Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Sep 1953, p. 7

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CLASSIFIED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED t^AN^ED -- Down and crippled <Uttle at better cash prices. Or- TilJe Krohn, Wpodstock. Phone 1051-R-l, collect. •15-tf I REAL ESTATE WANTED ®e have cash buyers for yooT liomes, aui.imer homes, farms, and business properties. We <*• *" your property If your price fe right. JACOB FRITZ . REAL, ESTATE hi Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 87 * V" 27-tl WXNTBD -- Down or crippled cattle, |15 to «90 cash. Call I* Bwraside and Sons, Marengo 90*1, collect. 14tf WANTED--To do ironing to my home by the hour. CaH Wonder Lake 2792. 20 FARM WANTED -- 80 to 120 acres. Must have fair buildings aad good soil. Call or write Carl Ohrwall, Crystal Lake, 111. 20 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--Top price paid for Iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone McHenry 503-R-l. 33-ti MISC.--Yes, we have View Masters and reels. Andrew Worwick, Riverside Drive. Phone 2751. 20 FRIDAY, SEPT. 25th In Person Gente and her . Guitar* SATURDAY, SEPT. 26th L. I. A. DANCE Music by the Midwesterners CLUB LILYMOOR Route 120 * £0 NOTICE -- Elmer Glosson lias taken over Alfred Tonyan's Cattle Trucking Business. Your con-, tinued patronage will be greatly, appreciated. Elmer Glossen, Rt. 4, Box 576, McCullom Lake. Tel. 665-W-2. 20-2 LOST AND FOUND LOST--2 wheel cart, betw3en mv warehouse and West Shore Beach, McCullom Lake, Sept. 2. Reward. Call McHenry 27,. Dale Thomas, Rt. 120, East of river bridge. *20 LOST -- Black and White small Boston Bulldog. Children's pet. Was wearing a harness, inscribed, "Jerry Justen, Momence 141". Please call McHenry 1184-M. Reward. 20 * « aa * • iiii'ai at • S'ak a ai «i * ipM l LEGAL NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of ANNA MARIE JUNc also known as EMMA JUNG, Dt ceased. Notice is hereby given to a! persons that November 2nd, 1963,, -s the claim date in the estate o ANNA MARIE JUNG, a 1 s t Known as EMMA JUNG. Dc ceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, UL nois, and that claims may 1 filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance flf summons. BERNARD J. JUNG, ••"-••v.. .Rxecutc LEROY S. WELTER. , ^ Attorney . ? • 404 Grove Avenue McHenry, Illinois. (Pub. Sept. 24, Oiit. 1-8) 'LAENDEALER -J-- --Oii iv i"r'r,~ jf 224 COUNTY PERSONS RECEIVE $11,605 FOR OLD AGE ASSISTANCE WANTED TO BUY --Small Upright or Spinet piano. Call 725. h 20 WANTED TO BUY -- Used 20" LOST _ Bro"frn, amgfitdr ladies billfold with valuable papers. Reward. Phone McHenry 1071. 20 DXIRY AT AUCTION William H. RuhspI, Auctioneer The undersigned, being compelboy- s bicycle. Call 156 or contact ledl of «» health and un- A. S. Blake Motors, 301 E. Pearl St 20 able to secure satisfactory labor, will sell his Dairy at Public Auction on the farm, 8 miles North and West of Woodstock, 3 miles South and West of Hebron, 4 '• miles South and East of Alden, WWAANITTEEDD TTOO RrtEtNnTt - 22 a«Hdu„litt„s 2 mlles West of Palmer'3 Corners from Route 4? and 2 ^ East daMre spacious 5 room house (2 fyedrooms) in McHenry, near depot WANTED TO RENT IB. Desire permanent residence. Able to' furnish best of ^references. Write to Plaindealer, Box 394 or phone evenings .after 7:00 P. M., Nevada 8-8865. 20 WANTED TO RENT--One or two bedroom furnished house. Prefer rtter. or lake frontage. Permanent residence. Excellent references. WiHte to: B. P. Schmallen, S224 of McGuire's Corners from the Alden- Woodstock Blacktop on what is known as the Townline Rotfd, on THURSDAY. OCT. lit. 1953 oommeactaf at 1 b'cloek, as follows: Illinois public aid rolls and pay ments continued to decline dur ing July, it was,,Imported by Garrett W. Keaster, exptutive seers tary of the Illinois^^iPublic Aid Commission. Keaster said the continued decline was at a slower rate than in the previous two months. There were 244,211 persons on assistance rolls during July, h.e afLid, and payments totaled $10,- 514,434. These figures represented a drop of 1,689 recipients, chiefly due to favorahle economic conditions, and a decline in assistance payments of $270,465, due to lower case loads and .fewer medica' payments. The major drop in case loads, Keaster said, was in old age assistance. There were 1,055 flewei recipients of this aid than in \June. Aid to dependent children decreased by 525 recipients, general assistance by 179. Blind assistance had the same number of recipients and disability assistance was increased by 156. July payments to 107,008 aged recipients totaled $5,600,966, an average of $52.34 each; 79,547 La Wonder Lake MBMadssasxosrai News jf"* P*gt Stfife By Vanesse Sells 101 | persons on the aid to dependent 34 HEAD of LIVESTOCK j children rolls received $2,480,694 consisting of 15 Cows with calves at their W. 62nd Place, Chicago 29, 111.,! sides, all having freshened in Sep MISCELLANEOUS BJISC.--You can own a fabulous Ffaff Zig-Zag Sewing -Machine doing simple sewing. For details phone McHenry 569-M-l, or rvrtta Box 172, Barrington, 111. 48*tf BOWLERS ATTENTION! Get your Bowling shirts and Mouses at the Merrill Woolen Store. Open daily and Sunday 'til 9 p.m. Rt. 12 and 120, Volo. McHenry 682-M-2 18-4 JCkatie to my house and se4 the new Eagle Pteher Triple Track window. Ed Schneider, Route 1, Sunnyside Estates. Free estimates call McHenry 1388-R-2 evenings. •20 MISC.---'WIN $25 in merchandise of your own choice at Riverside Retail Outlet Store. West end of 010 bridge, McHenry. This week's clue, "you'll find associated with a food." 20 JOB WANTED--any Job, no matter how rugged, where you can'4 wear triple-tanned, tough and soft WOLVERINE SHELL HORSEHIDE WORK SHOES. Go ahead--. JUST TRY AND NAME ONE. Fitzgerald's' 'Mens Shop, 208 So. Green Street, McHenry, 111. 20 tember; 5 Cows to freshen in October; 4 Cows to freshen in November; balance winter cows; 5 Holstein Steers; 1 Holstein stock bull, 16 months old, whose Dam gave 560 lbs. fat and his Sire is isora the Dundee Breeding Association Bulls. The above Dairy is all calfhood vaccinated and has passed a clean Bangs Test. This is an outstanding Dairy of Cows, and if it were not for my health, I would not consider selling them at any price.-All Cows will be as represented and I would appreciate anyone interested in good cows coming to my farm anytime between now and dale date and see these Cows milked. ALL MILK HOUSE UTENSILS, including milk cans, pails, strain-! ers, milking machine unite, etc.. | will be sold. Not Responsible For Accidents TERAtfi -- Credit may be extended by payment of 25% u cash, with balance payable monthly in six installments at 69r, after proper arrangements are made for credit. No finance or carrying charge will be added to the purchase price. ERVIN L. WALTERS, Owner FIRST NATIONAL BANK of WOODSTOCK, Clerking Member Federal |U»ser\ e and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Or an average of $31.19 per person; general assistance to 48,739 recipients amounted to $1,857,509, an average of $38.11; 5,0^5 recipients of disability assistance received $351,074 or an average of $69.18; and blind assistance to 3,848 pei^ons. totaled $224,191 or $58.25 per recipient. The enclosed table shows causeloads and payments in McHenry county under the five public aid programs: Aid to dependent children, 12, $396; blind assistance, 3, $220.50; disability assistance, 2, $165.14; general assistance, 78, $1,872.09; and old age assistance, 224, $11,605.57. Hold Achievemeat Day The 4-H Achievement Day for _h< three Wonder Lake 4-H jlubs was held at Harrison School Saturday night for parents and interested friends. This vtts the tenth annual Achievement Day for the senior olub, che Busy Bumble Bees, the sixth for the Handy Helpers, and the1 !irst for the boys' cli/b, tin Wlppy Workers. ^ An Achievement Day is given by eAch 4-H club in the county to show the items the young people have constructed and to acquaint the public With the 4-H program which is to develop the entire child: head* heart, hands and health. j Opens Program Sandi Sells, president of the Busy Bumble Bees, opened the program and named the officers of all three clubs. She then turned the program over to Betty Wright, mistress of ceremonies, who announced the other portions of the presentation. However. Mrs. Marie Milbrandt, a leader, introduced the fashion snow because Betty Was one of the models. Rosemary Roti danced On her toes and Janet Wright, Lorene Sorensen and Darlene Sorensen presented a skt. Lynn Wilkinson demonstrated weaving on a small loom and Vicki Johnson and Susan Spuehr dembnstrated the formation of a flower arrangement. At the end of the program the girls sang songs they had learned at 4-H camp, after Ann Lundborg had told how thfe camp is arranged and operated. Mrs. Betty Wilkinson, who served as a camp counselor at Shaw-Waw-Nas-See, near Kankakee, Joined the girls in Home From Hospital Mrs. Joe Majercik, who has home on Sept. 19. Mr8. Majercik, who underwent two major operations during her three months' stay in the hospital, is new* recuperating at her nome. Scouts Get Boat , Wonder L a k e ' s E x p l o r e r Scouts can now go to sea. Anyway, tf-ey have a boat. The former Wild Duck, renamed the Viking, has been presented to the Explorers. The former owners of the boat, John and George Georgeson, gave it to Boh Parker, skipper of the Explorers and he presented* It to the boys. The Viking is a Class "A" standing lug rigged racer of Norwegian lines and is now shored for the winter at the Indian Ridge beach. The Explorer s plan to get some firsthand nautical knowledge from sailing her next summor. The Exploiers git Wonder Lake are Bob Cormier, Rob Kolar and Arthur FrenSsen. All expressed themselves as being nirst grateful tp |he Georgesona and Pto.rkifff. L A. SOCIAL CLUB - D A N O E - Saturday, September 26. 1953 Featuring "THE MID-WESTERNERS" •b CLUB LILYMOOR ^ Admission 56c -- l:M P. M. -- "Members Fr^ FOR SALE WILL SACRIFICE G.E. Refrigerator -- $135.90 Roper Tabletop Gas Range $100.00 Auto. Thor Washer - $140.00 (All in Perfect Condition) Phone McHenry 170 and ask for Willard Grant In Dress. Parade Among the girls who appeared in the dress parade, wearing garments of their own construction, were Ann Lundborg, Adele Marks, Janice Johnson, Lorene Sorensen, Jill Gustavson, Joyce. Schimke, Sandi Sells, Janet Wright, Jackie Speoht, Lynn Wilkinson and Betty Wright. Betty's white formal was not only awarded a blue ribbon at the county fair but was chosen as an alternate for display at the state fair. Adele Marks; stricken with polio during the fair, was able to wear her skirt and ,stole at the Achievement Day program. Officers of tne clubs are Busy Bumble Bees, Sandi Sells, president; Jean Selsdorf, vicepresident; Virginia Audino, secretary- treasurer; and Judy Kolar reporter Handy Helpers, Franci A n d e r s o n , p r e s i d e n t ; J a n e t Wright, vice president; Mary Lou Millar and Lynn Wilkinson, secretary and treasurer; Carol Swanson, reporter. Wippy Workers, Danny Lundborg, president; Gary Vogt, vice-president; Johnny Wright, secretary; and Dick Selsdorf, treasurer. Give Club Report# boys. Reports are that Doyle | Will conduct its drive Get, 1 rally is scheduled for SundA* has lost about forty pounds but through the niith. '> Oct. 4, at 10:30 a.m Detailed seems Qth^se ^ The League work has, included" announcements .will be tetfk Oo».-^rrr^ i the taking of the first official! comin*- census at Wonder Lake (which! O*1* of our young men in serpermitted the Harrison school, vice, Cpl. Paul Glauser, has just to have a seven-man board); j returned from Germany and *s holding public sessions on roads,! now honorably discharged. It mental health, and the national jwas a pleasure to welcome him budget; assisting at elections; | Sunday morning service, 8ft*M', 1'f ChntutiV •'e-I'flml""*' ' -It becomes increasingly hard build good roads when people steal the road equipment. Floyd been in the Ravenswood hospital J Peatt, road commissioner of ^ since June 27, returned to her Greenwood township, reported to j anj° collecting information, pro] home on a«nt io ***••• Uo(**"11' the sheriff's office on Sept. 18 a^d con, on incof"poratioh ttj Next Sunday Wonder Lake. The League is non-partisan and only endeavors to find out all information so that the public is informed on an issue before it is brought to a vote. that someone had stolen two culverts from a road at Highland Shores on the west side of Wonder Lake. The- culverts were 16 feet long and 12 inches in diameter. Whoever took them couldn't hide them under his coatr *• ' - - -- 1 _ Stork Shower Heapital ftmriHirr A. stork shower was held it Mrs. Katherine Armstrong] 1101110 °* Mrs. Jay Hansen and - Mrs. Robert Kiddell have j ^ ednesday night. for Mrs. become members of the auxil-! ®era^ (Bud) Elbersen. A large iary ! group was present to pay honor to Mrs. Elbersen, who is the Sept. 27, the | services will be at the regular hours, 10 a.m. Sunday Bible School, morning worship service at 11 and evening evangel at 7:30. The Law Constable Fred Marks would like to point out to the parents of boys who own motor scooter.s that the law says all operators of such scooters must be 16 years of age and must have a driver's license. Also, the Vehicle must have a tag. ViolatoVs of any of these laws is liable to arrest and fine. Marks also would like the public to know that it is unlawful to issue a hunting license to any persons under the age of 16 without the written consent of the father, mother, or legally constituted guardian. Whoever signs for the license is then responsible for any hunting accldents. For any person hunting, Marks issues the advice to always obtain permission before nunting on any farm and never to hunt within any city's limits or within any subdivision. Those suspecting violations' of these laws should contact Constable Marks at Wonder Lake 4023. Ktwanis Kids Day Otr! |}cout« of McHenry and Wonder Lake will tag (Saturday for Klwanis National Kids Day. Funds accumulated go for aiding underprivileged eMMren In this community. The local unit chairman, Mrs. Erorothy W. J^eEachren, will make a report next week on the progress being made in opening the new shop in Woodstock. It is hoped to have the. shop open and ready for business by Oct. 1. The local Sewing groups should be getting under way to make more of the lovely* handmade articles that tfi^y have so generously donated and worked on for the past sales. There "is a demand for this type of merchandise and now that a permanent shop is being set up the demand will grow. Card groups meeting for a social time but willing, to set aside a part of the kitty to go to the local unit's credit In meeting the goal of the avudK iary's buikling fund for the. mothers and children's wing are now getting organized for the winter season., If uuy group of neighborhood women op small group of women interested in organizing such a group Will call the unit chairman she will be glad to give any additional information as t6 the purposes and * objects of the auxiliary. Call Wonder ftke 4311. former Geraldine Donash, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Donash of Hickory Falls. Plan Dinner, Bazaar The Nativity Lutheran church of Wonder Lake; is planning a dinner and bazaar for Saturday, Nov, 21, to .be held at the^Ma-, sonic lodge in McHenry. M 111 |>M COMING EVENTS ***** Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marke and family spent a wonderful weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Schneider and daughter, Juli, at Lafayette, Ind. jc.O.F. -- Half Proceeds After touting , the campus;M.T.RA grounds at Purdue University goodbyes were said to Paul, Jr.. at the Theta Chi house where ; » m i September 24 P. T. A. Meeting -- High School Cafeteria -- 8:15 O'Clock September 26 Girl Scout And Browliie Picnfe -- V. F. W. Grounds 10 To 2 p.m. September 11 Concert At High School Auditorium Benefit Library Board , September 29 Regular Meeting Of McHqiry Garden Club -- Mrs. A. Thornton, Bay View Road . October 6 C.O.F. Installation of OfllCMS •w October 15 CD. of A. Public Party Annual Benefit P&rty Of 9b *"V^, October IS Ringwood Home Bureau <-- Mrs. Victor Milbrandt ResidWttl? Mrs. Lillian BelshaW of Wonder Lake will be the speaker at a meeting of the McHenry Methodist W.S.C.S. on October 18 and will discuss the work of the League of Women Voters in the area. The finance committee of the League of Women Voter? of the Wonder Lake region met at the home of the chairman, Mrs. | Jane Setzler, last Thursday and! made plans for the annual fina-1 nee drive. I The League, a service organi-1 zation which informs the public | about political issues, has a FOR ATHLETES FOOT Use T-4-L for S to 8 days. It actually peels off the outer nkin, exposes buried fungi and KILLS ON CONTACT. If not pleased with instant-drying T-4-L, your last week. Among those visited 10c back at any drug store. Today were Jim Widen and the Lowery it BOLGER'S. Paul is living while furthering, Wortder Lake -- 1:30 p.m. his studies at the University, j October 20 ^ Concert By Boys Town Chdtfr • High School Gymnasium October 21 - R.N.A. County Convention -- V.F.W. Clubhouse , . . av. HAVE For LOOKWD AT FOUR ClilMNEY LATELF* - »_ fv'.VU Painting .ratnitvs Tuck Pointing ' ^ ^ .Chimnsys Rsbtilll Window Caulking. «tcv •1---- - FREE ESTIMATES -tm Inured Worlu-- -- i .. bo • George Bartxw 1*0 S. Green PHONE Mc : Gospel Church News' It's this Saturday, Sept.' 19, that our Annual Sunday school picnic will be held. And right on our own lawns. No efforts will be spared to make this an outstanding and unusual event. There will be a variety of games for young and old. Plenty to eat and drhik. Prizes will be awarded and a brief program is to be given. The timfe of the day is 3 p.m. and then stay on as long as one wishes to. This is for the entire Sunday school family, children, young people, teachers, parents and also for friends and neighbors. A big and hearty welcome to all. Come and enjoy the afternoon and evening with ,us. Bring nothing but yourselves. Everything is free. The annual Sunday School POW Returns QSrp. Arthur Doyle, Jr., recently released from a Communist prison camp where he had been detained since last March, visited friends in Wonder Lake NOTICE Closed Every Monday until further notice. J?:: " Riverside Bakery Jean Selsdorf presented the club report for the Bees; Lynn Wilkinson gave the yearly report on the Helpers; and Rich' ard Hoffman told of the efforts of the Workers. At the close of the program the 4-H'ers served punch and cookies to their guests. FREE P u b l i c LECTURE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE REVEALS MAN* SONSHIP WITH GOD" -SSL LELA MAY AITLTMAK, -CJL OF DENVER, COLO. Member of The Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church at Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mas& Crystal Lake Grade School Auditorium TUESDAY EVENING, SEPT. 29, 1953 at Eight O'clock Under the auspices of .. " • FJRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST, Crystal I4rid* DL ^ " f ALL ARE WELCOME : TURTLES / fampQtnt quQlftUubu&n Oouftohf Just for Fun •M "i «'d ?w:. STARTING SEPT. 19th u;:*> »• ; ' Wt 2:00 to 4:30 P. M. ' •* V; Admission: 13 years and under 35c including tax 14 years and over 60c including tax me CO/lAlr. c V j RVED BAR - / 30LGER'S DRUG STORE titBCM ITRE8T i IttONI M McHEOTY, fa. We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamps. Dutch Boy applies smoothly, covert beautifully -- makes your hdme lode like new. Dtilch Boy is famous far its good coverage ^ a gallon averages 600 square feet. 3Didch Boy is rugged -- protects your home in any weather, gives you months of extra wear. Dutch. Boy gives long-lasting beauty. Bright * White renews itself, rain-washes clean. Readymixed tints stay fresh and colorful. Why hot brighten your home with Dutch Boy House Paint? Come in, choose yours today at ; Main Paint Center ? '418 Main St. PHONE 1U* KcHttaj. BL iquip mint TRACTOR MOW CHAMPION ^^vecd en bTa e"rTRACTOR TIRES H«r* ort Hm mo«t aJvoactd tractor tifM #»»f builtl Traod bars at* curvd and top«r*d . . . bit* tab a ttrwmgur grip in any soil. I nervosa your drawbar puffin 9 power, mv* ImI, mv* tinM. Sh FtratfoM OpM Curiir Cwwd Bar Tractor Tira today. GET OUR LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE 6RDEB YOUR SNOW ft MOD TIRES NOW! While Availakk WALT FREUND and BOB THURLWELL. Main Street Ph<me 294 or 39BJ West A

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