mtwp* N J ^ - V ; " *** ' • M --lnkiL-- .* - ..,. xjgfc -mJbtuk ^ * UlUSUiy, >3*pICBlOtt i» iSKM .V ' " f i '> * •• McHENRY \wk\ J s:" fis' V< f' * ' V f^'3 •••!••{ ;• •§"§••}•• ;•»•! i j.|| m | •n .4..|.+ Talks "Xpi% W^HmH"W444hHH,+++4+,5hW+ That Sick Headache Migraine, frequently callec' one-sided headache, is one of the most distressing of all headachy and it calls for sympathy and understanding from the families and associates of the afflicted person, the educational committee of the Illinois State Medical society points out in health talk. In addition to excruciating pain, there are frequently also accompanying nausea and vomiting, as well as disturbance, in the sensory or nerve centers,! such as the eyes, hands or any part of the body respondent to sensation. Because migraine attacks are commonly associated with a loss of appetite and because tley produce nausea, they % are sometimes called bilious headaches. Blu: ring of vision, dark spots before the eyes, blight flashes of light, double vision 'or a socalled fleeting blindness, are other more comm m symptoms of migraine headache. Sometimes patients rup^rt dizziness or sensitivity to noises or Odors. Depression or melancholy is usually evident in the patient duting an attack; often it appears as a warning of aft approaching headache While the condition appears In both sexes, it is more frequent in women than ?n men, commonly between the ages of 15 and 35. f&ough the cause of the migrain headache is as yet unknown, some doctors attribute the pain to relaxation of the EXP&RT GIVES FREEZING ADVICE FORPEACHES. CORH You'll have better quality frozen peaches if you peel them without dipping them into boiling Water. Halve or slice them New Livestock Loans Available Special livestock loans, authorized by J recent legislation, are now available to eligible farmers in this locality, it was announced last week by Robert directly into a carton that con- C. Becker, supervisor of the i tains sugar sirup; press them down until they are completely covered by the sirup. Seal at once and freeze. When you use this technique, the peaches are less likely to discolor because they are not exposed to air for. so long a time. Research under the direction of Dr. Frances Van Duyne, University of Illinois College of Agriculture, shows that a sirup of 50 to 60 per cent sugar concentration is best for freezing peaches. For a 50 per cent sirup, dissolve one cup of sugar in four-fifths cup of water; for a 60 per cent sirup, use one cup of sugar to one-half cup of water. Stir or heat the Water to dissolve the sugar, sure the sirup is cold before you add the peaches. To help prevent browning, you can dissolve ascorbic acid tablets or crystals in , the sugar sirup. Ask for them at the drugstore. Use three 50-milligram tablets 'for one «cup of sirup, or onefourth teaspoon of crystals to four cups of sirup. Mix the tablets or crystals with the cold sirup „as you need it, since there will be some loss of strength if you dissolve the acid too long ahead of time. Corn Cut ' corn off the cob for freezing if you want the best walls of thp arteries in the upper flavor and texture. neck and in the meninges or tissue covering the brain. The relaxation causes the arteries to dilate and permits the blood to pass through with extra force. In turn this over-stim mates various nerves and causes the headache. Heredity seems to be a factor in migraine and it has lJe#n observed that susceptible pe-sons are generally of a tense, nervous type, inclined to worry and overconscientiousness. A woman is likely \o be overly fastidious in the care of her home or her person, while a man is overambitious, with an exaggerated sense of responsibility. Many drugs have be«n found helpful in migraine, particularly to soften its seventy. Such drugs will, if taken early enough, stop the headache in many persons: in others they shorten the attack. Inhalation of pure oxy- '£Vn has been found helpful, Ajid some sedatives have proved beneficial in some individuals, though they may hav» #0 effect on others. The sufferer froni migraine must therefore recognize that individual treatment is required. Bad habits of living must be eliminated and excesses of any kind abandoned. A careful physical examination is necessary and trust in the family doctor essential. The physician will, in addition to prescribing a specifc drug, teach the patient to understand himself. because good mental health Is important in the care of migraine. 4 INK STAIN® _ • . A solution of peroxide of hy drogen containing a few drops of ammonia will remove •tains from the hands. Reaif Che Want Alto ink Remove the husks and silk. Blanch the corn on the' cob for 8 minutes, allowing 4 quarts of water for 8 mediumsized ears. Cut the corn' off the cob after blanching: package it and freeze it immediately. Freezing corn on the cob has been found to have some disadvantages: It is hard to package. The pre-freezing blanch may not inactivate all the enzymes in the corncob and therefore increases the chances of off-flavors. Unless the frozen corn on the cob is thawed before cooking, it requires a long cooking time to heat through. The result of overcooking is inferior taste and texture. If, in spite of these disadvantages, you want to try putting a few packages of corn on the cob in your freezer, don't plan to keep them for more than four months. Farmers Home Administration for Cook, Lake, McHenry, Kane, DeKalb and Boone counties. Purpose of the U. S. Department of Agriculture's new loans is to provide temporary credit to livestock producers to continue j their operations, after suffering | economic difficulties caused by j the drop in . cattle prices. i Secretary of Agriculture Ezra j Taft Benson has given top re- j sponsibility for the new program to R. B. McLeaish, national administrator of the Farmers Home Administration. F.H.A. state and county offices will disburse the funds, collect the loans, and service tjr.e accounts. Established producers of cattle, sheep and goats may borrow if they cannot get the credit they need from customary sources, if they have good records of operations and if the credit would give them a. reasonable chance to succeed. * Loans may be used to buy or produce feed, pay for grazing permits, rent farm buildings, pasture and feed crop land, replace, hire or repair farm machinery and equipment, build and repair fences, move livestock to and from grazing places, x repair or improve livestock and domestic water supplies, and pay essential living expenses and cost of maintaining farm and ranch buildings. Under the program, which expires in July of 1955, loans bear 5 percent interest and are repayable over periods up to three years. Inquiries may be made, or. applications filed, at the Farmers Home offfce serving the area where the farm is located. Headquarters for Lake, Cook, McHenry, Kane, Boone and DeKalb counties are at 110% Bast Jackson street, Woodstock. CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this opportunity to thank Fr. Coakley for his services and Dr. Froehlich and four members of the fire department for assisting me in regaining consciousness after becoming ill in the extreme heat of last Saturday. Everything was gieatly appreciated. 17 MRS. H. J. SCHAFFER NO I R O N I N G ! WORK T R O U S E R S C R E A S E AS T H E Y D R Y ! with " "SNAP-LOCK TR0USER CREASERS 3pAJR Ki no treubl* to ItMft tfw m«n-foNu and •lackt-wMring gall in Hw family crisp and fruit. Slip "Snap-lock" Cr«OMr« into lawn- 4«r*d trouMn and hang up to dry. Aftor drying th«y ar« beautifully croasad and rvody to waar without ironingl VYCITAL'S Hardware Sheets Metal Sh*f 132 Green St. ' McHenr} PHONE 98 KIDDIES' Sin 3 FAIR I rl m 'A I--- INTRODUCING.. BOWLING NIGHT!! AT THE » Johnsburg Bowling Bar JOHNSBURG. ILLINOIS Here's a chance to devote one night a week to your family, and improve your score all at the same fime. FAMILY BOWLING will start SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, and will continue THRU-OUT THE SEASON. •- 'THE LATEST AND THE BEST." That's our "NEW RAN0EFINDER." This New Exclusive feature will improve "ANYONE'S" present Bowling-Average. ^ ^ M A % t 125 Hop-a-Long CassMy Cowboy Sn!l This suit will be given away Satur- ^fey, Sept. 5, at 6:00 p.m. HERE'S ALL YOU DO -- Put your name and address on the back of label N from Chicken of The Sea Brand Tuna or White Star Brand Tuna. Then drop in the box in our store. :A\9,vy ' Red Label Early June -- SOS Tin PEAS 21« 27* Klblet Brand -- 12 OB. Tin , CORN 2 f« 35' Red Label -- Lb. Pkjfc Coffee 84 Ma Brown - Plain or Kosher --- Qb Jar. Quickies 29c Reg. Pkg. Cracker Jack 6 fa 25c Salerno -- Reg. Pkg. Cocoanut Bars 27c Gal_ Tin MazolaOil 2f?r29c Libbys -- 12 Oz. Tin CORNED BEEF 49( Armour -- 12 Oz. Tin TREET 43' Hy Power -- 15 Oz. Tin Con Carne 4 $ 100 S Lb. Tin ? SWIFTNING 83' '§ PURESUN QUEEN -- 12 Oz. Ref. Jar OLIVES . ENTICING GIANT RIPE -- CyL Pint OLIVES . COUNTRY'S DELIGHT ~ t Lb. Loaf '"teA'ir . '..t# CAMPFiRE -- 1 Lb. Pit*. • • Marshmallows < PINK BEAUTY -- Tall Tin Pink Salmon . . . 45* PARKAY -- 1 Lb. Ctn. Margarine . . 2 <« 57' DEAN'S -- 8 Oz. Tin V '-'S*-- > v Chocolate Drink 3 25c m. & DOMINO CANE SUGAR 5 LB. BAG 4QC y Farm-Fresh Produce Large Head _ a m -- -- Cello-Wrap Hickory Smoked 0 LETTUCE 2f«27'h HAMS 1 _ ^ V Green Seedless m I w y . . _j- ._ Labor Day Meat Specials PICNIC 39k Boneless Rolled GRAPES 2j».35' VEAL ROAST 491 % »>»*• m m Solid Head m Cabbage 3«» 10c Reg. or Kosher CORNED BEEF if- Lean SHORT RIBS 25& FRYERS M.Wea. Skinless Franks 45^ AGAIN WE FEATURE -- Califorttia Sunkisi ^ Home-Made Meat lu-nb on Sale Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Only These Iten^i Oft Sale Ttwrs , FrL A Sat. Only Cat Up-- 1 Lb. 14 Oz. WHOLE CHICKEN 10 Oz Pkg. BROCCOLI SPEARS f COMPLETE DINNER 9 Oz. Pkg FRENCH FRIES MRKI