Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Aug 1953, p. 10

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>' i4' * ,; ^ -* ^y # SB*S*P W,^*' * (S /j"'",*,.^...-Vfv-:!-: sii 4 vV* >v f>*£s hnsburg News By Mr*. Betty Hfttfrmwin Well, carnival otic* again. St. time is overlto r&t because of the cemetery John's church strike. Graveside services weie sponsored one of the livliest carnivals in quite some time. I think everyone got behind this one because proceeds went to the new school building fund. On Friday evening a delicious fiah fry was served to over 400 people. Sunday afternoon in spite of a delay, over 730 people were served a wonderful roast' beef dinner. Supper was served in the evening to many people. After everything was over there, were quite a few home-made pies and cakes left so the ladies held a bake sale inside the community club hall. About one hundred dollars was taken in on U*is sate. v.; /:- Rnough can't be said for the. wonderful workers who pitched Jit to alaltg iM*caraivfU a. huge attended •41y. by the immediate fam- Mrs. Mary Hettermann w&f* hostess io a demonstration party last Tuesday afternoon. After^ the demonstration, cake and coffee i. were served. Those present wore Mesd&mos Marilyn Miller, Jackie Freund. Connie Marshall. Isabelle Thompson, OJlie,. Keenati .and Helen Hetterma »«jk ' A bowling' meeting t&r thfc Thursday night ladies league will be held Monday evening, Aug. 24. at 8 o'clock. Anyone wishing to bowl, please attend this meeting at the Johnsburg Bowling," The Joe Smagar family of Chicago spent three tjaxp fishing here. They occupied the Steve Telow summer home. Speaking of fiihingv o "Mayor" Bill ha* no time f fishing this year because tl officers of our town keep hi pretty busy. He hopes one of these days one of his lucky neighbors will drop a mess of fish at his home, hint! hint! Wisconsin Dells and returned to BLANCHING PROVES Morton Monday. While they J BENEFICIAL FOR we#e here they also, visited with *tt VEGETABLES Vi Crowley an4 Bill Melbnes. J . . All- is at peace again ilnce Bill M&nnes received his streamliner yacht, apd is moored at his pier in Sunnyside Beach. The "mayor's" promised slows or stops the action of the Be sure to blanch all vegetables when you prepare them fo{ the home frewser. Blanching1' ride of. so long standing like a reality now. Alben Berkley tells you need for political leadershi looks of Mr. and Mrs. Elrrier Afeerle and daughters of Morton stopped at the home of Bill Rieks. The Aberles had visited the I mont Harvard $2,992,578 University imports in gifts in-' three blanched vegetables become. dark and tasteless in the freezer. Most vegetables are blanched by submerging them in boiling water. Use--a- large covered "kettle and a fine mesh basket j that fits .intp it. Some mesh ba%- j kets have a cover to keep the j, vegetables down in the water. | It is Important to adhere strictly to the blanching time given in your freezing guide for each vegetable, says France." Cook, foods specialist. University of Illinois College of Agrispoil Freezing alone doesnt stop the J. the ^texture of the frozen pro- Thuriday, August 13# lfS5 ' u enzymes. Up 'to the tiUfce a vegetable is picked, the enzymes help it mature. After that the enzyme turns bandit and robs the vegetablt of its flavor, color, texture and food value. |cu lture. Over-blanching can J enzyme fcction. That is why vun- duct . ' V. -W :rC0. D$. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST 1 At 136 S. Grata Slnet MfcHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) S * EXAMINED - GLASSES Fl'fftl VISUAL TRAINING - TISITAL REHABILITATION CeMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS ^ JOURS DAILY t 9 to 18 A. M. and 1 to 6 P. K» "nA •:yn FRIDAY EVENINGS: «*• to 8:30 P. M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT ;• m r* ' ; PHONE MCHENRY 452 ^ X triple birthday celebration was in session at the home of MI'S, ljjlsie Zarndt last Saturday jng evening. Mrs. Ben Ford, Mrs. Jos. Adams and Mrs. Zirndt all had birthdays on Aug. 6, and all were celebrated ill Solon Mills. Our • deepest * sympathy - "goes "to 1 the family of Mrs. Martin Jung, who passed away last week, j $he was laid to rest in . .St. John's cemetery Monday mor Mr. and -Mrs. Richard Dehn and family spent Sunday in Chicago. They were dinner 'guests at the Louis Oertel home. Mrs! Agnes Crowley and daughter, M»»ry Elizabeth, of Chicago are spending the week here. They are staying with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crowley. Miss Dolores Michels and Mrs. James Hettermann were in , Chicago on Tuesday to attend the burial of Mrs. Mary DeSilvestro. Although Mrs. Di Silvestro passed away July 19. her body was entombed in a vault on the cemetery grounds. Her body was unable to be laid: Mrs. Marie Wentzel of Sunnyside Estates entertained Mi's. June Anderson and daughter. Carole and Frederick Major df Columbia, Mo., and Miss Bee Martin at her home this past weekend. Summer Schedule of Services at Zion Lutheran Church 408 John Street, McHenry » -- SUNDAYS -- 8 A.M Service 9 A.M. Sunday School 10:15 AJU. Service -- AO Welcome -- Pastor C. A. LOBITZ Phone 859 ICE CREAM Try It Today! ALL FLAVORS j IT AT.. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Green St. McHenry, I1L Phone 40 www. Home I m p r o v e m e n t s " " I d s t a l i f e t i m e MADE W 1 1 H READY-MIXED CONCRETE Helps your contractor give you d better job w i t h l e s s m u s s . . . . of improvements If you are planning a new walk* memmd font hom® or place of driveway, foundation, porch or IUIMM, no Othar material garage floor-build it the con- •tffcrt the scrWcc and economy venient, low cost way with " Vmfi, pfmanffipt concrote. R*sdy-ftixed Concreta* lAcHenry Sand & Gravel I & PHONE McHENRY 920 606 FRONT STREET McHENRY. ILL, mkv •' Li T-iPf'U M • iWpfi. lABO R- 0AY • \ i Usrw; "if • • . sT*-? IN YEARS Finest Corf ,-,Ml 6f.iim.ert TU.«^men«s Reg. SIZ^ 6.00-16 EXCHANGE If yoiir old tire it recappable PIUS TAX SKiiSKSS: ASY WEEKLY AYMENTS TO MEET ""PPabl, : Get All These Ixtr# ffitures At Low Sqle Prfcts! ^ More Non-Skid Safety. • Greater Blowout Protection. • lower Cost Per Mile. • Lifetime Guarantee. ' For Long, Safe Mileage at Lower Cost CHAMPIONS SIZE «.00-l* EXCHANOB II your eld tin i* rtcappcbU rtus TAX YOUR BUDGET GOOD USED FARM WAGON TIRES . ' WALT FREUND and BOB THURLWELL. Prop*. |l»in Street Phone 294 or 295-J = -- West McHenry IE___r

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