Artificial breeding work with reliable concern iri the McHenry area. Experienced inseminator or man on small farm preferred. Farm background required. Will train. Write P. Q. Box 377. 13-3 Food Checkers Girls, you will discover that a full time job at National can be pleasant, interesting work. Applications now being accepted for employment at our newest Supermarket that will open soon at-- Route 176 & Osage, Wauconda Excellent starting salary, automatic increases, plus many employee benefits. Apply: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday Route 176 fc Osage, Wauconda or write to Mr. A. Boehm 1527 Ellinwood, Des Plaines NATIONAL TEA CO. I : • ' 13 HIlillllllllllltllllllllllHIIumtllUIIIIUIIIItlllltllllUIIIIHIIIIUIIinilltlllllliniHIIIIIIIIIHIIUHIIHINIHIIimUIIMIIWIIIII OPEN FOR ^ Business AT OUR NEW . LOCATION Replacement Paris For All Cars COMMUNITY Auto " floute 120 iiiitiniiiiiitiniuiuiiiiiiitittiliiitmiiiittiNiiiiiitiiiiittfiiiiiiiiiimitiiiiiiiiitiiitiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiitmiftifS H 1 BLOCK EAST OF RIVER BRIDGE ALL CARS Reconditioned and Solift with A Written Warranty. 7 V. Li SAVE UP TO $100 . 'iwferfs.® •S2-D&DGE 4 Dr. Sedan <R-«-ay"» : Just nicely broken in--Not a scratch '51-DODGE 2 Dr. Sedan 'R-H-Gyroi $1445 Ideal family car--Luxury at a low cost '51 • Siudebaker Club Sedan (R-H-o-Drtw) $1345 Real economy found on this one owner V-8 '50 - PLYMOUTH 4 Dr. Sedan <H-EquiP.) Excellent condition--Really a good bet '49-DODGE Sta. Wagon <H-Equip.y 7^11 A truly sensational buy for-this utility HjajTOB '48-DODGE 4 Dr. Sedan <R-H-Equip.> $ oh Had very extra care--Mechanically perfect m •48-PACKARD 2 Dr. Seian <R-H-Ek,uv.,-.5 Combine luxury'with a good low price tag # '47 - CHEVROLET 2 Dr. Sofrn <*-h-Equip.) $ bob A PAftl o-aaH Hot An thiB vorv Annulai* tviA/lal *1045 * 895 A real good bet on this very popular, model -<M* OLDS 4 Dr. Sedan 'R-H-Auto Tnm,( You'll buy real quality when you buy thfi $ 495 These and A Wide Selection of Other Models May Be Seen At A.S. BLAKE Motors Inc; PHONE 156. 301 p. PEARL STREET McHI^RY. R4-

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